We wanted to believe there was no
No hell on earth worse than what we know
But every day just seems to worsen
We weren't prepared at all
Now we must rise to this occasion
Devoid of all consideration
When every day's a waking nightmare
We're waiting for the fall

Waging war with every single passing day
We will march to victory no matter what the cost
I could see the fear as it was plaguing all our eyes
Let's set aside our weaknesses and cross the line
Any way you break it down
We've still no answers not yet
These devils seem to massacre so easily
We'll stand and fight
We're never backing down

We'll offer up
We'll offer up
We'll sacrifice
Until our hearts have stopped
With our own hands
We'll take a stand
And carve a path
Into our future
We'll offer up
We'll offer up
We'll sacrifice
Until our hearts have stopped
With our own hands
We'll take a stand
And live to see another day

We Wanted To Believe There Was NoNo Hell On Earth Worse Than What We KnowBut Every Day Just Seems To


Answer 1



According to all known laws

of aviation,


there is no way a bee

should be able to fly.


Its wings are too small to get

its fat little body off the ground.


The bee, of course, flies anyway


because bees don't care

what humans think is impossible.


Yellow, black. Yellow, black.

Yellow, black. Yellow, black.


Ooh, black and yellow!

Let's shake it up a little.


Barry! Breakfast is ready!




Hang on a second.




- Barry?

- Adam?


- Oan you believe this is happening?

- I can't. I'll pick you up.


Looking sharp.


Use the stairs. Your father

paid good money for those.


Sorry. I'm excited.


Here's the graduate.

We're very proud of you, son.


A perfect report card, all B's.


Very proud.


Ma! I got a thing going here.


- You got lint on your fuzz.

- Ow! That's me!


- Wave to us! We'll be in row 118,000.

- Bye!


Barry, I told you,

stop flying in the house!


- Hey, Adam.

- Hey, Barry.


- Is that fuzz gel?

- A little. Special day, graduation.


Never thought I'd make it.


Three days grade school,

three days high school.


Those were awkward.


Three days college. I'm glad I took

a day and hitchhiked around the hive.


You did come back different.


- Hi, Barry.

- Artie, growing a mustache? Looks good.


- Hear about Frankie?

- Yeah.


- You going to the funeral?

- No, I'm not going.


Everybody knows,

sting someone, you die.


Don't waste it on a squirrel.

Such a hothead.


I guess he could have

just gotten out of the way.


I love this incorporating

an amusement park into our day.


That's why we don't need vacations.


Boy, quite a bit of pomp...

under the circumstances.


- Well, Adam, today we are men.

- We are!


- Bee-men.

- Amen!




Students, faculty, distinguished bees,


please welcome Dean Buzzwell.


Welcome, New Hive Oity

graduating class of...




That concludes our ceremonies.


And begins your career

at Honex Industries!


Will we pick ourjob today?


I heard it's just orientation.


Heads up! Here we go.


Keep your hands and antennas

inside the tram at all times.


- Wonder what it'll be like?

- A little scary.


Welcome to Honex,

a division of Honesco


and a part of the Hexagon Group.


This is it!






We know that you, as a bee,

have worked your whole life


to get to the point where you

can work for your whole life.


Honey begins when our valiant Pollen

Jocks bring the nectar to the hive.


Our top-secret formula


is automatically color-corrected,

scent-adjusted and bubble-contoured


into this soothing sweet syrup


with its distinctive

golden glow you know as...




- That girl was hot.

- She's my cousin!


- She is?

- Yes, we're all cousins.


- Right. You're right.

- At Honex, we constantly strive


to improve every aspect

of bee existence.


These bees are stress-testing

a new helmet technology.


- What do you think he makes?

- Not enough.


Here we have our latest advancement,

the Krelman.


- What does that do?

- Oatches that little strand of honey


that hangs after you pour it.

Saves us millions.


Oan anyone work on the Krelman?


Of course. Most bee jobs are

small ones. But bees know


that every small job,

if it's done well, means a lot.


But choose carefully


because you'll stay in the job

you pick for the rest of your life.


The same job the rest of your life?

I didn't know that.


What's the difference?


You'll be happy to know that bees,

as a species, haven't had one day off


in 27 million years.


So you'll just work us to death?


We'll sure try.


Wow! That blew my mind!

Answer 2

have you ever tried going to therapy? i think those thoughts are very.. unusual. I'd reccomend seeing someone.

Related Questions

example for mishandling of public property?​



There's a sign that says Public property on the grass, but yet another person walked on the grass.


Those property which are dedicated towards the utilisation and benefits of public and has exclusive ownership of the government. These properties includes- Railways, Roads and Parks etc.

Joel is a dispatcher for the city. When someone calls in who is having trouble breathing, Joel speaks to them calmly, while alerting the correct authorities to come help. The pathway in the Law, Public Safety, and Security cluster that Joel's career falls into is:

Question 2 options:

Law Enforcement Services

Correction Services

Legal Services

Emergency and Fire Management Services



law enforcement services and emergency and fire management services?



Emergency and Fire Management Services.


would I get arrested if the cop caught me second time speeding​




Otah lowvely hooman. . .

“If you are caught speeding in Texas, you are issued a citation (speeding ticket). As long as you sign the citation issued by the officer, you cannot be arrested. ... Also if the speed that you are traveling is far over the speed limit that it turns into reckless driving then an arrest is possible“

           ( not my words )

      Sad girl Shoyo hinata here!!!~<3 ( I was gonna anwser this on my other acc but it’s banned, this one just got unbanned!)

You would not be arrested. You would probably lose your vehicle or be doubled on the speeding ticket. Also including 25 points to license

Where can I find a good lawyer? [sdddd]\alpha 12[/dss]




depending on the service youre looking for and location


i would go with first looking up what type of lawyer would be best for the situation, then look up _____ law offices in my area (___ filled with whatever care you need)

How community and public policies are organized and enacted?



Communities operate in the context of federal and state policies that can affect local government decisions relevant to health through laws and regulations, through the allocation of resources, and by shaping political will on issues and approaches. Among the more widely recognized policies are those that fund or regulate health care delivery services. But policies in a variety of areas, ranging from education to land use and housing, the environment, and criminal justice, can be relevant to health disparities. Policies can vary significantly across geographic areas and over time in establishing priorities, providing funding, or encouraging collaboration. They can provide important opportunities or constitute barriers to promoting health equity. The policy context shapes the levers that are available to communities to address change.

It seems reasonable to assume that the better informed communities are about the implications of federal and state policy and policy changes, the greater their ability will be to respond effectively to address health disparities and help achieve change in the determinants of health. And, conversely, the more the needs of communities are considered in decision making at the federal and state levels, the more effective those policies will be. In other words, policy makers have the opportunity to lay the groundwork for community success. This policy context (i.e., socioeconomic and political drivers) is highlighted in the report’s conceptual model in Figure

Mabel Livingston is clearly guilty of hiring a private detective to cover up her son’s crimes. This led to property damage and left her son free to make trouble. However, Ms. Livingston is an elderly woman. She has a long history of supporting charities and the community. She seems to care about people and is not likely to hurt them intentionally.

Prosecutors could charge Ms. Livingston with crimes such as obstruction of justice or conspiracy to destroy evidence. In most states, a typical sentence for those crimes would involve up to a $1,000 fine and up to six months in jail.

What are the pros and cons of sending Ms. Livingston to jail?


Answer: The Prosecutors could charge Ms. Livingston with crimes such as obstruction of justice.


The Prosecutors could charge Ms. Livingston with crimes such as obstruction of justice because she is letting her son commit crimes and is covering up all evidence against him which is allowing him to go scot free and as a woman of justice she should know that every will be punished for their wrong actions so she should have let her son be responsible for his actions she shouldn't try to cover his crimes because when the truth is revealed her reputation would be more damaged than if she had exposed her son bad crimes and if she had said her crimes it might have boost up her reputation because people would see that no matter or who that person that is guilty is to her she would make sure that they get the right punishment due to their crimes.

Q1. Add prefixes to the following words to change their meanings.


a.fiction __________
b.literate __________
c. adventure __________
d.necessary __________
e. worn __________
f. precise __________
g. honest __________
h.tangle __________
i. deed __________
j.contented __________​



a. not sure

b. illiterate

c. not sure.

d. unnecessary

e. not sure

f. imprecise

g. dishonest

h. untangle

i. indeed ( maybe )

j. not sure

a. nonfiction
b. illiterate
c. unadventurous
d. unnecessary
e. unworn
f. imprecise
g. dishonest
h. untangle
i. misdeed
j. discontented

Why should witnesses, suspects, and victims be processed and interviewed individually as quickly as possible after the events?



Your memory will change, outside influence will help alter them, that is why they are separated

Year's ago the was a class assignment or demonstration, that proved it, they staged a realistic purse snatching, in front of the class, the only ones in on it were the two performers ( victim and perpetrator) and the professor, and one mole, then the police responded in real-time, and conducted an investigation, most people saw the event differently and even described the subject differently, the mole made. suggestions like I think he had a red shirt and long hair( he had a blue shirt and normal length hair) and most agreed with the mole, some saw facial hair, some did not, it was obvious that suggestions from others influence what people thought they had observed, ( I do not recall the college this was conducted at, as it was many year's ago )


Hope this helps

Think about the following issue: An editorial in a high school newspaper criticizes the principal of the
school. In response, the principal announces that all future issues of the newspaper must be approved by
school administrators before publication
Assignment Was the principal's action a violation of the students' First Amendment rights or a
reasonable measure to preserve order in the school? Write a short essay (3-5 paragraphs) in which
you develop your position on the issue. Defend your position with reasoning and examples from
your reading and studies



I believe that the principal's action is a reasonable measure to preserve order in the school.


I believe that the principal's action is a reasonable measure to preserve order in the school, because if he allows anyone to talk as they like then no one would listen to the teacher and the students would think it's okay to do whatever they please. And also the bully's among the students will feel like bulling other students is acceptable and they are miss-using the first amendment is is free speech.

The primary role of juvenile courts is to



It is to rehabilitate

Explain why it is important to document evidence at the crime scene. (write a complete meaningful answer)



It is important to document evidence from a crime scene because. The evidence you gather can establish proof that there was an crime committed. And with the evidence you have you can help judges see who is guilty.

It is important to document evidence at the crime scene because it shows proof of the evidence at the scene. Officers could compare the evidence to the suspects story. It is also very important to document the evidence at a crime scene because the photos could help the judge figure out who is guilty of the crime.

the bread soaks up the juices and flavours .​


Good to know

Plz give brainliest
That’s very cool to know

Standard probation conditions are applied
is cases of minor crimes
O in all cases
in cases involving juveniles
in severe cases



Though probation is a better alternative than out-of-home placement, a probation sentence still limits the freedom of a juvenile offender. Juvenile probation programs are ideally set up to help young people correct their behaviors without removing them from their communities.

LIMITED MEANS IS WHEN... you can have everything or you can have nothing or you can't have everything?


Answer: you can't have everything



If someone is not in police custody, no Miranda warning is required and anything the person says can be used at trial
Answer: Miranda rights are only required when the police are questioning you in the context of a criminal investigation and hope to or desire to use your statements as evidence against you. Otherwise, Miranda doesn't apply and they're not required to be read. (Information from : Mirandawarning.org)

If you enjoy studying law, which is the best career for you after law school?

a. serve as an intern in the appellate court system
b. write and review law review articles
c. a law professor
d. serve as an advisor to attorneys seeking best strategies for representing a client


C because you are getting to teach law to kids which helps and you are studying so you have the basics and you are doing something you love

who's task is it to develop natural resources and protect our historical heritage? How?​


The country commissioner, it’s their job to preserve stuff like that. Especially historical items.


High-quality, protected natural resources and stewardship of our historic assets. ... of our land, air, and water, protecting our wildlife by protecting their habitat and being responsible stewards of our history and heritage.

1, Prevent ourselves and others from scribbling on the walls.

2, Participating in the regular Cleanliness Drives.

3, Being a part of the 'Adopt a Heritage' initiative.

4, Spreading awareness around about these monuments and their importance.

Explain why these behaviors are prohibited in a complete meaningful sentence.



These behaviors are taught at the Police Academy and are basic common sense. Saying that as the Senior Officer you have to remind arriving Officers to stay out of the crime scene unless they absolutely have to pass thru the cordon. Officers are Not to Touch anything,... to move anything... to take unauthorized photographs of the crime scene . Obviously you always behave in a professional manner, save the gallows humor for later, It sounds bad and the general public doesn't understand it. Failing to cordon off the area, locate, and segregate witnesses is also prohibited behavior. This is Police Rookie 101. I'm sure I've missed a few but those stick with me. Valuable experience can be had by exposing Rookie Police Officers to the complexities , sights and smell of a crime scene. Experience that can only be obtained at the side of a more experienced Officer. As the Rookie you are expected to be familiar with those prohibited behaviors. The simple rule for Rookies is keep your hands in your pockets and look with your eyes !


You're welcome

Why is documentation important at a crime scene?



it can lead to admissible evidence in court of law or missed evidence can lead to a guilty person getting away with crime against persons or property.



Step by step expiation



Can u write the question it’s blurry
Answer: Miranda rights are only required when the police are questioning you in the context of a criminal investigation and hope to or desire to use your statements as evidence against you. Otherwise, Miranda doesn't apply and they're not required to be read. (Information from: Mirandawarning.org)

searching for visual clues changes according to the driving environment. while driving on open highways you should (a: search areas closer than two seconds from your vehicle b: use ur rear view an outside mirrors less c:search areas farther ahead then in the city)



C. search areas farther ahead than in the city.


Driving can be defined as an act in which a person safely controls the direction of a car in motion while observing or obeying safety rules and traffic signs.

When driving it is very important to observe clues and events that pertains to driving, so as to avoid bashing your car or causing harm to other road users.

Searching for visual clues changes according to the driving environment while driving on open highways, search areas farther ahead than in the city. Highway driving involves driving at a higher speed or velocity and as such it is required that you're very observant.


C. search areas farther ahead than in the city.


search areas farther ahead than you do when driving in the city environment

Which is a correct statement about the Florida Declaration of Rights?
It is the first ten amendments to Florida's constitution

It is sometimes called the Florida Bill of Rights

It is the first article of Florida's constitution

It is made up of twenty-one sections.


It’s the first article of Florida’s constitution


C: It is the first article of Florida's constitution


The verdict in a criminal case from a jury should be




B) Majority


I hope this helps :)

Serisouly need help with with this question ;o;





If you want to pass a slow-moving vehicle, you should do it __
A. as soon as you see the opportunity
B. only if your path is secured by traffic cones
C. when the vehicle is traveling below 10 mph
D. only if you can do so without speeding


I believe it’s A. as soon as you see the opportunity

What are the duties of an investigator when arriving at the crime scene?




One thing I know for sure that you will do is to collect relevant evidence and dna trace


Hey mate......


This is ur answer......

Crime scene investigators assist detectives in solving crimes by sorting through evidence and details to assist prosecutors in building a case. Their tasks include: Lifting and collecting fingerprints. Collecting and documenting trace evidence of DNA.

Hope it helps!

Brainliest plss....

Follow me! :)

Summarize the arguments against the death penalty



The death penalty is the harshest punishment that can be imposed on a criminal depending on the violation of the law he has committed: usually, the death penalty is applied to crimes of extreme gravity, such as multiple murders, for example. Even so, in most of the countries of the world, this penalty is abolished given its irreversibility.

Precisely, the main criticism of the death penalty is its irreversibility, that is, once the sentence is executed, there is no possibility of going back. Another criticism is the one that says that the death penalty avoids the deserved punishment of a criminal, such as a life in prison sentence.

Based on the 8th amendment, Should the death penalty continue to be a form of punishment in the United States. (Explain) 10 point!!!!


This is only 5 points but... I think that death penalty should continue as a form of punishment because if someone did something horrible (for example killing many people) they should be punished and jail time is not enough. - Brooke

Which of the following would NOT be a reason to discharge a patient from a medical facility?

The patient is now healthy

The patient is being moved from the ICU to the main floor of the same medical facility

The patient seems healthy, but needs to schedule a follow-up appointment

The patient can recover more fully at home


The answer is between 2-4 so two because the icu is the intensive care unit which is serious
The answer is B. Because they were in icu they was a very serious situation. Instead of being taken home the patient should be put on a less intense part of the hospital and be monitored and then if the patient has been good for a few days then the patient should be released.
Other Questions
Please help.Need this done by 3:20. No links, or fake answers. Do at least 3 problems. Thank you, and hav a good day In order to make burger a chef needs at least the following ingredients: 1 piece of chicken meat 3 lettuce leaves 6 tomato slices Write down a formula to figure out how many burgers can be made. Get values of chicken meat, lettuce leaves and tomato slices from user. Hint: use Pythons built-in function What is the difference between the founder effect and the bottleneck effect? The WPB worked with what part ofAmerican society during World War II?A. FactoriesB. AgricultureC. Schools what is literal mime . and what is abstract mime in a short and good sentence Need help with these questions The answers please I cant do Spanish I dont get any of it Which expression represents a negative number? Don't you times by a thousand then times the answerI got 60,000 Dawls Corporation reported stockholders' equity on December 31 of the prior year as follows: Common stock, $5 par value, 1,000,000 shares authorized 500,000 shares issued $2,500,000 Contributed capital In excess of par, common stock 1,000,000 Retained earnings 3,000,000 The following selected transactions occurred during the current year. Feb. 15 The board of directors declared a 5% stock dividend to stockholders of record on March 1, payable March 20. The stock was selling for $8 per share. March 9 Distributed the stock dividend. May 1 A cash dividend of $.30 per share was declared by the board of directors to stockholders of record on May 20, payable June 1. June 1 Paid the cash dividend. Aug. 20 The board decided to split the stock 4-for-1, effective on September 1. Sept. 1 Stock split 4-for-1. Dec. 31 Earned a net income of $800,000 for the current year.Required:Prepare a statement of retained earnings as of December 31 of the current year. 9. I think the answer is letter A or letter BWhich number is a solution of the inequality?b > 11.3A. 14B. 15C. 9D. 4 Help Ill give brainlist !!!!!Drag each statement to the correct location on the table.ThemeNot a ThemeHard work brings rewards.Kailyn always finishes last.Love takes faithThere is triumph in victory.Be outgoingHe showed hiscreativitythrough challenges Are you allowed to jump serve in badminton?PS. respond in yes or no and explain your answer please You purchase a $220 airline ticket. You have a discount code to receive 10% off. How much will your ticket cost you? f (x) is an exponential function with these features: f (x) is increasing, the y-intercept is (0,1), and f (2) = 49. Whichfunction could be f (x)? A: f(x)=(1/3)^xB: f(x)=7^xC: f(x)=3^xD: f(x)=(1/7)^x Northwest Clothing Supply has the following transactions during the year related to stockholders' equity:January 1 Issues 3,000 shares of no-par value common stock for $22 per share. March 15 Issues 900 shares of $20 par value preferred stock for $23 per share. December 1 Declares a cash dividend of $1 per share to all stockholders of record (both common and preferred) on December 15. December 15 Northwest Clothing Supply has fixed the Record Date for both common and preferred shares as December 15. December 31 Pays the cash dividend declared on December 1.Required:Record each of these transactions. The heat absorbed or released of a reaction at a constant presser is the same as the change in enthalpy Destruction of tropical rain forests: helps maintain global temperaturesreduces the amount of water vaporincreases the amount of condensationdoes not affect the water cycle in a significant way Effective speaking is a successful verbal communication that _________.A: everyone agrees with B: has the desired or intended result C: makes listeners more effective speakers D: gives speakers a reason to listen Shine the light on whatevers worse, perfection is a disease of a nation, Pretty Hurts, Pretty Hurts