In order to make burger a chef needs at least the following ingredients: • 1 piece of chicken meat • 3 lettuce leaves • 6 tomato slices Write down a formula to figure out how many burgers can be made. Get values of chicken meat, lettuce leaves and tomato slices from user. Hint: use Python’s built-in function


Answer 1


how many burgers would you have to make ?


this is a question ot an answer

Related Questions

//Precondition: pLeft is the address of a MY_STRING handle // containing a valid MY_STRING object address OR NULL. // The value of Right must be the handle of a valid MY_STRING object //Postcondition: On Success pLeft will contain the address of a handle // to a valid MY_STRING object that is a deep copy of the object indicated // by Right. If the value of the handle at the address indicated by // pLeft is originally NULL then the function will attempt to initialize // a new object that is a deep copy of the object indicated by Right, // otherwise the object indicated by the handle at the address pLeft will // attempt to resize to hold the data in Right. On failure pLeft will be // left as NULL and any memory that may have been used by a potential // object indicated by pLeft will be returned to the freestore. void my_string_assignment(Item* pLeft, Item Right);


Answer:this is an answer i dont know :



Alex, a webmaster, recently deployed a new web server. After checking external access to the new web server, he was unable to communicate on port 80. Alex verified that the host-based firewall's configuration had been changed and that the httpd service is running. What commands will most likely resolve the communication issue?



systemctl restart firewalld


The command that will most likely resolve the communication issue being experienced by Alex ( i.e. his inability to communicate on port 80 ) is

systemctl restart firewalld  given that the host-based firewall's configuration has been changed

is pseudocode obtained from Algorithm or is Algorithm obtained from pseudocode?



An algorithm is defined as a well-defined sequence of steps that provides a solution for a given problem, whereas a pseudocode is one of the methods that can be used to represent an algorithm.

hope this gives you at least an idea of the answer:)

Do the same exercise but this time use the value returning function. Here is the skeleton of the main function. Write functions definition according to the function call. Note: Do not change the main(). Copy it as it is. Must define the function after the main(). Make sure you write the function prototype before main(). // function prototype.



The function prototypes are as follows:

int findSum(int fn, int sn, int tn);

int findMin(int fn, int sn, int tn);

int findMax(int fn, int sn, int tn);

The functions are as follows:

int findSum(int fn, int sn, int tn){

   return fn+sn+tn;}

int findMin(int fn, int sn, int tn){

   int min = fn;

   if(sn<=min && sn<=tn){

       min = sn;    }

   if(tn <= min && tn <= sn){

       min = tn;    }

   return min;}

int findMax(int fn, int sn, int tn){

   int max = fn;

   if(sn>=max && sn>=tn){

       max = sn;    }

   if(tn>=max && tn>=sn){

       max = tn;    }

   return max;}



See attachment 1 for the main function


Write the following functions

findSumfind MinfindMax.

The following represents the function prototypes

int findSum(int fn, int sn, int tn);

int findMin(int fn, int sn, int tn);

int findMax(int fn, int sn, int tn);

This declares the findSum function

int findSum(int fn, int sn, int tn){

This returns the sum of the three numbers

   return fn+sn+tn;}

This declares the findMin function

int findMin(int fn, int sn, int tn){

This initialzes min (i.e. minumum) to fn

   int min = fn;

This checks if sn is the minimum

   if(sn<=min && sn<=tn){

       min = sn;    }

This checks if tn is the minimum

   if(tn <= min && tn <= sn){

       min = tn;    }

This returns the minimum of the three numbers

   return min;}

This declares the findMax function

int findMax(int fn, int sn, int tn){

This initialzes max (i.e. maximum) to fn

   int max = fn;

This checks if sn is the maximum

   if(sn>=max && sn>=tn){

       max = sn;    }

This checks if tn is the maximum

   if(tn>=max && tn>=sn){

       max = tn;    }

This returns the maximum of the three numbers

   return max;}

See cpp attachment for complete program which includes the main

With the aid of a diagram,explain CDMA spread spectrum


Answer: This is when the input- source coding- modulation

output- source decoding- channel- demodulation


Which symbol is used for an assignment statement in a flowchart?


Equal symbol

equal symbol

Within most programming languages the symbol used for assignment is the equal symbol.

What is the size of type int on 64 bit system

(1/1 Point)

4 byte

8 byte

16 byte

None of the given


The answer is none of the given

which of the following is equivalent to (p>=q)?
i) P q iv) !p Where are genius people?:)




This is unsolvable if you have no variable substitutes

p -> q

Took the test !

Write a superclass encapsulating a rectangle. A rectangle has two attributes representing the width and the height of the rectangle. It has methods returning the perimeter and the area of the rectangle. This class has a subclass, encapsulating a parallelepiped, or box. A parallelepiped has a rectangle as its base, and another attribute, its length; it has two methods that calculate and return its area and volume. You also need to include a client class to test these two classes.


That’s how you do it times the box and the rectangle to have a parallelepiped

When identifying who will send a presentation, what are the two types of audiences?



Explanation:Demographic audience analysis focuses on group memberships of audience members. Another element of audience is psychographic information, which focuses on audience attitudes, beliefs, and values. Situational analysis of the occasion, physical setting, and other factors are also critical to effective audience analysis.

Write a loop to print 56 to 70 inclusive (this means it should include both the 56 and 70). The output should all be written out on the same line.

Sample Run
56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70


for i in range(56,71):
print(i, end = “ “)

1) Create a method Sum to include a FOR loop. Get a scanner and input a number form the keyboard in main(). The method will take one parameter and calculate the sum up to that number. For example, if you pass 5, it it will calculate 1+2+3+4+5 and will return it back to main() method. Main method should call the method, get the sum back, and print a sum. You call the method from main() and get the result back to main() 2) Create another method: Factorial that calculates a Product of same numbers, that Sum does for summing them up. Make sure you use FOR loop in it. 3) Make a switch that Calls either sum(...) method OR factorial(...) method, depending on what user of the program wants. Ask the user to enter a selection, after the number is entered, such as "do sum" or "do factorial", read it with the Scanner next(), then call the appropriate method in a switch.




The following Java code creates both methods using a for loop. Asks the user for the value and choice of method within the main() and uses a switch statement to call the correct method.

import java.util.Scanner;

class Brainly {

   static Scanner in = new Scanner(;

   public static void main(String[] args) {

      System.out.println("Enter a value: ");

      int userValue = in.nextInt();

      System.out.println("Enter a Choice: \ns = do Sum\nf = do Factorial");

      String choice =;

      switch (choice.charAt(0)) {

          case 's': System.out.println("Sum of up to this number is: " + sum(userValue));


          case 'f': System.out.println("Factorial of up to this number is: " + factorial(userValue));


          default: System.out.println("Unavailable Choice");



   public static int sum(int userValue) {

       int sum = 0;

       for (int x = 1; x <= userValue; x++) {

           sum += x;


       return sum;


   public static int factorial(int userValue) {

       int factorial = 1;

       for (int x = 1; x <= userValue; x++) {

           factorial *= x;


       return factorial;



What vieo editor is best for beginner? I have heard that TunesKit Acemovi and Adobe Premier is good, but i'm not sure wich one is better for me.I just use the video editor to organize my photo and vlog snippets. Can you tell me more about them? Thanks.



Depends on what system you are on. I think Apple has a lot of decent free editing software for their devices, but on windows you are limited to windows movie maker... or paying for adobe or Sony Vegas (if people still use that...). Don't know anything about TunesKit Acemovi.

Write a program that asks the user to enter their yearly income. The program should display the user's tax bracket according to the following guidelines: Income below $50,000: Tax Bracket 1 Income of $50,000 - $99,999.99: Tax Bracket 2 Income of $100,000 or above: Tax Bracket 3 The program should then output the amount of federal taxes they will have to pay given that the Federal Tax Rate is 15% (for all tax brackets).




The following Python code asks the user for their yearly income as an input, saves it into a variable called income. Then it analyzes that value and outputs their correct Tax Bracket using IF statements. Then it calculates the amount of tax they must pay and outputs that value.

income = input("Enter your yearly income: ")

if int(income) < 50000:

   print("You are in Tax Bracket 1")

elif (int(income) >= 50000) and (int(income) <= 99999.99):

   print("You are in Tax Bracket 2")


   print("You are in Tax Bracket 3")

tax = int(income) * 0.15

print("You need to pay a total of $" + str(tax) + " in income tax")

Ryan has a new Android tablet that does great voice dictation, but he keeps "fat-fingering" the built-in, on-screen keyboard. What device could increase his accuracy and cut down on his typos? *



A tablet keyboard


This would be the device used

Write a short note on the topic ,' My Brother'.​



I have an older brother whose name is Michael.

He is two years older than me and studies in Class 3.

My brother has a round face with black hair and brown eyes.

He is very caring, loving and outgoing by nature.

He takes care of me, whenever my parents are not at home.

He shares his toys with me, whenever we are playing indoors.

My brother is a well-mannered boy who is loved by everyone.

He is very good in his studies and helps me in my studies too.

He is very sincere and intelligent and never misses his school.

I love my brother and always pray to God to help us maintain a strong bond forever.




To begin with, a brother is an important member of the family because he loves his siblings like a father, cares like a mother and sometimes annoys his sister(s). Sibling relationships usually tend to be emotionally powerful. Therefore, building a strong brother-sister relationship is important not only in childhood, but for the entire lifetime. Siblings learn social skills from each other like negotiating power and managing conflicts among themselves.

What does the CPU do in a modern computing device?

Enables the user to encrypt data
Enables the user to store data
Performs data computation
Provides electricity


Answer:  it connects to the power supply to run the pc

Explanation: your welcome

How to do a row of circles on python , with the commands , picture is with it .





First, open two separate terminal connections to the same machine, so that you can easily run something in one window and the other. Now, in one window, run vmstat 1, which shows statistics about machine usage every second. Read the man page, the associated README, and any other information you need so that you can understand its output. Leave this window running vmstat for the rest of the exercises below. Now, we will run the program mem.c but with very little memory usage. This can be accomplished by typing ./mem 1 (which uses only 1 MB of memory). How do the CPU usage statistics change when running mem


dnt listen to da file shi

You have been given an encrypted copy of the Final exam study guide here, but how do you decrypt and read it???

Along with the encrypted copy, some mysterious person has also given you the following documents:

helloworld.txt -- Maybe this file decrypts to say "Hello world!". Hmmm.

hints.txt -- Seems important.

In a file called write a method called decode(inputfile,outputfile). Decode should take two parameters - both of which are strings. The first should be the name of an encoded file (either helloworld.txt or superdupertopsecretstudyguide.txt or yet another file that I might use to test your code). The second should be the name of a file that you will use as an output file. For example:

decode("superDuperTopSecretStudyGuide.txt" , "translatedguide.txt")

Your method should read in the contents of the inputfile and, using the scheme described in the hints.txt file above, decode the hidden message, writing to the outputfile as it goes (or all at once when it is done depending on what you decide to use).

Hint: The penny math lecture is here.

Another hint: Don't forget about while loops...

Mac hint: use encoding="utf-8" in your file open functions, like this:

Mac hint: use encoding="ascii" in your file open functions, like this:

fin = open(input_file,"r",encoding="ascii")



You use a decoder


You can find one on an internet browser

2. A rectangular water tank is being filled at the
constant rate of 10lt/s. The base of the tank has
width, w= 10m and length, 1 = 15m. If the volume
of the tank is given by V = wxlxh where h repre-
sents the height of the tank, what is the rate of
change of the height of water in the tank?.​




1 [tex]meter^{3}[/tex] = 1000 liters

150 meter base

150 * 1000 = 150,000 liters to go up one meter

150,000 / 10 liters per second = 15,000 seconds to go up one meter


6 [tex]\frac{2}{3}[/tex] * [tex]10^{-7}[/tex] meters  [tex]sec^{-1}[/tex]   :/   not too much huh

Do my Twitter posts count as opinions or facts?


They count as opinions

Use the drop-down tool to select the word or phrase that completes each sentence.

The manipulation of data files on a computer using a file browser is

is a computer program that allows a user to manipulate files.

is anything that puts computer information at risk.

Errors, flaws, mistakes, failures, or problems in a software program are called

Software programs that can spread from one computer to another are called



file management file manager security threat bugs virus


Earth, Wind & Fire were NOT known for combining many different styles of music together.Required to answer. Single choice.
(1 Point)







Cause I don't believe you can't use earth, wind,and fire to create music.

In which link-building opportunity are you directly competing with another website in a ""win-win"" situation



I'm kind of sorta am now with but it doesn't matter now


What is one benefit of using electronic flash cards?



They can be searched using keywords. they may have a different alarm settings. they provide a personal organizer.


Hope this helped Mark BRAINLIEST!!!


One benefit would be that you can study them anytime without losing an actual paper flash card.


Hope this helps!

What does running the “sudo” command do?
Restarts the computer
Saves files permanently to the desktop
Elevates rights to what you can access
Opens a different directory



Elevates rights to what you can access

match the cell reference to its definition



which cell reference:-|


absolute reference: the cell remains constant when copied or moved.

mixed reference: the cell has a combination of two other types of cell references.

relative reference: the cell changed based on the position of rows and columns.

In this lab you will learn about the concept of Normal Forms for refining your database design. You will then apply the normalization rules: 1NF, 2NF and 3NF to enhance your database design. Lab Steps: Read about the Normal Forms in your textbook, chapter 14, pages 474 to 483. Check the learning materials on Normal Forms under the Learning Materials folder of Week 5. Apply the Normalization rules to your database design. Describe in words how 1NF, 2NF and 3NF apply to your design/database schema. Apply all the modifications that you made due to applying NF rules to your actual database in the DBMS (MS SQL Server). Put your explanation for how 1NF, 2NF and 3NF apply to your database in a Word document OR PowerPoint presentation.



I don't know


is about knowing how to make use of the refinery

Let's make a song, continue from these lines

My heart is dead
My mind is in a loop


My head hurts



a trance that I cant stop

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