In 5-7 sentences, explain what the tone/mood is in your script and how it is made clear for the reader.


Answer 1


Ok first what script? then i can help you


Answer 2


Each piece of fiction, each section of text, has a particular feel. The feel of a story or scene is primarily achieved through three elements—tone, mood, and style. And while you may hear the words used almost interchangeably, they are different. They are achieved differently and they create different effects.

We’ll take a look at all three.


Tone in fiction is the attitude of the narrator or viewpoint character toward story events and other characters. In a story with first-person POV, tone can also be the narrator’s attitude toward the reader.

In non-fiction, tone is the writer’s attitude toward subject matter and reader. So the writer might come across as a know-it-all or a blowhard or as humble or solicitous.

We’re all familiar with a mother’s words to her mouthy son—Don’t you take that tone with me, young man.

What does the mother mean by tone here? She’s talking about his sassy or smart-alecky attitude. The child’s words and actions and facial expressions convey an attitude his mother doesn’t approve of.

Examples of tone you might find in fiction are strident, uncaring, sassy, bossy, unconcerned, or flip. Remember that these refer to the narrator’s (viewpoint character’s) attitude.

A scene’s or story’s tone, expressed through the narrator’s attitude, could as easily be one of fearlessness or fearfulness, disbelief or detachment, or maybe unconcern or snarkiness or arrogance. Whatever attitude the narrator can take on, the scene or story can take on.

Tone is achieved through word choice (diction), sentence construction and word order (syntax), and by what the viewpoint character focuses on. Tone is created or altered by the way the viewpoint character/narrator treats the story problem and other characters, and by the way he responds to the events surrounding him. Tone can be manipulated by changing what the narrator focuses on and through his changing reactions to what is going on in the story as well as by changing the words used for his thoughts, action, and dialogue.

The tone of a scene can also be affected by manipulation of the sense elements. So what the viewpoint character smells and how those odors affect him influence tone. The menace of unrelenting footsteps on wooden stairs in the middle of the night or the hurried thud of footsteps down a dark alley would contribute to a tone different from the one created by the sounds of a toddler running down the hall to meet his daddy at the door. The viewpoint character’s perception of and reaction to sights, sounds, odors, touch, and taste add to tone.

What’s absent from a story can affect tone almost as strongly as what is present. Exclude the narrator’s attitude toward someone he loves if you want to portray him as distant and unfeeling; add in this attitude when it’s time to reveal this facet of his personality. When you give him a scene with his love interest, it can have a tone far different from those in other scenes featuring the same character.

He might notice his lover’s soft skin or the colors she uses or her smile, things he doesn’t notice or comment on in other scenes. Keeping a tender attitude far from him in scenes when he’s away from his lover will reveal much of who he is and perhaps how much he relies on her to humanize him.

Reactions and Demeanor

How does the narrator or viewpoint character come across? How does he respond to story events and revelations?

Is he desperate, upbeat, dismissive? Is he clueless or callous or indifferent?

To create a tone that works, word choices have to match the character and the moment. So if a character is desperate, his actions, thoughts, and words should reflect that desperation. What he thinks about should reveal his desperation. Tone should be consistent until something happens to change the narrator’s perceptions and responses.

If a scene seems off in a way that you can’t pinpoint or fix through changes in plot or character or dialogue, if it simply feels wrong or off, check to see if you’ve been consistent with tone (with mood as well). If you’ve inadvertently set up opposing tones within a scene, it will feel not quite right, maybe as if it’s out of focus or, more likely, as if a sheet of glass had shattered and the pieces were off kilter just a hair.

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A: A study by the Barcelona Media Foundation that determined that the closeness of sister-city relationships did not diminish with geographical distance

B: A survey of Australian and Japanese participants in sister-city programs that found that respondents could be frustrated when their expectations of the program were not shared by people from their sister city

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A survey of Australian and Japanese participants in sister-city programs that found that respondents could be frustrated when their expectations of the program were not shared by people from their sister city


I just finished it on college board and got it right. It is also the only sentence that argues against the author's line of reasoning.

Based on the information given, the correct option will be B. survey of Australian and Japanese participants in sister-city programs that found that respondents could be frustrated when their expectations of the program were not shared by people from their sister city.

Based on the information given, the writer has found several pieces of new information about sister cities.

Therefore, the thing that will prompt the writer to change the line of reasoning in the passage will be the survey of Australian and Japanese participants in sister-city programs that found that respondents could be frustrated when their expectations of the program were not shared by people from their sister city.

Learn more about passages on:

Name to things you like About Dabi (mha)



his hair, his fire power, his outfit, the color of his eyes, and the way his skin is.





The last choice is the correct answer.


It has no commas or extra parts to the sentence making it a simple sentence.

The Quotation Sandwich is a difficult writing technique that requires ten components. true or false


False there are only 3

Top slice- introducing the quote
Meat/veggies- the quote itself
Bottom slice-explaining the quote

The quotation sandwich is a difficult writing technique that requires ten components, False.

What is quotation sandwich?

Quotation sandwich is way of encouraging writers to write quotes in their papers and bind them with supporting evidence.

What is components?

Components are the elements of something large.

Because quotation sandwich is a technique of writing that requires only three components, and that are, top bread that deals with the introduction part, which involves introductory quotation, summary. Then comes the second part named as the filling, this part of quotation sandwich deals with how to use the given quotes and citation are used in this part. And the third and the last part of quotation sandwich is where the explain parts come in here the concepts of quotation are being clarified by discussing the information and quotations are supported by main points of the information.

Hence the correct answer is, False.

To know more about quotation sandwich:


According to Steve's journal from Wednesday, July 8, what does Kathy O'Brien said her job is in the eyes of the jury?
A. To make Steve look human.
B. To make Steve look like a monster.
C. To make Steve look innocent.
D. To make Steve look like a superhero.
Monster by Walter Dean Myers, Pages 238-267



A. To make Steve look Human

please help me with this qeustion



I think it is the second Dot.


Also Spatial order means that you explain or describe objects as they are arranged around you in your space, for example in a bedroom

Passage A:Passage B:
The fact is, bureaucracies are a problem around the world. There’s an old story about a town – it could be anywhere – with a bureaucrat who is known to be a good-for-nothing, but he somehow had always hung on to power. So one day, in a town meeting, an old woman got up and said to him: "There is a folk legend here where I come from that when a baby is born, an angel comes down from heaven and kisses it on one part of its body. If the angel kisses him on his hand, he becomes a handyman. If he kisses him on his forehead, he becomes bright and clever. And I’ve been trying to figure out where the angel kissed you so that you should sit there for so long and do nothing.”

–Address at Moscow State University
Ronald Reagan

What is the main opinion Reagan gives in Passage A?

What is the main opinion Reagan gives in Passage B?

Which opinion does he substantiate with facts?



What is the main opinion Reagan gives in Passage A?

✔ Bureaucracies are a world problem.

What is the main opinion Reagan gives in Passage B?

✔ Americans do not hide their love of freedom.

Which opinion does he substantiate with facts?

✔ the opinion about Americans and freedom


just did it

Answer: 1. A  2. A  3. B


I took the assignment and this was correct.

write five sentences using the past perfect​


1) I had eaten.
2) he had driven .
3)she had ran.
4)it had broken.
5)she had lighten the candle.


1) i had eaten

2) She drank the milk

3) She stayed up all night because she had received bad news.

4) They lost many of the games because they had not practiced enough.

5) Anthony had met Ryan before you introduced him to us at the party.

You had studied Italian before you moved to Rome.

Malala discovers the power of having a voice when she stands up for justice. Discuss.
(1 TEEL paragraph only)
[even if you just give me examples and quotes T_T]



Some ideas down below!


Malala is a good public speaker, and catches the hearts of her audience. Maybe include something about why it brings her justice and why people must know.

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HELPPP PLEASEEEEE!!! Topic: 5 themes of geography Session 9

What can a map or globe teach you about a place beyond just where it is located?



Maps present information about the world in a simple, visual way. They teach about the world by showing sizes and shapes of countries, locations of features, and distances between places. Maps can show distributions of things over Earth, such as settlement patterns.


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 **✿❀❀✿**     **✿❀❀✿** hope this helps!**✿❀❀✿****✿❀❀✿**


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Christopher Widdows (born 7 December 1968), known under the stage name of Steady Eddy is an Australian comedian and actor with Cerebral palsy. Initially, Widdows used his disability as the basis for his comedy. Having since made a name for himself, he has branched out beyond humour based solely around his disability. Steady Eddie then asks Bud if he is attached to his suitcase, and Bud mentions that he is only attached to the contents inside. Steady Eddie then gives Bud his old alto saxophone case to put his mother's items inside. Bud thanks Eddie for the case and Dirty Deed tells Bud that he's glad to have him on board.

Last week your school organized a trip of your class to a bakery your English teacher is asking for you to write a review of this trip.​


In all probability, the most significant truth in life is that events are unpredictable. There is no set of time fixed either for having good moments or bad. Even the happiest moment of our life can mold into an unfortunate moment of our life in no seconds. It's just the hand of fate that plays a game of chess with us. School trips are part and parcel of school curriculum. Every year schools plan tours for every class which are both educational and entertaining tours. In some schools it is compulsory whereas in some it is optional. Our school also plans tours every year and it is compulsory for every student to participate. This year we went to Jaipur for two nights and three days.
We were very excited, for trip with friends, that two night stay is dream come true. We were given an Itirary in which all the details of our visits and stay was mentioned. We were to stay at Rajasthan Tourist Complex for 2 nights and the rooms provided were excellent.
On reaching Jaipur, we saw our rooms which were good, we had to share room with 4 boys, we were told to get ready within half an hour, for after lunch we would start with our monument visits. That day after visiting Jantar Mantar, Hava Mahal, Amer Fort and City Palace, we were tired. And we come back and had a nice sleep.
Next day we went to Bikaner, which is a beautiful city, we also visited Jodhpur and come back to our buses after tea break. We had to come back to Jaipur by 10'o clock. Singing songs, we had hardly travelled for an hour or so when the bus broke down at around 8'o clock, we were in a deserted place, and there was sand outstretched on both the sides. It was an eerie feeling.
The driver along with conductor came down to examine the engine but of no avail. Since, it was totally dark and cold too, since in deserts, nights are cold and days are warmer. They both tried hard, but in sheer darkness, no solution could be reached. Our sirs and mams were also worried, but they kept their cool and asked us to remain quiet and not to make any noise, least we drew attention of anti-social elements.
At a distance of 200 metres or so there were some tents that used to be seen, for there were lamps burning and camels tied outside the tents. Our sir suggested to the driver that they should go and ask for help otherwise the darker it got, the more risky it would be. Some of the students had started crying. They were uncomfortable, but the elder boys, tried to cool them down.
Some boys with teachers, went towards the tents, for some aid. I too was among them, on reaching there, we saw that they were all Rajasthanis. Their dress was their hallmark and they were sturdy. They were singing and dancing and enjoying themselves when we approached them, they were shocked and asked the reason of our approach. We told them our predicament. The way they looked at each other, indicated that they were suspicious, but when we showed them our bus and the school students in it, they readily agreed to help us.
They asked all the students to come into the tents, we had such a nice time dancing, singing around bonfire, that it became the most memorable trip. Then they gave us food to eat and at around 12'o clock we went to sleep in their tents for the bus could not be redeemed before morning, we did not mind it, for this was an exciting adventure and would be cherished life-long.
Next morning we all came back to hotel, had some more sight seeing that day and in the afternoon, started early to prevent any more eventuality. We came back at To clock in the evening and shared the experience with our parents, who first appeared worried, but later they too felt that it was a part and parcel of school trip, and such challenges teach you to become stronger and brave in life.
Friday, November 5th 2017
Last week’s trip was a great experience. I’ve always wanted to see what’s really behind the chefs hat and the beautiful aromas. I was amazed at what the chefs did, such an underrated job yet so much hard work is being put into it. I really appreciated the staff there also. They were very kind as they helped us understand everything there. I learned a lot from this trip, and I was so happy when we got to choose anything to take home with us! This was a great experience and I’m for sure going to go back again!

Please mark Brainliest it would be a great help.

which is an example of personification?
1) the water running down the wall
2) a cloud floating in the air
3) a cell dividing into two
4) a statue made of gold
and why?





1 is the answer because it adds the act of running to a non human thing.

1 is the answer. Water can’t run.

Complete the chart. What does
"charge" mean in this passage?
small amount of electricity
how much energy
something has
to deliver a
to make
how much
something costs





(I will give you Brainly!!!). alter (ol-tar) verb 1. to make different, modify 2. to cause clothing to fit better
3. to neuter or spay. From Old French alterer, to change, derivative of Latin
alter, other
Which part of this dictionary entry provides information about the word's
O A. From Old French alterer, to change, derivative of Latin alter, other,
O B. verb
O C. ['ol-ter)
O D. 1. to make different, modify 2. to cause clothing to fit better 3. to
neuter or spay


Answer: The answer is option c.

Explanation: Because it is using different letters to help pronounce the word properly.

WARNING!!! Not really a warning but the correct answer is A, but have yourself some points, why dont'cha

which reform did James Hopp enact?

A regulation of the railroad industry

B acknowledgment of women's right to vote

C prohibition of acholic beverages

D creation of commission form of government









create a poster aimed at highlighting the responsibilities of a school council.​



hope its helpful for u


Twentieth century novelist account of her development as a writer, best characterized the authors purpose


Hello. You did not show the text to which this question refers, which makes it impossible for it to be answered accurately. However, I will try to help you in the best possible way.

If the author is counting on her development as a writer, she has the purpose of telling her own professional history, showing the mistakes and successes, as well as the difficulties, defeats and victories that she had during this journey and how it influences the work, the stories she tells and even her life.

What is the first step in determining the theme in a play? identify an important topic in the play study how the play’s structure supports the topic decide what the play says about the topic state a message about the play’s topic in a sentence








What part of speech shows location or position to other items.





They express relationships such as space, time, or figurative location.  

Adverbs should be the answer.

with is 100bs-65bs =


ㅤ 35 ‏‏‎ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ

jon drive a hauler truck for longer hours​


Send me a picture or something

Why is it important to Grendel that his death be viewed as an accident?


I think c. If not d. Hope this helps


it's d


I got c wrong I thought it was that one.

"I am already far north of London, and as I walk in the streets of Pittsburgh, I feel a cold northern breeze play upon my cheeks, which braces my nerves and fills me with delight.


What am i supposed to answer with

write a diary on behalf of the elderly grandmother describing her feeling of not living with her children and grandchildren​



Dear diary,

I'm here once again, because you seem to be the only one I'm able to talk to whenever I want to, and you don't wait impatiently so you can go back to other things you're doing.

However, I miss my children and grandchildren and wish they visited more often, seeing as everyone went on their own way, as soon as they turned 18 or just after College.

I have a considerable sum of money, but I don't have happiness, I have happiness, but not the type I want. I guess he people that said money doesn't buy happiness were right after all.

Diary, you'll have to endure the ramblings of an old woman who is lonely. We'll talk again soon.

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