During the Golden Age, who could take part in government?


Answer 1


the first and second estate I think


Related Questions

Pericles’ Funeral Oration

“Our constitution is called a democracy because power is in the hands not of a minority but of the whole people. When it is a question of settling private disputes, everyone is equal before the law; When it is a question of putting one person before another in positions of public responsibility, what counts is not membership of a particular class, but the actual ability which the man possesses. No one . . . is kept [out of government] because of poverty.”
—Pericles, as recorded by Thucydides,
History of the Peloponnesian War

Why did Pericles call his government a democracy?
Only rich people could vote.
Power belonged to the whole people.
Public offices were for men only.
none of these


the answer is B, power belonged to the whole people




Trust me on this, also can I have brainiest please?

Hope you do well! :D

What was special about Johanns Gutenberg's printing press?

Printing Press - HISTORY

a. it was the same as the Chinese model.
b. it had moveable metal type
c. it had moveable wooden letters
d. it was the first printing press


Answer: D

Explanation: Johannes Gutenberg invented the first printing press in the 1400s


d. it was the first printing press


During their time they had to compose each book one by one until Gutenberg invented the first printing press. After that, they were able to churn out books at a quick rate.

Who started a school for navigators helping to advance map making by using the printing press



Prince Henry the Navigator


Prince Henry the Navigator, a Portuguese prince, started school to teach the sailors about the Oceanic exploration at Sagres, Portugal around 1418. In this school, sailors trained by studying science, navigation, and map-making, to sail in unknown places. Prince Henry the Navigator is known for his supporting the exploration along the west coast of Africa. Because of Henry patronage, sailors were able to establish colonies outside Europe. With the enthusiasm of conducting voyage for exploration, Portuguese established trade with India, Africa, and Orient for spices, gold, porcelain, and silk.

Which country was NOT involved in the American Revolution?



The American colonists did not fight the Revolutionary War for independence from Britain by themselves. They had allies who helped them by providing aid in the form of supplies, weapons, military leaders, and soldiers. These allies played a major role in helping the colonists to gain their independence.



Well the United States and Great Britan were involved so anyone other than them werent involved

How do we know that Egyptian society was sophisticated and evolved?
from the remains of the ancient society
we don't know that it was
from the landscape
from records found on papyrus​



from the remains of the ancient society





Egyptian civilization developed along the Nile River in large part because the river’s annual flooding ensured reliable, rich soil for growing crops.

Repeated struggles for political control of Egypt showed the importance of the region's agricultural production and economic resources.

The Egyptians kept written records using a writing system known as hieroglyphics.

Egyptian rulers used the idea of divine kingship and constructed monumental architecture to demonstrate and maintain power.

Ancient Egyptians developed wide-reaching trade networks along the Nile, in the Red Sea, and in the Near East.

Early Egypt

Much of the history of Egypt is divided into three “kingdom” periods—Old, Middle, and New—with shorter intermediate periods separating the kingdoms. The term "intermediate" here refers to the fact that during these times Egypt was not a unified political power, and thus was in between powerful kingdoms. Even before the Old Kingdom period, the foundations of Egyptian civilization were being laid for thousands of years, as people living near the Nile increasingly focused on sedentary agriculture, which led to urbanization and specialized, non-agricultural economic activity.

hope this helps plz tell me if its wrong so i can fix it  :)

At what age could citizens serve on the council


To serve on the council you have to be at least 18

What did the Stamp Act tax?
the anwsers down below which one is best

A.Paper goods

B.Postage stamps




A. .Paper goods


The Stamp Act was created in 1765. It is designed to tax the British Colonies in America every time they use several forms of printed materials that produced in London. (Such as legal documents, newspapers, magazines, cards, etc). It did not specifically target postage stamps.

The British government created this act to take money from the colonies in order to brought back the money that they lost for their military during the French and Indian War.

What advice did Washington give the nation in his farewell address?



Found this off of google, "In his farewell Presidential address, George Washington advised American citizens to view themselves as a cohesive unit and avoid political parties and issued a special warning to be wary of attachments and entanglements with other nations."

Hope this helps!

Have a great day/night and stay safe!

Avoid political parties or else the nation will be corrupt because the one political party that takes power will never want to let that power go

The United States did not like the Soviet Union
(Russia) because they are....



The United States government was initially hostile to the Soviet leaders for taking Russia out of World War I and was opposed to a state ideologically based on communism. ... However, the Soviet stance on human rights and its invasion of Afghanistan in 1979 created new tensions between the two countries.


How long did the Great Depression last?
until World War I
until 1930
O until World War II
o until 1950





took the test


Write a journal entry as if you are a colonist, explaining your reaction to the Parliament imposed taxes after 1763 and to the ideas of Thomas Paine. Write a full paragraph and see pages 356-361 in your text to support your thoughts-North America


Thomas Paine was born in Britain. Paine's formal education lasted only until the age of thirteen, at which point he began working for his father. Eventually, took low-paying job in tax-collecting, educating himself further in his free time. Paine was fired for publishing an article arguing that raising tax-collectors' salaries would reduce corruption. Shortly thereafter in London, Paine met Benjamin Franklin, who convinced Paine to move to America.

The roots of the war for American Independence can be traced back at least as far as the French and Indian war. Although the British won this war, they incurred immense costs, and began to increase the monetary burden placed on the American colonies. With the Townshend Acts, Parliament imposed new taxes in the American colonies, and although these were repealed, the tax on tea remained. Colonial frustration erupted at the famed Boston Tea Party when Americans stormed a ship owned by the British East India Company and dumped large volumes of tea into Boston Harbor. In retaliation, the British Parliament imposed a variety of restrictions aimed at reasserting their control over the colonies.

These measures, known in America as the intolerable acts, spurred the convening of the first continental congress. Although the American colonies now had a centralized forum in which to discuss policy, their path was far from clear. Even after a battle erupted at Lexington and Concord, the colonies lacked a clear plan. Opinions on the purpose of the war with Britain and the future the colonies varied widely. Many, delegates to the continental congress were not convinced that complete independence was desirable.

Common Sense, which was published at this time, Paine argued that colonies should have full independence from Britain. His pamphlet convinced many who were unsure of the purpose of the war and played a profound role in influencing the opinion of laymen and lawmakers alike. Common Sense was crucial in turning American opinion against Britain and was one of the key factors in the colonies' decision to engage in a battle for complete independence.

I don't know if it's right


On October 26, 1775, King George III speaks before both houses of the British Parliament to discuss growing concern about the rebellion in America, which he viewed as a traitorous action against himself and Great Britain. He began his speech by reading a “Proclamation of Rebellion” and urged Parliament to move quickly to end the revolt and bring order to the colonies.

The king spoke of his belief that “many of these unhappy people may still retain their loyalty, and may be too wise not to see the fatal consequence of this usurpation, and wish to resist it, yet the torrent of violence has been strong enough to compel their acquiescence, till a sufficient force shall appear to support them.” With these words, the king gave Parliament his consent to dispatch troops to use against his own subjects, a notion that his colonists believed impossible.

Just as the Continental Congress expressed its desire to remain loyal to the British crown in the Olive Branch Petition, delivered to the monarch on September 1, so George III insisted he had “acted with the same temper; anxious to prevent, if it had been possible, the effusion of the blood of my subjects; and the calamities which are inseparable from a state of war; still hoping that my people in America would have discerned the traitorous views of their leaders, and have been convinced, that to be a subject of Great Britain, with all its consequences, is to be the freest member of any civil society in the known world.” King George went on to scoff at what he called the colonists’ “strongest protestations of loyalty to me,” believing them disingenuous, “whilst they were preparing for a general revolt.”

Unfortunately for George III, Thomas Paine’s anti-monarchical argument in the pamphlet, Common Sense, published in January 1776, proved persuasive to many American colonists. The two sides had reached a final political impasse and the bloody War for Independence soon followed.


hope this helps:)

1. Identify first and the last Muslim woman ruler of the Delhi Sultanate and analyse why she was considered a woman in a ‘man's world' through a report



The Last Muslim female ruler of Delhi Sultanate is called Raziya al-Din.

She was also known or referred to Razia Sultana.


She was considered a woman in a 'mans world' because the throne of the Delhi Sultanate in South Asia had never prior to her dispensation be administered by a woman.

Her father Mamluk Sultan Shamsuddin Iltutmish had prepared Nasiruddin Mahmud his first son to take over the throne. This plan was terminated abruptly in the early 12th century because Nasiruddin Mahmud died unexpectedly.

Believing that his other sons were indifferent towards the affairs of the polity and would rather take to pleasure and leisure, He gave responsibility for the administration of Delhi to Razia Sultana before leaving for his Gwalior campaign in 1231.

Initially, the nobles from Turkic thought she would be a figurehead. She surprised and infuriated them at the same time. Their stiff opposition to her leadership was not a secret.

When her father returned from his campaign, impressed that she handled the polity so well, he made her a permanent administrator.

Eventually, regardless of the fact that she had public support and support from the people, she was deposed and was killed on the 15th of October 1240. Her administration lasted 3 years, 6 months, and 6 days.


how did john lewis leave his mark on america



His contribution to civil right's movement helped ended racial segregation in United States.


John Lewis is one of the big six leaders  of the March to Washington protest (Together with Martin Luther King Jr., A. Philip Randolph, James Farmer,  Roy Wilkins and Whitney Young ).

This protest was regarded as the height of the civil right movements in America. It led to the creation of the civil rights act of 1964 which prohibits all forms of discrimination based on  race, color of the skin, religion, gender , and   ethnicities.

The federal government has three branches of government. This system helps prevent any one branch from gaining too much power and turning the country towards tyranny.

Group of answer choices




The answer to your question is true.

Answer: TRUE!

Explanation: The federal government does have three branches to ensure that one branch doesn't gain too much power with examples such as de-electing officials from the next branch, this is seen with impeachments like the attempted impeachment of President Trump and former President Clinton!

Hope this helps, if not, comment down below please!!!


When a political party informs voters about a candidate's prior experiences as a Red Cross executive, the party is -


A political party is a group of people with broad common interests who organize to win elections, control government, and thereby influence government policies. When trying to elect candidates, parties need some of the same things as a winning sports team. For example, parties need hard-working candidates, money to spread information about their positions on issues, and lots of fans. The most successful political parties win on Election Day when more of their “fans” come to the polls. However, once party candidates win elections, their work has just begun. Then they have to govern, often with members of the other team; they must work to implement the policies they campaigned for, while also preparing for the next election.
The Constitution does not provide for political parties or even mention them, yet political parties are an integral part of the American democratic system. Political parties perform several important functions that no other body or institution in American politics does.
Electing Candidates
Political parties recruit men and women to run for office who appear to have a good chance of being elected. Parties raise money for campaigns and organize rallies and meetings to generate enthusiasm for their candidates.
Educating the Public
Political parties bring important issues to the public’s attention. Each party publishes its position on important issues that impact the nation. Candidates present these views in pamphlets, press conferences, speeches, and television, radio, newspaper, social media, and online advertisements. Unfortunately, many Americans are not well-informed about the backgrounds of candidates or their views on important issues. Political parties simplify elections by helping such people decide how to vote. By supporting a candidate just because he or she is a Democrat or a Republican, the voter knows generally how the candidate stands on key issues.

Halti gained independence from ______
to become the first black-governed republic?





The Haitian society was majorly made up of a slave population. Many of the slaves felt inequality and racial segregation under French control. Because of this, they rose up and fought for their rights through a revolution. The fight started between the "affranchis," emancipated slaves, and Europeans because the affranchis didn't follow the new law. It was followed by rebellion and a revolution which later on, freed the Haiti with the help of Jean-Jacques Dessalinis. It made the country the first republic to be led by a black person.

Which of the following completes the ? in the chart above?

Size of Territory
Size of Population
Number of Voting Districts
Number of Wealthy Landowners



b.size of population


i just took the test

We understand that the citizenship of an individual is a _____________ dual life of interactions merging public funds and private projects. dual life of interactions merging public records and private documents. dual life of interactions merging individual activities and government interests. dual life of interactions merging public activities and private interests.



dual life of interactions merging public activities and private interests.


The citizenship of an individual has to do with his public life which has to do with responsibilities he is expected to fulfill and they can be compulsory or voluntary.

Also, it has to do with the private life which has to do with goals, and objectives set for the person by himself.

This, the citizenship of an individual is dual life of interactions merging public activities and private interests.

TRUE or FALSE: Cecil Rhodes believed in the idea of Social Darwinism and that the idea that the
British were the master race throughout the world.





In his quote, Cecil Rhodes states his belief that Britons, or Anglo-Saxons, are the world's quintessential race, and argues that they, therefore, have a responsibility to dominate all others. This belief is an example of the theory of Social Darwinism, which applies the idea of the "survival of the fittest" to society and social change. Social Darwinism maintains the notion that the more successful races or peoples—in this case, obviously the Europeans—are fitter and therefore superior to others. These beliefs were frequently used to justify European imperialism in Africa.

According to the graph on the lower left hand corner of the image above, which year saw the biggest change in growth of African Americans in the American colonies?


I need the graph picture to answer it please send me a picture of the graph

What does the fact that plantation owners would sometimes "brand" their slaves show about the view of the Africans?​




Basically, Africans were property. A white OWNED him, and he wasn't anyone else's to have. The view on Africans was that they meant nothing except to be sure that their labor was only given to them.



Though slavery had such a wide variety of faces, the underlying concepts were always the same. Slaves were considered property, and they were property because they were black. Their status as property was enforced by violence -- actual or threatened. People, black and white, lived together within these parameters, and their lives together took many forms.

Because they lived and worked in such close proximity, house servants and their owners tended to form more complex relationships. Black and white children were especially in a position to form bonds with each other. In most situations, young children of both races played together on farms and plantations. Black children might also become attached to white caretakers, such as the mistress, and white children to their black nannies. Because they were so young, they would have no understanding of the system they were born into. But as they grew older they would learn to adjust to it in whatever ways they could.

Congress shall have power . . . To make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into execution the foregoing power. To what does this statement refer? A an executive privilege B the elastic clause C nonlegislative powers D limits on governmental pow


Answer: A. an executive privilege


The elastic clause refers to those powers which are not mentioned in the constitution but these powers are believed to provide the congress to direction execution. The government that is able to expand its power is likely to abuse that power privileged with this clause. There is no limit in federal power and the congress can make any law to control the execution.

What happened as the number of public schools in the South began to grow?
A. Blacks got the same education as whites. B. Both whites and blacks went to the same schools.
C. Blacks and whites were kept in separate schools.
D. Blacks asked to have separate schools.​





Did it on apecs

Was the economy of Egypt a command economy or a traditional one? How you do know?


In a command economy, economic effort is devoted to goals passed down from a ruler or ruling class. Ancient Egypt was a good example: a large part of economic life was devoted to building pyramids, like those shown in Figure 1, for the pharaohs. ... In the last century, communism emphasized command economie

Beginning in 478 B.C., the ____ League served as the treasury and commander of the fleet.



B. Delian


Beginning in 478 B.C., the Delian League served as the treasury and commander of the fleet. The correct option is (b).

What do you mean by the Delian League?

Following the Persian War, the Delian League was established in 478 BC as a military coalition to protect the Ionian Greeks from any potential threats.

Athens served as its principal leader and used its sizable and potent navy to defend all of its members who were unable to defend themselves.

The contemporary name of the League comes from the island of Delos, which served as its official meeting location. Congresses were held there in the temple, and the treasury there stood until Pericles brought it to Athens in 454 BC as a symbolic act.

Therefore, Beginning in 478 B.C., the Delian League served as the treasury and commander of the fleet.

To know about the Delian League, visit:



Pick 4 different forms of resistance Write 1 sentence about each of the 4 forms Clearly describe what that form of resistance was & why that was a form of resistance


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Although there are no options attached, we can say the following.

You did not specify the kinds of resistance in some political situation historic context, or imperialistic intervention. So we are answering in general terms.

1.- Passive change resistance. People do not actively participate in change, but they are discrete in showing any behavior publicly.

2.- Active change resistance. People's actions and moods really support their idea of not changing.

3.- Attachment change resistance. People express their arguments for not changing.

4.- Uncertainty change resistance. People worry a lot about the idea of change. They talk and talk about change but do not take action because they are afraid of it.

what or who is sourdough



Sourdough is bread


Sourdough bread is made by the fermentation of dough using naturally occurring lactobacilli and yeast. The lactic acid produced by the lactobacilli gives it a more sour taste and improved keeping qualities.


its a type of bread.


hope this helps have a good day.

How are presidies and missions Similar? What of
the differences?


Often the mission served multiple purposes — its specific religious function, as well as an economic function, and sometimes, as a fortress to protect its area residents against attack. However, there were also specific structures established to protect the Spanish priests and their followers — the presidio.

Which Mexican learder wrote letters to the authorities requesting Austins release?
a. General Cós
b. Captain Tenorio
c. Ramón Músquiz
d. Lorenzo de Zavala



C Ramóm Múquiz


Took notes but not completely sure

1. In what ways were marriage practices similar in the west and East during the early modern period?



The correct answer is C) it helped maintain caste distinctions.

During the Gupta period, people were restricted from marrying within their caste. This practice affected society during this time in that it helped maintain caste distinctions.

The Gupta Empire was one of the most important empires in India from the end of the 3rd century to the end of the 6th century. Under this empire, India lived its Golden Days. Under the Gupta case system that always was preserved, at the top of the caste hierarchy were the Brahmins or priest, then the Kshatriyas who were the warriors or rulers. After them, the Vaisyas, merchants and traders. Next in the descendant line, the Sudras who were workers. And at the bottom of the pyramid, the Pariah, the poor.


Hope this helps Plz give thanks and rate :D

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