
Cc: a 3 year-old boy is brought to the pediatrician by his parents because he has been having trouble getting up from a sitting or lying position, although he had previously done so with ease.hpi: his developmental history is notable for delayed motor skills; he began walking at 18 months. the boy has a waddling gait, and when sitting, he uses his arms to push himself into the upright position. the boys maternal uncle, who died at age 16, suffered from similar symptoms when he was vs: bp = 116/68, hr = 96, rr = 19, t = 37.2. physical exam reveals marked muscle weakness of the extremities, particularly of the proximal muscle groups, and hypertrophy of the calf muscles.labs: wbc: normal.questions:1. what are "motor skills"?2. why are motor skills significant to document in the hpi (history of present illness) on a pediatric patient?3. what is the significance of having a maternal uncle who suffered similar symptoms?4. convert the patients temperature into farenheit. be sure to show your calculations for full credit.5. are any of the vital signs abnormal? be sure to remember that the patient is 3 years old.6. if the physician used the phrase "gowers sign" to describe what he was seeing when examining the patient, what would this indicate?7. how would the patients calf muscles appear due to the hypertrophy noted in the pe (physical exam)?8. if this patient had a muscular disease that causes destruction of all muscle fibers throughout the body, would you expect this patient to have a normal lifespan? be sure to explain your answer.9. if this disease was caused by a chromosome defect on one of the mothers x-genes, and the parents had a second son, what is the chance that the second son would develop this disease as well? make sure you demonstrate this using a punnett square.10. what is the name of this genetic disease causing this patient to have trouble getting up from a sitting or lying position?