You bought a share of stock for $100. It is now worth $116 and has just paid an annual dividend of $5 per share.What was the dividend yield? What was the capital gains yield? What was the total rate of return?


Answer 1

The correct answer is

- The dividend yield is 5%.

- The capital gains yield is 16%.

- The total rate of return is 21%.

To calculate the dividend yield, capital gains yield, and total rate of return, we need to consider the initial investment, current value, dividend received, and the formula for each metric.

1. Dividend Yield:

Dividend Yield = (Annual Dividend / Stock Price) * 100

Given that the annual dividend is $5 and the stock price is $100, we can calculate the dividend yield:

Dividend Yield = ($5 / $100) * 100 = 5%

2. Capital Gains Yield:

Capital Gains Yield = [(Ending Stock Price - Beginning Stock Price) / Beginning Stock Price] * 100

Given that the beginning stock price is $100 and the ending stock price is $116, we can calculate the capital gains yield:

Capital Gains Yield = [($116 - $100) / $100] * 100 = 16%

3. Total Rate of Return:

Total Rate of Return = Dividend Yield + Capital Gains Yield

Total Rate of Return = 5% + 16% = 21%


- The dividend yield is 5%.

- The capital gains yield is 16%.

- The total rate of return is 21%.

Learn more about dividend  here:-


Related Questions

Compare and contrast the Great Depression and the recession due to the Covid-19 Crisis along different dimensions such as: length, severity, impact on economy, policy response, cause, etc. Make sure to expand on your answers and include specific facts (#s/stats). Do not provide a list of ideas; write out your response in paragraph form. b. [3 points] According to Keynesian Theory, stabilization policy (i.e. Aggregate Demand Management) should not be used to smooth out the business cycle. This is because there are 3 key problems with using ANY policy to stabilize the economy. Briefly discuss 2 of these problems below. Provide complete statements (i.e. in paragraph forms), do not list ideas.


The Great Depression and the recession due to the Covid-19 Crisis are two major economic downturns that have impacted the global economy, but they differ in several dimensions. Firstly, the length of the Great Depression was significantly longer than the Covid-19 recession. The Great Depression lasted for about a decade, from 1929 to the late 1930s, while the Covid-19 recession began in early 2020 and is expected to have a shorter duration.

In terms of severity, the Great Depression was arguably more severe. During the Great Depression, the U.S. experienced a massive decline in GDP, with output falling by around 30% between 1929 and 1933. Unemployment rates reached staggering levels, peaking at around 25%. In contrast, the Covid-19 recession initially caused a sharp decline in economic activity, but it rebounded relatively quickly due to policy interventions. While it led to significant job losses and economic contraction, the severity was mitigated to some extent by the swift policy response.

The impact on the economy also differed between the two downturns. The Great Depression had a profound and long-lasting impact on various sectors of the economy, including agriculture, manufacturing, and banking. In contrast, the Covid-19 recession primarily affected sectors such as travel, hospitality, and retail, while some industries like technology and e-commerce experienced growth.

Regarding policy response, the approaches taken were distinct. During the Great Depression, governments implemented various policies, including the New Deal in the United States, to stimulate economic recovery. These policies involved increased government spending, job creation programs, and financial regulation reforms. In response to the Covid-19 recession, governments worldwide implemented large-scale fiscal stimulus measures, such as direct cash transfers, business loans, and wage subsidies, to support individuals and businesses affected by the pandemic-induced lockdowns.

According to Keynesian Theory, stabilization policy should not be used to smooth out the business cycle due to two key problems. Firstly, there is a problem of time lags. Implementing stabilization policies takes time, and by the time they are fully effective, the economic conditions might have already changed. For example, during a recession, it takes time for the government to enact and implement fiscal stimulus measures, which may not have an immediate impact on economic activity.

Secondly, there is the issue of policy effectiveness and efficiency. Stabilization policies rely on accurate economic data and forecasting to determine the appropriate measures to be taken. However, economic data is often subject to revisions and uncertainties, making it challenging to implement policies with precision. Furthermore, there is the risk of policy inefficiency, where the implemented measures may have unintended consequences or fail to achieve the desired outcomes. For instance, fiscal stimulus measures can lead to inflationary pressures or create unsustainable levels of government debt.

In conclusion, while the Great Depression and the recession due to the Covid-19 Crisis share some similarities as economic downturns, they differ in terms of length, severity, impact on the economy, policy response, and causes. The Great Depression was longer and more severe, impacting various sectors of the economy, while the Covid-19 recession was initially severe but rebounded relatively quickly. The policy response involved different approaches, with the Great Depression seeing the implementation of the New Deal and the Covid-19 recession witnessing large-scale fiscal stimulus measures. According to Keynesian Theory, stabilization policies face challenges due to time lags and issues of effectiveness and efficiency, making it difficult to smooth out the business cycle effectively.

To know more about Great Depression ,visit:

Explain why the present value of a cash flow stream, and the asset associated therewith; fluctuate in value with the level of interest rates in the capital markets.
List and explain the points of financial impact on a company if it raises the credit standards required of its customers who utilized trade credit offered by the company.
Define Weighted Average Cost of Capital and explain why a company must earn at least its Weighted Average Cost of Capital on new investments. What are the financial implications if it does not?


The present value of a cash flow stream and the associated asset fluctuate with interest rates in the capital markets due to the concept of discounting. When interest rates rise, the discount rate used to calculate the present value increases, leading to a lower present value of future cash flows. This is because higher interest rates imply higher opportunity costs and a higher required rate of return. As a result, the value of the asset and the cash flow stream decreases. Conversely, when interest rates decline, the present value increases, as the discount rate decreases, making future cash flows more valuable.

If a company raises the credit standards required of its customers who use trade credit, it can have several financial impacts. Firstly, it may lead to a reduction in sales, as some customers may not meet the higher credit standards and choose not to purchase from the company. This can result in decreased revenue and potentially lower profits. Secondly, the company may experience an increase in bad debts if customers who were previously granted credit fail to meet the new standards and default on their payments. This can negatively impact cash flow and profitability. Lastly, the company may need to invest more resources in credit assessment and monitoring processes, leading to increased administrative costs.

The Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) is a financial metric that represents the average cost of financing a company's operations through a combination of equity and debt. It considers the cost of equity and the cost of debt, weighted by their respective proportions in the company's capital structure. A company must earn at least its WACC on new investments to ensure that the returns generated exceed the cost of financing. If a company fails to meet its WACC on new investments, it indicates that the project is not generating sufficient returns to cover the cost of capital. This can result in lower profitability, reduced shareholder value, and potentially erode the company's overall financial performance.

If a company does not earn at least its WACC on new investments, it implies that the company is not generating sufficient returns to meet the expectations of its investors and creditors. This can lead to a decline in the company's stock price, reduced access to capital markets, and increased difficulty in raising funds for future projects. Additionally, if the company consistently fails to earn its WACC, it may signal poor investment decisions or an inefficient capital structure, which can impact the company's credit rating and increase its cost of borrowing. Ultimately, failing to earn the WACC can have negative financial implications and hinder the company's growth and long-term sustainability.

Learn more about interest rates here:


Suppose that Mr. Memela, a wheat farmer, is expecting to harvest 6500 bushels of wheat in 9 months' time. Concerned with future price fluctuations of wheat, he entered into 65 futures contracts with each contract covering 100 bushels of wheats at a futures price of R79.64 per bushel. If each bushel of wheat currently trades for R84.75 at the market and R91.45 at maturity, determine Mr. Memela's effective selling price of per bushel if he end up harvesting 6090 bushels of wheat at maturity.



The effective selling price per bushel for Mr. Memela, considering the futures contracts and the given market prices, is R91.45. This accounts for the impact of the futures contracts and the market price at maturity of the wheat.

To determine Mr. Memela's effective selling price per bushel, we need to consider the impact of the futures contracts.

We know that:

- Mr. Memela entered into 65 futures contracts, with each contract covering 100 bushels of wheat.

- The futures price is R79.64 per bushel.

- The market price of wheat is currently R84.75 per bushel.

- The market price of wheat at maturity is R91.45 per bushel.

- Mr. Memela will end up harvesting 6090 bushels of wheat at maturity.

To calculate the effective selling price per bushel, we'll consider the following scenarios:

1. If the market price at maturity (R91.45) is higher than the futures price (R79.64):

  - Mr. Memela will sell his 6090 bushels of wheat in the market at the higher market price of R91.45.

  - The futures contracts are not exercised, and their impact is not relevant in this scenario.

  - The effective selling price per bushel will be R91.45.

2. If the market price at maturity (R91.45) is lower than the futures price (R79.64):

  - Mr. Memela will sell his 6090 bushels of wheat in the market at the lower market price of R91.45.

  - He will also need to settle the futures contracts. Since he entered into 65 futures contracts covering 100 bushels each, he effectively sold (65 contracts * 100 bushels/contract) 6500 bushels of wheat at the futures price of R79.64.

  - The impact of the futures contracts can be calculated as follows:

    - Gain/Loss per bushel = Futures price - Market price at maturity

    - Total gain/loss = (Gain/Loss per bushel) * Number of bushels covered by futures contracts

  - Subtracting the total gain/loss from the market selling price per bushel will give us the effective selling price per bushel.

In this case, since the question states that Mr. Memela will end up harvesting 6090 bushels, we assume the market price at maturity is higher than the futures price. Therefore, the effective selling price per bushel will be R91.45.

Effective selling price per bushel: R91.45

Learn more about Market price at:


The volatility of a non-dividend-paying asset is currently 6% per annum. The price of this asset is currently £100.96 and the risk-free interest rate is 1.76% per annum with continuous compounding. Options on this asset are offered in the market. The underlying asset can be assumed to be infinite lived. Consider a European call option with a strike price equal to £99.3 and remaining time to maturity equal to 3 months. Using the continuous-time framework of Black-Scholes and Merton compute the risk-neutral probability of this option being exercised at maturity. Express your result as a number in the range from 0 to 1 and round your result to the fourth decimal.


The volatility of a non-dividend-paying asset is 6% per annum. The current price of this asset is £100.96, and the risk-free interest rate is 1.76% per annum, with continuous compounding. The underlying asset can be considered to be infinite lived. The risk-neutral probability of this option being exercised at maturity is 0.7059

Consider a European call option with a strike price of £99.3 and a remaining maturity of 3 months. We can use the Black-Scholes model to calculate the value of the call option. The Black-Scholes model is the cumulative distribution function (CDF) of the standard normal distribution.

The option is exercised only if S > K.The risk-neutral probability of the option being exercised can be determined by calculating mathcal {N}(d_2).

Now, we'll use the CDF of the standard normal distribution to calculate mathcal {N} (d_2) mathcal {N} (d_2) = Phi(d_2) = Phi(0.5433) = 0.7059 Therefore, the risk-neutral probability of this option being exercised at maturity is 0.7059 (rounded to four decimal places).

To learn more about "European call option" visit:


Alberta Inc. (Al) pays an annual dividend of $1.41 per share. If Al's stock is currently trading at $25.75 per share, and Al's expected growth rate is 6%, what is Al's expected retum? ROUND YOUR ANSWER TO AT LEAST TWO DECIMAL PLACES WITHOUT ANY SIGNS


The expected return of Alberta Inc. (Al) for the dividend of $1.41, stock price $25.75 and growth rate of 6% is equal to 0.1149.

Dividend = $1.41

Stock Price = $25.75

Growth Rate = 6% = 0.06

To calculate the expected return for Alberta Inc. (Al),

we can use the dividend discount model (DDM) formula, assuming a constant growth rate.

Expected Return = Dividend / Stock Price + Growth Rate

⇒Expected Return = $1.41 / $25.75 + 0.06

⇒Expected Return ≈ 0.0549 + 0.06

⇒Expected Return ≈ 0.1149

Therefore, Alberta Inc. (Al) have expected return of approximately 11.49%.

Learn more about expected return here


Using an online job search such as, or, find a current recruitment ad for a Board Director role (Board of Director or Board Member are other terms that might be used). Make sure the position is for the board of directors and not a management job with "director" in the job title. The board position could be volunteer or paid. 1. Read the ad carefully to compare the eligibility, competencies, and roles and responsibilities with what you studied in Module Five on corporate governance. a. Describe two ways in which the ad aligns with module five content and explain why you think it is a good example of the course content. b. Identify one thing that is missing from the ad that would be important to include to distinguish the role of the board from the role of management. 2. Explain, in your own words, why this organization needs a board of directors. (Note: This should be the main part of your answer so provide a complete explanation to show you understand governance.) 3. Provide a link to the ad.


1a. The following are two ways in which the Board Director role aligns with the Module Five content.

The board is responsible for defining the organization's mission, values, and direction. This aligns with the principles of corporate governance in which the board is responsible for developing a long-term vision and strategy for the organization.b. The board is responsible for managing risk. One of the key functions of the board is to ensure that the organization's activities are consistent with its goals while also mitigating potential risks.2. One thing that is missing from the ad that would be important to include to distinguish the role of the board from the role of management is the board's responsibility for overseeing management. It is crucial to note the board's role in setting goals and monitoring performance since it is distinct from the role of management, which is focused on implementing and executing the organization's strategy. 3. For the effective governance of any organization, there is a need for a board of directors. A board of directors is a group of people who are responsible for the strategic and operational decisions of a company. They oversee the performance of the company's management, hire and fire senior executives, approve budgets, and make key decisions that affect the company's direction. They work in the best interests of the company's stakeholders, including customers, employees, shareholders, and the community. Link:

To know more about Module visit :-


$5000 is invested at an APR of 4% for 10 years.
$20,000 is invested at an APR of 3.5% for 20 years.
$15,000 is invested at an APR of 3.2% for 25 years.


After 10 years, the first investment would grow to approximately $7,401.04, after 20 years, the second investment would grow to around $40,604.65, and after 25 years, the third investment would grow to roughly $37,167.54.

Let's calculate the future values of the investments using the formula for compound interest:

[tex]Future Value (FV) = Principal (P) × (1 + Annual Percentage Rate (APR)/n)^(n × Time)[/tex]

For the first investment of $5000 at an APR of 4% for 10 years, assuming it's compounded annually (n = 1), the future value would be:

FV1 = [tex]$5000 × (1 + 0.04/1)^(1 × 10) = $5000 × (1 + 0.04)^10 ≈ $7401.04[/tex]

For the second investment of $20,000 at an APR of 3.5% for 20 years, compounded annually:

FV2 =[tex]$20,000 × (1 + 0.035/1)^(1 × 20) = $20,000 × (1 + 0.035)^20[/tex] ≈ $40,604.65

Lastly, for the third investment of $15,000 at an APR of 3.2% for 25 years, compounded annually:

FV3 = $15,000 × [tex](1 + 0.032/1)^(1 × 25)[/tex] = $15,000 × [tex](1 + 0.032)^25[/tex] ≈ $37,167.54

To know more about investment  refer to-


Calculate the amount of money Meghan had to deposit in an investment fund growing at an interest rate of 3.50% compounded annually, to provide his daughter with $13,500 at the end of every year, for 2 years, throughout undergraduate studies.


Meghan needs to deposit approximately $6,621.62 in the investment fund to provide her daughter with $13,500 at the end of each year for 2 years during her undergraduate studies.

To calculate the amount of money Meghan needs to deposit in the investment fund, we can use the formula for the future value of an annuity:

FV = P * [(1 + r)^n - 1] / r


FV = Future value of the annuity

P = Annual payment or deposit

r = Interest rate per compounding period

n = Number of compounding periods

In this case, Meghan needs to provide her daughter with $13,500 at the end of each year for 2 years. The interest rate is 3.50% compounded annually.

Let's calculate the deposit amount (P):

FV = $13,500

r = 3.50% = 0.035

n = 2

$13,500 = P * [(1 + 0.035)^2 - 1] / 0.035

To find the value of P, we can rearrange the equation:

P = $13,500 * 0.035 / [(1 + 0.035)^2 - 1]

P = $13,500 * 0.035 / (1.035^2 - 1)

P = $13,500 * 0.035 / (1.071225 - 1)

P = $13,500 * 0.035 / 0.071225

P = $13,500 * 0.490266

P = $6,621.621

Learn more about investment fund here :-


how would the flow of communication in personal selling be categorized? group of answer choices it is easily duplicated through other channels. it entails a one-way flow of information from seller to buyer. the interaction is direct and two-way. there is often a delay in feedback from the buyer.


The flow of communication in personal selling can be categorized into direct and two-way interactions. This flow of communication is personal because it requires face-to-face interaction between the buyer and the seller. The correct answer is direct and two-way interactions.

Personal selling is a promotional activity that involves direct interaction between the seller and the prospective customer. It is different from other promotional activities, such as advertising, because it involves personal contact between the buyer and the seller. Personal selling is often used in situations where the product or service being sold is complex or requires a high level of customer involvement. It is also used in situations where the customer needs to be educated about the product or service.

The flow of communication in personal selling can be categorized as follows:

Direct and two-way interaction: The flow of communication in personal selling is direct because it involves face-to-face interaction between the buyer and the seller. It is two-way because it involves an exchange of information between the two parties.

Delay in feedback from the buyer: There is often a delay in feedback from the buyer in personal selling. This is because the buyer needs time to process the information provided by the seller.

The one-way flow of information from seller to buyer: This type of flow of communication is not used in personal selling because it is not effective in promoting the product or service being sold.

Easily duplicated through other channels: Personal selling is not easily duplicated through other channels because it involves personal interaction between the buyer and the seller.

To know more about Flow Of Communication visit:


Where are Bert and Ernie's consumption points located in relation to their PPFs? Where are they located in relation to the points you plotted previously, prior to trade, when Bert and Ernie were also consuming 3 heads of lettuce each? What does that tell us about gains from trade?


Bert and Ernie's consumption points are located on their respective production possibilities frontiers (PPFs). Prior to trade, their consumption points were also at 3 heads of lettuce each.

Bert and Ernie's consumption points are located on their PPFs, which represent the maximum combinations of goods they can produce. These points indicate their initial consumption levels prior to trade. In the scenario where Bert and Ernie were both consuming 3 heads of lettuce each, their consumption points were on their respective PPFs at that level. This implies that before trade, Bert and Ernie were consuming only what they were individually capable of producing.

However, gains from trade allow Bert and Ernie to consume beyond their individual production possibilities. Trade enables them to specialize in the production of goods in which they have a comparative advantage and then exchange the surplus with each other. By doing so, they can both reach consumption points that are outside of their individual PPFs. This demonstrates the concept of gains from trade, where mutually beneficial exchanges allow individuals to consume more than what they can produce on their own.

To know more about production possibilities frontiers click here


Elly purchased 44 shares of Oracle Corp. in June 2019 at $56.12 per share. By June 2020, Oracle was worth $54.40 and had paid $0.24 per share in dividends 4 times. What was Elly's total dollar return on her investment in Oracle?
Multiple Choice
a. -$33.44
b. -$65.12
c. -$75.68
d. -$0.76
e. -$65.12


Elly's total dollar return on her investment in Oracle is -$33.44.

To calculate Elly's total dollar return on her investment in Oracle, we need to consider both the capital gain/loss and the dividends received.

Capital gain/loss:

The capital gain/loss per share can be calculated as the difference between the selling price and the purchase price:

Capital gain/loss per share = Selling price - Purchase price

= $54.40 - $56.12

= -$1.72 (negative value indicates a loss)

Total capital gain/loss = Capital gain/loss per share * Number of shares

= -$1.72 * 44

= -$75.68

Dividends received:

Total dividends received = Dividend per share * Number of shares * Number of dividend payments

= $0.24 * 44 * 4

= $42.24

Total dollar return = Total capital gain/loss + Total dividends received

= -$75.68 + $42.24

= -$33.44

Therefore, Elly's total dollar return on her investment in Oracle is -$33.44.

The correct answer is option a. -$33.44.

Learn more about investment here:


Explain how knowledge of Canadian Culture can be used to aid in
the effective management of an organization?


Knowledge of Canadian culture can be used to aid in the effective management of an organization in various ways.

What is the reason?

This is because the understanding of Canadian culture, as well as the language, is important for companies that are operating in Canada.

Here are some ways in which knowledge of Canadian culture can be used to aid in the effective management of an organization:

1. Enhances communication- Communication is an essential aspect of organizational management. Effective communication helps managers to understand the needs of their employees, to establish trust, and to maintain good relationships. When managers have a good understanding of Canadian culture, they are better equipped to communicate with their employees, customers, and other stakeholders.

2. Supports diversity management- Canada is a multicultural society with different ethnicities and languages. Therefore, knowledge of Canadian culture can be used to create a diverse and inclusive workplace. Managers who are knowledgeable about Canadian culture can help to create an environment where employees from diverse backgrounds feel valued and supported. This can enhance employee productivity and job satisfaction.

3. Facilitates stakeholder relations- Knowledge of Canadian culture can be used to build better relationships with stakeholders. By understanding the values, beliefs, and customs of Canadian society, managers can tailor their communication and interactions with stakeholders to create a more favorable impression. This can lead to increased trust, support, and cooperation from stakeholders.

4. Helps with decision making- Effective decision making is essential for organizational success. When managers have a good understanding of Canadian culture, they are better equipped to make informed decisions that take into account the cultural and social context.

This can help to avoid misunderstandings, misinterpretations, and conflicts.

Overall, knowledge of Canadian culture can be used to aid in the effective management of an organization by enhancing communication, supporting diversity management, facilitating stakeholder relations, and helping with decision making.

To know more on Culture visit:


Suppose that the economy is well described by the New-Keynesian with partial sticky prices. Assume that the zero lower bound on nominal interest rate is binding. In your answer below, keep in mind the consumers' and firms' optimal decisions that give rise to the model and explain how and why agents' decisions change. a) Bank runs generate a large increase in spreads ft in the economy. What are the effects on aggregate outcomes (Y, P, r)? How does it compare to the case where the ZLB is not binding? Use diagram to support your answer
b) The Central bank, as lender of last resort, decides to inject large amounts of money into financial institutions. Analyse the transmission mechanism of this policy action as well as its effects on output and price level.


When bank runs occur, it means that people are losing confidence in the banking system and are withdrawing their deposits. This can lead to a shortage of liquidity in the economy, which can make it difficult for firms to borrow money and invest.

As a result, output can fall and prices can rise. The effects of bank runs are more severe when the zero lower bound (ZLB) is binding. This is because the central bank cannot lower interest rates to stimulate the economy. As a result, the only way for the central bank to increase aggregate demand is to increase the money supply. However, this can lead to inflation. The effects of this policy action on output and prices will depend on a number of factors, including the size of the money injection, the state of the economy, and the expectations of economic agents.

In general, however, we can expect to see an increase in output and prices when the central bank injects large amounts of money into financial institutions.

To know more about New-Keynesian, click here:-


Suppose that a new technology increases MPL but does not change anything else (w, r, MPK, etc.).

A) How will a firm adjust K and L?

B) As the firm adjusts K and L, what will happen to MPK and MPL?


The correct answer is the firm will continue adjusting K and L until the marginal product of labour and capital is equal to the cost of labour and capital.

A) When MPL is increased due to new technology, the firm will increase its labour and reduce capital. With increased MPL, the marginal revenue product of labour (MRPL) rises. This in turn leads to an increase in the demand for labor, causing a rightward shift in the labor demand curve. The price of labor (wage rate) goes up and the price of capital (interest rate) goes down. This happens because the cost of production reduces, which leads to an increase in the firm's profits.

B)As the firm adjusts K and L, the marginal product of labour and capital (MPL and MPK) changes in opposite directions. As the firm increases the amount of labour, MPL increases because the firm can now produce more output with the same amount of capital. Conversely, when the firm reduces the amount of capital, the marginal product of capital (MPK) declines because the firm is using more and more labour to produce the same amount of output. The law of diminishing returns applies here, and as a result, as the firm continues to add labour while reducing capital, MPL eventually falls. Similarly, as the firm increases capital while reducing labour, MPK increases and then eventually falls. The firm will continue adjusting K and L until the marginal product of labour and capital is equal to the cost of labour and capital.

know more about marginal product


when the quick ratios is more than the industry average at 1.76 quick ratio and the the industry average is 1.72. explain the company position in this case and the reason


When a company's quick ratio is greater than the industry average, it indicates that the company is in a good financial position. In this case, with a quick ratio of 1.76 compared to the industry average of 1.72, the company's liquidity position is stronger than that of its peers.

The quick ratio is a measure of a company's liquidity position. It calculates the ability of a company to meet its short-term financial obligations using its most liquid assets. In other words, it assesses how well a company can pay its immediate liabilities with its quick assets. The quick assets of a company include cash, accounts receivable, and marketable securities. To sum it up, a company with a quick ratio greater than the industry average is in a good position to meet its short-term financial obligations. A quick ratio greater than 1 indicates that a company can cover its short-term liabilities without selling off its inventory. Therefore, the company can have more cash on hand to invest in its operations, pay off debts, or even distribute to its shareholders.

To know more about financial visit:


15. Orgaizational barriers to effective communication consist of: A. Conflicting signals B. Status differences C. Poor listening skilks D. Reclutance to communicate 16. Departmentalization is job grouping by: A. Customer, product, functional, work teams B. Customer, product, location, work teams C. Customer, product, location, functional D. Customer, location, functional, work teams. 17. One of individual skill to overcome barriers to communication is: A. Understand the richness of media B. Regulate information flow. c. Follow up D. Encourage two way communication 18. Stages of group development are: A. Forming, storming, norming, standarsizing B. Forming, storming, norming, performing C. Forming, storming, performing, determining D. Forming, storming, standardizing, determining 19. Standing plan excludes the following plan: A. Polciy B. Standard operating procedure C. Rules and regulations. D. Program 20. Emotional Intelligence excludes: A. Self-awareness. B. Managing emotions C. Empathy D. Self-efficacy


The organizational barriers to effective communication consist of conflicting signals, status differences, poor listening skills, and reluctance to communicate.

Conflicting signals occur when different messages or signals are sent, leading to confusion. Status differences refer to the hierarchical positions within an organization, which can hinder open communication. Poor listening skills hinder understanding and effective communication. Reluctance to communicate arises when individuals are hesitant or unwilling to express their thoughts or ideas openly. Overcoming these barriers requires addressing and resolving conflicting signals, promoting a culture of open communication regardless of status, improving listening skills, and encouraging a supportive environment for communication.

16. Departmentalization involves job grouping by customer, product, location, and work teams.

Explanation: Departmentalization refers to the process of dividing an organization into different departments or units. It can be done based on various criteria. In this case, job grouping is done according to customer segments, products or services offered, physical location or geography, and work teams or functional areas. This helps to streamline operations, improve coordination within each department, and enhance efficiency in delivering products or services to specific customer groups.

17. One individual skill to overcome communication barriers is encouraging two-way communication.

Encouraging two-way communication means promoting a dialogue where both the sender and the receiver actively participate in the exchange of information or ideas. This skill helps overcome communication barriers by fostering mutual understanding, clarifying misunderstandings, and ensuring that both parties have an opportunity to express themselves. It enables effective feedback, encourages active listening, and creates a collaborative environment that promotes better communication and problem-solving.

18. The stages of group development are forming, storming, norming, and performing.

The stages of group development describe the typical progression that groups go through when working together. Forming is the initial stage where members come together, establish goals, and get acquainted. Storming is characterized by conflicts, differences of opinion, and power struggles within the group. Norming involves the development of norms, roles, and cohesion among group members. Performing is the stage where the group functions at its most productive level, with clear roles, effective communication, and successful collaboration towards achieving goals.

19. Standing plans exclude the following plan: Program.

Standing plans refer to pre-established guidelines or procedures that provide ongoing guidance for routine and repetitive activities. They include policies, standard operating procedures (SOPs), and rules and regulations. However, programs are not typically considered standing plans. Programs are generally specific, time-bound initiatives or projects designed to achieve a particular objective and are distinct from the ongoing operational guidelines provided by standing plans.

20. Emotional Intelligence excludes self-efficacy.

Emotional Intelligence (EI) refers to the ability to recognize, understand, and manage one's own emotions as well as the emotions of others. It comprises several components, including self-awareness, managing emotions, and empathy. However, self-efficacy, which relates to an individual's belief in their own capabilities to successfully execute specific tasks or achieve goals, is not a component of emotional intelligence. Self-efficacy focuses more on self-confidence and competence in task performance rather than emotional awareness and interpersonal skills.

Learn more about policies here:


Explain the significance of responsibility centers in healthcare financial management.
Describe a challenge in managing a responsibility center.
Evaluate the responsibility center you work in, and explain how income is generated and costs are controlled.


The significance of responsibility centers in healthcare financial management lies in their ability to allocate financial and operational accountability to specific departments or units within a healthcare organization, enabling better cost control, performance evaluation, and decision-making.

Responsibility centers in healthcare financial management are organizational units or departments that are responsible for specific functions and are accountable for their financial performance. These centers help in breaking down the complex healthcare organization into manageable units, allowing for focused financial management.

One significant benefit of responsibility centers is that they facilitate cost control and budget management. By assigning financial responsibility to specific units, such as departments or clinics, healthcare organizations can track and manage costs more effectively. This enables better control over expenditures, identification of cost-saving opportunities, and ensures that resources are allocated efficiently.

Responsibility centers also play a crucial role in performance evaluation. By evaluating the financial performance of each center, healthcare organizations can identify areas of success and areas needing improvement. This information helps in setting benchmarks, establishing targets, and providing incentives for performance improvement.

However, one challenge in managing a responsibility center is balancing the need for autonomy with the overall organizational goals. Each center may have its own priorities and objectives, which can sometimes conflict with the organization's broader goals. Effective communication, coordination, and alignment of goals are essential to address this challenge.

In my responsibility center, income is generated through patient services such as consultations, diagnostic tests, and procedures. The revenue is primarily generated from patient billings, insurance reimbursements, and government funding. Costs are controlled through efficient resource utilization, careful management of supplies and medications, staffing optimization, and adherence to budgetary guidelines. Regular monitoring of financial performance, cost analysis, and collaboration with other departments are key strategies for maintaining financial stability and achieving cost control objectives.

learn more about financial management here:


Report 2000 words.
Topic Report: "Does free trade add value or simply redistribute wealth?"
My outline:
Free trade trend in today's world (or Globalisation)
Free trade benefits the economy in general and each individual's interests in particular → provides greater value than just redistribute wealth
Free Trade Definition + general advantages (and Free Trade Agreements - FTA?)
How free trade adds value to the economy (For)
Opponents of Free Trade (Against)
Opinions: Despite certain free trade drawbacks, unrestrained commerce provides significant benefits to the individual participating.
This is my currently outline as well as my ideas. Please help me to fix my outline (Is it ok or not?) and are there any ideas for this topic report??


Free trade is the exchange of goods and services between countries without any restrictions. It is a major trend in today's globalized economy. Free trade can add value to the economy by increasing efficiency.

Free trade can add value to the economy in a number of ways. First, it can increase efficiency by allowing countries to specialize in the production of goods and services that they are relatively good at producing. This specialization can lead to lower costs and higher quality goods and services. Second, free trade can lower prices by increasing competition. When there is more competition, businesses have to lower their prices in order to attract customers. Third, free trade can promote innovation by giving businesses access to new markets and new technologies. This can lead to new products and services being developed, which can boost economic growth.

However, free trade can also lead to a redistribution of wealth. This is because some groups of people are more likely to benefit from free trade than others. For example, workers in industries that are exposed to foreign competition may lose their jobs. These workers may then have to find lower-paying jobs in other industries. Additionally, some groups of people may benefit from free trade more than others. For example, consumers may benefit from lower prices, while businesses may benefit from increased profits.

To learn more about Globalisation here


____________ typically advocate for social justice, affirmative action, and a market economy tempered by government intervention.


The individuals or organizations that typically advocate for social justice, affirmative action, and a market economy tempered by government intervention are known as progressives.

Progressivism is a political and social ideology that emerged in the United States in the late 19th century. Progressives believe in reforming society by making it more fair, just, and equitable. They believe that government has a role to play in promoting social welfare, regulating the economy, and protecting the environment.Progressives advocate for social justice, which means promoting fairness and equal opportunity for all members of society. They believe that everyone should have access to education, healthcare, and basic necessities of life, regardless of their race, gender, or social status. They also support affirmative action, which is a policy that promotes diversity and inclusion by giving preference to underrepresented groups in education, employment, and other areas.Progressives believe that government has a role to play in regulating the economy to ensure that it serves the needs of all people, not just the wealthy and powerful. They support a market economy, but one that is tempered by government intervention to prevent abuses of power and protect consumers and workers. For example, they may support regulations on banks, corporations, and other entities to prevent them from engaging in practices that harm the public interest.In conclusion, progressives are individuals or organizations that advocate for social justice, affirmative action, and a market economy tempered by government intervention. They believe that government has a role to play in promoting the common good and creating a fair and just society.

To know more about progressives visit:


1- What are Porter's "five forces"?
2- Use the five forces model to illustrate competition in the
newspaper industry.
Are some competitors better positioned to withstand this
environment than others?


Porter's "five forces" is a framework developed by Michael Porter to analyze and assess the competitive forces in an industry.

The five forces are as follows:

a) Threat of new entrants: The ease with which new competitors can enter the industry and potentially disrupt the existing market share.

b) Bargaining power of suppliers: The ability of suppliers to dictate terms, prices, and quality of inputs to the industry.

c) Bargaining power of buyers: The influence of buyers in negotiating better prices, terms, and conditions from the industry.

d) Threat of substitute products or services: The availability of alternative products or services that can fulfill the same customer needs.

e) Intensity of competitive rivalry: The level of competition among existing firms in the industry.

Applying the five forces model to the newspaper industry:

a) Threat of new entrants: The newspaper industry has relatively low barriers to entry, as digital technologies have made it easier for new players to distribute news content online. However, established newspapers with strong brand recognition and loyal readership may have an advantage.

b) Bargaining power of suppliers: The suppliers in the newspaper industry include journalists, writers, and printing companies. The bargaining power of suppliers may be relatively low as there are many skilled individuals and printing options available.

c) Bargaining power of buyers: The buyers in the newspaper industry are the readers and advertisers. With the rise of digital media, readers have more options and can easily switch to other sources of news. Advertisers also have more platforms to choose from, reducing their dependence on newspapers.

d) Threat of substitute products or services: The newspaper industry faces significant threats from online news sources, social media, and other digital platforms. These alternatives provide real-time news updates, interactivity, and personalized content, which can be more appealing to certain segments of readers.

e) Intensity of competitive rivalry: The newspaper industry is highly competitive, with numerous newspapers vying for readers and advertisers. This competition has intensified with the digital transformation of the industry.

Regarding whether some competitors are better positioned to withstand this environment than others, it depends on various factors such as brand reputation, digital capabilities, financial resources, and the ability to adapt to changing consumer preferences. Established newspapers that have successfully transitioned to digital platforms, built strong online presence, and developed innovative revenue models may be better positioned to withstand the challenges compared to traditional print-centric newspapers that have been slow to adapt.

Learn more about analyze here


The field of marketing research has seen enormous changes in the last few years because of:
The increase in the amounts of data to which retailers, service providers, and manufacturers have access.
Their ability to collect these data from transactions, customer relationship management (CRM) systems, websites, and social media platforms that firms increasingly use to engage with their customers.
The ease of collecting and storing these data.
All the above.


The field of marketing research has seen enormous changes in the last few years because of the increase in the amounts of data to which retailers, service providers, and manufacturers have access.

their ability to collect these data from transactions, customer relationship management (CRM) systems, websites, and social media platforms that firms increasingly use to engage with their customers, and the ease of collecting and storing these data. The correct option is All the above.Marketing research is a critical component of marketing strategy. It is the study of consumer behavior, market trends, and competitor activity. Marketing research's ultimate objective is to assist businesses in making informed decisions about product development, pricing, promotions, and distribution.

The increase in the amounts of data to which retailers, service providers, and manufacturers have access:The quantity of data available to companies and researchers has risen dramatically as a result of advances in technology. They now have access to a wealth of consumer data that they can use to gain insights into customer behavior, preferences, and demands.The ability to collect these data from transactions, customer relationship management (CRM) systems, websites, and social media platforms that firms increasingly use to engage with their customers:Advances in technology have also made it easier for firms to gather data. Transactions, CRM systems, websites, and social media platforms are examples of data sources. Customers' interactions with businesses on these platforms provide valuable insights into their purchasing habits and preferences.

To know more about marketing visit:


12. Consider the following rules: IF a = 10 R1 AND b = 15 THEN c = 20 IF b = 15 R2 AND a = 10 THEN c = 20 Are these two rules redundant? Why? Which rule is made redundant by the other?


The given rules are not redundant. The reason being both the rules are considered as different rules because of the different order of the condition of the rules. None of the rules is made redundant by the other.

Redundancy occurs when two or more rules have exactly the same conditions or they generate the same output. However, that is not the case in the given scenario. Hence, neither of the rules is made redundant by the other.  Explanation:Redundancy in rules is very important to detect and remove.

It is because redundant rules take unnecessary memory space, and they also affect the performance of the system. As per the given rules, the condition of rule R1 is "IF a = 10 AND b = 15

THEN c = 20", whereas the condition of rule R2 is "IF b = 15 AND a = 10 THEN c = 20".

Therefore, the order of conditions in the rules is different, making both the rules different from each other.

To know more about Redundancy click on below link:


uperlicious Cookies produces various types of ready to eat cookies. One of his famous and top selling sambal is called Chocolicious cookies. However, few weeks ago, the company’s is having problem with the quality of this product, where their cookies become sluggish before the expiring date. Construct a cause and effect diagram that has six causes and other sub-causes to this problem.


The effect of the quality issue with Chocolicious cookies is sluggish cookies. The causes can be categorized under 6 headings, including materials, methods, machines, environment, measurement, and people.

A cause and effect diagram, also known as an Ishikawa diagram or fishbone diagram, can help determine the underlying causes of a problem. In this case, the quality issue with the Chocolicious cookies has resulted in sluggish cookies. Six main categories can be identified, with sub-causes branching off each category.

These categories are materials, methods, machines, environment, measurement, and people. Some of the sub-causes that can be considered under each category are as follows: Materials: Expired ingredients Inconsistent quality of ingredients Methods: Inefficient mixing process inaccurate recipe measurements Machines: Faulty oven calibration Lack of maintenance of the microenvironment: Inadequate storage of ingredients Inadequate temperature control Measurement: Inaccurate measurement of ingredients lack of quality control testing people: Inadequate training of staff Inadequate supervision of staff

To know more about the effect diagram visit:


When the cost of an item increases by 10%, the average inventory of the item

Decreases by more than 10%

Increases by 10%

Decreases by less than 10%

Decreases by 10%


When the cost of an item increases by 10%, the average inventory of the item decreases by less than 10%. The correct answer is (c).

When the cost of an item increases by 10%, the average inventory of the item will decrease by a smaller percentage than the cost increase. This is because the average inventory is typically valued at the original cost of the items in stock, not the increased cost. Therefore, the average inventory value will not increase by the full 10% cost increase, resulting in a decrease that is less than 10%.

As a result, the average inventory decreases, but the decrease is less than the 10% cost increase.

For more information on "Average inventory",


how changpeng zhao is special in his career and how did he affected people around him?


Changpeng Zhao, popularly known as CZ, is a renowned entrepreneur and innovator who has impacted the world of cryptocurrency. He is the CEO of Binance, one of the world's leading cryptocurrency exchange platforms that allow users to trade digital currencies.CZ's vision of creating a cryptocurrency exchange platform that would provide its users with top-notch security and high-speed transactions has contributed to the company's success.

Binance has risen to be among the world's largest cryptocurrency exchanges, which has brought CZ into the limelight. His career has been marked by several accolades, including being featured on the Forbes List of Billionaires in 2021.CZ has also impacted those around him, primarily through his philanthropic activities.

Know more about cryptocurrency here:


Analysts predict that short-term interest rates over the next 4 years will be as follows: 4.4%, 8.5%, 9%, and 3.5%, respectively. According to expectations theory, the yield on a discount bond with a three year maturity will be and yield on bond with a four year maturity will be O7.3%; 6.35% O 7.3%; 5.55% O7.44%: 6.35% O7.44%; 5.55%


According to expectations theory, the yield on a discount bond with a three-year maturity will be 7.44%, and the yield on bond with a four-year maturity will be 6.35%.

Expectations theory states that investors' expectations about future interest rates determine the current yield curve. According to the theory, the yield on a bond should be equal to the average expected short-term interest rate over the life of the bond, plus a risk premium associated with the bond. The yield on a three-year discount bond is calculated as follows: 7.44% = (4.4 + 8.5 + 9) / 3.

The yield on a four-year discount bond is calculated as follows: 6.35% = (4.4 + 8.5 + 9 + 3.5) / 4Therefore, the correct option is O7.44%; 6.35%.

To Know more about risk premium


What do you understand by the term "state monopoly
capitalist ?" Discuss the weaknesses and strengths of the state
monopoly capitalism.
Note: It should be 5-6 pages with Atleast 8


State monopoly capitalism refers to a situation where the government has control over the capitalist system, and the state's decisions regarding the economy become the most significant determinant of economic growth and development.

This economic system occurs when a government has a monopoly over essential goods and services that are critical to economic growth, such as utilities, transport, communication, and raw materials.

The state, in such a system, is the principal actor in the economy, making decisions on behalf of the capitalist class that controls production, distribution, and exchange.

Strengths of state monopoly capitalism

1. Control over the market
One of the benefits of state monopoly capitalism is that the government has complete control over the market and the economy. The state is in charge of the production and distribution of goods and services, which allows it to intervene in any market crisis, increase or decrease prices, and regulate the supply and demand of goods.

2. Increased Government Revenues
State monopoly capitalism leads to an increase in government revenues. Since the government has control over the economy, it can set prices and increase taxes on goods and services. This results in a more robust and stable economy with a steady flow of revenues to the state.

Weaknesses of state monopoly capitalism

1. Corruption and inefficiency
State monopoly capitalism is associated with corruption, inefficiency, and bureaucracy. The government's monopoly over the economy creates a lack of competition, which means that there are fewer incentives for innovation, quality control, and cost-cutting measures. This leads to inefficiencies, delays, and waste, which results in poor quality goods and services and higher prices.

2. Reduction of personal freedoms
State monopoly capitalism can lead to a reduction of personal freedoms. When the government controls the economy, it can impose restrictions on individual liberties, such as the freedom of speech and assembly. The government's control over the economy can also lead to a reduction of innovation and creativity since the government imposes specific guidelines and procedures.

In conclusion, state monopoly capitalism is an economic system where the state has control over the economy. It is an economic system that has its strengths and weaknesses. However, as much as the system may have its benefits, the weaknesses are greater than the benefits.

Learn more about capitalism at:


A surplus in the balance of trade or in the balance on current account (assume they're the same for this question) implies that The country's volume of employment is expanding. The country is lending to foreigners more than foreigners are lending to it. The country is spending on goods and services more than it is earning from producing them. The country is accumulating reserves of foreign currency.


A surplus in the balance of trade or in the balance on the current account implies that the country is earning more from exporting goods and services than it is spending on importing them.

The balance of trade or the balance on the current account is a measure of a country's trade in goods and services with the rest of the world. It takes into account the value of exports and imports.

A surplus in the balance of trade or on the current account occurs when the value of exports exceeds the value of imports. This means that the country is earning more from selling its goods and services to other countries than it is spending on purchasing goods and services from abroad.

The options provided are as follows:

A. The country's volume of employment is expanding.

B. The country is lending to foreigners more than foreigners are lending to it.

C. The country is spending on goods and services more than it is earning from producing them.

D. The country is accumulating reserves of foreign currency.

Based on the explanation above, option C is the correct answer. A surplus in the balance of trade or on the current account indicates that the country is spending less on imports than it is earning from exports, resulting in a surplus of funds. This surplus can be used to accumulate reserves of foreign currency, which is option D.

In summary, a surplus in the balance of trade or on the current account implies that the country is earning more from exporting goods and services than it is spending on importing them, leading to an accumulation of reserves of foreign currency.

To know more about surplus , visit


General Lithograph Corporation uses no preferred stock. Their capital structure uses 26% debt (hint: the rest is equity). Their marginal tax rate is 37.57%. Their before-tax cost of debt is 4.36%. General Lithograph's stock is expected to pay a dividend per share of $1.49 next year, and their dividend is expected to grow at 2.09% over the long-run. Their stock currently trades at $79.92 per share. What is General Lithograph's weighted average cost of capital (WACC)?


To calculate General Lithograph Corporation's weighted average cost of capital (WACC), we need to determine the weights of debt and equity in their capital structure.

Debt ratio: 26% (equity ratio will be 100% - 26% = 74%)
Before-tax cost of debt: 4.36%
Marginal tax rate: 37.57%
Dividend per share next year: $1.49
Dividend growth rate: 2.09%
Stock price: $79.92 per share
First, let's calculate the after-tax cost of debt:
After-tax cost of debt = Before-tax cost of debt × (1 - Tax rate)
After-tax cost of debt = 4.36% × (1 - 0.3757)
After-tax cost of debt = 2.7276%
Next, let's calculate the cost of equity using the Dividend Discount Model (DDM):
Cost of equity = Dividend per share / Stock price + Dividend growth rate
Cost of equity = $1.49 / $79.92 + 2.09%
Cost of equity = 0.0187 + 0.0209
Cost of equity = 0.0396 or 3.96%
Now, we can calculate the WACC using the weighted average of the after-tax cost of debt and the cost of equity:
WACC = (Weight of debt × After-tax cost of debt) + (Weight of equity × Cost of equity)
WACC = (0.26 × 2.7276%) + (0.74 × 3.96%)
WACC = 0.7087% + 2.9264%
WACC = 3.6351% or 0.0364 (rounded to 4 decimal places)
Therefore, General Lithograph Corporation's weighted average cost of capital (WACC) is approximately 3.64%.

To know more about equity ratio, click here


Assume that due to a sudden change in preferences, there is a temporary increase in the demand for money in Australia that increases R$ and appreciates Australian Dollar against the Euro. As a result, the aggregate output in Australia falls below output at full employment. What, according to the DD-AA model, is the best policy response to increase aggregate output (in the short-run) to the full employment level without causing large changes in the exchange rate? Assume that neither the demand shock nor the temporary change in policy has any effect on expectations about future exchange rates. Assume that any temporary policy changes affect output immediately. Finally, assume Australia has a floating exchange rate regime. A. Australian government pursues a temporary expansionary fiscal policy B. Australian government pursues a temporary contractionary fiscal policy C. The Reserve Bank of Australia pursues a temporary expansionary monetary policy
D. The Reserve Bank of Australia pursues a temporary contractionary monetary policy E. It is optimal not to react to temporary changes in money demand


According to the DD-AA model, the best policy response to increase aggregate output in the short run to the full employment level without causing large changes in the exchange rate, considering the given scenario, would be:

C. The Reserve Bank of Australia pursues a temporary expansionary monetary policy.

In this situation, the temporary increase in the demand for money has appreciated the Australian Dollar and led to a decrease in aggregate output below the full employment level. To increase aggregate output without causing large changes in the exchange rate, the Reserve Bank of Australia can pursue an expansionary monetary policy.

By implementing expansionary monetary policy, the central bank can lower interest rates and increase the money supply. This would encourage borrowing and investment, stimulate consumption, and boost aggregate demand. The increased spending and investment can help to raise aggregate output towards the full employment level.

The advantage of pursuing expansionary monetary policy in this case is that it can target domestic economic conditions specifically, without directly affecting the exchange rate. By maintaining a floating exchange rate regime, the central bank allows the exchange rate to adjust to market forces while focusing on domestic output stabilization.

It is important to note that fiscal policy, as mentioned in option A, could also be used to address the situation. However, fiscal policy may have larger and more direct effects on the exchange rate, while monetary policy can be implemented more flexibly and quickly to stabilize output without causing significant exchange rate movements.

To know more about DD-AA model click this link -


Other Questions
A ball is thrown upward from the top of a 21.3-m-tall building. The ball's initial speed is 12.3 m/s. At the same instant, a person is running on the ground at a distance of 35.6 m from the building. What must be the average speed of the person if he is to catch the ball at the bottom of the building? Please show all work and give answer in 3 significant figures! Thank you I will rate well Suppose a friend is taking an economics course at another college or university and his professor uses a different textbook. Your friend, after learning about monopolies and the lost gains from trade that result from monopolies, becomes very agitated about firms with market power, and he makes this statement: "It should be strictly forbidden for any company, in any market, to have more than 50% market share-market power like this always leads to higher prices, deadweight loss, and inefficiency!" After you calm him down, how would you respond to this statement? Select all accurate responses.a A firm may have a large market share because it is outcompeting other firms. If other firms can similarly innovate, then they will increase their market share, bringing better products at lower prices. b Significant market share is transient. If a firm is using market power to earn significant profits, then other firms will eventually enter the market and bring down prices.c A credible threat of competition can force firms with large market shares to behave competitively.d With some network goods, using a universal standard can increase efficiency.e In many cases, market power leads to high prices, deadweight loss, and inefficiency. Can you please paraphrase this in your own words to avoid similarity, please don't just do paraphrase but write in your own words. ThanksThe decision to leave the EU is a mix of "UK" and "presence." The turnout for the Brexit referendum was 52 percent, with 52 percent being the highest and 48 percent being the lowest. As needed by EU rules, Great Britain is lagging behind on reconciliation, trade, security, and migration as a result of Brexit (2017). Following the Brexit vote (which played a crucial part). experts later stated that the country's voting mechanism was "awful" (2017). Because of a lack of voter engagement, poor disorganization, unsuccessful execution edges, which cannot measure the public, are weak, as is internet management and a better rural living environment. The impact of the Brexit vote is quickly reflected in the money market. Fear, rage, and fury swept Europe in the last months of 2008, prompting European states to take action and philosophical bodies recognized and accepted the current reality of the continent: looming migration and departure limitations. Europe's politics have shifted dramatically. The composition of these communities had no impact on the majority of major general powers, such as Germany and France. Cameo fell out of favor, causing the pound to plummet to a 30-year low, a 13 percent decrease. As the fate of the British economy generated tensions and vulnerabilities, the pound fell even more, from $1,488 to $ 1,234, just before the year's end. Following in the footsteps of the EU. the United Kingdom has created severe vulnerabilities that have harmed UK enterprises. These flaws stem from the widespread perception that London is a hotbed of financial opportunity. despite the fact that migration has remained low. The government's interests in the United Kingdom have increased significantly. Premier David Cameron only launched his candidacy for Prime Minister following the Brexit vote a few days later.After Brexit, the United Kingdom has a number of options of alternative. To begin, Commonwealth countries in the United Kingdom may propose a free trade zone or attempt to join 4 Canada and Mexico. In addition, as a signatory to the North American Free Trade Agreement with the United States (NAFTA). Of course, the EU is also striving to lower trade barriers with the rest of the world, such as through the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) accord. which is now being discussed with the US. Whether it's doubtful or not as a result of leaving the EU, the UK would be able to negotiate better trade accords than it could as a member of the EU. 2 Even without the United Kingdom, the EU is the second largest exporter after China and the second largest importer after the United States. As a result, the EU is appealing. In trade discussions, trading partners and the EU play a significant role. Since then, the United Kingdom has been a member of the European Union. Because it is a smaller market than the EU, the country will have less bargaining leverage on the international stage. Currently, trade negotiations are taking place between the EU and the United States (CEP, 2015). Coronado Industries incurred the following costs for 56000 units:Variablecosts $336000Fixed costs 392000Coronado has received a special order from a foreign company for 2500 units. There is sufficient capacity to fill the order without jeopardizing regular sales. Filling the order will require spending an additional $5000 for shipping.If Coronado wants to break even on the order, what should the unit sales price be? $15.00O $13.00O $6.00O $8.00 Use the knowledge you have gained throughout this course to answer the following question: You must write in full sentences. Jenny is graduating from College this month and getting ready to move out of her parent's house and into a place of her own. Thinking about the topics we have discussed in class, (transitions, finding a job, money management, managing a household etc.) what should Jenny do to prepare herself for this transition? What advice can you give her? Discuss thoroughly all the questions ask below:6. Coleman Technologies is considering a major expansion program that has been proposed by the companys information technology group. Before proceeding with the expansion, the company must estimate its cost of capital. Suppose you are an assistant to Jerry Lehman, the financial vice president. Your first task is to estimate Colemans cost of capital. Lehman has provided you with the following data, which he believes may be relevant to your task. The firms tax rate is 40%. The current price of Colemans 12% coupon, semiannual payment, noncallable bonds with 15 years remaining to maturity is $1,153 72. Coleman does not use short-term interest-bearing debt on a permanent basis. New bonds would be privately placed with no flotation cost. The current price of the firms 10%, $100 00 par value, quarterly dividend, perpetual preferred stock is $111 10. Colemans common stock is currently selling for $50 00 per share. Its last dividend D0 was $4 19,and dividends are expected to grow at a constant annual rate of 5% in the foreseeable future. Colemans beta is 1 2, the yield on T-bonds is 7%, and the market risk premium is estimated to be6%. For the bond-yield-plus-risk-premium approach, the firm uses a risk premium of 4%. Colemans target capital structure is 30% debt, 10% preferred stock, and 60% common equity. To structure the task somewhat, Lehman has asked you to answer the following questions.6.1What sources of capital should be included when you estimate Colemans WACC?6.2 Should the component costs be figured on a before-tax or an after-tax basis?6.3 Should the costs be historical (embedded) costs or new (marginal) costs?6.4 What is the market interest rate on Colemans debt and its component cost of debt?6.5 What is the firms cost of preferred stock?6.6 Colemans preferred stock is riskier to investors than its debt, yet the preferreds yield to investors is lower than the yield to maturity on the debt. Does this suggest that you have made a mistake?6.7 Why is there a cost associated with retained earnings?6.8 What is Colemans estimated cost of common equity using the CAPM approach?6.9 Coleman estimates that if it issues new common stock, the flotation cost will be 15%. Coleman incorporates the flotation costs into the DCF approach. What is the estimated cost of newly issued common stock, considering the flotation cost?6.10 What is Colemans overall, or weighted average, cost of capital (WACC)? Ignore flotation costs. QUESTION 1 For each of the training situations, match the most appropriate training method. Role-playing Programmed learning In-basket exercise Job rotation Behavior modeling Manag WebHelper Inc. acquired 100% of the outstanding stock of Silicon Chips Corporation (SCC) for 45.1 million, of which $15.2 million was allocated to goodwill. At the end of the current fiscal year, an impairment test revealed the following: fair value of SCC, $44.3 million; book value of SCC's net assets (including goodwill), $42.3 million. million Check my work What amount of impairment loss should WebHelper recognize? (Enter your answers in millions (i.e., 10,000,000 should be entered as 10).) Quiz, Civilization and ItsDiscontents1. True or False: Freud assertsthat the purpose of life (that is, not a specific individual life,but human life in the abstract, in general) is a fundamental assume there is an annuity with four payment, with the first payment occurring one year from now. each payment is $3,000. q2. jane reed bakes breads and cakes in her home for parties and other affairs on a contract basis. jane has only one oven for baking. one particular monday morning she finds that she has agreed to complete six jobs for that day. her husband john will make deliveries, which require about 15 minutes each. suppose that she begins baking at 8:00 a.m. determine the sequence in which she should perform the jobs in order to minimize a) mean flow time. b) number of tardy jobs. c) maximum lateness. d) mean lateness. job time required promised time 1 1.2 hr. 11:30 a.m. 2 40 min. 10:00 a.m. 3 2.2 hr. 11:00 a.m. 4 30 min. 1:00 p.m. 5 3.1 hr. 12:00 noon 6 25 min. 2:00 p.m. Find the sample variance and standard deviation 7.58, 14, 47, 33, 28, 30, 28, 26, 27 Choose the correct answer below. Fill in the answer box to complete your choice. (Round to two decimal places as needed.) O A. 02 = OB. SE Choose the correct answer below. Fill in the answer box to complete your choice. (Round to one decimal place as needed.) OA. o OB. SE Sama company has the following unadjusted account balances at December 31, 2021; Total Sales of $720,000. Accounts Recervatie of $205,000 and the allowance was estimated as 3.5% of the total Account Receivable. The Allowance for Doubtful Accounts had a credit balance of $2.400 before the estimate was made Required: Prepare the adjusting journal entry to record bad debts expense for 2021. Background Information (A brief history of the organization and a current situation analysis outlining where the organization currently finds itself). 5 powerpoint slides . And also a guide with explanation. Starbucks is selling for $105 a share. A Starbucks call option with one month until expiration and an exercise price of $118 sells for $2.50 while a put with the same strike and expiration sells for $15.10. a. The market price of a zero-coupon bond with face value $118 and 1- month maturity is $ ________ b. The risk-free interest rate expressed as an effective annual yield is _____ %. Suppose demand and supply are given by the following, Qd = 167.4 2.9P Q$ = 31.2 + 1.4P. A tax of $3 creates $ . of deadweight loss. A(n) is useful in evaluating liquidity policies.a. inventory turnover ratio b. current ratio average collection period d. Debt ratio The direction of the force on a current carrying wire located in an external magnetic field is which of the following? a. perpendicular to the current b. perpendicular to the field c. Both choices A and B are valid. d. None of the above are valid. 3. Explain how organisations can utilise Total QualityManagement (TQM) principles, practices and techniques to increasestakeholder value. (20 Marks) Approximate the sum of the series correct to four decimal places. (-1)" (3)! n = 1