Write a method that computes the sum of the digits in an integer. Use the following method header: public static int sumDigits(long n) For example, sumDigits(234) returns 9 the result of 2 3 4. (Hint: Use the % operator to extract digits, and the / operator to remove the extracted digit. For instance, to extract 4 from 234, use 234 % 10, which is 4. To remove 4 from 234, use 234 / 10, which is 23. Use a loop to repeatedly extract and remove the digit until all the digits are extracted.


Answer 1


The java program for the given scenario is shown below.

import java.util.*;

import java.lang.*;

public class Test


   //variables to hold the number, digits and sum of the digits

   //variable to hold number is assigned any random value

   static long num=123;

   static int sum=0;

   static int digit;

   static int s;

   //method to add digits of a number

   public static int sumDigits(long n)

   { do


           digit=(int) (n%10);




       return sum;


public static void main(String[] args) {

    s = sumDigits(num);

 System.out.println("The sum of the digits of "+num+ " is "+s);  }



The sum of the digits of 123 is 6


1. The variables to hold the number is declared as long and initialized.

2. The variables to store the digits of the number and the sum of the digits are declared as integer. The variable, sum, is initialized to 0.

3. The method, sumDigits(), is defined which takes a long parameter and returns an integer value. The method takes the number as a parameter and returns the sum of its digits.

4. Inside method, sumDigits(), inside the do-while loop, the sum of the digits of the parameter is computed.

5. Inside main(), the method, sumDigits(), is called. The integer value returned by this method is stored in another integer variable, s.

6. The sum of the digits is then displayed to the console.

7. All the variables are declared outside main() and at the class level and hence declared static. The method, sumDigits(), is also declared static since it is to be called inside main().

8. In java, the whole code is written inside a class since java is a purely object-oriented language.

9. In this program, object of the class is not created since only a single class is involved having main() method.

10. The program can be tested for any value of the variable, num.

11. The file is saved as Test.java, where Test is the name of the class having main() method.

Related Questions

Given the macro definition and global declarations shown in the image below, provide answers to the following questions:
A. After the statement "quiz4 x,4" executes, x contains
B. The statement "quiz4 6,4" will produce an error when the macro is invoked. (Enter true or false)
C. Suppose that the following code executes:
mov ebx, 3
mov ecx, 12
mov edx, ecx
quiz4 ecx, ebx
Upon completion, edx will contain_______
Hint: Think carefully, part C may be more difficult than it seems.
quiz4 MACRO p,q
LOCAL here
push eax
push ecx
mov eax, p
mov ecx, q
here: mul P
loop here
mov p, eax
pop ecx
pop eax



A. 243

B. True

C. 0


Macro instruction is a line of coding used in computer programming. The line coding results in one or more coding in computer program and sets variable for using other statements. Macros allows to reuse code. Macro has two parts beginning and end. After the execution of statement of quiz4 x, 4 the macro x will contain 243. When the macro is invoked the statement will result in an error. When the macro codes are executed the edx will contain 0. Edx serve as a macro assembler.

Use the provided template, "Short-Term and Long-Term Goals" to develop short-term and long-term goals. You must develop these goals with your mentee. You can do this over the phone or in-person. It is important to identify areas that could use coaching or mentoring techniques in order to complete your implementation plan. Short-term goals must reflect the next 6 months and long-term goals must reflect 6 months to 2 years.



(1).short term goal.

=>complete the studies : next 4 months(time frame); certifcate in the course(reward or incentive).

=> getting a job : next six months(time frame); financial stability (reward or incentive).

(2). Long term goal.

=> learn about Business Analytics : 1 year(time frame); good pay for the position (reward/incentive).

=> Build my career: 2nd year (time frame);


At a particular period of time we all need mentors and this mentorships are what that we build us. When we are already built, we also become mentors and in turn we mentor others so as to build them too.

For the question, we should have something like this from a mentee

(1).short term goal.

=>complete the studies : next 4 months(time frame); certifcate in the course(reward or incentive).

=> getting a job : next six months(time frame); financial stability (reward or incentive).

(2). Long term goal.

=> learn about Business Analytics : 1 year(time frame); good pay for the position (reward/incentive).

=> Build my career: 2nd year (time frame);

Write a program that reads integers from the user and stores them in a list. Your program should continue reading values until the user enters 0. Then it should display all of the values entered by the user (except for the 0) in order from smallest to largest, with one value appearing on each line.



mylist = [] #Create an empty list

i = 0 # initialize counter to 0

b = int(input("Enter into list: ")) # prompt user for input

while not(b == 0): #test if input is not 0

mylist.append(b) #insert input into list if it's not 0

i = i + 1 #increment counter

b = int(input("Enter into list: ")) #prompt user for input

#save sorted list in a newlist

newlist = sorted(mylist)

#print element on separate lines

for ind in newlist:


#End of program


Line 1 of the program creates an empty list named mylist

Line 2, initializes a counter variable i to 0

Line 3 prompts user for input

Line 4 to 7 iterates until user input is 0

Line 9 sorts the list and saves the sorted list into a new list

Line 11 & 12 prints the each element of the list on separate lines

Return 1 if ptr points to an element within the specified intArray, 0 otherwise.
* Pointing anywhere in the array is fair game, ptr does not have to
* point to the beginning of an element. Check the spec for examples if you are
* confused about what this method is determining.
* size is the size of intArray in number of ints. Can assume size != 0.
* Operators / and % and loops are NOT allowed.
* Pointer operators: *, &
* Binary integer operators: -, +, *, <<, >>, ==, ^
* Unary integer operators: !, ~
* Shorthand operators based on the above: ex. <<=, *=, ++, --, etc.
* Pointer operators: [] (Array Indexing Operator)
* Binary integer operators: &, &&, |, ||, <, >, !=, /, %
* Unary integer operators: -
int withinArray(int * intArray, int size, int * ptr) {



int withinArray(int * intArray, int size, int * ptr) {

      if(ptr == NULL) // if ptr == NULL return 0

            return 0;

      // if end of intArr is reached

      if(size == 0)

          return 0; // element not found



            if(*(intArray+size-1) == *(ptr)) // check if (size-1)th element is equal to ptr

                   return 1; // return 1

            return withinArray(intArray, size-1,ptr); // recursively call the function with size-1 elements




Above is the completion of the program.

Given a set, weights, and an integer desired_weight, remove the element of the set that is closest to desired_weight (the closest element can be less than, equal to OR GREATER THAN desired_weight), and associate it with the variable actual_weight. For example, if weights is (12, 19, 6, 14, 22, 7) and desired_weight is 18, then the resulting set would be (12, 6, 14, 22, 7) and actual_weight would be 19. If there is a tie, the element LESS THANdesired_weight is to be chosen. Thus if the set is (2, 4, 6, 8, 10) and desired_weight is 7, the value chosen would be 6, not 8. Assume there is at least one value in the set.



In the question stated a we declared a set named as weights also an integer variable was the desired_weight

In python A set is regarded as  {12, 19, 6, 14, 22, 7}



The python program code is executed below:

# Declare a tuple

weights = (12, 19, 6, 14, 22, 7)

# Declare an integer variable to store desired weight.

desired_weight = 18

# Declare an integer variable to store actual_weight weight

actual_weight = weights[0]

# Create a for-loop to read each value in the tuple.

for each_weight in weights:

   # Create an if-statement to find the that is

   # closest weight but not greater than desired weight.

   if(each_weight > actual_weight and each_weight < desired_weight):

       actual_weight = each_weight


# Delete the actual weight



# Display the actual weight

print("Actual Weight:",actual_weight)

# Display the resulted tuple.

print("Resulted set:",weights)

This program here is to declare a set which is as follows:

# Declare a set

weights = {12, 19, 6, 14, 22, 7}

# Declare an integer variable to store desired weight.

desired_weight = 18

# Declare an integer variable to store actual weight

# Assign first index element using list.

actual_weight = list(weights)[0]

# Create a for-loop to read each value in the tuple.

for each_weight in weights:

   # Create an if-statement to find the that is

   # closest weight but not greater than desired weight.

   if(each_weight > actual_weight and each_weight < desired_weight):

       actual_weight = each_weight

# Delete the actual weight using discard() method.


# Display the actual weight

print("Actual Weight:",actual_weight)

# Display the resulted tuple.

print("Resulted set:",weights)

A security professional wants to test a piece of malware that was isolated on a user's computer to document its effect on a system. Which of the following is the FIRST step the security professional should take?
A. Create a sandbox on the machine.
B. Open the file and run it.
C. Create a secure baseline of the system state.
D. Hardon the machine



The correct answer is option (A) Create a sandbox on the machine



From the example given, the first step the security professional should take is to create a sandbox on the machine.

Sandbox: It  refers to as a remote testing environment that allows users to run programs or implement files without distorting the application, system or platform on which they run.

In areas of computer security a sandbox is a security technique used for separating running programs, normally in an effort to reduce system failures or software vulnerabilities from moving further.

A retail company assigns a $5000 store bonus if monthly sales are $100,000 or more. Additionally, if their sales exceed 125% or more of their monthly goal of $90,000, then all employees will receive a message stating that they will get a day off. When your pseudocode is complete, test the following monthly sales and ensure that the output matches the following. If your output is different, then review your decision statements.
Monthly Sales Expected Output
monthlySales 102500 You earneda $5000 bonus!
monthlySales = 90000
monthlySales 112500 You earned a $5000 bonus!
All employees get one day off!



To answer this question, i prepared a pseudocode and a program written in python;

Pseudocode begins here:

1. Start

2. Input montlySales

3. If monthlySales < 100000

3.1. Display Nothing

4. Else

4.1 Display “You earned a $5000 bonus!”

4.2 If monthlySales > 1.25 * 90000

4.2.1 Display “All employees get one day off!”

5.     Stop

Python Program starts here (See attachment for proper view of the program):

#Prompt user for input

monthlySales = float(input("Monthly Sales: "))

#Check monthlySales

if monthlySales < 100000:



     print("You earned a $5,000 bonus")

     if monthlySales > 1.25 * 90000:

           print("All Employees get the day off")


To answer this question, a conditional if statement is needed.

The pseudocode (and the program) starts by prompting user for input;

Then, the user input is first compared with 100,000

If it's less than 100,000; then nothing is displayes

However, if it is at least 100,000

"You earned a $5,000 bonus" is displayed

It further checks if the user input is greater than 125% of 90,000

If yes, "All Employees get the day off" is displayed else, nothing is displayed.

The pseudocode (and the program) stops execution, afterwards

The ability to write functions is one of the more powerful capabilities in C++. Functions allow code to be reused, and provides a mechanism for introducing the concept of modularity to the programming process. In addition to the concept of functions, C++ allows complex programs to be organized using header files (.h files) that contain the prototypes of functions and implementation files that (.cpp files) that contain the implementation (definition) of the functions.
In this programming assignment you will be asked to implement a number of useful functions using a header file and an implementation file. You will place the prototypes for your function in a .h file, and implement these functions in a .cpp file. You will need to write a driver (a program designed to test programs) to test your functions before you upload them.
two integer values exist
The value of the largest integer is returned.
The original integers are unchanged
If the integers have the same value then the value of either integer is returned.
Function returns the value of the larger of two integers.
int max ( int, int )
Sample Parameter Values
m n max(m,n)
5 10 10
-3 -6 -3



The header file in C++ is as follows


void max(int a, int b)











The Driver Program is as follows:



using namespace std;  

int main()


int m,n;






It should be noted that, for this program to work without errors, the header file (myFunction.h) has to be saved in the include directory of the C++ IDE software you are using.

For instance; To answer this question I used DevC++

So, the first thing I did after coding myFunction.h is to save this file in the following directory  ..\Dev-Cpp\MinGW64\x86_64-w64-mingw32\include\

Back to the code


void max(int a, int b)  {

-> This prototype is intialized with integer variables a and b

if(a>b)  -> If the value of a is greater than b;


 std::cout<<a;  -> then the value of variable a will be printed



-> if otherwise,



-> The value of b will be printed



Driver File (The .cpp file)


#include<myFunction.h>  -> This line includes the uesr defined header

using namespace std;  

int main()


int m,n;  -> Two integer variables are declared

      cin>>m;  -> This line accepts first integer input

      cin>>n;  -> This line accepts second integer input


-> This line calls user defined function to return the largest of the two integer variables


Given an integer n and an array a of length n, your task is to apply the following mutation to an: Array a mutates into a new array b of length n.

For each i from 0 to n - 1, b[i] = a[i - 1] + a[i] + a[i + 1].
If some element in the sum a[i - 1] + a[i] + a[i + 1] does not exist, it should be set to 0. For example, b[0] should be equal to 0 + a[0] + a[1].


Answer: provided in the explanation section


import java.util.*;

class Mutation {

public static int[] mutateTheArray(int n , int[] a)


int []b = new int[n];

for(int i=0;i<n;i++)










return b;


  public static void main (String[] args) {

      Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);

      int n= sc.nextInt();

      int []a = new int [n];


      for(int i=0;i<n;i++)



      int []b = mutateTheArray(n,a);

for(int i=0;i<n;i++)

      System.out.print(b[i]+" ");






cheers i hope this helped !!

The program is an illustration of loops and conditional statements.

Loops are used to perform repetitive operations, while conditional statements are statements whose execution depends on the truth value.

The program in Java, where comments are used to explain each line is as follows:

import java.util.*;

class Main {

   public static void main (String[] args) {

       //This creates a scanner object

       Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);

       //This gets input for n

       int n= input.nextInt();

       //This declares array a

       int []a = new int [n];

       //The following loop gets input for array a

       for(int i=0;i<n;i++){



       //This declares array b

       int []b = new int [n];

       //The following loop mutates array a to b

       for(int i=0;i<n;i++){












       //The following loop prints the mutated array b

       for(int i=0;i<n;i++){

       System.out.print(b[i]+" ");




At the end of the program, the elements of the mutated array b, are printed on the same line (separated by space).

Read more about similar programs at:


The difrent between valid deductive argument and strong inductive argument? At least 2 example​



If the arguer believes that the truth of the premises definitely establishes the truth of the conclusion, then the argument is deductive. If the arguer believes that the truth of the premises provides only good reasons to believe the conclusion is probably true, then the argument is inductive.


Deductive arguments have unassailable conclusions assuming all the premises are true, but inductive arguments simply have some measure of probability that the argument is true—based on the strength of the argument and the evidence to support it.


1. What are the first tasks the Team Leader (TL) must perform after arriving at the staging area?
O A. Assign volunteers to specific positions and prioritize response activities.
OB. Gather and document information about the incident.
O C. Take the team to the most pressing need.
O D. Communicate with emergency responders to let them know the CERT is in place.


A. Assign volunteers to specific positions and prioritize response activities.

Two threads try to acquire the same resource at the same time and both are blocked. Then, they continually change their states in the same way and are continuously blocked. This condition is called





"Two threads try to acquire the same resource at the same time and both are blocked. Then, they continually change their states in the same way and are continuously blocked. This condition is called" LIVELOCK.

The term ''livelock" in is a very good and a very important in aspect that is related to computing. LIVELOCK simply means a lock in which the process in denied multiple times. A perfect example is;

When a person A and a person meet on a very narrow path. Both person A and Person B will want to shift to a position which will allow each of them to pass(This are the processes Person A and B wants to take), so if the two now move to the same exact position instead of moving in an opposite direction then, we will say that we have a LIVELOCK.

is there reality in your point of view ? if your answer is yes, is there a couse effect relation ship between reality and apperance​


Answer: Yes but maybe yes

Explanation: reality does exist pinch yourself


there should be


Contrary to Russell's suggestion, the distinction between appearance and reality is not simply the distinction "between what things seem to be and what they are," more precisely, the distinction between what things seem to be and what they are is not a simple distinction.

Appearance and Reality. Metaphysics is the science that seeks to define what is ultimately real as opposed to what is merely apparent. The contrast between appearance and reality, however, is by no means peculiar to metaphysics. ... Ultimate reality, whatever else it is, is genuine as opposed to sham.

(TCO C) When a remote user attempts to dial in to the network, the network access server (NAS) queries the TACACS+ server. If the message sent to the server is REJECT, this means _____.



The correct answer to the following question will be "The user is prompted to retry".


NAS seems to be a category of server system a broader open internet as well as web through in-house and perhaps remotely associated user groups.

It handles as well as provides linked consumers the opportunity to provide a collection of network-enabled applications collectively, thereby integrated into a single base station but rather portal to infrastructure.Unless the text or response sent to the server seems to be REJECT, this implies that the authentication process continued to fail and therefore should be retried.

The goal of this milestone is to identify the objects needed for the UNO card game and the actions that those objects perform, rather than how the objects are actually represented. For example, a standard UNO card must be able to report both its color and value, and, when given another card, tell whether or not it is a "match." When specifying operations, think simplicity. "It's better to have a few, simple operations that can be combined in powerful ways, rather than lots of complex operations." (MIT, n.d.) 1. Review the rubric for this assignment before beginning work. Be sure you are familiar with the criteria for successful completion. The rubric link can be found in LoudCloud under the assignment. 2. Activity Directions: Prepare a document that includes an ADT (abstract data type) for each object needed in your program. Create a LOOM video in which you explain your class design. Discuss your selection of properties and methods for each object.



public class UNOCard {

  //class variables

  int value; //stores value of the card.

  String color; //stores color of the card

  //method returns value of the card

  public int getValue() {

      return value;



  //method sets the value of the card to the passed argument

  public void setValue(int value) {

      this.value = value;



  //method returns color of the card

  public String getColor() {

      return color;



  //method sets the color of the card to the passed argument

  public void setColor(String color) {

      this.color = color;




  UnoCard(int value, String color)






  //mrthod to compare if cards are equal or not

  public boolean isMatch(UnoCard card)


      if(this.getColor() == card.getColor() || this.getValue() == card.getValue())

          return true;


      return false;



public class UnoCardTest {

  public static void main(String[] args) {


      UnoCard card1 = new UnoCard(10, "Red");

      UnoCard card2 = new UnoCard(10, "Black");

      UnoCard card3 = new UnoCard(9, "Black");


      System.out.println("Card-1: Value: " + card1.getValue() +"\tColor: " + card1.getColor());

      System.out.println("Card-2: Value: " + card2.getValue() +"\tColor: " + card2.getColor());

      System.out.println("Card-3: Value: " + card3.getValue() +"\tColor: " + card3.getColor());



      System.out.println("\n\nMatching card-1 with card-2: " +card1.isMatch(card2));

      System.out.println("Matching card-1 with card-3: " +card1.isMatch(card3));





the discussion of the selection of properties and methods can be seen along with code.

difference between ram and rom​



RAMIt stands for Random Access memory.It is used for both purpose( read and write).It is volatile memory.ROMIt stands for Read only memory.It can be used only to perform the read operation.It is non-volatile.

Hope this helps...

Good luck on your assignment...


RAM is the memory available for the operating system, programs and processes to use when the computer is running. ... When you power off your computer the data stored in RAM is deleted. ROM is a type of non- volatile memory. Data in ROM is permanently written and is not erased when you power off your computer.


This was a quiz that I submitted earlier in the semester but I had not received full points due to a coding mistake. Below, I will provide the instructions and the code that needs to be changed in order for the program to work. Any place that has a "// Student Code Here" or "// Test Your Methods Here" must be changed accordingly.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------INSTRUCTIONS:Step 1Fill in the doubleOrNothing method, which takes an int as a parameter. If the number is less than 100, return that number doubled. Otherwise, return zero.For example, passing 4 to this method would return 8, but passing 104 to this method would return 0.Step 2Fill in the formatPercentmethod, which takes a double as a parameter that represents a percent value between 0 and 1. This method returns a String that is the percentage between 0 and 100 percent, with one place following the decimal before a '%'.For example, passing the double '.85' would return the string "85.0%".Step 3Fill in the everyOtherChar method, which takes a String parameter called word*. This method returns an int which computes the sum of the ASCII values of *every other* character in the parameter word, starting with the first character.For example, passing the word "yam" into the method would tally the ASCII value of the characters 'y' and 'm', which have ASCII values of 121 and 109 respectively, so the method would return 230.Test Your MethodsTest your methods by calling them within main. You may run your program in Develop mode as many times as you would like, but you may only submit your program once.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CODE:public class quiz1 { // Step 1 public static int doubleOrNothing(int num) {e // student code here } // Step 2 public static String formatPercent(double percent) { // student code here } // Step 3 public static int everyOtherChar(String word) { // student code here } public static void main(String [] args) { // test your methods here! }}



The methods is completed as follows

See attachment for .java source file

Comments are used to explain difficult lines

Program starts here

import java.util.*;

public class quiz1


public static int doubleOrNothing(int num)







  num = 0;



 return num;


public static String formatPercent(double percent)




 return percent+"%";



public static int everyOtherChar(String word)


 char first = word.charAt(0);

 char last = word.charAt(word.length() - 1);

 int ascii = (int)first + (int)last;


 return ascii;


public static void main(String [] args)


 //Testing doubleOrNothing method

 int num;

 Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);

 System.out.print("Enter any integer number: ");

 num = input.nextInt();

 System.out.print("Result of doubleOrNothing method\n:");



 //Testing formatPercent method

 double percent;

 System.out.print("Enter any number between 0 and 1: ");

 percent = input.nextDouble();

 System.out.print("Result of formatPercent method\n:");



 //Testing everyOtherChar method

 String word;

 System.out.print("Enter any string: ");

 word = input.next();

 System.out.print("Result of everyOtherChar method\n:");




//See Attached file

You have deployed your Ethernet cable near a generator, whose heat is effecting the cable in a way that its energy is lost. If signal has a power of 2 mW before passing near the generator and it becomes 1.4 mW after passing near the generator. How much is the attenuation?



  1.55 dB


Attenuation to 1.4/2.0 = 0.7 of the previous power level is a gain of ...

  10·log(0.7) = -1.549 dB

The signal is attenuated by 1.55 dB.

as a programmer,why do you think that skills and training are needed. give 5 reasons




1 without them you wouldn't be able to program

2 need for job interviews

3 important to be good and make the money

4 can be adaptable

5 easy to move from a business to another

Write in Java please
There is a cricket that lives by our timeshare in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. Most every night I hear it patiently chirping away. Some nights it chirps faster than others, and it seems like the warmer it is, the faster it chirps. There are many crickets, and each of them seems to behave the same. On several different nights, armed with a stopwatch and a thermometer, I recorded the frequency of the chirps and compared it to that night's air temperature.
Experimental Results
The chirping follows a simple linear formula: take the number of chirps, add 40 and divide that sum by four to get the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit.
Create a simulation to model the crickets chirping at various randomly generated frequencies, create an Environmentclass that knows and can return the current temperature. Create a Cricket class that chirps, or for simplicity, returns how many chirps per minute the cricket would make at that temperature. Repeat the simulation for at least three trials.
Extension: There is a cricket variety in some parts of South Carolina that is a little slower than most normal Carolina crickets. Add a ClemsonCricket class that extends Cricket but chirps slower by 20%.
Bonus: Implement polymorphism in the driver class.
Cricket class should include the following items:
A variable that stores the frequency of chirps.
A default constructor that initializes the frequency to a random value
An overloaded constructor that initializes the frequency to a value of your choice that gets passed on as a parameter.
A method for changing the frequency to a random value.
A getter method that returns the frequency.
clemsonCricket class should include the following items:
A default constructor that initializes the frequency to a random value that is 20% lower than what the parent class constructor would initialize it to.
A overloaded constructor that calls to the parent constructor.
A polymorphic method that changes the frequency value to a value that is 20% lower than what the parent method would change it to.
Environment class should include the following items:
A variable that stores the temperature.
A default constructor that initializes the temperature to a value of your choosing.
An overloaded constructor that initializes the temperature based on the formula in the assignment.
A method that takes in a frequency as a parameter and calculates the temperature based on the formula in the assignment.
testCrickets program should do the following items:
Creates an Environment object in the test program or in the Cricket or clemsonCricket classes and displays temperature Creates a cricket object and displays temperature before and after changing frequency
Creates a Clemson cricket object and displays temperature before and after changing frequency
Creates a polymorphic Clemson cricket object and displays temperature before and after changing frequency.


Answer: Provided in the section below


Using C# Code:

using System;

class Environment{


private double temp;

//sets initial value of temp to 100 Fahrenheits

public Environment(){



//sets initial value to given temp

public Environment(double t) {

this.temp = t;


//returns temp

public double getTemp(){

return temp;


//calculates temp at given frequency

public void calcTemperature(double frequency){




class Cricket{

private Random r=new Random();

//frequency of birds

protected double frequency;

//sets frequency to a random value between 0-100

public Cricket(){




//sets frequency to a given frequency

public Cricket(double f) {

frequency = f;


//returns the frequency

public double getFrequency() {

return frequency;


//randomize the frequency

public virtual void randomFrequency() {

frequency = r.NextDouble()*100;



class ClemsonCricket: Cricket{

//sets the frequency to 80% of the parent's

public ClemsonCricket(): base(){



//sets frequency to a given frequency

public ClemsonCricket(double f): base(f){}

//randomize frequency and sets it to 80% of the parent's

public override void randomFrequency(){





public class testCrickets {

static void Main(){

Environment env=new Environment();

Console.WriteLine("Initial Temp: "+env.getTemp());

Cricket cricket=new Cricket();


Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Temp before changing Frequency: {0:0.00}",env.getTemp()));



Console.WriteLine(String.Format("\nTemp after changing Freqency: {0:0.00}",env.getTemp()));

Console.WriteLine("\nClemson Cricket: ");

ClemsonCricket clemsonCricket=new ClemsonCricket();


Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Temp before changing Frequency: {0:0.00}",env.getTemp()));



Console.WriteLine(String.Format("\nTemp after changing Freqency: {0:0.00}" ,env.getTemp()));

Console.WriteLine("\nPolymorphism Clemson Cricket: ");

Cricket Ccricket=new ClemsonCricket();


Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Temp before changing Frequency: {0:0.00}",env.getTemp()));



Console.WriteLine(String.Format("\nTemp after changing Freqency: {0:0.00}",env.getTemp()));



cheers i hope this helped !!

Assume a user datagram connection sending 500 bytes to a client. the first byte is numbered 501. what is the sequence number of the segment if all data is sent in only one segment?





In Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), sending and receiving of data is done as byte. These bytes are eventually grouped into packets referred to as segment.

The sequence number of the segment if all data is sent in only one segment is the same as the first byte of that segment.

In this scenario, a user datagram connection is sending 500 bytes to a client and the first byte is numbered 501. Thus, if all data is sent in only one segment, the sequence number of the segment is 501. The 501 represents the initial segment number (ISN).

However, assuming the same data was sent in five (5) segments. The sequence number would be;

First segment (1st) = 501.

Second segment (2nd) = 1501.

Third segment (3rd) = 2501.

Fourth segment (4th) = 3501.

Fifth segment (5th) = 4501.

Find the error in the following pseudocode.
Module main()
Declare Real mileage
Call getMileage()
Display "You've driven a total of ", mileage, " miles."
End Module
Module getMileage()
Display "Enter your vehicle’s mileage."
Input mileage
End Module



Following are the error in the given program are explain in the explanation part .


The main() function call the function getMileage() function after that the control moves to the getMileage() definition of function. In this firstly declared the  "mileage" variable after that it taking the input and module is finished we see that the "mileage" variable is local variable i,e it is declared inside the  " Module getMileage() "  and we prints in the main module that are not possible to correct these we used two technique.

Technique 1: Declared the mileage variable as the global variable that is accessible anywhere in the program.

Technique 2: We print the value of  "mileage" inside the Module getMileage() in the program .

What were the first microblogs known as?
OA. tumblelogs
O B. livecasts
OC. wordpower
O D. textcasts



the right answer is A





First, define an integer variable and assign it any value of your choice. Then you'll need to perform the following operations with it:
1. Add 9
2. Multiply by 2
3. Subtract 4
4. Divide by 2
5. Subtract by the variable's original value
6. Finally, display what the end result is.
7. Once your math / code is complete, double check your work by seeing what happens with the end result when you use different starting values. You should notice something "interesting".


Python code:

x += 9
x *= 2
x -= 4
x >>= 2
x -= 121

Design and implement a programming (name it SimpleMath) that reads two floating-point numbers (say R and T) and prints out their values, sum, difference, and product on separate lines with proper labels. Comment your code properly and format the outputs following these sample runs.Sample run 1:R = 4.0T = 20.0R + T = 24.0R - T = -16.0R * T = 80.0Sample run 2:R = 20.0T = 10.0R + T = 30.0R - T = 10.0R * T = 200.0Sample run 3:R = -20.0T = -10.0R + T = -30.0R - T = -10.0R * T = 200.0



import java.util.Scanner; public class Main {    public static void main(String[] args) {        // Create a Scanner object to get user input        Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);                // Prompt user to input first number        System.out.print("Input first number: ");        double R = input.nextDouble();        // Prompt user to input first number        System.out.print("Input second number: ");        double T = input.nextDouble();                // Display R and T          System.out.println("R = " + R);        System.out.println("T = " + T);        // Display Sum of R and T        System.out.println("R + T = " + (R + T));        // Display Difference between R and T        System.out.println("R - T = " + (R - T));        // Display Product of R and T        System.out.println("R * T = " + (R * T));    } }


The solution code is written in Java.

Firstly, create a Scanner object to get user input (Line 7). Next we use nextDouble method from Scanner object to get user first and second floating-point number (Line 9-15).

Next, display R and T and result of their summation, difference and product (Line 18-28).

To improve visual effects and semantic context in your presentation, you can get and add a snapshot from a desktop running application or an internet resource in a slide using __________Immersive Reader
(1 Point)
(D) Screen Clipping
(B) Smart Art
(C) Online Pictures
(A) 3D Models



D. Screen Clipping


Screen clipping is a feature or application integrated into operating systems to grab or capture a snapshot of the current open window on the desktop. It could be an inbuilt feature like "Snipping Tool" which is seen in the Windows operating system by default (from Windows 7 and upward); this feature is however not restricted to only Windows operating systems. It could also be a third party app to capture onscreen processes.

Smart Art is a visual representation of data and information which is made by choosing a layout that best suits the information you are projecting.

Online Pictures

are ready resources (photographs) which are already available online; they have to be downloaded to be used.  

3D Models is the process of creating and developing a mathematical representation of data and information in three dimensions using specialized software. This help bring the data and information to life  

All these options (A - D) are good ways of enhancing a presentation. However, to get a snapshot of an onscreen process from the desktop, Option D (Screen Clipping) is the correct answer

The first programming project involves writing a program that computes the minimum, the maximum and the average weight of a collection of weights represented in pounds and ounces that are read from an input file. This program consists of two classes. The first class is the Weight class, which is specified in integer pounds and ounces stored as a double precision floating point number. It should have five public methods and two private methods:
A public constructor that allows the pounds and ounces to be initialized to the values supplied as parameters.
A public instance method named lessThan that accepts one weight as a parameter and returns whether the weight object on which it is invoked is less than the weight supplied as a parameter.
A public instance method named addTo that accepts one weight as a parameter and adds the weight supplied as a parameter to the weight object on which it is invoked. It should normalize the result.
A public instance method named divide that accepts an integer divisor as a parameter. It should divide the weight object on which the method is invoked by the supplied divisor and normalize the result.
A public instance toString method that returns a string that looks as follows: x lbs y oz, where x is the number of pounds and y the number of ounces. The number of ounces should be displayed with three places to the right of the decimal.
A private instance method toOunces that returns the total number of ounces in the weight object on which is was invoked.
A private instance method normalize that normalizes the weight on which it was invoked by ensuring that the number of ounces is less than the number of ounces in a pound.
Both instance variable must be private. In addition the class should contain a private named constant that defines the number of ounces in a pound, which is 16. The must not contain any other public methods.
The second class should be named Project1. It should consist of the following four class (static) methods.
The main method that reads in the file of weights and stores them in an array of type Weight. It should then display the smallest, largest and average weight by calling the remaining three methods. The user should be able to select the input file from the default directory by using the JFileChooser class. The input file should contain one weight per line. If the number of weights in the file exceeds 25, an error message should be displayed and the program should terminate.
A private class method named findMinimum that accepts the array of weights as a parameter together with the number of valid weights it contains. It should return the smallest weight in that array.
A private class method named findMaximum that accepts the array of weights as a parameter together with the number of valid weights it contains. It should return the largest weight in that array.
A private class method named findAverage that accepts the array of weights as a parameter together with the number of valid weights it contains. It should return the average of all the weights in that array.
Be sure to follow good programming style, which means making all instance variables private, naming all constants and avoiding the duplication of code. Furthermore you must select enough different input files to completely test the program.


Answer: Provided in the explanation section



//weight class

public class Weight


  //defining private variables pound, ounces and number of ounces in pound which is 16

  private int pounds;

  private double ounces;

  private int numberOfOuncesInPound=16;

  //constructor which initializes the weight variable with the coming input

  public Weight(int p, double o)





  //checks if the incoming weight object is less than the current object weight

  public boolean lessThan(Weight w)


      //first comparison between pounds of the objects, if current object is less, then return true


          return true;

      //else if it is less then return false

      else if(this.pounds>w.pounds)

          return false;

      //else if both are equal then we compare the ounces



          //if current object ounces is less than we return true else false


              return true;


              return false;



  //adds incoming weight to the current weight object and then normalize it

  public void addTo(Weight w)






  //divide the current weight with factor x which is a parameter of the function

  public void divide(int x)







  //returns a string which contains the data in a Particular Format

  public String toString()


      return this.pounds+" lbs "+this.ounces+" oz";


  //returns weight converted into ounces

  private double toOunces()


      return this.pounds*this.numberOfOuncesInPound+this.ounces;


  //this function checks if number of ounces is greater than 16 then it normalizes it by converting into pounds

  private void normalize()









cheers i hope this helped !!

Which of the following statements is true? The Wireshark protocol analyzer has limited capabilities and is not considered multi-faceted. Wireshark is used to find anomalies in network traffic as well as to troubleshoot application performance issues. Both Wireshark and NetWitness Investigator are expensive tools that are cost-prohibitive for most organizations. NetWitness Investigator is available at no charge while Wireshark is a commercial product.



Wireshark is used to find anomalies in network traffic as well as to troubleshoot application performance issues.


Wireshark is a computer software that was Initially released in the year 1998. The software was written in language (programming language) such as the C++ and the C programming language.

Originally, the main author of the Wireshark software is a man named Gerald Combs.

Wireshark is used in analyzing network protocols and software troubleshooting

Infomation such as antennae signal strengths can also be gotten by using Wireshark.

Hence, "Wireshark is used to find anomalies in network traffic as well as to troubleshoot application performance issues." Is the correct Option.

A computer needs both hardware and to be useful





with out software the hardware cannot function

Using the Biba Model with levels High, Medium, and Low, determine if the subject has read access, write access, both, or neither. Timecard process P is Medium and a database of entry/exit times D is High. Select one: a. Write b. Read c. Neither d. Read and Write



Option(a) is the correct answer to the given question .


The Biba Model in the database management system ensure the data integrity and define the state transaction in the data security policy .Following are the Features of the Biba Model.

The quick Integrity quote ensures that perhaps the subject should not process the information i.e read at a relatively low level of integrity in the given level of integrity.The * (star) Integrity definition assumes that a subject should not submit data to a new level of integrity  i. e "write data" at a specified level of credibility.In this participant is write data so option(a) is the correct answer to the given question .All the other option are not correct for the Biba Model  that's why they are incorrect option .
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