Write a 500 word essay about the Cold War


Answer 1

Title: The Cold War: A Global Conflict Shaping the 20th Century


The Cold War, a protracted state of political tension and rivalry, emerged following World War II and lasted for more than four decades, defining the geopolitical landscape of the 20th century. Pitting the United States and its Western allies against the Soviet Union and the Eastern Bloc, this global standoff had profound implications for international relations, diplomacy, and military strategies. This essay explores the origins, major events, and lasting impacts of the Cold War.

Origins of the Cold War:

The roots of the Cold War can be traced back to ideological differences and power struggles that emerged between the two superpowers during and after World War II. The United States, as a champion of democracy and capitalism, sought to promote its political and economic systems worldwide. Conversely, the Soviet Union, led by a communist regime, aimed to export its ideology and expand its influence across Eastern Europe and beyond. The clash between these opposing ideologies laid the foundation for the confrontation that defined the Cold War.

Major Events:

The Cold War witnessed several pivotal events that heightened tensions and threatened to plunge the world into a full-scale conflict. The Berlin Airlift of 1948-1949, when the Soviet Union blockaded West Berlin in an attempt to gain control, saw the United States and its allies undertake a massive airlift to provide essential supplies to the city. This successful operation demonstrated the resolve of the Western powers in the face of Soviet aggression.

The Korean War (1950-1953) was another critical turning point, as it marked the first direct military confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union. The war ended in a stalemate but solidified the division of Korea into two separate states, perpetuating the East-West divide.

The Cuban Missile Crisis (1962) brought the world to the brink of nuclear war. The discovery of Soviet missile installations in Cuba prompted a tense standoff between the United States and the Soviet Union. Eventually, a negotiated settlement was reached, leading to the removal of missiles from Cuba and a commitment to avoid direct confrontation.

The proxy wars fought during the Cold War, such as the Vietnam War and the Soviet-Afghan War, highlighted the global dimensions of the conflict. These conflicts saw the superpowers supporting opposing sides, fueling regional tensions and entrenching divisions.

Impacts and Legacy:

The Cold War had far-reaching consequences that extended beyond the geopolitical arena. The arms race between the United States and the Soviet Union led to the development of vast nuclear arsenals, perpetuating the constant threat of a catastrophic global conflict. This era of mutual distrust and fear also gave rise to significant advancements in science, technology, and space exploration, as the superpowers sought to gain an edge in the race for supremacy.

The division of the world into competing spheres of influence had a profound impact on decolonization movements in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Countries were often forced to align themselves with either the United States or the Soviet Union, further polarizing global politics.

The Cold War also shaped popular culture and everyday life. The concept of a "red scare" gripped American society, leading to the rise of McCarthyism and the suppression of dissent. The proxy wars fought in far-flung regions influenced literature, art, and film, reflecting the anxieties and uncertainties of the time.


The Cold War was a defining period in world history, characterized by intense ideological rivalries and geopolitical power struggles. While direct military conflict between the superpowers was avoided, the global standoff had far-reaching consequences that permeated all aspects of society. The legacy of the Cold War continues to shape the contemporary world, reminding us of the precariousness of international relations and the importance of diplomacy and dialogue in resolving conflicts.

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Harriet H. Robinson Remembers a Mill Worker's Strike and Rhode Islanders Protest Property Restrictions on Voting both defied the beliefs of Thomas Jefferson on the consequences of an urban industrial society. Namely, Jefferson believed that wage laborers were a dependent people unfit for citizenship because they relied on others for a living. However, industrial workers in the North were very political in spite of the lack of property.




The statement that it challenged Thomas Jefferson's belief is true.

Harriet H. Robinson's account of a mill worker's strike and the protests against property restrictions on voting in Rhode Island indeed contradicted Thomas Jefferson's beliefs regarding the consequences of urban industrial society.

Jefferson considered wage laborers to be dependent on others for their livelihoods, and therefore believed they were unfit for full citizenship.

The industrial workers in the North during that period were highly politically engaged, despite their lack of property ownership. The harsh working conditions, low wages, and exploitation experienced by these workers motivated them to organize and advocate for their rights.

They formed labor unions, participated in strikes and protests, and actively sought political reforms to improve their living and working conditions.

Thus, their political activism demonstrated their desire for social and economic justice, challenging Jefferson's notion that wage laborers were incapable of being active citizens.

Learn more about Thomas Jefferson here:



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They prize loyalty and value hospitality highly

How does European contact and eventual settlement in the pacific differ with their method in americas? In what way are they similar



The arrival of Europeans in the Pacific Islands in the early 16th century transformed the cultures, populations, and economies of the Pacific Islands to varying extents. The contact began with passing explorers and then, from the late 18th century, by the influence of more permanent visitors such as castaways, beachcombers. The French took control of the Society Islands and nearby archipelagoes beginning in 1842. They also established missionary control of Wallis and Futuna. In Melanesia events transpired differently.

In contrast, European contact with the Americas began in 1492 with Christopher Columbus's discovery of America. The Spanish were the first Europeans to establish a permanent settlement in America in 1565 at St. Augustine.

The similarities between European contact and eventual settlement in the Pacific and Americas include the introduction of new diseases that decimated native populations and the establishment of trade networks that brought new goods to both regions.

1. What job did Bill Clinton have before being president?


Before becoming the President of the United States, Bill Clinton held several positions throughout his career. Prior to his presidency, Clinton served as the Governor of Arkansas for multiple terms.

Clinton's political career began in the late 1970s when he was elected Attorney General of Arkansas. He held this position from 1977 to 1979. Following that, he served as the Governor of Arkansas from 1979 to 1981, and then again from 1983 to 1992. As Governor, Clinton implemented various reforms in education, healthcare, and economic development.

His leadership during his tenure as Governor earned him national attention and positioned him as a rising star in the Democratic Party. During his time as Governor, Clinton also gained experience on the national stage. In 1992, he successfully secured the Democratic nomination for President and went on to win the general election, becoming the 42nd President of the United States.

He served two terms in office from 1993 to 2001. Before his political career, Clinton studied law and worked as a law professor at the University of Arkansas. He also worked as an attorney, specializing in civil rights law and public interest advocacy.

know more about Bill Clinton here:



Question 16 (2 points) ✓ Saved
In the case study of EWARN after the 2008 earthquake in Haiti, what was the key


The key conclusion of the EWARN case study after the 2008 earthquake in Haiti was the importance of early warning systems and the need for continued investment and improvement in their development.

The study highlighted how the system, which provided real-time data on disease outbreaks, enabled public health officials to respond quickly and efficiently to a cholera outbreak that occurred shortly after the earthquake.

However, the study also found that the system faced limitations, including a lack of funding, limited human resources, and issues related to data accuracy. The authors emphasized the need for sustained investment in early warning systems to ensure their effectiveness in responding to future outbreaks and disasters.

Learn more about the earthquake in Haiti here:



Which statement is true about the qin dynasty?

1) It was a feudal state which became a great empire

2) it fails because of confucianismo

3) it was followed by the warring states period

4) it was successful va she of confucianismo


The statement that is true about the Qin Dynasty is: 1) It was a feudal state which became a great empire.

The Qin Dynasty, which ruled from 221 to 206 BCE in China, began as a feudal state but eventually transformed into a centralized empire under the leadership of Emperor Qin Shi Huang. This dynasty is known for its significant accomplishments, including the unification of China, standardization of writing and measurements, construction of the Great Wall, and implementation of legal reforms.The Qin Dynasty is also notable for its strict authoritarian rule and the establishment of a centralized bureaucracy.

In conclusion, the Qin Dynasty was a transformative period in Chinese history, transitioning from a feudal state to a powerful empire, leaving a lasting legacy through its achievements and centralized governance.

For more questions on Qin Dynasty:



6. What is the Columbian Exchange? (use your own words)

also brainly




Referring to the widespread exchange of animals, plants, culture, human populations, technology, and ideas, the Columbian Exchange occurred between the Americas and the rest of the world, following Christopher Columbus' voyages in the late 15th and 16th centuries. The exchange significantly impacted the ecosystems of the Americas and Europe as livestock was introduced to the Americas, causing changes in landscapes and the displacement of native species. The exchange also facilitated the transfer of knowledge, ideas, and cultural practices, influencing the respective societies. Despite somewhat positive impacts, such as the transfer of crops including corn, and potatoes, the exchange also resulted in the introduction of diseases from Europe such as smallpox, measles, and influenza, having devastating impacts on the indigenous populations of the Americas.

Question 13(Multiple Choice Worth 3 points)
(05.06 MC)
Susan, an entrepreneur, wants to sell handmade goods from people in developing countries to customers in the United States. Why
would it be necessary for there to be a way to exchange currency in order for this to happen?
O Currency exchange would allow Susan to accept U.S. dollars, yet still pay the craftspeople in the currency that would be
most useful to them.
O Currency exchange will allow the craftspeople to spend U.S. dollars in their home countries.
O It is not necessary for there to be a system for currency exchange, because most developing countries do not have their
own currency.
O Currency exchange would allow Susan to directly trade the handmade goods of craftspeople for goods and services that
would help them.


Answer:There will be a way to exchange currency in order for this to happen because currency exchange would allow susan to accept u.s. dollars, yet still pay the craftspeople in the currency that would be most useful to them.

Option A is the answer

Why is important to exchange currency?

Currency exchange involves trading a particular currency for another currency.

This can be done to save money or for business transaction in another country.

The exchange will allow Susan to make use of dollar where necessary for business transaction.

Therefore, currency exchange would allow susan to accept u.s. dollars, yet still pay the craftspeople in the currency that would be most useful to them.



The first option is the correct answer: currency exchange would allow Susan to accept U.S. dollars from customers in the United States, but still pay the craftspeople in the currency that is most useful to them.


This is important because the craftspeople in developing countries may not be able to use U.S. dollars directly in their local economies. For example, if the craftspeople are located in a country where the local currency is the only accepted form of payment, they may not be able to use U.S. dollars to buy the materials they need to make their products, or to pay for other goods and services they require. By exchanging the U.S. dollars for the local currency, Susan can ensure that the craftspeople receive payment in a form that is useful to them, while still allowing her to sell the goods to customers in the United States.

Additionally, currency exchange may be necessary to account for fluctuations in exchange rates between different currencies. If the exchange rate between U.S. dollars and the local currency changes over time, it may be necessary to adjust the prices of the goods or the payment to the craftspeople to account for the changes in currency values.


In comparing the Articles of Confederation and the Constitution, an area in the
Constitution where states lost power and the national government's role was strengthened was
coining money.
apportioning taxes.
the selection of judges.


An area in the Constitution where states lost power and the national government's role was strengthened is the apportioning taxes.

Under the Articles of Confederation, the national government had limited authority to levy taxes. The power to tax and raise revenue primarily resided with the individual states, which often led to inconsistent and inadequate funding for the central government. This weakened the ability of the national government to carry out its functions effectively.

However, with the ratification of the Constitution, the national government's role in apportioning taxes was significantly strengthened. Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution grants Congress the power to levy and collect taxes to provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States. This shifted the authority and responsibility of taxation from the states to the federal government, consolidating power and resources at the national level.

By empowering the national government to levy and collect taxes, the Constitution aimed to address the financial shortcomings and weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation. This change in taxation powers was part of broader efforts to create a stronger and more unified central government capable of effectively governing the nation.


Discuss the progression of the oppression of German Jews after Hitler took power in the 1930s. What kinds of government action was taken against them as a people? (125-175 words)




Following Hitler's rise to power in Germany in the 1930s, the oppression of German Jews intensified, as the Nazi regime implemented a series of discriminatory policies and actions specifically targetting Jews, attempting to marginalize and exclude them from society. This included the 1935 Nuremberg Laws, stripping Jews of citizenship and any legal rights, and outlawing intermarriage between Jews and non-Jews.

Jews were further isolated from society, subjected to boycotts, restrictions on employment, and forced segregation. Excluded from public spaces and professions, Jewish-owned businesses were steadily confiscated or destroyed, as more and more Jewish cultural and religious institutions were dismantled. This also included the expulsion of Jewish children from schools.

Culminating in "Kristallnacht" in November 1938, a series of violent attacks against Jewish homes, synagogues, and businesses, thousands of Jews were arrested and shipped to concentration camps. These government actions represented the systematic deprivation of the rights and liberties of German Jews, resulting in their dehumanization, mass persecution, and the Holocaust.

Question 15(Multiple Choice Worth 3 points)
(06.02 MC)
Wally has a hobby. He likes making furniture. He finds that he gets many compliments on the furniture he makes. Under what
conditions will it be in Wally's best interest to go to a craft fair and sell some of his custom furniture?
O If the cost of making the furniture is less than the price Wally believes he will be able to sell it for
O If many people from the area attend whom Wally thinks might want custom furniture
Olf Wally believes he will only be able to sell the furniture for less than the cost of the materials he used to make it
O If Wally determines that the demand for custom furniture is low



The correct answer is:

O If the cost of making the furniture is less than the price Wally believes he will be able to sell it for

Wally should only sell his furniture at a craft fair if he believes he can make a profit. If the cost of making the furniture is more than the price he can sell it for, he will lose money.

The other options are not relevant to whether or not Wally should sell his furniture at a craft fair. The number of people attending the craft fair and the demand for custom furniture are both important factors to consider, but they do not guarantee that Wally will make a profit.


What is the definition of opportunity cost? how much your decision will cost you financially the feeling you have when you have trouble deciding your next step when you decide to do something what you give up when you decide to do something else



The definition of opportunity cost is what you give up when you decide to do something else. It refers to the value of the next best alternative that must be forgone in order to pursue a certain action or choice.


The process of
The process of acquiring political beliefs is called political socialization.



political beliefs is called political socialization. True False


This is True that the process of acquiring political beliefs is called political socialization.

Political socialization is a lifelong process by which people form their ideas about politics and acquire political values. Political beliefs are called political socialization.

Political socialization is the learning process by which people build an understanding of their political identities, opinions, and behavior.  

Through various agents of socialization, such as parents, peers, and schools, the lifelong experiences of political socialization play a key role in developing the traits of patriotism and good citizenship.

Hence, it is true that political beliefs are called political socialization.

Learn more about Political socialization here:



Which two principles did the creation of the Electoral College address during the Constitutional Convention?

Rule of law and popular sovereignty
Social contract and national sovereignty
Popular sovereignty and federalism
Natural rights and national sovereignty



The creation of the Electoral College during the Constitutional Convention addressed the principles of popular sovereignty and federalism.

Popular Sovereignty: Popular sovereignty refers to the idea that the power of the government is derived from the consent of the governed. The Electoral College was established as a mechanism to indirectly represent the will of the people in electing the President of the United States. The electors in the Electoral College are chosen by the people through state-level elections, allowing citizens to have a voice in the selection of the President.

Federalism: Federalism is the principle of dividing power between the central government and the individual states. The Electoral College incorporates elements of federalism by giving states a role in the election process. Each state is allocated a number of electors based on its representation in Congress, which is determined by its population. This ensures that both the national and state Interests are considered in the presidential election.

While the other principles you mentioned, such as rule of law, social contract, natural rights, and national sovereignty, are important in the context of the overall structure and philosophy of the United States Constitution, they are not directly addressed by the creation of the Electoral College during the Constitutional Convention.

Explain the argument that led to the three-fifths rule and the consequences of that rule?




A result of the debate over the issue of how enslaved individuals would be counted when it came to voting for taxation and representation purposes, the three-fifths compromise meant that every five enslaved individuals would be counted as three persons. Southern delegates wanted to count enslaved individuals as a part of the population to increase their representation in the House of Representatives, while Northern delegates, who mainly opposed the idea of slavery, believed this would give the South an unfair advantage.

Not only did this compromise ensure greater representation for Southern states in Congress, but it also reinforced the institution of slavery, by denying enslaved individuals full rights and liberties while counting them as property. The compromise would also come to reflect the growing divide between the Northern and Southern states, becoming a contributing in the eventual Civil War. The compromise also highlighted the hypocrisy of the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution--the founding principles of the nation by continuing to endorse and normalize the inhumane treatment of African Americans.

The table below describes the production possibilities confronting an economy. Using that information: calculate the opportunity cost of building hospitals, graph a PPC, and answer two questions about production possibilities.


The opportunity cost of building a hospital is the number of homeless shelters that must be given up in order to build one more hospital.

How to explain the PPC

The graph of the production possibilities curve (PPC) is shown below. The PPC shows the maximum amount of one good that can be produced, given the amount of the other good that is produced. In this case, the PPC shows the maximum number of homeless shelters that can be produced, given the number of hospitals that are produced.

More of both outputs cannot be produced because of scarcity. Scarcity means that there are not enough resources to produce everything that people want. In this case, the economy has limited resources, such as land, labor, and capital. These resources can be used to produce either homeless shelters or hospitals. If the economy chooses to produce more hospitals, it must give up some of the production of homeless shelters.

The most desired output combination is the one that best meets the needs of the society. This will vary depending on the values and priorities of the society. For example, a society that values healthcare may choose to produce more hospitals, while a society that values housing may choose to produce more homeless shelters.

Learn more about PPC on



why did hiram bingham hide machu picchu


Hiram Bingham, an American archaeologist, did not hide Machu Picchu intentionally. In 1911, Bingham was exploring the remote region of Peru when he stumbled upon the ruins of Machu Picchu, which had been abandoned for centuries. Bingham was amazed by the beauty and significance of the site, and he believed that he had discovered the lost city of the Incas.

Why did chase go back onto the roof?


Answer: He ended up with a separated left shoulder, a concussion, and amnesia.


Historically, Mali was one of the richest African nations and ...


Historically Mali was one of the richest African nations and Mansa Musa was among the richest individuals in the world.

Mansa Musa (Musa I of Mali) ruled the Mali kingdom from 1312 C.E. to 1337 C.E. During his reign, Mali had been one of Africa's richest kingdoms, and Mansa Musa was one of the world's richest men. Mali's ancient kingdom spanned modern-day Mali, Senegal, the Gambia, Guinea, Niger, Nigeria, Chad, Mauritania, and Burkina Faso. Mansa Musa transformed Timbuktu and Gao into important cultural centres. He also commissioned architects from the Middle East and Africa to design new structures for his cities. Mansa Musa transformed Mali's kingdom into a sophisticated centre of learning in the Islamic world.

Learn more about Mali, here:



Question 6(Multiple Choice Worth 3 points)
(06.07 MC)
Which statement describes one government role in controlling financial institutions?
The government directly influences the price of stocks in the stock market by taxing purchases of stock.
O The government limits which people are able to take out loans from private banks.
O The government limits what a credit card company can charge its customers in fees.
O The government directly provides the money to banks that is used to provide loans.



The correct answer is:

O The government limits what a credit card company can charge its customers in fees.

The government can regulate the financial industry by setting limits on what fees financial institutions can charge their customers. For example, the government can set limits on the interest rates that credit card companies can charge, or the fees that banks can charge for ATM withdrawals.

The other options are not accurate descriptions of the government's role in controlling financial institutions. The government does not directly influence the price of stocks in the stock market, and it does not directly provide the money to banks that is used to provide loans.


nazi ideas of race based on social darwinism and the eugenics​


The Nazis of race were heavily influenced by Social Darwinism and eugenics, and they formed the concept of the master race and survival of the fittest.

Drawing upon these ideologies, the Nazis promoted the concept of a "master race" and sought to create a racially pure society. They believed in the superiority of the Aryan race, considering it biologically and intellectually superior to other races.

According to their distorted interpretation of Social Darwinism, they viewed human society as a struggle for survival, where only the fittest should prevail.

They believed in the elimination of "undesirable" elements from the gene pool through eugenics, including forced sterilization, euthanasia programs, and eventually, the Holocaust.

These beliefs fueled policies of persecution, and genocide, particularly targeting Jewish people and Romani people.

Thus, these ideas were based on pseudoscience and were used to justify the atrocities committed by the Nazi regime during World War II.

Learn more about Nazism here:



Americo-Liberians were descendants of U,S. born Blacks who:



we're formerly enslaved African Americans who immigrated to Liberia in the 19th century



3.1 Discuss the roles of student representative councils and the funding scheme below in preventing tuition fees conflicts between students and HEI managements. 3.1.2 National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS). (2 x 2) (4) ​


Student representative councils (SRCs) are student-led organizations that aim to represent the students' interests and voice their concerns to the higher education institution (HEI) management. SRCs play an essential role in preventing tuition fee conflicts by being a channel of communication between students and management. The roles of SRCs include:

1. Advocating for students' rights: SRCs ensure that HEI management provides quality education and adequate services to students. They also ensure that students are not subjected to unfair practices, such as sudden fee increases, penalties, and discrimination.

2. Negotiating with HEI management: SRCs engage with HEI management to come to a mutually beneficial agreement that is feasible for both parties. They negotiate on issues such as tuition and accommodation fees, bursaries, and work-study programs.

The National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) is a government initiative that provides financial assistance to students who are unable to afford tuition and other associated costs. The NSFAS plays a significant role in preventing tuition fee conflicts by providing a safety net for needy students. The roles of NSFAS in preventing tuition fees conflicts include:

1. Ensuring access to higher education: NSFAS helps to ensure that deserving students who are unable to fund their studies due to financial constraints have a chance to pursue higher education, reducing the financial burden on parents and students.

2. Regulating student loans: NSFAS plays a regulatory role in ensuring that student loans are correctly administered, disbursed and collected. By doing so, NSFAS ensures that students receive the needed financial support and prevents potential conflicts that arise when students are unable to repay their loans.

In summary, student representative councils and the National Student Financial Aid Scheme are critical in preventing tuition fee conflicts between students and HEI management. SRCs advocate for students' rights and negotiate with HEI management on behalf of students while NSFAS ensures access to higher education and regulates student loans.

What are the advantages did Roman’s gain when began using concrete





The advantages of opus caementicium can be summarized as follows: a) it was exceptionally strong and could span great distances when shaped into arches, vaults and domes; b) it had greater flexibility in molding space since concrete was virtually "poured" (or layered) into formwork and took the shape of its container -- concrete is that sense is a "plastic" material; c) it did not requite special, skilled labor, therefore, it was cheaper; d) it was much faster to construct than laboriously cut ashlar masonry; e) since concrete-vaulted roofing was fireproof, unlike the wooden-beamed roofs of traditional systems, it was safer



The Romans gained several advantages when they began using concrete. Firstly, concrete provided them with a versatile and durable construction material that could be molded into various shapes and sizes, allowing for the creation of complex architectural designs.

Additionally, concrete was relatively inexpensive and readily available, making it a cost-effective choice for large-scale construction projects. Its strength and longevity also contributed to the long-lasting infrastructure, such as aqueducts, bridges, and buildings, for which the Romans are renowned.

Overall, the use of concrete revolutionized Roman construction, offering them a durable, versatile, and cost-effective material that greatly influenced their architectural and engineering achievements.

Hope it helps!

Describe the Chavin temple in a paragraph of 5 sentences.
What is inside the sacred place of the temple? What is its dimension and traits?


The Chavin temple is a sacred site with sculptures, carvings, and artifacts depicting Chavin deities. It has varied dimensions and traits, including intricate craftsmanship, symbolic elements, and a reverential ambiance.

The Chavin temple, located in the ancient city of Chavin de Huantar in Peru, is a remarkable architectural masterpiece. Inside the sacred place of the temple, one can find a central courtyard surrounded by intricately carved stone walls adorned with sculptural reliefs depicting various mythological and supernatural beings. The temple is known for its labyrinthine passageways and underground chambers, believed to have held religious rituals and ceremonies. The dimensions of the temple are significant, with the central courtyard measuring approximately 90 feet by 80 feet and the complex extending over an area of around 40,000 square feet. The temple's traits include its iconic stone monoliths, known as "Estelas," which depict powerful deities and zoomorphic creatures, and its unique architectural features that showcase the advanced engineering and artistic skills of the Chavin civilization.

For more such questions on Chavin temple:



Liberia was an independent republic, yet had an unofficial protectorate status. As such, What did it have to develop?
an internal trade with European settler colonies and an exteral transfer of raw materials to the U.S.
No answer text provided
A trade economy dependent exclusively on the US. This was due to American business interest that did not want interference from European settler colonies
economic policies that allowed it to freely engage in business any way it wanted, as long as it gave 1/4 of the profits to the U.S


The correct statement would be:

Liberia, as an independent republic with an unofficial protectorate status, had to develop an internal trade with European settler colonies and an external transfer of raw materials to the U.S. This was due to American business interests that preferred a trade economy exclusively dependent on the U.S. and did not want interference from European settler colonies. Liberia's economic policies were influenced by these factors, leading to a trade structure that favored the U.S. and involved the transfer of raw materials in exchange for economic benefits.


What was the theory behind the Marshall Plan?
A. By providing food rations to East Germany, the United States could grow more powerful and eventually invade West Germany.
B. By providing free education to citizens of the Eastern Bloc, the United States would influence people to overthrow their governments.
C. By helping Europe rebuild, the United States would continue to sell goods to Europe and keep Western Europe capitalist.
D. By providing military aid to the Soviet Union, the United States could grow closer and create a new ally.



Explanation: i know fo a fact its a because i am a history teacher

explain the concept of racism as a social construct



Racism is a social construct that occurs when there is a racial classification formed because of power with biological or physical markings. It involves forms of social, economic, and political subordination through racial discourse. Thus, race is a social construct. Race must also be understood through discourses of power that occurred in the past.

Racism can also be defined as a set of ideas and beliefs that have the potential to cause a person to form prejudices that ultimately lead to negative behaviorRacism can also be defined as a set of ideas and beliefs that have the potential to cause a person to form prejudices that ultimately lead to negative behavior..


I hope this helps

What is racism as a social construct


Racism, as a social construct, is defined as a set of ideas, behaviors, and institutions that give distinct values, rights, and privileges to individuals or groups based on their perceived race or ethnicity.

What is Racism?

Bigotry works on the introduce that certain races are prevalent or second rate to others, driving to the out of line treatment, separation, and marginalization of people or bunches based on their racial or ethnic foundation. It is vital to get it that race isn't biologically determined; it may be a item of social and verifiable forms.

Bigotry can show in a few shapes, counting person acts of partiality and separation, as well as systemic or institutionalized bigotry. Person bigotry alludes to one-sided demeanors, convictions, or activities shown by people, such as racial slurs, generalizations, or acts of savagery based on race. Systemic or institutionalized bigotry, on the other hand, alludes to the ways in which prejudice is implanted inside societal structures and teach, propagating unequal control flow and making systemic impediments for certain racial bunches.

Learn more about racism here: https://brainly.com/question/2864094


What rules can be followed by someone dedicated to the truth?



is it a riddle? since it is not a question or topic on which you can write a essay.

The goal of believing is truth; falsehood is an error. For people to prosper, they must know the reality of the world. Truth is crucial.

People's plans might be ruined and their lives could be in danger if they believe something that is false. Legal and societal repercussions may occur from telling lies. Excellent historians, good investigators, and good scientists, on the other hand, are committed to the search for truth.

Aristotle (384–322 BCE) made the enduring argument that "To say of what is that it is, or of what is not that it is not, is true." To put it another way, the world presents "what is" or "what is not," and the genuine phrase or thinking relates to the reality that is being shown.

Learn more about the importance of truth here:



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Consider the private good provision mechanism where Person 1 makes a contribution forthe public good first, then Person 2 follows.(5 points) Find the optimal output of the public good by using Samuelson condition.(15 points) Show that in the private good provision mechanism Person 2 rides free.(5 points) Is the private good provision mechanism efficient? Explain. true or false? through ticket automation, you can move a ticket from one stage to another based on an email response. Which of the following are NOT projects? (select all that apply) To register the sales of the day in the company's accounting records To add a new product line to a factory To print a report for a business meeting A new nutritious snack made with natural ingredients and probiotics O A company that buys used cell phones to re-sell them To develop a spaceship capable of going to Mars To organize and stage a fundraiser event To design an office building Bora purchased 600 shares of ABC Company at a price of 77.40 a share and sold the shares for 80.20 each. He also received 720 in dividends. If the inflation rate was 3.9 percent what was his exact real rate of return on this investment? What is the present value of the following set of cash flows, discounted at 9.3% per year? What is the present value of the following set of cash flows, discounted at 9.3% per year? . Each set contains the same cash flows ($11, $19, $27, $35, $43), so why is the present value different? What is the present value of the following set of cash flows, discounted at 9.3% per year? Consider the supply chain illustrated below: Manufacturer > Distributor > Wholesaler > Retailer Last year the retailer's weekly variance of demand was 220 units. The variance of orders was 490, 610, 800, and 1,320 units, for the retailer, wholesaler, distributor, and manufacturer, respectively. (Note that the variance of orders equals the variance of demand for that firm's supplier.) a) The bullwhip measure for the retailer is 2.22. (Enter your response rounded to two decimal places.) b) The bullwhip measure for the wholesaler is 1.24. (Enter your response rounded to two decimal places.) c) The bullwhip measure for the distributor is 1.26. (Enter your response rounded to two decimal places.) d) The bullwhip measure for the manufacturer is 1.69. (Enter your response rounded to two decimal places.) e) In this supply chain, the retailer appears to be contributing the most to the bullwhip effect. understand how to format order instead of the correct accounting order. Adjusted Trial Balance Account Title Accounts Receivable Accounts Payable Accum. Depr. Cash Common Stock Depr. Expense Equip. Di Which of the following is a term used to describe the number of layers of cells?A) stratifiedB) squamousC) cuboidalD) columnarE) All of the above are correct. cows are injected with recombinant bovine somatotropin (rbst) because with it The universe refers to ? A. Our solar system B. Everything that existC. Stars D. Galaxies Discuss how Bass Pro Shops became the nations leading outdoorretailer based on each of the four elements of the retail marketingmix. Short-term financing through bank loansConsider this case:Uninode Inc. needs to take out a one-year bank loan of $600,000 and has been offered several different terms. One bank has offered a loan with 10% simple interest that requires monthly payments. The loan principal will be paid back at the end of the year.Based on a 360-day year, what will be the monthly payment for June? (Hint: Remember that June has 30 days.)a. $4,250.00b. $5,000.00c. $5,750.00d. $4,750.00 What piece of equipment is put at the end of a load to help keep pallets intact? (a) Find the magnitude of the gravitational force (in N) between a planet with mass 6.75 x 1024 kg and its moon, with mass 2.65 x 1022 kg, if the average distance between their centers is 2.30 x 108 m RM5,000 was invested for 4 years. The bank offered 6% compounded monthly for the first three years and r% compounded annually for the rest of the period. If the amount in the account at the end of the term was RM7,000 find r. (r-16.99% or 17%) On January 1, 2020, Indigo Corporation issued $660,000 of 9% bonds, due in 8 years. The bonds were issued for $624,235, and pay interest each July 1 and January 1. Indigo uses the effective-interest method. Prepare the company's journal entries for (a) the January 1 issuance, (b) the July 1 interest payment, and (c) the December 31 adjusting entry. Assume an effective-interest rate of 10%. bring out all of these for (walmart)3.2 Marketing Objectives3.3 Financial Objectives3.4 Target Markets3.5 Positioning3.6 Customer Service3.8 Marketing Research a) What are contemporary economic policies b) Explain the impact of contemporary economic issues to the operations of facilities a) Describe the term network analysis and network techniques, b) Explain the application of network; What was the situation that led to Mindtree becoming the targetfor acquisition? Please critically discuss four (4) significantevents.