Why do you think the narrator described the events the way he did?


Answer 1

It is essential to consider narrator's perspective as to why the narrator described the events the way he did. There could be several reasons for this choice of narration, such as Establishing a specific tone, Engaging the reader, or Providing an insight into the narrator's perspective.

Let's examine some of these factors:

Firstly, the narrator may want to set a particular tone or atmosphere for the story. The choice of words and descriptions can greatly impact the mood of the narrative, creating a sense of suspense, romance, humor, or any other desired emotion. By carefully selecting the way to describe events, the narrator can effectively immerse the reader in the world of the story.

Secondly, the narrator's description of events can be a way to engage the reader and keep up their interest throughout the story. By using vivid language, metaphors, and comparisons, the narrator can paint a picture in the reader's mind, making the events more relatable and exciting. This, in turn, can encourage readers to continue reading and feel connected to the characters and events.

Additionally, the way the narrator describes events might provide insight into their own character, thoughts, and feelings. The narrative can reveal the narrator's personal opinions, biases, or emotions, allowing readers to understand the story from a unique perspective. This can add depth and complexity to the overall narrative, making the story more thought-provoking and engaging.

In summary, the narrator's choice of describing events in a specific way can serve several purposes: setting the tone, engaging the reader, and providing insight into the narrator's perspective. This ultimately contributes to a more immersive, captivating, and memorable storytelling experience for the reader.

To learn more about Narrator's Perspective: https://brainly.com/question/4947463


Related Questions

How does the shift in the physical description of the landlady.


As the plot of the novel develops, the landlady's physical description changes throughout the text.

Her physical characteristics are initially portrayed negatively; she is said to have "a rather hard mouth," "a deep frown," and "a harsh voice." But as the narrative goes on, the narrator starts to notice other, more admirable traits. In addition to her "sensitive mouth" and "tender eyes," he also sees her "cheerful" and "kind" demeanor.

The landlady's change in physical description shows the narrator's increasing admiration for her. The narrator's early perceptions of the landlady are challenged as he starts to see her in a different light, which serves to emphasize the issue of perception in the story.

To learn more about physical description link is here



Did any of you guys read ghost boys?

If you did then can you help answer this question in the chapter Civil Rights which is:

Ms. Penny tells Sarah that Emmett’s death helped spark the Civil Rights Movement. How is Jerome’s death connected to this?

Also Please answer if you know the answer. I will report your answer if its wrong, if you desperately want points, waste someone else's time


Jerome’s death is connected to the Civil Rights Movement in two ways. First, it was a direct result of the racism and inequality that was rampant in the south at the time.

It was a tragic example of how African Americans were treated and highlighted the need for change. Second, it was a rallying cry for the civil rights movement.

It was a reminder of the injustice that African Americans faced and helped to motivate people to take action and fight for racial equality. By highlighting the injustice of Jerome’s death, it brought attention to the civil rights movement and helped to galvanize support for it.

Know more about Civil Rights Movement here



Read this passage from Jane Austen's Sense and Sensibility and answer the question

"You are mistaken, Elinor," said she warmly. "In supposing I know very little of Willoughby. I have not known

him long Indeed, but I am much better acquainted with him, then I am with any other creature in the world,

except yourself and moma. It is not time or opportunity that is to determine Intimacy-it is disposition alone

Seven years would be insufficient to make some people acquainted with each other, and seven days are

more than enough for others. I should hold myself guilty of greater impropriety in accepting a horse from my

brother, than from Willoughby, Of John I know very little, though we have lived together for years, but of

Willoughby my Judgment has long been formed. "

This passage from Sense and Sensibility, among many others, provides an exchange between two characters that

allows Jane Austen to ____.

A. State her opinion of an attitude that she believes is superior to others

B. Criticize the patriarchal lines of inheritance and women's dependence on men

C. Juxtapose two different but equal ideals

D. Comment on Victorian notions of gender roles and limitations


B. Criticize the patriarchal lines of inheritance and women's dependence on men

In the novel, the female characters are often portrayed as having limited options and being dependent on men for their social standing and financial security.

The Bennet sisters, for example, face the pressure of finding suitable husbands to secure their future. The focus on marriage as a means of financial stability reflects the patriarchal society in which women's worth is often tied to their marital prospects.

Austen uses irony and satire to critique the notion of women's dependence on men. For instance, the character of Charlotte Lucas chooses to marry Mr. Collins, a man whom she does not love, solely for the sake of security and social status.

Austen highlights the irony of a woman sacrificing her happiness and personal fulfillment for the sake of financial stability, thereby criticizing the limited choices available to women in such a system.

Additionally, the character of Elizabeth Bennet challenges traditional gender roles and expectations. She refuses a proposal from Mr. Collins, defying societal expectations and asserting her desire for a genuine emotional connection in marriage.

Through Elizabeth, Austen presents a progressive view of women's agency and challenges the notion that women should be solely dependent on men for their happiness and well-being.

To learn more about notion, refer below:



In Dylan Thomas’ poem, "Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night", what do night and light represent?

Pain and rebirth

Hope and despair

Death and life

Love and sorrow


Death and life are the representation of night and light

Wjat is the representation of night and light

In the poem "Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night" penned by Dylan Thomas, night and light respectively portray the notions of death and life. The narrator is prodding his father to withstand death and vie for his life, even as it nears its end.

The phrase "that good night" implies death while the term "light" represents life. Thus, the speaker ardently pleads with his father not to meekly accept death but rather clash against it, clinging to life however much they can. Therefore, the accurate response is: Death and life.

Read more on Phrases here https://brainly.com/question/139793



Read the following excerpt from Endgame by Samud



You feel normal?

CLOV (rritablys.

I toll you I don't complain.


I fool a little strange.

(Pause. )





Have you not had enough?

CLOV: Yes!

(Pause. )

Of what?


of this. This. Thing.


I always had.

(Pauso. )

Not you?

HAMM (gloomily):

Then there's no reason for it to change.


It may end.

(Pauso. )

All Mo long the same questions, the same answers.

Describe how the elements of dramatlo writing (dialogue,

stage directions, conflict, etc. ) work together to develop a

thome in the passage. Be sure to use specific detalls to

support you answer.


In the excerpt from Endgame by Samuel Beckett, the elements of dramatic writing, such as dialogue, stage directions, conflict, and theme, work together to create a sense of hopelessness and stagnation.

Dialogue: The conversation between Hamm and Clov is repetitive, with Clov mentioning that they always have the same questions and answers. This repetition highlights the lack of progress and change in their situation.

Stage Directions
: The stage directions, such as "Pause" and "gloomily," provide insight into the characters' emotions and the atmosphere of the scene. These directions emphasize the feelings of frustration and despair that permeate the play.

Conflict: The conflict in this passage arises from the characters' dissatisfaction with their current situation. Hamm feels "a little strange" and questions if Clov has "not had enough" of their current state. Clov responds affirmatively, but it is clear that neither character sees a way out of their predicament.

Theme: The theme of hopelessness and stagnation is developed through the combination of dialogue, stage directions, and conflict. The repetitive nature of their conversations and the lack of progress in their situation creates a sense of entrapment. The characters' frustration and despair underscore this theme, making it central to the passage.

In conclusion, the elements of dramatic writing in this excerpt from Endgame work together to develop a theme of hopelessness and stagnation. The repetitive dialogue, descriptive stage directions, and conflict between the characters all contribute to this overarching theme.

To know more about dramatic writing:



Type the correct answer in the box. Spell the word correctly.

Complete the sentence by filling in the blank.

People in other cultures treat time differently. For example, a businessperson from an Asian country may not mind delays. If you're doing business

with people from Germany or Switzerland, however, you should always be


People in different cultures have distinct approaches towards time. In some cultures, time is more flexible, and delays are common, while in others, punctuality is highly valued.

For instance, in Asian countries, businesspeople may not mind waiting for meetings or appointments, and it may be considered impolite to rush things. On the other hand, people from countries like Germany or Switzerland highly value punctuality and expect others to be on time.

Hence, if one is doing business with people from such cultures, it is crucial to be punctual and arrive on time to avoid causing offense.

Learn more about distinct approaches



Write an informative essay examining how Roosevelt’s ""Second Bill of Rights"" protects citizens’ pursuit of happiness


Roosevelt's "Second Bill of Rights" is a set of economic and social rights that he proposed in his 1944 State of the Union address.

These rights include the right to a job, the right to a living wage, the right to affordable housing, the right to adequate medical care, the right to a good education, and the right to security in old age. By guaranteeing these rights, Roosevelt sought to ensure that all Americans had the opportunity to pursue happiness and live fulfilling lives.

The Second Bill of Rights protects citizens' pursuit of happiness by addressing the root causes of poverty and inequality. By providing access to education, healthcare, and housing, it helps individuals to improve their quality of life and achieve their goals.

Additionally, by guaranteeing the right to a job and a living wage, it ensures that individuals can provide for themselves and their families, reducing financial stress and promoting economic stability.

Overall, the Second Bill of Rights represents a significant step towards ensuring that all Americans have access to the resources and opportunities they need to pursue happiness and live fulfilling lives.

While many of these rights have yet to be fully realized, they remain an important reminder of the government's responsibility to promote the well-being of its citizens.

To know more about social rights  click on below link:



Literary divides in the book speak by Laurie Anderson


A collection of essays, interviews, and performances that investigate the interface of art and technology is highlighted in Laurie Anderson's book "Speak Memory".

The narrative, Speak Memory investigates how technology is altering how we communicate and see the world. Anderson considers the function of language in influencing our view of the world.

"Speak Memory" is a deep and complicated book that delves into a variety of subjects linked to art, technology, and memory. The book is organized into four sections that give a unified and structured framework.

Learn more about speak by Laurie Anderson, here:



Decide which problem is illustrated by the following sentence: Upon arriving at the ball park, the bulletin board informed us that the game was canceled.

A. Improper use of voice

B. Wordiness

C. Unclear meaning Reset


We can see here that the problem illustrated by the following sentence: "Upon arriving at the ball park, the bulletin board informed us that the game was canceled" is C. Unclear meaning.

What is a sentence?

A sentence is a collection of words that conveys a complete notion or thought. In writing, a sentence normally consists of a predicate (the action or status of the subject) and a subject (the person or thing the phrase is about).

Simple sentences only contain one independent clause, while complex sentences include both the independent clause and one or more dependent clauses.

Learn more about sentence on https://brainly.com/question/939685



What can be a counterargument for an essay about how students should receive more counseling within schools for the sake of their mental health??



One counterargument for an essay advocating for more counseling within schools for students' mental health could be that increasing counseling services may not necessarily address the root causes of mental health issues among students. For instance, some students may be dealing with issues that require more specialized support beyond what school counseling services can provide. Additionally, some students may be reluctant to seek help from school counselors due to concerns about stigma or confidentiality.

Moreover, providing additional counseling services within schools may be costly, and schools may not have the necessary resources to meet the increased demand for counseling. This may lead to longer wait times for students seeking counseling services, which could ultimately undermine the effectiveness of these services.

Another argument could be that schools have a limited role in addressing mental health issues among students. While schools can provide support and resources to students, ultimately, it is the responsibility of families, healthcare providers, and other community organizations to support students' mental health needs.

Overall, while counseling services can be an important resource for students' mental health, there are also valid arguments against increasing counseling services within schools.

[tex]\begin{align}\huge\colorbox{black}{\textcolor{yellow}{\boxed{\sf{I\: hope\: this\: helps !}}}}\end{align}[/tex]

[tex]\begin{align}\colorbox{black}{\textcolor{white}{\underline{\underline{\sf{Please\: mark\: as\: brillinest !}}}}}\end{align}[/tex]

[tex]\textcolor{lime}{\small\textit{If you have any further questions, feel free to ask!}}[/tex]


Write an eassy on the causes and effects of bunking classes in approximately in 190 words




Bunking classes, or skipping school, has been a common practice among students for many years. There are various reasons why students choose to bunk classes, but the effects can be detrimental to their academic performance and future success.

One of the main causes of bunking classes is a lack of interest in the subject matter or the teacher. Students may find the subject boring or difficult, or they may have a teacher who is not engaging or inspiring. In other cases, students may be dealing with personal issues such as family problems or mental health concerns, leading them to skip classes as a way of coping.

The effects of bunking classes can be severe. Students who regularly skip classes are at risk of falling behind in their studies, which can lead to poor grades and even failing grades. This can impact their ability to progress to the next grade level or pursue higher education. Additionally, missing classes can make it difficult for students to understand important concepts and keep up with assignments, leading to further disinterest and a cycle of poor performance.

In conclusion, while bunking classes may seem like a harmless act, it can have serious consequences for a student's academic and future success. It is important for educators, parents, and students to work together to address the underlying causes of bunking and find solutions to help students stay engaged and motivated in their studies.


Write: What is the author's point of view about the role of parents and financial education?






    The author's point of view about the role of parents in financial education is paramount, believing that it is the parent's responsibility to teach their children the basics of financial management from a young age. Parents serve as role models and guides, instilling the importance of budgeting, saving, and understanding the value of money. The author contends that through hands-on experience and practical lessons, children can develop healthy financial habits that will carry them into adulthood. Furthermore, by discussing their own financial successes and failures openly, parents can help their children become better prepared for real-world financial challenges. In summary, the author strongly promotes parents playing an active role in teaching their children about money matters and being involved in their financial education journey.

    On the other hand, the author takes a proactive stance on integrating financial education into the broader academic curriculum at schools. They argue that schools should offer appropriate courses or activities to supplement parents' efforts in teaching kids about different aspects of finance such as banking, investing, and debt management. Recognizing that not all parents may have expertise in these fields or may lack access to resources necessary for effective learning, schools ought to step up to fill these gaps. The author envisions students building strong foundations in money management principles while also learning how to adapt these principles to economic changes throughout their lives. Ultimately, the author believes both parents and formal education systems must work together for raising financially literate individuals.


What sentence types are these two sentences?

1. In the shade of the house, in the sunshine of the riverbank near the boats, in the shade of the Sal-wood forest, in the shade of the fig tree is where Siddhartha grew up, the handsome son of the Brahman, the young falcon, together with his friend Govinda, son of a Brahman.

2. The sun tanned his light shoulders by the banks of the river when bathing, performing the sacred ablutions, the sacred offerings.


The sentence types are these two sentences are:

The first sentence is seen as a complex sentence The second sentence is seen as a compound sentence

What is sentence types?

The 1st sentence could be a complex sentence with numerous prepositional expressions that depict where Siddhartha developed up. It has one free clause at the conclusion: "Siddhartha developed up."

The last sentence could be a compound sentence that has two free clauses joined together by the planning conjunction "when." The two autonomous clauses are "The sun tanned his light shoulders by the banks of the stream" and "performing the sacrosanct ablutions.

Learn more about sentence types from



*wrong answers will be reported
Select the correct text in the passage.
Which sentence from the excerpt creates surprise in the plot?

(11) "Nothing," I said spiritlessly.

(12) "If you've been crying for three mortal hours over nothing you want a good talking to and you'll get it," observed Aunt Philippa placidly, sitting down on my trunk. "Get right up off that bed this minute and tell me what the trouble is. I'm bound to know, for I'm in your father's place at present."

(13) "There, then!" I flung her Mark's letter. There wasn't anything in it that it was sacrilege to let another person see. That was one reason why I had been crying.

(14) Aunt Philippa read it over twice. Then she folded it up deliberately and put it back in the envelope.

(15) "What are you going to do?" she asked in a matter-of-fact tone.

(16) "I'm not going to run away to be married," I answered sullenly.

(17) "Well, no, I wouldn't advise you to," said Aunt Philippa reflectively. "It's a kind of low-down thing to do, though there's been a terrible lot of romantic nonsense talked and writ about eloping. It may be a painful necessity sometimes, but it ain't in this case. You write to your young man and tell him to come here and be married respectable under my roof, same as a Goodwin ought to."




sentence 16 gives us a sense of surprise in the plot

Do you know who said, " We have nothing to fear but fear itself "? written correctly


"We have nothing to fear but fear itself" was famously said by Franklin D. Roosevelt during his first inaugural address on March 4, 1933.

This quote is attributed to Franklin D. Roosevelt, the 32nd President of the United States, who made this statement in his first inaugural address on March 4, 1933. The phrase was intended to inspire and encourage Americans during the Great Depression.

Roosevelt was emphasizing that fear itself, rather than external factors, was the main obstacle to progress and recovery. By addressing the nation's collective fear, he aimed to build confidence in the American people, urging them to work together to overcome the difficult economic conditions.

The phrase has since become one of the most memorable quotes in American history, symbolizing the power of optimism and unity in the face of adversity.

To know more about face of adversity click on below link:



I need help with this question


In the "The Lady or the Tiger," the lover was sent to the arena to choose his fate. Option C

what happened in the story "The Lady or the Tiger"?

In the short story "The Lady or the Tiger" by Frank Stockton, the conflict between the king and his daughter's lover is not explicitly resolved. The story ends on a cliffhanger, leaving it up to the reader's imagination to determine the outcome of the lover's fate.

The story describes a system of justice in which accused persons are given the choice between two doors, one of which hides a beautiful woman (who will be the person's wife) and the other hides a ferocious tiger (which will kill the person). The king's daughter falls in love with a young man who is accused of a crime, and she learns which door hides the tiger and which hides the woman. She is faced with a difficult choice between betraying her lover or allowing him to marry someone else.

the above answer is in response to the full question;

how was the king's conflict with his daughter's lover resolved? Lady or the Tiger

a. The king relented and allowed the relationship

b. He offered the young man a woman much more fair than the princess

c. The lover was sent to the arena to choose his fate.

Find more exercises on lady or the Tiger;



Why are memebrs of the creighton family so divided about the idea of secession from the union ?


The Creighton family in the American television series "Mercy Street" is divided about the idea of secession from the Union for various reasons.

Some members believe that secession would protect their economic interests and way of life, as they are slave-owning Southern aristocrats. They fear that the abolitionist movement in the North threatens their property and status.

On the other hand, some members of the family, particularly the women, sympathize with the Union cause and are opposed to slavery. They believe in equality and the principles of the Declaration of Independence. Furthermore, they fear the devastation and loss of life that a civil war would bring.

The divisions within the Creighton family reflect the broader divisions within the country at the time. The issue of slavery was a deeply divisive issue that led to the Civil War, and families and communities were torn apart by it. The Creighton family serves as a microcosm of the larger conflict, highlighting the complexity and emotional weight of the issue.

To know more about secession refer here:



3. READ As you read lines 1–38 of "Who Understands Me But Me," begin to collect and cite text evidence. Underline each thing the speaker lives without in lines 1-16. In the margin, explain what setting the speaker evokes in lines 1-16. In the margin, explain what the speaker finds when he follows the tracks (lines 30-38 ).

Who Understands Me But Me Jimmy Santiago Baca


I don't have clocks, walls, mirrors, books, chairs, tables, carpets, pictures, music, windows, doors, light, darkness, sleep, or dreams, and I don't have clocks, walls, mirrors, or clocks.

Setting: The speaker conjures up a scene that is devoid of material possessions and is marked by loneliness and isolation.

I can locate my heart's tracks by tracing the deer, coyote, and rabbit footprints. I locate my soul. I locate my life. There I am. A river of love and a river of sorrow are present. In the fog and the stars, I can see myself. The wind, the sand, and the snow are where I discover my heart. The moon, sun, and rain are where I find love. The chirping of the birds and the nighttime calm are where I locate my soul.

When the speaker follows the tracks, he feels a sense of connection to nature and to his own feelings. He discovers himself in the splendor of the natural world, and he discovers his love, spirit, and soul in the avian singing and the nighttime silence.

To learn more about Who Understands Me But Me link is here



From the story the wedding dance by amador daguio

1. are those scenario really happen in our society right now? why or why not?​


The scenario in "The Wedding Dance" by Amador Daguio is a fictional story, so it does not necessarily reflect what is happening in our society right now.

The plot of Amador Daguio's fictional story "The Wedding Dance" does not necessarily reflect what is going on in our society at the moment. The characters' experiences are highly particular to that period and location because the novel is set in a small Philippine village.

The narrative focuses on the power relationships between a husband and wife as well as how a woman might become stuck in an unloving union. Although it may not necessarily be reflected in the specific events of this story, this type of power inequality is a problem that is still prevalent in our society today.

To learn more about Daguio link is here



Imagine you found yourself in a dangerous situation and luckily you managed to survive.
Can you help me to write a story about the situation?


A dangerous situation and luckily you managed to survive. The situational factors and personal traits of a negotiator greatly influence the bargaining strategy that will be most successfull.

A response would imply that a cognitive approach may be the best fit based on the claim that the subject in question is charismatic and has a tolerance for risk-taking.

The cognitive approach to negotiation places a strong emphasis on having a thorough grasp of both one's own aims and objectives as well as those of the other side. The use of a charming and daring negotiator could make this strategy very successful in assisting them in navigating tricky circumstances and securing favourable results. They might try to find common ground and develop win-win solutions by utilising their innate capacities to establish rapport and take prudent risks.

To know more about Negotiator visit:



Read the sentences. Ansley finishes her homework quickly. She does a great job getting her work done correctly. What is the best way to combine the sentences?

A. Ansley finishes her homework quickly, but she does a great job getting her work done correctly. B. Ansley finishes her homework quickly, or she does a great job getting her work done correctly. C. Ansley finishes her homework quickly, so she does a great job getting her work done correctly. D. Ansley finishes her homework quickly because she does a great job getting her work done correctly


it's "D"

B implies that she does either of the two, but the original sentence says she does both.

C implies that being quick on completing her homework makes her do her work correctly

A would make a bit of sense, but it's wrong with the "but" in the sentence as it implies that she shouldn't get her work done fast even though she gets her work done correctly.

D makes most sense as it refers to her doing good at her work which would help her finish her homrwork.

(Sry if the explaining is a bit bad, I'm not good with forming my thoughts)

Refer of one or more details from the text to describe how maxwell (the larger boy) reacts to kevin (the smaller boy) upon first meeting him -- both from evidence that is dircetly stated and from ideas that you infer from clues in the text. story first read: freak the mighty​


Maxwell crosses his arms and gives Kevin a suspicious up-and-down glance, as it is clear that he is initially wary and wary of him.

Directly stated: When Maxwell first meets Kevin, he feels frightened and nervous, so he tries to hide these feelings by acting tough. Kevin is not impressed when Maxwell claims he doesn't want to meddle with him, and it is obvious that Maxwell is not being sincere. This demonstrates that Maxwell is a little insecure since he lacks the self-assurance to be himself around Kevin.

Maxwell appears to be intimidated by Kevin based on his response to him. The superiority of Kevin's knowledge and intelligence above Maxwell's overwhelms him. Maxwell makes an effort to appear tough in order to hide his emotions of insecurity, but Kevin does not seem to be threatened by his bluster. This implies that Maxwell is terrified by their disparity in power and is aware of it.

To learn more about Maxwell link is here:



Use the notes from your reading of "Second Quarter. "

3. Read "Tipping Point. " In 3-4 sentences, identify a tipping point in your life and explain how it (4 points)

was similar to or different from the one Josh describes in the poem. Use specific details from

your life and text evidence from the novel to support your answer.

Select the link to access the Short Answer Rubric.


A tipping point in my life was when I had to make a decision about what college I was going to attend. It was similar to Josh's tipping point in the poem because I had to weigh the pros and cons of each college and decide which one was the best fit for me.

Josh had to do the same thing when deciding whether he should keep his job or switch careers. Josh's tipping point was also different from mine because he had to consider his family's financial situation, while I was more focused on the educational opportunities and programs that each college offered.

In the poem, Josh acknowledges that his decision will have a lasting impact, which I felt as well when I was making my choice. Ultimately, I chose a college that was the best fit for me, just as Josh did when he decided to switch careers.

know more about tipping point here



20 points!

locate your copy of poetry speaks who i am, and read "legacies" on page 118. as you read, notice which parts of the poem follow the conventions of standard english and which do not. why do you think giovanni made those choices? how do they help her make her point?


In "Legacies" by Nikki Giovanni, found in "Poetry Speaks Who I Am" on page 118, there are parts that follow the conventions of standard English and others that do not.

By incorporating both standard and non-standard English in "Legacies," Giovanni effectively communicates the importance of preserving cultural heritage .

Giovanni made these choices to emphasize the contrast between the speaker's voice and the cultural background of the characters in the poem.

Using non-standard English reflects the authentic speech patterns and language used within the African American community, helping to create a sense of identity and connection to the characters' heritage.

This choice also highlights the theme of passing down traditions and cultural knowledge through generations, as demonstrated by the grandmother's insistence on teaching her granddaughter how to make rolls.

By incorporating both standard and non-standard English in "Legacies," Giovanni effectively communicates the importance of preserving cultural heritage and the connection between generations.

To learn more about cultural, refer below:



Refer to the article "The Future of Money" in your Money, Money, Money magazine for a complete version of this text. Based on the "No More Go-Betweens" section, which answer best describes the interaction between go-betweens, buyers, and sellers? Drag the correct answer into the box


The interaction between go-betweens, buyers, and sellers is that of an intermediary. Go-betweens act as a bridge between buyers and sellers, allowing for easier and more efficient transactions.

Here correct answer is B.

They facilitate trade by providing buyers with access to products and services that they may not otherwise have had access to. They also provide sellers with access to buyers who may not have had access to the product or service otherwise.

Go-betweens are also responsible for the smooth and secure transfer of funds from buyers to sellers, and vice versa. Go-betweens also act as a form of trust between buyers and sellers, providing a platform where payment and delivery details are settled.

In conclusion, go-betweens provide buyers and sellers with a secure and reliable platform to conduct business, facilitating trade and providing a crucial service in the global economy.

Know more about go-betweens here



Complete question:-

Refer to the article "The Future of Money" in your Money, Money, Money magazine for a complete version of this text. Based on the

a. "No More Go-Betweens" section.

b. go-betweens.

c. buyers.

d. sellers.

Drag the correct answer into the box.

What is the conflict in the story "the devil and daniel webster"


The conflict in the story "The Devil and Daniel Webster" revolves around the protagonist, Jabez Stone, who makes a deal with the devil, also known as Mr. Scratch, to gain wealth and prosperity in exchange for his soul.

This Faustian bargain creates a struggle between the forces of good and evil as Daniel Webster, a renowned lawyer, attempts to help Jabez Stone out of his contract with the devil.

The main conflict in the story is an external one, as Jabez Stone and Daniel Webster confront Mr. Scratch to save Jabez's soul. This battle between good and evil is further emphasized by the trial that takes place, where Daniel Webster serves as Jabez's lawyer, and Mr. Scratch brings forth a jury of historical villains.

There is also an internal conflict within Jabez Stone, as he grapples with the consequences of his decision to make a deal with the devil. This internal struggle reflects the moral dilemma faced by individuals when tempted by material gain at the expense of their integrity and well-being.

Overall, the conflict in "The Devil and Daniel Webster" is a complex interplay of external and internal forces, highlighting the eternal struggle between good and evil and the importance of moral values in making decisions.

To know more about protagonist, refer here:



Question 7 of 10

Which of these parts of the business letter did the author include in order to

make it possible for her to get an interview?

O A. Her telephone number

B. Her reason for applying for the job

C. The name of her current employer

D. The title of her current job


The author included several components in her business letter in order to make it possible for her to get an interview. She included her telephone number so that the recipient could get in touch with her easily.

She also included her reason for applying for the job, which gave the recipient insight into her motivations and goals. Additionally, she included the name of her current employer as well as the title of her current job. This information allowed the recipient to get a better sense of her qualifications and experience.

All of these components, when taken together, demonstrate her commitment to the job and her eagerness to be interviewed. By including them in her letter, the author gave herself the best chance to be seen as a viable candidate for the position.

Therefore, all the options are correct.

know more about business here



What is most likely the author’s intent in including the following description from Chapter 1?

The camera crews, perched like buzzards on rooftops, only add to the effect.

Answer choices for the above question

A. To show just how high up the cameras are positioned

B. To show how ominous and invaded the square feels on the day of the reaping

C. To establish the feeling of excitement in the air as the reaping is about to begin

D. To plant the seed of what a superstar Katniss or Prim could become if they are chosen


B. To show how ominous and invaded the square feels on the day of the reaping.

The comparison to buzzards adds a sense of foreboding and darkness to the scene, suggesting that something negative is about to happen. This description sets the tone for the rest of the chapter and establishes the oppressive atmosphere of the reaping.

What do you mean by sense of foreboding?

A sense of foreboding is a feeling of apprehension, anxiety, or unease about a future event or situation. It is often characterized by a sense of impending danger or harm, and may be accompanied by physical symptoms such as a racing heart, sweating, or trembling.

A sense of foreboding can arise in a variety of contexts, from personal relationships to global events. It may be triggered by actual threats or dangers, or may be based on a general feeling of uncertainty or insecurity.

While a sense of foreboding can be uncomfortable or distressing, it can also serve as a valuable warning signal, alerting us to potential dangers or prompting us to take action to protect ourselves or others. However, it is important to distinguish between legitimate concerns and irrational fears or anxiety, and to seek support or assistance when necessary to address these feelings.

To know more about sense of foreboding:



What he told the reporters was not made public simple sentence or complex


The sentence "What he told the reporters was not made public" is a complex sentence. This is because it contains both a dependent clause (What he told the reporters) and an independent clause (was not made public). The dependent clause cannot stand on its own as a complete sentence and relies on the independent clause to provide the full meaning of the sentence.

Furthermore, the sentence contains a relative pronoun (what) which links the dependent clause to the independent clause. The use of relative pronouns is a common feature of complex sentences.In summary, a complex sentence is a sentence that contains two or more clauses and is connected using conjunctions, relative pronouns, or other linking words.

The use of such linking words creates a complex sentence structure that is more sophisticated and nuanced than a simple sentence. In the case of the given sentence, the use of a dependent clause and a relative pronoun makes it a complex sentence.

To know more about sentences click here



Complete Question : What he told the reporters was not made public. Which type of sentence is this?  simple sentence or complex.

COMPARE AND CONTRAST: Compare and contrast a character from "The Cruel Tribute with a character from the excerpt of The Hunger Games based on what the texts say implicitly and explicity about the characters. Cite several pieces of textual evidence to support your analysis and conclusions.


Both "The Cruel Tribute" and The Hunger Games present characters who are thrust into life-or-death situations, but with different outcomes.

In "The Cruel Tribute," the character of Rori is portrayed as resourceful and cunning, using her wits to outsmart her opponents. She is described as having "a mind like a steel trap," and she uses her intelligence to manipulate the other tributes and gain an advantage.

In contrast, the character of Katniss from The Hunger Games is more physically skilled, relying on her archery skills and survival instincts to stay alive. She is also depicted as having a strong sense of empathy and compassion, which Rori seems to lack.

One piece of textual evidence from "The Cruel Tribute" that supports Rori's intelligence is when she "sent out a swarm of bees to distract the other tributes."

This shows that she is able to think creatively and come up with unexpected solutions. Similarly, in The Hunger Games, Katniss' strength is demonstrated when she volunteers to take her sister's place as tribute. This shows her bravery and willingness to sacrifice herself for the people she loves.

Overall, while both Rori and Katniss are strong characters in their own ways, their strengths lie in different areas. Rori's intelligence and cunningness set her apart from the other tributes in "The Cruel Tribute," while Katniss' physical skills and empathy make her a formidable opponent in The Hunger Games.

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