Why do so many measures consider Arabic an endangered language?


Answer 1

Arabic is considered an endangered language in many measures due to several factors. Firstly, the dominance of English in international communication and education has led to a decline in the use and prestige of Arabic in many regions. In addition, many Arab countries have experienced political instability and conflict, which have negatively impacted language maintenance and development. Migration and urbanization have also contributed to language shift, as many Arabic-speaking communities have moved to urban areas where the dominant language is often not Arabic.

Furthermore, the diversity of Arabic dialects has made it difficult to standardize the language, and the lack of standardization has contributed to the loss of linguistic diversity and the decline of certain dialects. Additionally, the lack of investment in Arabic language education and literacy programs has further contributed to the decline of the language.

While Arabic is still spoken by millions of people worldwide, its status as an endangered language highlights the urgent need for action to preserve and promote its use and development. This includes efforts to standardize the language, promote Arabic language education and literacy programs, and support the use of Arabic in the media and other forms of communication.

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Yes chuukese is a indeed a dying language in the current world

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2. Lack of intergenerational transmission: Many parents are not passing down the language to their children, either because they believe that speaking a dominant language will benefit their children or because they themselves do not speak the language fluently.

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Abau language is one of the Indigenous languages of the world. These indigenous languages become extinct because our new generation started to learn other dominant languages and forget about their native tongue and this is the main reason behind the extinction of languages.


Is Abanglekuo a dying language?



Language at risk of dying out

Explanation: hope this helped u


it is dying in the rural parts of China cause there are no facilities to teach children the language

Is the Serbian language declining?


Yes………………………………….it do be declining
Yes it is ……………………………………..

Is it true that,
"Most of the "vernacular or traditional languages" they're talking about prior to European exploration did not use the letter C or K, because they mostly didn't use writing (and certainly didn't use the Latin alphabet). Both letters were introduced by Europeans. The word Africa, while its ultimate origins are disputed, comes from a Roman name for a part of what we would call North Africa, which was definitely spelled with a C"


It is true that many traditional or vernacular languages did not use the Latin alphabet or the letters C or K prior to European exploration. These languages had their own unique writing systems and often had different sounds and symbols to represent them.

However, it is important to note that the word "Africa" itself has a complex history and its origins are not definitively known. While some theories suggest that the word may have come from a Roman name for a part of North Africa spelled with a C, other scholars believe that it may have originated from indigenous African languages.

Regardless of its etymology, it is clear that the word "Africa" has been used for centuries to refer to the continent, and its spelling has evolved over time as different languages and writing systems have influenced its use.

Is J a relatively common letter in Welsh?




J is not use very often in the welsh language having only a 0.13% usage rate. Whereas letters such as D almost have a 10% usage rate sitting at 9.88%

No it is not a common letter in Welsh

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