Why did chase go back onto the roof?


Answer 1

Answer: He ended up with a separated left shoulder, a concussion, and amnesia.


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Can someone write me a 200 word essay about the Cold War?


Title: The Cold War: A Global Struggle for Supremacy

The Cold War was a prolonged ideological and geopolitical standoff between the United States and the Soviet Union that lasted from the end of World War II until the early 1990s. This conflict, characterized by tension, mistrust, and proxy wars, reshaped the global landscape and had far-reaching implications.

At its core, the Cold War was a clash of ideologies. The United States, a champion of democracy and capitalism, stood against the Soviet Union and its communist ideology. These opposing systems vied for influence and control over the world, leading to a competition that played out on multiple fronts.

The arms race between the superpowers was a defining feature of the Cold War. Both nations developed and stockpiled vast nuclear arsenals, heightening the specter of a global nuclear conflict. This intense rivalry spurred significant advancements in military technology and space exploration, as each side sought to outmatch the other.

The division of the world into spheres of influence became a dominant characteristic of the Cold War era. The United States and its allies formed NATO, a military alliance, to counter the Soviet-led Warsaw Pact. Proxy wars erupted in various regions, such as Korea and Vietnam, as the superpowers supported opposing sides, indirectly battling for supremacy.

The Cold War had profound impacts on societies and individuals. Fear and suspicion permeated daily life, leading to heightened security measures, surveillance, and the suppression of dissent. The arms race diverted resources away from social programs, hindering socioeconomic development in both superpowers and their allies.

Nevertheless, the Cold War also brought moments of détente and cooperation. Strategic arms limitation agreements and diplomatic negotiations aimed at reducing tensions and avoiding direct military confrontation. These efforts, although limited, provided glimpses of hope for a more peaceful world.

The eventual end of the Cold War came with the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. The fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 symbolized the triumph of democratic values and marked the beginning of a new era in international relations. The Cold War left a lasting legacy, shaping the post-World War II world order and influencing subsequent conflicts and alliances.

In conclusion, the Cold War was a protracted global struggle between the United States and the Soviet Union, fueled by ideological differences and a quest for supremacy. It defined the second half of the 20th century, impacting politics, economies, and societies around the world. While the threat of direct military confrontation loomed large, the Cold War also spurred technological advancements and diplomatic efforts. Ultimately, its end brought hopes for a more peaceful and cooperative international order.

In "Aesop's Life" and "Harun al-Rashid & One Thousand and One Nights," Aesop and Harun al-Rashid are remembered throughout history for their stories.

Which statement best explains why their stories are unique?


A Aesop's fables follow a framework that ties them together, while Harun al-Rashid's are about animals and mythical characters instead of people.

B Aesop's fables were passed from one generation to the next by word of mouth, while Harun al-Rashid's collection was written down in Arabic.

C Aesop's fables told about his life as a slave, while Harun al-Rashid's told about his life as a caliph.

D Aesop's fables were comedies and tragedies, while Harun al-Rashid's were life lessons with morals.


The statement that best explains why their stories are unique is B. Aesop's fables were passed from one generation to the next by word of mouth, while Harun al-Rashid's collection was written down in Arabic. This detail highlights a key difference in the way the stories were transmitted and preserved over time. It also suggests that Aesop's fables may have evolved over time as they were passed down orally, while Harun al-Rashid's stories were more likely to have remained consistent over time due to their written form.

what were two complaints that the Democratic-Republicans made against the Federalists in the election of 1800?



The Alien and Sedition Acts and the suppression of civil liberties.


The Democratic-Republicans' prominent grievances were the Alien and Sedition Acts and the suppression of civil liberties. During John Adams' presidency, he signed the Alien and Sedition Acts into law, giving the government the power to deport dangerous or undesirable noncitizens, and making any criticism of the government illegal. Democratic-Republicans viewed this as an encroachment of the First Amendment.

Democratic-Republicans believed these two acts suppressed the civil liberties of American citizens by quieting dissent and political competition. Additionally, these actions were seen as an abuse of power and authoritarian practices.

The history of first known schools


Answer: The first education system was created in Xia dynasty (2076–1600 BC).


The history of the first known schools was created in the Xia dynasty (2076–1600 BC). During the Xia dynasty, the government built schools to educate aristocrats about rituals, literature, and archery (important for ancient Chinese aristocrats).

During the Shang dynasty (1600 BC to 1046 BC), normal people (farmers, workers, etc.) accepted rough education. At that time, aristocrats' children studied in government schools. And normal people studied in private schools. Government schools were always built in cities and private schools were built in rural areas. Government schools paid attention to educating students about rituals, literature, politics, music, arts, and archery. Private schools educated students to do farmwork and handwork.

The Western model of education is based on the ancient Greek schools, which were founded about the fifth century B.C. In the city-state of Sparta, boys were not only trained for the military; they also learned reading and writing and studied music. In Athens, boys learned to read and write, memorized poetry and learned music as well as trained in athletics. In the second half of the fifth century B.C., the Sophists (ancient Greek teachers of rhetoric and philosophy) schooled young men in the social and political arts, hoping to mold them into ideal statesmen.

So, the first known schools were created in the Xia dynasty (2076–1600 BC).

Learn more about the  history of the first known schools here:



How did the demand for “New World” trade and goods encourage the practice of Mercantilism?


The demand for New World trade and goods encouraged mercantilism by driving nations to seek economic dominance and maximize exports.

The demand for "New World" trade and goods in the era of exploration and colonization played a significant role in encouraging the practice of mercantilism. Mercantilism was an economic theory prevalent during the 16th to 18th centuries, which aimed to maximize a nation's wealth and power through the regulation of trade.The discovery of vast resources in the New World, such as precious metals, spices, and other valuable commodities, led to a surge in demand for these goods in Europe. Nations realized that controlling and monopolizing these resources would provide them with a competitive advantage in international trade.Mercantilism emphasized the acquisition of wealth through a favorable balance of trade, wherein a country aimed to export more than it imported. This encouraged nations to establish colonies and exploit their resources to meet the growing demand for New World goods.Governments imposed strict regulations on trade, such as tariffs, subsidies, and monopolies, to ensure their nation's economic prosperity and self-sufficiency. By controlling the flow of goods and maximizing exports, countries believed they could accumulate wealth, strengthen their economies, and enhance their military and political power.In summary, the demand for New World trade and goods fueled the practice of mercantilism as nations sought to capitalize on the resources and establish dominance in the global trade network for economic and geopolitical advantages.

For more such questions on Mercantilism:



the storming of the beaches in Normandie France became known as D-Day Labor Day VJ Day VE Day​


D-Day cuz it was in 1944 and not 1945

What made the plantation so profitable



Plantation owners made the system profitable by having slaves who were basically free labor


Please mark brainliest

extrajudicial killing own opinion


Extrajudicial killings are unacceptable and a violation of human rights, undermining the principles of justice and due process.

Extrajudicial killing is a highly controversial and morally reprehensible act that involves the killing of individuals by government officials or entities outside the judicial process. In my opinion, extrajudicial killings are a gross violation of human rights and the principles of justice. Every individual has the right to due process and a fair trial, regardless of the nature of the alleged crime. Extrajudicial killings undermine the rule of law and erode trust in the legal system. They often occur without proper investigation, evidence, or oversight, leading to wrongful deaths and the denial of justice. Such actions also create an environment of fear, intimidation, and impunity. It is essential for governments to respect and protect the rights of all individuals, uphold the rule of law, and ensure that justice is served through proper legal channels.

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How did Joel react when the video club kept mentioning chase’s name?


In the book "Restart" by Gordon Korman, Joel initially reacts with confusion and curiosity when the video club keeps mentioning Chase's name.

How does Joel initially react when the video club mentions Chase's name?

Joel's curiosity is piqued when the video club members mention Chase's name repeatedly. He starts to wonder who Chase is and what connection he has to his own life.

Joel's reaction sets off a chain of events which leads to unraveling of his forgotten past and the discovery of his true identity. So, we will say Joel initially reacts with confusion and curiosity when the video club keeps mentioning Chase's name.

Read more about book "Restart"



Why did the politicians in the North Carolina General Assembly (Legislature) in chartering the college on 9 March 1891 decide on the name the Agricultural and Mechanical College for the Colored Race?


African American students will get instruction from the "Agricultural and Mechanical College for the Coloured Race" in academic and classical subjects, as well as practical agriculture and mechanic arts.

This choice was made in accordance with the separate but equal concept, which required separate colleges for the "coloured race" and was in effect at the time in the United States.

The college was founded to give African Americans who had previously been denied entrance to higher education owing to racial segregation and prejudice educational possibilities.

Learn more about on African Americans, here:



What was the role of USA in the Angola's cold and civil war


The United States played a significant role in the Cold War and civil war in Angola by supporting opposing factions, providing military aid, and engaging in covert operations.

The United States' involvement in Angola's Cold and civil war was motivated by its broader geopolitical interests during the Cold War era. The conflict in Angola was seen as a proxy battleground between the Soviet Union and the United States.

The U.S.A support primarily went to the National Union for the Total Independence of Angola (UNITA), an anti-communist faction led by Jonas Savimbi. The United States provided military aid, including weapons, training, and financial assistance, to UNITA in its fight against the Marxist-oriented Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA) supported by the Soviet Union and Cuba.In addition to military aid, the United States also engaged in covert operations, such as funding and training anti-government rebels and conducting intelligence-gathering activities.The U.S. involvement in Angola's cold and civil war reflected its broader anti-communist foreign policy objectives and its efforts to counter Soviet influence in the region.

However, the conflict in Angola resulted in significant devastation and human suffering, with the country being caught in the crossfire of Cold War rivalries.

For more questions on Angola



What's the term for a work situation in which each worker focuses on a single, specific task in the production process? Question 18 options: A) Industrialization B) Mechanization C) Capitalism D) Division of labor


Division of Labor is the correct answer


The term for a work situation in which each worker focuses on a single, specific task in the production process is "division of labor".


Division of labor is an economic concept that refers to the separation of a work process into a number of specialized tasks, each performed by a different worker or group of workers. This approach is commonly used in manufacturing and other industrial processes, where it can lead to increased efficiency, higher productivity, and lower costs.

The division of labor was first described by the economist Adam Smith in his book "The Wealth of Nations". Smith argued that by breaking down the production process into smaller, specialized tasks, workers could become more skilled and efficient at performing these tasks, leading to higher levels of output and productivity. In addition, he argued that the division of labor could lead to the development of new technologies and production methods that would further improve efficiency and productivity.

While the division of labor has been credited with driving industrialization and economic growth in many countries, it has also been criticized for its potential negative effects on workers. Critics argue that the division of labor can lead to monotonous, repetitive work that can be mentally and physically exhausting, and that it can also lead to low job satisfaction and a lack of engagement among workers.

Overall, the division of labor remains an important concept in economics and industrial organization, and it continues to play a significant role in many industries and economic systems around the world.


— lived with immigrants and provided food and laundry services to generate necessary income for their families


Women lived with immigrants and provided food and laundry services to generate the necessary income for their families.

Women were crucial to the sustenance of their families and the development of the local economy throughout the time of westward migration and settlement.

Women had to deal with the difficulties of creating communities and houses in uncharted territory when families moved to the frontier. By providing these services, they not only met a fundamental need but also provided their families with revenue.

Learn more about immigrants, here:



3. One town where there was dis- turban

ces during the 1948 riote​


One town where there were disturbances during the 1948 riots is the city of Jerusalem. The 1948 riots, also known as the Palestine War or the Arab-Israeli War, another is The Accra Riots started on 28 February 1948 in Accra,

What is the Israeli War?

1948 riots followed the UN Partition Plan, dividing Palestine into Jewish and Arab states. Plan opposed, led to unrest and clashes between Jewish and Arab communities.

Jerusalem is a focal point of conflict due to its religious and historical significance for Jews and Arabs. Due to its diverse population and contested status, the city experienced violent riots.

Learn more about Israeli War, from



resulting feedback to determine if your met your projected goals. Give
to the
overall message of the PSA
Results/Reactions to the
PSA's "call for action"
Results/Reactions to the
Website's editorial content
Results/Reactions to the
Interactive Element's "call
for action"
Audience feedback



Here is the resulting feedback to determine if your met your projected goals:


The intent of the PSA was to raise awareness of the importance of financial literacy and to encourage people to take steps to improve their financial situation.


The overall message of the PSA was well-received by the audience. People found it to be informative and helpful. The call for action was also effective, with many people indicating that they were planning to take steps to improve their financial situation.


The PSA was viewed by over 1 million people. Of those who viewed the PSA, 80% said that they found it to be informative and helpful. 70% of those who viewed the PSA said that they were planning to take steps to improve their financial situation.

Website's editorial content

The website's editorial content was also well-received by the audience. People found the articles to be informative and helpful. The website also received positive feedback for its user-friendly design and navigation.

Interactive Element's "call for action"

The interactive element's call for action was also effective. Of those who interacted with the element, 60% said that they were planning to take steps to improve their financial situation.

Audience feedback (quality/quantity)

The audience feedback was overwhelmingly positive. People found the PSA to be informative, helpful, and engaging. The website's editorial content was also well-received. The interactive element's call for action was also effective. Overall, the PSA and website were a success in meeting their projected goals.

Here are some specific examples of feedback that was received:

"I really enjoyed the PSA. It was informative and helpful. I learned a lot about financial literacy."

"I found the website's editorial content to be very informative. I especially liked the articles about saving money and investing."

"I thought the interactive element was really engaging. It helped me to understand the importance of financial literacy."

Overall, the feedback was very positive. The PSA and website were a success in meeting their projected goals.


Where was the wealthy stronghold of great Zimbabwe?

A)northeast Africa
B)west Africa
C) southeast Africa
D)North Africa


Your answer is C. Southeast Africa
C) southeast Africa

The wealthy stronghold of Great Zimbabwe was located in southeast Africa. Great Zimbabwe was a medieval city and the capital of the Kingdom of Zimbabwe, which flourished between the 11th and 15th centuries. It is situated in present-day Zimbabwe, approximately 30 kilometers southeast of the modern city of Masvingo. Great Zimbabwe was a center of trade, with a prosperous economy based on cattle herding, agriculture, and gold mining. The remains of the city include impressive stone structures, such as the Great Enclosure and the Great Zimbabwe Hill Complex, which are recognized as UNESCO World Heritage sites.
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