who is most often credited as being the inventor of baseball?


Answer 1

The most often credited person as being the inventor of baseball is Abner Doubleday.

Abner Doubleday, a Union Army officer during the American Civil War, is commonly credited as the inventor of baseball. The belief in Doubleday's involvement in creating the sport can be traced back to a letter written by baseball executive Albert Spalding in 1905. Spalding, a former player and founder of the Spalding sporting goods company, sought to establish the origins of baseball and promote its American roots.

However, there is no concrete evidence to support the claim that Doubleday invented baseball. Historical research and analysis have indicated that baseball evolved from earlier bat-and-ball games that were popular in England and North America. The modern game of baseball gradually developed and was influenced by various regional versions played in different parts of the United States.

While Doubleday's name has become associated with the origin of baseball, historians and researchers generally agree that the sport's development was a collective effort over time, influenced by a combination of folk games, town ball, rounders, and other similar games.

Although Abner Doubleday is often credited as the inventor of baseball, there is limited factual evidence to support this claim. The true origins of baseball are more complex and involve a gradual evolution from earlier bat-and-ball games. Understanding the historical context and acknowledging the collective contributions of various individuals and communities is essential in appreciating the development and cultural significance of the game of baseball.

To know more about baseball , visit



Related Questions

According to marilyn frye, the experience of oppression is like living in a:


According to Marilyn Frye, the experience of oppression is often likened to living in a birdcage.

In her influential essay titled "Oppression," Frye uses the metaphor of a birdcage to illustrate how oppression works. She explains that a birdcage restricts the freedom and movement of a bird, confining it within the bars. Similarly, oppression operates through a multitude of interconnected and overlapping barriers that limit the freedom and opportunities of marginalized individuals or groups.

Frye argues that oppression is not a singular act or event but rather a system of interconnected restrictions and barriers that work together to constrain and control marginalized individuals. Each bar of the metaphorical birdcage represents a specific aspect of oppression, such as societal norms, institutional structures, stereotypes, discrimination, and unequal power dynamics.

By using the birdcage metaphor, Frye highlights how the experience of oppression is not just about isolated incidents or individual actions but rather a complex system that works to confine and limit the lives and choices of marginalized individuals. It emphasizes the systemic and pervasive nature of oppression in society.

Learn more about freedom here:



according to albert bandura's social cognitive theory of personality, self-efficacy is group of answer choices the highest level of motivation possible in a need's hierarchy. what you believe you can accomplish. your relationship with your friends and the environment. achieving one's full potential and contributing to society.


According to Albert Bandura's social cognitive theory of personality, self-efficacy refers to "what you believe you can accomplish." It is not the highest level of motivation possible in a needs hierarchy but rather a key component of motivation and behavior.

Self-efficacy refers to an individual's belief in their own abilities to successfully perform tasks, meet challenges, and achieve desired outcomes. It is the confidence and belief in one's own competence to effectively handle different situations and accomplish goals.

Self-efficacy plays a crucial role in shaping motivation, behavior, and personal development. When individuals have high self-efficacy beliefs, they are more likely to set challenging goals, persevere in the face of obstacles, and maintain a positive attitude. On the other hand, low self-efficacy can lead to self-doubt, decreased motivation, and avoidance of challenges.

The other  choices mentioned, such as "your relationship with your friends and the environment," "achieving one's full potential and contributing to society," and "the highest level of motivation possible in a need's hierarchy," do not directly represent the concept of self-efficacy but may relate to other aspects of Bandura's theory, such as the importance of social influences and the pursuit of personal growth and fulfillment.

Learn more about society here:



all media outlets, whether broadcast, print, cable, or on the internet, that are in the business of creating and reporting original news stories are called the news/search?q


All media outlets, whether broadcast, print, cable, or on the internet, that are in the business of creating and reporting original news stories are called the news.

The term 'the news' refers to information that is newly received or noteworthy, especially about recent events or happenings. Therefore, any medium or outlet that creates, produces, or reports on such information is called the news.Furthermore, it is important to note that the term 'the news' is often used to refer to both the content of news stories as well as the institutions and organizations that produce and distribute them. This includes not only traditional news outlets such as newspapers, radio and television stations, and news websites, but also newer forms of media such as social media platforms and blogs.

In summary, any media outlet that creates and reports on original news stories is called the news, and this includes a wide range of traditional and non-traditional sources of information.

To know more about news, click here



The four criteria for negligence include A Duty, acceptance, offer, denial B Duty, breach of duty, proximate cause, damages C Damages, foreseeability, causation, challenges D All of the above E A and C from above, only


D. All of the above E A and C from above, only. The four criteria for negligence are All of the above.  The criteria for negligence include:

1) Duty: The defendant owed a duty of care to the plaintiff.

2) Breach of duty: The defendant breached their duty of care.

3) Proximate cause: The defendant's breach of duty was the direct cause of the plaintiff's injuries or damages.

4) Damages: The plaintiff suffered actual damages or harm as a result of the defendant's actions.

These criteria collectively establish the basis for a negligence claim. The defendant must have had a duty to exercise reasonable care, breached that duty, and caused harm or damages to the plaintiff. Additionally, the harm suffered by the plaintiff must be a reasonably foreseeable consequence of the defendant's actions.

Learn more about Breach of duty here:



According to the Expectancy Theory, motivation is high when people: believe that high levels of effort lead to high performance and, ultimately, performance will lead to the attainment of the outcomes that are desired by the person. perceive that they can satisfy their need for affiliation and need for achievement with minimum effort. have their most basic physiological and safety needs met. D) are given specific and challenging goals that help them focus their inputs in the right direction.


According to the Expectancy Theory, motivation is high when people believe that high effort leads to high performance, and performance leads to desired outcomes, and when they are given specific and challenging goals.

Motivation refers to the internal drive, desire, or incentive that influences and directs an individual's behavior towards achieving a particular goal or satisfying a need. It is the force that energizes, guides, and sustains behavior over time. Motivation can be intrinsic, arising from within oneself, or extrinsic, driven by external factors such as rewards or recognition. It is influenced by a complex interplay of personal factors, including beliefs, values, interests, and aspirations, as well as environmental factors such as social norms, expectations, and available resources. Motivation plays a vital role in goal setting, task performance, learning, productivity, and overall success and satisfaction in various aspects of life.

Learn more about Motivation here;




According to expectancy theory, motivation is high when persons:

A.believe that high levels of effort lead to high performance or ultimately, to attainment of the desired goals.

B. perceive that they can satisfy their need for affiliation or need for achievement with minimum efforts.

C. perceive that their own outcome input ratio is mini than that of referent.

D. are set specific or challenging goal which help them focus their inputs in right direction.

one myth about mental illness is the idea that those suffering from mental illness cannot be cured.
a. true b. false


b. false One myth about mental illness is the idea that those suffering from mental illness cannot be cured.

is false. Mental illnesses are treatable conditions, and many individuals with mental health issues can experience significant improvement and even complete recovery with appropriate treatment and support. Treatment s for mental illnesses include therapy, medication, lifestyle changes, and support from mental health professionals.

It is important to challenge the misconception that mental illnesses are incurable and instead promote understanding and awareness that recovery is possible. With early intervention, access to proper care, and ongoing support, individuals with mental illness can lead fulfilling and productive lives.

Learn more about professionals here:



an ira purchased by a small employer to cover employees is known as a



As a simplified employee pension plan.



An IRA purchased by a small employer to cover employees is known as a Simple IRA.What is a Simple IRA?A Simple IRA is a retirement plan that small businesses can use to cover their workers. It's also known as a Savings Incentive Match Plan for Employees (SIMPLE).
This plan is typically established by small companies or those that are just getting started. It is intended for businesses with fewer than 100 employees who earned $5,000 or more in the previous year.A Simple IRA is similar to a traditional IRA, with the added benefit of an employer's contribution. Unlike a 401(k) plan, a Simple IRA does not require as much paperwork or testing. The contributions are made from both the employer and the employee.The employer's contributions to a Simple IRA plan are tax-deductible up to 2 percent of the employee's compensation. The employee can contribute up to $13,500 in 2021, with an additional $3,000 catch-up contribution for people aged 50 or older.

To know more about retirement, visit:



assume that british corporations begin to purchase more supplies from the united states as a result of several labor strikes by british suppliers. this action reflects:


The action of British corporations purchasing more supplies from the United States as a result of labor strikes by British suppliers reflects a shift in sourcing or procurement strategy. Specifically, it reflects a shift in the supply chain or supplier base of the British corporations.

This shift can be seen as a response to disruptions in the domestic supply chain caused by labor strikes. By turning to the United States for supplies, the British corporations are seeking alternative sources to fulfill their procurement needs and mitigate the impact of the labor strikes.

This action may also indicate a strategic decision by the British corporations to diversify their supplier base, reducing their reliance on domestic suppliers and exploring international options. It could be driven by considerations such as cost, reliability, availability, and possibly the desire to secure supplies from more stable or less labor-disrupted regions.

What did the supreme court justices mean by the principle "one person, one vote"?


The principle of "one person, one vote" refers to the concept that each eligible individual's voting power should be equal to that of any other eligible individual in a democratic election.

When the Supreme Court justices referred to "one person, one vote," they were addressing the issue of ensuring equal representation and avoiding disproportionate influence in electoral processes. The principle asserts that when drawing legislative districts or allocating voting power, each person's vote should carry equal weight.

This principle was established and reinforced through landmark Supreme Court decisions, such as Reynolds v. Sims (1964) and Wesberry v. Sanders (1964). These rulings mandated that legislative districts should be roughly equal in population, preventing situations where the voting power of one citizen was significantly greater or lesser than another.

In essence, the principle of "one person, one vote" embodies the democratic ideal of equal representation and ensures that every eligible voter's voice carries equal significance in the electoral process.

To learn more about one person, one vote, click here:



Obedience to rules because of the fear of punishment is a characteristic of
a. Conventional morality
b. Post-conventional morality
c. Pre-conventional morality
d. None of the above


Obedience to rules because of the fear of punishment is a characteristic of pre-conventional morality. The correct option is C.

What is Pre-conventional morality?

Pre-conventional morality is the initial level of the Kohlberg's six stages of moral development theory, which involves individuals obeying the rules and avoiding punishment. At this point, the fear of punishment and the desire for benefits are the driving factors of one's decision-making.

Obedience and punishment orientation in Pre-conventional morality

During this stage, the individuals believe that the right behavior is whatever avoids punishment. People who are at this level usually behave in a particular way to avoid punishment. The avoidance of punishment is their sole consideration when making decisions.

Individuals who are motivated by obedience and punishment have a strong sense of fear of authority, as well as the rules and regulations governing their behaviors. They would follow these laws without necessarily considering their underlying principles or consequences.

In summary, Pre-conventional morality includes obeying the rules and avoiding punishment. Therefore, obedience to rules because of the fear of punishment is a characteristic of Pre-conventional morality. The correct option is C.

To know more about moral development, refer to the link below:



What is an accepted explanation for higher mortality rates among men?
Men are less likely than women to stick to a healthy diet and exercise plan.
Men are less likely than women to see a doctor for seemingly minor illnesses or injuries that can become more serious if not treated.
Even among men and women with similarly stressful jobs, men tend to cope by eating, smoking, and drinking, whereas women are more likely to exercise to deal with the stress.
Men are genetically predisposed to develop forms of cancer that are more likely to lead to death.


Higher mortality rates among men can be attributed to factors such as unhealthy lifestyle choices, reluctance to seek medical care, and genetic predispositions.

One accepted explanation for higher mortality rates among men is their tendency to engage in unhealthy lifestyle behaviors.

Men are often less likely than women to adhere to a healthy diet and exercise regularly, which can contribute to various health problems and increase the risk of mortality.Another contributing factor is the reluctance of men to seek medical care, particularly for seemingly minor health issues. This delay in seeking treatment can lead to the progression of illnesses or injuries, potentially resulting in more serious health conditions. Men's lower utilization of healthcare services can be attributed to societal factors such as traditional gender roles, cultural expectations, and perceptions of masculinity.Furthermore, coping mechanisms for stress can differ between genders, with men more likely to turn to unhealthy habits like overeating, smoking, and excessive alcohol consumption. In contrast, women tend to adopt healthier coping mechanisms such as exercise and seeking social support.Lastly, genetic factors also play a role in higher mortality rates among men. Certain genetic predispositions may make men more susceptible to specific diseases, including forms of cancer that are more likely to lead to fatal outcomes.

Overall, a combination of lifestyle choices, healthcare-seeking behaviors, coping mechanisms for stress, and genetic factors contribute to the higher mortality rates observed among men.

For more questions on mortality rates



how do the terms stereotype and discrimination relate to the term prejudice?


Stereotype and discrimination relate to the term prejudice in the sense that they are both products of prejudicial behavior.

Prejudice is a preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience. It can be positive or negative. A person may have a prejudice in favor of a particular race or ethnicity and against another group of people. Prejudice can be based on stereotypes and can lead to discriminatory behavior.

Stereotypes are generalizations or assumptions that people make about a group of people based on their race, ethnicity, gender, religion, or other characteristics. Stereotypes are often negative and can be harmful because they can be used to justify discriminatory behavior.

Discrimination is the act of treating someone unfairly based on their race, ethnicity, gender, religion, or other characteristics. Discrimination can be overt or covert, intentional or unintentional, and can take many forms, such as denying someone a job or promotion, not allowing someone to rent or buy a home, or denying someone access to education or healthcare.

Stereotypes can lead to discriminatory behavior because people may act on their assumptions and treat people unfairly based on their characteristics. For example, a person who believes that all members of a particular race are lazy may be less likely to hire someone from that race.

Discrimination reinforces stereotypes by creating a self-fulfilling prophecy. If a group of people is systematically denied opportunities, they may become more likely to behave in ways that confirm the stereotype, such as dropping out of school or engaging in criminal activity.

To know more about prejudicial behavior refer here: https://brainly.com/question/28236365#


which group of leadership theories argue that external factors help determine the best course of action for a leader? question 3 options: trait theories behavioral theories contingency theories situational theories


Contingency theories are the group of leadership theories that argue that external factors help determine the best course of action for a leader.

The contingency theories propose that leaders can adapt and respond to situations and that their leadership style and approach can vary depending on the specific circumstances of the situation. These theories suggest that there is no one-size-fits-all leadership style that is suitable for all circumstances. Instead, the best leadership style is contingent on the unique requirements of a specific situation. Contingency theories are sometimes referred to as situational theories because they acknowledge that situational variables affect leadership effectiveness. In essence, contingency theories hold that external variables such as the company environment, the people being led, and the task being undertaken are just as significant in determining the best course of action for a leader as his or her own leadership traits and actions.

For more information on leadership visit:



Determine whether each statement is TRUE or FALSE and place it in the correct bin. In each scenario, everything else is held constant so that the only change you need to consider is the one presented in a given scenario. TRUE FALSE If Japan's price level increases more than China's price level, Japan will see its current account improve The interest rate in Hong Kong drops by 2% while the interest rate in Germany drops by 3%. Germany's financial markets will experience a net inflow of capital. When South Korea's currency (the won) appreciates, falling exports cause South Korean aggregate demand to decrease, leading to a drop in the price level A financial website states that the Indian rupee is expected to depreciate against the Japanese yen. Upon reading this, Matthew concludes that capital will flow from Japan to India. Incomes in Old World increase by 15%, while incomes in New world increase by 18%. New World's current account will worsen as a result.



- If Japan's price level increases more than China's price level, Japan will see its current account improve.


-The interest rate in Hong Kong drops by 2% while the interest rate in Germany drops by 3%. Germany's financial markets will experience a net inflow of capital.

- When South Korea's currency (the won) appreciates, falling exports cause South Korean aggregate demand to decrease, leading to a drop in the price level.

- A financial website states that the Indian rupee is expected to depreciate against the Japanese yen. Upon reading this, Matthew concludes that capital will flow from Japan to India.

- incomes in the Old World increase by 15%, while incomes in the New World increase by 18%. The New World's current account will worsen as a result.

The TRUE statement is related to Japan's current account improving if its price level increases more than China's price level. The FALSE statements are related to the interest rate impact on capital flows in Germany and Hong Kong, the relationship between South Korea's currency appreciation and aggregate demand, the expectation of capital flow based on currency depreciation, and the impact of income changes on the current account in the Old World and New World.]

Learn more about incomes here:



which of the following is a challenge facing education policy in texas? a.mandatory oversight by the u.s. supreme court and u.s. department of justice


One of the challenges facing education policy in Texas is the mandatory oversight by the U.S. Supreme Court and U.S. Department of Justice So correct answer is A

which is a response to the state's historical discrimination against minority students and faculty members. In 1971, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled in the case of Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Board of Education that schools must desegregate to the fullest extent possible, which led to a wave of court orders mandating that states like Texas provide an equal education to all students regardless of their race or ethnicity.In response to this ruling, the U.S. Department of Education began to closely monitor the state's education policy, enforcing the integration of school districts and ensuring that funding was distributed equitably. However, this oversight has been met with some resistance from local school districts, who argue that the federal government is overstepping its bounds and infringing on their autonomy. As a result, the challenge facing education policy in Texas is to find a balance between federal oversight and local control, while still providing high-quality education to all students.

To know more about Supreme Court  visit:



what does the a represent in the rational emotive behavioral therapy model?


The term "A" in the rational emotive behavioral therapy model represents activating event.

What is rational emotive behavioral therapy?

Rational emotive behavioral therapy (REBT) is a type of cognitive-behavioral therapy that involves identifying, challenging, and modifying unhelpful beliefs. Rational emotive behavioral therapy is a comprehensive approach to therapy that focuses on resolving emotional and behavioral issues by analyzing and challenging the underlying beliefs that contribute to them.

REBT is focused on four major concepts: ABCDE, which represents activating events, beliefs, consequences, dispute, and effects of disputing. ABCDE is an acronym for: A = Activating Event B = Beliefs C = Consequences D = Dispute E = Effects of disputing.

REBT is based on the concept that beliefs influence our emotional and behavioral reactions to events. When we have negative thoughts, it contributes to our emotional and behavioral responses to a situation. REBT aims to identify and modify these negative thoughts to produce more healthy emotional and behavioral reactions.

To know more about behavioral therapy refer here:



The life-expectancy gap between older people with high and low levels of education is largest in:


The life-expectancy gap between older people with high and low levels of education is largest in the United States.

In the United States, there is a significant disparity in life expectancy based on education levels. Studies have shown that individuals with higher levels of education tend to have longer life expectancies compared to those with lower levels of education. The reasons for this disparity are multifaceted and complex, involving various factors such as socioeconomic status, access to healthcare, lifestyle choices, and opportunities for economic and social well-being. While education is not the sole determinant of life expectancy, it is considered a critical factor in influencing health outcomes and overall longevity. Efforts to reduce the life-expectancy gap and promote health equity often involve addressing educational disparities and providing equal access to quality education for all individuals.

To learn more about life-expectancy gap, click here:



During adolescence, one of the most important dimensions of membership in a particular clique or crowd is degree of similarity in:_________


During adolescence, one of the most important dimensions of membership in a particular clique or crowd is the degree of similarity in interests, behaviors, and attitudes among its members.

Adolescents often form cliques or crowds during their developmental stage as they seek to establish their identities and find a sense of belonging. These groups are characterized by the shared interests, behaviors, and attitudes of their members. Adolescents are drawn to cliques or crowds where they perceive similarities with others, as it provides a sense of validation and acceptance. Being part of a group that shares common values and interests allows individuals to feel understood and supported during this period of self-discovery. The level of similarity in these dimensions becomes a defining factor in the formation and maintenance of adolescent cliques or crowds.

Learn more about adolescent cliques here:



Which is consistent with an intradimensional discrimination procedure?


An intradimensional discrimination procedure is a type of learning task in which subjects are required to differentiate between stimuli that vary along a single dimension.

In this context, a consistent feature of an intradimensional discrimination procedure is the use of stimuli that share a common dimension for discrimination.

For example, let's consider a study investigating color perception. In an intradimensional discrimination procedure, participants might be presented with various shades of blue and asked to identify which shade is the darkest. The stimuli in this case, varying shades of blue, are consistent with an intradimensional discrimination procedure because they all share the same dimension (i.e., color) that participants are required to discriminate.

The key idea in an intradimensional discrimination procedure is that participants are making discriminations based on variations within a single dimension, rather than having to compare and contrast stimuli across multiple dimensions. This approach allows researchers to examine how individuals learn to differentiate stimuli based on specific features within a given dimension and how they generalize this learning to similar stimuli within the same dimension.

In summary, an intradimensional discrimination procedure involves using stimuli that share a common dimension for discrimination and focuses on understanding how individuals discriminate based on variations within that specific dimension.

Learn more about share here:



the ram with the two horns in the book of daniel symbolized


The ram with the two horns in the Book of Daniel symbolized the Medo-Persian Empire.

The Book of Daniel is a collection of narratives, visions, and apocalyptic literature written in Hebrew and Aramaic. It is believed to have been authored by Daniel, an exiled Jewish nobleman, in the 6th century BC during the Babylonian captivity. The book tells the story of Daniel and his friends' lives, who were taken as captives to Babylon. The book is one of the most well-known books of the Hebrew Bible, and it has had a significant influence on the Jewish and Christian traditions.

The Book of Daniel recounts a vision in which Daniel saw a ram with two horns, one of which was larger than the other. The ram was pushing westward, northward, and southward. The ram was overpowered by a goat with a single large horn in the middle of its forehead, which came from the west, overpowered the ram, and then shattered its horns. The ram with two horns represented the Medo-Persian Empire, which was established after the fall of the Babylonian Empire.

The larger horn represented the Persian kingdom, which conquered the Medes and was more powerful. The goat with a single horn represented Greece, and the large horn represented its first king, Alexander the Great. Alexander the Great defeated the Persian army and established the Greek Empire.

Learn more about Book of Daniel :- https://brainly.com/question/32134775


Fifteen (15) year old Kayla exhibits symptoms such as difficulty staying still, trouble paying attention, forgetfullness, not appearing to listen when spoken to and excessive daydreaming. These symptoms have been present for 12-14 months. They were not present prior to that. Which of the following statements is true?

Select one:


Kayla should be diagnosed with ADD/ADHD without Hyperactivity/ ADHD, Inattentive Type


she can be diagnosed with typical ADHD since she has enough major symptoms


Kayla should not be diagnosed with typical ADHD


if she had symptom of impulsivity and hyperactivity, she could be diagnosed with ADHD-Combined Type


The most appropriate diagnosis based on the given information is add/adhd without hyperactivity/adhd, inattentive type.

based on the information provided, the most appropriate diagnosis for kayla would be:a. kayla should be diagnosed with add/adhd without hyperactivity/adhd, inattentive type.

the symptoms described, such as difficulty staying still, trouble paying attention, forgetfulness, not appearing to listen when spoken to, and excessive daydreaming, align with the symptoms of inattention associated with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (adhd). specifically, these symptoms are characteristic of the inattentive type of adhd, also known as attention-deficit disorder (add).

it is important to note that a comprehensive evaluation by a qualified healthcare professional, such as a psychiatrist or psychologist, would be necessary to make an accurate diagnosis. the evaluation would typically involve gathering information from multiple sources, including the individual, their parents or caregivers, and teachers, along with considering the duration and impact of the symptoms.

the other s (b, c, and d) are not applicable based on the information provided. kayla's symptoms do not indicate a diagnosis of typical adhd or adhd-combined type, as there is no mention of symptoms of hyperactivity or impulsivity.

Learn more about symptoms here:



Consider the ideas of change and progress in light of the agricultural development project described in the Anthropology Applied feature. Come up with your own definition of progress that goes beyond the standard idea of technological and material advancement.


Progress can be defined as any process or development that occurs towards achieving a desired outcome or goal. It goes beyond the standard idea of technological and material advancement.

The agricultural development project described in the Anthropology Applied feature is a remarkable example of how progress can be achieved beyond the standard idea of technological and material advancement. This project aimed to help the farmers of the Karanganyar region in Indonesia, who were struggling with problems such as low crop yields, land degradation, and poor economic conditions. The project used a holistic approach to promote sustainable agriculture, which included training farmers in new agricultural techniques, providing them with modern tools and equipment, and teaching them about the importance of biodiversity conservation and environmental sustainability.

In summary, progress can be defined as making a positive impact on the environment and society, ensuring the conservation of natural resources and biodiversity, and preserving the livelihoods of people.

To know more Anthropology, click here



which of the following are activities that typically take place in a party caucus? multiple select question. filibustering developing issues resolving policy differences roll-call voting need help? review these


A party caucus is a meeting of the members of a political party to decide on policies, select candidates, and plan strategy.

The following are the activities that typically take place in a party caucus:

Developing issues.

Resolving policy differences.

Roll-call voting.

Party caucus is not where filibustering typically takes place.
Filibustering is the act of obstructing a legislative assembly's proceedings by extended debate on a particular topic. It is a form of obstructionism that intends to delay or entirely prevent a vote on a proposal. The objective of filibustering is to delay or obstruct legislative action on a given proposal. Therefore, it is not an activity that typically takes place in a party caucus.

A party caucus, on the other hand, is usually a closed meeting of the members of a political party to decide on policies, select candidates, and plan strategy.

The activities that typically take place in a party caucus include developing issues, resolving policy differences, and roll-call voting.

To know more about Filbuster


According to the theory of cumulative disadvantage, inequality begins with those who have greater resources and more opportunities to ____ additional resources?
a. occupy
b. own
c. acquire
d. develop


According to the theory of cumulative disadvantage, inequality begins with those who have greater resources and more opportunities to acquire additional resources. So, option C is accurate.

The theory of cumulative disadvantage posits that individuals who possess greater resources and opportunities are more likely to acquire additional resources over time. This process leads to a perpetuation of inequality as those with advantages continue to accumulate even more resources. For example, individuals with access to quality education, financial capital, and social networks are better positioned to acquire additional resources such as wealth, skills, and connections. This accumulation further amplifies their initial advantages and widens the gap between them and those with fewer resources and opportunities. Thus, the theory highlights how initial advantages can lead to a continuous cycle of accumulating more resources, exacerbating social and economic disparities.

To know more about theory of cumulative disadvantage



the two-factor theory examines the relationship between effort and performance.true or false?


False. The two-factor theory examines the relationship between job satisfaction and job dissatisfaction, not between effort and performance.

What is the two-factor theory? The two-factor theory, also known as the Herzberg's Motivation-Hygiene Theory, proposes that job satisfaction and job dissatisfaction are generated by two distinct and unrelated factors. These two factors are known as motivators and hygiene factors.Motivators are factors that lead to job satisfaction, such as the work itself, growth and advancement opportunities, recognition, and achievement. On the other hand, hygiene factors are factors that lead to job dissatisfaction, such as salary, working conditions, company policies, interpersonal relationships, and job security.What is the relationship between effort and performance?The relationship between effort and performance is explained by expectancy theory, not two-factor theory. According to expectancy theory, individuals' motivation to perform a task is a function of three factors: expectancy, instrumentality, and valence.Expectancy refers to the belief that increased effort will result in improved performance. Instrumentality refers to the belief that improved performance will lead to specific outcomes, such as rewards or recognition. Valence refers to the value that the individual places on the expected outcomes. If the outcomes are perceived as positive and valuable, the individual will be motivated to exert effort to achieve high performance.

To know more about valence, visit:



one of the main ways third parties have influenced american politics is by


One of the main ways third parties have influenced American politics is by putting pressure on the major parties to adopt their issues or platform.

Third parties play a significant role in American politics, even though they rarely win elections. They serve as an outlet for political expression for voters who are dissatisfied with the major parties' platforms, policies, or candidates. They may also raise new issues and promote new policy ideas that the major parties do not address. This can influence the political agenda and force the major parties to pay attention to these issues or adopt these policy proposals.

One of the ways third parties have influenced American politics is by putting pressure on the major parties to adopt their issues or platform. When third-party candidates receive a significant number of votes, it can send a signal to the major parties that their policies or platforms are not satisfactory to a segment of the electorate. In response, the major parties may adjust their platforms or include the issues raised by the third parties. This has happened multiple times in American history, such as the Populist Party's influence on the Democratic Party in the late 19th century and the Green Party's influence on the Democratic Party's environmental policies in the 1990s.

To know more about American politics, refer to the link below:



An slc circuit that consists of a class a main trunk with a class b spur circuit is known as an slc?


The statement about an slc circuit consisting of a class a main trunk and a class b spur circuit is not accurate or consistent with the typical usage of these terms.

an slc circuit is a digital communication circuit that carries signaling information between switching systems or network elements. it is commonly used in telephone networks for various purposes, such as call setup, call routing, and signaling between different parts of the network.

the term "class a" and "class b" that you mentioned do not directly relate to slc circuits in the context you provided. class a and class b are more commonly associated with amplifier configurations or different types of audio systems, rather than signaling circuits. regarding the points mentioned, as an ai language model, i don't have a direct involvement with point systems or rewards. my primary goal is to provide helpful and accurate information to the best of my abilities. if you have any further questions or need clarification, feel free to ask!

Learn more about involvement here:



Which city is not among the major destinations in allegiant air's route system?


The city that is not among the major destinations in Allegiant Air's route system is Providence, Rhode Island.W Allegiant AirAllegiant Air is an ultra-low-cost airline based in the United States. It is a major US airline and has been providing scheduled and charter services since 1998.

The airline operates flights to 125 destinations in America, primarily to smaller non-hub regional airports, with a fleet of 105 aircraft. The airline’s corporate headquarters are located in Summerlin, Nevada, with operational and training centers in Las Vegas, Nevada, as well as Sanford, Florida.

The main answer:Providence, Rhode Island is not among the major destinations in Allegiant Air's route system.Explanation:Allegiant Air is known for providing services primarily to smaller non-hub regional airports, and Providence, Rhode Island, is not one of the major destinations in their route system. Therefore, Providence is not part of Allegiant Air's major destinations.

TO know more about that destinations visit:



What are the critical issues discussed in this case study? Who are the stakeholders (primary, secondary and indirect) and how should Kraft communicate with all the stakeholders to maintain the declining trust?
What media should Kraft’s use to communicate to its customers? Who should Kraft’s key audience be: critics, agencies, parents, children, non-parent adults, or others? Should the company even target a particular audience?


These are the people or organizations that Kraft's choices and actions have directly impacted. Despite having no direct relationship with Kraft, these stakeholders may nonetheless be impacted by its decisions.

The case study seems missing so the answer is written in generalise manner.

These stakeholders might not directly interact with Kraft, but they may be affected by its decisions or be interested in what the firm does.

Kraft should think about the following stakeholder communication techniques to retain falling trust:

Address any problems or worries out loud, giving accurate information and being open about the solutions you use.Engage in active listening to the opinions, worries, and expectations of stakeholders, and when appropriate, include them in decision-making processes.

Customers of Kraft should be the company's main target market since they have a direct effect on its performance. However, it is crucial that Kraft takes into account additional parties, such as critics, organizations, parents, kids, individuals who aren't parents, and others.

Learn more about stakeholders, here:



1. Which of the family communication theories (systems approach, dialectics approach, social construction theory, or developmental theory) do you relate to most? Why? Be sure to give specific examples from your own family to support your answer.

2. Which of the methods of inquiry (surveys, experiments, depth interviews, textual analysis, or genograms) do you think produces the best information in studying family communication? Explain why you think this is the case. Which of these methods would you use if you were studying family communication and why?


1. The family communication theory that I can relate to the most is the social construction theory because it highlights how communication shapes our realities and how it helps us create meaning in our lives.

This theory posits that meanings and understandings are constructed by individuals, groups, and societies. These meanings are based on language, culture, and shared beliefs and values. This theory can be applied to my family because we have different cultural backgrounds that shape our beliefs and values, which in turn influence our communication patterns.

For example, in my family, we have different ways of showing respect to our elders based on our cultural background. In my mom's culture, it is customary to bow down to elders as a sign of respect, while in my dad's culture, it is customary to touch their feet as a sign of respect. This difference in cultural norms creates a communication barrier in our family because my mom gets upset when my dad's family doesn't follow her cultural norms. However, through communication and negotiation, we have learned to respect each other's cultural practices and find common ground.

2. I think that depth interviews produce the best information in studying family communication because they allow for rich, detailed, and personalized information to be gathered about family members' experiences and perceptions. Depth interviews are a qualitative research method that involves open-ended questions and follow-up questions to explore a participant's thoughts, feelings, and experiences in-depth. This method is useful in studying family communication because it allows researchers to gather rich and detailed information about the complexities of family communication.

For more information on family theories kindly visit to



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