- Who is more likely to become extinct, especially when the conditions in the environment change?



Answer 1
Specialists are most likely to become extinct with major environmental changes because their niche is smaller and they cannot adapt easily.

Related Questions

biological classification is important because it allows scientists to study organisms in a ___ way​





Biological classification is important because it allows scientists to study organisms in a systematic way​.

In Science, this biological classification of living organisms based on similarities or characteristics such as eyes, number of legs, etc., is generally referred to as taxonomy.

Taxonomy can be defined as the process of naming, classification and description of living organisms such as plants and animals. The eight (8) biological classification (taxonomy) used for grouping and organizing organisms are; kingdom, domain, phylum, family, order, class, species and genus.

Hence, taxonomy helps scientist to have a good understanding and knowledge when studying various organisms.

How much oxygen does the
atmosphere contain?
O 12%
0 76%
O 35%
0 26%





By volume, dry air contains 78.09% nitrogen, 20.95% oxygen, 0.93% argon, 0.04% carbon dioxide, and small amounts of other gases. Air also contains a variable amount of water vapor, on average around 1% at sea level, and 0.4% over the entire atmosphere.

How is antigenic drift beneficial for viruses?(1 point)

A) It changes how genes code for antigens.

B) It leads to less mRNA which is easier to copy.

C) It creates a variety of immune responses in the host organisms.

D) It makes them unrecognizable to the immune system.



1. Individuals with thicker fur had a survival advantage in the cold environment, allowing these individuals to reproduce more often and create more offspring.

2. random mating

3. The green skin color is being selected over blue skin color.

4. DNA

5. They show intermediate steps in the evolution process.

6. Different islands had very different food resources available, and only individuals that were adapted to eat those food resources survived and reproduced on that island.

7. Those who have traits that help them survive are able to reproduce, and their offspring have those traits, leading to a change in the species over time.

8. It makes them unrecognizable to the immune system.

9. The exposure of human populations to less UV light required a reduction in melanin to produce more vitamin D for healthier bones.

10. the correlation between air pollution and white moth predation

11. It is a biological process that leads a population to have a widespread expression of an advantageous trait.

Answer:It makes the unrecognized to the immune system:)



Match the following terms and definitions.

1. Glycolysis

2. electron transport chain

3. Krebs cycle

breaks down glucose into pyruvic acid and ATP

picks up hydrogens and produces ATP

produces carbon dioxide, water, and ATP



1. Glycolysis - breaks down glucose into pyruvate and ATP.

2. Electron Transport Chain - picks up Hydrogen and produces ATP.

3. Krebs Cycle - produces carbon dioxide, water, and ATP.


1. Glycolysis takes a molecule of glucose and breaks it down into two molecules of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate(G3P) which ends up as pyruvate producing 4 molecules of ATP ( two from each G3P molecule). However, there is technically a net gain of 2 ATP molecules.

2. Electron Transport Chain - takes Hydrogen from energy-rich molecules, NADHH and FADH2, and produces ATP through a series of steps in the mitochondria.

3. Krebs Cycle - produces carbon dioxide, water, and ATP from pyruvate oxidation which occurs in the mitochondrial matrix (in eukaryotes).

Identify the types of genetic recombination.

1.____occurs in metaphase I.
2.____occurs during sexual reproduction.
3.____is random chromosome alignment resulting in variation.
4.____occurs in prophase I.
5.____fuses gametes to form offspring with genes from each parent.
6.____exchanges genetic information between non-sister chromatids.


1.cell membrane
2.Cell startation
3.cell fusion
4.cell reconstruction
5.tissue replacement
6.red blood cells

Where are ribosomes produced?



In bacterial cells, ribosomes are synthesized in the cytoplasm through the transcription of multiple ribosome gene operons. In eukaryotes, the process takes place both in the cell cytoplasm and in the nucleolus, which is a region within the cell nucleus.

Hope this helps!

26. the first documented patient in a disease epidemic within a population?
A. The suspect
B. The definitive host
C. The carrier
D. The index case

27. During the lab, the time was needed for E. Coli to show some growth after UV light exposure which indicates some DNA repair?
A. 0 second
B. 30 seconds
C. 1 minute
D. 2 minutes

28. Mannitol salt agar is classified as:
A. Enriched medium
B. Selective medium
C. Differential medium
D. A. and b.
E. B. and c.

29. Mannitol salt agar is used to identify & differentiate
A. Fungi
B. Enteric bacteria
C. Staphylococcus
D. Streptococcus
E. Gram (-) cocci

30. The Ingredient in Mannitol salt plate which makes the agar selective is?
A. Salt
B. Glucose
C. Mannitol
D. Bile acids



a a c


How does the shape of the red blood allow diffusion to occur efficiently



The partial pressure of oxygen determines the affinity of hemoglobin for oxygen. Red blood cells have the shape of a flattened disk, generating a broad surface area for the diffusion of oxygen. Since their only purpose is carrying oxygen throughout the body, they lack many typical cell structures, including a nucleus.


Hope this helps


* Because of their viscoelastic characteristic, red blood cells are able to squeeze through very thin capillaries in order to deliver oxygen and remove carbon dioxide. * The biconcave shape of red blood cells helps maximize the overall surface area required for oxygen absorption.


A segment of a DNA strand is shown. AGGTCAGG
a. What is the complementary DNA strand?

b. What is the mRNA strand?

c. What amino acids are produced as a result (use the codon chart to help you)



b. messenger ribonucleic acid

a. The complementary DNA strand is the sequence that pairs with the given DNA strand. In DNA, adenine (A) pairs with thymine (T), and cytosine (C) pairs with guanine (G). Therefore, the complementary DNA strand of "AGGTCAGG" would be "TCCAGTCC".

b. The mRNA strand is synthesized based on the complementary DNA strand. In mRNA, thymine (T) is replaced by uracil (U). Therefore, the mRNA strand corresponding to the given DNA sequence "AGGTCAGG" would be "UCCAGUCC".

c. To determine the amino acids produced, we need to identify the codons (groups of three nucleotides) in the mRNA strand and refer to a codon chart (also known as a genetic code chart). Here's an example of how the codons in the mRNA strand "UCCAGUCC" can be translated:

UCC (Serine)

AGU (Serine)

CCU (Proline)

Therefore, the resulting amino acid sequence would be Serine-Serine-Proline.

Know more about complementary DNA:



types of carbohydrates and their functions



Carbohydrates give you energy for instance marathon runners will eat a lot of carbs like pasta and bread to give them energy


Lymph capillaries Lymph capillaries filter lymph. originate as closed-ended tubes associated with blood capillary networks. cannot be discerned structurally from cardiovascular system capillaries. include layers of smooth muscle for peristalsis. concentrate lymph prior to passing it to larger lymphatic vessels.



The correct answer is ''originate as closed-ended tubes associated with blood capillary networks.''


The lymphatic vessel system begins within the tissues in the form of tubes closed at one end called lymphatic capillaries (chyliferous in the intestine). These have an internal endothelial lining, similar to that of blood capillaries. These vessels are found in greater numbers in the skin, the digestive tract, and the respiratory system. The tissue fluid penetrates the lymphatic capillaries by diffusion, with the help of a small indirect pressure gradient, which gives it the arterial pressure. The walls of the lymphatic capillaries offer little resistance to the entry of substances; they are more permeable than capillaries in the blood system. The tiny capillaries form larger vessels, similar to the venules and veins of the blood vessel system. The walls are thinner than those of the veins of the blood system and its valves much more numerous.

define the term chylomicron​


Fat found in blood and lymphatic fluid
Chylomicrons are large triglyceride-rich lipoproteins produced in enterocytes from dietary lipids—namely, fatty acids, and cholesterol.

Smallholders have historically been for-profit commercial horticulturalists rather than subsistence farmers.



False I think hope it help ur Can I plz get a ty for trying :)):;(((((

Genetic movement is also known as genetic what?



Genetic disorders of the central nervous system have a propensity to cause movement disorders or ataxia, as a part of the phenotype, or sometimes as the main phenotypic manifestation. The Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM) database lists over 500 entries for disorders of which ataxia or a movement disorder form part. Neurologists should be alert to the possibility that patients with complex disorders involving involuntary movements or unsteadiness may have a genetic disorder.

Only those gene loci with relevance to the practising neurologist will be discussed; a more complete listing of other loci, many of which apply only to individual kindreds, is available in referenced review articles.


Huntington’s disease (HD) is the prototypic neurogenetic disorder, one of the first to be mapped (1983) and subsequently cloned (1993), and the model on which presymptomatic genetic testing is based.

The clinical triad of movement disorder, psychiatric features, and eventual dementia will be well known to neurologists. Chorea is the first manifestation in about two thirds of patients, initially a mild fidgetiness apparent only to the careful observer, which gradually progresses and may be the only clinical manifestation of HD for several years. Severe chorea may respond well to neuroleptics such as sulpiride. Personality change and eye movement disorders including slow saccades, and head thrusting or blinking to generate saccadic eye movements, are also common early features. A wide range of movement disorders including parkinsonism, loss of postural stability, and dystonia eventually supervene, leading to increasingly functional impairment. Progressive weight loss, often resulting in cachexia, is common. Presentation is usually in the forth or fifth decades, but may be at almost any age. The juvenile onset form of HD may present with parkinsonism, the so-called Westphal variant, while late onset forms may cause chorea alone.

Expansion of a polyglutamine (CAG) trinucleotide repeat beyond the critical threshold of 36 repeats results in disease, and forms the basis of the polymerase chain reaction based genetic test. Expansion size is inversely related to age at onset, but the range in age at onset for a given repeat size is so large that repeat size is not a useful predictor for individuals. Inheritance is dominant with full penetrance, meaning that almost all mutation carriers will eventually develop the disease, except those with 36–39 repeats where penetrance is reduced. Meiotic instability with a tendency to increasing expansion size, particularly during spermatogenesis, provides the molecular basis for the phenomenon of anticipation. Thus, juvenile onset cases with very large expansions usually have an affected father. A small minority (< 1%) of individuals have expansions in an intermediate range (29–35 repeats), believed to be an asymptomatic but unstable pre-mutation range, which may expand to cause disease in offspring. Dentatorubropallidoluysian atrophy (DRPLA), also caused by a trinucleotide repeat expansion, may be difficult to distinguish clinically from early onset HD, and so is usually tested for with HD.

Predictive genetic testing of asymptomatic at-risk relatives of affected patients is governed by international guidelines (see Hanna and Wood on page ii2). Prenatal testing in known mutation carriers is routinely available, while linkage based exclusion testing is available to those at-risk women who do not wish to know their own gene status. The latter depends on termination of a pregnancy where linkage shows the fetus to have the same 50% genetic risk as the mother. Preimplantation diagnosis based on selection of unaffected IVF embryos is available in some centres.


Dystonia is a feature of many hereditary neurodegenerative and metabolic disorders. In most of these disorders, dystonia usually occurs in the setting of a broader clinical phenotype, and careful clinical assessment reveals other features such as cognitive involvement, pyramidal signs, or ocular abnormalities.

Primary dystonias

In this group of disorders, dystonia or dystonic tremor is (with the exception of parkinsonism in dopa responsive dystonia (DRD)) the only clinical manifestation, and imaging and pathology are usually unrevealing. These disorders have a genetic basis, with dominant inheritance in most cases. The most important of these disorders to the neurologist are DYT1 dystonia and DRD.

there is more answers for this question and it's more and more so go to https://jnnp.bmj.com/content/73/suppl_2/ii22

The dwarf phenotype is recessive to the tall phenotype in pea plants. When one tall plant and one dwarf plant are crossed together, 50% of their offspring are tall, and the other 50% displays dwarfism. What is the genotype of each parent in this cross?



Tt (heterozygous tall) and homzygous short (tt)


This question involves one gene coding for height in pea plants. The allele for tallness (T) is dominant over the allele for shortness (tt). This means that dwarf phenotype is recessive to the tall phenotype in pea plants.

According to this question, a tall plant and a dwarf plant (tt) are crossed together. 50% of their offspring are tall, and the other 50% displays dwarfism. This is an equal ratio. Since the dwarf plant can only be "tt", the tall plant must be heterozygous "Tt" to be produced.

Hence, a cross between Tt vs tt will produce ½tall plants and ½short plant.

How would the dynamic of an ecosystem and rate of evolution change there was an unlimited supply of resources, including food, space and water?



The population will be large and evolution process is slow.


There will be large population of organisms present in the ecosystem and slow rate of evolution when there is unlimited supply of resources such as food, space and water etc because these resources are needed by the organisms to increase their population. There is also a slow rate of evolution when there are plenty of resources because limited resources also increase the chance of evolution and when there is no competition among organisms, the rate of evolution slower down.

Do Birds Really Abandon Their Chicks If Humans Touch Them? 25 points!!



Yes they do.


birds will abandon their young after being touched by human hands because they can smell the scent of the human on their babies. This then causes the mother bird to become afraid of possible predators and to leave its children to the elements

answer: no

explanation: parent birds do not recognize their young by smell. They will not abandon a baby if it has been touched by humans.



C ur welcome branliest pls it would make my day:))


I think its A


Alternate energy does not require the equipment such as those oil pumpers.

The effect of cholesterol on membrane fluidity at physiological temperatures is to Choose one: A. prevent lateral movement of phospholipids and thereby decrease membrane fluidity in that region. B. maintain membrane fluidity due to exclusion of saturated glycerophospholipids. C. rigidify membranes by forming a complex that bridges the inner and outer leaflets. D. maintain membrane fluidity through its disruption of fatty acid packing.



The correct answer is  D. maintain membrane fluidity through its disruption of fatty acid packing.


Cholesterol is a steroid lipid and is a constituent of biological membranes. It regulates the fluidity of the membrane (so, option C is not correct). Since cell membranes are composed of another type of lipids, the phospholipids, which form a bilayer, cholesterol distributes between the phospholipid tails and avoids these molecules pack each other forming rigid clusters. Thus, the option which better explains the effect is D. maintain membrane fluidity through its disruption of fatty acid packing.

The availability of natural resources in any habitat determines the____of that habitat
A.) intraspecific competition
B.) carrying capacity​



B, carrying capacity


b/c caring capacity the avability of natural resources in any habitat of the habitat

RNA is used in the process of translation to build proteins. Which of these correctly describes the role of the different types of RNA in
protein synthesis? Choose ALL that apply.
rRNA makes up the ribosome.
ERNA carries amino acids to ribosome.
tRNA carries nucleotides to the ribosome.
mRNA copies the genetic code from DNA and carries it to the ribosome.
mRNA code is read to determine the sequence of amino acids in the



I think its A and D


Sorry if I'm wrong good luck.

D i hope you get this right i

What is the type of asexual reproduction that occurs in yeasts?



Budding is the asexual reproduction that happens in yeasts



hope it helps.

8. Some humans have attached earlobes, some have detached
earlobes. Is this beneficial, neutral, or harmful? Why?



attached earlobes are neutral


there are myths that attached earlobes are a sign of inbreeding but this has been unproven for years. they serve no difference

define organic agriculture production for at least three to five sentences​



Organic farming can be defined as an agricultural process that uses biological fertilisers and pest control acquired from animal or plant waste. Organic farming was initiated as an answer to the environmental sufferings caused by the use of chemical pesticides and synthetic fertilisers.

Normal mitotic cell division results in each daughter cell having 1/2 the chromosomes
A True
B False





it should be a whole number and not 1/2

Name how soil and water are negatively affected by food production



- Water: salinization due to irrigation, water pollution, etc.

- Soil: erosion (mechanization), porosity, accumulation of harmful pesticides/herbicides, loss of microbe biodiversity, etc.


Improper agricultural practices are associated with the pollution of soil and water. It is well known that the overuse of fertilizers or pesticides/herbicides contaminates both the soil and water and disturbs the composition of nutrients in the soil. Moreover, improper agricultural practices also reduce soil porosity, produce soil erosion and increase soil salinity/alkalinity. Moreover, improper practices may also increase pollution by increasing the concentrations of nutrients and toxic pollutants in both water and crops. Finally, irrigation techniques increase salinity levels in water and soil.

In humans most of an of offsprings genes comes from the father true or false



False. You actually have more from your mother.

Help please, if you can (I don’t think this is biology but there’s no other subject so ya)



I had this test their are 3 heterozygous

Explanation: Because, this has too different allels

Which property (quality) of fossils allows scientists to determine the relative ages of rock layers?
A.Fossils show change over time as species evolve.
B.Fossils form from the remains of living organisms.
C.Fossils are usually found only in sedimentary rock.
D.Fossils can be analyzed to determine their exact age


Is the ✨ A ✨

Hope this can help you

The  property (quality) of fossils allows scientists to determine the relative ages of rock layers are fossils show change over time as species evolve.

What is the minimum age of a fossil?

A living being that lived more than 11 thousand years ago is considered a fossil, that is, before the Holocene, which is the current geological epoch. Ancient remains or evidence, but less than 11,000 years old, such as sambaquis, are classified as subfossils.

Chemistry is present in this process, more precisely the element Carbon. The dating of a fossil can be done based on the already known percentage of Carbon-14 (C14) in relation to Carbon-12 (C12) of living matter (without decomposition).

See more about fossil age at brainly.com/question/2495177


When living things die, why are there only bones remaining after some time?​



When an organism is buried quickly, there is less decay and the better the chance for it to be preserved. The hard parts of organisms, such as bones, shells, and teeth have a better chance of becoming fossils than do softer parts. One reason for this is that scavengers generally do not eat these parts.



ANSWER Decomposers break down dead material.


plz mark brainliest

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