Which sentence from the passage best supports the inference that some men
supported the women's suffrage movement? *
"Voting rights had been extended to most white men by the early 1800s."
"Some men argued that women should only concern themselves with household and
family matters."
"About forty men also attended the convention."
"However, the group split up due to disagreements concerning the Fifteenth


Answer 1


About forty men also attended the convention. Hope this helps.


Related Questions

Nonfiction writers have to stick to factual information. They usually have to research their information before they begin to write. However, it can sometimes be
difficult to keep ones nonfiction free from all personal bias. When writers do this, what are they revealing about themselves?
census information





When a writer is unable to keep their work free of biases, they reveal their viewpoint (point of view) - the perspective from which they write about something. For example, if someone is writing about a historical event, they may side with one side or the other and reveal that in their work. A text that isn't influenced by someone's personal feelings, beliefs, or opinions is called an objective text. The opposite would be a subjective text. A text written by someone who is unable to keep their work free from all personal bias is subjective.

Which sentence best expresses the central point of the entire selection? a) In Okinawa, Peck met two people who refused to take responsibility for their own problems. b)People demonstrate healthy creativity in the excuses they make for their irresponsibility. c) Many people, like the sergeant and the young wife, won't solve their problems because they refuse to take responsibility for them. d) The sergeant and the young wife would rather see the careers and lives ruined than take responsibility for their problems.


Your answer is probably c but I’m not sure

Plzz help
from “Mother Tongue”
by Amy Tan
Lately, I’ve been giving more thought to the kind of English my mother speaks. Like others, I have described it to people as “broken” or “fractured” English. But I wince when I say that. It has always bothered me that I can think of no way to describe it other than “broken,” as if it were damaged and needed to be fixed, as if it lacked a certain wholeness and soundness. I’ve heard other terms used, “limited English,” for example. But they seem just as bad, as if everything is limited, including people’s perceptions of the limited English speaker.
I know this for a fact, because when I was growing up, my mother’s “limited” English limited my perception of her. I was ashamed of her English. I believed that her English reflected the quality of what she had to say. That is, because she expressed them imperfectly her thoughts were imperfect. And I had plenty of empirical evidence to support me: the fact that people in department stores, at banks, and at restaurants did not take her seriously, did not give her good service, pretended not to understand her, or even acted as if they did not hear her.
My mother has long realized the limitations of her English as well. When I was fifteen, she used to have me call people on the phone to pretend I was she. In this guise, I was forced to ask for information or even to complain and yell at people who had been rude to her. One time it was a call to her stockbroker in New York. She had cashed out her small portfolio and it just so happened we were going to go to New York the next week, our very first trip outside California. I had to get on the phone and say in an adolescent voice that was not very convincing, “This is Mrs. Tan.”
And my mother was standing in the back whispering loudly, “Why he don’t send me check, already two weeks late. So mad he lie to me, losing me money.”
And then I said in perfect English, “Yes, I’m getting rather concerned. You had agreed to send the check two weeks ago, but it hasn’t arrived.”
Then she began to talk more loudly. “What he want, I come to New York tell him front of his boss, you cheating me.” And I was trying to calm her down, make her be quiet, while telling the stockbroker, “I can’t tolerate any more excuses. If I don’t receive the check immediately, I am going to have to speak to your manager when I’m in New York next week.” And sure enough, the following week there we were in front of this astonished stockbroker, and I was sitting there red-faced and quiet, and my mother, the real Mrs. Tan, was shouting at his boss in her impeccable broken English.

What is the overall tone?
humble and admiring
cynical and condescending
resentful, yet loving
critical, yet understanding
hopeful and nostalgic






what is the meaning of the word erretic?


do you mean erratic? if so:

not even or regular in pattern or movement; unpredictable.


not even or regular in pattern or movement; unpredictable.

please help me yes i know i'm not too bright. lol.



I think that it is A because non of the other answers really apply...

What does notorious means


To be famous or well known by a lot of people.

Answer: To be famous or well known by a bunch of people.

1. The Crucible is
classified as a
historical fiction.
Explain what this
genre of literature is
and what it hopes to



They fought the war hopes this helps:)


Fill in the circle next to the correct answer.

1 What in the story can happen?

A A wagon can have wings.

B A rock can answer a question

C A boy can have a wagon.

2 What in the story is make believe ?

A A boy has an apple.

B A Boy sits a wagon

C A boy has a flying wagon

3 What is magic in the story?

A Jose and the apple

B the rock and the wagon

C the map and the apple

Sight words

Circle the two words that are the same.

1 red 2 red 3 ride 4 ride 5 rode


1. c


3 c

4. 1 2 3 4

Common Confused Words

They're / There / Their

Direction: Choose the correct word in each sentence below.

1. Four people put (they're; there; their) names on the list.

2. (They're; There; Their) isn't anything anyone can do about the problem.

3. She asked that I sit (they're; there; their) until I felt better.

4. No one knows when (they're; there; their) planning to sell the house.

5. The lions did (they're; there; their) tricks and returned to a large cage.

6.What is (they're; there; their) problem?

7. Is anyone (they're; there; their)?

8. The actors told me that (they're; there; their) planning to perform an extra show this Saturday.

9. I wonder why (they're; there; their) was no warning for the storm.

10. Hippies wore (they're; there; their) hair long.

Stationary / Stationery

1. The (stationary; stationery) store sells personalized envelopes.

2. When a warm and a cold front meet, they produce an unmoving (stationary; stationery) front.

3. He typed the memo on official corporate (stationary; stationery).

4. I exercise on my (stationary; stationery) bike every morning.

5. This town's population has been (stationary; stationery) for years.

6. (Stationary; Stationery) supplies are in the desk drawer.

7. We all pushed on the bumper, but the car remained (stationary; stationery).

8. Scientists believe this ecosystem is evolving toward a (stationary; stationery) state.

9. Bill hoped that staying (stationary; stationery) would help him hide.

10. A glass paperweight topped the pile of (stationary; stationery).

My English is no good please help ?

mi ingles no es muy bueno por favor ayuda


since you do not speak english good, i will try to explain simple.

their is when something belongs to someone.

they're means they are.

there means a place.

let's go through some sentences.

1. (They're there, their) having dinner.

It would be they're because they are having dinner.

2.That is (they're, there, their) dog.

It would be their because they own the dog.

3. Look over (they're, there, their).

It would be there because it is a place.

Try yours on your own, and if you need help comment saying you need help.

You are a village boy/girl studying in a school situated in your village. Speak out for an injustice that has happened in your village where a certain section of poor children were denied the right to education. You will be addressing the district collector of the village you are living in. Please write a letter based on the above . pls I expect a mature answer​


That why the world is the meaning in the savage love get somebody break your heart

WILL MARK BRAINLIEST Read this excerpt from “Poor Harold.”

A room in Washington Square South. By the light of a candle, a young man in tousled hair and dressing gown is writing furiously at a little table. A clock within strikes seven.

A door at the back opens, and a young woman looks in, sleepily. She frowns. The young man looks up guiltily.

SHE. What are you doing?

HE. (innocently) Writing.

SHE. So I see. (She comes in, and sits down. It may be remarked that a woman's morning appearance, in dishabille, is a severe test of both looks and character; she passes that test triumphantly. She looks at the young man, and asks) – Poetry?

HE. (hesitatingly) No. . . .

SHE. (continues to look inquiry).

HE. (finally) A letter. . . .

SHE. (inflexibly) – To whom?

HE. (defiantly) To my wife!

SHE. Oh! That's all right. I thought perhaps you were writing to your father.

HE. (bitterly) My father! Why should I write to my father? Isn't it enough that I have broken his heart and brought disgrace upon him in his old age –

SHE. Disgrace? Nonsense! Anybody might be named as a co-respondent in a divorce case.

HE. Not in Evanston, Illinois. Not when you are the local feature of a notorious Chicago scandal. Not when your letters to the lady are published in the newspapers. – Oh, those letters!

SHE. Were they such incriminating letters, Harold?

HAROLD. Incriminating? How can you ask that, Isabel? They were perfectly innocent letters, such as any gentleman poet might write to any lady poetess. How was I to know that a rather plain-featured woman I sat next to at a Poetry Dinner in Chicago was conducting a dozen love-affairs? How was I to know that my expressions of literary regard would look like love-letters to her long-suffering husband? That's the irony of it: I'm perfectly blameless.

Which excerpt uses direct characterization?

The young man looks up guiltily_.

HE. (hesitatingly) No. . . .

HE. (defiantly) To my wife!

That's the irony of it: I'm perfectly blameless.



The young man looks up guiltily_.



What the guy above me said -_-


Which of the lines from Annabel Lee is an example of assonance?
"It was many and many a year ago"
In the kingdom by the sea
A and B
None of these


None of these for the answer

Part A

In Chapter 10 of The Hobbit, Thorin announces himself to the Master as the returning descendant of kings.

How do the townspeople of Lake-town react to the news?

They are fearful of Thorin and lock the doors of their houses.

The townspeople are doubtful and look to the Master for guidance.

The townspeople are angry and want the dwarves to leave.

They are celebratory and honor the return of Thror's grandson.
Question 2
Part B

Which excerpts best support the answer in Part A?

Select the two correct answers.

"Soon afterwards the other dwarves were brought into the town amid scenes of astonishing enthusiasm. They were all doctored and fed and housed and pampered in the most delightful and satisfactory fashion. A large house was given up to Thorin and his company; boats and rowers were put at their service; and crowds sat outside and sang songs all day, or cheered if any dwarf showed so much as his nose."

"The news had spread from the doors of the hall like fire through all the town. People were shouting inside the hall and outside it. The quays were thronged with hurrying feet. Some began to sing snatches of old songs concerning the return of the King under the Mountain; that it was Thror’s grandson not Thror himself that had come back did not bother them at all."

"Then the Master hesitated and looked from one to the other. The Elvenking was very powerful in those parts and the Master wished for no enmity with him, nor did he think much of old songs, giving his mind to trade and tolls, to cargoes and gold, to which habit he owed his position. Others were of different mind, however, and quickly the matter was settled without him."

"All leaped to their feet. The Master of the town sprang from his great chair. But none rose in greater surprise than the raft-men of the elves who were sitting at the lower end of the hall. Pressing forward before the Master’s table they cried: 'These are prisoners of our king that have escaped, wandering vagabond dwarves that could not give any good account of themselves....'"



They are celebratory and honor the return of Thror's grandson.

"Soon afterwards the other dwarves were brought into the town amid scenes of astonishing enthusiasm. They were all doctored and fed and housed and pampered in the most delightful and satisfactory fashion. A large house was given up to Thorin and his company; boats and rowers were put at their service; and crowds sat outside and sang songs all day, or cheered if any dwarf showed so much as his nose."

"The news had spread from the doors of the hall like fire through all the town. People were shouting inside the hall and outside it. The quays were thronged with hurrying feet. Some began to sing snatches of old songs concerning the return of the King under the Mountain; that it was Thror’s grandson not Thror himself that had come back did not bother them at all."


In Chapter 10 of The Hobbit, after Thorin announces himself as the returning descendant of Kings, the townspeople of Lake-town are jubilant and celebrate the return of Thror's grandson.




d is the answer

Explanation: mark me as brainliest please

I used to have three mouses as pets. Now that i’m older, i’m going to get my child’s a pet so they learn how to look after something.


Omg that’s so cuteee, it would definitely make her more responsible

Read the excerpt below and answer the question. My father's brother, but no more like my father Than I to Hercules (Act I, scene ii)
What is Hamlet’s point about King Claudius?

He should not have married Gertrude.
Claudius is as great as a superhero.
He is nowhere near as worthy as his dead father.
He is a murderer.



He is nowhere near as worthy as his dead father.


He is nowhere near as worthy as his dead father is Hamlet’s point about King Claudius. Hence, option C is correct.

What is Hamlet’s point about King Claudius?

Hamlet acknowledges that Claudius is no longer just a relative, yet he disapproves of him and his behavior. Hamlet disapproves of Claudius marrying his mother just a few weeks after his father's passing. Hamlet is also counseled by Claudius to temper his grief for his father.

Once more, Hamlet exhibits his obsession with the gap between appearance and truth. Despite having a strong exterior, Claudius has a well-known penchant for alcohol and celebration. As a result, according to Hamlet, Claudius offends both allies and adversaries and renders all Danes appear to be to their detractors.

He participates in significant events like: by poisoning his brother's ear in the garden, kills King Hamlet, and replaces him as ruler of Denmark.

Thus, option C is correct.

For more information about Hamlet’s point about King Claudius, click here:



20 pts + brainliest , help !!!

if your essay needs to be longer than 5 paragraphs, how should you go about
expanding it?
a) add more body paragraphs to further explain your main points.
b) add an extra paragraph to introduction &
C) start a bulleted list in the middle of the body paragraphs
d) Add extra narrative description to each
of the body paragraphs.


A: add more bost paragraphs to further explain your main points. Its the most efficient and helpful way. Just add on to your story :)

In what way is Zaroff portrayed as Rainsford’s foil?


Answer: B.  Zaroff is a person without a conscience, but Rainsford has one.



Explanation:got it right on edge(:

Which statement best summarizes the meter and rhyme of this poem?
free verse, with no definite rhyme scheme
blank verse, with a definite rhyme scheme
iambic tetrameter, with a definite rhyme scheme
D) iambic pentameter, with a definite rhyme scheme



D) iambic pentameter, with a definite rhyme scheme.


The statement that best summarizes the meter and rhyme of this poem is " iambic pentameter, with a definite rhyme scheme".

The sonnet is known as Sonnet 73 written by William Shakespeare. The sonnet has 14 lines consisting of three quatrains and one couplet which is found at the end. It is written in iambic pentameter and has a definite rhyme scheme of ABAB CDCD EFEF GG.


The best answer seems to be A. free verse.


A man wants to enter an exclusive club, but he doesn’t know the password, so he watches the bouncer to figure it out. A woman comes up and the bouncer says, “12.” The woman replies, “6.” The bouncer lets her in.

Another woman comes up and the bouncer says, “6.” The woman says “3” and the bouncer lets her in.

The man feels he’s heard enough and goes up to the door. The bouncer says “10,” and the man replies, “5.” The bouncer tells him to get lost.

What should the man have said instead?





How does entrepreneurship relate to the benefits of immigration? ------no copyright, please------


Answer:Immigrant entrepreneurs make a significant positive contribution to their  country  and economy. they  are more likely to own businesses than their native counterparts, this business ownership contributes to the ever growing economy!

If this helped leave a brainliest thanks!

have an amazing day

which of these is an accurate and appropriate summary of paragraph 4 ?


Answer:there is no information provided


Diaz Villatoro, Kevin
Read the last sentence from paragraph 7.
the Centralia fire may someday lead to
breakthroughs in science and technology.
Why does the author choose to end the passage
with this sentence?



the tehcnology impacts society in impotant way


Read: Analyze the Text
Identify the choice that best answers the question.
Which is true of both Musoni and Nhamo in "The Setting Sun and the Rolling World"?
A. Each tells a string of lies.
B. Both freely speak their minds.
C. Each says only what the other wants to hear.
D. Neither says everything that he is thinking and feeling.





Neither says everything that he is thinking and feeling.

Alejandra wants to paraphrase a section of the online article "Reptiles as Pets." She found the article at www.herpetologicalsociety.org. There is no author listed.

How should she cite this source?

(Herpetological 1).
("Anonymous" 1).
("Reptiles" 1).
(No Author 1).



Anonymous I think.........


No Author


Which of the following describes Felix and Antonio’s friendship?
A)They have been friends for most of their lives.
B)The only thing they have in common is boxing.
C)They only hang out because they live close to each other.
D)They recently met and developed a friendship.
This is a commonlit question



It would be A.


Because you want to describe their friendship. If you chose B. it wouldn't be right because you don't even know if they have a friendship or not. If you chose C. then that's kind of like saying "I only play with toys because they are there". And lastly, if you chose D. it says that they have a friendship, but it doesn't describe it. Therefore, it is A.


A the answer is a i took the test


you say you come with a lot well baby i want all of that come momma party girl she just wanna have fun to you say you come with a lot well baby i want all of that

Plz help really need it answer plz


Answer: C. A group of people

Explanation: An organization is usually a group of people.

Answer this in your own words ! * with complete sentences:) + braisnlttt heh


Two study techniques that I feel will be most helpful to me are having music in the background to help me not get distracted and also having some type of note guide that way I can have some information to go along with my own work to study with. (I hope this helps! :)

Definition:This is the use of language that appeals to the five senses- - touch, taste, smell, hearing, and sight.



sensory language


it explains the 5 senses




who is are 5 president



If you mean the 5th president of the United States, it is James Monroe.


Washington,  Adams, Jefferson, Madison, and Monroe


The first five presidents were, in order, were George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and James Monroe.

Other Questions
Writers use perspective in their work, while artists do not. a sample o aluminum is put in 10.5 mL of water. if the water rises to 13.5 mL when the aluminum is added, what is the density of the aluminum if it has a mass of 8.1 g Question 1 of 10Submit Submit Send a messageHow do we know that the Egyptians had a big effect on the Phoenicians?A) Egyptians taught the Phoenicians how to weave textiles.B) Phoenicians wrote about how impressed they were with the Egyptians.C) Archaeological excavations show a strong relationship between the two cultures.D) The monetary system used by the Phoenicians was inspired by the Egyptians. Need help plz! Will give brainliest All of these elements are metals except? Please help its a long test Ive been at it for 2 hours There are 8 more girls than boys in a school play. The ratio of boys to girls is 5:7. How many boys and how many girls are in the play? If people lived in a sealed environment like biosphere 2 what would they need in order to survive? help please!!!!! Which of the following plant species is one of the only plants in the Atacama Desert?A. torora reedB. lichensC. indigoD. pampas grass Emir's living room is 5 yards wide and 8 yards long. He wants to install bluecarpet that costs $4.00 per square yard. How much will it cost to buy enoughcarpet for the living room? In theory, if the airspeed of an airplane is doubled while in level flight, parasite drag will become Which type of question can you answer by connecting the dots and piecing together information from a text? O aliteralObinterpretiveevaluativeadaptive What are the approximate solutions of 4x^2+3=-12 Why did Mao choose the younger people for the cultural revolution? Product W1 Product M0 Sales (total) $ 69,700 $ 65,700 Direct materials (total) $ 31,100 $ 23,900 Direct labor (total) $ 22,400 $ 29,500 What is the product margin for Product W1 under activity-based costing Eight out of 10 dentists prefer Crest toothpaste. What is the ratio of dentists who do not prefer Crest to those who do? What set of reflections and rotations would carry rectangle ABCD onto itself? Trapezoid formed by ordered pairs A at negative 4, 1, B at negative 3, 2, C at negative 1, 2, D at 0, 1. Rotate 180, reflect over the xaxis, reflect over the line y = x Reflect over the y-axis, reflect over the xaxis, rotate 180 Rotate 180, reflect over the y-axis, reflect over the line y = x Reflect over the xaxis, rotate 180, reflect over the xaxis classify the following chemical reaction2Li + Cu(No3)2 Cu + 2 LiNO3 Logan is 8 years older than 4 times the age of his nephew. Logan is 32 years old. How old is his nephew? 1 How can you survive a lightning strike? 2 Could a person survive in a falling lift if they jumped as it hits the ground? ...3 Why do beans and sprouts make you pass gas? ...