Which is the best technique to find the age of the Earth? A. paleomagnetism B. Radiocarbon (C14) method C. Dendrochronology D. Potassium/Argon (K40/Ar40) method QUESTION 85 Which geologic time unit means evident life? A. Cryptozoic B. Phanerozoic C. Paleozoic D. Cenozoic


Answer 1

A. The best technique to find the age of the Earth is D. Potassium/Argon (K40/Ar40) method.

The Potassium/Argon (K40/Ar40) method is considered the best technique to determine the age of the Earth. This method relies on the radioactive decay of potassium-40 isotopes into argon-40 over time. By measuring the ratio of potassium-40 to argon-40 in rocks and minerals, scientists can calculate the age of the samples. This method has been extensively used in dating volcanic rocks and has provided valuable insights into the age of the Earth, with estimates currently around 4.5 billion years. The K40/Ar40 method is highly reliable and widely accepted in the scientific community for determining the age of the Earth.

B. The geologic time unit that means evident life is B. Phanerozoic. The Phanerozoic Eon, which began around 541 million years ago and continues to the present day, is characterized by the abundant and evident presence of life. It is divided into three eras: Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and Cenozoic. The Phanerozoic Eon is known for the proliferation and diversification of complex multicellular organisms, including plants, animals, and marine life. The term "Phanerozoic" itself derives from the Greek words for "visible life," emphasizing the prominent existence and diversity of life forms during this eon.

To know more about the age of the earth, visit:


Related Questions

• Using the following countries, do some research with your partner and find at least two examples of each of the following sites: National Forests, ➤Country Parks Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty ➤ World Heritage Sites Wilderness Areas Countries to research: U.A.E., Oman, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Bahrain If you cannot find one of the sites in any of these countries, see if you can find it in another country. • Using the following countries, do some research with your partner and find at least two examples of each of the following sites: National Forests, ➤Country Parks Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty ➤ World Heritage Sites Wilderness Areas Countries to research: U.A.E., Oman, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Bahrain If you cannot find one of the sites in any of these countries, see if you can find it in another country.


UAE: Dubai Creek Park, Mushrif Park Oman: Wadi Shab, Jabal Shams Saudi Arabia: Asir National Park, Jabal Samhan Kuwait: Sabah Al-Ahmad Natural Reserve, Al-Shaheed Park Bahrain: Al Areen Wildlife Sanctuary, Hawar Islands Nature Reserve.

The countries to research for examples of National Forests, Country Parks, Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty, World Heritage Sites, and Wilderness Areas are the U.A.E., Oman, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Bahrain. Find below the explanation to these terms and examples of each of the sites that can be found in these countries. Explanation National Forests: A national forest is a protected area of forest that is maintained and managed by the government. These forests are generally publicly owned and managed by forestry officials and conservationists. They provide a range of ecosystem services, including water filtration, carbon sequestration, and wildlife habitat. Country Parks: Country parks are protected areas of land that are managed for conservation and recreation purposes. They are often located close to urban areas and offer people the opportunity to enjoy nature without traveling too far from home. Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty: Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONBs) are areas of land that are designated for their natural beauty. They are protected from development and managed for conservation purposes. World Heritage Sites: World Heritage Sites are areas of cultural or natural significance that are recognized by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). These sites are protected from development and managed for conservation purposes. Wilderness Areas: Wilderness areas are areas of land that are managed for their naturalness and wildness. They are protected from development and human disturbance, allowing natural processes to operate without interference.

To know more about Natural Reserve visit:



Which of the following is due to internal forces of the earth? a weathering b formation of high mountains c mass wasting (movement) d denudation


Among the options you provided, the formation of high mountains is primarily due to internal forces of the Earth. The internal forces involve processes such as tectonic plate movements, volcanic activity.

Formation of high mountains is due to internal forces of the Earth. The Earth's crust is composed of tectonic plates that float and move on the semi-fluid mantle beneath. When these plates interact, they can collide, creating compressional forces. These forces can result in the uplift of large land masses, leading to the formation of high mountains. For example, the Himalayas were formed as a result of the collision between the Indian and Eurasian plates. Internal forces also contribute to the folding and faulting of rock layers, further shaping the Earth's surface. In contrast, weathering, mass wasting (movement), and denudation are primarily driven by external forces like erosion, gravity, and weather.

learn more about mountains here:



define and give examples of risk assessment, risk management,
and the built environment. 150-200 words


Risk assessment, risk management, and the built environment are important terms in ensuring safety and security in any physical structure or system. Here are their definitions and examples of each term:

Risk Assessment is the process of identifying, analyzing, and evaluating potential risks or hazards in a particular environment. This involves identifying and evaluating the likelihood and consequences of the identified risks and assessing the adequacy of existing control measures to manage these risks.

Examples of risk assessment include conducting a hazard analysis of a chemical plant to determine potential risks to workers and the environment, performing a fire risk assessment of a building to identify potential fire hazards and their possible consequences, and analyzing the risks associated with a new product or technology before it is introduced to the market.

Risk management is the process of implementing and monitoring measures to control or mitigate identified risks to an acceptable level. This involves developing and implementing strategies to reduce the likelihood and consequences of identified risks and evaluating the effectiveness of these measures.

Examples of risk management include implementing a safety management system to control and mitigate risks in an aviation organization, developing emergency response plans to manage risks associated with natural disasters or other crises, and implementing security measures to protect against cyber threats and other security risks in an information system.

The built environment refers to the human-made physical structures and spaces where people live, work, and play. This includes buildings, streets, parks, and other public spaces.

Examples of the built environment include a city's transportation infrastructure, such as roads and bridges, the design and construction of buildings, and the layout of public spaces, such as parks and plazas.

Learn more about risk management here:



Discuss the ways in which both articles covertly represented ideas of ethnocentrism and ethnic "Othering". How did (do) colonial, Western feminists react to the lifeways in the Middle East? In what ways are migrant domestic workers--who were once set on display--hidden from view? How are both of these groups perceived as being "saved"?


Ethnocentrism is the perspective that one's own culture and way of life are better than others. The term othering is used to describe the process of separating individuals or groups from one another, emphasizing the differences between them, and representing them as deviant, less than, or inferior in some way.

Both articles covertly represented the idea of ethnocentrism and ethnic othering in the following ways: Representing Middle Eastern women as oppressed and in need of rescue, implying that Western women are superior to them. Women from the Middle East are frequently portrayed as oppressed in Western media, and Western women are frequently portrayed as being free and independent.

Western culture is often regarded as modern and superior, while Middle Eastern culture is depicted as traditional and backward. In the Middle East, migrant domestic workers were frequently placed on show. Their purpose was to demonstrate the wealth and status of their employers to others. However, since then, they have been hidden away, and the roles that they play are not widely discussed. Colonial, Western feminists reacted to the lifeways in the Middle East by emphasizing the superiority of Western women's rights. Feminists often presume that women in the West have equal rights and privileges.

On the other hand, women from other cultures require assistance and should be rescued. Migrant domestic workers, as well as Middle Eastern women, are perceived as being "saved" through Western intervention. Because Westerners regard Middle Eastern women as oppressed, they believe that these women require Western assistance. Similarly, because migrant domestic workers are regarded as exploited, Westerners believe that they require Western assistance.

To know more about Ethnocentrism visit:



Which of the following was NOT used to determine that Yosemite was carved out by a glacier.

O Playas
O Erratic Boulders
O Till
O Hanging Valley
O Glacial Striations
O Moraines
O Glacial Polish


The term not used to determine that Yosemite was carved out by a glacier is "playas. All the other terms, erratic boulders, till, hanging valley, glaciations, moraines, and glacial polish, were used to determine that Yosemite was carved out by a glacier.

What is Yosemite?

Yosemite is a valley situated in California’s Sierra Nevada Mountains, which are located in the western United States. The valley is home to an abundance of flora and fauna, making it a popular destination for visitors. The mountains that encompass the valley provide a breathtabouldersking view, and its natural beauty has been preserved by the government and conservationists, making it a must-visit tourist destination.

What are glaciers?

A glacier is a huge mass of ice that develops in locations where snowfall exceeds snowmelt. This happens in areas where there is a significant difference in temperature between the winter and summer seasons. Over time, snowflakes collect, compact, and transform into ice. When enough snow is compacted and transformed into ice, a glacier forms.

What are the factors that contribute to glacial formation?

A glacier forms in areas where the snowfall rate exceeds the melting rate. Temperature is the primary factor influencing the amount of snowfall. In high-altitude regions, the air is much colder than at sea level, allowing the snowfall to accumulate. These areas are typically near the poles or at high altitudes. Snowfall that collects and gets compacted in these areas creates glaciers.

To learn more about glaciers, visit:



Extinction is an ongoing process, with examples recorded in both ancient fossils and recent human observations. (a) Which mass extinction is considered the largest one, which almost wiped out life on earth, and what was the likely cause of this? (b) What was the K/T event and what evidence is there for its likely cause?
(c) The Pleistocene megafauna contained many remarkable mammals that no longer walk the earth. Which two factors are considered the most likely causes of extinction? (d) Since humans settled the Hawaiian Islands, the native birds have suffered two major waves of extinction. Describe the main features of the two waves and the factors thought to be involved?


The largest mass extinction event, which nearly wiped out life on Earth, is the Permian-Triassic extinction. It was likely caused by massive volcanic activity and resulting climate change.

The K/T event, or Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction, marked the end of the dinosaurs. It was likely caused by an asteroid impact, supported by evidence such as the Chicxulub crater and iridium-rich sediment.

Climate change and human activity are the two most likely causes of extinction for Pleistocene megafauna, with shifting ecosystems and hunting by humans contributing to their decline.

The Hawaiian Islands experienced two waves of extinction for native birds: the Polynesian wave due to human settlement and the European wave from colonization. Factors included hunting, habitat loss, and the introduction of invasive species.

Learn more about  Permian-Triassic extinction here:



In the videos and discussion this week we have talked about the various players in kelp forest ecosystems including keystone predators (otters), abalone, urchins, kelp, and humans. Below, either: 1) draw a concept sketch of how you envision the links between all parts of the ecosystem. Please include the descriptions of the role(s) of each player, with arrows between them and any player they directly effect. Next to each arrow, include a short description of how that relationship works.


In the videos and discussions of the kelp forest ecosystem, we have seen different players in the system. The players are keystone predators, urchins, abalones, kelp, and humans.

There are many links between all parts of the ecosystem which can be depicted in a diagram. Below is a conceptual sketch of how all the players of the ecosystem relate to one another. The different players in the ecosystem are interlinked and can directly or indirectly affect each other. The sea otter, being the keystone predator, plays a crucial role in the kelp forest ecosystem. The otter feeds on sea urchins, which are herbivores that feed on kelp.

Therefore, otters help maintain the kelp forests by controlling the sea urchin population. Abalone is a herbivorous mollusk that feeds on kelp, which helps regulate kelp growth. Humans, on the other hand, affect the ecosystem indirectly. Human activities such as fishing and pollution can alter the balance of the ecosystem and cause changes in the kelp forest ecosystems.

Overfishing of sea otters can lead to an increase in the sea urchin population and a decrease in the kelp population, causing a chain reaction in the ecosystem. Similarly, overfishing of abalone can lead to an increase in kelp population. This can lead to competition between urchins and abalone for food. Therefore, the kelp forest ecosystem is a complex and interconnected system where all the players play a significant role. Any changes in any of the players can affect the entire ecosystem.

Learn more about keystone predators here:



If you overlay the positions of recent earthquakes and active
_____________ on a map, they highlight the boundaries of the
tectonic plates.


Volcanoes they highlight the boundaries of the tectonic plates.

If you overlay the positions of recent earthquakes and active volcanoes on a map, they highlight the boundaries of the tectonic plates. Earthquakes and volcanic activity are closely related to tectonic plate boundaries, where the movement and interaction of plates cause stress and deformation in the Earth's crust. Earthquakes result from the release of accumulated stress, while volcanic activity is often associated with subduction zones and divergent boundaries. By mapping the distribution of earthquakes and volcanoes, scientists can identify the boundaries between tectonic plates and gain insights into the dynamics of plate tectonics.

learn more about:- earthquakes here



3) Why do hurricanes lose their intensity once they hit landfall?


Hurricanes lose their intensity once they hit landfall due to the reduction in the energy source that they require. When the hurricane is over water, it is continuously supplied with warm and moist air which provides energy to maintain and enhance its strength.

However, once the hurricane hits land, it loses its energy source because the surface of the land is drier and cooler than the water and does not provide the hurricane with the heat and moisture that it needs to maintain its intensity. Consequently, the hurricane gradually loses its strength, as the supply of warm moist air diminishes and it starts to interact with land-based obstacles.

In addition, the topography of the land can also play a crucial role in the weakening of hurricanes. Mountains, for instance, can cause hurricanes to break up or cause them to deflect around them. Therefore, the majority of hurricanes lose their intensity once they hit landfall and can dissipate into a series of smaller storms.

To know more about Hurricanes visit:



Which of the following NOT evidence for the existence of dark matter? Select one alternative:
O A. Systems like the Bullet Cluster that show that the gravitational field of a cluster can be separated from its gas content.
O B. The rate at which the outer parts of galaxies rotate about the centres.
O C. The stability of clusters of galaxies.
O D. The formation of "structure" in the Universe.
O E. The apparent acceleration of the expansion of the Universe.


The apparent acceleration of the expansion of the Universe is NOT evidence for the existence of dark matter.

The apparent acceleration of the expansion of the Universe is attributed to a different phenomenon known as dark energy, which is believed to be responsible for the observed acceleration. Dark matter, on the other hand, is hypothesized to explain the gravitational effects observed in galaxies and galaxy clusters. The rotation curves of galaxies, the separation of gravitational fields from gas content in clusters like the Bullet Cluster, and the stability of galaxy clusters are all evidences that support the existence of dark matter. The formation of structure in the Universe, such as the distribution of galaxies, is also consistent with the presence of dark matter. However, the apparent acceleration of the expansion of the Universe is not directly linked to dark matter but is instead associated with dark energy.

Learn more about dark matter here



What is the difference between an anthropomorphic god and a non-anthropomorphic god? Provide an example of each from the myths in our course textbook.


An anthropomorphic god is a deity with human-like qualities, while a non-anthropomorphic god is a deity with non-human-like qualities. Anthropomorphic gods are gods who possess human-like features and qualities. This is important in differentiating the gods from humans and connecting them to the people who worship them.

Example of anthropomorphic gods are the Greek gods. The Greek gods were the most popular pantheon in ancient Greece. They were given human features, including emotions, habits, physical attributes, and family members. Zeus, Poseidon, Hera, Demeter, Aphrodite, Ares, and Apollo are all examples of Greek gods that possess human-like qualities.Non-anthropomorphic gods, on the other hand, are deities that do not possess human qualities. These deities are often given animalistic or abstract features, and they usually personify natural elements or phenomena. An example of a non-anthropomorphic god is the Egyptian god Thoth, who was depicted as a man with the head of an ibis. Another example is the Hindu god Vishnu, who was depicted with four arms, which symbolized his supernatural abilities and powers.

For more information on  anthropomorphic visit:



A galaxy at a cosmological redshift of z = 0.1000 has a peculiar velocity of 600.0 km/s away from us. What redshift do we observe it to have?


The galaxy at a cosmological redshift of z = 0.1000 has an observed redshift of approximately 0.0979 due to its peculiar velocity of 600.0 km/s away from us.

Galaxy at a cosmological redshift of z = 0.1000 has a peculiar velocity of 600.0 km/s away from us. The redshift we observe the galaxy is higher than the true cosmological redshift. In this case, the observed redshift z_obs is given by the formula 1 + z_obs = (1 + z_true) / (1 + v/c) where c is the speed of light. We know that v = 600 km/s and c = 299,792.458 km/s.Substituting these values in the formula, we get:1 + z_obs = (1 + 0.1000) / (1 + 600 / 299792.458)1 + z_obs = 1.1000 / 1.00200132766445171z_obs = (1.1000 / 1.00200132766445171) - 1z_obs ≈ 0.0979

Therefore, the observed redshift of the galaxy is approximately 0.0979.

To know more about galaxy visit:



Which of the following is a supervised classification method? a Cubic convolution.
b K-means clustering. c Region growing. d Maximum likelihood.


Maximum likelihood is a supervised classification method.  Maximum likelihood is a statistical method used in supervised classification.

It estimates the parameters of probability distributions based on labeled training data. It assumes that the observed features of a given class follow a specific distribution, often Gaussian. By maximizing the likelihood of the observed data given the estimated distribution parameters, the method determines the most probable class for new instances. This approach allows the model to learn the patterns and relationships between features and class labels, enabling accurate classification of unseen data. It is a common technique used in various fields, including machine learning, statistics, and remote sensing.

Learn more about Maximum likelihood  here;



"Why do mid-latitude cyclones tend to form at the eastern slope of high mountain ranges, such as the Rockies and the Sierra Nevada? _____"

a.Because Pacific air can supply the moisture and warmth to the region, thus increasing the chance of cyclone development.

b.Because the polar jet stream provides the upper-level support at these regions.

c.Because when westerly winds blow over a mountain range, the air expands vertically on the downwind side, this can help intensify any pre-existing areas of low pressure.


The correct answer is "Because when westerly winds blow over a mountain range, the air expands vertically on the downwind side, this can help intensify any pre-existing areas of low pressure." Mid-latitude cyclones tend to form at the eastern slope of high mountain ranges, such as the Rockies and the Sierra Nevada because when westerly winds blow over a mountain range, the air expands vertically on the downwind side, and this can help intensify any pre-existing areas of low pressure.

Mid-latitude cyclones are prevalent weather systems in the mid-latitudes that are distinguished by low-pressure centers with rotating winds that produce precipitation and stormy weather. Mid-latitude cyclones tend to develop along the polar jet stream, which circles the globe in the mid-latitudes and divides colder air masses to the north from warmer air masses to the south. Because the polar jet stream provides the upper-level support at these regions, mid-latitude cyclones tend to form at the eastern slope of high mountain ranges such as the Rockies and the Sierra Nevada. When westerly winds blow over a mountain range, the air expands vertically on the downwind side, which can help intensify any pre-existing areas of low pressure.

This question discusses the main reason why mid-latitude cyclones tend to form at the eastern slope of high mountain ranges. It highlights that mid-latitude cyclones tend to form at the eastern slope of high mountain ranges, such as the Rockies and the Sierra Nevada, because when westerly winds blow over a mountain range, the air expands vertically on the downwind side, and this can help intensify any pre-existing areas of low pressure.

To know more about cyclones visit:

As a parcel of air moves with the upper-level flow, an decrease in its absolute vorticity with respect to time is related to
Upper-level diverging air, and upward air motions below the divergence.
A shortwave disturbing the flow.
Upper-level converging air, and downward air motions below the convergence.


The answer to the question "As a parcel of air moves with the upper-level flow, a decrease in its absolute vorticity with respect to time is related to," is option A, which is "Upper-level diverging air, and upward air motions below the divergence."

When a parcel of air moves with the upper-level flow, it experiences changes in the atmospheric variables, such as temperature, pressure, and wind speed. One of the significant changes that occur is the decrease in absolute vorticity with respect to time. Absolute vorticity refers to the rotation of an air mass in a defined space. When the air moves with the upper-level flow, it experiences changes in the absolute vorticity that are related to the upward or downward motion of the air mass. In other words, a decrease in absolute vorticity is related to upper-level diverging air and upward air motions below the divergence. This occurs when the air mass is moving away from the region of low pressure and causing a decrease in the vorticity. In conclusion, the decrease in absolute vorticity with respect to time is related to upper-level diverging air and upward air motions below the divergence.

To know more about motions visit:



what do these baseline (before cutting) data tell you about the watersheds' streamflow?


Baseline data is the data collected before carrying out an experiment or before any changes occur in environmental factors such as forest cutting. Baseline data is used as a reference point to compare the current status of an area with the status of the area before the changes have been made.

The content loaded of a stream is the concentration of dissolved substances such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and other chemicals in a stream. Streamflow is the amount of water that flows through a stream during a specific time period. The baseline data collected before cutting trees from the watershed provide important information about the changes in the streamflow of the watershed.

Forest cutting can affect streamflow and increase the content loaded of the stream. What do these baseline (before cutting) data tell you about the watersheds' streamflow?

Before the trees are cut down, the streamflow of the watershed will depend on the size of the stream and the amount of precipitation it receives. After the forest cutting, the streamflow may increase due to the reduced interception of the rainfall by the trees, resulting in a higher quantity of water being transported into the stream. The content loaded of the stream is also expected to increase because of the exposure of the watershed to erosion after the cutting of trees.

Overall, the baseline data before forest cutting can provide a comparison of the changes that occur in the streamflow and water quality after the trees are cut from the watershed. In conclusion, the baseline data collected before forest cutting provides essential information on the changes that may occur in the watershed's streamflow. Forest cutting can increase the quantity of water transported to the stream, and it can also increase the content loaded of the stream.

To know more about environmental factors visit:



Width of the Atlantic Ocean In plate tectonics doctrine we assert that with the American plate moving westward and the Eurasian plate moving eastward, the North Atlantic Ocean is getting about 5 inches wider per year. Thus, when Columbus sailed for America in 1492, the Atlantic Ocean was considerably more narrow. If we say that today, Florida and Cadiz, Spain (where Columbus sailed from) are 3,000 miles apart, what distance did Columbus have to sail in 1492 to reach the New World? Give me a distance (in feet or miles) and tell me how much wider the Atlantic (at the latitude of Spain-Florida) is today than it was in 1492. Finally, write up a short summary of the multiple assumptions we are making that would skew or otherwise foul up our arithmetic?


Columbus had to sail approximately 3,000 miles to reach the New World in 1492. The width of the Atlantic Ocean at the latitude of Spain-Florida is now about 5 inches wider per year compared to 1492.

Based on the given information, the distance between Florida and Cadiz, Spain, is stated as 3,000 miles. This implies that Columbus had to sail approximately that distance to reach the New World. Additionally, it is mentioned that the Atlantic Ocean is widening at a rate of about 5 inches per year. Other assumptions that could potentially affect the accuracy of the calculations include changes in the ocean floor topography, the impact of currents and winds on the actual sailing distance, and any alterations in the latitude of Spain and Florida over time.

learn more about:- Atlantic Ocean here



Posidonious lived in a time when longitude and latitude were not readily available. Posidonius thought that Rhodes was 5,000 stadia due north of Alexandria (on the same meridian). Use the conversion that 1 stadia = ½ kilometer. Use the difference in the two altitudes (and therefore the two latitudes) and the distance between Rhode Greece and Alexandria Egypt to estimate the circumference of the Earth in kilometers. Compare to the actual circumference of the Earth.


Actual circumference of the Earth is approximately 40,075 km, which is quite close to the estimate by Posidonius.

Posidonius lived in a time when longitude and latitude were not readily available. He thought that Rhodes was 5,000 stadia due north of Alexandria (on the same meridian).

The conversion that 1 stadia = ½ kilometer is used. Use the difference in the two altitudes (and therefore the two latitudes) and the distance between Rhode Greece and Alexandria Egypt to estimate the circumference of the Earth in kilometers. We can also compare it to the actual circumference of the Earth. Estimating the circumference of the Earth:

The distance between Rhodes, Greece and Alexandria, Egypt = 5000 stadia = 5000 * 0.5 km = 2500 km.The difference in the two latitudes can be calculated by multiplying the distance between the two cities by 360° / circumference of the earth = (2500 km * 360) / circumference of the Earth. Hence, the difference in the two latitudes is (2500 × 360) / circumference of the Earth. Using the Pythagorean Theorem, the difference in altitude (vertical distance) can be determined. This is given as 500 km

.Now, the circumference of the earth can be calculated by using the formula: Circumference of the earth = Distance between the two cities × 360° / (Difference in latitudes × 2π).Thus, we have the circumference of the earth = 2500 × 360 / ((500 × 2π) / 360) km. Circumference of the earth = 40,074 km.

Actual circumference of the Earth is approximately 40,075 km, which is quite close to the estimate by Posidonius.

to know more about latitude  visit :



what was the name of the important pass through the rocky mountains? *


The important pass through the Rocky Mountains in North America is the Continental Divide. The Rocky Mountains run north to south for more than 3,000 miles across western North America. The divide is a high point along the Rocky Mountains that separates waterways that flow into the Pacific Ocean from those that flow into the Atlantic Ocean.

Continental Divide: The Great Divide or Continental Divide is a massive and critical geological formation in the United States and Canada. It runs north to south through the western United States, including Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, Colorado, and New Mexico. The divide then proceeds through Canada's British Columbia, Alberta, and the Yukon territory.

One of the most famous peaks is Mount Elbert in Colorado, which is the highest point in the Rocky Mountains, reaching an elevation of 14,440 feet.Continental Divide Trail: The Continental Divide Trail is a hiking trail that follows the Continental Divide for more than 3,000 miles. The trail runs from the Canadian border to the Mexican border through Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Colorado, and New Mexico. It is one of the three long trails in the United States, along with the Pacific Crest Trail and the Appalachian Trail.

To know more about Continental visit :



It is now time to build your own acknowledgement. In this assignment I am asking you to a) write an expanded land acknowledgement and b) provide some reflection and rationale about the choices you made in your acknowledgement. Part A) Write your own land acknowledgement Your land acknowledgement should include: 1. Usual content covered in a land acknowledgement including the Peoples whose land it is. Remember to make use of the insights you gained from the first assignment about best practices for acknowledging land/peoples. 2. A statement that positions your own background in the acknowledgement. Who are your ancestors and what is their and your relationship to these lands? 3. A statement about how we might reshape our human geographies in this place (Regina or other place you are living) if we were to take our Treaty relationships seriously (please see below some resources on Treaty relationships). What specifically would you think needs to change in our social, political, economic, etc. geographies? Be sure to mobilize at least 3 themes or concepts you've learned in the course. There is no word limit for part A (the three points above), but please keep your acknowledgement concise.


Part A) Writing your own land acknowledgement is an important step in acknowledging and respecting the indigenous peoples who have lived on these lands for thousands of years. Your land acknowledgement should be concise but informative. It should highlight the Peoples whose land it is, position your own background in the acknowledgement and also identify how we might reshape our human geographies in this place (Regina or other place you are living) if we were to take our Treaty relationships seriously. It should also mobilize at least 3 themes or concepts you've learned in the course.

1. The land on which we work, learn, and play is Treaty 4 territory, the traditional lands of the Cree, Saulteaux, Dakota, Lakota, and Nakota peoples, as well as the homeland of the Métis.

2. I am a first-generation immigrant, my ancestors are from India. I came to this land in search of a better life and to study. As someone who is not from this land, I have much to learn about the indigenous peoples and their history.

3. If we were to take our Treaty relationships seriously, we would need to rethink our social, political, and economic systems. We would need to adopt a more holistic and inclusive approach to governance, one that recognizes the value and importance of indigenous knowledge, culture, and traditions.

In conclusion, writing your own land acknowledgement is an important step in acknowledging and respecting the indigenous peoples who have lived on these lands for thousands of years. It is an opportunity to learn and reflect on our relationship to this land and its peoples and to identify ways in which we can work towards a more just and equitable future.

To know more about immigrant visit:

which of the following statements is true regarding the dominance of continentality and maritime influences on temperatures in the northern and southern hemispheres. The options provided are:

a) Northern hemisphere temperatures are more strongly dominated by continentality than are southern hemisphere temperatures.
b) Southern hemisphere temperatures are more strongly dominated by continentality than are northern hemisphere temperatures.
c) The northern and southern hemispheres are dominated equally by maritime influences.
d) The northern and southern hemispheres are dominated equally by continentality.


Option a) Northern hemisphere temperatures are more strongly dominated by continentality than are southern hemisphere temperatures.

The main answer states that in terms of the dominance of continentality and maritime influences on temperatures, the northern hemisphere experiences a stronger influence of continentality compared to the southern hemisphere. Continentality refers to the effect of landmasses on climate, where areas away from large bodies of water tend to have more extreme temperature variations. This is because land heats up and cools down more rapidly than water. Therefore, in the northern hemisphere, where there are larger landmasses like Eurasia and North America.

learn more about:- Northern hemisphere here



What evidence supports the claim that the Arizona Giant Impact Crater was due to a massive meteorite impact? (Select all that apply)
O large rocks on the edge of the crater were overturned
O presence of a large iron meteorite
O fine pulverized rock around the crater
O similarities in sandstone crystals at sites of nuclear bomb testing
O its projected age matches the extinction of the dinosaurs
O nearby steam based explosion pure composition of the Iron at the site

Objects in space contain more 1000 times as much _____than objects that are from Earth. The presence of this element provides evidence of meteoric material.
O Iron
O Carbon
O Iridium
O Silicon


The evidence that supports the claim that the Arizona Giant Impact Crater was due to a massive meteorite impact are:-Presence of a large iron meteorite.-Large rocks on the edge of the crater were overturned.-Fine pulverized rock around the crater.-Its projected age matches the extinction of the dinosaurs.

The evidence supporting the claim that the Arizona Giant Impact Crater was due to a massive meteorite impact are the presence of a large iron meteorite, large rocks on the edge of the crater that were overturned, fine pulverized rock around the crater, and the fact that its projected age matches the extinction of the dinosaurs. These are all pieces of evidence that suggest a high-speed impact. The fine pulverized rock and overturned large rocks indicate a significant impact event that led to the creation of the crater. The fact that the projected age matches the extinction of the dinosaurs shows that a catastrophic event occurred that could have caused their extinction.

Thus, it can be concluded that the evidence that supports the claim that the Arizona Giant Impact Crater was due to a massive meteorite impact includes the presence of a large iron meteorite, large rocks on the edge of the crater that were overturned, fine pulverized rock around the crater, and the fact that its projected age matches the extinction of the dinosaurs.

To know more about dinosaurs visit:

In the context of models of the universe, describe an instance of how the applying the scientific method resulted in the formulation of a new model Be specific in stating why the new model is better than the old model


It provides a simpler and more elegant explanation of the universe than the geocentric model.

The scientific method is the process by which scientific knowledge is developed. The process involves collecting empirical data and then analyzing the data using scientific reasoning to come up with a hypothesis. The hypothesis is then tested through experiments and observations. If the results of the experiments and observations are consistent with the hypothesis, it can become a theory, which is a scientific explanation that has been extensively tested and supported by evidence.In the context of models of the universe, an instance of how the application of the scientific method resulted in the formulation of a new model is the heliocentric model. The old model was the geocentric model, which stated that the earth was the center of the universe and all the other celestial bodies revolved around it. However, observations made by astronomers did not support this model and a new model was needed.The heliocentric model was formulated by Copernicus in the 16th century. The model stated that the sun was the center of the universe and all the planets, including the earth, revolved around it. This model was based on the scientific method and observations made by Copernicus and other astronomers

Learn more about geocentric model here:



Discuss and explain Pb Lead metal in water and
Agriculture soil and ways to mitgate it from soil and water? 5-6


Lead is a heavy metal with a grayish-white color, which is toxic to the environment and human health. The primary sources of lead exposure are contaminated water, food, and air, which are the main sources of human exposure.

Lead in Water Lead enters water from natural sources, such as soil erosion and weathering of rocks, or through human activities such as mining, smelting, and manufacturing. Lead exposure from drinking water poses a significant health risk to human health. Although it has no taste, odor, or color, it can cause acute and chronic health effects when ingested. Lead is particularly dangerous to children, as it can cause developmental issues, including learning difficulties and behavioral problems. Lead-contaminated water also has adverse effects on the digestive, reproductive, and nervous systems in adults. To mitigate the impacts of lead in water, there are several measures that one can take. These include: Regular testing of water: Regular testing of water can help identify lead contamination levels. Homeowners can test their water using test kits available at hardware stores. In case the water is contaminated with lead, consider installing a water filtration system that can remove lead particles. Flushing the pipes: Flushing the pipes involves running the water for at least five minutes before use. It helps to reduce lead levels in the water as it removes the water that has been in contact with the lead pipes.Using lead-free pipes: Replacing old pipes with lead-free pipes is an effective way of reducing the amount of lead in the water. Using high-quality materials ensures that the water is safe for use. Using agricultural soil contaminated with lead is a significant problem that needs to be addressed. Lead can affect crop growth and can be absorbed by plants, leading to lead poisoning in humans. There are several ways to mitigate lead contamination in agricultural soil, including:Phytoremediation: Phytoremediation involves the use of plants to remove toxic substances from the soil. It is an affordable and sustainable method of soil remediation. Specific plants, such as sunflowers, have been found to absorb high levels of lead from the soil, making them suitable for phytoremediation purposes.Soil washing: Soil washing involves washing contaminated soil with water or solvents to remove the lead particles. It is effective in removing lead from the soil but can be costly. The contaminated soil is removed from the site and taken to a facility for treatment. Chemical immobilization: Chemical immobilization involves applying chemicals to the contaminated soil, making it less toxic. The chemicals bind to the lead particles, making them less mobile and less likely to be absorbed by plants. The chemicals also help to prevent the leaching of lead into groundwater sources.In conclusion, lead is a toxic metal that poses significant health risks to humans. It is essential to take measures to mitigate its presence in water and agricultural soil. Regular testing, flushing pipes, using lead-free pipes, phytoremediation, soil washing, and chemical immobilization are some of the measures that can be used to mitigate lead contamination.

For more information on Lead visit:



Remote sensing: Landsat vs Aster What are the advatagens and
differences of the two methods? Why are their used suring the
grassroots exploration phase?


Remote sensing refers to the detection and analysis of objects and surfaces using electromagnetic radiation.

Landsat and ASTER are two of the most commonly used remote sensing methods used in grassroots exploration phases. While both methods utilize remote sensing, they have some key differences. In this context, this article will explain the differences and advantages of Landsat and ASTER in remote sensing.

Landsat is a satellite-based remote sensing method that has been operational since 1972. Landsat data is collected using multi-spectral scanners, which detect different wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation. Landsat has some advantages over ASTER in remote sensing, including higher spectral resolution and global coverage.

ASTER, on the other hand, is an airborne remote sensing method that is capable of detecting surface features with very high resolution. ASTER collects data in the visible, near-infrared, and thermal-infrared regions of the electromagnetic spectrum. ASTER is particularly useful in the exploration of the earth's surface, as it can provide detailed information on surface features, topography, and mineral composition.

Thus, Landsat and ASTER are both useful remote sensing methods that have some key differences. Landsat has a higher spectral resolution and global coverage than ASTER, while ASTER provides very high resolution data on surface features, topography, and mineral composition. Both methods are used during the grassroots exploration phase to gather information on the earth's surface and identify potential mineral deposits or other resources.

Learn more about Remote sensing here:



Think about the metropolitan area nearest to where you live. What did it look like before people lived there. What does the physical environment of the city look like now? How has the environment changed over time? What might have caused those environmental changes?


The metropolitan area nearest to where I live is New York City. Before people started living there, the area was mainly covered with forests, hills, and marshes.

It was home to many indigenous people who thrived on the abundant resources in the area. Today, the physical environment of New York City is vastly different from what it once was. The city is now a concrete jungle with towering skyscrapers, bustling streets, and millions of people living and working in the area. Over time, there have been many environmental changes in New York City, and these changes have been caused by various factors, such as urbanization, pollution, deforestation, and climate change. As people started moving into the area, they cleared out the forests and marshes to make way for buildings and infrastructure. This led to a loss of habitat for many native species and an increase in air, water, and noise pollution. The growth of industries and transportation in the city also led to an increase in pollution, which has had negative impacts on the health of residents and the environment. Climate change has also had a significant impact on the environment in New York City.

Learn more about  metropolitan area here:



The highest concentration of tourism jobs would be in the North Coast and Desert regions. O True O False


It is false that the highest concentration of tourism jobs would be in the North Coast and Desert regions.

Here's why: The tourism industry provides job opportunities and generates revenue, particularly in areas where tourism is most attractive. The locations of tourist sites and the availability of services in the tourism sector impact the concentration of tourism jobs.

According to the U.S. Travel Association, the tourism industry accounts for one in every nine U.S. employment opportunities. The industry provides 9.2 million jobs directly, with an overall economic effect of $2.6 trillion (direct, indirect, and induced).

Tourism jobs and their concentration are affected by several factors, including the number of visitors and their spending, the length of their stay, the quality of service offered, the accessibility of tourist attractions, and government policies, among other things. The concentration of tourism jobs is, therefore, region-dependent, and it may vary depending on factors mentioned above.

Hence, it can be concluded that the concentration of tourism jobs cannot be specific to any region as there are many factors to consider.

Learn more about tourism here:



what are some impacts that climate and environmental change have on
asian elephants? (can you make it two separate paragraphs or
bullets so I know which is which)


Climate and environmental change can have significant impacts on Asian elephants. Climate and environmental change pose challenges and opportunities for Asian elephants, emphasizing the need for conservation measures to mitigate negative impacts and promote their long-term survival.

Habitat Loss: Changes in climate can result in habitat loss and fragmentation for Asian elephants, affecting their access to food, water, and migration routes. This can disrupt their natural behavior and survival.

Increased Human-Elephant Conflict: Environmental changes can drive Asian elephants to venture into human settlements in search of resources, leading to conflicts and potential harm to both humans and elephants.

Disease Vulnerability: Climate change can influence the prevalence and distribution of diseases, making Asian elephants more susceptible to infections and health issues.

Conservation Opportunities: Environmental change can also lead to increased conservation efforts and awareness about the importance of protecting Asian elephant habitats, promoting conservation initiatives and better management practices.

learn more about vulnerability here:


What might cause some of the areas near 30 deg north and
south latitude to be dry deserts?
When Cold air and Warm air collide which is forced to
rise? Why?


The Hadley cell circulation is the reason for some areas near 30 degrees north and south latitudes to be dry deserts. In this circulation, dry air descends and warms as it sinks, causing high temperatures and low humidity.

The area near 30 degrees north and south latitude experiences dry conditions because the descending air absorbs moisture, which evaporates before it reaches the surface. Due to this, the regions experience minimal rainfall, which makes them arid or semi-arid. When warm air and cold air collide, the warm air is forced to rise above the cold air because of its lower density. The collision can create weather conditions such as thunderstorms, cumulonimbus clouds, and precipitation. The rising air cools as it rises to higher elevations, which can form clouds and, in some cases, rainfall. If there is not enough moisture to produce rain, the warm air can create warm fronts that can produce cloudy or overcast skies.

Learn more about  dry deserts here:



Which of the following circumstances would suggest that a rotating planet contains a core of liquid iron?

Select an answer and submit. For keyboard navigation, use the up/down arrow keys to select an answer.


The planet is much denser than rock and has a magnetic field.


The planet is much denser than rock and has no magnetic field.


The planet is less dense than rock and has a magnetic field.


The planet is less dense than rock and has no magnetic field.


The planet is much denser than rock and has a magnetic field.

magnetic field suggests the presence of a core made of liquid iron. The density of the planet being greater than that of rock indicates the existence of a dense material concentrated in the planet's interior. Since iron is known to be a dense element, it is a likely candidate for the core material. Additionally, the presence of a magnetic field indicates the presence of a conductive, moving fluid such as liquid iron within the core, which generates the magnetic field through the goody namo process.

learn more about:- magnetic field here



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