Which factor led settlers to migrate to territories in the American West during the 1800s?

A. The decline of factory jobs in New England?

B. The desire to form a new country outside the United States?

C. The discovery of gold in California?

D. The rise in immigration in eastern states?


Answer 1

Answer: C. The discovery of gold in California was a major factor that led settlers to migrate to territories in the American West during the 1800s. This event, known as the California Gold Rush, began in 1848 and lasted until the mid-1850s, attracting thousands of people from all over the United States and the world in search of wealth and opportunity. While other factors such as the availability of land, access to new markets, and the prospect of a better life also played a role, the discovery of gold was a primary driver of westward migration during this period.


Related Questions

On the debate Harvard, junior touched on the issue of solving civic social issues either by violence or civil disobedience. Which of these two methods or ways would you choose? Give an example using current affair in South Africa of why would you choose it and of why you think it's better than others. I need 2 pages please ​


The choice between violence and civil disobedience to solve social issues is a complex one that should be considered carefully. In South Africa, civil disobedience has been used to challenge the status quo and bring about positive change. It is a method that respects human rights and can lead to a more inclusive and democratic society.

Regarding the debate on solving civic social issues, it is important to consider the context and specific circumstances of each case. Violence and civil disobedience are two opposing methods that have been used throughout history to achieve social change.

Violence is characterized by the use of force and aggression towards individuals or groups that oppose certain ideals or beliefs. On the other hand, civil disobedience is a peaceful way to protest and challenge the status quo by breaking the law in a nonviolent way.

In South Africa, there have been many instances of both violence and civil disobedience to fight against social issues such as racism and inequality. One current example is the protests against the arrest of former president Jacob Zuma.

Some protestors have resorted to violent methods, such as looting and damaging property, while others have chosen civil disobedience by organizing peaceful marches and sit-ins.

Although violence can sometimes bring about immediate change, it often leads to more violence and harm to innocent people. In contrast, civil disobedience can be more effective in the long run by raising awareness and putting pressure on the government to address social issues.

In my opinion, civil disobedience is a better method to solve social issues because it is a peaceful way to bring about change and it shows respect for human rights. It also creates a dialogue and can lead to a more inclusive and democratic society.

However, it is important to note that civil disobedience should be used responsibly and not put people's safety at risk.

In conclusion, the choice between violence and civil disobedience to solve social issues is a complex one that should be considered carefully. In South Africa, civil disobedience has been used to challenge the status quo and bring about positive change. It is a method that respects human rights and can lead to a more inclusive and democratic society.

To know more about civil disobedience refer here:



Why would the white people who burned Greenwood down not want the event in textbooks?​


Answer: The Greenwood massacre, also known as the Tulsa race massacre, was a violent and tragic event that occurred in 1921 in Greenwood, a prosperous African American community in Tulsa, Oklahoma. During the massacre, a white mob destroyed the entire community, burning down homes, businesses, and churches and killing an estimated 300 Black people.

There could be several reasons why some white people who were responsible for the massacre or who may have supported it would not want the event to be included in textbooks:

Guilt or shame: Some individuals may not want the event to be included in textbooks because they feel ashamed or guilty about what happened. They may not want to be associated with such a horrific event, or they may fear backlash or criticism from others.

Desire to maintain power and control: Some individuals or groups may not want the event to be included in textbooks because it could challenge their power and control over the narrative of history. Acknowledging the massacre would mean recognizing the atrocities committed against the Black community and would challenge the dominant narrative that portrays white people as the heroes of American history.

Efforts to minimize or deny the event: Some individuals or groups may want to minimize or deny the event altogether because it does not align with their worldview or political agenda. They may believe that acknowledging the event would undermine their beliefs or political positions, or they may simply not believe that the event occurred or was as severe as reported.

Overall, the reasons why some white people who burned Greenwood down would not want the event to be included in textbooks are likely complex and multifaceted, involving personal, cultural, and political factors.



they wanted to cover up their atrocities, escape justice, and preserve their racial and economic privilege.


the Tulsa race massacre was a two-day-long massacre that took place between May 31 and June 1, 1921, when mobs of white residents, some of whom had been appointed as deputies and armed by city government officials, attacked Black residents and destroyed homes and businesses of the Greenwood District in Tulsa, Oklahoma. The event remains one of the worst incidents of racial violence in U.S. history, and, for a period, remained one of the least-known: News reports were largely squelched, despite the fact that hundreds of people were killed and thousands left homeless.

One possible reason why the white people who burned Greenwood down would not want the event in textbooks is that they wanted to erase the evidence of their crimes and avoid accountability for their actions. For decades, there was no public recognition or official investigation of the massacre. The local newspapers that had covered the story were removed from archives or destroyed. The survivors and their descendants were silenced by fear, intimidation, and legal threats. The state and city governments did not acknowledge or compensate the victims for their losses. The history of Greenwood and its prosperous Black community was largely forgotten or distorted.

Another possible reason why the white people who burned Greenwood down would not want the event in textbooks is that they wanted to maintain their racial supremacy and economic dominance over the Black population. One factor that drove the violence was resentment toward the Black prosperity found in block after block of Greenwood, which was home to what was known as America’s Black Wall Street. The white mob looted and burned down hundreds of businesses, including grocery stores, hotels, nightclubs, theaters, doctor’s offices, and churches. They also killed hundreds of residents and drove thousands out of their homes. By destroying Greenwood, they eliminated a source of competition and inspiration for Black people across the nation. They also prevented the accumulation and transmission of generational wealth that could have shaped and secured the fortunes of Black children and grandchildren.

Therefore, some possible reasons why the white people who burned Greenwood down would not want the event in textbooks are that they wanted to cover up their atrocities, escape justice, and preserve their racial and economic privilege.

Which state does not have a river that is connected to the mississippi river?

if anyone answers correct, i will vote branliest!!

a) arkansas

b) illinois

c) kentucky

d) missouri


Illinois  does not have a river that is connected to the mississippi river

Which state does not have a river that is connected to the mississippi river?

Illinois is the state that does not have a river directly connected to the Mississippi River.

Illinois is situated along the eastern bank of the Mississippi River, and it is home to the city of Cairo, where the Ohio River converges with the Mississippi. While Illinois has several significant rivers, such as the Illinois River and the Wabash River, they are not directly connected to the Mississippi River.

Read more on Mississippi River https://brainly.com/question/7999616


by christmas 1914, what three areas had armies moved into?


the Western Front in France and Belgium, the Eastern Front between Germany and Russia, and the Middle Eastern theater

for any two objects, which of the following is affected by the objects mass and the distance between them



The gravitational force between the two objects is affected by both the mass of the objects and the distance between them. The force of gravity decreases with distance and increases with the mass of the objects. This relationship is described by Newton's law of universal gravitation.


Gravity is affected by the size of an object and the distance between the objects. When the mass of an object increases the force of gravity increases as well.


the answer is gravity

"[Case Study 1]: Improving Access to Safe Water- Public and Private Alliance in Guinea

âIn the late 1980s less than 15% of the population in Guinea had access to safe water. By 1996, that share had increased almost fourfold to 55%. In a little more than a decade, Guinea had brought one of the least developed water supply services in Sub-Saharan Africa to the point at which it could provide safe water to more than half the population. These significant achievements are the result of a public-private alliance that originated when Guinea transferred responsibility over the water supply agency to an autonomous company that is partly government owned. â

[Case Study 2]: Successful Air Quality Management in Chile

âRecently, the government has been quite successful in combating the problem of air pollution in the capital of Santiago based on the Framework Environmental Law, which provides the basis for a gradual improvement in environmental quality, while avoiding conflict and increasing collaboration between industry, government, and pressure groups. Private and public transport fleets were revamped, fuels improved, urban sprawl curbed, and sustainable mechanisms for controlling airborne emissions from industry established. As a result of these efforts, Chile today has good air quality management capabilities. â

[Case Study 3]: Alternatives to Pesticide Use

âIntegrated pest management and biological control have proved to be successful alternatives to pesticides. Crop rotation, intercropping, and the introduction of natural predators inhibit the proliferation of weeds and pests and introduce biological controls that rely on natureâs own checks and balances. This system of integrated pest management has reduced pesticide use in Brazil by 80%, by 90% in Chinaâs Jiangsu Province, and by 30-50% in the province of Orissa in India. â"

Case studies included in an official report of the United Nations on human development, 1998

The agricultural methods implemented in the third case study could be directly applied to reduce the threat from all of the following environmental or economic challenges that arose during the twentieth century EXCEPT

- global economic inequalities

- species loss and declines in biodiversity

- nuclear proliferation

- industrial pollution and greenhouse gas emissions


The agricultural methods implemented in the third case study (alternatives to pesticide use) could be directly applied to reduce the threat from all of the following environmental or economic challenges that arose during the twentieth century EXCEPT nuclear proliferation. The correct answer is option c.

The case study discusses the successful use of integrated pest management and biological control to reduce pesticide use in agriculture, which is an effective method of promoting sustainable agriculture and reducing the negative impact of pesticides on the environment and human health.

However, this method does not directly address the issue of nuclear proliferation, which refers to the spread of nuclear weapons and nuclear technology to countries that do not have them.

The correct answer is option c.

To know more about nuclear proliferation refer to-



Complete Question

"[Case Study 1]: Improving Access to Safe Water- Public and Private Alliance in Guinea

âIn the late 1980s less than 15% of the population in Guinea had access to safe water. By 1996, that share had increased almost fourfold to 55%. In a little more than a decade, Guinea had brought one of the least developed water supply services in Sub-Saharan Africa to the point at which it could provide safe water to more than half the population. These significant achievements are the result of a public-private alliance that originated when Guinea transferred responsibility over the water supply agency to an autonomous company that is partly government owned. â

[Case Study 2]: Successful Air Quality Management in Chile

âRecently, the government has been quite successful in combating the problem of air pollution in the capital of Santiago based on the Framework Environmental Law, which provides the basis for a gradual improvement in environmental quality, while avoiding conflict and increasing collaboration between industry, government, and pressure groups. Private and public transport fleets were revamped, fuels improved, urban sprawl curbed, and sustainable mechanisms for controlling airborne emissions from industry established. As a result of these efforts, Chile today has good air quality management capabilities. â

[Case Study 3]: Alternatives to Pesticide Use

âIntegrated pest management and biological control have proved to be successful alternatives to pesticides. Crop rotation, intercropping, and the introduction of natural predators inhibit the proliferation of weeds and pests and introduce biological controls that rely on natureâs own checks and balances. This system of integrated pest management has reduced pesticide use in Brazil by 80%, by 90% in Chinaâs Jiangsu Province, and by 30-50% in the province of Orissa in India. â"

Case studies included in an official report of the United Nations on human development, 1998

The agricultural methods implemented in the third case study could be directly applied to reduce the threat from all of the following environmental or economic challenges that arose during the twentieth century EXCEPT

-a.  global economic inequalities

-b. species loss and declines in biodiversity

-c.  nuclear proliferation

-d.  industrial pollution and greenhouse gas emissions

The san andreas fault is the boundary between two of earth’s tectonic plates: the pacific plate and the north american plate. this boundary is a transform boundary. the pacific plate is moving to the north and west, while the north american plate is moving to the south and east.


The San Andreas Fault is a transform boundary between two of Earth's tectonic plates - the Pacific Plate and the North American Plate.

Transform boundaries are where two plates move horizontally past each other. In this case, the Pacific Plate is moving towards the north and west, while the North American Plate is moving towards the south and east. The movement of these plates causes stress to build up, which can eventually be released as earthquakes.

The San Andreas Fault is one of the most well-known and active faults in the world, and it poses a significant risk to millions of people living along the western coast of North America.

To know more about tectonic plates, refer to the link:



Answer: a. Shearing


What was the most significant event of President Lyndon Johnson's term?
A. The passage of the Civil Rights Act

B. Bombing Japan to end World War II

C. The Cuban missile crisis with the Soviets

D. Ending America's involvement in Vietnam


The passage of the Civil Rights Act.

This image could be used when learning about which of these?

A) The Scopes Trial
B) Anti-war Movement
C) Women's Suffrage
D) The Prohibition Era


This image could be used when learning about A) The Scopes Trial.

What was the Scopes Trial ?

John Scopes, a science instructor at a high school level, stood accused of breaking the state law that forbids teaching any stance in defiance of God's creation of man as recounted in the Bible. Scopes had lectured on evolution, arousing national interest to the feud between supporters for religious literalism and scientific and academic autonomy.

The trial constrained several days' time frame, captivating coverage from across the country. Clarence Darrow appeared as representative for Mr.Scopes with William Jenning Bryan, acting as prosecutor, being an eminent political figure adhering to Christian fundamental beliefs.

Find out more on the Scopes Trial at https://brainly.com/question/25863190


Which best explains why the abolitionist movement grew stronger as a result of the Scott v. Sandford ruling?

a. Only Scott should be free.

b. The Scotts should be freed, but the decision was later overturned.

c. The children of the Scotts would be free.

d. Only Scott’s wife should be free


The abolitionist movement grew stronger as a result of the Scott v. Sandford ruling was explained by b. The Scotts should be freed, but the decision was later overturned.

African Americans, whether free or enslaved, could not be considered American citizens and, as a result, could not file a claim for their freedom in federal courts, according to the U.S. Supreme Court's famous Scott v. Sandford decision, popularly known as the Dred Scott case, which was made in 1857.  The abolitionist movement, which had been fighting to abolish slavery in the United States, was dealt a devastating setback by this ruling.

It demonstrated how the Supreme Court disregarded African Americans' fundamental human rights and upheld the system of slavery. Although the decision sparked outrage among abolitionists and received widespread criticism, it did not advance their cause. Instead, it strengthened pro-slavery defenders and made it more challenging for abolitionists to succeed.

Read more about Scott v. Sandford on:








the ottaman empire was located between Europe and Asia and it did benefit them with control of much other parts

Despite the end of the cold war, many people still worry about new threats to world peace and security. What are these threats? how has the international community dealt with them?.


The threats were harassment and international communists protested

Agreeing to be a Sonderkommando guaranteed a Jewish inmate’s survival through the Holocaust. Group of answer choices




While it is true that some Jewish inmates who agreed to be Sonderkommandos were able to survive for longer periods of time than others, it is not accurate to say that this guaranteed their survival through the Holocaust.

Can someone type an essay about berlin,korea,and cuba: how did U.S contain communism?


Certainly! Here's a brief essay on the topic:

Throughout the 20th century, the United States was heavily involved in containing the spread of communism around the world. This policy was most notably applied in Berlin, Korea, and Cuba, where the U.S. sought to prevent the expansion of Soviet and Chinese influence.

In Berlin, the U.S. and its allies implemented a policy of containment in response to the Soviet Union's blockade of West Berlin in 1948. This policy involved airlifting supplies to the city in order to keep it from falling under Soviet control. The U.S. also established a military presence in West Germany, which served as a deterrent against further Soviet aggression in Europe.

In Korea, the U.S. intervened in the Korean War in 1950 in order to prevent North Korea from spreading communism to the South. The war lasted until 1953, and resulted in a stalemate that left the two Koreas divided along the 38th parallel. The U.S. maintained a military presence in South Korea after the war, and continues to do so to this day.

In Cuba, the U.S. became involved in the early 1960s, following the Cuban Revolution and the rise of Fidel Castro to power. The U.S. attempted to overthrow the Castro regime through a failed invasion at the Bay of Pigs in 1961. This was followed by a naval blockade of Cuba in response to the discovery of Soviet missiles on the island in 1962. The Cuban Missile Crisis was ultimately resolved through a diplomatic agreement between the U.S. and the Soviet Union.

Overall, the U.S. sought to contain the spread of communism through a combination of military, economic, and diplomatic means. This policy was largely successful in preventing the spread of communism to other parts of the world, though it also led to a number of conflicts and tensions between the U.S. and its allies on one hand, and the Soviet Union and its allies on the other.

Which event is best supported by the belief expressed in John O'Sullivan's quote?

a. Xyz affair

b. War of 1812

c. Texas annexation

d. Election of andrew jackson


John O'Sullivan's quote "The great American experiment of liberty and democratic government demands expansion" best supports the event of Texas annexation.

The correct option is C.

This quote expresses the belief that the United States should expand its boundaries, and this belief was used to justify the annexation of Texas in 1845. The Texas annexation was an important event in US history, as it precipitated the Mexican-American War, greatly expanded the size of the United States, and helped to spread the ideals of democracy and liberty.

The War of 1812 and the election of Andrew Jackson do not have any direct connection to expansion, so they are not supported by the belief expressed in the quote.

The correct option is C.

To know more about John O'Sullivan, click here:



Where did German communists take their orders from?



German communists took their orders from the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU). The CPSU was the ruling party of the Soviet Union and it had a great deal of influence over communist parties around the world. The CPSU provided financial and logistical support to communist parties in other countries, and it also issued directives on how they should operate. German communists were expected to follow the CPSU's lead, and they were often punished if they did not.

The CPSU's influence over German communists was particularly strong during the Cold War. The Soviet Union was seen as the leader of the communist world, and German communists were expected to toe the party line. The CPSU's influence began to decline after the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, and it has been virtually nonexistent since the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991.

The relationship between Native Americans, American Citizens, and the US Government
( FLVS )


Answer:American Indians and Alaska Natives have the same rights as all citizens to hold public office. In this century, American Indian and Alaska Native men and women have held elected and appointed offices at all levels of state, local, and federal government.


What contributation did AL-Khwarizmi make to the world of mathematics


Al-Khwarizmi's main contribution to mathematics was the development of algebra and the introduction of the decimal positional number system.

Al-Khwarizmi, a Persian mathematician, made significant contributions to the world of mathematics. He is known as the "Father of Algebra" due to his groundbreaking work on the subject, as he wrote the first book on algebra, "Al-Kitab al-Mukhtasar fi Hisab al-Jabr wal-Muqabala."

This work laid the foundation for modern algebra and provided a systematic approach to solving linear and quadratic equations. In addition to algebra, Al-Khwarizmi played a crucial role in introducing the decimal positional number system, which is widely used today.

He was also responsible for spreading the use of Hindu-Arabic numerals in the Western world. These innovations have greatly influenced the fields of mathematics, science, and engineering over the centuries.

To know more about quadratic equations click on below link:



What was one important reason so many immigrants chose to live in Washington?

A.) The federal government gave immigrants money to settle in the Northwest.

B.)They were interested in becoming fishermen and needed to live near the ocean.

C.)They were interested in becoming rich from the gold and silver located in the mountains.

D.)The climate, location, and landforms of various regions of Washington reminded them of home.


One important reason so many immigrants chose to live in Washington

D.) The climate, location, and landforms of various regions of Washington reminded them of home.

Why immigrant chose to live in Washington

One important reason why many immigrants chose to live in Washington was because the climate, location  and landforms of various regions in Washington reminded them of their home countries.

Washington State offers diverse geographical features, including mountains, forests  and coastal areas  which may have resembled the natural landscapes that immigrants were familiar with in their home countries. the familiarity and resemblance to their homeland likely played a significant role in attracting immigrants to settle in Washington.

Learn more about Washington at



How did Immigration Right Movement impacted the Current Era as a whole?


The Immigration Rights Movement has had a significant impact on the current era, particularly in shaping the discourse and policies around immigration, as well as bringing attention to the experiences of immigrants and the injustices they face.

The Immigration Rights Movement refers to a series of grassroots movements and advocacy efforts that seek to protect the rights of immigrants and promote more just and humane immigration policies. These movements have been particularly active in the United States, where debates around immigration have become increasingly polarized and contentious.

The Immigration Rights Movement has brought attention to the experiences of undocumented immigrants and their families, who face significant barriers to access basic rights and services. It has also pushed for reforms to the immigration system, such as the creation of a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants and the expansion of legal protections for refugees and asylum seekers.

To know more about Immigration, click here



Why were american citizens so anxious or fearful during the years of the cold war?

a. American citizens were afraid that that soviet union might engage the united states in a nuclear was.

b. Having seen the devastation that came out of the Great Depression, Americanâs feared the impact of the Soviet economy.

c. American citizens did not trust the nature of communism, and were afraid the United States would adopt a communist government.

d. The leaders of the United States worked hard to make citizens afraid of communism so that they would accept capitalism



I believe it’s A, but it might also be D.


The Soviet Union had tested H-bombs which means that they could destroy the U.S. This meant that we were very worried that the U.S.S.R. might engage the U.S. in a nuclear war. For that reason, it’s probably A. However, U.S. leaders did utilize propaganda to make its citizens afraid of communism, so it could be D, but I would go with A.

Answer: A. American citizens were afraid that that soviet union might engage the united states in a nuclear war.


I took the test and that was the correct answer.

Which idea was embraced by fascists in europe during the 1920s an


The idea that was embraced by fascists in Europe during the 1920s was the concept of totalitarianism, nationalism, and the belief in a strong central government led by a single authoritarian leader.

The idea of nationalism and the importance of a strong, centralized state were the key tenets embraced by fascists in Europe during the 1920s. This ideology was used to justify their aggressive and expansionist foreign policies, as well as their oppressive tactics at home.

Totalitarianism refers to a political system in which the government exercises complete control over all aspects of society, including the economy, culture, and individual rights. Fascists believed that this level of control was necessary to create a unified and strong nation.

Nationalism, another key component of fascism, is a political ideology that emphasizes the importance of shared cultural and historical identity, and the belief that one's nation is superior to others. Fascists believed that the success of their nation required the suppression of minority groups and the promotion of the majority's interests.

Lastly, fascists in Europe during the 1920s believed in the necessity of a strong central government led by a single authoritarian leader, often referred to as a dictator. This leader was expected to make swift and decisive decisions for the betterment of the nation, bypassing traditional democratic processes.

In summary, the idea embraced by fascists in Europe during the 1920s was a combination of totalitarianism, nationalism, and the belief in a strong central government led by a single authoritarian leader. These principles allowed fascists to justify their aggressive actions, control their societies, and promote their nationalistic agenda.

To know more about fascists refer here:



Public domain

Use the graph and your knowledge of U.S. history to answer the question. Which of these explains the differences in Union vs. Confederate firearm production during the Civil War? (5 points)


One factor that explains the differences in Union vs. Confederate firearm production during the Civil War is the access to resources. The Union had greater access to resources due to its larger population and greater industrial capacity.

Additionally, the Union had control of more factories and transportation systems, allowing for more efficient production and distribution of weapons.

Another factor is the impact of the blockade on the Confederacy, which limited their ability to import resources and materials needed for firearm production.

These factors contributed to the Union's ability to produce and supply a greater number of firearms during the war, giving them an advantage in terms of military power.

To know more about Civil War, refer to the link:




The North's heavy industrialization provided an advantage.


What was true about the British approach to colonialism?


Option C. Britain wanted colonists to know how to govern themselves is the most accurate statement about the British approach to colonialism.

What informs the Britain's approach?

The British approach to colonialism was characterized by the belief that the colonists would eventually be able to govern themselves under the guidance and supervision of the British.

The British encouraged the use of the local language in favor of English and they did not encourage settlers to speak their mother tongue.

Therefore, option C. Britain wanted colonists to know how to govern themselves is the most accurate statement about the British approach to colonialism.

learn more about colonialism: https://brainly.com/question/8048490


When did many asian and african colonial people begin to challenge european colonial rule for independence?.


Answer: Between 1945 and 1960


Three dozen new states in Asia and Africa achieved autonomy or outright independence from their european colonial rulers. There was no process of decolonization. In some areas, it was peaceful, and orderly.

main reason why drum beats were effectively used at dawn​


Drumbeats could relay a wide range of messages-different beats could convey different messages.

In one paragraph, explain how the results of the Kansas-Nebraska Act were different from earlier compromises over slavery. PLEASE HELP ASAP!!!!!!!



The Kansas-Nebraska Act allowed each territory to decide the issue of slavery on the basis of popular sovereignty. Kansas with slavery would violate the Missouri Compromise, which had kept the Union from falling apart for the last thirty-four years. The long-standing compromise would have to be repealed. While the Missouri Compromise and the Compromise of 1850 came about due to the debate over the expansion of slavery into new territories, the Kansas-Nebraska Act focused on the economic future of western states.


hope this helps

What made the battle at Antietam and Gettysburg different from the other battles


Despite just lasting three days, the Battle of Gettysburg was the bloodiest in American history. On the other hand, the Battle of Antietam was the bloodiest day in American history, with 22,717 persons being reported as either dead, missing, or injured.

What made the Battle of Gettysburg unique compared to other battles?

Union and Confederate forces clashed in and around the Pennsylvanian town of Gettysburg on July 1-3, 1863, during the American Civil War. The fighting, which is frequently considered to have been the war's turning point, claimed the most lives overall.

What made the Battle of Antietam unique compared to prior battles?

The Union army in the Eastern theater was capable of holding itself back from the Confederate army thanks to Antietam, the bloodiest day of combat in American military history. Also, it provided Lincoln the self-assurance he required so that he could deliver the first Emancipation Proclamation when he was in control rather than when he was in a desperate position.

Learn more about Emancipation Proclamation: https://brainly.com/question/29788953


Describe the development of the portal sculptural programs for romanesque churches. how did these programs reflect their respective regions? how were they similar, and how were they different? use examples to support your discussion post


The development of portal sculptural programs for Romanesque churches was a significant part of the artistic and architectural expression during the Romanesque period.

The portal was considered an important gateway to the sacred space of the church, and the sculptural programs that adorned the portal played a crucial role in communicating religious messages to the faithful.

In different regions of Europe, the portal sculptural programs reflected their respective local cultures and traditions. For example, the tympanum at Saint-Pierre in Moissac, France, features a detailed narrative of the Last Judgment, while the Portico de la Gloria at Santiago de Compostela in Spain depicts Christ in Majesty surrounded by apostles and evangelists. These differences in subject matter and style reflect the distinct regional traditions of these areas.

Despite these regional differences, there were also similarities in the portal sculptural programs across Europe. Many featured a hierarchal arrangement of figures, with Christ at the top, followed by apostles, saints, and other biblical figures. There was also a focus on conveying moral messages, such as the rewards of good behavior and the consequences of sin.

Another similarity was the use of architectural features to enhance the impact of the sculptural programs. This included the use of columns, arches, and niches to frame and highlight specific elements of the artwork.

Overall, the portal sculptural programs for Romanesque churches reflected the diverse cultural and religious traditions of their respective regions while sharing common themes and techniques.

To learn more about  Romanesque churches refer here:



Who is the mongol conqueror of much of asia and parts of europe. he lived from 1162 until 1227?


Answer: Genghis Khan


The Mongol conqueror of much of Asia and parts of Europe who lived from 1162 until 1227 is Genghis Khan. He is considered one of the most successful military commanders in history and is credited with founding the Mongol Empire, which at its peak stretched from Asia to Europe.

The Mongol conqueror of much of Asia and parts of Europe who lived from 1162 until 1227 is Genghis Khan.

Genghis Khan was the founder and first emperor of the Mongol Empire, which at its height, stretched from Eastern Europe to the Sea of Japan. He was born as Temujin in the harsh steppes of Mongolia and grew up as a warrior. He united many Mongol tribes and conquered much of Central Asia, including China, before his death in 1227.

Genghis Khan was known for his military tactics, which were based on speed, mobility, and surprise, as well as his cruelty towards his enemies. He also implemented administrative and legal reforms that helped to govern the vast territories of his empire. His legacy as a conqueror and leader is still felt today in the cultures and societies of many of the regions he conquered.

Learn more about Genghis Khan: https://brainly.com/question/22796812


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The force of attraction that a -40. 0 c point charge exerts on a 108 c point charge has magnitude 4. 00 n. How far apart are these two charges? (k = 1/40 = 8. 99 109 n m2/c2) show your work Which of these quotations from "The Fallacy of Success" by G. K. Chesterton best expresses a tone that indicates the author believes that books about success are "the silliest ever known among men"?"Beyond the rules of the game it is all a question either of talent or dishonesty; ""It is perfectly obvious that in any decent occupation (such as bricklaying or writing books) there are only two ways (in any special sense) of succeeding. One is by doing very good work, the other is by cheating. ""Or suppose that in the course of his intellectual rambles the philosopher of Success dropped upon our other case, that of playing cards, his bracing advice would runIn playing cards it is very necessary to avoid the mistakeof permitting your opponent to win the game. ""You may want to jump or to play cards; but you do not want to read wandering statements to the effect that jumping is jumping, or that games are won by winners. " Design a two-stage band-pass filter using two 1 resistors and two 1 capacitors (i. E. A circuit where the transfer function drops to zero at low and high frequencies and passes a range of frequencies in-between) MGMT Mobile Company (MMC) is seriously considering the trends in the market and are looking forward to engaging in a movement from e-business to m-business. Explain four areas MMC would need to adopt in order to facilitate this movement in business. Benzoic acid, ch3cooh, is a weak acid with ka = 6.3 10-5.ch3co,h(aq) + h2o(1) = h2o+(aq) + ch3co2 (aq)1. calculate the ph of a 0.150 m benzoic acid solution. show all calculations. The inventory at the end of the year was understated by $14,750:(A) Did the error cause an overstatement or an understatement of the gross profit for the year? Why?(B) Which items on the balance sheet at the end of the year were overstated or understated as a result of the error? 4. The first paragraph of the essay can be described asA an analysis of the arguments in favor of antibacterial soap use.B an explanation of the history and uses of antibacterial soap.C a presentation of the question of whether antibacterial soap is beneficial.an analysis of the arguments against antibacterial soap Olivia joined her father's accounting firm after graduating from college with a degree in accounting. Her father is excited that she specialized in learning how to provide information and analysis from within the organization to help operate the business. What is Olivia's field of accounting called? (ASAP)BIRTH ANNIVERSARY OF THE FATHER OF THE NATION AND NATIONAL CHILDRENS DAY(BANGLADESH) 300 words paragraph. Select the three categories of interest groups.1. public interest groups2. business and industry groups3. consumer advocacy groups4. federal welfare groups5. worker groups6. financial groups This wooden frame is made of three planks of wood attached with glue and nails. The wood will be painted with emulsion paint which takes 80ml of paint per metre of wood. Calculate the amount of paint needed to cover all the wood Which played a major role in altering wind patters and ocean currents?volcanic eruptionsice agesmovement of continentssolar flares You are a visitor aboard the New International Space Station, which is in a circular orbit around the Earth with an orbital speed of o=2.45 km/s . The station is equipped with a high velocity projectile launcher, which can be used to launch small projectiles in various directions at high speeds. Most of the time, the projectiles either enter new orbits around the Earth or eventually fall down and hit the Earth. However, as you know from your physics courses at the Academy, projectiles launched with a sufficiently great initial speed can travel away from the Earth indefinitely, always slowing down but never falling back to Earth.With what minimum total speed, relative to the Earth, would projectiles need to be launched from the station in order to "escape" in this way? For reference, recall that the radius of the Earth is E=6370000 m, the mass of the Earth is E=5.981024 kg , the acceleration due to gravity on the surface of the Earth is =9.81 m/s2 and the universal gravitational constant is =6.671011 Nm2/kg2 . 7. the diagram below represents a circuit consisting of two resistors connected to a source of potential difference. what is the current through the 20.-ohm resistor? Where did the alleles (or letters) of each individuals genotype originate or come from? Julian is using a biking app that compares his position to a simulated biker traveling Julian's target speed. When Julian is behind the simulated biker, he has a negative position.Julian sets the simulated biker to a speed of 20kmh20 hkm 20, start fraction, start text, k, m, end text, divided by, start text, h, end text, end fraction. After he rides his bike for 151515 minutes, Julian's app reports a position of 214km2 41 km minus, 2, start fraction, 1, divided by, 4, end fraction, start text, k, m, end text.What has Julian's average speed been so far? How many calories of energy (heat) is released when 250. 0 g of lead is cooled from 15. 0C to 12. 0C Solid metal support poles in the form of right cylinders are made out of metal with adensity of 6.3 g/cm. This metal can be purchased for $0.30 per kilogram. Calculatethe cost of a utility pole with a diameter of 42 cm and a height of 740 cm. Round youranswer to the nearest cent. (Note: the diagram is not drawn to scale) Please Answer ASAP! PLEEEASE Answer Fully Please And Fill IN THe Blanks!also you will get allot of points Mariella is trying to explain the concept of a variable to her sister who is new to programming. Which of the following analogies should Mariella use to help her sister understand? A. a car that uses gas B. a boy that walks his dog C. a box that holds mail D. a banana that is overripe