What pre-reading strategy would help you determine which items or information might be important to learn?
A.Consider prior knowledge.
B.Read text questions.
C. Use organizers.
D. Match your approach with purposes


Answer 1

All of the options mentioned are useful pre-reading strategies, but the one that specifically helps to determine which items or information might be important to learn is option A: Consider prior knowledge.

Explain how the various given options are pre-reading strategies.

Option A, considering prior knowledge, involves activating your existing knowledge about the topic and using it to identify what you already know and what you need to learn. By doing this, you can create a mental framework that will help you identify key information as you read, and you can also focus your attention on areas where you need more information.

Option B, reading text questions, is a useful strategy if you are reading a text that has specific questions or objectives attached to it. By reading the questions first, you can focus your attention on the areas of the text that are most relevant to those questions.

Option C, using organizers, can help you to organize and structure the information you learn while reading, but it may not necessarily help you to identify which items or information are most important to learn.

Option D, matching your approach with purposes, is a useful strategy for overall reading comprehension and engagement, but it may not necessarily help you to identify which items or information are most important to learn.

To learn more about pre-reading, visit:



Related Questions

At the beginning of the poem, there is no clear message about the warrior problem. What actually happened to the warrior? Describe.


Answer: In the poem "Home They Brought Her Warrior Dead" by Alfred Lord Tennyson, the warrior has died in battle, and his body has been brought back home.

Explanation: The first stanza of the poem sets the scene with the arrival of the warrior's body, but it does not provide any details about how he died or the circumstances surrounding his death. It is only later in the poem that we learn that the warrior has died in battle, and his body has been brought back home for burial. The speaker describes how the warrior's body is laid out in his home, surrounded by mourning family members and friends.

17!! points one question

C Reading comprehension is essential for the following areas EXCEPT: Understanding written news events Running a mile Reading, understanding and analyzing literature in your English class Enjoying books you are reading for fun in your free time A​




Reading comprehension is essential for all of the areas listed except for "Running a mile." Running a mile is a physical activity and does not directly relate to reading comprehension.

Escape Bag Journal
If you had to leave your home and you knew you might never return, what would you take with you if you only had ONE small suitcase? Think about the things that mean the most to you. This isn’t Spirit Bear so it’s not knives, matches, etc.--what would you not want to leave behind? Write one AMAZING paragraph using your BEST writing.
Please do this for the following items, my books, cats, and food and water



If I had to leave my home and never return, and I could only take one small suitcase with me, I would have to carefully consider what items to bring. Among them, my books, cats, and food and water would be the most essential. My books are my constant companions, my escape, my solace. They are not merely objects but the gateway to countless worlds and endless possibilities. I cannot imagine a life without them. My cats are not just pets, but they are family. They provide me with unconditional love, companionship, and laughter. They are a source of comfort and joy, and without them, life would be a little less bright. Food and water may seem mundane, but they are essential for survival. In times of uncertainty, having enough food and water can mean the difference between life and death. Therefore, if I were forced to leave my home and only bring one small suitcase, I would make sure that my books, cats, and food and water are safely tucked away inside.



If I had to leave my home and I knew I would never return, I would take my books, cats, food, and water. I would bring my books because I would want some form of entertainment, and can't bring my phone or laptop because those would lose battery within a few hours. Next, I would bring my cats because I wouldn't want to leave them behind. Lastly, I would bring food and water- for both me and the cats- so I would die within 72 hrs of starvation.


Well since you asked for the following items: food, water, your cat, and books, this is the best I could come up with! Good luck!

3. What reason does Laura give for the reason she does not receive gentlemen



Due to her physical and emotional limitations brought on by her disability, Laura finds it challenging to accept gentleman callers.

Due to her physical restrictions, she is unable to fully enjoy the social connections that come with having company.

She feels the urge to hide from the company because of her condition, which makes her self-conscious and uncomfortable to be seen in public.

Due to her condition, Laura is not included in her peers' social activities, which makes her feel lonely and alone.

Laura's condition has kept her from connecting with people and making friends, despite her mother's encouragement.

She now feels alone and alienated because how her impairment has made her unwelcome in her peers' social group.

To know more about disability,



Write a short script of approximately twenty lines of dialogue that includes a clear conflict and theme. Be sure to set the scene, include stage directions and dialogue between two or more characters, and craft a conflict and resolution that establishes a theme.


Here is a short script I wrote based on your request.

# The Last Straw

Scene: A small apartment in a big city. There is a couch, a coffee table, a TV, and a kitchenette. The walls are covered with posters of rock bands and movies.

Characters: SAM, a 25-year-old aspiring musician who works as a pizza delivery guy. He is wearing a leather jacket, jeans, and a cap. He is holding a guitar case.

LISA, a 23-year-old aspiring actress who works as a waitress. She is wearing a dress and heels. She is holding a suitcase.

SAM: (enters the apartment, slams the door) I'm home!

LISA: (sitting on the couch, reading a magazine) Hi.

SAM: (puts down his guitar case, takes off his jacket) How was your day?

LISA: Fine.

SAM: Just fine?

LISA: Yeah.

SAM: Did you get any auditions?


SAM: Oh. Well, don't worry. You'll get one soon.

LISA: (sighs) Maybe.

SAM: Hey, cheer up. You're talented. You're beautiful. You're amazing.

LISA: (smiles weakly) Thanks.

SAM: Come on, let me see that smile. (tries to hug her)

LISA: (pushes him away) Sam, stop.

SAM: What's wrong?

LISA: I need to talk to you.

SAM: Okay. What is it?

LISA: (stands up, picks up her suitcase) I'm leaving you.

SAM: (shattered) What?

LISA: I'm sorry, Sam. But I can't do this anymore.

SAM: Do what? What are you talking about?

LISA: This. Us. This life.

SAM: What's wrong with our life?

LISA: Everything. We're stuck in this tiny apartment, working dead-end jobs, chasing dreams that will never come true.

SAM: That's not true. We have each other. We have our passion. We have our music and our acting.

LISA: No, Sam. You have your music. I have my acting. But we don't have anything else.

SAM: We have love.

LISA: Love is not enough.

SAM: How can you say that?

LISA: Because it's true. Love doesn't pay the bills. Love doesn't make us happy. Love doesn't make us fulfilled.

SAM: Love makes me happy. Love makes me fulfilled. And love will pay the bills someday, when we make it big.

LISA: Sam, wake up. We're not going to make it big. We're not going to be stars. We're not going to be famous.

SAM: Yes, we are. We just need to keep working hard and believe in ourselves.

LISA: No, Sam. You need to face reality and grow up.

SAM: I am grown up. And I am facing reality. My reality is that I love you and I want to be with you.

LISA: Well, my reality is that I don't love you anymore and I don't want to be with you.

SAM: (hurt) How can you say that? After everything we've been through? After all the years we've spent together?

LISA: That's exactly why I'm saying it. Because we've wasted too many years on this hopeless relationship.

SAM: It's not hopeless. It's beautiful.

LISA: It's over, Sam. It's been over for a long time. I just didn't have the courage to tell you until now.

SAM: So what? You're just going to walk out on me? Just like that?

LISA: Yes, Sam. I am. (opens the door)

SAM: Lisa, wait. Please don't go.

LISA: Goodbye, Sam. (exits)

[The sound of the door closing echoes in the apartment.]

[End of scene.]

To learn more about script here



The main purpose of each of these texts is

A. To educate the reader about Sybil Ludington's heroics. B. To show the kindness of General George Washington. C. To describe the many battles of the Continental Army. D. To explain how the British protected British loyalists.


The main purpose of each of these texts is to educate the reader about Sybil Ludington's heroics.

Here, correct option is A.

Sybil Ludington was a brave young girl who, at the age of sixteen, saved the Continental Army from the British. She rode for forty miles to alert the troops that the British were coming. Her courageous ride inspired the troops and gave them the strength to fight and defeat the British.

General George Washington showed his appreciation for her bravery by thanking her personally. The texts also discuss the many battles of the Continental Army during the Revolutionary War and explain how the British protected British loyalists.

Sybil Ludington was an inspiring figure who showed courage and heroism in the face of danger. Her story has been an example of bravery and patriotism for generations, and her deeds continue to educate and inspire readers today.

Therefore, correct option is A.

know more about Continental Army here



Please help me with this homework


The answer is one…………..

To what extent does wilde invite the readers to sympathise with dorian gray?


Oscar Wilde's novel, "The Picture of Dorian Gray," portrays the titular character as both a victim and a villain, which invites the readers to sympathise with Dorian Gray to some extent. Wilde delves into themes of hedonism, vanity, and moral decay, allowing the readers to understand the factors that contribute to Dorian's transformation.

The author's vivid description of Dorian's beauty and youthful innocence initially creates sympathy for the character as he falls prey to Lord Henry's corrupting influence.

However, as the story progresses, Dorian's actions become increasingly cruel and selfish, making it harder for readers to maintain their sympathy. The character's obsession with youth and pleasure leads him to cause harm to others, including his friends and lovers. Despite this, Wilde still manages to elicit some sympathy by presenting Dorian's inner conflict and eventual realization of the consequences of his actions.

In conclusion, Wilde does invite the readers to sympathise with Dorian Gray, but this sympathy is challenged by the character's immoral behavior. The novel effectively explores the complexities of human nature, showing that even a character as flawed as Dorian Gray can evoke mixed feelings from the readers.

To know more about Dorian Gray, refer here:



Sonnet 57

by William Shakespeare

Being your slave, what should I do but tend
Upon the hours and times of your desire?
I have no precious time at all to spend,
Nor services to do, till you require.
Nor dare I chide the world-without-end hour
Whilst I, my sovereign, watch the clock for you,
Nor think the bitterness of absence sour
When you have bid your servant once adieu;
Nor dare I question with my jealous thought
Where you may be, or your affairs suppose,
But like a sad slave, stay and think of nought
Save where you are how happy you make those!
So true a fool is love, that in your will
(Though you do any thing) he thinks no ill.


This poem is like many other Renaissance poems in its —
irrational purpose
rough humor
emphasis on love
mood of mourning


This poem is like many other Renaissance poems in itsc. Cb. emphasis on love.

The theme of the Poem

This poem like many other renaissance poems has the tone of love in it. Many renasissance poems are known to portray triuth and beauty in their descriptions of life. This one describes how the slave was in love with his master and would wait patiently to do his bidding.

So, there was an emphasis of love and jealousy of belonging to a master Option B desrcibes the similarity between this poema nd other renaissance poems.

Learn more about poems here:



Plsss help me i need to write an summary about "Listen and Learn" by Emily Sohn. (4-6 sentences)

You have to organize it like
T-Text type
M-Main idea
I-Important or Key details

If you can, write it in 8th graders words.


T- Text type: Non-fiction article

A- Author: Emily Sohn

A- Action: Provides information and insights on the importance of active listening

M- Main idea: "Listen and Learn" is an article that talks about how active listening is really important for communication and learning.

I- Important or Key details:

The article says that active listening means you really focus on the speaker, don't get distracted, and be present in the moment.

It also says that active listening helps you understand what the speaker is saying and also builds trust, empathy, and connections with others.

The article mentions that active listening is especially important in school because it helps students engage, understand, and think critically.

It gives some tips on how to be a good listener, like maintaining eye contact, asking questions, and not interrupting.

O- Organization: The article starts by explaining what active listening is and why it's important. Then it talks about the benefits of active listening and gives some examples of how it can be useful in school. It ends with some tips on how to be a good listener. The article is easy to understand and has a clear beginning, middle, and end. It's all about why listening is important and how to do it well. 6 sentences. 174 words. Overall, "Listen and Learn" by Emily Sohn is an article that explains why active listening is important

paraphrase this as you may

Does anyone know this one please
Which sentence describes how the authors of both passages treat their subjects?
A. Both authors enjoy laughing about the many people who were tricked by P. T. Barnum and his humbugs.

B. Both authors give examples of Barnum's humbugs, but the author of "P. T. Barnum" does not seem to approve, while Barnum displays a sense of humor about it in his book.

C. The author of "P. T. Barnum" gives the impression that people hated being fooled by Barnum, while Barnum himself says that some people did not mind it.

D. The author of "P. T. Barnum" gives the impression that Barnum's show often featured animals, while Barnum in his book shows that he only rarely featured animals. ​


B. Both authors give examples of Barnum's humbugs, but the author of "P. T. Barnum" does not seem to approve, while Barnum displays a sense of humor about it in his book.

In both passages, the authors discuss P. T. Barnum's use of humbugs, which were deceptive tricks or false claims used to attract public attention. The author of "P. T. Barnum" appears to disapprove of these tactics, presenting them as dishonest or misleading.

Conversely, Barnum himself, in his book, adopts a more light-hearted approach, indicating that he finds humor in the situation and the reactions of the people who were tricked. The differing perspectives highlight the distinct ways each author treats their subject, with one being more critical while the other takes a more amused stance.

To know more about humbugs visit:



In at least one hundred and fifty words, explain how Janice Mirikitani uses concrete language to convey the universal theme of the suffering of war in "Attack the Water. " Provide specific evidence from the text to support your response


Janice Mirikitani uses concrete language to vividly convey the universal theme of war's suffering in "Attack the Water."

Mirikitani's use of sensory details and vivid imagery creates a harrowing picture of war's devastation on both the natural world and civilians' lives. The water exploding and turning toxic, and tainted, and a graveyard for the dead evoke a sense of horror and tragedy.

The war ripples outward, affecting people beyond the immediate battlefield, touching many different places and people, and carrying the scars and pain of war. Thus, Mirikitani emphasizes that war's suffering is not confined to one time or place, but is something that affects all of humanity, reinforcing the need for peace and healing.

To learn more about Mirikitani follow the link:



Answer this and ill give brainliest

which sentence shows that Mr. Bills is open-minded and a visionary.



He could see past my prosthetic leg, see my hidden talent trying to burst forth, and see that I could do more than help the actors with a quick costume change.


This is the sentence that best shows that Mr. Bill is very open-minded and visionary. In this sentence, we learn that Mr. Bill decided to give the speaker a chance despite all his shortcomings. He was able to see past the actor's prosthetic leg and gave him a real chance. Not all directors would do what Mr. Bill did. Therefore, we can see that he is open-minded and visionary.



i think the answer is the third one



find the adverbial clauses in the following sentences 1. The man who lives next door is a lawyer 2. She is the young woman who delivered the triplets 3. The novel that I read was written by a Kenyan 4. The bus that picked the students has been hijacked 5. This is the boxer who was robbed in the last hour 6. This is the gold watch which he bought in South Africa​



1. "who lives next door" - this is an adverbial clause modifying the noun "man".

2. "who delivered the triplets" - this is an adverbial clause modifying the noun "woman".

3. "that I read" - this is an adverbial clause modifying the noun "novel".

4. "that picked the students" - this is an adverbial clause modifying the noun "bus".

5. "who was robbed in the last hour" - this is an adverbial clause modifying the noun "boxer".

6. "which he bought in South Africa" - this is an adverbial clause modifying the noun "watch".

Adverbial clauses are clauses that modify a verb, an adjective, or an adverb, and often answer the questions of how, when, where, why, or to what extent.

How are 401(k)s different from roth or traditional iras


401(k)s are retirement savings plans sponsored by employers, while traditional and Roth IRAs are individual retirement accounts that individuals can open themselves. 401(k)s allow employees to save a portion of their pre-tax income, reducing their taxable income for the year. Traditional IRAs also allow individuals to make pre-tax contributions, but Roth IRAs are funded with after-tax dollars.

One key difference between 401(k)s and IRAs is contribution limits. In 2021, the contribution limit for 401(k)s is $19,500, while the limit for IRAs is $6,000. Additionally, 401(k)s may offer employer contributions, such as matching or profit-sharing, while IRAs do not.

Another difference is how withdrawals are taxed. With traditional IRAs and 401(k)s, withdrawals are taxed as ordinary income. However, with Roth IRAs, withdrawals in retirement are tax-free since contributions were made with after-tax dollars.

Finally, there are differences in when withdrawals can be made. With traditional IRAs and 401(k)s, withdrawals before age 59 1/2 may result in a 10% penalty, while Roth IRAs allow penalty-free withdrawals of contributions at any time.

In summary, 401(k)s and IRAs have different contribution limits, employer contributions, tax treatments, and withdrawal rules. It's important to consider these differences when deciding which retirement savings option is best for you.

Know more about traditional and Roth IRAs here:



Select one of the following poems, and in a response of approximately 100 words, identify and describe two different
kinds of figurative language used in the poem.

• "caged bird" by maya angelou

• "cloud" by sandra cisneros

• "women" by alice walker

• "the journey" by mary oliver


I have selected "The Journey" by Mary Oliver. Two different kinds of figurative language used in the poem are metaphors and personification. Here option D is the correct answer.

The first example of a metaphor is in the second line: "But little by little, / as you left their voices behind, / the stars began to burn." Here, the stars are compared to flames, suggesting that they ignite and become more vibrant as the speaker moves further away from the noise and distractions of other people's opinions.

The second example of figurative language is personification: "the road / full of fallen branches and stones." The road is given human-like qualities, specifically the ability to be cluttered and obstructed, which creates a sense of struggle and obstacles that the speaker must overcome in their journey.

These literary devices add depth and meaning to the poem by allowing the reader to visualize and empathize with the speaker's journey. The metaphors help to create a sense of progression and transformation, while the personification helps to personify the road and make it more relatable to the reader's own experiences.

To learn more about Mary Oliver



Complete question:

Select one of the following poems, and in a response of approximately 100 words, identify and describe two different

kinds of figurative language used in the poem.

A - "caged bird" by maya angelou

B - "cloud" by sandra cisneros

C - "women" by alice walker

D - "the journey" by mary oliver

What does paragraph 4 most reveal about the mother?
She is tireless.
She is responsible.
She has a hard time relaxing.
She has devotion for animals.


She has a hard time relaxing is the correct option.

What does mother's paragraph say?

Every family values the contribution of the mother. She is the mother of a child, nurturing her offspring and shielding him or her from the cruel eyes of society. Every child's existence revolves around her, and she provides the entire family with the utmost love, care, and compassion.

What role does mother play in the following lines?

Every child's mother is a highly significant and valuable individual. In actuality, she is God's most priceless gift to anyone. Only because of her may a child see the world. To her child, she serves as a friend, mom, mentor, and teacher.

To know more about reveal visit:



What does paragraph 4 most reveal about the mother?

She is tireless.

She is responsible.

She has a hard time relaxing.

She has devotion for animals.

Letter to the town planner in your local MUNICIPALITY and propkse to use a vacant piecd of land as a tourism spot for the bebefit of the community growth at large


Write a letter to the town planner in your local municipality, proposing to use a vacant piece of land as a tourism spot for the benefit of community growth at large.

Step 1: Begin the letter with a formal salutation, such as "Dear Town Planner,".

Step 2: Introduce yourself and your role in the community.

Step 3: Identify the vacant piece of land and its location.

Step 4: Explain the potential benefits of transforming the vacant land into a tourism spot, such as boosting local economy, creating jobs, and improving community infrastructure.

Step 5: Provide examples of potential tourist attractions or activities that can be developed on the vacant land, such as parks, museums, or cultural centers.

Step 6: Discuss the positive impact on community growth, including increased revenue for local businesses and improved quality of life for residents.

Step 7: Offer your assistance in planning and developing the proposed tourism spot.

Step 8: Thank the town planner for their time and consideration, and close the letter with a formal sign-off, such as "Sincerely," or "Best regards," followed by your name.

To know more about tourist attractions click on below link:



Harrison Bergeron" is written from the third person perspective. Rewrite or continue the story from the 1st person point of view. From the perspective of one of the characters, describe what it is like to wear the handicaps described in the story.


As a character in "Harrison Bergeron," wearing the handicaps is an everyday part of life for me. The government imposed these handicaps to create an equal society, where nobody is smarter, stronger, or more talented than anyone else.

Having to wear these handicaps is both physically and mentally draining. For instance, the heavy weights I have to wear make it difficult to move around or perform simple tasks. They constantly remind me of the restrictions that have been placed on me, never allowing me to reach my full potential.

Additionally, the mental handicap that is implanted in my ear disrupts my thoughts every few minutes. Just when I begin to have a coherent thought or a moment of clarity, a loud noise or a sharp pain jolts me back to reality, forcing me to start all over again. It's incredibly frustrating, as it prevents me from thinking deeply or having meaningful conversations with others.

In this society, we have sacrificed our individuality and personal growth for the sake of equality. While the intention might have been noble, living with these handicaps is a constant reminder of the price we have paid for this artificial sense of fairness.

To know more about Harrison Bergeron, refer here:



A symbol in a pictograph can only count as one unit.. please select the best answer from the choices provided t f


The given statement, A symbol in a pictograph can only count as one unit is False because A symbol in a pictograph can represent more than one unit.

A pictograph is a visual representation of data using symbols, such as pictures, icons, or even words. Each symbol in a pictograph can represent more than one unit, but the number of units each symbol will represent must be clearly indicated. For example, if one symbol in a pictograph represents five units, then all the symbols in the pictograph must also represent five units.

That way everyone knows that each symbol in the pictograph represents the same amount. In addition, a pictograph can also contain multiple symbols that represent different amounts. This can be used to indicate a range of values, such as showing the minimum and maximum values for a particular data set.

know more about pictograph here






7 incidences in South Africa where sports personalities rights were violented


Here are 7 incidents in South Africa where sports personalities' rights were violated are given below.

List of 7 incidents:

1. According to Pistorius, he accidentally shot Steenkamp while thinking an intruder was in his home.

2. In 2012, cricketer Herschelle Gibbs was jailed for allegedly a woman in a Johannesburg nightclub. Gibbs was released on bail and the charges were later withdrawn.

3. In 2016, rugby player Bismarck du Plessis was charged with assault after allegedly hitting his wife with a fire extinguisher. Du Plessis pleaded not guilty and the charges were later withdrawn.

4. In 2017, rugby player Pieter-Steph du Toit was arrested and charged with assault after allegedly hitting a man with a bottle at a bar in Cape Town. Du Toit was released on bail and the charges were later withdrawn.

5. In 2018, cricketer Faf du Plessis was fined and reprimanded by the International Cricket Council for making a derogatory comment about Pakistani umpire Aleem Dar. Du Plessis later apologized for his remarks.

6. In 2019, soccer player Percy Tau was the victim of a carjacking in Johannesburg. Tau was not injured during the incident.

7. In 2020, soccer player Siphosethu Mthembu was shot and killed in Durban. Mthembu was reportedly caught in the crossfire during a gang shootout.  

Learn more about sports personalities Visit: brainly.com/question/31511368


Select the correct answer. which literary device is used in the following sentence? "if you are not too long, i will wait here for you all my life." a. pun b. paradox c. satire d. sarcasm


The literary device used in the sentence "if you are not too long, I will wait here for you all my life" is a paradox.

A paradox is a statement that contradicts itself or appears to be self-contradictory. In this sentence, the paradox lies in the fact that the speaker is willing to wait for the person all their life, but only if they are not too long. This seems contradictory because if the person takes a long time to return, then the speaker will have to wait for an extended period, which contradicts the initial statement.

The use of paradox adds depth and complexity to the sentence, making it thought-provoking and memorable. Overall, this sentence is an excellent example of the power of paradox as a literary device.

To know more about literary device refer here:



Which statement most clearly describes an imperialistic attitude?


The statement that clearly describes an imperialistic attitude is that People like us are born to rule, whereas others are born to serve. The Option D is correct.

What is an example of an imperialistic attitude?

An imperialistic attitude refers to attitude one that asserts the dominance of one group over another often through force and coercion. This can be seen in belief that one group of people is superior to another and therefore has the right to control and exploit them.

The statement "People like us are born to rule" is a clear example of an imperialistic attitude because it suggests that certain groups have a natural right to dominate and subjugate others. Such attitudes have been used to justify colonization, slavery etc.

Full question:

Which statement most clearly describes an imperialistic attitude?

A. Crush all those who oppose us and leave no trace of their


B. Through cultural exchange, two peoples can learn from each


C. Building alliances with diverse peoples makes everyone stronger.

D. People like us are born to rule, whereas others are born to serve.

Read more about imperialistic attitude



in Jhumpa Lahiri's the namesake Gogol changed his name to reflect his sense of... what?


Gogol experiences infantile emotions upon reading "Gogol." In order to help change how he sees himself, Gogol officially changes his name—not to affect how the world sees him but rather to help him change how he sees himself.

What conclusion does he draw from his last name, Gogol?

It is the unopened copy of Nikolai Gogol's Short Tales that his father had given him years earlier. As he discovers the inscription, he laments the fact that soon no one will be left to call him Gogol.

How does Gogol's name affect who he is?

Gogol introduces himself as "Nikhil" since he thinks the name "Gogol" will put a female off of him. He immediately feels like a different person after doing so. He is in some ways the same person as both "Gogol" and "Nikhil," yet his public identity and impression of himself alter.

To Know more about inscription,



Read the scenario. Then Determine whether the person should use library or Internet research, and why. Amelia has to write a three-page paper on rising ocean temperatures and their effects on ocean life. She needs to find trustworthy Journal articles about recent scientific findings and create a table of important data


Amelia should use library research for her paper. Library research allows her access to a wide variety of reliable and scholarly sources, including peer-reviewed Journal articles.

Additionally, she can use Interlibrary Loan services if her library does not have the resources she needs. Accessing these resources through the library gives her the ability to find up-to-date and accurate information from trusted sources, which is important for her research. Having access to reliable and current information will help her create a more accurate table of data and make her paper more credible.

know more about library research here



Complete question is :

Read the scenario. Then Determine whether the person should use library or Internet research, and why. Amelia has to write a three-page paper on rising ocean temperatures and their effects on ocean life. She needs to find trustworthy Journal articles about recent scientific findings and create a table of important data. explain

What causes abuelas rage? In (abuela invents the zero)


Answer: Constancia is very rude to her, makes her feel like a 'zero'


Please give brainliest + have a nice day!

What sentence describes a poem's meter?


The answer is B, a meter refers to the unit in poetry for rhythm and beat.

Why does the narrator decide to cross under the state road?

in the story The snapping turtle


The narrator decides to cross under the state road in the story "The Snapping Turtle" to avoid encountering a snapping turtle that he believes is hiding in the nearby bushes.

The story "The Snapping Turtle" by Joseph Bruchac is about a young boy who is warned by his grandfather to be careful of a snapping turtle that is known to live in the nearby creek.

As the boy is walking home from fishing, he hears a rustling in the bushes and becomes frightened that it might be the snapping turtle. To avoid the potential danger, the narrator decides to cross under the state road instead of continuing on the path that would take him closer to the creek.

This decision shows the narrator's fear and respect for the power of nature, specifically the snapping turtle, which is known for its sharp bite and aggressive behavior.

Learn more about Joseph Bruchac here:



Witch sentence correctly rewrite’s the following sentence using active voice

Red meat has been With an increased risk of type 2 diabetes


The rewritten sentence in active voice is: "Studies have associated red meat with an increased risk of type 2 diabetes."

In the original sentence, "Red meat has been with an increased risk of type 2 diabetes," the subject (red meat) is acted upon by an unnamed agent. To rewrite this sentence in active voice, we need to bring the doer of the action to the forefront. In this case, we can assume that studies or researchers have made this association between red meat and type 2 diabetes.

So, the new subject becomes "studies," which now actively perform the action (associating). The active voice sentence now focuses on who or what is responsible for the association rather than just stating the fact passively. By doing so, the rewritten sentence is more direct and clear about the source of the information. Additionally, using active voice makes the statement sound more confident and assertive, which is often preferred in academic and professional writing. Overall, the active voice sentence is a more effective way of conveying the same information.

To know more about active voice click here



what do you call an interracial relationship happy?


An interracial relationship is a romantic or intimate relationship between people of different races or ethnicities.

What is the relationship about?

Interracial relationships result in a more diverse cultural background for the spouses, and even more so for the children. Children of interracial marriages experience what it's like to live with parents from different racial and ethnic backgrounds

It is also sometimes referred to as a mixed-race relationship or an interethnic relationship. It is important to remember that relationships should be based on mutual respect, understanding, and consent, regardless of race or ethnicity.

Learn more about racial on



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