What is the differences between slavery in Olaudah Equiano's native
West African home and what he experienced in the New World


Answer 1

Olaudah Equiano, a prominent African writer, and abolitionist, provided a detailed account of his experiences as a slave in his autobiography, "The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano." In his narrative, he highlights several differences between slavery in his native West Africa and the New World (America).

Origins: In West Africa, slavery existed before the arrival of Europeans. It was often a result of warfare, debt, or punishment for crimes. Slaves in West Africa were often prisoners of war or individuals who had been captured through raids. In contrast, in the New World, slavery was primarily driven by the transatlantic slave trade, where Africans were forcibly transported to the Americas to be sold as slaves.

Treatment: Equiano describes that in his native West Africa, slaves were treated with relative leniency and were considered part of the household, often integrating into the family structure. However, in the New World, slaves were treated as property and subjected to harsh and brutal conditions. They were subjected to physical and psychological abuse, forced labor, and were frequently treated as commodities rather than human beings.

Cultural Displacement: Equiano highlights the loss of cultural identity experienced by African slaves in the New World. In West Africa, slaves often retained their cultural practices, language, and familial ties. In the New World, slaves were forcibly separated from their families, stripped of their native languages, and often denied the opportunity to practice their cultural traditions.

Slave Trade: Equiano notes the vast difference in scale between the slave trade in West Africa and the New World. While the slave trade existed in West Africa, it was not as extensive or organized as the transatlantic slave trade that brought millions of Africans to the Americas. The transatlantic slave trade involved large-scale trafficking of slaves, involving European ships, plantations, and slave markets.

Potential for Freedom: Equiano highlights the greater possibility of obtaining freedom in the New World compared to West Africa. Although the conditions were harsh, slaves in the Americas had opportunities to gain their freedom through various means such as self-purchase, escape, or manumission. In West Africa, the prospect of regaining freedom was often limited, and the status of slavery was more entrenched in the social structure.

It is important to note that the experiences of slaves varied widely depending on the specific time, location, and circumstances. Equiano's account provides insight into the general differences he observed, but it may not necessarily represent the experiences of all African slaves during that time.

Learn more about Olaudah Equiano:



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How do family traditions and cultural legacies contribute to
and/or inhibit an individual's self identity


Family traditions and cultural legacies can contribute to and inhibit an individual's self-identity. Both of these have an impact on how individuals see themselves and how they fit into their society.

Family traditions are passed down from generation to generation and can include everything from how holidays are celebrated to the foods prepared. These traditions often represent shared values and beliefs that help to create a sense of identity and belonging for individuals within a family. Continuing family traditions can help individuals maintain a connection to their cultural roots. A cultural legacy is a set of cultural values, beliefs, and practices from generation to generation within a community. It can be expressed in the arts, music, literature, and language, among other things. Cultural legacies are essential to a community's identity and can be a source of pride and belonging. Family traditions can give individuals a sense of belonging and help them feel connected to their family. Similarly, cultural legacies can provide individuals with a sense of connection to their community and can help them feel proud of their cultural heritage. At the same time, family traditions and cultural legacies can also inhibit an individual's self-identity. For example, suppose an individual feels their family traditions do not align with their beliefs and values. In that case, they may feel a conflict between their individuality and familial identity. Similarly, if an individual thinks that the larger society does not accept their cultural legacy, they may feel a sense of shame or isolation.

Learn more about Family here: https://brainly.com/question/1535942.


you have attended a seminar on how to decrease the burden of studies on school going children. write a report for your school magazine. you are ravina or ravi of guru nanak public school.


Report on how to decrease the burden of studies on school going children. It is important to introduce yourself in the report as well as the name of the school that you represent. Begin by mentioning the purpose of the seminar, which was held to discuss the burden of studies on school-going children.

Here's how you can write a report for your school magazine.

First and foremost, it is important to introduce yourself in the report as well as the name of the school that you represent. Begin by mentioning the purpose of the seminar, which was held to discuss the burden of studies on school-going children. Use the following format to write your report.

Introduction: The seminar was organized with the aim of discussing the burden of studies on school-going children. It was held in the auditorium of Guru Nanak Public School. The main speakers were Dr. Ravi Kumar and Dr. Ravina Singh.

Purpose: The purpose of the seminar was to discuss how to decrease the burden of studies on school-going children. Both speakers emphasized the importance of striking a balance between academics and extracurricular activities. They stated that children should not be overburdened with studies, but they should also be encouraged to participate in sports, music, and other activities.

Ideas suggested: During the seminar, several ideas were suggested to decrease the burden of studies on school-going children. The most important of these were:

Reducing the number of subjects taught to studentsEncouraging students to take breaks during study hours and engage in physical activities for better concentrationTeaching students through play and games and not by rote learningEncouraging teachers to assign homework that would help students gain practical knowledge and not just theoretical understanding

Conclusion: In conclusion, the seminar was a great success. The students and teachers learned a lot from it. The organizers hope that such seminars will continue to be held in the future, to help students achieve their full potential without being overburdened with studies.

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what perfect gift did the second innocent give to our ancient order?


The second innocent in the novel The Name of the Rose by Umberto Eco gives the gift of laughter to the ancient order.

The Name of the Rose is a historical novel by Umberto Eco that was published in 1980. The story is set in an Italian monastery in the year 1327. The novel is known for its incorporation of literary theory, biblical analysis, medieval studies, and semiotics. The ancient order in The Name of the Rose refers to the Benedictine Abbey in northern Italy where the story takes place.

In the novel, the second innocent was a wandering troubadour who came to the abbey. He was accused of heresy, but he gave the gift of laughter to the monks by performing a comedy routine in the monastery. This brought joy and happiness to the monks who were living a life of austerity and austerity. Thus, the gift of laughter was the perfect gift that the second innocent gave to the ancient order.

Know more about The Name of the Rose:



Although marketing expenses are fixed, in reality, they may be
semi-variable; why?


Marketing expenses are fixed, but they may be semi-variable in reality. The reason for this is that fixed expenses do not vary with changes in production or sales volume.

Semi-variable expenses have both fixed and variable components. These are sometimes referred to as mixed expenses. The difference between fixed and variable expenses. Specified expenses are expenses that do not change with the level of output or sales volume. It includes expenses such as rent, salaries, insurance, and property taxes. They are expenses that are unaffected by the volume of production or sales revenue. Variable expenses, on the other hand, are those that change with the level of production or sales volume.

Examples of variable expenses include raw materials, direct labor costs, and sales commissions. Semi-variable expenses, which are also known as mixed expenses, are those that have both fixed and variable components. It implies that even if the production volume decreases or increases, the expense will not be affected to the same extent. A good example of semi-variable expenses is marketing costs such as sales commissions.

To know more about components please refer:



Assume that you have been invited to provide a speech
to a group of young executives, prepare a critical assessment of
Taylor’s approach from a humanistic viewpoint. (20 marks)


Title: A Critical Assessment of Taylor's Approach from a Humanistic Viewpoint


Good morning, distinguished young executives. Today, I am here to provide a critical assessment of Frederick Taylor's approach to management from a humanistic viewpoint. While Taylorism brought about significant changes in the field of management, it is essential to examine its impact on human beings in the workplace.


Mechanistic View of Human Beings:

Taylor's approach, often referred to as scientific management, viewed human beings as mere cogs in a machine. This mechanistic perspective treated employees as passive entities, solely focused on maximizing productivity. It neglected the holistic nature of individuals and failed to recognize their emotional and psychological needs.

Alienation and Disengagement:

The emphasis on efficiency and specialization under Taylorism often led to repetitive and monotonous tasks, resulting in employee alienation and disengagement. The humanistic viewpoint recognizes the significance of meaningful work and the need for personal growth and fulfillment. Taylor's approach disregarded these fundamental aspects of human nature.

Lack of Empowerment and Autonomy:

Taylor's approach advocated for strict hierarchical control and centralized decision-making. This limited the autonomy and empowerment of employees, leaving them feeling disempowered and undervalued. Humanistic management emphasizes participative decision-making and employee involvement, fostering a sense of ownership and motivation.

Ignoring Human Potential:

Taylorism disregarded the unique talents, skills, and creativity that individuals bring to the workplace. By reducing tasks to simplified and repetitive actions, it failed to tap into the full potential of employees. Humanistic management recognizes and values the diverse capabilities and contributions of individuals, encouraging innovation and growth.

Neglecting Human Well-being:

Taylor's focus on productivity and efficiency often came at the expense of employee well-being. Long working hours, unsafe working conditions, and disregard for work-life balance were common under this approach. Humanistic management places importance on work-life balance, employee health, and overall well-being, recognizing the interconnectedness of personal and professional lives.


In conclusion, while Frederick Taylor's approach to management brought about efficiency and productivity improvements, it neglected the human aspect of work. From a humanistic viewpoint, Taylorism failed to recognize the holistic nature of individuals, their emotional needs, and their desire for personal growth and fulfillment. Humanistic management, on the other hand, emphasizes empowerment, engagement, and well-being, acknowledging the importance of individuals in organizational success. As young executives, I encourage you to embrace a more humanistic approach, valuing the potential and well-being of your employees while striving for organizational excellence. Thank you.

Humanistic viewpoint can be defined as an approach to psychology that emphasizes empathy and stresses the good in human behavior.

With this in mind, I would like to provide a critical assessment of Taylor’s approach from a humanistic viewpoint. Taylorism refers to a production system developed by Frederick Winslow Taylor during the late 19th century. This approach aimed to maximize efficiency and productivity by breaking down work into smaller, more specialized tasks and using scientific management techniques to improve productivity. While Taylor’s approach was successful in improving productivity and efficiency in organizations, it was not entirely suitable for the humanistic viewpoint. Taylor’s approach treated workers as cogs in a machine and emphasized efficiency over their well-being. His approach ignored the human element of work and failed to recognize that workers have different needs and motivations.

To know more about assessment refer :



characterize the portrayal of Edmund, his ambitions, his dreams,
his rationalizations to justify his behavior. Does he knowledge the
disorder he has help to creat? Does he repent of his "over


Edmund's character in King Lear Edmund is a character in William Shakespeare's King Lear who is portrayed as a villain. His ambitions, dreams, and rationalizations are all aimed at achieving power and wealth. His lack of morality and conscience makes him an amoral character who is only motivated by self-interest.

Edmund's ambitions are clear from the beginning of the play. He is the illegitimate son of the Earl of Gloucester and seeks to gain power and wealth through any means necessary. He even fakes an attack on himself in order to gain his father's trust and inheritance.

Edmund dreams of becoming the ruler of his father's land and gaining the love of two women, Goneril and Regan. Edmund rationalizes his behavior by claiming that his father's legitimate son, Edgar, is a threat to his ambitions. He also justifies his actions by claiming that he is only doing what is necessary to survive in a world where illegitimate children are treated unfairly. However, his actions go beyond survival and into the realm of pure evil.Edmund does not acknowledge the disorder he has helped to create.

In fact, he revels in the chaos that he has unleashed and uses it to further his own interests. He does not repent of his overreaching because he believes that he is entitled to everything he has gained. Edmund dies in the end, but he does not repent or show any remorse for his actions. Instead, he dies cursing the heavens for his fate.

Learn more about ambitions:-



Remember to write a substantial answer. Your answer must be at
LEAST 150 words and please give examples.
How does starting an activity program benefit you now and in the
future as you grow older?



"By going to an activity program it can help you lose weight, be more active and learn how to eat healthier. Activity programs that incourage you to diet and exercise lower your chances of health issues like diabates, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and heart problems now and in the future."

Look at source like the "national institution of health .gov" and other official sources.

Accruals Payable and Accounts Payable are two line-items that are included in the Total Debt Ratio but excluded from the Total Leverage Ratio.

Group of answer choices



Financial statements and ratio metrics are most relevant under the context of comparing firms across time-series (ex. multiple years), industry benchmarks and peers.

Group of answer choices




True. Accruals Payable and Accounts Payable are typically included in the Total Debt Ratio calculation as they represent obligations that the company owes to creditors.

However, they are excluded from the Total Leverage Ratio calculation, which focuses specifically on the company's long-term debt and its relationship to equity.

True. Financial statements and ratio metrics are indeed most relevant when comparing firms across time-series, industry benchmarks, and peers. By analyzing financial statements and ratios over multiple years, comparing them to industry averages or benchmarks, and benchmarking against similar companies, one can gain valuable insights into the company's performance, financial health, and relative position within its industry. This comparative analysis helps in evaluating the company's strengths, weaknesses, and identifying areas for improvement or potential opportunities for growth.

Visit here to learn more about Total Debt Ratio:



(Chapter 10 LOTF)
How has Jack set up his side of the island? (3 details about his part)


We can see here that in Chapter 10 of Lord of the Flies, Jack has set up his side of the island by moving his tribe to Castle Rock and establishing himself as the leader of his tribe.

What is Lord of the Flies?

"Lord of the Flies" is a novel written by British author William Golding. First published in 1954, the book tells the story of a group of young boys who are stranded on an uninhabited island after their plane crashes during a wartime evacuation.

The boys attempt to establish order and survive, but they gradually descend into chaos, revealing the darker aspects of human nature.

The title "Lord of the Flies" is a literal translation of the biblical term "Beelzebub," which means a demonic figure associated with evil.

Learn more about Lord of the Flies on https://brainly.com/question/797646


Suppose that T1 is the maturity of Bond B1 and T2 is the maturity of Bond B2. If T1>T2, then the effect of interest rate change on B2 will be higher than 31 True False


False. If T1 is the maturity of Bond B1 and T2 is the maturity of Bond B2, and T1 > T2, it does not necessarily imply that the effect of interest rate change on B2 will be higher than on B1.

The impact of interest rate changes on bonds is determined by their respective durations. Duration measures the sensitivity of a bond's price to changes in interest rates. Generally, the longer the maturity of a bond, the higher its duration, and the more sensitive it is to interest rate fluctuations.

So, if T1 > T2, it means that Bond B1 has a longer maturity than Bond B2. In this case, Bond B1 is likely to have a higher duration and, therefore, be more sensitive to interest rate changes compared to Bond B2. The statement in the question suggests the opposite, which is incorrect.

Therefore, the correct answer is False. The effect of an interest rate change on Bond B1 would be higher than on Bond B2 if T1 > T2.

Visit here to learn more about bonds:



The consultant recommended that the financial statements ____
examined carefully.
(a) be
(b) are


The consultant recommended that the financial statements be examined carefully. Option (a) be is the correct answer.

This is because when using the phrase "recommended that" in a sentence, the subjunctive mood should be used. The subjunctive mood uses "be" as a linking verb with singular or plural subjects irrespective of the tense used.

Hence, the correct answer is option (a) be. The subjunctive mood expresses a hypothetical or non-real situation such as a wish, command, request, or recommendation. In this case, the recommendation that the financial statements be examined carefully is hypothetical and non-real because it is a suggestion or opinion from the consultant. It is important to note that this mood is used for expressing doubt, uncertainty, emotions, and actions that are not factual or have not occurred.

To learn more about linking verb



A primary source is

A- A popular source with years of experience in publication

B-Original article or book created by an individual or sometimes a group of people

C-A well known scholarly source

D-The information a reliable and learned friend read about


The correct option is B. Original article or book created by an individual or sometimes a group of people. A primary source refers to the first-hand information that was created during the period being studied. It is an original document or artifact written or created during the period under review.

It may include journals, government documents, letters, photos, interviews, recordings, diaries, speeches, and autobiographies among others. Primary sources provide direct evidence of an event or phenomena without interpretation or evaluation by others.

They are important to historians, sociologists, and scholars who study history because they provide a first-hand account of the events that happened and the people involved in them. Primary sources are more valuable than secondary sources because they provide original information that can be used to enhance the analysis of historical events.

To learn more about primary source.



1. Which of the following words best describes Jessica Mitford's
tone in "The Embalming of Mr. Jones."?
a. deferential b. irreverent c. respectful d. poetic
2. The writer _________________ can be cred


Best describes Jessica Mitford's tone in "The Embalming of Mr. Jones is b. irreverent.

The writer's intention to provide valid arguments and support them with credible evidence can be credited.

In "The Embalming of Mr. Jones," Jessica Mitford's tone can best be described as irreverent. Throughout the essay, Mitford adopts a satirical and mocking tone towards the practices and language of the funeral industry. She uses humor and sarcasm to critique the embalming process and the pretentiousness associated with it. Mitford exposes the absurdity and contradictions within the industry, employing a tone that is playful yet critical. Her irreverent tone serves to challenge the authority and seriousness often associated with the subject matter, shedding light on the hidden aspects of the embalming process that may not be widely known or discussed.

The writer's credibility can be attributed to their ability to present valid arguments and support them with well-researched evidence. By providing factual information, citing reliable sources, and presenting logical reasoning, the writer establishes a strong foundation for their claims. Furthermore, the writer's credibility is enhanced by their ability to anticipate and address potential counterarguments, demonstrating a comprehensive understanding of the topic. By presenting a well-structured and well-supported argument, the writer establishes themselves as knowledgeable and trustworthy, making their perspective more persuasive to the reader.

Learn more about poetries here, https://brainly.com/question/28772394


explain Wider economic crisis . and provide examplev


A wider economic crisis refers to a significant downturn or disruption in the overall economy of a country or region, affecting multiple sectors and causing widespread negative impacts on businesses, households, and financial systems.

It is characterized by a sharp decline in economic activity, rising unemployment rates, reduced consumer spending, and financial instability. This crisis often extends beyond a specific industry or sector, creating a ripple effect that can result in a prolonged period of economic recession or depression.

For example, the global financial crisis of 2008 is a notable instance of a wider economic crisis. It originated in the United States due to the collapse of the housing market and the subsequent failure of several major financial institutions. The crisis quickly spread to other countries, triggering a worldwide recession. Stock markets plummeted, banks faced severe liquidity problems, and businesses struggled to access credit. Unemployment rates surged, and governments had to implement extensive fiscal and monetary measures to stabilize their economies. The effects of the crisis were felt across various sectors, causing significant economic hardships for individuals and businesses alike.

To learn more about Stock markets - brainly.com/question/31659365


All but which of the following are factors that have contributed to the increase in the number of small businesses to day a growing diversity and entrepreneurship B decrease number of women starting their own business CE Commerce and other technological advances D corporate downsizing and outsourcing


The factors that have contributed to the increase in the number of small businesses today include a. growing diversity and entrepreneurship, d. corporate downsizing and outsourcing, and c. e-commerce and technological advances.

However, the decrease in the number of women starting their own businesses is not a contributing factor.

The increase in the number of small businesses can be attributed to several factors. Firstly, there has been a growing emphasis on diversity and inclusion, which has created opportunities for individuals from various backgrounds to start their own businesses. This trend has been fueled by changing societal attitudes and increased support for minority entrepreneurs. Secondly, entrepreneurship has gained popularity as people seek independence, flexibility, and the ability to pursue their passions. The desire for creative freedom and the potential for financial success has encouraged more individuals to venture into small business ownership.

Additionally, corporate downsizing and outsourcing have played a role in the rise of small businesses. As larger corporations streamline their operations and reduce their workforce, many individuals who have been laid off or seeking alternative career paths have turned to entrepreneurship. This has led to a surge in startups and small-scale enterprises. Furthermore, the advancement of e-commerce and other technological innovations has significantly lowered the barriers to entry for small businesses. Online platforms and digital tools provide cost-effective solutions for marketing, sales, and operations, enabling entrepreneurs to reach a wider customer base and compete in the market more effectively.

However, the decrease in the number of women starting their own businesses is not a contributing factor to the increase in small businesses. In fact, women's entrepreneurship has been on the rise globally, with many initiatives and support systems in place to encourage female-led businesses. Programs promoting women's entrepreneurship, access to funding, and mentorship opportunities have emerged to address the gender gap in entrepreneurship and foster women's participation in small business ownership.

To learn more about entrepreneurship, refer:-



A. Louise is barefoot in the living room

B. Louise prefers to keep all the lights off

C. Louise brother is not at home

D. A storm caused Louise's house to lose power


which implicit detail is best supported by this passage?


The implicit detail best supported by this passage is that a storm caused Louise's house to lose power. Therefore option A is correct.

The passage mentions Louise shuffling through the dark, which implies that there is no electricity or light in her living room. Additionally, there is a mention of lightning, indicating a stormy weather condition.

Louise's struggle to find the flashlight further suggests that there is a power outage or disruption in the house. These details collectively support the implicit detail that a storm caused Louise's house to lose power.

Know more about weather:



Gloria Anzaldua discusses the way society, and those in power, attempt to limit identities of outsiders, and this is an issue that postmodernists are not interested in since they are only interested in playfulness.

Select one:




Postmodernists engage with societal limitations on identities, including those of outsiders, and are not solely interested in playfulness.

False. Postmodernists actively engage with and critique the way society and those in power attempt to limit the identities of outsiders.

Gloria Anzaldua's work, in fact, aligns with the concerns of postmodernism as she examines the intersectionality of identities and the impact of power dynamics on marginalized groups.

Postmodernists challenge dominant narratives and question the fixed categorization of identities, seeking to empower and amplify the voices of outsiders. While playfulness can be an aspect of postmodernism, it does not overshadow the broader engagement with social, political, and cultural issues. Postmodernists strive for social justice, inclusivity, and the dismantling of oppressive structures that limit identities.

To learn more about “Postmodernists” refer to the https://brainly.com/question/3407176


What is the success of your team assignment project in
consideration of four dimensions of project success?


The success of a team assignment project is based on various factors that are necessary to consider. The four dimensions of project success are time, cost, performance, and scope. In this context, we will analyze the success of the team assignment project based on these four dimensions.

Time Dimension: The success of the project is dependent on whether it was completed within the given timeline. If the team was able to complete the project on time, it would be considered successful. If not, it would have failed.Cost Dimension: The cost dimension refers to whether the project was completed within the given budget or not. If the team was able to deliver the project without any cost overruns, it would be considered successful. If not, it would have failed. Performance Dimension: The performance dimension refers to whether the team was able to deliver the project as per the requirements.

To know more about performance refer :



Assignment # 14 Doc, B13A Export reporting Take the 2 items you imported from LA Exports and you are sending them to Great Britain: This document is no longer available on the CBSA website. Go to the learning hub and see in CBSA documents. Print the document then fill it out and scan or take a picture of it. You have sold these items to: England importers London England


The CBSA Export Reporting Program requires the submission of documentation for all commercial export shipments.

The exporter must submit a B13A Export Declaration form to the CBSA for each shipment. The B13A form serves as a declaration of the value, quantity, and nature of the goods being exported. The B13A form has to be filled out with care that requires accurate information about the goods, their value, and the final destination. To fill out the B13A form, go to the Learning Hub and see in CBSA documents and print the document and fill it out and scan or take a picture of it. Since the document is no longer available on the CBSA website, it is crucial to ensure that the filled-out document is accurate and reflects the nature of the items being exported.

To learn more about document click here https://brainly.com/question/4153775


describe the scandal surrounding the sale of the wood pile. give your interpretation of the changing stories involving pilkington and frederick. how does frederick double-cross napoleon?


The scandal surrounding the sale of the wood pile in the context of George Orwell's novel "Animal Farm" revolves around the changing stories involving Pilkington and Frederick, two neighboring farmers who interact with the animals on the farm.

Initially, Frederick is depicted as a cruel and untrustworthy character, while Pilkington is portrayed as more amiable. However, as the story unfolds, their roles and actions become more nuanced.

In the beginning, Pilkington and Frederick both express interest in purchasing the wood pile from Napoleon, the leader of Animal Farm. Pilkington's initial offer is considered too low, and Frederick's offer is rejected due to the animosity between him and the animals on the farm. Eventually, Frederick raises his offer, and Napoleon decides to sell the wood pile to him. However, a conflict arises when it is discovered that Frederick paid with counterfeit money, leading to a tense situation.

Frederick's double-crossing of Napoleon occurs when he and his men attack Animal Farm, destroying the windmill that the animals had worked hard to build. This act not only undermines the animals' efforts but also demonstrates Frederick's betrayal of the supposed agreement between him and Napoleon. Frederick's actions reveal his true nature as an adversary, and his attack on the farm symbolizes the betrayal of trust and the exploitation of power.

Overall, the scandal surrounding the sale of the wood pile reflects the themes of deception, betrayal, and the corrupting influence of power in "Animal Farm." The changing stories involving Pilkington and Frederick highlight the unpredictability of human behavior and the complexities of political relationships. Frederick's double-crossing exemplifies the harsh reality that individuals in positions of power often prioritize their own interests over the welfare of others, even if it means breaking agreements and causing harm.

To learn more about Pilkington - brainly.com/question/30132551


250 words, Recommend a strategy that you belive that will increase
profil and sales to the target market. Cite your research findings
to justify yiur strategy assesmwnt and recommendation.


In order to increase profile and sales to the target market, the recommended strategy is to implement an integrated digital marketing approach. This strategy involves leveraging various digital channels such as social media, search engine optimization (SEO), content marketing, and influencer partnerships.

To increase profile and sales to the target market, an integrated digital marketing approach is recommended. This strategy is supported by research findings that highlight the effectiveness of digital channels in reaching and engaging target audiences. Leveraging SEO techniques can improve website visibility and attract organic traffic through higher search engine rankings.

Additionally, content marketing plays a vital role in building brand authority and attracting potential customers. By creating and distributing high-quality content that addresses the target market's needs and interests, businesses can establish themselves as industry experts and gain trust from their audience. Collaborating with relevant influencers can also amplify brand reach and credibility, as influencers have a loyal following that trusts their recommendations.

The integration of these digital marketing tactics allows for a cohesive and comprehensive approach to capturing the target market's attention and driving sales. By implementing this strategy, businesses can effectively increase their profile and attract potential customers in the digital landscape, where consumers increasingly spend their time.

Overall, the research supports the recommendation of an integrated digital marketing approach to increase profile and sales to the target market. By leveraging social media, SEO, content marketing, and influencer partnerships, businesses can enhance brand visibility, engage with the target audience, and ultimately drive sales conversions.

Learn more about social media here:



Considering Embraer’s success in commercial aviation, is its position sustainable and able to grow or do you consider it a niche market and mostly opportunistic and unpredictable, limiting its potential for long-term success?


Embraer's position in commercial aviation can be considered sustainable and has the potential to grow. While it may have initially operated in a niche market, the company has successfully expanded its presence in the global aviation industry.

Embraer has established itself as a reputable manufacturer of regional jets and has gained recognition for its technological advancements and efficient aircraft designs. Additionally, the company has formed strategic partnerships with major airlines and secured substantial orders for its aircraft, indicating a strong market demand. This demonstrates Embraer's ability to compete with larger manufacturers and suggests that its position in the industry is not merely opportunistic or unpredictable, but rather built on solid foundations for long-term success.

Embraer's sustainable growth can be attributed to several factors. Firstly, the company has a diverse product portfolio, catering to various market segments and addressing different customer needs. This flexibility allows Embraer to adapt to changing market dynamics and capitalize on emerging opportunities. Furthermore, Embraer has made significant investments in research and development, enabling continuous innovation and technological advancements in its aircraft. This commitment to innovation enhances its competitiveness and positions the company for long-term success. Additionally, Embraer has a global presence and a strong customer base, which provides a solid foundation for future growth and expansion. Overall, while challenges and uncertainties exist in the aviation industry, Embraer's sustained growth and market positioning suggest that its success is not limited to a niche market but has the potential to thrive in the long term.

To learn more about Aviation - brainly.com/question/30319685


A donor wants to assist your school in promoting learning in
areas not stipulated in your formal curriculum. What might you want
students to learn from the hidden curriculum?


The hidden curriculum is made up of the skills, attitudes, and values that children learn in school, outside of the planned academic curriculum.

It includes aspects of school life like the physical environment, teacher expectations, and school culture that shape students’ attitudes and behaviors. A donor wants to assist your school in promoting learning in areas not stipulated in your formal curriculum. The donor can assist the school in creating a learning environment that will encourage students to embrace values such as determination, responsibility, discipline, and teamwork. These values can help students to perform well in both their academic and non-academic pursuits. The hidden curriculum can promote learning by fostering an atmosphere of respect, community, and personal growth among the students.

To know more about curriculum refer :



Critically examine one of the key assumptions of Modern
Portfolio Theory , the assumption of normally distributed returns.
In doing so, also address the issue of the period used to calculate


Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT) is a widely used framework for constructing and optimizing investment portfolios.

One of the key assumptions of MPT is that asset returns are normally distributed. This assumption implies that returns follow a bell-shaped curve and that extreme events are rare. However, there are several criticisms regarding this assumption and its implications, particularly when it comes to the distribution of returns and the period used to calculate returns. Firstly, the assumption of normally distributed returns may not hold true in practice. Financial markets are known to exhibit characteristics such as volatility clustering, fat tails, and skewness, which are not captured by a normal distribution. In reality, asset returns often exhibit greater levels of volatility and exhibit more extreme events than what a normal distribution would suggest. This is evident during periods of financial crises, market crashes, or sudden changes in market sentiment. Secondly, the assumption of normally distributed returns assumes that asset returns are independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) over time. However, financial data often exhibits serial correlation, meaning that past returns can influence future returns. This violates the independence assumption and suggests that returns are not i.i.d. over time. For example, positive returns in a stock market may be followed by a period of positive momentum, while negative returns can lead to negative momentum. Furthermore, the assumption of normally distributed returns is sensitive to the period used to calculate returns. MPT typically relies on historical returns to estimate future returns. However, the choice of the time period can significantly affect the estimates. Shorter time periods can introduce greater noise and result in inaccurate estimates of risk and return. Additionally, the assumption of stationarity, where statistical properties of returns remain constant over time, is often violated in financial markets. Financial data often exhibits changing trends, regimes, and volatility, making it challenging to rely on historical data alone. The issue of non-normality and the sensitivity to the period used to calculate returns have important implications for portfolio optimization based on MPT.

Visit here to learn more about Modern Portfolio Theory:



Explain with quotation the three key influences on the scholar
from Emerson's point of view in The American Scholar.


Nature, the spirit of the times, and the mind of the past are key influences on the scholar according to Emerson.

Emerson's view in "The American Scholar" identifies three key influences on the scholar.

The first influence is nature, as Emerson states, "The first in time and the first in importance of the influences upon the mind is that of nature." This highlights the transformative power of the natural world in shaping the scholar's thoughts and ideas.The second influence is the spirit of the times, as Emerson notes, "The second fact in the nature of the scholar is his relation to the spirit of the times." This suggests that the scholar is influenced by the social, cultural, and intellectual currents of their era, which shape their perspectives and ideas.The third influence is the mind of the past, with Emerson stating, "The third influence on the mind of the scholar is the mind of the past." This emphasizes the importance of engaging with the wisdom and knowledge of previous generations, drawing from the collective intellectual heritage.

In summary, Emerson's perspective emphasizes the significance of nature, the spirit of the times, and the wisdom of the past as crucial influences on the development and understanding of the scholar.

To learn more about “Emerson” refer to the https://brainly.com/question/29834349


Discuss mindfulness and its pertinence to effective listening in
interpersonal communication. In your discussion, indicate whether
mindfulness is a technique or an attitude and explain how we


Mindfulness is a technique that helps an individual focus on the present moment while paying attention to one's thoughts, feelings, and surroundings. It is a state of being aware of oneself, others, and the environment, and it helps in effective listening in interpersonal communication.

Mindfulness is not just an attitude, but it is also a skill that can be developed and enhanced with practice.

Mindfulness and its pertinence to effective listening in interpersonal communication. In interpersonal communication, mindfulness helps individuals to listen attentively to others without getting distracted by their thoughts or emotions. It enables people to understand what others are saying and respond appropriately. Mindful listening helps to improve the quality of communication between individuals by creating an atmosphere of respect and trust. Mindfulness is crucial for effective listening in interpersonal communication because it helps to:- Focus on the speaker and understand the message being communicated without getting distracted- Recognize and acknowledge the emotions and feelings of the speaker- Pay attention to non-verbal cues such as facial expressions, body language, and tone of voice- Respond to the speaker appropriately and empathetically- Avoid being judgmental or dismissive of the speaker's perspective- Create a safe and supportive environment for communication

Expressing mindfulness in interpersonal communication involves being present in the moment and giving your full attention to the person you are communicating with. It requires one to let go of distractions and preconceived notions and be open to new ideas and perspectives. Mindfulness is expressed through active listening, which involves paying attention to what is being said, clarifying any misunderstandings, and responding appropriately and respectfully. Mindful listening also involves reflecting on the speaker's words and emotions, which helps to build rapport and trust between individuals.

To learn more about Mindfulness



Question: Who is responsible for identification of a dangerous
goods shipment? (5 Marks)


The International Air Transport Association (IATA) regulates the transport of dangerous goods by air. The organization establishes standards for the packaging, labelling, documentation, and handling of dangerous goods shipments in order to protect passengers, crew members, and cargo.

According to the IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations (DGR), anyone involved in the transportation of hazardous materials is responsible for identifying and complying with the DGR regulations. This includes shippers, freight forwarders, and air carriers, among others. The shipper, who is responsible for preparing the shipment of dangerous goods, is ultimately responsible for identifying the contents of the shipment. This includes classifying the dangerous goods in accordance with the regulations, correctly packaging them, and properly marking and labelling them. The shipper must also provide the necessary documentation to accompany the shipment, including a dangerous goods declaration, a shipper's declaration for dangerous goods, and a material safety data sheet, among others.

To know more about documentation refer :



Many families had survived the depression, nevertheless they were forsed to adapt inereasingly _____ spending habits to make ends meet.

1. Prudent
2. Prodigal
3. Detrimental
4. Desperate
5. Oblivious


4. The answer to the question is "Desperate."Many families had survived the depression, nevertheless they were forced to adapt increasingly desperate spending habits to make ends meet.

The Great Depression was a period in which the stock market crash of 1929 sparked a long and deep economic depression in the United States and other industrialized countries. People who had been living above their means in the boom years of the 1920s had to adapt to a new, harsh reality of reduced incomes and little or no work.The phrase "forced to adapt increasingly desperate spending habits" refers to the fact that, during the Great Depression, many people who had previously lived comfortably were forced to make changes to their lifestyles in order to survive. These changes included reducing expenses, changing shopping habits, and even resorting to desperate measures in order to get by.The correct option is "Desperate."

To know more about  Great Depression visit:



Q 19-20 (Two questions)


Postmodernism is known for its reverence for universal values.

Select one:



Question 20

Modernity and modernism are synonyms because both refer to an aesthetic set of principles.

Select one:




False. Postmodernism rejects universal values. False. Modernity and modernism are not synonymous; they have distinct meanings.

False. Postmodernism is not known for its reverence for universal values. In fact, postmodernism challenges the notion of universal truths and emphasizes the relativity of knowledge and values.

Postmodernism questions grand narratives and rejects the idea of a single, objective reality, instead embracing subjectivity and the diversity of human experiences.

False. Modernity and modernism are not synonyms. Modernity refers to the historical period characterized by social, cultural, and technological changes that emerged in the late 18th century and continued into the 20th century.

On the other hand, modernism is an artistic and literary movement that emerged in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, which sought to break away from traditional forms and explore new artistic expressions. While modernity provided the social and cultural context for modernism to emerge, they are distinct concepts with different focuses and implications.

To learn more about “ Postmodernism” refer to the https://brainly.com/question/3407176


please cite and use mla citation
Why do you think occurrences of plagiarism, other forms of
academic dishonesty, and other violations of copyrights (e.g.,
file-sharing programs) are in the news so pro


Occurrences of plagiarism, other forms of academic dishonesty, and other violations of copyrights, such as file-sharing programs, have been in the news due to the increase in digital access to information and media.

This easy access has made it easier for individuals to copy, paste, and reproduce works without proper citations or permissions. Therefore, individuals often resort to plagiarism, academic dishonesty, or copyright infringement, as it seems a more comfortable and convenient way out of their workloads. This practice has also become more accessible with the emergence of online sources that have made it easier for students to copy and paste assignments, term papers, and reports, among others. Academic dishonesty, such as plagiarism, has significant consequences for students, including but not limited to suspension or expulsion from the institution. It is a violation of academic integrity that puts the credibility of the student and the institution into question. Similarly, copyright violations like file-sharing programs lead to legal consequences that may result in costly lawsuits, fines, or imprisonment. Therefore, it is essential to take all measures necessary to avoid academic dishonesty or copyright infringement while providing citations of works using the MLA citation style. MLA citation style is needed to prevent plagiarism and ensure work is adequately credited. Therefore, it is critical to understand the guidelines and rules of the MLA citation style when citing sources. For instance, the format for citing a book in MLA citation style is Last name, First name. Title of Book. Publisher, Publication Date. For example, Smith, John. The Power of Positivity. Random House, 2018. In conclusion, plagiarism, academic dishonesty, and copyright infringement are in the news due to the ease of digital access to information and media. Therefore, it is crucial to understand and abide by the rules and regulations of the MLA citation style to avoid plagiarism and academic dishonesty. Similarly, it is essential to seek permission from copyright holders before sharing or reproducing their works.

Learn more about MLA citation here: https://brainly.com/question/29616329.


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