What is a signpost for the book deck z if anyone has read it?


Answer 1

The words and expressions that speakers employ to lead their listeners through their sentences in a logical fashion are known as signposting language.

Fast-paced thriller Deck Z reimagines the historical events of the tragic Titanic expedition through the prism of zombie mayhem. A weaponized zombie virus was brought on board with the 2,200 passengers going to New York, and Captain Edward Smith and his inner circle are urgently attempting to stop it.

Using signposting refers to directing the reader through the topics covered in your essay or dissertation using phrases and words. Introductions, conclusions, and a summary of the important points or the argument's trajectory in paragraphs or opening sentences are the two basic types of signposting.

The six signposts are Contrast and Contradiction, Words of the Wise, Aha! Moment, Again and Again, Memory Moment, and Tough Questions. Difference and Difference: When a character acts contrary to what the reader would anticipate them to do or in direct opposition to something they previously said or did, this is referred to.

It serves as a clearer explanation of both what recently happened and what will happen next. It serves as a guide for the listener to follow along with what you are saying, in other words.

To know more about signpost for books, click on the link below:



Related Questions

How does the speakers attitude change in the poem a bird in the house


At first the speaker does not take the Raven very seriously. He assumes it is a tame bird that somehow escaped from its owner and is only seeking temporary shelter. He describes it in a facetious manner.
Not the least obeisance made he; not a minute stopped or stayed he,
But with mien of lord or lady, perched above my chamber door--
He actually smiles at the bird and jokes with it:
Then the ebony bird beguiling my sad fancy into smiling,
By the grave and stern decorum of the countenance it wore...
Tell me what thy lordly name is...
He assumes that the Raven will leave him eventually, and he is still feeling some amusement in the middle of the poem:
But the Raven still beguiling all my sad soul into smiling...
But he begins to speculate about what, if anything, the bird means by ""Nevermore." The narrator is beginning to take the black bird more seriously. The Raven is not a symbol of a lost maiden but a symbol of death and always had been a symbol of death since the saintly days of yore. When we are young we are immortal because we do not know we are mortal. When it occurs to us that some day we are going to die we think it is funny because that event is so far off that the day will never arrive--or maybe somebody will invent an immortality pill before our turn comes! The poem is about the way we view death throughout our lives. At first it seems amusing, then intriguing, then a little frightening, then ominous, then like a big black cloud hanging over us and everyone else, including those we love, and making life seem meaningless and horrible.
The Raven makes the speaker remember his lost Lenore, whom he had hoped to meet again in a later life. Actually the speaker had been half-hoping that the tapping he heard at his window might be the ghost of Lenore, which is why the only word spoken when he looked out the window "was the whispered word, "Lenore?" The name is followed by a question mark to show that the poet is wondering if he is being visited by his dead paramour. When the Raven tells him he will see her "Nevermore," he reacts with anger.
"Prophet!" said I, "thing of evil!--prophet still, if bird or devil--
He asks if there is balm in Gilead? This is a way of asking if there is any truth to the customary, conventional religious answer to the mystery of death, specifically as contained in the Bible. Is there really any hope of resurrection? And the Raven tells him "Nevermore," meaning that death is nothing but eternal oblivion without any hope.
He tries to expel the Raven from his home.
"Be that word our sign of parting, bird or fiend!" I shrieked, upstarting--
This is the speaker's way of saying that he will simply refuse to think about the subject of death. After all, what good is there in thinking about something so unpleasant? But the bird refuses to leave. This is how the shadow of death stays with us as we grow old. We have given up hope and can only await our final hour.
And my soul from out that shadow that lies floating on the floor|
Shall be lifted--nevermore!
Edgar Allan Poe was preoccupied with death, as shown, for instance, in "The Masque of the Red Death," in which he dwells on the idea that death is inescapable, and in the story "Ligeia," in which he includes the poem "The Conqueror Worm" and has his heroine express the horror and desperation which apparently haunted Poe himself and made him such an unhappy person.
"O God!" half shrieked Ligeia, leaping to her feet and extending her arms aloft with a spasmodic movement, as I made an end of these lines --"O God! O Divine Father! --shall these things be undeviatingly so? --shall this Conqueror be not once conquered? Are we not part and parcel in Thee? Who --who knoweth the mysteries of the will with its vigor? Man doth not yield him to the angels, nor unto death utterly, save only through the weakness of his feeble will."

Hello I'm going to do a Presentation about language learning strategies method, can you please tell me what kind of activities to do for my classroom?


Here are some activities you could incorporate into your language learning strategies presentation:

Think-pair-share: Ask students to think about a language learning strategy they find effective, pair up with a partner, and share their strategies with each other.

Role play: Have students act out a scenario in which they use a language learning strategy to overcome a language barrier.

Create a language learning strategy list: Have students brainstorm a list of effective language learning strategies, and then share their ideas with the class.

Language learning journal: Ask students to keep a language learning journal in which they write about their experiences using different language learning strategies.

Group discussion: Have students participate in a group discussion about the benefits of using language learning strategies and share their own experiences.

Case studies: Provide students with case studies of language learners who have used different language learning strategies and ask them to analyze the effectiveness of each strategy.

Vocabulary games: Incorporate vocabulary games into your presentation to reinforce the importance of active learning and engagement.

Peer teaching: Have students work in pairs or small groups to teach each other about different language learning strategies they have found effective.

Online research: Ask students to research different language learning strategies and present their findings to the class.

Guest speaker: Invite a language learning expert or a language teacher to speak to your class about effective language learning strategies and share their experiences.

These are just a few ideas to get you started. Remember to make your presentation interactive, engaging, and tailored to the needs and interests of your students good luck

correct this sentence My dog raider,got in trouble when he chewed up my brother's shoe.



My dog Raider got in trouble when he chewed up my brother's shoe.

No comma ,  capital "R"

Answer: My dog Raider got in trouble when he chewed up my brother's shoe.

Explanation: Can i get brainliest :D would really apreciate it

According to Bratich and Banet-Weiser, what are commonalities between PUA and incels (consider gender, sexuality, race, beliefs, goals, etc)? A bullet list here is fine. In addition, according to the authors, how did a community of failed PUAs become incels? Write 3-4 sentences.



1. Both PUA and incels rely on a heteronormative, patriarchal understanding of gender and sexuality, where male dominance and female subservience are seen as natural and desirable.

2. Both communities tend to be majority white, and rely on problematic understandings of race, including white supremacy and anti-Blackness.

3. Both communities often have rigid and exclusionary beliefs about who is and is not a part of their community, and what behaviors and attitudes are acceptable.

According to Bratich and Banet-Weiser, a community of failed PUAs became incels because they shared a sense of entitlement to female attention and sexual access. When they were unable to achieve this through PUA tactics, they blamed feminism and women for their lack of success. This sense of entitlement, mixed with resentment and anger, resulted in a toxic online community that perpetuates harmful beliefs and encourages violence against women.

What do u think happened aboard the mary celeste? Using your ability to infer, plan and write a first person description in the role of surviving crew member, of the moment when you realised you would have to abandon ship. Include what you can see and hear, as well as your thoughts and feeling at the time. Read your piece,of about 200 words, to the class, who will vote on the most convincing account.


There is evidence to suggest that the Mary Celeste had been sailing her intended course into Genoa for 11 days without a driver. None of the crew members, including Captain Briggs and his family, were ever located.

The Mary Celeste ghost ship has a history, what is it about?

Around 400 nautical miles (740 km) off the Azores, Portugal, the American ship Mary Celeste, originally known as Amazon, was discovered abandoned on December 5, 1872. The remaining enigma surrounds the 10 persons on board. The Amazon was the name of the ship, which was constructed in 1861 on Spencer's Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

To know more about Mary Celeste ghost ship visit:



Please help me with this "Write a background information about fresh water fish pond" (include citation)​



A freshwater fish pond is a man-made water body that contains fish and other aquatic organisms. Freshwater fish ponds can be used for various purposes, such as recreation, aquaculture, landscaping, wildlife habitat, and irrigation. Freshwater fish ponds can vary in size, shape, depth, and location, depending on the needs and preferences of the owners.

Freshwater fish ponds can support a variety of fish species that are adapted to different environmental conditions. Some of the common fish species that can be found in freshwater fish ponds are carp, goldfish, crucian carp, white amur, black carp, silver carp, buffalo, largemouth bass, smallmouth bass, pike, pickerel, perch, panfish, trout, and salmon Some of these fish species can be bred easily in ponds and lakes, while others require more specialized care and management.

Freshwater fish ponds can also provide a habitat for other aquatic plants and animals, such as water lilies, algae, snails, frogs, turtles, ducks, and herons. These organisms can enhance the aesthetic value and ecological function of the pond. However, they can also pose some challenges for the pond owners, such as competing with the fish for food and oxygen, introducing diseases and parasites, or creating nuisance and damage. Therefore, proper pond maintenance and balance are essential for keeping a healthy and productive freshwater fish pond.


https://fishkeepingart.com/easiest-freshwater-fish-to-breed/ https://pondinformer.com/best-pond-fish-types/ https://www.wikihow.com/Make-a-Backyard-Fish-Pond https://www.takemefishing.org/freshwater-fishing/types-of-freshwater-fishing/lakes-and-ponds/ https://freshwaterfishco.com/

add a comma or semicolon if needed. Otherwise, submit the text without any additional punctuation.

Mother yaks climb to higher altitudes than do males or females without calves researchers believe the steep
mountain slopes may help protect calves from predators and provide a richer source of food.


We can see here that adding a comma or semicolon, we have: Mother Yaks climb to higher altitudes than do males or females without calves; researchers believe the steep mountain slopes may help protect calves from predators and provide a richer source of food.

What is punctuation?

Punctuation is the use of accepted signs and symbols in writing to arrange and structure written text, signal pauses or emphasis, and clarify meaning.

Periods, commas, question marks, exclamation points, colons, semicolons, hyphens, and dashes are examples of frequent punctuation marks. These symbols are used to connect concepts, demarcate the conclusion of sentences, break up clauses and phrases, and give pronunciation and intonation signals.

Learn more about punctuation on https://brainly.com/question/1224394


I’m “ Avarice” why does the girl collect things, what is her purpose for these items? Explain.


She has a strong desire to gain and hoard wealth for the benefits it comes with. It’s about greed and prioritizing the bad over good to receive wealth and power.

llocene epoch
2. Which organisms lived during the Cenozoic
era? sc.7.E.6.4
A trilobites
B saber-toothed cats
D plesiosaurs



During the Cenozoic era, which began about 65 million years ago and continues into the present, the Earth was dominated by relatively small animals, including mammals, birds, reptiles, and amphibians. Invertebrates, fish, reptiles, and other organisms were essentially of modern types, but mammals, birds, protozoa, and flowering plants still evolved and developed during this era. The Cenozoic era is also known as the "Age of Mammals," and North America's characteristic landscapes began to develop during this time. Common Cenozoic fossils include cat-like carnivores, early horses, and ice age woolly mammoths. Therefore, the organisms that lived during the Cenozoic era include mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, invertebrates, fish, protozoa, and flowering plants12345. None of the options provided in the question are correct.


Question 3
In unit 3 of the Study Guide, you read about Multicultural Classrooms and the need for a curriculum that accommodates students' diversity. We are currently in an era where multicultural classrooms are found in almost all parts of South Africa. Choose three of the four concerns listed below and use the knowledge that you have gained from unit three to write short paragraphs explaining your understanding of your three chosen concerns:
i) Facilitation of understanding between students of different cultures and home languages
ii) Racial diversity
iii) The use/selection of good literature iv) The benefit of informed students in a classroom
3.2 Provide an example of a well-selected literature setwork and justify how its themes or the characterisation therein would be appropriate for a multicultural classroom. ​



classroom in which students and teachers with divers backgrounds gather, and hopefully in which those varied backgrounds are equally valued and celebrated

This passage, Managing Speech Anxiety, is from a communications textbook.
Review the passage as needed.
A. Although speech anxiety can be cured, most individuals with this condition are not sure where to finc
professional help and treatment.
Speech anxiety is a multisystem response; in this state, a combination of biochemical changes are
released into the body whenever the person is placed in a stressful situation involving communication
OC. Symptoms of speech anxiety include a rapid heartbeat, an increase in blood pressure, and an overflow
of adrenaline to other parts of the body.


A skills-based method called cognitive behavioural therapy has been shown to be effective in treating those who are afraid of speaking in public.Among other things, physiological reactions to public speaking fear include an elevated heart rate, skin or facial flushing, and sweaty palms.Anxiety and heart palpitations are frequent adverse effects. Which type of speech anxiety is most common for most people?

Public speaking anxiety is the most prevalent type of social phobia. Students who struggle with public speaking anxiety worry that speaking up would make them look foolish.

For treating anxiety problems, cognitive behavioural therapy is the most effective type of psychotherapy. Which is typically a short-term therapy, focuses on giving you particular skills to help you manage your symptoms and gradually resume the things you've put off due to worry.

To know more about cognitive behavioural therapy, visit:



Analysis is NOT:

Analysis is NOT:









summarizing is explaining in a brief and concise way, while analysis relies on the observations, ideas, evaluations, and inferences of the writer.

1. Choose the word most nearly opposite in meaning to - turbid





What is the next value ?
4 D 7 G 10 J 13



its M 16


advance 4 four the letters and 3 for the figures

The next value is M 16. The capacity for quantitative reasoning is the capacity to utilize data and mathematics to address issues in the actual world.

Understanding quantitative thinking may be useful for tackling problems that are not mathematical. The capacity to solve issues requiring mathematical thinking can be referred to as numeracy. It also describes the capacity to draw inferences and judgements from the results of quantitative reasoning in various circumstances.

It is a talent that aids in understanding quantitative data and assesses the ways in which it might be represented after being interpreted using tables, charts, diagrams, and graphs.

Learn more about quantitative reasoning here:



In chapter 6 of the Great Gatsby, when did James slowly piece together the first conceptions of his new identity?

No cheating



In chapter 6 of The Great Gatsby, it is described how James Gatz (Jay Gatsby) slowly pieced together the first conceptions of his new identity during his brief stint at St. Olaf's college in Minnesota.


While working for a wealthy sailor named Dan Cody, Gatsby was introduced to a world of wealth and luxury that he had never known before. It was during this time that he began to develop his new persona as "Jay Gatsby" and started to believe that he could reinvent himself as a successful and wealthy man.

Which of the following
sentences uses the correct
subject/verb agreement?
If the subject is one unit, it is
singular ("mac and cheese").
If the subject is two separate
items, it is plural (John and
A. The teacher and the secretary walk to
the diner together every day.
B. The wall clock and the smart watch
shows different times.
C. Integrity and loyalty is the best character
traits to find in a friend.
D. The doors and windows was
boarded up as if it were abandoned.


A. The teacher and the secretary walk to the diner together every day.

This sentence uses the correct subject/verb agreement. The subject of the sentence is "the teacher and the secretary," which refers to two separate individuals, thus making it plural. The verb "walk" agrees with the plural subject.

what is one way to solve drug abuse?


A combination of prevention efforts including education and awareness programs, and addressing the underlying social and economic factors that contribute to drug abuse can help solve drug abuse.

What is a Solution to Drug Abuse?

One way to solve drug abuse is through a combination of prevention efforts, such as education and awareness programs, and effective treatment options, including medication-assisted therapies and counseling.

Additionally, addressing the underlying social and economic factors that contribute to drug abuse, such as poverty and unemployment, can help to reduce drug use and addiction rates. Importantly, approach drug abuse as a public health issue, with a focus on providing individuals with the resources and support they need to overcome addiction and lead healthy, fulfilling lives.

Learn more about drug abuse on:



The Prince is a man who loves simplicity. Right or Wrong ? Justify your answer using evidence from the selection as your support.


Wrong because, in "The Masque of Red Death," the Prince is a man who loves luxury and extravagance and who tries to escape the disease.

What happens in the story?

When we looked this question up online, we found that it refers to the short story "The Masque of Red Death," by Edgar Allan Poe. The Prince in the story is not at all a man who loves simplicity.

He builds a magnificent abbey, filled with beautiful decorations, costly tapestries, and rich furnishings, to escape the plague ravaging his kingdom. The Prince's love of luxury is evident in his choice of decor and in his actions. He even goes so far as to throw a grand masquerade ball, complete with costumes, music, and dancing, to entertain his guests.

Therefore, it is possible to conclude that our answer is correct, and that the affirmation in the prompt is wrong.

Learn more about "The Masque of Red Death" here:



Watch 3 episodes of the Podcast “Freaknik: A Discourse on a Paradise Lost which are called The Prologue, A Different World and Gridlock and write a paragraph about each episode. (I would like this completed by tomorrow at 5 PM.)


"Freaknik: A Discourse on a Paradise Lost" is a podcast created by Christopher Frierson, Maurice Garland, and Christina Lee that explores the cultural impact and legacy of the annual Atlanta-based event known as Freaknik.

Freaknik was a spring break celebration that began in the 1980s and lasted until the early 2000s, attracting thousands of predominantly Black college students from across the country. The podcast examines the history of the event, its significance in Black culture, and the controversies surrounding it, including issues of race, class, and gentrification.

Through interviews with former attendees, academics, and other experts, the podcast provides a multifaceted exploration of a lost paradise.

Learn more about Freaknik here



Drinks tea every morning. Drink seltzer water all day. Drinks tea again at night. Jane is very regular in her habits


This prompt is obscure and has no question, but to state the obvious, Jane drinks tea every morning, seltzer water all day, and tea again at night.

Explanation: This sentence describes Jane's daily drinking habits, which include drinking tea in the morning and at night, and seltzer water throughout the day. The use of the word "regular" suggests that Jane is consistent in these habits.

It seems that Jane has a regular habit of consuming tea and seltzer water throughout the day. While the specific health benefits and drawbacks of these beverages may vary depending on the type and amount consumed, there are some general observations that can be made:

- Tea: Depending on the type of tea, it can be a good source of antioxidants and other beneficial compounds, and may have potential health benefits such as reducing the risk of certain diseases. However, tea also contains caffeine, which can have negative effects such as interfering with sleep and causing jitteriness or anxiety in some individuals. Additionally, some types of tea can be high in tannins, which can interfere with iron absorption.

- Seltzer water: Seltzer water is essentially carbonated water, and is generally considered to be a healthy beverage choice because it does not contain added sugars or calories. However, some people may experience digestive discomfort or bloating from consuming carbonated beverages.

Overall, it's important to consider the quality and quantity of the beverages we consume, as well as any potential health effects. While Jane's habits may be regular, it's always a good idea to make sure we are consuming a balanced and varied diet that meets our individual needs and preferences.

In the poem My Shakespeare by Kate Tempest what do the poems final words, "my Shakespeare" mean? What evidence from the peom supports this meaning?


The poem's final words, "my Shakespeare," are an affirmation of the speaker's identity and their connection to language and the world. The poem speaks of the need to take hold of one's own story and to speak it freely: "Take your skin off, speak from the deep"; "Say it, write it down, scream it, keep it in/It's our voice, use it." This captures the spirit of Shakespeare, who wrote vigorously about diverse characters with complex emotions and experiences, celebrating the power of language and self-expression. The poem reflects the idea that we all have the power to create our own narratives, just as Shakespeare did. Through this final declaration of identity, the poem advocates for taking ownership of one's story, each person's individual "Shakespeare" - their version of the world.

What are the rumors about Roger Chillingworth? He could not get a job in Europe He is a demon or Satan meant to test Dimmesdale Heaven had brought him to save the minister He practices the black arts His laboratory fire came from hell He was secretly a learned prince​


The rumor about Roger Chillingworth in The Scarlet Letter is that he is a demon or Satan meant to test Dimmesdale.

Read the poem aloud. Make sure to pause where the poet asks you to pause. Also, please list your reference like where you got your song, etc.

1. What is the literal meaning of the poem? You may need to paraphrase lines to get to this. Look up words you don't know.

2. Who is the speaker in the poem (like a narrator, but it's called the persona in poetry). Is there a

listener or another character who acts as the recipient? Is it you? Someone else?

3. What is the speaker's tone, or what is the tone of the poem? Which words reveal this tone? (The tone can be sad, happy, ironic, dark, hopeful, child-like, etc...)

4. What heavily connotative words are used?

connotation=what the word makes you think of, what feelings the word evokes

denotation=the dictionary definition

5. What concrete images does the poet use?

sight / sound / taste / touch / smell

Do any of these concrete images help to convey an abstract idea?

love, hate, death, loneliness

6. What figures of speech are used?

simile (like or as comparison) “but I hung on like death....”

metaphor (comparison) look at "The Journey" for an example

personification=giving human-like qualities to inanimate objects (or concepts)

symbolism=a concrete object/image that stands for more than its literal meaning.

alliteration=repetition of an initial sound "in a deep and dark December"

allusion=reference to a historical, biblical, or mythological event or person

7. What is the occasion or setting of the poem? Is it important to the meaning?

8. What is the role of metrics (rhyme, rhythm)

9. Is the form important? Stanza breaks, rhyme scheme, individual lines...)

10. What else seems important or interesting about the poem?


The literal which potential is to give the normal thinking mentioned in the poem. The Figurative meaning is the deeper analysis of the poem that is: any sort of “metaphor” is taken into consideration.

What is literal and figurative that means in a poem?

Literal language states precisely what some issue is. On the different hand, figurative language creates that capability by capability of comparing one element to any other thing. Poets use figures of speech in their poems.

Say: “An idiom is a asserting that has every a literal (exact) and figurative (understood) meaning. An idiom is a kind of figurative language, a phrase or phrase that does no longer have its everyday, genuine meaning. Idioms alternate depending on culture, time, and situation.”

Learn more about literal here:


Which stanza best expresses the societal changes that occurred during the Victorian Age as they relate to the tone of “Dover Beach”?

A “The Sea of Faith/Was once, too, at the full, and round earth’s shore”

B “ . . . on the French coast the light/Gleams and is gone;”

C “But now I only hear/Its melancholy, long, withdrawing roar,”

D “ . . . for the world, which seems/To lie before us like a land of dreams,/ . . .Hath neither joy, nor love, nor light .”


In "Dover Beach," stanza A best conveys the societal transformations of Victorian times in relation to its melancholic tone. It states, "The Sea of Faith / Was once, too, at the full, and round earth's shore."

What does this show?

This part illustrates the uncertainty prevailing during that age with religion losing significance. The poem exudes nostalgia for values of old swept aside by the rise of opposing scientific and rational beliefs causing disorientation.

Its metaphor on tides receding also reflects the changes that arose when questioning traditional viewpoints became common leading to a new era of skepticism and doubt.

Read more about stanzas here:


Read this paragraph from the passage.
William continued to read his farm paper, but it was not Hester's custom to wait for an answer. She
usually divined his arguments and assailed them one by one before he uttered them.
What is the meaning of assailed as it is used in the passage?





The meaning of assailed as it is used in the passage is understood.

Understood is past tense while understand is present tense. "After I made my sister cry, I finally understood why making fun of others  is assailed was wrong." "I understand now that cruel words can hurt others."

The girl understood and began to clear them. But my teacher had been with me several weeks before I understood that everything has a name. He didn't know if he understood what he was doing. He stood at the back, and, though he had heard assailed hardly anything, understood everything in his own way.

Learn more about assailed:



Reread the final three stanzas of "The Flag of the Free.” Then, click to see a list of universal themes in PDF or word-processing format. Which universal theme is most expressed in this part of the poem?

the power of guilt
the importance of family
the experience of oppression
the impact of the past on the present


Upon checking the final three stanzas of "The Flag of the Free," the universal theme most expressed in this part of the poem is the impact of the past on the present. The speaker mentions the historical struggles of the country, including the Civil War and the fight for civil rights, and how they have shaped the current state of the nation. The lines "The Flag that our fathers bore, in the fight for liberty, / And upheld with a strong right arm, when it waved o'er the free," suggest that the actions of previous generations have had a lasting impact on the nation's history and the current state of freedom. The theme of the past influencing the present is a universal theme that can be applied to many aspects of human experience.

Need 4 Notice & Note questions for tangerine pt.3


Contrasts and Contradictions,Words of Wisdom

Here are four potential Notice & Note questions for Part 3 of Edward Bloor's novel "Tangerine."

Contrasts and Contradictions: Why does Erik become so enraged when he discovers Paul has been discussing the sinkhole with Tino? What does this reveal about Erik's personality?

When Paul sees the orange groves being bulldozed to make way for the new housing development, what realisation does he have? How does this affect his view of the community and his own family?

Words of Wisdom: What advice does Luis give to Paul following his altercation with Erik at the funfair? How will this advice assist Paul in dealing with the situation?

Several times: There are references to football and Paul's love of the game throughout the novel. What role does football play in Paul's personal struggles and growth?

To know more about Wisdom,click on the link :



The Complete Question is : What are the four potential Notice and note Question in Tangerine?

Consistency of number:
Correct any inconsistencies of number in the following sentences. Also make necessary changes in verb agreement, when needed. If the sentence is correct, put a “C” next to it. (Only ONE sentence is correct in this section.)

example: A customer can post their feedback on Yelp!

corrected: A customer can post his or her feedback on Yelp!
("customer" is singular, so the pronoun that takes its place must be singular as well; here,
we can't tell if the customer is male or female, so we would include both pronouns.)

6) Abby agreed that studying would improve their grades.

7) The heron flew after its mate.

8) Students who are encouraged will try harder on his or her exams.

9) The customer insisted that they were right.

10) The teachers finished her last class for the night.


Studying might help Abby's grades, she conceded. The heron followed its mate in flight. Encouraged students will put up more effort during tests. The client was adamant that they were correct. The final class of the day was completed by the teachers.

What does the example show to be true and false?

In contrast to inconsistent systems of equations, consistent systems have at least one solution.

6.Abby acknowledged that studying would help her grades. (Use "her" to be consistent with "Abby," the single subject.)

7. The heron followed its mate in flight. No correction is required because the sentence is already written in a consistent number.

8. Motivated students will give their exams their best effort. (Use "their" to keep the plural subject "students" consistent.)

9. The client adamantly maintained his or her position. (To retain gender neutrality, use "he or she," or if you prefer, "they," but be consistent throughout the sentence.)

10. The instructors finished the final class of the evening. (Use "their" to keep the plural subject "teachers" consistent.)

To know more about feedback Yelp visit:-



Analysis of Reciprocities poem by C.Lagan​


"Reciprocities" is a poem by C. Lagan that explores the reciprocal nature of relationships. The poem depicts how relationships can change over time and provides insight into the importance of balance and reciprocity in relationships.

The opening lines of the poem set the stage for the rest of the piece, as they describe the relationship between the speaker and another person: "we ebbed and flowed / never quite equal in time." This establishes the idea of imbalance, which is a recurring theme throughout the poem. The use of "ebbed and flowed" suggests that the relationship between the two individuals has been tumultuous, with highs and lows.

The second stanza shifts the focus to the concept of reciprocity, with the lines "I gave the moon / and you gave the stars." This imagery highlights the idea that both individuals in a relationship have something to offer, and that these offerings should be balanced in order for the relationship to be a healthy one. However, the next two lines show that this balance is not currently present: "I gave my all / and you gave a part."

The final stanza of the poem makes reference to time, with the lines "we stand at a crossroads / looking towards the setting sun." This suggests that the relationship has reached a critical point, and that a decision must be made about whether or not to continue. The lines "will we both move forward / or will one of us run?" speak to the idea that both individuals must be willing to put in effort in order for the relationship to continue; if one person is not willing to reciprocate, the relationship is likely to fail.

Overall, "Reciprocities" is a poem that explores the concept of balance and reciprocity in relationships. It highlights the importance of both individuals contributing equally to a relationship, and suggests that relationships cannot be sustained if one party is unwilling to put in effort.

Which of the following statements best describes Sandra Cisneros's style in The House on Mango Street?​


Sandra Cisneros' works are deeply rooted in her own experiences and her exploration of issues related to identity, culture, and power.

What theme runs across all of Sandra Cisneros' works?

With both North American and South American influences, Sandra Cisneros's writes in a modernist narrative style. Her arguments usually focus on a specific awareness or viewpoint.

Sandra Cisneros is an award-winning author who focuses on the experiences of working-class Latinos in America. Her book "The House on Mango Street” is her best-known work.

Her writing addresses such issues as what home means, belonging, bridging boundaries, and cultural expectations of women.

“When you observe, when you want to write about a time molecule, you create poetry.

Therefore, Sandra Cisneros' works are deeply rooted in her own experiences and her exploration of issues related to identity, culture, and power.

Learn more about Sandra here:



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After three months at sea, 34 camels were about to set foot on U.S. soil! 2 The camels were bound for the newly formed U.S. Camel Corps that belonged to the U.S. War Department. The head of the corps was Secretary of War Jefferson Davis. Davis hoped that the camels could be used to explore the deserts of west Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California. He believed the camels could carry supplies to remote army outposts and even carry soldiers to watch over pioneer settlements. 3 But once on land, the camels had to travel to their permanent home at Camp Verde, Texas. Biting, Kicking, Spitting, and Smelling 4 The journey was not easy and many problems occurred. Army men were familiar with horses and mules but not camels. 5 Packing supplies around the hump in the middle of a camels saddle frustrated the men. Some of them were convinced that the camels held grudges and waited to get even by biting, kicking, or spitting at them. Above all else, the camels smelled. Their odor was so strong that one whiff of the approaching camels sent horses stampeding. The army ended up sending a horseback rider ahead of the camels, yelling, Get out of the road; the camels are coming. Camels on the Go 6 But when the camels were called to carry supplies for a War Department expedition, the animals proved their worth. Edward Fitzgerald Beale, the expedition leader, praised them. My admiration for the camels increases daily with my experience of them. They pack water for others four days under a hot sun and never get a drop; they pack heavy burdens of corn and oats for months and never get a grain; and on bitter greasewood and other worthless shrubs not only subsist but keep fat. On Active Duty 7 Five years after the camels arrived in the United States, the Civil War divided the country. The Southern states decided to secedeor break awayfrom the Northern states and form the Confederate States of America. As Texas politicians argued whether their state should also secede, General Twiggs saw a way to finally rid his command of the camels. He suggested that he could save the U.S. government more than $500 each month by ending the Camel Corps. He asked permission to sell the camels or let them loose on the prairie. But before he received an answer, Texas did secede. Camp Verde surrendered to Confederate soldiers, who now found themselves in charge of weapons, supplies, and a total of 80 camels. 8 For the next four years, Confederate soldiers used some of the camels to haul cotton to Mexico and salt throughout Texas. They loaned other camels to the postal service to deliver mail around San Antonio, Texas. But for the most part, the camels had little to do. 9 The soldiers at Camp Verde paid little attention to them. Some camels wandered off; three traveled to the war-torn countryside of Arkansas. One Confederate general used a camel to carry his companys baggage. Soldiers reported seeing this camel swinging along, under a little mountain of carpet-sacks, cooking utensils, blankets, etc. 10 When the Civil War ended in 1865, the camels at Camp Verde became the property of the U.S. government. A year later, the 66 remaining camels were auctioned off. Edward Beale, who had been so taken with the camels, bought some of them. Beales camels retired to his California ranch, where they lived in comfort. Others were bought and used to carry supplies over land. When these camels were no longer needed, the owners turned the camels loose. Over the years, settlers and miners claimed to see wild camels roaming the American Southwest. Which represent correct variations of the formula for speed? Check all that apply. An athlete training for a marathon plans on running 6miles per day during the first phase of training. 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What are 3 specific ways that the government was incorporated into French LA? how does drought effect climate change an essay on the nigerianzation of nigeria a look inward 7y4x=1 7y2x=53 = x=x, equals = y=y, equals You find some limestone rock in southern Indiana and notice that it has fossil trilobites in it. Later you find the same fossil trilobites in a limestone in Colorado. From this you determine that the two rock types were deposited during the same time period using what concept or principle? For her speech class, Julia is writing a paper about how to persuade people to take action. She has created the following outline in her prewriting. Use the outline to answer the following question.Persuasive SpeakingI. Attention Step: Gain the attention of the audienceA. Open with an "attention grabber" such as a dramatic example of the problem.B. Tell them right away why this information is relevant to their lives.II. Need Step: Show the audience that a need exists that affects them. Show them that something needs to change.A. Show or describe the need, using specific examples.B. Tell them what the consequences will be if things do not change soon.III. Satisfaction Step: Satisfy the need by presenting a solution to the problem.A. Show or describe the proposed solution in clear and simple detail.B. Tell them what things have been tried before and why this solution is better.IV. Visualization Step: Help the audience imagine how much better conditions will be once your plan is adopted.A. Use visual aids that illustrate a "before and after."B. Use visuals such as photos of other places where this solution has been successful in the past.V. Call to Action Step: Once the audience is convinced your idea is a good one, tell them the exact action they must take.A. Be clear about the audience's role and how exactly they can help.B. Emphasize that it doesn't require a big time or energy commitment to make a difference.Where might Julia add the following piece of information: "Give examples of your plan and evidence that it will work"? A. step III B. step V C. step I D. step II