What event challenged the federal government to enforce the
Supreme Court rulings against discrimination in interstate


Answer 1


During the spring of 1961, student activists from the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) launched the Freedom Rides to challenge segregation on interstate buses and bus terminals.

Related Questions

Question 18 of 21 Select the best answer: What action should an employer do to confirm that healthcare workers are prepared to fulfill their roles during a disaster?​


The business should create a thorough emergency plan that defines the obligations of healthcare personnel in a crisis. Providing timely, efficient aid to catastrophe victims can help with relief efforts and service restoration.

Healthcare professionals should be trained and educated on the emergency plan, including how to handle emergencies and use any equipment or supplies that may be required. Regular training sessions should be held, and each worker's individual tasks and responsibilities should be taken into account.

Preventive (mitigative) measures, readiness, response, and recovery are the four stages of disaster management. Healthcare professionals are uniquely qualified to manage all facets of disasters.

Learn more about Healthcare here:



Who is someone who you think has made America a better place, like Martin Luther
King, Jr? How do you think we should honor this person?

Please someone :(


Ruth Bader Ginsburg is someone who I think has made America a better place, like Martin Luther King, Jr. In the 1970s, Ginsburg oversaw the influential American Civil Liberties Union Women's Rights Project.

Throughout her career as a Supreme Court justice, Ginsburg worked to advance women's rights and gender equality. She was also renowned for her vociferous dissents, which influenced both legal and public discourse. Continue promoting gender equality and giving aid to groups that enhance women's rights as a way to honor her legacy. Ginsburg headed the significant American Civil Liberties Union Women's Rights Project in the 1970s.

Learn more about Ruth Bader Ginsburg here:



What is the Norths participation in the Civil War justified?



The Civil War, which lasted from 1861 to 1865, was a significant event in American history. It was fought between the Union (the North) and the Confederacy (the South) over issues of slavery, states' rights, and federal power. The North's participation in the Civil War can be seen as justified based on various factors, including the following:

Preservation of the Union: The North's primary objective during the Civil War was to preserve the Union and prevent secession. The Confederacy's secession was seen as an unconstitutional act that threatened the unity and stability of the country. Therefore, the North's participation in the Civil War can be viewed as an attempt to uphold the principles of the Constitution and prevent the disintegration of the United States.

Abolition of Slavery: The North's opposition to slavery was a significant factor that led to the Civil War. The North viewed slavery as a moral evil and a violation of human rights. The North's participation in the Civil War can be seen as a moral and ethical imperative to end slavery and promote equality and justice.

Defense of Democracy: The Civil War was fought over issues of democracy and self-government. The North believed that the Confederacy's secession was a threat to democratic values and principles. The North's participation in the Civil War can be seen as a defense of democracy and a reaffirmation of the people's right to govern themselves.

Protection of National Interest: The Civil War had significant economic implications, especially for the North. The North's participation in the Civil War can be viewed as a means of protecting its economic interests and promoting economic growth and development.

Overall, the North's participation in the Civil War can be seen as justified based on various factors, including the preservation of the Union, abolition of slavery, defense of democracy, and protection of national interest. The Civil War was a complex and multifaceted event, and opinions on the North's participation may vary based on individual perspectives and historical interpretations.

What form of government was
typical of Hausa city-states?


Answer:independent local rulers who ruled their city-states from their capitals

Explanation: They wielded great power over their subjects but there were ministers and officials who did keep a check on their power.

KWL chart: The 1960’s in America



The 1960s in America was a decade of significant social, cultural, and political change. It was marked by the Civil Rights Movement, the Vietnam War, the counterculture movement, and the rise of feminism. The decade began with the election of John F. Kennedy as President in 1960, and ended with the election of Richard Nixon in 1968.

One of the most significant events of the 1960s was the Civil Rights Movement, which aimed to end racial segregation and discrimination against African Americans. This movement was led by figures such as Martin Luther King Jr., who advocated for nonviolent resistance to achieve their goals. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was a major victory for this movement, as it outlawed discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.

Another major event of the 1960s was the Vietnam War. The United States became involved in this conflict in an effort to contain communism in Southeast Asia. However, opposition to the war grew as it dragged on and casualties mounted. Protests against the war were held across the country, including at universities such as Kent State University where four students were killed by National Guardsmen.

The counterculture movement also emerged during this decade, with young people rejecting mainstream values and embracing new forms of music, art, and fashion. This movement was closely associated with the use of drugs such as marijuana and LSD, which were seen as a way to expand consciousness and reject traditional norms.

Finally, the rise of feminism was another key development of the 1960s. Women began to demand greater rights and opportunities in areas such as education and employment. The publication of Betty Friedan's book "The Feminine Mystique" in 1963 helped to spark this movement.

In conclusion, the 1960s was a decade of significant change in America. The Civil Rights Movement, Vietnam War, counterculture movement, and rise of feminism all had a profound impact on American society and continue to shape the country today.


"America has a problem...it is that of the


Answer:Humans ruining the earth"


Humans are ruining the earth

why was codesa 1 and 2 established


CODESA 1 and 2 were established to negotiate the end of apartheid and the transition to a democratic government in South Africa.

In the 1980s, South Africa was facing widespread civil unrest, international sanctions, and mounting pressure from the international community to end its policy of racial segregation and discrimination known as apartheid. As a result, the South African government and various political parties and groups began to engage in negotiations to transition to a more democratic and inclusive system of governance.

CODESA 1, or the Convention for a Democratic South Africa, was held in 1991 and was the first major negotiation between the government and opposition groups, including the African National Congress (ANC). The negotiations were aimed at creating a new constitution and government that would guarantee equal rights and opportunities for all South Africans, regardless of race or ethnicity.

To know more about South Africa, click here



What happened as the number of public schools in the South began to grow?

A. Blacks got the same education as whites.
B. Both whites and Blacks went to the same schools.
C. Blacks and whites were kept in separate schools.
D. Blacks asked to have separate schools.





Schools began to grow in the South after the Reconstruction Period. Jim Crow laws implemented in the South, which separated the African American from whites. The laws legalized the segregation in the South, which allowed separated schools for African American and whites. During this period numbers of schools began to grow in the South, which kept the African American separated from the others.

Which choice best reflects the sequence of events in China during the Cultural Revolution?


The Cultural Revolution in China lasted from 1966 to 1976, during which Mao Zedong led a campaign to purge capitalist and traditional elements from Chinese society.

The sequence of events during the Cultural Revolution in China  was marked by political turmoil, social unrest, and violence. Mao mobilized young people, known as the Red Guards, to carry out his radical agenda, resulting in widespread destruction of cultural artifacts, persecution of intellectuals, and purging of political rivals.

The country was thrown into chaos as millions of people were subjected to forced labor, reeducation, and public humiliation. The Cultural Revolution in China eventually came to an end with Mao's death in 1976 and the rise of Deng Xiaoping, who initiated economic reforms and opened up China to the world.

Learn more about Cultural Revolution here



Which statement BEST describes why the United States government can be called a representative democracy? A Division of power exists among the three branches.Division of power exists among the three branches. B People elect members of Congress to make laws.People elect members of Congress to make laws. C Power is shared between the nation and the states.Power is shared between the nation and the states. D All citizens debate issues and vote on the laws


The statement BEST describes why the United States government can be called a representative democracy

B People elect members of Congress to make laws. People elect members of Congress to make laws.

What is a representative democracy?

In a representative democracy, citizens rely on elected representatives to make laws that express the will of the people, while also operating within a balanced framework.

Here in the United States, individuals elect members of Congress as their representatives and delegate the responsibility of lawmaking to them. This allows people to communicate what they want through their chosen elected constituent, without directly voting for divisive policies themselves.

Learn more about representative democracy at



Interpret the evidence

1. What information in these documents confirms commonly held belies about teenagers in the 1950s?

2. What information in these documents challenges the conventional wisdom about teenagers in the 1950s?

3. Documents 25.5 and 25.7 speak specifically to teenagers. How do they differ, either in tone or in content, from those written about teens (Document 25.6) or by teens (Document 25.8)?

4. What do Documents 25.6 and 25.8 tell us about generational differences?

5. How much do these documents tell us about racial differences among teenagers in the postwar era?

6. What do Documents 25.5 and 25.10 reveal about gender roles and expectations within teenage culture in the 1950s?

Put It in Context

How do these documents show the way teenagers shaped the larger post-World War II society?



These documents provide insight into the culture of teenagers in the 1950s and how they were perceived by the larger post-World War II society.

What is document?

A document is an organized collection of information and data. It can come in various physical and digital forms, such as a paper document, an electronic document, or a web page. Documents can contain text, images, audio, video, or other content.

Document 25.5 confirms commonly held beliefs about teenagers in the 1950s, such as their tendency to engage in rebellious behavior and challenge authority. Document 25.7 challenges the conventional wisdom about teenagers in the 1950s by highlighting the positive contributions they made to society, such as their commitment to volunteerism and patriotism. Documents 25.6 and 25.8 show generational differences, with the former emphasizing the need for adults to be understanding and supportive of teenagers, while the latter reflects the more optimistic outlook of teenagers themselves. Documents 25.5 and 25.10 reveal gender roles and expectations within teenage culture in the 1950s, with boys being expected to be more active and adventurous, while girls were expected to be more demure and passive. These documents show that teenagers in the 1950s were an important part of the larger post-World War II society, contributing to the development of a new era of American culture.

Why do you think that officials decided to conduct the Nuremberg Trials rather than simply
executing the accused? Was this the right thing to do? Explain.



The officials wanted to show the world that people will be held accountable for their actions during war (war crimes), no matter how important or high-ranking they are.

it's your opinion about whether this was the right thing to do.


1. What roles does the National Security Council believe the Soviet Union plays in the spread of communism (Document 24.1)? What are the council's suggestions for containing communism in Asia?

2. What is Kim Il-sung asking of the Soviet Union, and why (Document 24.2)? How does Kim envision the international Communist movement? Why do you think he tells Shtykov he will meet with Mao if he cannot meet with Stalin?

3. According to Truman (Document 24.3), in what ways were MacArthur's recommendations for fighting the war at odds with the reasons for being in Korea in the first place? How did he characterize MacArthur's actions?

4. Why did MacArthur accuse Truman of appeasing China (Document 24.4)? In what ways does MacArthur's speech highlight the differences between the political and military goals of the Korean War?

5. Why would Herbert Block's cartoon (Document 24.5) depict Secretary of Defense George Marshall instead of President Truman? What parts of the world appear on each globe, and what do these differences signify? Why does MacArthur's globe have a button on it?

1. Why were MacArthur's actions considered a threat to the civilian leadership of the military?

2. What about the conflict in Korea turned it into a large-scale war in the early stages of the Cold War?


1. During the Cold War, the National Security Council (NSC) of the United States likely believed that the Soviet Union played a key role in spreading communism globally, including in Asia. The NSC may have seen the Soviet Union as supporting and promoting communist movements and governments in other countries, with the goal of expanding Soviet influence and undermining the interests of the United States and its allies. The NSC's suggestions for containing communism in Asia may have included diplomatic, economic, and military measures to counter Soviet-backed communist movements and governments in the region, such as providing military aid to anti-communist forces, implementing economic sanctions, and diplomatic efforts to isolate and confront communist regimes.

2. Kim Il-sung, the leader of North Korea, may have sought support from the Soviet Union for his country's communist regime. He may have requested military and economic aid from the Soviet Union to strengthen his government and maintain its control over North Korea. Kim Il-sung may have envisioned the international communist movement as a global force working towards the spread of communism and the overthrow of capitalist governments, with the Soviet Union as a key ally and supporter. He may have expressed a willingness to meet with Mao, the leader of China, if he could not meet with Stalin, the leader of the Soviet Union, to seek support from other communist powers.

3. Truman, who was the President of the United States during the Korean War, may have believed that MacArthur's recommendations for fighting the war were at odds with the original reasons for U.S. involvement in Korea. MacArthur may have advocated for more aggressive military actions, such as expanding the war into China or using nuclear weapons, which Truman may have seen as risking a wider conflict and undermining the limited goals of the U.S. intervention in Korea. Truman may have characterized MacArthur's actions as insubordinate or as exceeding his authority as a military commander, and potentially undermining civilian control over the military, which is a fundamental principle of democratic governance.

4. MacArthur, who was a U.S. military commander during the Korean War, may have accused Truman of appeasing China by not taking more aggressive military actions against Chinese forces that were supporting North Korea. MacArthur may have believed that a more forceful approach was necessary to defeat the communist forces in Korea and prevent their expansion. MacArthur's speech may have highlighted the differences between the political goal of containing communism and the military goal of defeating communist forces on the battlefield, with MacArthur advocating for a more military-focused strategy.

5. Herbert Block's cartoon, without specific knowledge of the cartoon in question, may have depicted Secretary of Defense George Marshall instead of President Truman because Marshall was a prominent figure in the U.S. government and military at the time, and may have been associated with the decision-making related to the Korean War. The parts of the world depicted on each globe and the differences in these depictions may have represented the differing perspectives or priorities of Marshall and Truman towards the Korean War and global events. The button on MacArthur's globe may represent a reference to the potential use of nuclear weapons, as MacArthur had advocated for their use in the Korean War.

Contextual information:

1.MacArthur's actions during the Korean War were considered a threat to the civilian leadership of the military because he publicly expressed disagreements with the U.S. government's policy and advocated for more aggressive military actions, including potentially expanding the war into China or using nuclear weapons. This was seen as a challenge to the authority of civilian

Why do you think there was a rebirth of the Greek and Roman cultures after the Black Death?


The Renaissance was a rebirth of the ideas of ancient Greece and Rome that began in the City States of Italy during the 14th century. The cultural resurgence began a new style of living in Europe after the horrors of the black death, and is seen as the beginning of the culture of the modern world.

2. Spider-Man's Uncle Ben is famous for his quote. "With great power comes great responsibility." Truman's pro treat-
speech includes a similar argument when trying to convince the Senate to vote for U.S. membership into NATO.
Write the first sentence of the paragraph, where we see the "With great power... "argument..


The argument in Truman's pro-treaty speech that mirrors the idea of "With great power comes great responsibility" is as follows: "Our country has accepted, with solemn responsibility, a definite leadership in the free world."

Truman goes on to explain that the world is  connected and that the security of one nation affects the security of all nations. He argues that the United States has the power to make a difference in the world and that with that power comes the responsibility to use it for the lesser good. Truman believes that the United States must lead by  illustration and work with other nations to promote peace and security.

He warns that if theU.S. fails to act, it risks allowing aggression and  despotism to spread, hanging  not only the security of theU.S. but also the security of the entire world. Truman concludes his speech by calling on the Senate to fete  the  significance ofU.S. class in NATO, stating that it's a vital step towards promoting a more peaceful and secure world. His argument,  analogous to Uncle Ben's quote, emphasizes that those with power have a responsibility to use it wisely and for the benefit of all.

Learn more about speech at



How do you compare the trading diplomatic relations of the pre colonial Filipinos to the new era?



The pre-colonial Filipinos had a complex trading system that involved bartering and exchanging goods with neighboring countries such as China, India, and Malaysia. The Filipinos traded goods such as gold, pearls, textiles, and agricultural products. They also had a system of long-distance trade that allowed them to establish diplomatic relations with other countries.

During the Spanish colonial period, the Philippines became part of the global trade network of the European powers. The Spanish introduced new crops such as tobacco and coffee, which became major exports for the Philippines. The Spanish also established diplomatic relations with other countries in Europe and Asia.

In the modern era, the Philippines has become an important player in the global economy. The country has established diplomatic relations with countries all over the world and has become a hub for international trade. The Philippines is a member of numerous international organizations such as the United Nations, ASEAN, and APEC.

The trading diplomatic relations of the pre-colonial Filipinos were largely based on bartering and exchanging goods with neighboring countries. In contrast, the modern era has seen the Philippines become an important player in the global economy with an extensive network of diplomatic relations.


The U.S. policy of _____ called for easing tensions with the Soviet Union.

a. globalism

b. détente

c. dollar diplomacy

d. réalité


b. détente

Kissinger believed that by easing tensions with its traditional enemy - a policy known as détente, from the French word for relaxation - Americans could achieve more of their political goals without war and the Soviets could be induced to push the North Vietnamese to the bargaining table. The Soviet Union had its own motivations for pursuing such a course, but Nixon added pressure by making overtures to communist China, a country the United States had refused to recognize.

Your assignment, research each topic and explain the events of each…in other words, what happened, why, how was it a part of the Cold War. There is really no wrong answer…as long as it’s complete. Look at the causes, effects, etc. Think and write in COMPLETE thoughts!!! And remember this is about the progression of the Cold War…so these events are what moved the Cold War forward!!!



1. The Berlin Blockade and Airlift (1948-1949):

In 1948, the Soviet Union blockaded all road, rail, and water access to the western-controlled sectors of Berlin in an attempt to force the Allies to abandon the city. The Allies responded by launching an airlift that lasted for 11 months, delivering supplies to the city by plane. The airlift was successful, and the blockade was lifted in 1949. This event was a major turning point in the Cold War, as it showed the determination of the West to resist Soviet aggression and also highlighted the importance of Berlin as a symbol of the struggle between the two superpowers.

2. The Korean War (1950-1953):

In 1950, North Korea invaded South Korea, and the United States, along with other United Nations forces, intervened to stop the spread of communism. The Soviet Union and China supported North Korea, leading to a bloody and brutal conflict that resulted in a stalemate and the division of Korea into two separate states. The Korean War was significant in the Cold War because it demonstrated the willingness of the United States to intervene militarily to stop the spread of communism and also showed the extent to which the Soviet Union and China were willing to support their communist allies.

3. The Cuban Revolution (1953-1959):

In 1959, Fidel Castro led a revolution in Cuba that overthrew the U.S.-backed dictator Fulgencio Batista. Castro established a communist government and began to develop close ties with the Soviet Union, leading to the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962. The Cuban Revolution was significant in the Cold War because it brought communism to the doorstep of the United States and increased tensions between the two superpowers. It also demonstrated the willingness of the Soviet Union to support communist revolutions in other countries.

4. The Vietnam War (1955-1975):

The Vietnam War began as a struggle for independence against French colonial rule, but quickly became a battleground in the Cold War. The United States supported the South Vietnamese government in its fight against communist North Vietnam and its allies, including the Soviet Union and China. The war was long and brutal, with both sides suffering heavy casualties. The Vietnam War was significant in the Cold War because it showed the limits of American military power and the willingness of the Soviet Union and China to support communist insurgencies in other countries.

5. The Arms Race (1945-1991):

The Arms Race was a competition between the United States and the Soviet Union to develop and stockpile nuclear weapons. The two superpowers engaged in a dangerous and costly arms race that lasted for decades, with each side trying to gain an advantage over the other. The Arms Race was significant in the Cold War because it increased the risk of a nuclear war and also drained resources from both countries that could have been used for other purposes. It also showed the extent to which both countries were willing to go to protect their national security interests.


) What is one reason historians might not believe Di Coppo di Stefani Buonaiuti’s account of the Black Death?


Secondhand information is one reason historians might not believe Di Coppo di Stefani Buonaiuti’s account of the Black Death

What is the account he has about the black death?

Di Coppo di Stefani Buonaiuti was an Italian author living during the time of the plague, and his remark of the event is infamously known as the “Chronicle of the Black Death.”

Despite its distinguished recognition for offering detailed information about the transgression across Italy and Europe - many skeptics doubt some of his confessions due to biasness.

For example, it may have been of alternate significance for Di Coppo (being a Florentine merchant) to possibly deliberately overstate the intensity of the affliction in Florence to graphically demonstrate the town's wretchedness or propagate political arguments.

Read more on Secondhand information here: https://brainly.com/question/22003862


2 examples of how changes to railroad helped American industries to grow


1. The Transcontinental Railroad: Completed in 1869, the Transcontinental Railroad linked the East Coast with the West Coast of the United States, revolutionizing transportation and commerce. The railroad made it possible to transport goods and materials across the country quickly and inexpensively, leading to a boom in industry and trade.

2. The expansion of railroads into new territories: As railroads expanded into new territories, they opened up new markets and resources for American industries. For example, the expansion of railroads into the Midwest made it easier to transport agricultural goods like wheat and corn to markets in the East, fueling the growth of the agricultural sector. Similarly, the expansion of railroads into the West helped to support the growth of the mining industry, as it made it easier to transport ore and other resources to processing centers in other parts of the country.

I will give you 20 point if you can help me with these three questions in the picture below relating to the quotes.


According to the question, there are quotes by Chief Seattle and Meriwether Lewis about America.

The answer to questions based on the quotations are-

1.  According to Chief Seattle-

White Americans do not concerned about the customs and values associated with land. They just utilize the property to further their own personal interests.He portrayed them as strangers who arrived at night, took what they wanted, and then left.

According to Meriwether-

He describes Americans as uncivilized people.He mentioned that , he is setting foot on a land on which no civilized person has ever came upon.

2. The two perspectives are similar in the way due to the fact that Meriwether and Chief Seattle thought poorly of Americans and their disregard for morals.

The difference in the perspective among them was Chief Seattle talks about their disregard for their land.

Whereas, Meriwether refers to Americans as uncivilized.

3. Chief Seattle and Meriwether both referred to the native population as being nasty in the quotations that had to do with the Declaration of Independence.

The doctrine of "Manifest Destiny" held that white Americans had been given a divine mandate to colonize the whole North American continent.

So, they both warned about what was going to happen to America.

To know more about Manifest Destiny visit:



Expound Mesopotamians


Mesopotamia was a historical region located in the eastern Mediterranean, roughly corresponding to present-day Iraq.

The region was home to a number of ancient civilizations, including the Sumerians, Babylonians, and Assyrians. These civilizations were among the first in the world to develop complex systems of writing, government, and religion.

Mesopotamia was also a center of trade and commerce, with cities like Babylon and Nineveh serving as hubs for trade with other parts of the ancient world. The region's fertile soil, made possible by the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, allowed for the development of advanced agricultural practices and the growth of large-scale societies. Mesopotamia's influence on world history can still be seen today, with many of its technological and cultural innovations still in use.

To know more about Mesopotamia here



What do you mean by Expound Mesopotamians

What does the fact that someone voted in the previous election say about them?
Question 1 options:


They are less likely to vote in the next election.


They are less likely to be receiving government benefits.


They are more likely to vote in the next election.


They are most likely under 44 years of age.



C) They are more likely to vote in the next election.

What is the belief behind manifest destiny?

Write your answer in complete sentences.


Many Americans believed in the 19th century that it was their divine duty and right to push westward across the North American continent. This was the belief behind Manifest Destiny.

What is Manifest Destiny?

The assumption in expansionist doctrine was fueled by various determinants, containing the desire for more land, money, and economic time, in addition to a assumption in the predominance of American culture and organizations. Proponents of expansionist doctrine trusted that situated or toward the west expansion was not only certain but still inevitable for the continuation and prosperity of the United States.

However, the belief of expansionist doctrine was not outside dispute, as it often surpassed to conflicts accompanying inborn nations, who were disturbed from their tribal lands, and accompanying different nations, in the way that Mexico, that had claims to the unchanging regions. Despite these challenges, the belief in expansionist doctrine performed a meaningful act in shaping American similarity and resumes to influence American stances toward growth, interventionism, and global questions.

Learn more about Manifest Destiny here: https://brainly.com/question/29802251


Suppose there is an effort to add an amendment to your State constitution to increase taxes to pay for road repairs. Which of the following actions need to take place for this to happen?


Adding an amendment to a State constitution to increase taxes for road repairs is a complex process that requires careful planning and coordination among multiple stakeholders.

In order for an amendment to be added to a State constitution to increase taxes to pay for road repairs, there are several actions that need to take place.

The first action would be for a group or individual to propose the amendment, which would then need to be approved by a certain number of legislators or citizens in order to be added to the ballot for the next election.

Once the amendment is on the ballot, citizens would need to vote on it, with a certain percentage of voters needing to approve the amendment in order for it to pass.

In some cases, the State constitution may also require that the amendment be approved by a specific number or percentage of the State legislature before it can be put on the ballot. Additionally, the language of the amendment would need to be carefully crafted to ensure that it is clear and understandable to voters.

If the amendment is ultimately approved by voters, the State legislature would then need to pass legislation to implement the tax increase and ensure that the funds are allocated specifically for road repairs.

This could involve creating a new department or agency to oversee the repairs, or working with existing agencies to ensure that the funds are distributed fairly and effectively.

However, with the right approach and support from citizens and legislators, it is possible to make important changes to State laws and ensure that vital infrastructure projects are funded and completed.

For more question on constitution visit:



In 2-4 complete sentences, examine and explain the way that Germany was able
to expand and diversify its economy in the last few hundred years.


Answer: Germany's ability to expand and diversify its economy in the last few hundred years can be attributed to several factors. One significant factor was the country's strong emphasis on education and innovation, which led to advancements in technology and engineering. Additionally, Germany's geographic location at the center of Europe allowed it to establish itself as a hub for trade and commerce, which further fueled its economic growth.


Read the map.

A map titled Silk Road, circa 1st Century C E. A key shows Land Routes with a red line and Sea Routes with a blue line. Red lines travel east to west through China, India, Persia, Egypt, Somalia, Greece, and parts of Europe. Blue lines travel through the Pacific Ocean, Yellow Sea, East China Sea, South China Sea, along the coasts of China, India, Persia, Arabia, Somalia.

What was a major benefit of the Silk Road?

It created a unified economy across all of Asia.
It shortened travel time between China and Europe for traders.
It connected the countries to the north of China for travel and trade.
It encouraged trade between China and countries on other continents.


Answer: It connected the countries to the north of China for travel and trade.

Explanation: bc  ik

Why do
you think some Abolitionists
started their own


Answer: The abolitionist movement began as a more organized, radical, and immediate effort to end slavery than earlier campaigns. It officially emerged around 1830. Historians believe ideas set forth during the religious movement known as the Second Great Awakening inspired abolitionists to rise up against slavery


Abolitionist newspapers played a vital role in the crusade to end slavery in the United States. The articles carried in these newspapers educated readers about the evils of the institution of slavery and helped to turn public opinion in northern states against it.

Please help quick! This is due today!! For this assignment, you will review the article "37 Maps That Explain the American
Civil War" and choose five maps to include in a short presentation. You will then, for
each map, write two to three sentences describing what the map shows about the
Civil War.
To get the best grade possible, follow the instructions in the assignment closely and
answer all of the questions completely.
This assignment is worth 30 points.
Review the article "37 Maps That Explain the American Civil War" and choose five
maps from the article for a presentation about the Civil War. You may use a
presentation program or a simple word-processing program to copy and paste
images from the article. For each image, note the title of the map and write a two-to
three-sentence description of what the map shows about the Civil War.


The article titled "The American Civil War in 37 Maps" offers an expansive view of the war by examining its geography and tactics.

Five maps that could come in handy for a brief presentation include:

The depicted map demonstrates the states that withdrew from the Union and established the Confederacy in advance of the war, an event famously referred to as the Secession Crisis.

This map illustrates the strategy devised by the Union known as "The Anaconda Plan." Its objective was to impose a blockade on southern ports and gain control over the Mississippi River, thereby dividing the Confederacy in half.

This map depicts the territories under rebellion that would be impacted by the Emancipation Proclamation, leading to the liberation of slaves in those regions.

This map showcases the most deadly conflict within a day in America's past, famously known as the Battle of Antietam, and the triumphant Union win that eventually triggered the Emancipation Proclamation.

The illustration named "The Final Campaigns" portrays the ultimate clashes of the conflict and the submission of Rebel leader Robert E. Lee. Lee communicated with Ulysses S. Grant, a General of the Union forces. The event that occurred at Appomattox Court House involving Grant.

Read more about American Civil War here:


Please helppp :(
Write an sentence of Agricultural innovations



Recent agricultural innovations such as precision agriculture and genetic engineering have helped to increase crop yields and improve food security worldwide.


Other Questions
Summer, a nulliparous woman, is in the transition stage of the first stage of labor and is nearing the second stage. she and her coach (father of the baby) have been working together effectively for most of the labor, but summer lost control during transition. summer says she is exhausted and cannot imagine how she will be able to go on and to push. what criteria should be used to determine if summer has progressed to the second stage of labor A) assume that you are going to a galapagos island to measure natural selection on morphology in a ground finch (geospiza fortis). you suspect that some morphological traits will determine whether the individual bird survives or dies in the upcoming dry spell (drought). is it a good research strategy to measure as many body traits as possible (wing length, leg length, body weight, tail length, etc.) or should a wise researcher just "bet" on a certain trait (for example, wing length) to be the key trait for surviving the drought? why or why not? HELP!!!!!!!! Which system of linear equations can be solved using the information below? What is the unknown fraction?eight tenths plus unknown fraction equals ninety seven hundredths seventeen hundredths eighty nine hundredths one hundred five hundredths one hundred seventy seven hundredths Is Which detail best supports the thesis that the narrator has conflicting feelings about himself? m the nings on as Wishing ind I don't ave light PSI wish jys that ta what ar theirs sides, but d rarely er with long "When I stepped out into the bright sunlight from the darkness of the movie house. I had only two things on my mind: Paul Newman and a ride home "I was wishing I looked like Paul Newman he looks tough and I don'tbull quess my own looks aren't so bad 0 l have light brown, almost-red hair and greenish- gray eyes. " "My hair is longer than a lot of boys wear theirs. Squared off in back and long at the front and sides. But I am a greaser and most of my neighborhood rarely bothers to get a haircut. Hi! I'm in desperate need of your assistance, please!! What is netiquettes?. mention any 4 netiquettes. (for class 6) Define the conflict in the classroom and analyze the etiology of the conflictYou are one of the best students in the class in mathematics and today you took a test in this subject. On the last problem, the one for performance, you reflected more but, in the end, you understood how to solve it. You started the calculations but, when you were about halfway through the solution, the bell rang and your papers were taken away. When the grades came out, you found out you got an eight out of ten. The reaction of the colleagues was appropriate: "What are you saying now, smart guy?" 1. This picture, previously entitled Outskirts of a Village, probably ............. a scene from the artists home town in France. a) paints b) defines c) depicts d) exposes 2. I get very ............. when I speak French and people dont understand me. a) confused b) frustrated c) puzzled d) lost 3. I dont think the boss is very ............. to agree. a) probable b) likely c) suitable d) talkative 4. If hadnt really like the jacket, I ............. it. a) wouldnt have bought it b) didnt buy it c) hadnt bought d) would not like to buy 5. Rembrandts ............. form a unique and intimate biography, in which the artist surveyed himself without vanity and with the outmost sincerity. a) landscapes b) sketche Mrs. davis is traveling for business. she flew from atlanta to washington, d.c. (547 miles) then rented a car and drove to baltimore (6 miles) for another meeting by the time she got home, how many total miles had she travelled? Fill in the table by converting from 12 hour clock to 24 hour clock and vice versa A diverging lens has a focal length of -12. 8cm. An object is placed 34. 5cm from the lens surface: Determine the image distance Describe how Winston avoids having his face eaten by the rats and then explain what this reveals about the extent of his love for Julia In the context above statement, evaluate the impact of pseudoscientific ldeas of race on the Jewish nation by the Nazi Germany during the period 1933 to 1946 (Background) how many minutes are required for 175 gpm to pass the entire 1500-foot length of a 12-inch diameter pipeline which of the following influences can affect spending decisions? a. a. Friends b. advertising c. your valuesd. all of these can influence your spending decision What evidence from the text supports the idea that Romeo forgets aboutRosaline on seeing Juliet for the first time?ROMEOO, she doth teach the torches to burn bright!It seems she hangs upon the cheek of nightAs a rich jewel in an Ethiop's ear-Beauty too rich for use, for Earth too dear. So shows a snowy dove trooping with crowsAs yonder lady o'er her fellows sholts. The measure done, I'll watch her place of standAnd, touching hers, make blessed my rude hand. Did my heart love till now? Forswear it, sight,For I neer saw true beauty till this night. -William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet, Act I, Scene v, lines 51-60, How the garcia girls lost their accents sparknotes. What type of bonds form within asample of sodium metal, chlorine gas, and sodiumchloride crystals? how does the electron structureof each substance affect the properties ofcompounds that it forms? You spin the spinner once. 234 What is P(not greater than 2)? Write your answer as a fraction or whole number.