What did supporters of states ‘ rights believe in the 1830s?

What Did Supporters Of States Rights Believe In The 1830s?


Answer 1



Supporters of states' rights in the 1830s believed that the individual states of the United States possessed primary authority and sovereignty over most issues and that the federal government should have limited power. They believed that the Constitution granted the federal government only certain enumerated powers, and that all other powers and authorities belonged to the states or to the people themselves.

Specifically, states' rights advocates believed that the federal government should not be able to interfere with the states' ability to make their own laws, particularly laws related to slavery, tariffs, and internal improvements. They also argued that individual states should be able to nullify federal laws that they believed exceeded the federal government's authority and were therefore unconstitutional.

This belief in states' rights was closely tied to the idea of strict constructionism, which held that the federal government had only the powers explicitly granted to it by the Constitution, and that all other powers belonged to the states or to the people.

This ideology of states' rights played a significant role in American politics during the 1830s and 1840s, particularly in the debates over the Tariff of 1828, the Nullification Crisis of 1832-33, and the expansion of slavery into newly acquired territories.

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To whom does the term party-in-government refer?
Question 42 options:


county organization which act as work horses for elections


party identifiers who have been elected to office


third-party representation in local government


the parties' platforms as they inform policy


Answer: b) party identifiers who have been elected to office

Explanation: The term party-in-government refers to the elected officials and officeholders who belong to a particular political party. These individuals are known as "party identifiers," as they have declared their affiliation with a particular party and run for office under that party's banner. When a political party wins an election, the elected officials from that party become the party-in-government. They are responsible for implementing the party's platform and policies, and for making decisions on behalf of the party and the constituents they represent. The party-in-government is a crucial component of the political system, as it determines the direction and priorities of the government and influences the policies and legislation that are enacted.

The term party-in-government refers to party identifiers who have been elected to office. The Option B.

Who does the term party-in-government refer to?

This means individuals who are elected officials and also identify with a particular political party.

Whether members of executive or legislative branch, they are representatives of their party and expected to advance the party's agenda through actions in government.

In essence, the party-in-government plays an important role in shaping public policy because  they have the power to introduce and pass legislation, make appointments and set the agenda for political debates.

Read more about party-in-government



Question 4 of 10
What was the goal of Operation Barbarossa?
A. To force the Soviet Union to become an ally of Germany
B. To take the Soviet Union's natural resources and provide more
living space for German people
OC. To starve troops serving in the Soviet army so that they would
OD. To provide an easier route for Germany to invade France


Answer: B to take Soviet unions natural resources and provide more living space for German people. I think

does Sweden has a president ​


Answer:The Government of the Kingdom of Sweden (Swedish: Konungariket Sveriges regering) is the national cabinet of Sweden, and the country's executive authority. The Government consists of the Prime Minister—appointed and dismissed


In the last paragraph of the excerpt, Matt Creighton makes his final statement on human decency and the evils of slavery. How does the author make use of dramatic irony in this statement, as a way of foreshadowing, or giving readers a hint, of the Civil War to come and of the many ways it will change the country? Highlight textual evidence and make annotations to support your explanation.


Creighton makes use of dramatic irony by being a slave owner and stating that he will fight for the slaves, even without knowing that a war is coming.

What is dramatic irony?It is a literary device.It's a way of letting readers know more than the characters.

Dramatic irony happens when the audience knows information that the characters don't. This happens in "Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave" when Matt Creighton says "And I'll tell you another thing, stranger, when the time comes, if we have to fight to free our slaves, we'll do it. Yes, sir, we'll do it, though there may be bloodshed in it."

Though Creighton doesn't know it, war is looming to free the slaves quite literally and not as he expects. The audience already knows this, which sets up the dramatic irony.

Learn more about dramatic irony:



The National Voter Registration Act of 1993 is also known as which of the following?
Question 6 options:


Motor Voter


Voting Rights Act


Interstate Voter Registration Crosscheck Program


the voter's oath


The National Voter Registration Act of 1993 is also known as the motor voter. Option A is correct.

What is the National Voter Registration Act 1993?

It corresponds to a US federal law that aims to facilitate the request for registration to vote when voters request the renewal of their driver's license or identity, which is why it became known as the "Motor Voter" law.

Therefore, the law also acts as a measure to reduce the bureaucracy of the electoral register, greater accessibility and, consequently, greater attraction of citizens to become voters and participate in the electoral process in the country.

Find out more about National Voter Registration Act at:



Why did poor Spanish nobles such as Hernán Cortés want to become conquistadors?


Answer: Balboa In 1513, this Spanish conquistador sailed to the Americas in search of gold but instead found the Pacific Ocean.


please help me with history i’ll give you brainlist!


Answer: The person who would most likely agree with the statement "the people who endured the Long March showed strength and heroism" is a supporter of the Red Army.

Explanation: The Long March was a military retreat undertaken by the Red Army of the Communist Party of China from 1934 to 1935, and it is widely viewed as a demonstration of the strength and resilience of the Chinese Communist Party and its supporters.

what led to the creation of the Bantustans in south Africa​



Also known as “homelands” in official parlance, the bantustans were set up in an attempt to legitimize the apartheid project and to deprive black South Africans of their citizenship by creating ten parallel “countries”, corresponding to state designated ethnic group.

achivements of koryo dynasty (ASAP)


The Dynasty achievements include development of movable metal type printing, creation of a national code of law and advancements in Confucian scholarship.

What were the achievements of the Koryo Dynasty?

The Koryo Dynasty most notable achievements was the development of movable metal type printing which greatly increased the efficiency of book production and helped to spread literacy throughout the country.

Its also created national code of law which established a framework for the legal system and helped to promote social order and stability. Its made advancements in Confucian scholarship which played an important role in shaping Korean culture and society.

Read more about koryo dynasty



President Nixon authorized the CIA to undermine ______ democratically elected leader Salvador Allende, setting the stage for brutal dictator Augusto Pinochet to take power.

a. Chile's

b. Brazil's

c. Argentina's

d. Columbia's


a. Chile’s

Once tensions with the Soviet Union and China eased, Nixon's foreign policy entailed choosing allies based on practical rather than ideological considerations. Criticized both by conservatives for abandoning the fight against communism and by liberals for supporting autocratic regimes, Kissinger continued to support quiet interventions and covert operations to prop up any government that seemed friendly to an immediate American interest. The United States relied on regional allies such as Iran, Israel, Zaire, South Africa, and Japan to help stop the spread of communism but did not interfere in the domestic affairs of friendly nations. When a socialist government came to power in Chile in 1970, however, Nixon's new posture was tested. Fearing communism's spread to the rest of Latin America, Nixon authorized the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to help undermine the democratically elected regime of Salvador Allende and had Kissinger funnel arms to Allende's opponents. Three years later, Augusto Pinochet seized power in Chile in a military coup. Pinochet's brutal dictatorship would last for two decades, far longer than the U.S. administration that had helped bring it about.

Immediately after the American Revolution, the congress focused mostly on governing the states
true or false


The statement Immediately after the American Revolution, the congress focused mostly on governing the states is : True.

What is the American Revolution?

The Congress primary concern following the American Revolution was overseeing the states in accordance with the Articles of Confederation.

The Articles established a weak central government in place of a loose association of state governments with most of the power remaining with the state governments.

The Congress authority was also restricted by the Articles and its major responsibility was to coordinate the efforts of the states in the fields of trade, foreign policy, and defence.

Therefore the statement is true.

Learn more about American Revolution here:https://brainly.com/question/18317211


please help me with this history question i’ll give you brainlist!!


The factor that caused a large migration of people from Cuba to the United States in the 1950s and 1960s was B. the policies of Fidel Castro.

What is the policies of Fidel Castro?

A revolutionary and politician from Cuba, Fidel Castro presided over his country as president from 1976 to 2008 after serving as prime minister from 1959 to 1976. As the head of the Cuban government, Castro's policies were essentially socialist in nature and attempted to achieve social equality through the nationalization of the private sector, land reform, and wealth redistribution.

Cuba and the United States' relationship deteriorated as a result of Castro's socialist ideas and his close ties to the Soviet Union, which resulted in trade restrictions and economic penalties. As a result, the Cuban economy suffered, and many Cubans looked to the United States for better job possibilities.

Several rich Cubans also left the country as a result of Castro's policies of nationalization and expropriation of foreign-owned firms and property. The Bay of Pigs assault, an unsuccessful American attempt to topple Castro's regime, significantly deteriorated bilateral ties and stoked anti-American sentiment in Cuba.

Ultimately, Castro's actions resulted in political repression and economic suffering in Cuba, which generated a huge wave of emigration to the United States in the 1950s and 1960s, with many Cuban refugees seeking political asylum there.

To know more about the policies of Fidel Castro, visit:



Slave cultures

a. were entirely American and retained no African cultural elements.

b. were based on the same fundamental ideas and culture as their masters’ culture.

c. were entirely African and did not embrace any American elements.

d. are lost to history, as no evidence of them has survived.

e. were semi-independent and centered on family and church.


Option D is entirely correct in that they have been lost to history because no scientific proof of them has survived.

What exactly is slave culture?

Combines tribal African culture with Christian worship, emphasising the importance of family and cooperation. A society in which the fundamental class dispute is based on the division of people into masters and slaves, with slaves being the dominant creating class and masters controlling ownership over this total commodification of the human being.

Slavery frequently attempted to deny its victims' native cultural identity. They were expected to give up their heritage and adopt at least some of their enslavers' culture after being ripped from their own cultural milieus.

To know about slave visit:




1. What was accomplished economically during the Porfiriato? How were those gains made? Who did they benefit? Who did they not benefit, or even harm?

2. Compare and contrast the lives of the upper and lower classes. Include both rural and urban life. Was the divide between classes improved through the Porfiriato? Why or why not?



1. The Porfiriato, spanning from 1876 to 1911, denotes a distinctive epoch of political constancy and economic progress in Mexico. This era witnessed the influx of foreign investment, primarily in the form of capital that financed the construction of extensive railway networks, thereby revolutionizing Mexico's economy. The Porfiriato is revered for modernizing Mexico's infrastructure, particularly transportation and communication systems, and expanding its industrial sector. Nonetheless, the benefits of the Porfiriato's economic growth were not equitably dispensed, and a significant proportion of Mexico's populace, especially small farmers and indigenous peoples, remained bereft of its rewards. The regime's infatuation with laissez-faire liberalism is also a point of criticism, given its exploitative treatment of workers in industries such as sugar.

2. During the Porfiriato, the economic growth primarily benefitted the wealthy and urban middle class, leaving the poor with limited economic prospects. The regime is lauded for its contributions towards modernizing Mexico's infrastructure, encompassing transportation and communication systems, as well as expanding the country's industrial base. However, the progress during the Porfiriato was distributed unequally, resulting in the majority of Mexicans, especially small farmers and indigenous people, being left without economic gains. The existing class disparity was not ameliorated during this time, and the regime was censured for the exploitation of workers, especially in the sugar industry. The Mexican Revolution was a consequence of increasing unrest among the lower classes, who were mobilized to demand political and economic transformation.

Which is the most common type of electoral system in the states?
Question 10 options:






closed primary






The most common type of electoral system in the states is a) winner-take-all.

In a winner-take-all system, the candidate who receives the largest number of votes wins the entire election, regardless of the margin of victory. This system is commonly used in U.S. presidential elections, where the candidate who wins the popular vote in a state typically receives all of that state's electoral votes.

Winner-take-all systems are also used in many other types of elections in the United States, including congressional and statewide races. However, some states and localities use alternative voting systems, such as proportional representation or ranked-choice voting.

what is valuable to the Japanese as a result of their practice of Shinto?


The things that are valuable to the Japanese as a result of their practice of Shinto are purity as well as  harmony.

What are the values of Japanese Shinto?

The main beliefs of Shinto  can be sen as one that focus on the importance of purity as well as  harmony, respect for nature.

It should be noted that this serves as the subordination of the individual before the group however the Shinto gods is one that posses shrines  so that people offer food, money and prayers. Shintoism  can be regarded as  the Japan's indigenous spirituality and can be seen as one that contains kami, or gods.

Learn more about Shinto at:



Which three landmark environmental laws did President Nixon sign into law in 1969 and 1970?

- the Safe Drinking Water Act

- the National Environmental Policy Act

- the Environmental Protection Act

- the Clean Air Act Extension


- the National Environmental Policy Act
- the Environmental Protection Act
- the Clean Air Act Extension

Nixon signed the National Environmental Policy Act (1969), the Clean Air Act Extension (1970), and the Environmental Protection Act (1970). Together, these landmark laws mandated environmental impact statements for public projects, set new pollution standards, authorized citizen suits against polluters, and created a major federal agency for environmental issues.

Which had a greater impact on Texas? Oil,cattle or railroads





Petroleum began to displace agriculture as the principal engine driving the economy of the state, and Texans' lives were even more drastically affected than they had been by railroads.

Oil had a greater impact on Texas than cattle or railroads. While cattle and railroads played important roles in the development of Texas, the discovery of oil in the early 20th century transformed the state's economy and society. The abundance of oil in Texas led to a boom in the oil industry, with companies drilling for oil and building refineries and pipelines. This created jobs and wealth for many Texans, and helped to make Texas one of the richest states in the country. The oil industry also had a significant impact on the political and cultural landscape of Texas, with many oil barons becoming influential figures in state politics and society. In summary, while cattle and railroads were important in the history of Texas, the discovery of oil had a much greater impact on the state's economy, society, and culture.

Do you agree more with the Palestinian narrative or the Israeli narrative? Explain your answer.​


The conflict between Israel and Palestine is a complex and sensitive issue that involves historical, political, and cultural factors.

There are different perspectives and narratives that people hold regarding the conflict, and it is important to respect and acknowledge the diversity of opinions and experiences.

It is crucial to approach this issue with empathy, open-mindedness, and a willingness to listen to different viewpoints. Only by understanding the multiple perspectives and narratives can we work towards a peaceful and just resolution for all parties involved.

To know more about  Palestinian here



put the events into the correct order
(image, pls help quick, due soon)


Constantine the Great, the first Christian emperor who rebuilt Byzantine empire as the imperial capital, is at the top of the list.

What is the order of the Roman Emperor?

The main features that today are known as the Byzantine state began to take shape during Constantine's reign: a Roman polity with its assets at Constantinople, a Greek East-dominated culture, and Religion as the official religion.

Going to follow the division of the Romans in 395, the Byzantine Empire served as the eastern half's direct legal continuation. The emperors listed following table served as the sole or joint monarchs of the entire Romans until Theodosius I in 395. The Roman Empire of the West existed until 476.

To know about Roman Emperor visit:



When did Russia and Britain end their differences and decide to become allies?



Russia had a defensive alliance with France. France and Britain ended their rivalries in 1904. This Entente Cordiale was followed by an agreement between Britain and Russia delimiting their mutual spheres of interest on September 13, 1907.


hope this helps:) !!!!!!

what does the map suggest about the power of the Gupta empire


Note that the map suggests that the power of the Gupta empire began in the center of Indian subcontinent (Option C)

What was the Gupta Empire?

The Gupta state was an ancient Indian state that lasted between the early fourth and late sixth centuries CE. It encompassed most of the Indian subcontinent during its peak, from around 319 to 467 CE. Historians refer to this time as India's Golden Age.

The Gupta Empire was known for its richness and success, which was partly due to its control over profitable trade routes. Gupta ports and commercial sites brought merchants from East, Central, West, and South Asia together, as well as those from Europe and East Africa.

Learn more about the Gupta Empire:

Full Question:

What does the map indicate about the start of the Gupta Empire?

It began in a large area bordering the sea.

It began on the entire northern border of India.

It began in the center of the Indian subcontinent.

It began in a small area in the north that bordered Nepal.

In "The Outsiders," the central theme of preserving childhood innocence highlights the importance of protecting and nurturing the innocence of children, reminding readers of the fragility and value of childhood in the face of violence and hardship.


True, the given expression is a valid interpretation of S.E. Hinton's central theme in "The Outsiders."

What is The Outsiders about?

The novel represents the struggles of a group of adolescent youths from the opposite of the tracks the one are uniformly applique violence and hazard in their lives. The idea of continuing teens blamelessness is emphasize through the personality of Johnny, the one is defined as ultimate harmless and liable of the group.

Throughout the novel, Johnny's blamelessness is threatened apiece powerful planet about him, and it is eventually welcome desire to keep and maintain the harmlessness of remainder of something that leads him to create a brave sacrifice.

Below is the complete question:

In "The Outsiders," the central theme of preserving childhood innocence highlights the importance of protecting and nurturing the innocence of children, reminding readers of the fragility and value of childhood in the face of violence and hardship. True or False?

Learn more about The Outsiders here: https://brainly.com/question/24817486


Why were the Greensboro Sit-Ins so successful?
They harmed local businesses' revenue.
They appealed to the business owners' morality.
They won the support of the President.
They appealed to religious feelings.



The Greensboro Sit-Ins were a series of nonviolent protests that took place in 1960 in Greensboro, North Carolina, where a group of African American college students sat at a segregated lunch counter at a local Woolworth's store and refused to leave until they were served. The sit-ins were successful for several reasons:

Nonviolent protest: The students were committed to nonviolent protest, and their peaceful actions made it difficult for the authorities to use force against them without risking public condemnation.

Persistence: The students continued their sit-ins day after day, despite facing harassment, threats, and physical violence. This persistence kept the issue of segregation in the forefront of public attention and created pressure for change.

Media coverage: The sit-ins attracted significant media attention, both locally and nationally, which helped to raise awareness of the issue of segregation and put pressure on local businesses and authorities to take action.

Community support: The sit-ins were widely supported by the African American community in Greensboro, as well as by sympathetic white allies. This support helped to sustain the protests and put pressure on local authorities and businesses to change their policies.

Economic impact: The sit-ins had a significant economic impact on the targeted businesses, as the protesters encouraged a boycott of the stores. This economic pressure helped to convince the stores to change their policies and desegregate their lunch counters.

Overall, the Greensboro Sit-Ins were successful because of the students' commitment to nonviolence, their persistence in the face of opposition, the media coverage they received, the support of the community, and the economic pressure they exerted.


They appealed to the business owners' morality were the reason why Greensboro Sit-Ins so successful. Correct option is 2.

The Greensboro Sit-Ins were a series of nonviolent protests that began on February 1, 1960, when four African American college students sat at a segregated Woolworth's lunch counter in Greensboro, North Carolina. They refused to leave until they were served, sparking a larger movement of sit-ins across the country.

The success of the Greensboro Sit-Ins can be attributed to several factors:

Nonviolent and Peaceful Approach: The protesters adhered to nonviolent tactics, inspired by the principles of civil disobedience advocated by leaders like Martin Luther King Jr. Their peaceful and disciplined behavior garnered sympathy and support from many Americans who were disturbed by the blatant injustice of racial segregation.

Moral Appeal: The sit-in participants demonstrated tremendous courage and dignity, sitting quietly at the lunch counter despite facing hostility and threats. Their actions highlighted the moral injustice of segregation and appealed to the conscience of business owners and the public.

Media Attention: The sit-ins attracted significant media coverage, both local and national. Television and newspapers showcased images and stories of peaceful demonstrators being denied service simply because of their race. This media exposure brought the issue of racial segregation to the forefront of public consciousness and put pressure on businesses and local authorities to address the situation.

Solidarity and Widespread Participation: The Greensboro Sit-Ins inspired similar protests in other cities and towns across the United States. The movement gained momentum as more people joined in, creating a sense of solidarity and a powerful collective voice demanding change.

Support from the Black Community: The sit-ins received strong support from the local African American community, civil rights organizations, and religious leaders. Their unity and determination added strength to the movement.

In conclusion, the Greensboro Sit-Ins were successful because they appealed to the morality of business owners and the public at large. By peacefully confronting the injustice of segregation and showcasing the courage and determination of the protesters, the sit-ins brought attention to the issue and played a significant role in the broader civil rights movement, leading to the eventual desegregation of public facilities in the United States.

To know more about Greensboro Sit-Ins :



The federal open market committee promoted price stability and economic growth through


The Federal Open Market Committee promotes price stability and economic growth through the use of monetary policy tools, such as adjusting the federal funds rate and engaging in open market operations.

The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) is the branch of the Federal Reserve System responsible for implementing monetary policy in the United States. The primary goal of the FOMC is to promote price stability and maximum sustainable employment, which are seen as the dual mandates of the Federal Reserve.

Additionally, the FOMC engages in open market operations, which involve buying or selling government securities in the open market to influence the money supply and interest rates. Through these tools and others, the FOMC seeks to achieve its objectives of promoting price stability and economic growth in the United States.

To know more about Open Market, click here



What were the causcs of England's population growth in the 1800s and what conscquences do you think this population growth had on the country?



Population growth in eighteenth-century England was due mainly to a fall in mortality, which was particularly marked during the first half of the century. The fall affected all socioeconomic groups and does not appear to have occurred for primarily economic reasons.

How did conditions for slaves in the United States compare to those in the Caribbean by the mid-nineteenth century?

a. Slaves were typically better fed in the United States than they were in the Caribbean.

b. While slave owners in the United States could legally choose to free their slaves, freeing slaves was illegal in the Caribbean.

c. Laws in the United States afforded slaves significantly stronger legal protection against ill treatment and cruel punishments.

d. Life expectancy for slaves in the United States was nearly ten years less than for slaves in the Caribbean.

e. Infant mortality rates were significantly higher for slaves in the United States.




d. Life expectancy for slaves in the United States was nearly ten years less than for slaves in the Caribbean.

Compare and contrast the anticommunist investigations of Richard Nixon and Joseph McCarthy. In concluding, offer your opinion of each man's work based on what you have read.


Richard Nixon and Joseph McCarthy were both American politicians who conducted investigations into alleged communist activity in the United States, although their approaches and outcomes were quite different.

Joseph McCarthy was a U.S. Senator who initiated a campaign against alleged communists in the early 1950s, a period now known as the "Red Scare." McCarthy held public hearings and used intimidation tactics to accuse many people, including government officials and Hollywood stars, of being communists or communist sympathizers. Richard Nixon, on the other hand, conducted anticommunist investigations as a member of the House Un-American Activities Committee in the late 1940s. Nixon focused on alleged communist activity within the government and Hollywood.

In my opinion, both McCarthy and Nixon's investigations had significant flaws. McCarthy's tactics were especially destructive, as he ruined the lives of many innocent people with his unfounded accusations. Nixon, while more restrained in his approach, still used the investigations for his own political gain. Overall, I believe that both men's work in this area was harmful and should be viewed critically.

To know more about American politicians, click here



Frederick Douglass
a. spent the whole time he was enslaved doing plantation field work.
b. argued that knowledge was essential to achieving freedom from slavery.
c. was freed by his enslaver.
d. believed resistance to slavery was futile.
e. opposed the women’s rights movement.


The third option, in which it is argued that knowledge was necessary to free oneself from slavery, is entirely correct.

What details about his time as a slave has Douglas revealed?

Slavery. In the years before the American Civil War, Frederick Douglass vehemently argued against slavery in his writings, speeches, and articles. He tried to show that it was cruel, strange, unnatural, immoral, and unjust.Frederick Douglass exchanged pieces of bread for literacy lessons when he was still a young slave boy in Baltimore. White neighbourhood children who could read and write but had no access to food served as his teachers. At age 20, he fled to New York and began a new life as an activist and orator against slavery.

To know about Frederick Douglas visit:



American foreign policy under National Security Advisor Henry Kissinger included which of the following?

- conducting quiet negotiations with other countries

- preserving international power balances

- building up military arms

- aggressively suppressing communist movements around the globe


- conducting quiet negotiations with other countries
- preserving international power balances
- building up military arms

The nation's economic troubles pointed increasingly toward global developments and international relations, areas where Nixon's ambitions and interests lay. Kissinger, who served in Nixon's first term as national security adviser, guided Nixon away from hard-line Cold War positions. Eager to avoid further disastrous entanglements like Vietnam and to reduce the costs and dangers of a nuclear arms race, Kissinger promoted a new foreign-policy approach. Kissinger's realism, as it was sometimes called, deemphasized ideological saber-rattling in favor of quiet negotiations and manipulations designed to preserve a balance of international power in an increasingly multipower world and to promote the United States' practical political interests around the globe.
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