What are some challenges Serena Williams have overcome?


Answer 1

Answer: she struggled with postpartum depression then she developed blood in her lungs


Related Questions

What is the description of rice terraces?


Rice terraces are ancient systems of land cultivation, primarily used in mountainous regions to increase the amount of cultivable land.

They are created by carving the sides of the mountain into a stepped pattern of shallow basins and are filled with water to create the ideal environment for growing rice.

Rice terraces are an important part of many cultures, used as a symbol of beauty and hard work. They are often featured in artwork and literature. Rice terraces are also important for providing food and economic stability to local communities.

The terraces are carefully designed to maximize water retention and minimize erosion, enabling the cultivation of a variety of crops. Rice terraces are highly vulnerable to the effects of climate change and human activity.

In recent decades, many of these ancient systems have been lost due to deforestation, overdevelopment, and natural disasters. However, in many regions, local communities are working to preserve and restore these important cultural and agricultural sites.

To know more about Cultivation:


Activity 1: identification 1. it is a lyrical rendition of different improvised text. 2. a chant-style or chant formula used for rocking a baby to sleep 3. a group of indigenous people of the southern philippines 4. it is a ring flute of bilaan and tiruray, maguindanao, samal, tausug and yakan. 5. it is a two-stringed, fretted boat-lute. 6. it is an instrument of mindanao that also known as bamboo xylophone and it is made of bamboo. 7. it is composed og gong-based ensemble used by the maguindanao and maranao of western mindanao 8. these are sacred songs highlighted by quotations from the qu'ran 9. it is a semi-generic term for a lyrical rendition of different improvised text 10. it is a bamboo flute, leaving six holes for the fingers and trumpet made of coconut leaf.​


Activity 1: Identification

1. A semi-generic term for a lyrical rendition of different improvised text is called "kumintang."
2. A chant-style or formula used for rocking a baby to sleep is known as a "lullaby."
3. A group of indigenous people of the southern Philippines is called the "T'boli."
4. The ring flute used by Bilaan, Tiruray, Maguindanao, Samal, Tausug, and Yakan is called the "suling."
5. A two-stringed, fretted boat lute is known as the "kudyapi."
6. The bamboo xylophone of Mindanao, made of bamboo, is called the "kulintang."
7. The gong-based ensemble used by the Maguindanao and Maranao of western Mindanao is referred to as "kulintang ensemble."
8. Sacred songs highlighted by quotations from the Qur'an are called "diyandi songs."
9. A semi-generic term for a lyrical rendition of different improvised text, similar to kumintang, is called "ambahan."
10. A bamboo flute with six holes for the fingers and a trumpet made of coconut leaf is known as the "tambuli."

To know more about identification, click below.



What does billy uncontrollably do that requires him to take a nap every day? why?
select one:
a. billy shakes uncontrollably because he is lonely without a significant other for support.
b. billy shakes uncontrollably because he is sensitive and traumatized by weary’s words.
c. billy cries uncontrollably because he likely has ptsd (post-traumatic stress disorder).
d. billy cries uncontrollably because he misses war and the good times he spent there.


C. Billy cries uncontrollably because he likely has PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder). PTSD is a mental health disorder that can be caused by experiencing or witnessing a traumatic event.

Here correct answer is C.

PTSD can cause a range of symptoms, including flashbacks, nightmares, intense feelings of distress and numbness, depression, and anxiety. Billy's uncontrollable crying is likely due to the trauma he experienced during war, which can cause him to be overwhelmed with emotion.

This can be incredibly draining and leave him feeling exhausted, which is why he needs to take a nap every day. PTSD can be managed through therapy, medication, and lifestyle changes, so it is important for Billy to get the help he needs to cope with his disorder.

Know more about PTSD here



Montag is horrified to realize that the speeding car is not a police car but is actually filled with joy-riding teenagers amused by the idea of killing a pedestrian. What’s the most likely reason the teen driver avoided hitting Montag at the very last moment? (Fahrenheit 451– Part Three: Burning Bright)


Answer: Probably because he had a last-second thought


As he was about to hit the pedestrian, the driver may have thought that maybe this was not a good idea. This one little thought saved a person's life. This just shows how important it is to always think about your actions and to always go with your gut, because 9 times out of 10, it is right!

Please answer!! i will give brainliest

write an argumentative essay of at least 750 words in which you argue that other female writers of the time would agree or disagree with fuller's statement: "what woman needs is not as a woman to act or rule, but as a nature to grow, as an intellect to discern, as a soul to live freely, and unimpeded to unfold such powers as were given her when we left our common home."

create a thesis statement that expresses your position, and then provide evidence to make your case. to strengthen your argument, show why the opposing view is weak or wrong (answer counterclaims). use quotations from the writers' works to support your ideas. include details about each writer that support your thesis. you may want to include differences and similarities between fuller and the writers, and explain how these elements may have affected them and their perspectives. your essay should include:

discussion of at least three female writers from the era (which you have studied in this unit)
clear organization of ideas, including use of transitions to demonstrate connections
properly formatted in-text citations and a works cited page, according to mla guidelines


Other female writers of the time, such as Mary Wollstonecraft, Emily Dickinson, and Charlotte Bronte, would agree with Fuller's statement that what women need is to grow as nature, an intellect, and a soul to live freely

Thesis Statement: Other female writers of the time would agree with Fuller's statement that what women need is not to act or rule, but to grow as a nature, an intellect, and a soul to live freely and unimpeded, and to unfold their inherent powers.

In the 19th century, women writers faced significant challenges in expressing their ideas and gaining recognition for their work. Many female writers of the time, such as Mary Wollstonecraft, Emily Dickinson, and Charlotte Bronte, wrote about women's rights and the limitations they faced. In this essay, I argue that these writers would agree with Margaret Fuller's statement that what women need is to grow as a nature, an intellect, and a soul to live freely and unimpeded and to unfold their inherent powers.

Firstly, Mary Wollstonecraft, a British writer, philosopher, and advocate of women's rights, would agree with Fuller's statement. Wollstonecraft's book, "A Vindication of the Rights of Woman," published in 1792, argued for women's equal rights and opportunities. In her book, Wollstonecraft writes, "I do not wish [women] to have power over men but over themselves." This sentiment aligns with Fuller's statement that what women need is not to rule or act, but to grow as individuals. Wollstonecraft also writes, "It is time to effect a revolution in female manners - time to restore to them their lost dignity." This idea is similar to Fuller's belief that women should be able to unfold their inherent powers and live freely without being impeded by societal limitations.

Secondly, Emily Dickinson, an American poet, would also agree with Fuller's statement. Dickinson lived in a time when women were expected to be domestic and subservient to men. Despite these limitations, Dickinson wrote poetry that explored themes of nature, love, and death. In one of her poems, she writes, "The soul selects her own society, Then shuts the door." This line suggests that women have the power to choose their own paths and live freely.

Finally, Charlotte Bronte, an English novelist, would also agree with Fuller's statement. Bronte's novel, "Jane Eyre," published in 1847, challenged societal norms and expectations for women. The protagonist, Jane Eyre, is a strong-willed and independent woman who refuses to conform to societal expectations. In the novel, Jane says, "I am no bird, and no net ensnares me: I am a free human being with an independent will." This statement aligns with Fuller's belief that women should be able to live freely and unimpeded.

Opponents of Fuller's statement may argue that women should have the right to rule and act if they so choose. However, Fuller's statement is not about limiting women's choices but rather about creating a society where women are free to grow and unfold their inherent powers without being impeded by societal limitations.

To learn more about Mary Wollstonecraft



If the appositive in bold is nonrestrictive, set it off with commas. If it is restrictive, submit the text without making any changes


Set off the appositive in bold with commas if it is nonrestrictive. If it is constraining Commas are not necessary before restrictive elements (modifiers or appositives). elements separated by commas.

The appositive doesn't need to have commas if the information is necessary. If something is helpful but not essential, separate it with commas. Appositives should be separated from the remainder of the phrase by commas. A noun or pronoun is identified or renamed by a word or phrase known as an appositive. Both restrictive and nonrestrictive appositives, which rename nouns or pronouns within a sentence, are possible. Commas are not necessary before restrictive elements (modifiers or appositives). Commas are required before nonrestrictive components (such as modifiers or appositives).

Read more about nonrestrictive at



What do you think Annie means when she says,"Take her out of my hands and it all comes apart"? Cite evidence from the text to support your answer.


Annie is responsible for keeping something or someone together, and if that thing or person is removed from her control or influence, it will fall apart. The phrase "out of my hands" implies a loss of control or ability to manage the situation.

For example, in a play or novel, Annie may be a caretaker or guardian of a person who requires her attention and support to function. If that person is taken away from her care, their well-being may suffer, and their situation may become chaotic.

Know more about chaotic here



Select one of the following poems, and in a response of approximately 100 words, identify and describe two different
kinds of figurative language used in the poem.

• "caged bird" by maya angelou

• "cloud" by sandra cisneros

• "women" by alice walker

• "the journey" by mary oliver


I have chosen the poem "Caged Bird" by Maya Angelou. In this poem, Angelou uses metaphor and symbolism as two different kinds of figurative language.

The metaphor is present throughout the poem as Angelou compares the experiences of a caged bird to the struggles of African Americans during the Civil Rights Movement. By portraying the bird as "caged," she highlights the confinement and limitations faced by the black community. This metaphor serves as a powerful representation of the desire for freedom and equality.

Symbolism is also evident in the contrasting images of the caged bird and the free bird. The caged bird symbolizes the oppressed individuals longing for liberty, while the free bird represents those who enjoy privilege and autonomy. Through these symbols, Angelou effectively conveys the deep-seated disparities between different social groups and the ongoing pursuit of justice and freedom for all.

To know more about Caged Bird visit:



What central idea or theme does the speaker develop by referring to his soul in stanzas 1 and 4? Here is the Poem

Out of the night that covers me,

Black as the Pit from pole to pole,

I thank whatever gods may be

For my unconquerable soul.

55In the fell clutch of circumstance

I have not winced nor cried aloud.

Under the bludgeonings of chance

My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears10 10Looms but the Horror of the shade,And yet the menace of the yearsFinds, and shall find, me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,

How charged with punishments the scroll.

1515I am the master of my fate:

I am the captain of my soul


In the poem "Out of the night that covers me," William Ernest Henley's poem , Invictus the central idea or theme that the speaker develops by referring to his soul in stanzas 1 and 4 is: resilience and the indomitable human spirit.

The speaker highlights the notion that, despite facing immense darkness and adversity, his soul remains "unconquerable." This idea is further emphasized in stanza 4 when the speaker proclaims that he is the "master of [his] fate" and the "captain of [his] soul," showcasing the power of individual determination and strength in overcoming life's challenges.

Throughout the poem, the speaker conveys a sense of unwavering courage and defiance against the odds. The mention of the "Pit from pole to pole" and the "Horror of the shade" signify the vast, seemingly insurmountable obstacles that one may face. Yet, the speaker remains steadfast in his belief that his soul can prevail over these difficulties, symbolizing the enduring resilience of the human spirit.

By referring to his soul in both the beginning and end of the poem, the speaker effectively communicates the importance of inner strength and the ability to withstand hardship. Ultimately, this theme encourages readers to find empowerment in their own resilience and determination to overcome life's challenges, regardless of the circumstances they may face.

To know more about William Ernest Henley, refer here:



What central idea or theme does the speaker develop by referring to his soul in stanzas 1 and 4? Here is the Poem

Out of the night that covers me,

Black as the Pit from pole to pole,

I thank whatever gods may be

For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance

I have not winced nor cried aloud.

Under the bludgeonings of chance

My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears

Looms but the Horror of the shade,

And yet the menace of the years

Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,

How charged with punishments the scroll.

I am the master of my fate:

I am the captain of my soul

What quote shows how Pearson contributed to the way foreign countries regard Canada?


The given statement is  "What quote shows how Pearson contributed to the way foreign countries regard Canada" We can refer to a quote by Lester B. Pearson himself: Canada is not a melting pot.

Canada is an association of peoples who have, and cherish, great differences but who work together because they can respect themselves and each other.

This quote highlights Pearson's influence on the way foreign countries view Canada. As a former Prime Minister of Canada, Lester B. Pearson contributed to shaping Canada's identity as a diverse and inclusive nation that values multiculturalism and cooperation. His vision of Canada as a country that embraces and respects differences has helped to shape the positive international perception of Canada as a tolerant and welcoming nation.

To know more about Canada: https://brainly.com/question/29526524



Why did Gulliver have to leave the Houyhnhnms?

He was running out of money.

C. The Houyhnhnms demanded it.

b. He was ill and knew that only a human doctor d. He was eager to have a new adventure.

could help him.


Because the Houyhnhnms thought Gulliver was a Yahoo and thus a lower being, Gulliver was forced to leave the Houyhnhnms.

Gulliver's actions and demeanor horrified them, and they perceived him as a wild and dangerous being. The Houyhnhnms remained dubious despite Gulliver's efforts to establish his worth and civility, and as a result they ultimately exiled Gulliver from their territory.

This decision severely devastated Gulliver, who had come to appreciate the Houyhnhnms and their straightforward way of life. He had grown to admire their virtues and principles and had even taken on some of their customs and beliefs.

Gulliver found it difficult to accept that he was no longer accepted in the Houyhnhnms' society because it was the only one he had met where reason and order were in absolute control.

To learn more about Houyhnhnms link is here



The complete question is:

Why did Gulliver have to leave the Houyhnhnms?

What tense is the announcer using when he says, "ladies and gentlemen, we interrupt our program of dance music to bring you a special bulletin"? this is an excerpt form the war of the worlds radio broadcast.


Present Simple tense is the announcer using when he says, "ladies and gentlemen, we interrupt our program of dance music to bring you a special bulletin"? this is an excerpt form the war of the worlds radio broadcast.

The present simple tense is used to describe routine or habitual behavior. Typically, the verb's base form is used to create it. The present simple tense is used to describe actions that are now taking place or are routine occurrences.

By employing the base form of the verb (the infinitive without the 'to'), the present simple tense is created. The verb must be conjugated in accordance with the sentence's topic if the present simple tense is to be used.

The habitual behavior or a recurring occurrence can also be expressed in the present simple tense. Additionally, a fact or universal truth can be expressed using the present simple tense.

To learn more about Present Simple tense link is here



amy arrived at the empty lot just before sundown, when the animal began to emerge from the forest to feed in the grassy field. the new development
would soon ruin the
value of amy's childhood stomping grounds, so she
wanted to enjoy it one last time before the construction crews arrived. amy looked
over the rows of beech trees and clusters of mountain laurel and thought of the many
lessons she had learned there as a child; for example, that poison ivy
should not be added to books of pressed leaves. the visit
childhood memories; she would miss having such a[n]
way to forget
about her many grown-up responsibilities.
amy with


Amy arrived at the empty lot just before sundown, when the crepuscular animals began to emerge from the forest to feed in the grassy field. The new development would soon ruin intrinsic the value of Amy's childhood stomping grounds, so she wanted to enjoy it one last time before the construction crews arrived.

Amy looked over the rows of beech trees and clusters of mountain laurel and thought of the many efficacious lessons she had learned there as a child; for example, that poison ivy should not be added to books of pressed leaves. The visit inundated Amy with childhood memories; she would miss having such a risible about her many grown-up responsibilities.

Let's first consider the definitions of the proposed words. Crepuscular refers to the twilight period. To estrange is to separate. To praise or laud someone is to say "kudos." Effective or useful is what efficacious means. Overwhelm implies to inundate.

As in internal or inherent, intrinsic. Ridiculous is a funny word. Second, what creatures come out of the forest before dusk to graze on the grass? Probably those that have to do with dusk. Crepuscular is the appropriate response. Amy wanted to take in her surroundings one final time because, as we all know, they will be destroyed later.

In other words, it will destroy the intrinsic worth of her haunts. Therefore, the answer is inherent. Amy recalled all the useful lessons she had picked up while growing up here. Effective is a synonym meaning practical or beneficial.

To learn more about development link is here



The complete question is:

From the list below, supply the words needed to complete the paragraph. Some words will not be used.








Amy arrived at the empty lot just before sundown, when the ______________ animals began to emerge from the forest to feed in the grassy field. The new development would soon ruin______________ the value of Amy's childhood stomping grounds, so she wanted to enjoy it one last time before the construction crews arrived. Amy looked over the rows of beech trees and clusters of mountain laurel and thought of the many ______________ lessons she had learned there as a child; for example, that poison ivy should not be added to books of pressed leaves. The visit ______________ Amy with childhood memories; she would miss having such a[n] ______________ about her many grown-up responsibilities.

What do you think is Chambers's most striking description of the desert sky?


In "The Open Boat," Stephen Crane's character, the correspondent, describes the desert sky in vivid detail. Chambers's most striking description of the desert sky is the portrayal of the vast, seemingly endless expanse of vibrant colors and the dazzling display of celestial bodies against the backdrop of an arid landscape. This vivid imagery captures the breathtaking beauty of the desert sky and highlights its contrast with the harsh, barren terrain below.

Chambers effectively conveys the magnitude of the desert sky by emphasizing its boundless nature and the overwhelming sense of awe it inspires. The use of terms such as "infinite" and "limitless" creates a feeling of being surrounded by an immense canvas painted with a myriad of colors, from deep blues and purples to fiery reds and oranges. The stars and other celestial bodies, described as "dazzling" and "radiant," further accentuate the majesty and allure of the desert sky.

The contrast between the vibrant sky and the desolate landscape below is another striking aspect of Chambers's description. The desert, characterized by its aridity, scarcity of life, and seemingly endless stretches of sand and rock, provides a stark contrast to the lively and awe-inspiring scene above. This juxtaposition serves to emphasize the sky's beauty and highlights the sheer power of nature.

In conclusion, Chambers's most striking description of the desert sky lies in the vivid portrayal of its boundless expanse, the brilliant display of colors and celestial bodies, and the striking contrast with the arid landscape below.

Know more about The Open Boat here:


The seniors are staging Julius Caesar, a play by William shakseper. Identify common nouns and proper nouns


Examples of common nouns in Julius Caesar include: play, stage, character, tragedy, and drama. Examples of proper nouns in Julius Caesar include: William Shakespeare, Julius Caesar, Brutus, Cassius, and Rome.

Proper nouns refer to specific people, places, or things. Julius Caesar is a tragedy play written by William Shakespeare, in which the Roman military leader, Julius Caesar, is assassinated by a group of conspirators, led by his friend Brutus and his former ally Cassius. The play is set in Rome, and tells the story of the power struggle that ensues following the death of Julius Caesar.

The play is staged by the seniors, who are taking on the roles of the characters in the play. The play contains both common nouns and proper nouns. Common nouns are used to refer to general categories or items, such as play, stage, character, tragedy, and drama. Proper nouns refer to specific people, places, or things, such as William Shakespeare, Julius Caesar, Brutus, Cassius, and Rome.

Know more about common nouns here



What does "the thing about a story is that you dream it as you tell it, hoping that others might then dream along with you, and in this way memory and imagination and language combine go make spirits in the head. there is the illusion of aliveness." mean?


The given quote means that when you tell a story, you're envisioning it in your mind and hoping that others will join you in that imagined experience. Memory, imagination, and language work together to create a vivid mental image, giving the story a sense of life and energy. This process allows the listeners to feel as if the story is truly alive in their minds.

This quote also suggests that storytelling is a powerful tool for creating a shared experience between the storyteller and their audience.

As the storyteller weaves their tale, they are also creating a world in their imagination, hoping to transport their listeners into that same world. Through this process, memory, imagination, and language come together to create a sense of life or spirit within the story.

The idea is that the story becomes more than just words on a page or sounds in the air; it becomes an alive entity that exists in the minds of both the storyteller and their audience.

To know something about the American dream, click below.



Identify the ironies found in "lady luncheon club," and discuss how the use of irony contributes to the overall impact and meaning of the poem


The poem "Lady Luncheon Club" by Maya Angelou is rife with irony, starting with the title itself. The term "lady" implies refinement, elegance, and sophistication, but the "luncheon club" suggests a mundane and routine gathering.

The first stanza continues this irony, as the speaker describes the "ladies" discussing trivial topics like "jelly jars and majolica." Another example of irony is the line "nobody mentioned lynching," which highlights the stark contrast between the ladies' privileged existence and the systemic racism and violence that African Americans faced during that time.

The use of irony in the poem contributes to its overall impact and meaning by exposing the disconnect between the superficial concerns of the "ladies" and the harsh realities of the world outside their bubble. It emphasizes the need for societal change and challenges the reader to recognize their own complicity in perpetuating social injustices.

The use of irony in "Lady Luncheon Club" underscores the speaker's critique of the hypocrisy and shallowness of the upper-class social scene, while also shedding light on the urgent need for social justice.

To know more about irony visit:



The farmer's market also provides the only source of fresh food available within walking distance.
Which supporting detail would best develop this topic?

A. Lettuce, tomatoes, and cucumbers are examples of produce that grow well in this climate.

B. Local resident Peter Huang notes, "I can walk to a convenience store, but there are only packaged foods for sale. "

C. Brick Garden Farms, a local food producer, falls under the city's Green Space Act, which limits the number of buildings and parking lots.

D. There are 184 grocery stores within the city limits of Amarillo. ​


The supporting detail that would best develop the topic of the farmer's market providing the only source of fresh food available within walking distance is: Local resident Peter Huang notes, "I can walk to a convenience store, but there are only packaged foods for sale." The correct option is B.

This statement directly addresses the issue of availability to fresh food within walking distance for residents in the area. It emphasizes the importance of the farmer's market as a convenient source of fresh produce, contrasting it with the limited options available at nearby convenience stores.

This supporting detail effectively highlights the unique role the farmer's market plays in providing access to fresh, healthy food for the local community. The correct option is B.

To know more about convenience store, refer here:



Complete question:

The farmer's market also provides the only source of fresh food available within walking distance.

Which supporting detail would best develop this topic?

A. Lettuce, tomatoes, and cucumbers are examples of produce that grow well in this climate.

B. Local resident Peter Huang notes, "I can walk to a convenience store, but there are only packaged foods for sale. "

C. Brick Garden Farms, a local food producer, falls under the city's Green Space Act, which limits the number of buildings and parking lots.

D. There are 184 grocery stores within the city limits of Amarillo. ​

Meow, Don't Bark
by Tirzah Tyler

Have you ever dreamed of owning a pet? Perhaps you have allowed yourself to be swayed by idyllic phrases and images such as "man's best friend" or "a boy and his dog." However, this is false advertising. Cats make much better pets than dogs do.
Owning a dog is much more work than owning a cat. Dogs typically require extensive exercise, but cats usually require very little exercise. As a result, dog owners must walk their dogs regularly. This can be hard to do each day if you have a busy lifestyle. Additionally, dogs require their owners to bathe and groom them regularly. People usually have to bathe and groom long-haired cats, but short-haired cats generally bathe and groom themselves. Because they are self-grooming, short-haired cats are usually clean animals and do not stink. Another example of how cats are low-maintenance pets is that they typically fare well if they are left alone for extended periods of time because they are independent. For instance, when a cat owner travels out of town for a few days, he or she can leave extra cat food and water, and the cat will be fine without the owner. Dogs, on the other hand, are fairly dependent on humans for survival. When a dog owner travels out of town, he or she must leave his or her dog in the care of another person. This often requires the use of a boarding or kennel service, which can be expensive. Because cats require less maintenance than dogs, they make better pets.
Granted, anyone who is shopping for a new pet should be allowed to make his or her own decision. However, I hope you can see that having a cat for a pet makes for a cleaner, easier living environment than having a dog.

Which of the following is the best-concluding sentence for the passage?
Would you really want to spend all that money on the dog groomer?
Although cats' minds are quite active, they often require stimulation.
Due to their survival instincts, cats usually live longer than dogs do.
As a pet owner, I urge you to consider owning a cat instead of a dog.


The sentence that best concludes the text is "As a pet owner, I urge you to consider owning a cat instead of a dog," as option D shows.

What does the text say about pets?The text says that cats require less maintenance than dogs.The text says that cats are more independent than dogs.The text shows that cats demand less from their owners than dogs.

In the text, the author shows the advantages of choosing a cat over a dog pets. This is because the author believes that cats are more practical and easy to care for and that a dog would demand a lot and therefore is not such a good option.

Learn more about pet care:



Bradley cut a square hole out of a block of wood in wood shop. If the block was cube-shaped with side lengths of 10 inches, and the hole had side lengths of 4 inches, how much wood was left after the hole was cut out?

Note: Figure is not drawn to scale.
1,000 cubic inches
920 cubic inches
840 cubic inches
936 cubic inches


If the block was cube shaped with side lengths of 10 inches, and the hole had side lengths of 4 inches, 936 cubic inches wood was left after the hole was cut out, hence option D is correct.

The volume of the cube shaped block is:

Volume V₁ = 10 inches × 10 inches × 10 inches = 1,000 cubic inches

The volume of the hole which is cut out:

Volume V₂ = 4 inches × 4 inches × 4 inches = 64 cubic inches

To calculate the amount of wood that was left after the hole was cut out, volume of the block – the volume of the hole

V₁ - V₂  = 1,000 cubic inches – 64 cubic inches = 936 cubic inches

So, 936 cubic inches of wood was left after the hole was cut out.

Learn more about cube, here:



l Why are Paul Sereno and his team interested in Gadoufaoua?


Paul Sereno and his team interested in Gadoufaoua  it is a rich source of dinosaur remains. This is form the text SuperCroc

What is the central idea of the text?

The central idea of this text is about Sereno and his team finding clues about SuperCroc.

The key concept, often known as the primary idea, is a concise synopsis of the whole tale. We usually describe the main concept in one line. The subject and message are distinct from the fundamental notion. It is the foundation of a story's storyline.

The essential theme of an article can be found by:

at the beginning of paragraphs. The opening phrase frequently explains the topic of the section.in the last phrases of a paragraph. The primary concept can be stated as a summary of the material in the paragraph and a link to the information in the following paragraph.

Learn more about central idea:


Portia calls mercy a gentle rain that droppeth from heaven. Discuss this statement in

light of the events of the play. Be sure to cite evidence from the text


In The Merchant of Venice, Portia refers to mercy as a “gentle rain that droppeth from heaven” when she pleads with Shylock to show mercy to Antonio. This statement reflects the theme of mercy that runs throughout the play.

Mercy is most clearly seen in the form of Portia’s plea to Shylock to spare Antonio. By using the metaphor of rain, Portia is suggesting that mercy should be given freely and without condition, just as rain falls from the heavens without prejudice or judgement. Later on in the play, Portia shows mercy to Shylock by giving him the option of converting to Christianity and sparing him from death.

She also offers him a generous sum of money and allows him to remain in Venice. In this way, Portia illustrates the importance of mercy and compassion, even in the face of adversity. The rain metaphor is a powerful reminder that mercy is a precious commodity that can have a profound and lasting impact on the lives of others.

know more about metaphor here



Considering the important events in this scene predict what you think will happen next julius caesar


In the scene you're referring to in Julius Caesar, some key events include Caesar's assassination, the conspirators justifying their actions, and Mark Antony's reaction to Caesar's death.

Based on these events, it's likely that the next sequence will involve Mark Antony using his eloquence to turn public opinion against the conspirators, leading to further conflict and political turmoil in Rome.

Following the assassination, Mark Antony, a close ally and supporter of Caesar, reacts to his death with grief and indignation. This emotional response sets the foundation for the next sequence, as Mark Antony emerges as a significant character who will shape the course of events.

His initial reaction hints at the potential for further conflict and raises questions about how he will respond to Caesar's demise.

Based on these events, it is indeed likely that the subsequent sequence will involve Mark Antony using his eloquence to address the public and manipulate public opinion against the conspirators.

Antony's powerful and persuasive oratory skills are well-known in the play, and his speech at Caesar's funeral becomes a turning point in the narrative.

By appealing to the emotions and sense of loyalty towards Caesar, Antony aims to sway the Roman citizens against the conspirators and incite them to seek justice for Caesar's murder.

To learn more about emotions, refer below:



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"Is the bigben in LonDon?".my brother said to me.
My brother asked...
My mother said "i will buy yoi a new coat tomorrow"
My mother...
"Do you know Halong bay ?" Nam asked Tuan
Nam asked...
My teacher asked me"can you speak english well"
My teacher.....



My brother asked, "Is the Big Ben in London?"

My mother said, "I will buy you a new coat tomorrow."

Nam asked Tuan, "Do you know Halong Bay?"

My teacher asked me, "Can you speak English well?"


10 points please help.
Part I: Which Pitch? Chart
Using the advertisements and pitches from the lesson, complete the chart.
*Note: Not all portions of the chart will be filled out. If the section does not apply, type “No” in that section of the chart.

FreshPhoneZ TechPhones 3000 Global Waves
Did the pitch use any allusions? If so, what were they? Include examples. What was the meaning?
Figurative Language
Did the pitch use figurative language? If so, which type? Include examples.

Logical Fallacies
Did the pitch use logical fallacies? Which fallacies were used?
Include examples.

Technical Language
Did the pitch use technical language? What was the effect?
Include examples.

Part 2: Which Pitch? Paragraph
Which Pitch?
Based on the information from the chart, which pitch was the most effective? Why?

Respond in a compare and contrast paragraph of at least seven sentences. Use examples from each pitch in your response.


Pne can use allusions in a pitch for FreshPhoneZ TechPhones 3000 Global Waves.

What is an allusion?

An allusion is a reference to something outside of the text, such as a historical event, a famous person, or a literary work. For example, you could allude to the popularity of the iPhone or the innovative features of the Samsung Galaxy to position FreshPhoneZ as a contender in the smartphone market.

You can also use figurative language in a pitch for FreshPhoneZ TechPhones 3000 Global Waves. Figurative language is language that uses words or expressions with a meaning that is different from the literal interpretation.

Learn more about allusion on



Highlight all examples nonmetals in this list of "elements":

Bluberic (BI)

Butterium (Bt)

Peasium (Pe)

Asparium (As)

Grapium (Gr)

Orangium (Or)

Celeriton (Ce)


Out of the given options Grapium (G) and Orangium (Or) are less likely to be nonmetals

Nonmetals are elements that are neither malleable or ductile and often have limited electrical conductivity. Since nonmetals frequently end in "-ine" or "-on" in the periodic table, it is possible to distinguish nonmetals based on the names given by their suffix "-ium". Asparium (As) is therefore probably a nonmetal because it has the suffix "-ium."

Additionally, since Grapium (G) and Orangium (Or) do not adhere to the typical naming conventions of nonmetals, they are less likely to be nonmetals. However, it is impossible to categorically label any of the other given substances as metals or nonmetals in the absence of additional information.

Read more about nonmetals on:



Can someone help me make a conclusion ???

My thesis was: Schools should provide more counseling for the sake of students mental health.


With counseling, students would be able to express their emotions in a positive way while having a safe adult and safe place to go.

Imagine you are leaving your home. Write a description of it, including the feelings you have about it



As I step out of my home, I look around and take in my surroundings. My home is a cozy apartment located in the heart of the city and surrounded by tall buildings and bustling streets. The exterior is a simple, cream-colored brick with a small balcony overlooking the street below.

I feel a sense of nostalgia as I leave my home since this apartment has been my sanctuary for many years. have made countless memories with loved ones and spent countless quiet evenings reading or reflecting. As I walk through the rooms for the last time, I take in the familiar sights and sounds. I notice the soft hum of the air conditioner, the gentle creak of the wooden floors, and the comforting smell of fresh laundry.

[Get instant answers, essays, and research papers through proffrank[at]gm ail.c om. I am sorry, but remember to delete this section before you submit the assignment. You deserve to score maximum points. I can help you do that].

Despite the sadness at leaving this place behind, I am excited and anticipate the new adventures that await me. As I close the door behind me and step out into the bright sunlight, I am ready to embrace whatever comes my way. I will always carry the memories and experiences of my beloved home with me.


Which of the following is a "DO" regarding scannable résumés?
a. It should have parentheses to separate numbers
b. It should have lots of graphic images
c. It should be written in a simple, standard font
d. It should have columns to separate sections

Please select the best answer from the choices provided



"It should be written in a simple, standard font" is a "DO" regarding scannable résumés. So the option c is correct.

Writing a résumé in a simple, standard font such as Times New Roman, Arial, or Calibri is a good practice to follow when creating a scannable résumé. This is because scanning software often has difficulty recognizing fonts that are more elaborate or decorative.

Additionally, choosing a standard font will ensure that your résumé is legible and looks professional. Using a consistent font size, style, and color throughout the document will also help to improve the scannability of your résumé. So the option c is correct.

To learn more about résumés link is here



Please help!!! I need this urgently I will mark you brainliest.​


History is important for understanding the context of current events, developing critical thinking skills, and fostering an appreciation for cultural diversity.

How to explain the information

Gender-based violence is any form of violence that is perpetrated against someone based on their gender identity or gender expression.

Climate change is a real and pressing issue that has significant impacts on the environment, economy, and society. The overwhelming majority of scientists agree that climate change is caused by human activity, particularly the burning of fossil fuels and deforestation, which release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere and cause global temperatures to rise.

Learn more about history on



Other Questions
Consider the economies of sporon and tralfamadore, both of which produce gaggles of gop using only tools and workers. suppose that, during the course of 30 years, the level of physical capital per worker rises by 5 tools per worker in each economy, but the size of each labor force remains the same. complete the following tables by entering productivity (in terms of output per worker) for each economy in 2016 and 2046. year sporon physical capital labor force output productivity (tools per worker) sporon physical capital labor force output productivityyear (tools per worker) (workers) (glops of gloop) (glops per worker)2016 11 30 1,800 _______2046 16 30 2,160 _______ Where was the german Invasion Rock pocket mice species in New Mexico exist as mostly tan in color and easilyblend in with the limestone rocks and sand that cover the landscape of this region.About a thousand years ago there was a volcanic eruption which created lava flowson the surface which cooled and turned into a darker black rock color. The rockpocket mice living on the black rocks needed an adaptation to survive against visualpredators like hawks and owls. Over multiple generations the population livingamongst the black lava flow were observed to change to a black-furred color. Whichstatement below explains how this might have occurred?Mice fur color only changes when exposed to environmental factors such as UVradiation and pollutants.Mice fur color cannot change, so they did not survive, rather a new speciesmigrated to this area.The change of fur color within the population over time happened as a result ofThe change of fur color within the population over time became black as a result of the lava flow and allowed the mice to survive Why is nonpoint source pollution difficult to control? (Site 2) 1. Two resistors R (12 ohm) and R (24 ohm) areconnected in series across a 6.0 V batteryof negligible internal resistance.Draw a circuit diagram (to the right) and calculate:The total resistance of the two resistors:The total current flowing in the circuit:The current flowing in RThe current flowing in R2The total power consumed by R and R11 PLEASE HELP !!! MAJOR GRADE!!!!Column A1. A set of two of more linear equations that contain 2 or more variables.2. When there is no answer to a system of equations or inequalities.3. There is only one value for the variable that makes the equation true.4. Terms with the same variables raised to the same exponent.5. Equation is solved for one variable and that solution is substituted into the second equation.6. A value that makes the equation true.7. Adding subtracting or multiplying a system of equations to help solve a system.8. A linear equation in one variable has infinitelymany solutions.9. A letter that represents one or more numbers.10.This is the number in front of the variables in a termColumn Ba. Eliminationb. Substitutionc. Solutiond. Infinitely Many Solutionse. No solutionsf. System of Equationsg. Variableh. Like Termsi. One solutionj. Coefficients Which expression is equivalent to 16 + 2 x 36?Answer choices: I have two similar triangles and can't find x. since I'm too lazy to download the app, the larger one has two sides of 6 and 12 and the smaller has two sides of x-3 and x+1. what is x?? step-by-steps to Solve a system of linear equations using matrices. How to write a letter of recommendation for an employee?. The original price of an item is $25, but after the discount, you only have to pay $18.50. What is the discount (as a percent) The bubba corp had earnings before taxes of 206,000 and sales of 2,060,000. If it is in the 53 tax bracket 3. What does limit as x goes to infinity of the quotient of f of x and g of x equals 5 show? (4 points)g(x) grows faster than f(x) as x goes to infinity. f(x) and g(x) grow at the same rate as x goes to infinity. f(x) grows faster than g(x) as x goes to infinity. L'Hpital's Rule must be used to determine the true limit value Martha is decorating a tree in her backyard with plastic eggs in preparation for easter. shehangs two eggs side by side so that their centers are 0.40 m apart. martha rubs the eggsto shine them up and in doing so, places a charge on each egg. the egg on the leftacquires a charge of 6.0 x 106 c while the egg on the right is charged with 4.0 x 10c.what is the electric field at a point 0.15 m to the right of the egg on the left? Suppose you are in charge of a bank, which is considering making a short-term loan to a private equity fund so that it can buy a company. This loan would involve you giving the private equity fund L dollars today. The fund would then need to repay (1 + r) x L dollars next year. If they choose not to deliver this payment, then you get the value of the company. The company is currently worth $92. 5m. Next year, the company will be worth either $100m (up state) or $80m (down state). The prevailing riskless rate is 2%. d) Suppose the private equity fund asks for a $82. 5m loan. What is the fair interest rate on this loan? (Answer in percent)e) Suppose the private equity fund asks for a $82. 5m loan. What is the total payment that the private equity fund needs to make to you next year (interest + principle) in order to avoid default? (Answer in millions of dollars)f) Suppose the private equity fund asks for a $82. 5m loan. How much money does the private equity fund save by defaulting on this loan in the down state next year? (Answer in millions of dollars)g) Suppose the private equity fund asks for a $82. 5m loan. What is the present value of the default option associated with this loan? (Answer in millions of dollars) What is the area of the figure? Which equations represent circles that have a diameter of 12 units and a center that lies on the y-axis? Select two options. x2 + (y 3)2 = 36 x2 + (y 5)2 = 6 (x 4) + y = 36 (x + 6) + y = 144 x2 + (y + 8)2 = 36 Which diagram correctly shows how the populations of Northern statesaffected the Union's ability to wage war?O A.OB.O C.O D.Immigrants lived mostlyin the Union statesUnion cities were morepopulatedNorthern states had alarger populationNorthern states wereless populatedIIIImmigrants made up alarge percentage of theUnion armyLarger cities were easier todefend, less likely to beattackedUnion leadership rarelyworried about laborshortagesThe Union had a smallerarmy than the Confederacy a) Calculate the scale factor from shape A to shape B.b) Find the value of t.Give each answer as an integer or as a fraction in its simplest form.A5 cm15 cm7cmB12 cm4cm t cm A, B and C form the vertices of a triangle.BC = 6.9cm and CBA = 137.Given that the area of the triangle is 12.6cm2, calculate the perimeter of the triangle rounded to 1 DP