what are 3 key details in the prologue in act 1 of romeo and juliet ?


Answer 1

The three key details in the prologue in Act 1 of Romeo and Juliet the prologue of Romeo and Juliet:

sets the scene in Verona, Italy; introduces the ill-fated relationship between Romeo and Juliet; and tells of the conflict between their families that led to their deaths.

The Prologue doesn't simply lay everything out of Romeo and Juliet, it tells the crowd precisely the exact things that will occur in the play.

The Introduction alludes to a doomed couple with its utilization of "star-crossed," and that implies, in a real sense, against the stars. Stars were remembered to control individuals' fates.

Learn more about Romeo and Juliet:



Related Questions

I need to write an essay on why I should be accepted into the National Honors Society at my high school, how should I begin?


Answer: Start with a short list of your accomplishments.

Explanation: State your work ethic, productivity, and goals. It gives a good look into you as a person to those who are reviewing your paper. Don't go off with "I deserve this because of __" instead go with "I think I will be a good fit for this position because of __" or if you want a more confident approach, you can replace with "I think" for "I know" Hope this helped!

Do you think that Helen was frustrated with her fate or had she accepted it calmly? Give reasons


Her failures in communicate frustrated her. It led to the outburst of passion, her spirit was broken and she would often break down in tears and physical exhaustion. Being unable to communicate, her outburst became more frequent. She started misbehaving with Maratha and on her purse.

Why does the author MOST LIKELY describe
liquid rising through a straw before discussing
mercury? HmH growth measure reading


The liquid raises through the straw before mercury this is because the gravity effects that moves upwards when the air moves in the opposite direction.

When the air trapped in between the two parallel walls it creates the imbalance in the gravity. When the air is taken through the straw the liquid that is trapped moves the opposite side of the gravity due to the surface tension. Where as when it comes to the mercury it is also liquid but it depends on the temperature of the room condition. So the mercury raises only when the room temperature is increased and moves up wards or down words.

When the air is blown due to the pressure the air moves towards the upward direction and the pressure inside the straw becomes lower when there will be less pressure down wards. The principle of straw when it comes to straw in the mercury is the pressure that is applied pushes the mercury to its direction and helps the mercury to move towards the opposite direction of the gravity. The external atmosphere also depends on the pressure or room temperature.

To know more about the liquid rising through a straw before mercury follow the link below:



speech on the topic i wish I were​


The speech has been written in the space below

A speech on the topic i wish I were​

Hey everyone,

I want to talk to you about something we've all felt at some point - "I wish I were". Maybe you've wished you were richer, more talented, or more successful. I know I have.

But here's the thing - we can't always be what we wish we were. Sometimes, we have to accept who we are and work with what we have. That doesn't mean we should give up on our dreams, but we shouldn't get too caught up in wishing for something we might never have.

Instead, let's focus on what we can do with what we've got. Let's make the most of our talents and opportunities, and find joy in the things we're good at. That's how we can live a fulfilling life, even if we don't have everything we want.

So, don't waste your time wishing you were someone else or had something else. Embrace who you are and make the most of it. That's the key to happiness and success.

Thanks for listening.

Read more on written speech here:https://brainly.com/question/26157848


Define the term "human rights violation" and state TWO factors that could contribute to acts of human rights violation in households.​



Human rights violations denote actions or omissions that infringe on the fundamental rights and freedoms inherent to all human beings. These violations include discrimination, torture, slavery, arbitrary detention, and other abuses of power by those in positions of authority.

Two factors that could contribute to acts of human rights violations in households are:

Power imbalances: Human rights violations in households are often perpetuated by individuals who hold positions of power, such as parents or guardians. This power dynamic can create an environment where abuse or neglect is more likely to occur, as the victim may not report the abuse or seek help due to fear of retribution or lack of resources.Lack of awareness or education: Many individuals who commit human rights violations in households may not fully understand the gravity of their actions or the consequences of their behavior. This lack of awareness or education can lead to a normalization of abusive or neglectful behavior. This situation can perpetuate cycles of violence and human rights violations. Additionally, victims may not understand their rights or have the knowledge or resources to seek help and protect themselves.


Two factors that could contribute to acts of human rights violations in households are power imbalances and a lack of awareness or education, as many individuals may not be aware of their human rights or the rights of others.

What are human rights violations?

Human rights violations refer to any actions or omissions that infringe on the fundamental rights and freedoms to which all individuals are entitled. These rights include civil, political, economic, social, and cultural rights. Human rights violations can take many forms, such as torture, discrimination, arbitrary detention, or deprivation of basic needs like food, shelter, and healthcare. Power imbalances can occur when one person or group has more power and control over another. Lack of education and awareness about human rights and what constitutes human rights violations can contribute to acts of human rights violations in households.

Hence, two factors that could contribute to acts of human rights violations in households are power imbalances and a lack of awareness or education, as many individuals may not be aware of their human rights or the rights of others.

Learn more about the human rights violations here.



The goddess of vengeance took revenge upon Narcissus by tricking him into falling in love with his own reflection?


No, the goddess of vengeance did not take revenge upon Narcissus by tricking him into falling in love with his own reflection.

Did the goddess of vengeance trick Narcissus?

In Greek mythology, Narcissus was a beautiful young man who was known for his vanity and self-love. The goddess of vengeance became angry with Narcissus and lured him to a pool where he saw his own reflection and fell in love with it.

However, it was not Nemesis who tricked Narcissus, but rather the goddess of the hunt, Artemis, who punished him for his cruelty towards others. She led him to the pool and made him see his own reflection which caused him to become obsessed with it and eventually waste away from unrequited love.

Read more about goddess of vengeance



What sort of desperation drove Chinese families to send their boys away like this? How did U.S. policy add to that desperation? What questions did these texts raise in your mind?



Chinese families have been sending their boys away to study abroad for many years, driven by a variety of factors. One of the main reasons is the intense competition for spots at top universities in China, which has led many families to seek out educational opportunities abroad. Additionally, many families see studying abroad as a way to improve their children's chances of success in the global economy. However, U.S. policy has also contributed to this desperation, particularly in the case of the Chinese Exclusion Act, which was passed in 1882 and restricted Chinese immigration to the United States. This policy created a sense of desperation among Chinese families, who saw education as a way to escape poverty and discrimination in their home country.

These texts raise several questions in my mind, such as: What impact does the separation of families have on the mental health and well-being of these children? How do these children adapt to life in a foreign country, and what challenges do they face? What impact does the Chinese government's crackdown on studying abroad have on families who see education as a way to improve their children's future prospects? Additionally, these texts raise questions about the role of education in society, and the ways in which access to education can be used to perpetuate inequality and social stratification. Overall, these texts highlight the complex social, economic, and political factors that drive families to send their children away to study abroad, and the challenges and opportunities that come with this decision.


Which word are you most likely to use for the last step of a procedure?







Answer: Finally

Explanation: a transition word that is almost always used to show the last step of a procedure :)

Using details from the story, describe what happened the second night that Mattie and Grandfather were home.
Fever 1793


On the second night that Mattie and her grandfather were home, they heard a noise outside, and upon investigation, they discovered that thieves had broken into their coffeehouse.

what happened on the second night  that Mattie and Grandfather were home. Brief?

The robbers had smashed the windows and were in the process of stealing various items when they were interrupted by Mattie and her grandfather.

One of the robbers, a boy named Silas, threatened Mattie and her grandfather with a knife and demanded that they give him money. However, Grandfather was able to disarm Silas and knock him unconscious with a frying pan. The other robbers fled the scene, and Mattie and her grandfather were left to tend to Silas, who had sustained a head injury.

Despite her initial fear and reluctance, Mattie agreed to help nurse Silas back to health. She cleaned and dressed his wound and stayed by his side, even as her mother and others in the community urged her to turn him over to the authorities. As Silas recovered, Mattie began to see him as more than just a criminal and developed a sense of compassion for him, recognizing that he was a victim of circumstance and poverty.

This event marks a turning point in the novel as it shows Mattie's growth and transformation from a sheltered girl to a more independent and compassionate person, capable of seeing beyond the surface and the prejudices of her society.

To know more about Mattie visit:



unless he worked hard, he will fail the exam. check grammar


If he doesn’t work hard enough, He will fail the Exam!

what is the main issue of drug abuse


The main issue related to drug abuse is its effect on people, families, and society.

What are the effects of drug abuse?

Drug abuse refers to the use of drugs in a way that causes physical, mental, or emotional harm to the user, and often leads to addiction. This can result in a range of negative consequences, such as:

Health problems: Drug abuse can cause a range of health problems, from minor issues like headaches and nausea to more serious issues like heart disease, liver damage, and mental health disorders.

Social problems: Drug abuse can lead to social problems, such as relationship issues, job loss, financial difficulties, and legal problems.

Addiction: Drug abuse can lead to addiction, which is a chronic and relapsing brain disease that can be difficult to treat.

Overdose: Drug abuse can also lead to overdose, which can be fatal.

Find more exercises related to drug abuse;



Write an article suitable for publication in a national newspaper on the need to promote local industries in your country.​


Promoting local industries is crucial for a country's economic growth and development. It creates employment opportunities, stimulates innovation, and helps to boost the economy.

Promoting Local Industries: A Crucial Step towards Economic Growth

In today's world, the concept of globalisation has made it easier for countries to import goods and services from abroad. However, it is important to remember that relying too much on imports can be detrimental to a country's economy. This is where the promotion of local industries comes into play.

Local industries can provide numerous benefits to a country. For one, they create employment opportunities for the local population, which in turn helps to reduce poverty and improve the standard of living.

Additionally, local industries promote innovation and technological advancement, which can lead to the development of new products and services.

Moreover, promoting local industries can help to boost a country's economy as a whole. When people buy locally produced goods and services, it keeps money within the country and can stimulate economic growth.

This, in turn, can lead to increased tax revenues for the government, which can be used to fund public services and infrastructure development.

It is, therefore, important for governments to create policies that support and promote local industries. This can be done through tax incentives, subsidies, and the provision of resources such as land and funding.

In addition, governments can also encourage citizens to support local industries by launching campaigns that promote the benefits of buying locally produced goods and services.

For more question on development visit:



"Group Leader" is an example of ____
A. a social role
B. a power role
C. a task role
D. a leadership role



D. a leadership role


correct answer:

A. "Group Leader" is an example of a social role.

Badgers have short legs for digging.
Badgers can run surprisingly fast.
They can run up to 30 kph.
They can only run so fast for a short period of time.


The true statements about badgers are:

Badgers have short legs for diggingThey can only run so fast for a short period of time.

What are some facts about badgers and their abilities?

The Badgers are well-known for their impressive digging skills which is  achieve through their strong and muscular forelimbs and short, powerful legs. But, they are not just proficient diggers as they can also run surprisingly fast when needed.

They can reach speeds of up to 30 kph but can only maintain this pace for short periods of time before tiring.

Despite their short bursts of speed, they  are generally not considered to be agile runners and rely more on their digging and climbing abilities to evade predators and hunt prey.

Read more about Badgers



Identify the the point of of view From which the story us told my children my africa​


The story "My Children! My Africa!" is told from a third-person point of view. The narrator is not a character in the story but rather an outside observer who can see and describe the thoughts, feelings, and actions of the characters. The story is not limited to the perspective of any one character, but rather provides insight into the perspectives of multiple characters, including Mr. M, Thami, and Isabel.

you recently went on a holiday trip the service and accomidation at your hotel were below the standards you expected write a letter to the travel agancy for a refund


Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to express my disappointment with the service and accommodations provided during my recent holiday trip booked through your agency. I had high expectations based on the brochure and descriptions of the hotel, but unfortunately, my experience fell short of those expectations.

Firstly, the hotel room was not clean upon arrival. The bathroom was particularly dirty, with stained tiles and hair in the sink. Furthermore, the room had a musty smell, which made it uncomfortable to spend time in. When I reported this issue to the hotel staff, they were slow to respond, and it took several hours for the room to be cleaned properly.

Secondly, the hotel's amenities were not as advertised. The gym was not in working condition, and the swimming pool was overcrowded with children, making it impossible to swim. The restaurant also did not have many vegetarian options, which was disappointing for me as a vegetarian.

Overall, I feel that the hotel did not meet the standards that were advertised, and I did not receive value for the money I paid for this holiday package. I would appreciate it if you could arrange a refund for me, which would help me offset some of the expenses I incurred during my stay.

I look forward to hearing back from you and hope that we can resolve this matter promptly.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


[Your Name]

what is the connection between claims, reasons, and evidence


Reasoning connects claims and evidence. Evidence backs up the arguments made and persuades audiences to accept statements. Different types of evidence exist, and they frequently differ from one academic discipline or argument topic to another.

Choose the word or words that best complete the sentence.

By the end of the year, Marguerite _____ more than 100 books.

is reading

will be reading

has read

will have read



D) will have read


easy to answer




Having completed a character analysis of the Wife of Bath and another of Chaucer's pilgrims, you will now use this information to develop your own narrative featuring these characters. You will be writing your narrative in the form of a script for a play or film. You may choose to place these characters in a new setting or context, but you will need to retain the fundamental truths about these characters that you have identified above. For instance, you may choose to transform the period of the stories told in The Canterbury Tales and place your stories in a modern setting. (How would the character traits you have identified manifest themselves in a contemporary context?) You could also retain the medieval setting of the original, but develop a new narrative in which you place these characters.

As Chaucer does in The Canterbury Tales, begin with a prologue in which a narrator establishes the context and introduces these two characters. The Wife of Bath and the other pilgrim that you have selected should then relate their own tales, told from a first-person perspective. Through the course of your story, be sure to establish at least three (3) of the character traits that you identified earlier for each of your two main characters.

As you write, consider how you can keep these characters consistent and recognizable while changing one or more of the story's basic elements. Your tales can be written either in verse form, similar to the version of Chaucer's poem that you have read, or in more straightforward prose.


Based on the given prompt, the text has been produced below:

The Text

Title: The Modern Canterbury Tales

Prologue: A group of modern-day pilgrims embark on a journey to Canterbury, each with their own stories to tell. Among them are the confident and opinionated Wife of Bath, and the reserved and pious Parson.

Act 1:

The Wife of Bath begins her tale, detailing her experience with love and marriage. Her strength and determination shine through as she navigates the complexities of relationships in the modern world.

Act 2:

The Parson follows with his own tale, speaking about the importance of faith and morality in a world that often seems devoid of both. His kindness and compassion are evident as he helps those in need, despite facing challenges and obstacles along the way.

Act 3:

As the journey continues, the two characters clash over their differing beliefs and values. Despite their differences, they learn to appreciate each other's perspectives and develop a newfound respect for one another.


The group reaches Canterbury, having learned valuable lessons from each other's stories. The Wife of Bath and the Parson part ways, each continuing on their own journey with a newfound sense of understanding and acceptance.

Read more about character analysis here:



2 Correct the mistakes in these sentences written by exam candidates. In some cases more than one answer is possible. 1 He started walking back to the shop where he left his bike the day before. People saw that Anita cried, but nobody could help her. The street party was something that we organised for weeks before the holidays. 4 I used to be a member of a swimming club for about ten years. 5 We were very surprised as we knew that the house was empty for nearly thirty years. 6 I listened, and it was clear that someone walked across the floor. 7 When you look back, people didn't used to worry about what they ate. 8 I wanted to go to Egypt because I used to decide that I wanted to be an archaeologist. 2 3​


He started walking back to the shop where he left his bike the day before. The correct sentence is, "He started walking back to the shop where he had left his bike the day before."

People saw that Anita was crying, but nobody could help her.

The street party was something that we had organized for weeks before the holidays.

I was a member of a swimming club for about ten years.

We were very surprised because we knew that the house had been empty for nearly thirty years.

I listened, and it was clear that someone had walked across the floor.

When you look back, people didn't use to worry about what they ate. (or "People didn't use to worry about what they ate.")

I wanted to go to Egypt because I had decided that I wanted to be an archaeologist.

Learn more about sentence, here:



How do details in this paragraph help develop the claim or position stated in the title?
No matter how much money or how many award films like "Black Panther" and "A wrinkle in Time" amass, our research strongley suggests another reason they're important: Children need a diverse universe of media images. And for the most part, they havent had one.



The details in this paragraph support the claim or position stated in the title that children need a diverse universe of media images. The author cites examples of successful and award-winning films like "Black Panther" and "A Wrinkle in Time" to emphasize that even with their critical acclaim and financial success, these films' importance lies in the representation of diverse characters and cultures on screen. The phrase "for the most part, they haven't had one" indicates that the lack of diversity in media has been a persistent issue, making it necessary to highlight the importance of films that provide representation for children. Overall, the details in the paragraph serve to strengthen the argument that media representation is crucial for children's development and well-being.

Drag each label to the correct location on the image
Drag each type of figurative language to the correct part of the poem.
I'm Nobody! Who are you?
Are you-Nobody-too?
Then there's a pair of us!
Don't telll they'd advertise-you know!
How dreary-to be-Somebody!
How public-like a frog-
To tell one's name the livelong June-
To an admiring Bog!


The correct figurative language for eacvh of the sentences have been provided below

The figurative languages

Metaphor: "How public-like a frog"

This line uses a metaphor to compare telling one's name to an admiring bog to a frog being loud and public.

Hyperbole: "How dreary-to be-Somebody!"

This line uses hyperbole to exaggerate how terrible it would be to be somebody and have constant attention.

Repetition: "Are you-Nobody-too?"

The repetition of "nobody" emphasizes the theme of not wanting to be in the public eye and the idea of being an outsider.

Irony: "Don't telll they'd advertise-you know!"

This line uses irony to suggest that it is better to keep quiet and not draw attention to oneself, even though the poem itself is drawing attention to the speaker's desire for anonymity.

Read more on figurative language here:https://brainly.com/question/809737


Identify the problem with using this sentence in a research paper.

Skill areas are made up of sequences or hierarchies of skills, the fundamental ones of which are necessarily learned at the earliest stages of development.


Answer: slang

Explanation: when conducting a paper that is factual you dont want to use words or phases that could ahv emultiple meanings.

what’s the event occurring in ojibwe woman makes history as North Dakota poet laureate


aye bro i don’t know what to tell you , use socratic or something

A student is planning to write a personal narrative about his first trip to the ocean.
Which detail is most important for the student to include in his introduction?
OA. the setting
O C.
O D. dialogue
a conflict


The setting is the most is important to include in his introduction

29.) A notary may take a family member's deposition
A) True
B) False


A notary may take a family member's deposition- B) False.

In Ohio, can a notary take a family member's deposition?

However, Ohio Revised Code section 147.141 indicates a notary public may not do a notarial act if the notary has a conflict of interest with respect to the transaction. Although Ohio law does not directly forbid a notary public from notarizing for a spouse or family member, it does state that they may not do so.

In Colorado, may you notarize for a relative?

Every family member's signature must be notarized. Could I serve as their notary public? No. No matter how little, a notary public must refuse to notarize a document if they are a party to it or have a financial (or other beneficial) interest in it directly or indirectly.

To know more about notary visit:



3. Correct the grammatical mistakes in the following sentences: a. Our power went out. During a thunderstorm. I lost the paper I was writing on the computer. b. To get back my term paper. I went to see my English instructor from last semester. I also wanted some career advice. c. Trees can survive on a steep mountain slope if they obey two rules. They must grow low to the ground. And bend with the wind. d. Bacteria are incredibly tiny a drop of liquid may contain fifty million of them. e. The trivia book listed some interesting facts about Babe Ruth. For instance, he spoke German fluently. Also, kept cool on hot days by putting wet cabbage leaves under his cap. f. I began to shake on the examining table the nurse reached out and held my hand. g. I had a campus map, I still could not find my classroom building. h. Some workers dug up the street near our house. Causing frequent vibrations inside. By evening, all the pictures on our walls were crooked. ​


3. Correct the grammatical mistakes in the following sentences: a. Our power went out. During a thunderstorm. I lost the paper I was writing on the computer. b. To get back my term paper. I went to see my English instructor from last semester. I also wanted some career advice. c. Trees can survive on a steep mountain slope if they obey two rules. They must grow low to the ground. And bend with the wind. d. Bacteria are incredibly tiny a drop of liquid may contain fifty million of them. e. The trivia book listed some interesting facts about Babe Ruth. For instance, he spoke German fluently. Also, kept cool on hot days by putting wet cabbage leaves under his cap. f. I began to shake on the examining table the nurse reached out and held my hand. g. I had a campus map, I still could not find my classroom building. h. Some workers dug up the street near our house. Causing frequent vibrations inside. By evening, all the pictures on our walls were crooked.

what is the cause and effect of plagiarism, write brief summary


Plagiarism is the act of using someone else's work or ideas without giving them proper credit. The cause of plagiarism can vary, but often it is due to a lack of understanding about proper citation or the pressure to produce original work.

The consequences of plagiarism can be devastating for both the perpetrator and those affected. Students who steal can face consequences such as failing grades, suspension, or expulsion from their academic institution. Employees involved in plagiarism can face reputational damage due to no original work, loss of employment, and lawsuits. In addition, plagiarism can harm the original author’s reputation and violate their intellectual property rights.

Learn more about plagiarism here.



Which choice best focuses the topic of the essay?
even leading to the American Revolution
eventually resulting in the Declaration of Independence the rejection of the English and French monarchies


Even leading to the American Revolution choice best focuses the topic of the essay.

What is essay easy?

A concise piece of writing that reflects the author's point of view or narrative is commonly known as an essay. It is frequently referred to as a "article," "story," or "paper." Essays might be formal or informal. Writing essays for formal reasons typically involves serious subjects and has an academic appearance.

What does an essay introduction mean?

Your paper's introduction is the first paragraph. Your introduction should inform the reader about the paper's topic and the arguments you want to make on it. The aim of your work is made clear to the reader by the thesis statement, which is part of the introduction.

To know more about essay visit:




The basic elements of a business document include the following

Group of answer choices

An introduction section in which you STATE YOUR PURPOSE for writing the document.

An introduction including a hook and thesis statement (which can be stated or implied)

A conclusion section that provides a CALL TO ACTION (This tells the reader what you want them to do with the information you have given them).

A conclusion section that summarizes the composition, restates the thesis, and provides a "so-what?" factor

A body section which provides facts and evident, further explaining the subject of the document). 1+ paragraphs

A body section (should be at least three paragraphs, which supports, explains, illustrates the thesis statement.


The basic elements of a business document include:

- An introduction section in which you state your purpose for writing the document.

- A body section, which provides facts and evidence and further explains the subject of the document. This should be at least three paragraphs that support, explain, and illustrate the thesis statement.

- A conclusion section that summarizes the composition, restates the thesis, and provides a "so-what?" factor. This can also include a call to action, which tells the reader what you want them to do with the information you have given them.

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Kennedy delivered his "we choose to Go to the Moon" speech to a crowd of thousands at Rice University stadium in Houston, texas. the country was unsure about the time and cost of sending a man to the moon, and President Kennedy's speech addressed their uncertainty. identify the speaker, purpose, and audience identify and cite examples of at least one rhetorical appealidentify and cite examples of at least two rhetorical devices that support the appealexplain how the rhetorical appeal connects to and achieves the purposeuse proper spelling, grammar, and punction what is y= -2/9x +2 in standard form? Describe how you might use a titration to figure out the concentration of potassium hydroxide in a water sample. Be as descriptive as possible. Discuss the concepts and what the laboratory setup/investigation will look like Daniel just graduated college and found a job that pays him $42,000 a year, and the company will give him a pay increase of 6. 5% every year. How much will Daniel earn in 4 years? The formula for Mr. McGordy's chocolate milk is 2 ounces of chocolate syrup to 4 cups of milk. How many ounces of chocolate are needed to make a gallon of chocolate milk?(1 gallon = 16 cups) In QA, if m/DBG= 32 and mGFE = 149, find mDG.A. mDG = 62B. mDG=85C. mDG = 107D. mDG = 117EMark this and return Summary writing directions: read the three passages and1. create a title for each passage related to the main idea.2. accurately summarize the text.3. your summary must describe all key ideas from the text.4. do not include opinions or personal info in your summary.5. highlight or underline key ideas in each passage over here.passage 1:how do you say "holy cow" in french? the fastest thing in france may just be the fastestground transportation in the world. the tgv (train grande vitesse: french for very highspeed) is frances national high-speed rail service. on april 3 rd , 2007, a tgv test train set arecord for the fastest wheeled train, reaching 357.2 miles per hour. in mid 2011, tgv trainsoperated at the highest speed in passenger train service in the world, regularly reaching 200miles per hour. but what you may find most shocking is that tgv trains run on electric powernot petrol. now if youll excuse me; i have a record to catch.passage 2:giddy-up, cowboys and girls! in the southwest during the early half of the 1800s, cows wereonly worth 2 or 3 dollars apiece. they roamed wild, grazed off of the open range, and wereabundant. midway through the century though, railroads were built and the nation wasconnected. people in the southwest could suddenly ship cows in freight trains to the northeast.the yankees there had a growing taste for beef and were willing to pay for it. out of the blue,the same cows that were once worth a couple of bucks were now worth between twenty andforty dollars each. the only problem was that they had to get these cows to the train station. anew profession emerged from this. it became pretty lucrative to wrangle up a drove of cattle andherd them to the nearest train town. of course it was dangerous too. cowboys were threatenedat every turn. they faced cattle rustlers, stampedes and extreme weather. but they keptpushing those steers to the train station. by the turn of the century, barbed wire killed the openrange. some may say the cowboy, too, was killed by barbed wire. maybe, but it was the trainthat birthed them.passage 3:electric trolley cars or trams were once the chief mode of public transportation in the unitedstates. though they required tracks and electric cables to run, these trolley cars were clean andcomfortable. in 1922, auto manufacturer general motors created a special unit to replaceelectric trolleys with cars, trucks, and buses. over the next decade, they lobbied for laws andregulations that made operating trams more difficult and less profitable. in 1936 general motorscreated several front companies to purchase and dismantle the trolley car system. theyreceived big investments from firestone tire, standard oil of california, phillips petroleum, andothers in the automotive industry. some people suspect that these parties wanted to replacetrolley cars with buses to make public transportation less desirable. this would then increaseautomobile sales. the decline of the tram system in north america could be blamed on manythingslabor strikes, the great depression, regulations that were unfavorable to operators. yet,perhaps the primary cause was having a group of powerful men from rival sectors of the autoindustry working together to ensure its destruction. fill it up, please. Solve x by using square roots. 12-(x-2)^2=3