Use the following map showing the spread of the Black Death in the mid-1300s to answer the following question: A map image shows the spread of the Black Death in the mid 1300s. The map image shows the continents of Africa, Europe, and Asia. The map shows areas of plague outbreaks. There were outbreaks in China in 1333, along the Mediterranean Coast in 1347 and 1348, in Western Europe in 1348 and 1349, and Muscovy in 1351. The map shows that the disease was carried along trade routes connecting Asian and European countries. Considering the information in this map, why might the Black Death have affected the areas of Britain, Italy, and Palestine earlier than other areas in Europe? (1 point) Question 4 options: 1) These locations were geographically closer to Africa, where the Black Death was incubating. 2) These locations were places with large ports where infected sailors were mixing with others. 3) These locations had direct contact with explorers returning from the Americas. 4) The climate in these warm locations made the disease more likely to spread quickly.


Answer 1




Answer 2




These locations were places with large ports where infected sailors were mixing with others.

Related Questions

yay whats 5 x 5 pls help me just for fun




Explanation: slurpy wurpy hehe

Answer:Are you joking???? Either way its 25


hope ur joking

Which of the following European countries did not heavily influence Southern African history?




Great Britain


Spain did not have a heavy influence in S African hist

which despite occurred during the constitutional convention?



The Constitutional Convention was held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, from May 14 to September 17, 1787. The aim of the meeting was to determine how America would be ruled. Despite the fact that the Convention was formally convened to amend the original Articles of Confederation, many delegates had much grander ambitions.


Hope this helps!

Please mark me as Brainlineast.

The process of deforestation affects the different biogeochemical cycles on earth. Give three examples of how deforestation will affect the various cycles.



The loss of trees and other vegetation can cause climate change, desertification, soil erosion, fewer crops, flooding, increased greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, and a host of problems for indigenous people.


hope it helps..


I'd give them brainly. It was correct ^^


describe a cold front and the weather that typically occurs at this type of front?



Cold fronts normally occur when a huge mass of cold and chilly air meets a mass of warm air, and the chilly air starts advancing on the warm air.  It can also bring rain, thunderstorms or gusty winds.


Which of the following would be most likely to tell an adolescent how to end an abusive relationship?

a. an internet quiz

b. a 25-year-old sibling

c. a same-age peer

d. a current events textbook





What are different explanations for the origins of the First World War, and which one
is most compelling?



The First World War lasted more than four years and killed between 15 and 19 million people around the planet. Each death was a human being, whether a soldier in the fight or a civilian caught up in the chaos of this violent global conflict. The war also devastated the global economy and contributed to massive disease outbreaks that killed millions more people. So it is well worth asking: why did this war happen?

Historians have generally taken three approaches to explaining the causes of the First World War. The first is specific, neatly pointing to a single event—the assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo on June 28, 1914. The second looks for the deeper, underlying causes of the conflict by closely studying global trends that had been building over many years. The third suggests that the world just sort of fell into war, almost by mistake, through mismanagement of the crisis caused by Archduke Ferdinand's assassination. Let's look at each of these theories in turn, and ask whether the causes of this deadly worldwide conflict were simple, complicated, or accidental.

One shot: the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

You probably have already learned a bit about the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of the Austro- Hungarian Empire. But its importance may not be obvious. This empire, after all, is gone. It was one of the victims of the First World War, defeated and torn apart by the end of the conflict. But in 1914, the Habsburg family had ruled this empire for almost four centuries. It was a huge, multi-ethnic empire located in the middle of Europe. Franz Ferdinand's uncle, the emperor, ruled over its many ethnic communities with difficulty. First of all, nationalism was pushing many of them to pursue independence. It didn't help that Russia and the Habsburg's other rivals were cheering them on in both subtle and not-so-subtle ways. The Serbs, one of those ethnic groups, had their own country of Serbia having achieved independence from the Ottoman Empire. But many Serbs still lived in the Habsburg province of Bosnia. Serbian nationalists, both in Serbia and Bosnia, plotted throughout the early twentieth century to get the Habsburgs out of Bosnia. Russia was generally supportive of these plots. The successful plot to assassinate Franz Ferdinand on 28 June 1914 was part of a bigger plan. The plotters hoped that by killing Franz Ferdinand, they would provoke the Austro-Hungarian Empire to declare war on Serbia. That is when their supportive friend Russia, they hoped, would leap to the defense of Serbia, defeat the Habsburg armies, and help the Bosnian Serbs win their independence.

To some degree, the plotters got their wish. Within two days of the assassination, the Austro-Hungarian Empire had put a list of demands before the Serbians. Known as the July Ultimatum, these unreasonable requirements would have violated Serbian national sovereignty^1  


start superscript, 1, end superscript. Serbia said thanks but no thanks, then turned to Russia for support. The Russians agreed to defend Serbia if it were invaded. Diplomatic relations between Serbia and the empire were broken off, and within a month, much of the world was at war.

Deeper trends: help me help you help me

The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand was the immediate cause of a war between two great powers—Russia and the Habsburg Austro-Hungarian Empire. But why and how did this conflict become a world war? Some historians argue that the answer to this question lies in deeper trends—and the good news is we have already introduced many of those trends in this course.

Let's start with the alliance system. These were "communities" of nations, if you will, that all pledged to support each other. After the devastation of the Napoleonic wars in the early nineteenth century, the large European powers wanted to avoid the devastation of big wars on the European continent. The result was a system of alliances that was supposed to keep a balance of power in Europe. It pitted two great alliances against each other. One was the Triple Entente, led by Russia and France, with Great Britain joining several years before the war. The other was the Triple Alliance, which included Austro-Hungary, Germany and Italy, and later the Ottoman Empire, eventually becoming known as the Central Powers. These opposing alliances pretty much guaranteed that if Russia and Austro-Hungary went to war, they could drag in their allies, making the conflict much larger than the two enemies that started it.

Explanation: mark as brainliest

Early South American civilizations shared some important cultural practices. They practiced their religions in a similar way, and they used some of the same artistic methods. Early South American civilizations also had a lot in common with the civilizations that first developed in other parts of the world. Select two regions from the map and compare the early civilizations in those regions to early civilizations in South America. Then explain why you think civilizations that never had contact with one another had so much in common. Your answer should be two paragraphs long



India Built large cities as did early South American civilizations. Both regions also learned how to use the water around them to irrigate farms.  India and SOuth AMerica both had their own writing systems.  Egypt was a region that had their own type of writing called hieroglyphics. All three regions had come up with their own way to communicate within their communities.

The regions may of never had contact with each other but they had things in common.  All civilizations needed shelter, a way to communicate and food.  For this reason they were all alike in some ways.  

Explanation:  I think this is right

What determines if a town uses open town meetings or representative town meetings?
the mayor's preference
the town's charter
the town's population
the state's constitution



The towns population :)


(fewer than 6,000 inhabitants must have an open town meeting)

Imagine you attend a Carnival. Describe in at least a paragraph (5 sentences) what you would see, hear, and experience there. Be detailed in your answer!
10 points



I am in a really loud carnival. I see children throwing balls at stacked cups and others with a clown. I hear the laughing of children and the music of the carnival. I started walking down the street and I played the bean bag toss. I also went to shoot some hoops at the basketball carnival game.


Qué tipo de cooperativa es la que da las posibilidades de ahorrar y de producir bienes para sus miembros


La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

A pesar de que no anexas opciones o incisos para responder a la pregunta, podemos comentar lo siguiente.

El tipo de cooperativa que da las posibilidades de ahorrar y de producir bienes para sus miembros el la cooperativa de ahorro y crédito.

Dependiendo del país en el que estés (tú no especificas a qué país en particular te refieres) reciben diferentes nombres. Pero el nombre genérico es una cooperativa de ahorro y crédito para las trabajadores.

Por medio de este tipo de cooperativas, los trabajadores se agrupan o se asocian para administrar la fábrica o la empresa, poniendo especial énfasis en el cuidado y la sana administración de los recurso en beneficio del trabajador.

El trabajador tiene la posibilidad de ahorrar y generar un interés que le pueda beneficiar a largo mediano plazo. De igual manera, el trabajador tiene acceso a créditos accesibles a plazos considerables que pueda cubrir con relativa facilidad.

How can you make earth a batter place?



by killing people.



by not littering


people are dum.

Why would Native Americans be upset by the decrease in population of buffaloes in 1889?



Native Americans tamed some of the buffalo, which made hunting easier. The Native Americans moved with the herds so they can have a good supply of food. ... The rest of the buffalo was used for clothing, shelter and weapons. Native American knew that their survival depended on the buffalo.

Which of the following is used during plant reproduction?









Sexual reproduction requires genetic material (DNA) from two parents. The parent plants have male and female sex cells, called gametes. ... Flowering plants reproduce sexually through a process called pollination. The flowers contain male sex organs called stamens and female sex organs called pistils.

The answer is pollen. I did this question and got it right.

List the goals and outcomes of the KKK.


Keeping up w the Kardashian’s

How is a savings account different from a certificate of deposit account?

A. The owner of a savings account cannot write checks on that account, while one can write checks to access the money in a certificate of deposit account.

B. A savings account will not accrue interest, while a certificate of deposit account will.

C. A savings account can only be opened at a commercial bank, while a certificate of deposit account can only be opened at a savings and loan.

D. One can withdraw money from a savings account at any time, while early withdrawals from a certificate of deposit are limited.



The answer is D


I just took the quiz. Hope you have a good day!!!!!

A savings account is a deposit account with a bank or other economic institution that pays interest.

How does a certificate of deposit work?

When a depositor purchases a certificate of deposit, they agree to leave a certain amount of money at the bank for a specified period of time, such as a year. In exchange, the bank promises to pay them a fixed interest rate and to repay their principal at the end of the term.

Thus, Option D is correct.

For more information about the certificate of deposit refer to the link:

which of these is true about the big bang model?


Answer wait what-


Some sites say the other and some sites say that one. Is Prometheus the god of forethought or fire? Please explain.






god of ire?


ASAP which of the following events did Woody Guthrie end Stein John Steinbeck
A.the inauguration of FDR in 1933
B.the 2nd WW
C. the dust bowl
D. the great depression
E. Hoovervilles ​


Answer: I think D


Answer:C The Dust Bowl


What is the difference between "highest injury claim rates" and "highest
injury claims"? Which one do you think is more important? Explain.​


Injury claims are the total sum of claims submitted. Claim rates are specific types of claims submitted from all the claims. They’re both important. It all depends on what information is being reported

If u where 1 animal in the world what would it be and why?



I would be a peregrine falcon.


Peregrine falcons are admired for their speed, and it would be so cool to fly so high!

Using the Underground Railroad slaves were not truly free until they
reached *


The north? I’m sorry but are u stupi.d????? We learned that in like 3rd grade


Until they reach the northern states


Technically even in the northern states, they were still kidnapped and moved to the south, so Canada is what most slaves wanted, but they were truly free when they reached a northern state.

What did martin kutherKing once say



King told a speech on a note of hope and faith, not just for justice but also for achieving it in a way that was nonviolent and intersectional.

Answer:   "Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that." "I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality. This is why right, temporarily defeated, is stronger than evil triumphant."

A person can not be slave to ignorance. Is it True or False​


the answer is probably false and if i’m wrong i’m so sorry




i think this is wrong

Which excerpt from President Lincoln's Gettysburg Address best reflects the
Union goal of keeping the South in the union?
O A. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting
place for those who here gave their lives that ſour] nation might
B. Government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not
perish from the earth.
C. Fourscore and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this
continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty.
D. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished
work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly



The answer is A. Here is proof


Population management and quality of life are interrelated. Explain.​



There is an interrelationship between population and quality of life. There is an adverse effect on the quality of life if the population growth rate is high. The available means and resources become scarce. The second factors that affect the quality of life are social systems, political system and cultural values.


drug abuse is a serious social problems ? how​


drug abuse could be a social problem because some normalize drug use and affects individuals and their families.

How many states there are in the USA





there are 50 states in the United States of America


50 states






























New Hampshire

New Jersey

New Mexico

New York

North Carolina

North Dakota





Rhode Island

South Carolina

South Dakota







West Virginia



What makes Dubai different from other desert cities?

1) It's very hot.

2) It's near water.

3) It's full of sand.

4) It's dry.


I think it’s 3 try it

3 reasons why human trafficking is bad (written in paragraphs)


Answer: human trafficking is bad in many ways. One of the reasons human trafficking is bad because the person there trafficking can be sexual harrssed into doing things they dont want to do or even worsted murdered i say this because human trafficking is Human trafficking is the trade of humans for the purpose of forced labour, sexual slavery, or commercial sexual exploitation for the trafficker or others knowing this i know the person that is being trafficked has no say . Another reason that Human trafficking is bad is because of the trauma i say trauma because the person trafficked has no choice in what the person does to them they could of sold the person many times and has been sexually harassed many times or even have got pregnant without there permission knowing that anyone of any age can be human trafficked. MY last and final reason why human trafficking is bad is that the person being human trafficked can catch a  disease like aid/hiv and that is not fair to the victim because they didnt ask to be put in this situation and the victim wont be able to live normally anymore. These are 3 reasons why human trafficking is bad

The person above is correct
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