use a graphic organizer below to list the political and social challenges roosevelt faced in his first term


Answer 1

The graphic organizer listing the political and social challenges Roosevelt faced in his first term: Political Challenges| Social Challenges|

1. Trusts and Monopolies|1. Discrimination Against African Americans|2. Conservatism of the Supreme Court|2. Poor Working Conditions and Wages|3. Regulation of Railroads and Corporations|3. Child Labor|4. Conservation of Natural Resources|4. Slum Housing and Sanitation ProblemsIn his first term, President Roosevelt faced a wide range of political and social challenges. The political challenges included trusts and monopolies, the conservatism of the Supreme Court, and the regulation of railroads and corporations. The social challenges included discrimination against African Americans, poor working conditions and wages, child labor, and slum housing and sanitation problems.To organize this information, a graphic organizer was used. The graphic organizer is divided into two columns, one for political challenges and one for social challenges. Under each column, the specific challenges that Roosevelt faced are listed. This graphic organizer makes it easy to see at a glance the variety of challenges that Roosevelt faced during his first term.

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Related Questions

2. Now explain why in your opinion, this one thing/event is the most important
thing that you learned about throughout the unit. Think about how that
thing/event impacts your life and the lives of others now. You could also also
think about how the thing/event relates to how Canada relates to other countries
and/or people who live in other country?
At least in THREE ways, clearly explain and justify why Economic Growth And
Working Life /events are the most important thing.


I believe economic growth and working life have a significant impact on our lives and society.

What is the Economic Growth

The reasons why economic growth and working life are crucial: Standard of Living. A strong economy creates job, wage, education, healthcare, and living benefits.

Economic growth boosts consumer spending, creates tech advancements and better infrastructure. Higher quality of life and prosperity for Canadians.

Learn more about Economic Growth   from


Which type of location is being described when Georgia is lying north of Florida?

A) Relative location
B) Absolute location
C) Latitudinal location
D) Longitudinal location


The correct answer is option A. The type of location being described when Georgia is lying north of Florida is relative location. A relative location is described in relation to another location. It's a direction or a location based on landmarks, regions, or cardinal directions.

Georgia is lying to the north of Florida, so the location of Georgia is being described relative to the location of Florida. Relative location is used to describe a location in relation to another location. This description can include cardinal directions, regions, or landmarks. In the case of Georgia lying to the north of Florida, the location of Georgia is being described relative to the location of Florida.

Georgia and Florida are both states in the United States. When someone says that Georgia is lying north of Florida, they are describing the relative location of Georgia to Florida.

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your by-laws provide for what trade classifications? (include the article and section where the answer is found.)


By-laws are a set of rules or regulations established by an organization, corporation, or association to govern its internal affairs.

By-laws outline how the organization will be governed and how the officers and directors will be elected, the duties of officers and directors, the procedures for holding meetings, and other rules for conducting business. Trade classifications are the grouping of different trades according to their common characteristics, including the nature of their work, the skills required, and the tools used. Tradespeople may be classified as journeymen, apprentices, or masters, depending on their level of training, experience, and expertise.In conclusion, I am sorry that I couldn't give you the exact answer that you wanted. However, I hope the information I have provided has been helpful.

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From which south or central american native tribe did the legend of "el dorado" derive?



The legend of El Dorado is associated with the Muisca people, an indigenous group from the central highlands of present-day Colombia, in South America. El Dorado refers to a mythical city or kingdom that was said to be rich in gold and other precious treasures. According to the legend, the Muisca ritualistically covered their leader or "zipa" in gold dust and treasures before he bathed in a sacred lake as part of a ceremonial offering. This legend of a golden city and its rituals surrounding the zipa gave rise to the myth of El Dorado, which fascinated European explorers and adventurers during the colonial era.


El Dorado is a mythical city in South America that is believed to be filled with gold. The legend of El Dorado originated from the indigenous people of the Muisca tribe in what is now Colombia. It originated in the 16th century around the time of the Spanish conquest.

In the 1920s, what did businesses and industries do that caused the economy to slow down?

(i) They overproduced goods.

(ii) They hired more workers.

(iii) They stopped buying stocks.

(iv) They bought stocks on margin.


Answer: They bought way too much stock. This caused the major market crash which then led to the Great Depression.

The correct answer is: (i) They overproduced goods. During the 1920s, businesses and industries in the United States experienced a period of rapid growth and expansion known as the "Roaring Twenties."

However, this growth was accompanied by some unsustainable practices. One of the factors that caused the economy to slow down was overproduction. Businesses were producing goods at a faster rate than consumer demand, resulting in a surplus of products. This oversupply led to declining prices, inventory buildup, and eventually, a decrease in production and employment. Overproduction was one of the key factors that contributed to the onset of the Great Depression in the 1930s. The other options listed (ii) hiring more workers, (iii) stopping buying stocks, and (iv) buying stocks on margin do not directly relate to the economic slowdown of the 1920s.

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two prominent brothers, ____, worked to bring reforms to the early republic.


The two prominent brothers who worked to bring reforms to the early republic were Gaius Gracchus and Tiberius Gracchus. This is a long answer which contains the necessary details and explanation. The early republic in Ancient Rome was the era that followed the Roman Kingdom.

It began in 509 BCE after the overthrow of the Roman monarchy and ended in 27 BCE with the creation of the Roman Empire. This was the time when the Romans established their government structure, which was a combination of the aristocracy, the wealthy and the common people.  Gaius Gracchus and Tiberius Gracchus were the two prominent brothers who worked to bring reforms to the early republic. They were both politicians who were born into a wealthy and influential family. They belonged to the populist party, which aimed to address the needs of the common people in Rome and reduce the power of the aristocracy. Gaius and Tiberius had different approaches to their reforms, but they shared a common goal. Here are some of their contributions: Tiberius Gracchus: In 133 BCE, Tiberius was elected as a tribune of the plebs, which gave him the power to propose laws in the Senate. He introduced a land reform bill that would limit the amount of land that one person could own. This would increase the availability of land for the poor, who were previously excluded from owning land. Tiberius proposed that the excess land be distributed to the landless citizens of Rome. This was met with resistance from the wealthy landowners, who saw it as a threat to their power.

The Senate was reluctant to pass the bill, so Tiberius bypassed the Senate and presented his proposal directly to the Assembly of the Plebs. He succeeded in getting the bill passed, but it caused a lot of tension between the plebs and the Senate. Tiberius was assassinated in 133 BCE by a group of senators who were against his reforms.Gaius Gracchus:After the death of his brother, Gaius Gracchus took up the cause of land reform. He was elected as tribune of the plebs in 123 BCE and proposed a series of laws that aimed to improve the lives of the common people. Some of his proposals were: Lowering the price of grain to make it more affordable for the poor Creating new colonies where the landless could settle and cultivate the land Providing military equipment to the poor who could not afford it Gaius also proposed reforms to the legal system, such as allowing people accused of crimes to appeal their cases to a court instead of being judged by a magistrate. He also proposed that non-Roman citizens be allowed to serve in the Roman army. Gaius was a popular figure among the plebs, but he was also controversial. His reforms threatened the power of the Senate and the wealthy, who saw him as a threat to their interests. In 121 BCE, he was declared an enemy of the state and was killed along with his supporters.

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brielfy describe one specfic differences between vandemarks and baritz


While the Baritz historical perspective claims that Johnson inadvertently brought the US into the war in Vietnam, VenDemark's version suggests that the US administration engaged in the conflict on purpose.

According to VenDemark's assessment, the US administration engaged in Vietnam on purpose. This means that the US administration deliberately decided or pursued a plan to intervene in Vietnam for specific political, economic, or strategic reasons. This theory contends that the US government actively pushed its engagement in Vietnam while fully understanding the repercussions and implications of their choices.

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what two cities acted as the capital of the confederation at some point during the civil war?


During the American Civil War, two cities served as the capital of the Confederate States of America at different times.

The first capital was Montgomery, Alabama. It was chosen as the temporary capital when the Confederacy was established in February 1861. However, Montgomery served as the capital for only a brief period before the seat of government was moved to Richmond, Virginia. Richmond, Virginia became the permanent capital of the Confederacy in May 1861. It remained the political and administrative center of the Confederate government throughout most of the Civil War. Richmond was strategically located in the eastern part of the Confederacy and was a symbol of Confederate power and independence. The fall of Richmond in April 1865 marked a significant turning point in the war and ultimately led to the collapse of the Confederacy.

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In 1882 and again in 1902, the united states congress passed laws excluding immigrants from china.

a. true
b. false


a. true. The United States is a diverse and dynamic country located in North America. It is known for its rich history, cultural diversity, and economic prowess.

The nation was founded on the principles of liberty, democracy, and equality, and has been a beacon of opportunity for immigrants seeking a better life. With its vast landscapes, ranging from bustling cities to breathtaking natural wonders, the United States offers a wide range of experiences and opportunities. It is a global leader in technology, innovation, and entertainment, with a vibrant arts and cultural scene. The United States plays a significant role in global affairs, shaping international policies and alliances. Despite its challenges and complexities, the United States continues to inspire and captivate the world with its unique blend of cultures, ideas, and aspirations.

Lean more about united states  here:


when did tipu sultan die



tipu sultan did on May 4, 1799

Answer:May 4, 1799


which words best describe the tone created by president bush's word choices in his speech?


The words that best describe the tone created by President Bush's word choices in his speech are "determined," "confident," and "forceful." In his speech, he chose his words carefully, emphasizing the importance of American security and taking a stand against terrorism.

He wanted to assure the American people that the country would not tolerate terrorism and that the nation would take steps to defend itself. The tone created by Bush's word choices was one of strength and conviction. He wanted to instill confidence in the American people that the nation would overcome the challenges it faced. His words were well-crafted, emphasizing the importance of American unity and purpose in the face of adversity.

By using a determined and forceful tone, he conveyed the message that America was not afraid and would defend itself against any threat, no matter how great. Overall, President Bush's word choices in his speech conveyed a strong and resolute tone that inspired confidence in the American people and reaffirmed the nation's commitment to security.

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The confederate army’s attack here on april 12, 1861, signaled the start of the civil war.

a. true
b. false


a. true. The Confederate Army's attack on Fort Sumter on April 12, 1861, is widely regarded as the event that marked the beginning of the American Civil War.

The American Civil War was a significant conflict that took place from 1861 to 1865. It arose due to deep-rooted tensions between the Northern states (the Union) and the  (the Confederacy) over issues such as slavery, states' rights, and economic differences. The war's primary cause was the disagreement over the institution of slavery, which the Confederacy sought to protect. The war resulted in massive casualties and devastation on both sides, with battles fought on land and sea. The Union's ultimate victory led to the abolition of slavery and the preservation of the United States as a unified nation, albeit scarred by the long-lasting impact of the conflict.

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___________ contributed to the emergence of the civil rights movement of the 1950s.


Rosa Parks contributed to the emergence of the civil rights movement of the 1950s. She was an NAACP activist, who refused to give up her seat on a public bus to a white customer.

The Civil Rights Movement was a non-violent social movement and campaign from 1954 to 1968 in the United States to abolish racial discrimination against black throughout the United States.

Rosa Parks got arrested for refusing to give up her seat for a white customer, which ignited outrage and support. This movement fought for equal rights and freedom for black Americans.

Civil Rights activism involved a diversity of approaches. From bringing lawsuits in court to lobbying the federal government, to mass direct action and black power.

Black community leaders formed the Montgomery Improvement Association led by Baptist minister Martin Luther King Jr. Park's courage incited the MIA to stage a boycott of the Montgomery bus system.

To know more about civil rights, black community and racism,

Rosa Parks contributed to the emergence of the civil rights movement of the 1950s. She was an NAACP activist, who refused to give up her seat on a public bus to a white customer.

The Civil Rights Movement was a non-violent social movement and campaign from 1954 to 1968 in the United States to abolish racial discrimination against black throughout the United States. Rosa Parks got arrested for refusing to give up her seat for a white customer, which ignited outrage and support. This movement fought for equal rights and freedom for black Americans. Civil Rights activism involved a diversity of approaches. From bringing lawsuits in court to lobbying the federal government, to mass direct action and black power. Black community leaders formed the Montgomery Improvement Association led by Baptist minister Martin Luther King Jr. Park's courage incited the MIA to stage a boycott of the Montgomery bus system.

Learn more about civil rights here:


The global pandemic that broke out in 541-42 has recently been identified by researchers as being related to __________.


The global pandemic that broke out in 541-542, known as the Plague of Justinian, is believed to have been caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis.

A global pandemic refers to the widespread occurrence of a contagious disease, affecting populations across multiple countries or continents. These pandemics have the potential to cause significant illness, death, and socio-economic disruptions. They often spread rapidly due to increased travel and interconnectedness of the modern world. Examples include the Spanish flu of 1918, the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, and historical outbreaks like the Plague of Justinian and the Black Death. Global pandemics necessitate swift and coordinated responses from governments, healthcare systems, and international organizations to mitigate their impact, implement preventive measures, develop vaccines, and provide support to affected communities.

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How culture has been preserved in india


India has a rich and diverse culture that has been preserved through various means such as oral tradition, religious practices, festivals, art, and architecture. These practices have helped to keep the country's heritage alive and have made it one of the most culturally vibrant nations in the world.

Here are some of the ways that culture has been preserved in India:
1. Oral Tradition
One of the ways that Indian culture has been preserved is through oral tradition. This is the practice of passing down stories, legends, and myths from one generation to the next through word of mouth. This has been an important way of preserving Indian culture as many of the country's ancient texts were transmitted orally before they were written down.

2. Religious Practices
Religion is an integral part of Indian culture, and many of the country's religious practices have been preserved over the centuries. For example, Hinduism is one of the oldest religions in the world, and many of its rituals and traditions have been passed down from generation to generation.

3. Festivals
India is known for its colorful and vibrant festivals, and these celebrations have been an important part of Indian culture for centuries. Festivals like Diwali, Holi, and Dussehra are celebrated across the country and are an important way of preserving Indian culture.

4. Art and Architecture
India is known for its rich artistic and architectural heritage, and many of the country's ancient monuments and temples have been preserved over the centuries. These structures provide a glimpse into India's rich cultural history and have been an important way of preserving Indian culture.

For more questions on architecture


An African American organization founded in Detroit in 1930 was
A) the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee.
B) the Congress of Racial Equality.
C) the Christian Leadership Conference.
D) the Nation of Isla


Option D is the correct answer. The African American organization that was founded in Detroit in 1930 is known as the Nation of Islam (NOI). The Nation of Islam (NOI) is a religious organization that was established in Detroit in 1930 by Wallace Fard Muhammad.

It is regarded as a new religious movement by scholars, and its teachings draw heavily on Islam, although it has certain fundamental differences from mainstream Islamic traditions. In the beginning, the NOI had a small following, but it expanded quickly, largely because of the hard work of Elijah Muhammad, who became the organization's leader after Wallace Fard Muhammad's disappearance.

The NOI is most recognized for its Black nationalist and separatist views, as well as its opposition to integration and interracial marriage. It was a controversial organization, and it frequently faced criticism for its dogmatic and authoritarian management style, as well as its extremist viewpoints and practices. As a result, it has been designated a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

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Bosnia's ethnic cleansing targeted which two groups? a. Serbs and Croats b. Serbs and Jews c. Bosniaks and Croats d. Bosniaks and Serbs


During the war in Bosnia, ethnic cleansing was carried out targeting Bosniaks and Serbs. Bosniaks were targeted by Serbs, and in turn, Bosniaks, and Croats targeted Serbs. This conflict happened due to the cultural and ethnic differences between the groups residing in the region.

The genocide in Bosnia lasted for years, from 1992 to 1995, and it was carried out by Serbian forces. The Bosniak population was specifically targeted for their Muslim beliefs, and some estimates say that over 100,000 people died during this time. Serbs wanted to cleanse the country of Muslims and create a greater Serbia.

Bosniaks and Croats both took part in the conflict against Serbs, and the Croatian military helped Bosniaks in some ways. There was also a conflict between Bosniaks and Croats, but it was much smaller in scale than the one between Bosniaks and Serbs. Ultimately, the war ended with the Dayton Accords in 1995, which established a peace agreement.

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question: how did different groups of americans win greater civil rights during the period between 1920 and the 1960s?


Different groups of Americans won greater civil rights during the period between 1920 and the 1960s by engaging in various methods and strategies to fight against discrimination and segregation. These efforts were focused on achieving equal rights and opportunities for all citizens regardless of race, gender, religion, or nationality.

Some of the most significant events during this period include the women's suffrage movement, the Civil Rights Movement, and the Native American rights movement. All of these groups fought for greater representation and rights in society, and their efforts led to significant changes in American politics, law, and culture. The women's suffrage movement began in the late 1800s but gained momentum in the early 1900s as women began to demand the right to vote. This movement was led by women such as Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and Alice Paul, who organized protests and rallies, lobbied politicians, and eventually won the right to vote with the ratification of the 19th Amendment in 1920. The Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and 1960s was led by African Americans who fought against segregation and discrimination in all aspects of American life, including education, employment, and voting rights.

This movement was led by figures such as Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa Parks, and Malcolm X, who organized boycotts, sit-ins, and protests to challenge segregation laws and demand equal rights. The Native American rights movement began in the 1920s and gained momentum in the 1960s as Native Americans fought for greater representation and autonomy in American society. This movement was led by groups such as the American Indian Movement, who organized protests and occupations of federal land to demand greater recognition of their rights as citizens and as indigenous peoples. Overall, these different groups of Americans won greater civil rights during the period between 1920 and the 1960s through a combination of peaceful protests, legal challenges, and political organizing. Their efforts led to significant changes in American society and paved the way for greater equality and justice for all citizens.

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Explain four success of the league of nations in 1920​


The League of Nations, established in 1920 after World War I, aimed to promote international cooperation, prevent conflicts, and maintain global peace.

Here are four key successes of the League of Nations in 1920:

Resolving Border Disputes: The League effectively mediated and settled several border disputes between member states. For instance, it successfully resolved the Aaland Islands dispute between Finland and Sweden in 1921, ensuring a peaceful resolution through arbitration and upholding the principle of self-determination.Refugee Relief: The League played a crucial role in addressing refugee crises during the 1920s. It coordinated efforts to repatriate and resettle millions of refugees and displaced persons, particularly in regions affected by the aftermath of World War I, such as Eastern Europe and the Balkans.Combating Epidemics: The League established health agencies, such as the Health Organization, which aimed to combat the spread of diseases and improve global health. It effectively tackled epidemics such as typhus, malaria, and leprosy through international cooperation, research, and the dissemination of public health information.Social and Humanitarian Initiatives: The League initiated various social and humanitarian projects to improve the well-being of people worldwide. It focused on issues like child labor, human trafficking, drug trafficking, and improving labor conditions. It actively worked towards international conventions and agreements to address these concerns.

While these successes highlight the League's efforts to promote international cooperation and address global challenges, it is important to note that the organization faced limitations and ultimately failed to prevent the outbreak of World War II.

for similar questions on World War.


america first realized they had a stake in the outcome of world war ii when ________.


America first realized they had a stake in the outcome of World War II when the attack on Pearl Harbor occurred on December 7, 1941.

Prior to this event, the United States had adopted a policy of neutrality and had not actively participated in the war. However, the surprise attack by the Japanese on the naval base at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii changed the course of American involvement. It led to the United States declaring war on Japan and subsequently entering World War II, aligning itself with the Allied powers against the Axis powers. The attack on Pearl Harbor served as a catalyst that united the American people and galvanized their commitment to the war effort.

Learn more about World War II here:


Discuss the origins of the Cold War and the steps toward a
biplolar world from 1945 to the outbreak of the Korean War in June
1950. Was there a point of no return?


The Cold War was a war between the United States and the Soviet Union. The origins of the Cold War began at the end of World War II in 1945 and continued until the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991. The steps toward a bipolar world from 1945 to the outbreak of the Korean War in June 1950 were that in 1945, the Soviet Union was on one side of the world, and the United States was on the other.

In the middle was Europe, which was divided into two zones of influence.The United States and the Soviet Union were not satisfied with the outcome of World War II and were fighting to establish a global dominance. The Soviet Union wanted to establish a buffer zone of countries that would protect it from any future attacks by the West. The United States, on the other hand, wanted to spread democracy and capitalism throughout the world and prevent the spread of communism.Both countries began to take steps to strengthen their military power and increase their influence in the world. In 1947, the United States launched the Marshall Plan to help rebuild Europe and prevent the spread of communism. The Soviet Union responded with the Molotov Plan, which was designed to increase its influence in Eastern Europe.The Korean War was one of the events that pushed the United States and the Soviet Union closer to a point of no return. The war began on June 25, 1950, when North Korea invaded South Korea. The United States responded by sending troops to defend South Korea, and the Soviet Union backed North Korea.

The war lasted for three years and ended in a stalemate, but it had a significant impact on the Cold War.The Korean War was the first time the United States and the Soviet Union had fought against each other since World War II. It was a clear demonstration of the tensions between the two superpowers and their desire to establish dominance over the world. The Korean War was also a turning point because it marked the beginning of the arms race between the United States and the Soviet Union, which would last for decades.In conclusion, the origins of the Cold War began at the end of World War II in 1945 and continued until the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991. The steps toward a bipolar world from 1945 to the outbreak of the Korean War in June 1950 were that the United States and the Soviet Union were not satisfied with the outcome of World War II and were fighting to establish global dominance. The Korean War was one of the events that pushed the United States and the Soviet Union closer to a point of no return.

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Ancheclogats have studied sizes of Egyptian skulle in an attempt to determine whether breeding occured between different cultures. Listed below are the widths (mm) of skulls from 150 A.D. Construct a 00% confidence intervalasia of the mean skud with 1284 1378 1258 1319 1429 1348 1392 1287 (Round to two decimal places as needed)


The 95% confidence interval for the mean skull width, based on the given data, is approximately (1273.58, 1373.92) mm

A confidence interval is a statistical range that provides an estimate of the true value of a population parameter. It is constructed using sample data and takes into account the level of confidence desired. For example, a 95% confidence interval indicates that if the sampling process were repeated multiple times, 95% of the intervals would contain the true population parameter. The width of the interval is influenced by the sample size and variability of the data. Confidence intervals are useful for understanding the precision of estimates and assessing the level of uncertainty associated with statistical analysis.

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which statement best illustrates the contradiction between enlightenment values and government


There are several contradictions between Enlightenment values and government. The contradiction between Enlightenment values and government is that government power should be limited to prevent tyranny, while the monarch has absolute power to rule the nation.

The Enlightenment age refers to the period in the 17th and 18th centuries where a group of intellectuals, writers, and philosophers believed that reason and science should be used to improve society and politics. During this period, the idea of individual liberty, freedom, and natural rights was widely accepted. However, the government system of that period contradicted these values. For instance, the monarch was the absolute ruler of the state and had all the power to decide the course of the nation. People could not voice their opinion against the monarch as it would lead to severe consequences like imprisonment or execution.

This government system disregarded the Enlightenment values of individual freedom and natural rights. The Enlightenment values emphasized the significance of individualism and opposed the ideas of collective thinking, such as nationalism and religion, which was strongly supported by the government. Therefore, the government system contradicted the Enlightenment values of individual freedom, natural rights, and rational thinking. Thus, the contradiction between Enlightenment values and government became the cornerstone of the Enlightenment period.

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which climate zones are found in california? check all that apply.
a. tropical
b. mediterranean
c. semiarid
d. humid subtropical
e. humid continental
f. arid


I think the answer is B. Mediterranean, C. Semiarid, and F. Arid.

after the iowa state supreme court unanimously overturned the state’s prohibition of same-sex marriage in 2009,


After the iowa state supreme court unanimously overturned the state’s prohibition of same-sex marriage in 2009, All of the judges that were up for election in the next year were voted out.

What is marriage?

Marriage is a legally recognized and socially accepted partnership, typically involving a man and a woman. It is governed by laws, norms, conventions, beliefs, and attitudes that specify the spouses' rights and obligations and grant status to their kids

The same-sex marriage ban in Iowa was unanimously overturned by the state's supreme court in 2009, and all of the judges who were up for reelection the following year lost their seats.

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saipan, tinian, and guam's conquest and the lopsided american victory at the battle of the philippine sea had several important effects on american strategy for the war and the political and military situation back in japan. in two or three sentences, describe what they were.


The conquest of Saipan, Tinian, and Guam and the lopsided American victory at the Battle of the Philippine Sea had several important effects on American strategy for the war and the political and military situation back in Japan.

The conquest of Saipan, Tinian, and Guam and the lopsided American victory at the Battle of the Philippine Sea had several important effects on American strategy for the war and the political and military situation back in Japan. This proved to be a turning point in the war, as it provided the Allies with bases from which they could stage attacks on the Japanese mainland. Additionally, it severely weakened Japan's naval power and put it on the defensive for the rest of the war. Finally, it served as a major psychological blow to the Japanese people, who had been led to believe that their country was invincible and unbeatable.

The long answer is the Battle of the Philippine Sea was a decisive naval victory for the United States. The outcome had several implications for the war's course, as it provided the Allies with bases to stage attacks on the Japanese mainland. It severely weakened Japan's naval power and put it on the defensive for the rest of the war. Finally, it served as a major psychological blow to the Japanese people.

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when did india get independence


Answer: August 15, 1947

Explanation: This ended 200 years of British rule.

the settlement house movement of the early twentieth century helped spawn the profession of


The settlement house movement of the early twentieth century helped spawn the profession of social work.

The settlement house movement emerged in the late 19th and early 20th centuries as a response to the social and economic challenges faced by urban communities, particularly those impacted by industrialization and immigration. Settlement houses were community centers located in disadvantaged neighborhoods, where middle-class reformers and social activists lived and worked alongside the residents they aimed to assist.

The settlement house movement sought to improve the living conditions and social well-being of the working-class and immigrant populations. These centers provided a range of services, including healthcare, education, recreational activities, vocational training, and childcare. They also aimed to foster social integration and cultural exchange between different ethnic and socioeconomic groups.

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René wants to take several cooking classes before he is ready to specialize.
a. work
b. focus
c. produce
d. decide


René wants to take several cooking classes before he is ready to specialize .d. decide

René wants to take several cooking classes before he is ready to specialize, indicating that he needs to make a decision about which specific area of cooking he wants to focus on or specialize in. The word "decide" accurately captures this aspect of René's situation. Taking cooking classes will help him explore different cooking techniques and cuisines, allowing him to make an informed decision about the area he wants to focus on in the future.

Learn about more decide here:


What criticisms of Lincoln did the Democratic party espouse in the election of 1864?A) Executive power had arbitrarily expanded.B) The war had lasted too long.C) The war had led to irresponsible banking measures.D) All of the above.


The Democratic party espoused all of the above criticisms of Lincoln in the election of 1864. Here's a brief explanation of each criticism: D) All of the above.

A) Executive power had arbitrarily expanded: The Democratic party accused Lincoln of abusing his executive power and ignoring the limits set by the Constitution. They claimed that he had made arbitrary arrests, suspended the writ of habeas corpus, and restricted free speech, among other things. B) The war had lasted too long: The Democratic party argued that the Civil War had gone on for too long and that it was time to end it. They believed that Lincoln's policies had prolonged the war unnecessarily and that it was causing too much suffering and loss of life.  

C) The war had led to irresponsible banking measures :The Democratic party criticized Lincoln's financial policies, particularly the National Banking Act of 1863, which they claimed was unfair to small banks and led to irresponsible banking practices. D) All of the above: The Democratic party espoused all of the above criticisms of Lincoln in the election of 1864.

To know more about Democratic party  visit:-


Other Questions
Which is the following is not true? Utilitarians believe thata. None of the other optionsb. all incomes should be equalc.government has to balance the gains from greater equality against the losses caused by the distorted incentives.d. People respond to incentives so if all incomes were to be equalised, this would reduce the incentive to work hard. William Roberts has decided to put $4,500 a year (at the end of each year) into an IRA over his 45 year working life and then retire. What will William have if the account will earn 8.50 percent compounded annually? a $2,204,215 b $2,199,715 c $2,027,387 d $1,864,412 Note: If you need values for any other parameters to answer the questions below, make reasonable assumptions and justify these. Simulate the payoff of the Accelerated Return Note in the Black-Scholes-Merton model. Use at least 10,000 simulations of the stock price. What is the average return of investing in the note, as well as the standard deviation of the returns. "Statistics Definitions Work AssignmentMetricDefinitionUsed for (Purpose)*Degree of Comfort with UsingLevelAlternative HypothesisBar ChartChi-square" Q. Over the pandemic, we have noticed that there is a huge number of people who have gotten into house plants. Your little fresh-cut flower shop is not doing well. You think that there is still time to pivot into this new venture. Considering the topic please answer the following questions below with references.What is the Management Dilemma : Elaborate THREE (3) ways how artificial intelligence can be used to manage warehouse operations. prokaryotes have a single ori, whereas eukaryotes can have multiple oris. how does this affect the time needed for genome replication for prokaryotes as compared to eukaryotes? One of the marketing teams of FitGear Inc., a sporting goods company, has prepared a report on the marketing strategies for its new line of ice hockey equipment. The team is now in the process of checking the report against the originally stated objectives. In addition, the team has shared the report with the other teams to obtain feedback. In which of the following activities is FitGear Inc.'s marketing team primarily engaged? We do this to visualize the project and plan the steps required to achieve the goals of the project. A blueprint will help guide your team and will also communicate to the Employer what your plan is and ensure that youre meeting the goals and the tasks at hand. Your Project Blueprint should answer the following questions:What will be the flow of our activities?What is my role?What methods will we be using?What are the deliverables and milestones (timelines)?How will you create your Project Blueprint?1. Create a timelineMap out what you plan on working on each week2. Map out the methods and activities to be usedThis will allow team members to bring together their work and create a more solid and uniform project3. Define the deliverable and timeline for each phaseSet target dates for important deliverables. Consider the start and end dates for each activity and phase4. Supplement with project detailsFor each timeline, indicate the actions and activities necessary, including research, any interviews necessary and how you will collaborate with each other. Make sure each of you is aware of your role and responsibility on your team5. Visualize your blueprintTry to integrate and visualize your plan on one page, capturing all of the activities, methods and deliverables required. Combining your road map will help you keep all the activities in context, providing a vision of how everything will come together in one comprehensive master plan for your projectAdditional Information:Keep your Project Blueprint high level (summary)Try to keep your Project Blueprint to one pageRemember to ask questions so that youre providing the best information possible to the EmployerDont miss meetings that may be planned with the Employer. Be professional!Remember that youre the HR Expert. Apply what youve learnedDont forget to cite the sources that you will use in your research Tracy Smith files a bankruptcy petition under Chapter 7. She owes $5,000 as wages to her four (4) employees. There is enough in her bankruptcy estate to pay her employees' claims in full, and to pay the expenses of the Chapter 7 Trustee, but there will be nothing left for the unsecured creditors.Will each employee have to be paid less than what it is otherwise entitled to receive in order for there to be some money distributed to the general unsecured creditors?Be Sure To State The Applicable Rule: Apply the rule to the facts Explain the reason for your conclusion Consider a simple signaling model la Spence. Workers are born with either high ability with probability (wp) of .5 or low ability wp of .5. Productivity for higher productivity worker is 10 and the productivity of low productivity is 6. Each worker knows her/his productivity, but it can't be known to the employer. a. What is the average productivity of the worker? b. Explain the problem of adverse selection problem when the employer pays the average productivity of the worker for all workers? c. If the worker is allowed to create the signal with the education, and if the education costs 2 for high productivity workers and 4 for low productivity workers, what would be the range of wage combinations for high/low productivities to create a separating equilibrium? The6th grade students at Montclair Elementary school weigh an averageof 91.5 pounds, with a standard deviation of 2.8 pounds.a. Ari weighs 87.9 pounds. What is the distance between Ari'sweight an Today is a day in September 2525 and a bond with annual coupon rate of 10.80% just yesterday paid a coupon. The bond matures in September 2539 and its quoted bond price is 125.76 percent of par (semiannual compounding). You wish to make a bid such that your promised rate of return is 35 basis points greater than the quoted annual yield-to-maturity. Find the price as percent of par that you offer for the bond. a.159.67 b.122.37 c.175.63 d.145.15 e.131.96 You hold a diversified portfolio consisting of a $10,000 investment in each of 15 different common stocks (i.e.. your total investment is $150,000). The portfolio beta is equal to 0.9. You have decided to sell one of your stocks which has a beta equal to 0.6 for $10,000. You plan to use the proceeds to purchase another stock which has a beta equal to 1.0. What will be the beta of the new portfolio? Show your answer to 2 decimal places. Your Answer:_____ Which is the graph of f(x) = (x-1)(x + 4)?O2AV2--2-O6O 2 Set up iterated double integral equivalent to f(x, y)dA over the region B bounded by y = 4 x and the x-axis Managing Director of DHL Global Forwarding South Africa, is unsure. about what contemporary issues of motivation he should consider in his organisation. Explain any four contemporary motivation issues that management in DHL Global Forwarding South Africa is facing. Q.2.2 Managers should design jobs that reflect the demands of the changing environment, as well as the organisation's technology, skills and abilities, and the preferences of its employees. a software company is raising the prices on all of its products to increase Revenue for each price change described below, do the followingI. State the percent change in priceii. State the number we can multiply the original price by to determine the new price The average American consumes 15 pounds of chicken a month with a standard deviation of 7. If a sample of 60 Americans is taken, what is the probability that the mean chicken consumption of the sample will be between 12 and 16? Show your work. (15pts) HFA has recently received a contract from the state government to expand its job training program. The program will last for at least one year and will likely continue in the future. The expanded program will need a director with a salary of $70,000. The estimated rent for a facility to house the program will be approximately $20,000 for the next 12 months. The utilities, insurance, and custodial services are estimated to be $10,000 yearly. The facility can accommodate up to 100 people. The expanded program will also hire extra teachers/trainers, each of whom can teach up to twenty trainees. The salary for the teachers is $50,000 per year. Each of the program participants will receive a set of textbooks and other teaching materials, estimated at $1,000 per person. For simplicity, other potential costs are not considered for this case. What are the program's step costs if the program enrolls 50 students?