Read the sentences aloud, filling in the blanks with the correct word.
6. Une émission qui est diffusée en temps réel est une emission
7. Le public manifeste pour
des otages (hostages). Le
gouvernement est d'accord pour payer la rançon.
8. Une femme qui joue du piano est
des vedettes. (three
9. Le magazine People se spécialise sur
10. Alerte météo:
vient de s'abattre (hit) sur le Québec: Il neige très
fort, et les gens ont dû rentrer à la maison.
Compose an inversion question for the answer below and say it aloud. Follow the


Answer 1



Hope this helps!!

6. A program that is broadcast in real time is a program

7. The public is demonstrating for hostages. The government agrees to pay the ransom

8. A woman who plays the piano is stars

9. (3 people magazine specializes in words)

10. Weather alert; has just hit Quebec: It's snowing very loud, and people had to come home

Related Questions

Select the correct answer.
Which verb best completes this instruction from a recipe?
d'abord les pommes de terre et puis faites-les cuire.
O A. Mijotez
OB. Mélangez
OC. Epluchez
Faites fondre

Help fast



the answer is B. Mélangez





Select the correct answer.
Which demonstrative pronoun correctly completes the conversation?
Adele: Dans quel bol est-ce que tu as râpé les carottes?
Franck: Je les ai râpées dans
O c.

Help fast



Adele: Dans quel bol est-ce que tu as râpé les carottes?

Franck: Je les ai râpées dans celui-ci

bol → masc.sing so "Je les ai râpées dans (masc.sing word)

celui-ci → masc.sing

celle-ci → fem.sing

celles-ci → fem.plur

ceux-ci → masc.plur

The demonstrative pronoun that correctly completes the conversation is:  "celui-ci" (Option A)

Why is the above the right choice?

"celui-ci" is the correct option or demonstrative pronoun because it meets the "gender" requirement (masculine) of the correct pronoun as well as it's singularity form. (singular)

Note that:

celle-ci is feminine singulacelles-ci is  femining plural; and ceux-ci → masculine plural

Learn more about demonstrative pronouns at;

Select the correct answer.
Choose the word that correctly completes this sentence.

Michel et Audrey ________ Miami.


Michel et Audrey connaissent Miami

Please help TYSM

How would you tell the man in the illustration to get to downtown, or le centre

A. Tournez à gauche
B. Faites demi-tour. Le centre ville est derrière vous!
C. Tournez à droite
D. Continuez tout droit



D- continuez tout droit.

I strongly believe that marriage is unnecessary in our society due to the false idea that a person can only be happy when they are with their significant other. I think that anyone can be happy without being committed to another person because they can achieve their goals on their own and fulfill any dream without the commitment of being alongside a man or a woman. Our older generation has thrived on the idea that a person should settle down and get married to find happiness. On the contrary, I believe that marriage can be exhausting and painful because most married couples end up divorced due to lack of trust, communication, respect etc. Today in society, marriage is often never talked about because women and men do not want to spend the rest of their lives with one person. Many people prefer to stay single and date multiple people because that is what makes them happy. Without marriage, our society would be better than before. Women will become more independent, and they will be able to take care of themselves without the help of a man. Men will also be able to thrive and achieve success without the help of a woman. This idea goes both ways, so both genders can truly be happy without one another. This is why I believe that marriage is unnecessary in our society today.

I need help translating this paragraph in French.


Je crois fermement que le mariage est inutile dans notre société en raison de la fausse idée qu'une personne ne peut être heureuse que lorsqu'elle est avec son autre significatif. Je pense que n'importe qui peut être heureux sans s'engager envers une autre personne car il peut atteindre ses objectifs par lui-même et réaliser n'importe quel rêve sans s'engager aux côtés d'un homme ou d'une femme. Notre génération plus âgée a prospéré sur l'idée qu'une personne devrait s'installer et se marier pour trouver le bonheur. Au contraire, je crois que le mariage peut être épuisant et douloureux car la plupart des couples mariés finissent par divorcer faute de confiance, de communication, de respect etc. Aujourd'hui dans la société, on ne parle souvent jamais du mariage car les femmes et les hommes ne veulent pas dépenser le reste de leur vie avec une seule personne. Beaucoup de gens préfèrent rester célibataires et sortir avec plusieurs personnes parce que c'est ce qui les rend heureux. Sans mariage, notre société serait meilleure qu'avant. Les femmes deviendront plus indépendantes et pourront prendre soin d'elles-mêmes sans l'aide d'un homme. Les hommes pourront également s'épanouir et réussir sans l'aide d'une femme. Cette idée va dans les deux sens, de sorte que les deux sexes peuvent vraiment être heureux l'un sans l'autre. C'est pourquoi je pense que le mariage est inutile dans notre société aujourd'hui.

Complete the following sentence with the correct choice below:
"Queen Elizabeth est
O A. une chanteuse.
O B. une reine.
O C. une musicienne.
O D. une femme politique.



B. une reine


une reine = a queen

Speaking Assignment: Vous allez faire un enregistrement en décrivant une image de ces images.
Describe 1 image from the page below. You will submit 2 parts in this assignment: the text you have created along with the spoken assignment. You must include at least 6 sentences.
Your descriptions should pertain to vocabulary and grammar presented in this module and this course thus far. Make sure to elaborate as much as possible. Remember, short descriptions will not earn full credit.

You can say things about what the person is buying or doing. You can use reflexive verbs, expressions of quantity, the pronoun “en”, indirect object pronouns and what occasion or meal or where the person is. Use vocabulary from this unit and the course.


Ceci est un marché de fruits et de légumes. Il y a beaucoup de gens donc c’est bruyant. Cette femme est au marché, et elle choisit des légumes. Il y en beaucoup! Il y a des haricots verts, du chou-fleur, des tomates, des poivrons, des bananes et des oranges... La femme en achète plusieurs. Elle demande au marchand de lui donner 10 tomates, 6 bananes, un chou-fleur et deux courgettes.

Est-ce que vous aimez le métier de berger? Et pourquoi ?​



si vous l’aimer vous aller dire car par exemple on peut apprendre et découvrir des nouvelles choses sur les animaux

si non vous aller dire que vous détestez les animaux et on les dégoûte

j’espère que ça va vous aider mais si non DO NOT FORGET STAY SAFE AT HOME

Can anyone help me with my French



1. ez

2. es

3. ons





1- ez

2- es

3- on

4- e

5- ent

6- e

Write an antonym for each adjective. Make the new adjectives agree in gender and number with the ones provided.

Just for #7... I cannot figure it out.


try this word : insolent


are you good at writing essays? for 100 points


1. heure est-il ?
what interrogative goes before this


Quelle heure est-il?
Answer= quelle.

Quelle = what.

Therefore, this sentence would mean what time is it.

I hope this helps.

What is the formula for the date in French



deux-mil-vingt et un


deux is 2 mil is thousand and vingt et un is 21


kötülük konulu hikaye kısa ​



we we


I need help plssssssss



a. quiproquo

b. replique


d. tirade

e. monologue




a. Ils font un quiproquo.

b. Il parle par onomatopée.

c. de longues tirades

d. répliques

e. aparté

can someone please help me asap as its due today. ​


Nous avons mangé
Vous avez acheté
Je suis allé

Write a paragraph of at least 7 sentences in the passe compose tense containing reflexive verbs.


Here for some reason it won’t let me add it..

Bakit naghanda ng marangyang hapunan si
kapitan tiago​



Huminto ang karong sinusudan ng palyo sa tapat ng bahay nina Kapitan Tiago. Nakadungaw sa bintana ang alkalde, si Kapitan Tiago, si Maria, si Ibarra at ilan pang kastila. Si Padre Salvi ay hindi bumati sa mga kakilala. Ito ay nagtaas lamang ng ulo mula sa kaniyang matuwid na pagkakatayo. 30: Sa Loob ng Simbahan. Punong-puno ng tao ang simbahan.


PLS CAN SOMEONE HELP? Pls answer the question in French tysm!!!


la personne numéro deux porte une robe bleu et des chaussettes hautes.

La personne numéro sept porte un pull à capuche vert et un pantalon noir.

La personne numéro douze porte des baskets et un jogging noir.

La personne numéro quatre porte un t-shirt bleu et une jupe noir.

Select the correct answer.
Which verb best completes this instruction?
Faites bouillir les ingrédients dans une casserole et laissez-les
pendant un quart d'heure.
O A. mijoter

Please help fast need to make a good grade






A. Mijoter


Sagutin ang ang mga kaugnay na tanong.
1. Saang bansa sa kasalukuyan makikita ang mga Kabihasnang Klasikal sa
Mesoamerica at South America?

Hindi ko alam ang sagot kayo na ang mag isip kung ano ang isasagot nyo​



T.6 Anu-ano ang mga internasyonal na instrumento ng karapatang pantao ang nagsasaad ng mga komitment ng mga pamahalaan? 13 T.7 Anu-ano ang mga internasyonal na mekanismong pangsubaybay (monitoring) para sa karapatang pantao? 14 T. 8 Paano mapapanagot ang mga mahihirap na bansa na may limitasyon sa risorses.


2 statements of summer in French



2 déclarations de l'été


l'été est frais


boissons fraîches au bord de l'eau

Ils (answer goes here) ont oubliees.






1) Ils les ont oubliées.

Answer= ils les ont oubliés.

Les = them

Therefore, this means they have forgotten them.

what is: popular in French?​


Answer: Wine is pretty popular and kinda french... uh bread, art, and other stuff,

the food in French and I think Paris is in French (correct me if im wrong) so the tower there too

I'm having trouble translating this into french, could someone translate these 2 sentences into french so I can compare my translation.

What I think about the written press is it's out of date.
In my opinion, newspapers are in danger since it is so much easier to read/watch the news online.



Ce que je pense de la presse écrite, c’est qu’elle est dépassée.

À mon avis, les journaux sont en danger car il est tellement plus facile de lire / regarder les nouvelles en ligne.


I'm also fluent in French and Spanish so if you ever need anything just let me know and I'll help u out anytime.

J’ai du mal à traduire cela en Français, quelqu’un pourrait-il traduire ces 2 phrases en Français afin que je puisse comparer ma traduction.

Ce que je pense de la presse écrite, c’est qu’elle est dépassée.

À mon avis, les journaux sont en danger, car il est beaucoup plus facile de lire / voir les nouvelles en ligne.

Subject:completer les phrase avec ces mots: aprté,monologue,onomatopée,quiproquo,réplique,tirade.



Seul en scène, ce personnage prononce un "apparté" émouvant.

3) Écris le mot de la liste qui correspond
à chaque définition.
a. Obtenir un bon résultat.
b. C'est le contraire de reculer.
C. Ce n'est pas difficile.
d. Faire couler dans un récipient.



French 2 please help


Rate? I think. Dont judge im nit french lol
Complete the paragraph by putting the verbs in parentheses in the correo forms of the past composed. Complete the Past Compound (be or

to have)

Oh dear! What a horrible day! First, this morning, I (I) have (not hear) my alarm clock. So of course I 1_b (miss) the bus. But, luckily I (0 ') C (arrive) to high school on time. Mom d. (have) a bad day! She (miss) a walk in front of the house, she (fall) and she (tear) her skirt. She's late for work Poor mum! But it is not finished! My brother i (have) a horrible day too. His science teacher nat (make) the interros and my poor brother k (have) 8! My parents were not at all happy. He has to stay home to study all weekend. So, in my family, everything be) through! We are having a very bad day.


This is what I got, hope it helped :)

Put the words below in the correct order. Your final sentence should be
grammatically correct.


ils n’aiment pas jouer au tennis

1- je ........ Au cinema.
2- vous ............ a Montreal.
3- les étudiants ......... à l'université
4- nous ........ Au restaurant
5- tu ......... au store tous les weekends.



Verbe "aller" au présent :

je vais

tu vas

il/elle/on va

nous allons

vous allez

ils/elles vont (les étudiants = ils)


1. je vais----------

2. Vous allez--------

3. Les étudiants vont-------

4. Nous allons-----------

5. Tu vas--------

isang talaan na nagpapakita sa dami ng kaya at gostong bilhin ng mamimili sa ibat ibang presyo.



hindi ko nakuha kung ano ang sinusubukan mong sabihin

Explanation: pasensya na

Other Questions
explain the trend in boiling parts of the halogen Which statement describes the motion of the sun?A. The sun rotates at the same rate throughoutB. The sun does not rotate at its polesC. Different parts of the sun rotates at different ratesD. The sun does not rotate at its equator Analyze Cultures and Societies of the Indus Tradition, Can these communities be linked to VEDAS or even to take Epic Texts sanskrit hindi meaning Hello can someone plss help me with this!!QUESTION: What led to population booms in places like Pike's Peak, Colorado and Virginia City, Nevada during the 1800s? A. The Completion of the Erie Canal.B. Gold and silver discoveries C. The United States losing land to Native Americans. Complete the gaps with a little, little, a few, few, much, or many 1) There is a little sugar left, we don't need to buy more yet2) They are really busy now. They have ___ time to relax.3) I have ___ books to read in my free time. 4) There aren't ___ leaves on the tree.5) I don't think he will be a good teacher. He has ___ patience with children. 6) Farukh felt very alone. ___ people visited him in hospital.7) Have you got anything to read? Yes, I have ___ newspapers.8) I don't know ___ English tongue twisters 9) Kalys is unfriendly. That's why he has ___ friends 10) I'm lucky. I have ___ problems.11) Is there ___ butter in the fridge? 12) I have got ___ money left. I won't buy this CD 13) I've got ___ money. I think that should be enough for buying something to eat 14)The sky is blue because there are ___ clouds in the sky The passage below is from the U.S. Supreme Court decision in Brown v.Board of Education (1954).Segregation of white and colored children in public schools has a detrimentaleffect upon the colored children. The impact is greater when it has the sanctionof the law, for the policy of separating the races is usually interpreted asdenoting the inferiority of the African-American] group .... We concludethat, in the field of public education, the doctrine of separate but equal hasno place.What was the impact of this reasoning by the U.S. Supreme Court?A. Racial segregation was discontinued in public elementary schools butcontinued in higher grades.B. Southern states were forced to end all racial segregation in publicschools.C. Southern states were required to ensure the economic and social equalityof all races.D. Southern states could maintain separate schools for African-Americanand white children if they were of equal quality. 1. What is another name for Mount Rushmore? What is a very important power of the House of Reps? Lillian wants to give 1/3 of a pizza to each of six girls at her party Animal waste decay by the action of bacteria which create _____________and __________ products rich in nitrogen, and useful for plants to use again. 5Select the correct answer.How did conservative leaders react to nationalist movements in Europe in the nineteenth century?.They supported the nationalist goal of overthrowing absolute monarchies.OB.They forced nationalist leaders to accept the policies of Enlightenment thinkers.O C.They were frightened by nationalist leaders and wanted to reduce their influence.D. They supported the nationalist philosophy of emphasizing the rights of individuals.ResetNext Can someone help please? Recall reasons for maintaining a medical chart and what may comprise the medical chart. can someone do my iready please its due in 4 hours 3 ill give 20 points for it!!!!!! PLEASEEEE (*`*) Government-wide statements report on assets and liabilities that are denied recognition on funds statements. Entrepreneurs Consultants, a state agency, was estab- lished to provide consulting services to small businesses. It maintains only a single general fund and accounts for its activities on a modified accrual basis. During its first month of operations, the association engaged in, or was affected by, the following transactions and events:1. It received an unassigned grant of $100,000.2. It purchased five computers at $2,000 each.3. It paid wages and salaries of $6,000.4. Itborrowed$24,000fromabanktoenableittopurchase an automobile. It gave the bank a long-term note.5. It purchased the automobile for $24,000.6. It made its first payment on the noteinterest of $200.7. It destroyed one of its computers in an accident. The computer was not insured.a. Prepare journal entries in the general fund to record each of the transactions or other events.b. Prepare a balance sheet and a statement of revenues and expenditures for the general fund.c. Prepareagovernment-widestatementofnetposition (balance sheet) and statement of activities. These should be on a full accrual basis. Assume that the capital assets have a useful life of five years and that no depreciation is to be charged on the computer that was destroyed. what is the difference between a food chain and a food web? which of the following best describes the motion of the ball between 4 and 5 Seconds 1. All flowering plants producea. flowersb. fruitsc. sporesd. vegetables multiple choice plz help:) actually try too thanks