Read each incomplete sentence and choose the option with the correct verbs to complete them. ¡El señor Moreno ________ tan agradable! Sus amigos ________ en México. es; están estamos; somos somos; están soy; estoy


Answer 1

Answer: es; están

Sentence: ¡El señor Moreno es tan agradable! Sus amigos están en México.

Translation: Mr. Moreno is so nice! His friends are in Mexico.


The subject in the first sentence is "señor Moreno", that is a first-person singular, so the verb must be conjugated in this form: Él es agradable.

The subject in the second sentence is "amigos", that is a first-person in the plural, so the verb must be conjugated in this form: Ellos están en México.

Answer 2


es; estan


just took the test and got it right :)

Read Each Incomplete Sentence And Choose The Option With The Correct Verbs To Complete Them. El Seor

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340*10.000 is my predicament because I don't understand Spanish language

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Sabia que su conocimiento no era nada comparado con la inmensidad de lo que podia aprender

mi espanol es malo

pls mark mi brainliest

Claro. Filósofo es que tienes el carlos de cuestionar lo incuestionable “filosofar” y no se necesita saber para ser filósofo... todos pueden ser filósofos., es más tu esta siendo filósofo al cuestionar la a Sócrates

D. Terminar cada oración de una manera lógica usando cuatro verbos diferentes. 1. Antes de salir de casa por la mañana, yo ..... 2. Para preparar una cena elegante, los jefes de cocina..... 3. Cuando vamos al cine, nosotros...... 4. Durante las vacaciones de verano, tú....


Antes de salir de casa por la mañana, yo desayuno

Para preparar una cena elegante, los jefes de cocina trabajan

Cuando vamos al cine, nosotros comemos

Durante las vacaciones de verano, tu viajas

Answer 1: Antes de salir de casa por la mañana, yo me tomo el desayuno.

Translation 1: Before leaving home in the morning, I have breakfast.

Answer 2: Para preparar una cena elegante, los jefes de cocina se lavan las manos.

Translation 2: To prepare an elegant dinner, the chefs wash their hands.

Answer 3: Cuando vamos al cine, nosotros nos compramos las entradas.

Translation 3: When we go to the cinema, we buy the tickets.

Answer 4: Durante las vacaciones de verano, tú te vas a la playa.

Translation 4: During the summer holidays, you go to the beach.


Find the missing voels of those activities

1. H_c_c_id_l_br_







8.V_l_g_r_s d_ _nt_r_s



11.D__n_v__lt_ _nb_c_cl_t_


Find the missing vowels of those activities

1. H_c_c_id_l_br_

Answer 1: Hice cda libre .

Translation 1: I did freefall skydiving.

2. P_t_né

Answer 2: Patiné .

Translation 2: I did skating .

3. H_c_y_g_

Answer 3: Hice yoga .

Translation 3: I did yoga.

4. D_sc_nsé

Answer 4: Descansé .

Translation 4: I rested .

5. N_dé

Answer 5: Nadé .

Translation 5: I swam .

6. _sq__e

Answer 6: esquié .

Translation 6: I skied .

7. H_c_v_l_

Answer 7: Hice vela .

Translation 7: I did sailing .

8. V_l_g_r_s d_ _nt_r_s

Answer 8: Vi lugares de interés .

Translation 8: I saw interesting places .

9. M_nté_c_b_ll_

Answer 9: Monté a caballo .

Translation 9: I rode a horse .

10. H_c__lp_n_sm_

Answer 10: Hice alpinismo .

Translation 10: I did mountaineering .

11. D__n_v__lt_ _nb_c_cl_t_

Answer 11: Di una vuelta en bicicleta .

Translation 11: I took a bike ride.


Análisis de la película "El Método"
1) Hace un resumen de la película
2) Investigar sobre el contexto social que se presenta en la película (España 2005)
3) Desarrollar por separada cada una de las pruebas y dar su opinión ( el topo, elegir líder, si querían que Julio siguiera, bunker, la comida, etc)
4) Hacer una tabla de valores negativos y positivos de la película y marcar los momentos en los que se muestran
5) ¿Estás de acuerdo con el método Gronholm? ¿Lo utilizarías?
6) Realizar una nueva prueba que utilizaría dentro método
7) ¿A quien hubiesen elegido? ¿Por qué?
8) Elijan un personaje y realicen un nuevo final
9) ¿Hubiesen elegido a Carlos? ¿Sí/No? ¿Por qué?
10) Dar el perfil de la personalidad de cada uno de los personajes, teniendo en cuenta su lado positivo y negativo en una entrevista de trabajo.


Answer:ples not


Read and choose the option that best completes the sentence.

Las bomberas son muy ________.

A. cuidadosa
B. cuidadosas
C. cuidadoso
D. cuidadosos



B. cuidadosas


B. cuidadosas, hence the sentence is feminine

9. si no
El permiso de conducir con una fotografía y un pasaporte son formas de
identidad oficiales.
10. si no
11. si no
Un vuelo que sale a tiempo sale con una demora.
Los pasajeros esperan en el mostrador de la línea aérea para abordar el
12. si no
13. si no
Los pasajeros pueden poner su equipaje de mano en el pasillo del avión.
Los pasajeros tienen que llevar las máscaras de oxígeno durante el
despegue y el aterrizaje.
Los aviones aterrizan en una pista.
Un avión que llega de o viene de Madrid es un avión con destino a
14. si no
15. sí no


Answer 9: si) El permiso de conducir con una fotografía y un pasaporte son formas de  identidad oficiales.

Translation 9: A driving license with a photograph and a passport are official forms of identity.

Answer 10: no) Un vuelo que sale a tiempo no sale con una demora.

Translation 10: A flight that leaves on time does not leave with a delay.

Answer 11: no) Los pasajeros no esperan en el mostrador de la línea aérea para abordar el avión.

Translation 11: Passengers do not wait at the airline counter to board the plane.

Answer 12: no) Los pasajeros no pueden poner su equipaje de mano en el pasillo del avión.

Translation 12: Passengers cannot put their hand luggage in the aisle of the plane.

Answer 13: no) Los pasajeros no tienen que llevar las máscaras de oxígeno durante el despegue y el aterrizaje.

Translation 13: Passengers do not have to wear oxygen masks during take-off and landing.

Answer 14: si) Los aviones aterrizan en una pista.

Translation 14: Planes land on a runway.

Answer 15: sí) Un avión que llega de o viene de Madrid es un avión con destino a Madrid.

Translation 15: A plane that arrives from or comes from Madrid is a plane bound for Madrid.


alguien sabe como eliminar una pregunta aca en bainly?


no creo que se pueda hacer eso

chico es mi amigo.
O A. Uno
O B. La
O C. Los



The answer should be D. El.


This problem was sort of hard to interpret at first, but it sounds as if you are identifying the Spanish pronoun associated with Chico. Therefore, since it is a singular person and not referring to a group, and amigo is used with a masculine ending, it can be inferred that the answer is D. El.

El chico es mi amigo.

"El" is a determinant that determines the verb that accompanies; You must always agree in gender and number. In this case it is "el" because it is male and unique the "chico" (boy).


spanish 2 flvs please help!


The answer is the third one !


its the third one because i now spanish!!!!

Write the correct form of escribir based on the subject



I'm not sure what the subject the question is referring to is, but in the present tense: If the subjecty is yo --> escribo

                                       tú --> escribes

                    el, ella, usted --> escribe

            nosotros/nosotras --> escribimos

             vosotros/vosotras --> escribís

            ellos/ellas/ustedes --> escriben

Hope this helps :)

GET POINTS! Can someone answer this please!!! Spanish 1



use Google translate it will help you


spanish dict will help you


Por favor alguien que me ayufe que es para hoy



1. Corregí.

2. Compites.

3. Dormirá.

4. Sintió.

5. Comparten.

6. Viajaremos.


Because when we complete the crossword puzzle following the instructions indicated in each point, it is important to keep in mind that the past tense describes actions carried out in the past tense, the singular number describes a single person or thing and the plural describes a group of people or things. . Knowing this, it is possible to conjugate the verbs logically and correctly complete the activity.




How do I get better at my Possessions in Spanish?


I don’t understand my friend what do you try to say
Just practice on whatever your possessions

Como saber que los textos seleccionados responden las preguntas formuladas al principio



who knows.


2. Entre el feminismo radical y los movimientos sociales existe, a partir de 1977, una relación de ​



El feminismo radical es una corriente feminista que surge en Estados Unidos a finales de los años 1960 y continúa en la década de 1970 que sostiene que la raíz de la desigualdad social en todas las sociedades hasta ahora existentes ha sido el patriarcado, el sistema de opresión del varón sobre la mujer. Esta corriente se centra en las relaciones de poder que se organizan en la sociedad, construyendo la supremacía masculina, entre otras cuestiones debido al papel reproductivo del hombre y la mujer. Se denomina feminismo radical porque se propone buscar la raíz de la dominación.

Las radicales identificaron como centros de la dominación patriarcal esferas de la vida que hasta entonces se consideraban "privadas". A ellas corresponde el mérito de haber revolucionado la teoría política al analizar las relaciones de poder que estructuran la familia y la sexualidad; lo sintetizaron en un eslogan: lo personal es político.​ Consideraban que todos los varones y no sólo la parte élite, recibían beneficios económicos, sexuales y psicológicos del sistema patriarcal, pero en general acentuaban la dimensión psicológica de la opresión. Así lo refleja el manifiesto fundacional de las New York Radical Feminists (1969), Politics of the Ego, donde se afirma: Pensamos que el fin de la dominación masculina es obtener satisfacción psicológica para su ego, y que sólo secundariamente esto se manifiesta en las relaciones económicas.

Las radicales tomaron distancia de los movimientos de izquierdas de los años sesenta, que vinculaban el feminismo al socialismo y la democracia, para extender la lucha contra el patriarcado de lo económico y público a lo social y privado. ​ De esta corriente han derivado, entre otras, el feminismo cultural.

De todos los candidatos, solo entrevistamos a uno que ____________ la experiencia necesaria.
Question 4 options:







Answer for this is: Tenga

Creee que es necesario que el mundo cambie para realizar nuevas investigaciones



Believe that it is necessary for the world to change to carry out new research


Cual es la enfermedad similar al resfriado?


Answer:Similar en que caso? Puede ser la gripe.



Oximetría de pulso y radiografía de tórax en pacientes con síntomas respiratorios graves

Select the correct answer. Which verb form correctly completes this command that Eva says to her friend Juan? Juan, Necesito tu ayuda. ¡__________ las verduras, por favor!



"para" is the answer


hope it helps

“para” is the answer

¿________ no te gusta el hermanastro de Roberta?
No me gusta el hermanastro de Roberta porque él es antipático.
a. De qué
b. Cuándo
c. Por qué
d. Cómo



The answer is C. Porque no te gusta el hermanastro de Roberta?


The answer of this question is C. Por qué

Que son los sustantivos?
Clasificacion da dos ejemplos de cada uno




Nouns are words used to name an object, subject, concept or place. For example: Sara, bicycle, school, Argentina.


There are many types of classifications of nouns. Let's see some of them:

Proper nouns: They name an object or subject in a particular way and always begin with a capital letter. Example: Susan, Brazil. Common nouns: They designate a person, animal or thing in a general way. For example: table, chair, cow, dog.

Common nouns can also be classified:

Abstract nouns: They express ideas, concepts and feelings that cannot be perceived by the senses. For example: freedom, happiness, hatred, compassion. Concrete nouns: They name things and objects that can be perceived by the senses. For example: house, cat, tree, ball.

The concrete nouns are classified into:

Countable nouns: They can be numbered. For example: apple, table, friend. Uncountable nouns: They cannot be numbered, but they can be measured. For example: water, sugar. In the latter case, you cannot say two sugars, but a kilo of sugar. Uncountable nouns have no plural.

TRUE OR FALSE: The first day of every month is segundo.

True (Verdad)
False (Falso)

TRUE OR FALSE: All days of the week and all months are always lowercase in Spanish.

True (Verdad)
False (Falso)


the first one is falso and the second is verdad
1-False (Falso)
2-True (Verdad)

Natasha, ________ nasty with Mrs. Rogelia. She is 85 years old. It's up to you to run errands for Mrs. Rogelia today. Are you going to the market with her? ________ excuses, Natasha. She needs help. A) do not do; Do not be B) Do not do; Lest C) do not be; Do not give D) do not be; Do not give



Natasha, B) do not be nasty with Mrs. Rogelia. She is 85 years old. It's up to you to run errands for Mrs. Rogelia today.

Are you going to the market with her? Do not give excuses, Natasha. She needs help.

Those are the options that make the most sense.

hope this helps and pls mark me brainliest :)


Natasha "do not be" and "do not give" excuses


First part is "do not be" nasty with Mrs. Rogela. It would not make sense if you say "do not give" nasty. For the other part same thing, it would not make sense to say "do not do" excuses, Natasha. it sounds better when you say "do not give" excuses, Natasha.

What is the best way to help you understand Spanish?


What helped me learn Japanese was making more of my environment more like Japan. I had my parents learn some phrases so when I replied in Japanese they would understand and could reply. I would listen to Japanese talk shows a lot more, talking to some friends or trying to speak to native speakers and reading books in Japanese.
The best way to learn and understand Spanish quicker is to surround yourself in that environment

What I mean by that is to listen to Spanish songs,
fall asleep to people speaking Spanish,
watch Spanish movies with English subtitles,
Start becoming friends with Spanish speakers,
Take spanish classes

There’s even this app that I use to learn languages that I recommend called
Just choose the language you wanna learn

Try taking classes in school for Spanish and it wouldn’t hurt to ask for extra lessons

And before you know it, you’ll be speaking Spanish in no time!


Thomas gagne un salaire __. Il est homme d'affaires. élevé modeste 2. Leïla a obtenu un __ de vendeuse au magasin du Monde. poste domaine 3. Vous allez l'embaucher? Mais il n'a pas de __! références conseil 4. Nathalie veut faire un(e) __ dans la finance. stage messagerie 5. Un bon patron donne des __ à ses employés de temps en temps. conseils combinés 6. C'est une entreprise qui __ beaucoup de personnes. embauche postule 7. Je refuse de __ plus de cinq minutes au téléphone. patienter faire des projets 8. Il y a combien de __ pour le poste de secrétaire? candidats chefs du personnel



1. High

2. Post

3. References

4. Internship

5. Advice

6. Hiring

7. wait

8. Candidates


Thomas earns salary __. He is a business man. high modest 2. Leïla obtained a salesperson __ at the Monde store. poste domaine 3. Are you going to hire him? But he has no __! advice references 4. Nathalie wants to do a __ in finance. messaging internship 5. A good boss gives __s to his employees from time to time. combined advice 6. It is a business that __ a lot of people. hiring applies 7. I refuse __ more than five minutes on the phone. wait and make plans 8. How many __s are there for the secretary position? staff chief candidates


We are to fill the spaces with any of the options after each of the sentence to make a complete sentence.

1. Thomas earns a high salary. He is a business man.

He is said to be a business man, so he would earn a high salary rather than a modest one. Modest mean relatively small.

2. Leïla obtained a post as a salesperson at the Monde store.

To get a post mean to get a job. She got a job as a sales person.

3. Are you going to hire him? But he has no references!

References are people an employer could obtain information from on behalf of a candidate or employee.

4. Nathalie wants to do an internship in finance.

Internship is a process whereby a trainee works in an organization.

5. A good boss gives advice to his employees from time to time.

To Advice is to counsel.

6. It is a business that is hiring a lot of people.

Hiring means to recruit.

7. I refuse to wait more than five minutes on the phone.

To Wait is to delay an action.

8. How many candidates are there for the secretary position?

Candidates are people applying for a post

Write the correct form of escribir based on the subject.


Yo——> escribo
Tu——> escribes
El/Ella—-> escribe
Ellas/Ellos——> escriben
Nosotros——> escribimos

¿Cuál es la relación que existe entre el bienestar y el sentido de comunidad?



el sentido de la comunidad influye indirectamente en el bienestar a través de la autoeficicacia de afrontamiento cognito y de afrontamiento social, de forma que aquellos usuarios que con el apoyo de la asociación han logrado un mayor sentimiento de pertenencia comunitaria, también han desarollado mayor potenciación.

What the error in this sentence ? Gabriel, you’re going to have coffee with your coworkers



The error in the sentence is Coworkers.


The correct version of the sentence is "Gabriel, you’re going to have coffee with your co-workers" Co and workers are not together in a sentence. So, everything else in the sentence is fine.

Hope this helps.

Money left over after the bills are paid is referred to as
Select the best answer from the choices provided.
fixed expenses
variable expenses
O C.
discretionary income
O D.
fixed income


I’d say it’s C

I’d have to say it’s c
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To simplify the selection of the 11 counties, we will order the counties according to their July 1, 2012 populations.Order the counties by July 1, 2012 population as follows:Excel 2003highlight the cell range A5:E105in the Excel menu bar click on "Data"; in the drop-down menu click "Sort"near the bottom of the Sort dialogue box click the radio button next to "Header row"in the first "Sort by" window choose "2012" and make sure that the "Ascending" radio button is selectedclick OKExcel 2010 and Excel 2007highlight the cell range A5:E105Click the "Home" tab at the upper left of the Excel windowat the far right of the menu ribbon click on the "Sort and Filter" iconIn the drop-down menu click on "Custom Sort..."In the upper right-hand corner of the Sort window make sure the box next to "My data has headers" has a check mark; if it does not have a check mark, click in the box to make a check mark appear.In the Sort window, under Column, sort by "2012"In the Sort window, under Sort On, choose "values"In the Sort window, under Order, choose "A to Z"Click OKThe counties should now be listed in increasing order according to their July 1, 2012 populations. Tyrell County should be listed first (in row 6) with July 1, 2012 population 4,338.Question 1. Scroll down to the bottom of the worksheet to see the most populous counties. List below the 6 most populous counties and their populations. List the most populous county first and use commas in your population answers. Taking long walks and when she tended to her flower garden are natashas favorite thing to do outside during summer Which of the following is the number one cause of preventable death in the U.S.? A. The flu B. Heart disease C. AIDS D. Asthma I don't know but i think its the flu In order for the muscle fatigue to end the muscle cells must be provided with Which could be the first step in simplifying this expression? Check all that apply. (x cubed x Superscript negative 6 Baseline) squared (x Superscript negative 18 Baseline) squared (x Superscript negative 3 Baseline) squared (x Superscript negative 2 Baseline) squared x Superscript 6 Baseline x Superscript negative 12 Baseline x Superscript 5 Baseline x Superscript negative 4. Need Help ASAP!