We don’t know how the bone of a cow, a European domesticated animal, wound up mingled with other more traditional Munsee household refuse here [Clason’s Point, the Bronx] and at other sites in the city. The meat could have been given, bought, or stolen, or the livestock could have been raised by the community. Written accounts suggest all of these possibilities.

No matter how the meat got here, this seemingly insignificant find underscores the profound and irrevocable economic and ecological changes taking place not only here but throughout seventeenth-century coastal New York. As the colonial settlements grew, Dutch and English farms began expanding more and more into Munsee territory. The colonists cut down forests for lumber, cleared fields, planted European crops, and grazed European animals. These practices radically altered local ecosystems and destroyed the habitats of many of the animals that the Munsees had traditionally hunted and the plants on which they had depended.

Compounding these changes was the tense political climate in the mid-seventeenth century. Not only did the wars take energies away from economic activities, but Munsee and Dutch also destroyed each others’ crops as part of conflicts. As a result, the Munsees had to find new strategies to get food and to deal with their rapidly changing natural world, which they were now sharing with the colonists. This piece of cow bone, then, is evidence of the dramatic changes in the economy and landscape that were taking place throughout the world.


What was the main idea of Ecological and Demographic Impact of the Columbian Exchange Resources, The Changing Landscape?

Main Idea:






Answer 1
When and where is clasons point, the Bronx 17th century.
Main idea, is the bone of the cow
Who, munsee household, munsees
The cow bone is evidence of the dramatic changes in the economy and landscape that was taking place throughout the world

Related Questions

What type of political system does Panama have? Explain why.



Constitution of Panama


Panama has a democratically elected, proportional government structure of presidential, judicial branches. Proportional representation was established in 1907, and people 18 years old or older are entitled to vote.

The Constitution of Panama

D. Why did sailors/explorers first begin traveling by sea?

E. List the Motives (reasons) for exploring the New World (North and South America).



It was easier to do


They needed to trade so they were on boats in the day and walked at night and the boats on sea made it easier to travel

Which region had the largest slave population?

New England colonies
Southern colonies
Middle colonies


the southern colonies had the largest slave population

Who was supposed to be with the President and Mrs. Lincoln that night of Abraham Lincoln's assassination? How would that have changed the future of the government?



John Wilkes Booth was part of a family of celebrated actors, but he is remembered as the assassin who mortally wounded U.S. Pres. Abraham Lincoln in Ford's Theatre in Washington, D.C., on April 14, 1865, as part of a broader conspiracy that included an attempt on the life of Secretary of State William H


Giving brainliest Please answer-





government or family i would say. if i had to choose i would say government

Once you have read about the Native American's in the west, write a journal entry as if you were part of the Cherokee nation. Recall your role in the revolution and what is happening with the colonists moving into your territory. Be sure to include the actions your tribe is proposing against the unlawful colonialism.


Cherokee Nation Girl, November 10th, 1675

I worked on the farm area picking and planting crops, but mainly worked in the household of our tepee. Cooking dinner, sweptwing the floors, tending the children, as well as working in the ville woodshop. This mainly occurred during non educational heures, as I was at school learning about various tasks and future opportunities in the ville. I was surprisingly an only child with two loving parents. However, when the colonists arrived there were slight changes. Our lives became much busier, needing to to build more huts as well as these new houses for our neighbors. The colonists wanted to change our lives and not send girls to school. Luckily, my family moved up in Coos County. It was a different scenery, but I much appreciated the new change in comparison to where my tribe was headed. Others also left, but tribe fell under the control of the colonists as Moo-Mua Chua, the leader wasn't in the desired mindset to fight out the new ways and rules that the new landers were proposing, so the community crumbled.

Analyze the photo below and answer the question that follows.
A mountain has clouds of smoking rising from the top.
Photo by Patrick Smith

The peak above is part of the __________, a chain of volcanic mountains that runs through the middle of Central America.
Sierra Madre Occidentals
Andes Mountains
Sierra Madre Orientals
Central Highlands

Please select the best answer from the choices provided.



Answer: Central Highlands


The Central Highlands is in Central America making it apart of the peak and chain of volcanic mountains .




What did animals do to improve life for humans? PLEASE ANSWER DUE TODAY



Interacting with animals has been shown to decrease levels of cortisol (a stress-related hormone) and lower blood pressure. Other studies have found that animals can reduce loneliness, increase feelings of social support, and boost your mood.

HELP! ALMOST DUE! This map shows the spread of what?





Answer: Constantinople (Istanbul)

Explanation: This map shows the spread of Istanbul which was named after  King Constantine the Great. Istanbul was the capital city of the Roman Empire, the Byzantine Empire, the brief Crusader state known as the Latin Empire, and the Ottoman Empire, which contained all of the places on this map.

This might be a bit personal :/
-how they formed their personal and social identity
-what they think of social comparison and why it happens
-if they faced with any problems arising from social comparison
-their suggestions on how to avoid these problems




I formed my personality off tv and also people who I look up to it was something that I just started seeing in myself and how I feel about someone makes me want to be more or less like them.

I think it happens because I want to see what i am worth.

I have like not knowing if I am good enough for somthing or someone.

Know That your life is important and that you shouldn't care what other people Think about you!  

I got my personality form just being myself and looking up to people who inspire me to do something great and amazing.
I think that Social comparison is not needed because everyone is already taken so be your self and not someone else. Like I see if your trying to look up to someone that it better than trying to copy them.
I have faced problems with social comparisons where I wanted to be someone on tv and it never happened :) and now I’m me but I looked up to them. Avoiding these problems are easy by not getting pressured by being someone who you are not. This world is already messed up and we need a change.


Late tonight R. Kennedy invited me to come see him. We talked alone.
The Cuban crisis, R. Kennedy began, continues to quickly worsen. We have just received a report that an unarmed American plane was shot down while carrying out a reconnaissance flight over Cuba. The military is demanding that the President arm such planes and respond to fire with fire.

“The USA can’t stop these flights, because this is the only way we can quickly get information about the state of construction of the missile bases in Cuba, which we believe pose a very serious threat to our national security. But if we start to fire in response—a chain reaction will quickly start that will be very hard to stop. The same thing in regard to the essence of the issue of the missile bases in Cuba. The USA government is determined to get rid of those bases-up to, in the extreme case, of bombing them, since, I repeat, they pose a great threat to the security of the USA. But in response to the bombing of these bases, in the course of which Soviet specialists might suffer, the Soviet government will undoubtedly respond with the same against us, somewhere in Europe. A real war will begin, in which millions of Americans and Russians will die. We want to avoid that any way we can, I’m sure that the government of the USSR has the same wish.”

Dobrynin’s Cable to the Soviet Foreign Ministry, October 27, 1962

According to the passage, what does Kennedy want to avoid and why? Do not 'copy' from the text. Put the answer in your own words.



the war cuz americans and russians will die


Which event in Europe led to the colonization of North America?

Disease outbreak
Loss of plants for medicine
Religious wars
Too few people living in Europe


I think it is disease out break
It is disease outbreak and people started to die! Hope this helped!!

B. List the 7 Reasons for Exploration.

C. For at least 2 of the Reasons, Make a Connection to the Renaissance (human's desire for knowledge, power, wealth, travel, enjoyment,trade...).








Foreign goods

Better trading routes

coo I just want to comment on someone stuff

The image shows the influence of the Spanish. Which statement is the best description?

A....The Spanish gifts made it more likely for the Native Americans to help the Spanish fight against the French.

B....The Spanish only brought diseases to the Native Americans which led to their death.

C....The gifts of the Spanish gave the Native Americans additional advantages to fight against them.

D....The Spanish stole all of the Native American’s animals and tools to use for themselves.


Answer:A.... the spanish gifts made it more likely for native americans to help the spanish fight against the french hope this helps you


The answer is A. Why? Because in the picture the Native Americans were holding guns and riding on horses both of which came from Spain. Both of these things could help them fight against the French


Arriving at Weramocomoca, being jealous of the intent of this politick [savage]; to discover his intent the better, I with 20. Shot armed in Jacks went a shore… Two in a ranke we marched to the Emperors house. Before his house stood fortie or fiftie great Platters of fine bread. Being entred the house, with loude tunes they all made signes of great joy. This proud [savage], having his nest women, and the principall of his chiefe men assembled, sate in rankes as before is expressed: himself as upon a Throne at the upper ende of the house, with such a Majestie as I cannot expresse, nor yet have often seene, either in Pagan or Christian. With a kinde countenance hee bad[e] mee welcome, and caused a place to bee made by himselfe to sit. I presented him a sute of red cloath, a white Greyhound, and a Hatte: as Jewels he esteemed them, and with a great Oration made by three of his Nobles, if there be any amongst [Savages], kindly accepted them, with a publike confirmation of a perpetuall league and friendship.
… With a merrie countenance he asked me for certain peeces which I promised him… I gave him them, being sure that none could carrie them. But where are these men you promised to come with you. I told him, without. Who thereupon gave order to have them brought in, two after two, ever maintaining the guard without. And as they presented themselves, ever with thankes he would salute me: and caused each of them to have foure of five pound of bread given them. This done, I asked him for the corne and ground he promised me. He told me I should have it: but he expected to have all these men lay their armes at his feet, as did his subjects. I tolde him that was a ceremonie our enemies desired, but never our Friends, as we presented ourselves unto him; yet that he should not doubt of our friendship. The next day my father would give him a child of his, in full assurance of our loves, and not only that, but when he should thinke it convenient, wee would deliver under his subjection the Country of Manacam and Pocoughtaonack his enemies.

This so contented him, as immediatly with attentive silence, with a lowd oration he proclaimed me Awerowances of Powhaton, and that all his subjects should so esteem us, and no man account us strangers…and that the Corne, weomen and Country, should be to us as to his owne people. This proffered kindness for many reasons we contemned not, but with the best Languages and signes of thankes I could expresse, I tooke my leave.

I know the difference of peace and war better than any in my country. But now I am old and before long must die… What good will it do you to take by force that which you may have by love, or to destroy those that provide you with food? What can you get by war, when we can hide our provisions, and fly to the woods, so that you must famish by wronging us, your friends?

Do you think I am so simple, not to know it is far better to eat good meat, lie well, and sleep quietly with my women and children, to laugh and be merry with you, have copper, hatchets, or what I want, being your friend, than be forced to fly from all, to lie cold in the woods, feed upon acorns, roots, and such trash; and so be hunted by you, that I can neither rest, eat, nor sleep; but my tired men must watch, and if a twig but break, everyone cries, “Here comes Captain Smith!” so I must fly I know not where, and thus in miserable fear end my miserable life? Come in a friendly manner to see us, and not thus with your guns and swords.

Author says… (Quotation)
Author means… (Interpretation)
What do these quotations reveal about the author’s perspective? (Elaboration)

Author says… (Quotation)
Author means… (Interpretation)
What do these quotations reveal about the author’s perspective? (Elaboration)


Is this a whole book?

Explain God, Glory (use Humanism in your explanation) and Gold (use Mercantilism or colonies or tree example in your answer).


hm this is a hard one let me think about it

Why did money replace the barter system? (10 point)


It gave religious leaders more control over worshippers.


It allowed kings and nobles to become richer than peasants.


It was a more efficient way of getting the goods customers want.


It made it easier to find someone to barter with.



i think the answer is C


Sorry if i'm wrong

Arriving at Weramocomoca, being jealous of the intent of this politick [savage]; to discover his intent the better, I with 20. Shot armed in Jacks went a shore… Two in a ranke we marched to the Emperors house. Before his house stood fortie or fiftie great Platters of fine bread. Being entred the house, with loude tunes they all made signes of great joy. This proud [savage], having his nest women, and the principall of his chiefe men assembled, sate in rankes as before is expressed: himself as upon a Throne at the upper ende of the house, with such a Majestie as I cannot expresse, nor yet have often seene, either in Pagan or Christian. With a kinde countenance hee bad[e] mee welcome, and caused a place to bee made by himselfe to sit. I presented him a sute of red cloath, a white Greyhound, and a Hatte: as Jewels he esteemed them, and with a great Oration made by three of his Nobles, if there be any amongst [Savages], kindly accepted them, with a publike confirmation of a perpetuall league and friendship.
… With a merrie countenance he asked me for certain peeces which I promised him… I gave him them, being sure that none could carrie them. But where are these men you promised to come with you. I told him, without. Who thereupon gave order to have them brought in, two after two, ever maintaining the guard without. And as they presented themselves, ever with thankes he would salute me: and caused each of them to have foure of five pound of bread given them. This done, I asked him for the corne and ground he promised me. He told me I should have it: but he expected to have all these men lay their armes at his feet, as did his subjects. I tolde him that was a ceremonie our enemies desired, but never our Friends, as we presented ourselves unto him; yet that he should not doubt of our friendship. The next day my father would give him a child of his, in full assurance of our loves, and not only that, but when he should thinke it convenient, wee would deliver under his subjection the Country of Manacam and Pocoughtaonack his enemies.

This so contented him, as immediatly with attentive silence, with a lowd oration he proclaimed me Awerowances of Powhaton, and that all his subjects should so esteem us, and no man account us strangers…and that the Corne, weomen and Country, should be to us as to his owne people. This proffered kindness for many reasons we contemned not, but with the best Languages and signes of thankes I could expresse, I tooke my leave.

I know the difference of peace and war better than any in my country. But now I am old and before long must die… What good will it do you to take by force that which you may have by love, or to destroy those that provide you with food? What can you get by war, when we can hide our provisions, and fly to the woods, so that you must famish by wronging us, your friends?

Do you think I am so simple, not to know it is far better to eat good meat, lie well, and sleep quietly with my women and children, to laugh and be merry with you, have copper, hatchets, or what I want, being your friend, than be forced to fly from all, to lie cold in the woods, feed upon acorns, roots, and such trash; and so be hunted by you, that I can neither rest, eat, nor sleep; but my tired men must watch, and if a twig but break, everyone cries, “Here comes Captain Smith!” so I must fly I know not where, and thus in miserable fear end my miserable life? Come in a friendly manner to see us, and not thus with your guns and swords.

Author says… (Quotation)
Author means… (Interpretation)
What do these quotations reveal about the author’s perspective? (Elaboration)

Author says… (Quotation)
Author means… (Interpretation)
What do these quotations reveal about the author’s perspective? (Elaboration)




"I know the difference of peace and war better than any in my country. But now I am old and before long must die… What good will it do you to take by force that which you may have by love, or to destroy those that provide you with food? What can you get by war, when we can hide our provisions, and fly to the woods, so that you must famish by wronging us, your friends?" here the speaker/author is talking about how he met a king, but basically he was asked to lay down his "arms" meaning weapons, and to fight for him (the king). This man refused (note that key word "Refused") to do such a thing. It almost seems like this man is a peasant or someone who has helped the king before. Now he is saying "I am dying... why do you attack me? I told you why I would not take up arms against someone else." This shows the perspective of fear because this man is being hunted down because he said the wrong thing.


"Do you think I am so simple, not to know it is far better to eat good meat, lie well, and sleep quietly with my women and children, to laugh and be merry with you, have copper, hatchets, or what I want, being your friend, than be forced to fly from all, to lie cold in the woods, feed upon acorns, roots, and such trash; and so be hunted by you, that I can neither rest, eat, nor sleep; but my tired men must watch, and if a twig but break, everyone cries, “Here comes Captain Smith!” so I must fly I know not where, and thus in miserable fear end my miserable life? Come in a friendly manner to see us, and not thus with your guns and swords."

perspective of longing for his old life and fear of this man called Captain Smith (My last name is Smith! LOL)not being on the run or being hunted downseems like a friend of his that now hates his guts

It looks like he is pleading with his "friend", as stated in text, to come to him in a more friendly manner without weapons.

I hope this helps...

Is this for history I think you can search it up in the internet

This warrior-farmer became the first king of the Israelites.




Explanation: The bible


c. saul


What was the name of the first French settlement in Biloxi Bay?



Im pretty sure it's Fort Maurepas settlement



Fort Maurepas settlement


Which of the following most accurately describes people defined as Patriots a) They were mostly wealthy, well-educated men b) They were mainly planters and slave owners living in the southern colonies c) Nearly all of them were merchants opposed to British taxation d) Patriots came from a wide array of social and economic backgrounds



Patriots (also known as Revolutionaries, Continentals, Rebels, or American Whigs) were those colonists of the Thirteen Colonies who rejected British rule during the American Revolution and declared the United States of America as an independent nation in July 1776. Their decision was based on the political philosophy of republicanism as expressed by spokesmen such as Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, and Thomas Paine. They were opposed by the Loyalists who supported continued British rule.

Patriots represented the spectrum of social, economic, and ethnic backgrounds. They included lawyers such as John Adams, students such as Alexander Hamilton, planters such as Thomas Jefferson and George Mason, merchants such as Alexander McDougall and John Hancock, and farmers such as Daniel Shays and Joseph Plumb Martin. They also included slaves and freemen such as Crispus Attucks, the first casualty of the American Revolution; James Armistead Lafayette, who served as a double agent for the Continental Army; and Jack Sisson, leader of the first successful black operation mission in American history under the command of Colonel William Barton, resulting in the capture of British General Richard Prescott.


was the pendleton act more or less democratic than the spoils system


The Act was passed into law in January 1883; it was sponsored by Democratic Senator George H. Pendleton of Ohio. It was drafted by Dorman Bridgman Eaton, a leading reformer who became the first chairman of the U.S. Civil Service Commission. Its most famous commissioner was Theodore Roosevelt (1889–95).

The spoils system was instituted by Democratic President Andrew Jackson. "To the victor goes the spoils" meant that every government job belonged to the party in power.

Rita mentions that money is the cornerstone of any campaign. What is a synonym for "cornerstone?"






Cornerstone means the foundation of or a basis. Here are some synonyms:





Key (not in the literal sense of the word)

I hope that this helps. :)

Why might learning to farm have led early farmers to create new tools? PLEASE HELP DUE TODAY


Learning to farm has lead farmers to making new tools because they need more recourses to make their jobs easier and since more and more people became farmers to make a living they would need to make more and more tools to work as the tools started to become more advanced over time

What did the development of religious practices suggest about the relationship early humans had with the natural and social world? PLEASE HELP DUE TODAY



Recent studies of the evolution of religion have revealed the ... The universality of religion across human society points to a deep ... Here we reconstruct the evolution of religious beliefs and behaviors in early modern humans using a ... in early humans,

Explanation: chikahin mo nlg si google

It became more normal and they were more limited with things Bc they were practicing a religion so they might of been closing off the social world

How did Pericles strengthen democracy?
a.He only allowed the wealthy to vote.
b.He allowed all Athenians to vote.
c.He expanded citizenship to women.
d.He allowed all citizens to vote on laws.


Answer: A. He only allowed the wealthy to vote



1. What is different when studying the text versus studying the data sets?

2. How is the information the same? How is the information different?

3. Do you get more information from the text or the data? Why?

4. Which kinds of sources are difficult to study? Why?

5. Does one type of document tell the complete story on its own?

6.What is most important to know about the Columbian Exchange and why?


1. You are seeing a model of what you are looking for

2.the information is telling you the same thing. It is shown differently and if you are more of a visual learner it helps

3. You get more information with a data set because you can see the actual representation and it’s very helpful if you know how to read them

4. It is hard to study models if you do not know how to read them

5. No their needs to be more then one source to make your conclusion

6. The Columbian exchange had introduced to what we call the new world this was an extraordinary event


1.. What other inferences (conclusions) can you draw from the graph?

2.Which species of livestock had the largest population in 1500? Which species had the largest population by the end of 1590?

3.What conclusions can you draw about livestock growth?


Answer: 3,44,338


Uh might be wrong

Taylor and Jeff observed two points, P and Q, on a number line.

A number line is shown from negative 1 to positive 1 with increments of 1 over 8. A point P is shown at the seventh tick mark to the left of 0, and a point Q is shown at the seventh tick mark to the right of 0.

Jeff said that the absolute values of the numbers represented by the two points are different.
Taylor said that the absolute values of the numbers represented by the two points are the same.

Which of the following explains who is correct? (1 point)

Jeff, because the points are of different signs
Jeff, because the points are at different locations
Taylor, because each of the two points is 7 over 8 unit from 0

Taylor, because the distance between the two points is 7 over 8 unit



a.jeff, because the points are of different signs

I’m not 100 percent sure but I think it’s c I might be wrong

“The villa of San Antonio will remain as our most advanced frontier in the province of Texas. It is necessary to keep this villa in a respectable state of defense until its security can be affirmed by a growth of its population and by those settlements that spring up in its vicinity owing to this same protection.”- Marques de Rubi, report on Texas

What does the above excerpt indicate about Spanish settlements in Texas?

A-The Spanish did not provide any protection for the missions which is why they all failed.

B-The Native Americans destroyed every mission in Texas and we have no proof that they ever existed.

C-This is no evidence of Spanish settlements that exist in Texas today.

D-This was an important settlement for the Spanish because of its central location


Answer-D THIS was an important settlement for the spanish because of its central location


Other Questions
which of the following best describes the Soviet union A student evaluates the equation y=2x+5 , using a variety of values for x . After evaluating the equation the student claims: "When x is a positive integer then y is also a positive integer and when x is a negative integer then y is also a negative integer." What is a value of x that proves that the student's claim is NOT true? I will brainlist! How did mathematics change conceptions of the universe? Find the value of f(2).y = f(x)10864-10-8-6-4-2246810-24-6-8-10 Cmo se dice please en espaol?1. gracias 2. de nada3. s4. por favor A triangle has coordinates F(2, 3), G(4, 1), and H(2, 2). The triangle is translated and its image has coordinates F(0, 0), G(2, 2), and H(0, 5).What is the correct rule for the translation?(x, y) Right-arrow (x + 2, y + 3)(x, y) Right-arrow (x + 2, y 3)(x, y) Right-arrow(x 2, y + 3)(x, y) Right-arrow (x 3, y+ 2) Complete the steps to find the value of X PLZ HELP LOTS OF POINTS!! declaration of independence essay Rainy Daysby Farah Rehman The sky grew dark and cloudy, and a fresh, cool breeze began to blow. The birds chirped loudly, as if to announce their anticipation of the first showers of rain. Finally, what felt like a light drizzle quickly turned into a gushing shower that bathed the surroundings and made the trees look greener than ever. Lexie had been repeatedly going to the window all morning to see if it was raining, and when she saw the pouring rain, she almost cried. "Oh goodness, it's raining again. I'm sick of the rain. I'm going to get soaked and cold anytime I step out of the house. I wish it would never rainit's so damp and annoying," she said to her cousin Dana, who was dreamily gazing at the rain with a smile on her face. "Come on, Lexie. Don't be so sad. Rain makes everything feel cool and refreshed. Besides, we need the rain for so many reasons. Imagine what would happen if it never rained! Humans, plants, trees, birds, and animals would have no water to drink. See? There is a bright side to the rain. Instead of complaining, you should be thankful for the rain," said Dana. "Hmm...I guess you are right. Even mom tells me that I complain and sulk too often." Dana reminded Lexie of her sweater story. When Dana was visiting Lexie last year, she forgot her favorite sweater on the bus. She called the bus company, but the sweater was nowhere to be found. "Remember how sad I was?" she asked Lexie. "I loved that sweater. Everyone used to say how much it flattered me. But I had to accept the fact that it was gone forever. I had to move on and just wear my other sweaters. And you know what? They weren't so bad." Lexie pondered Dana's words and told her that she dealt with the situation in a mature way. She said, "If I were in your place, I would have thrown tantrums and complained for days. I surely can learn a thing or two from you, my wise cousin." Dana smiled at Lexie and said, "Yeah, and I do believe you are capable of making small changes.How does Lexie's point of view about the rain differ from Dana's point of view? A. Lexie feels that the rain is too strong and will make her late for the bus, while Dana thinks that the rain makes everything clean and beautiful. B. Lexie finds the rain annoying because she only thinks of how it will affect her, while Dana is grateful for the rain as she thinks of how it will benefit others. C. Lexie is happy for the rain because she knows how useful it is, while Dana thinks that the rain will make her sick and everything will be cold and annoying. D. Lexie thinks that the rain is good for the birds, because they feel fresh and clean, while Dana thinks the rain will make everyone get sick. YOU WILL GET 31 POINTS IF YOU ANSWER AND GET THIS CORRECT.What positive developments resulted from the conditions in China during the Warring States period? A.The need to have more soldiers resulted in less crowding in cities. B.The need to build stronger walls led to advances in architecture. C.The need to supply large armies resulted in increased food supplies. D.The need to have better protection led to innovations in tools and weapons. If a and b are equal distances from 0, which of the following is true Sumerians lived in _____.Group of answer choiceslong housesrural villageszigguratsindependent city-states 1. What is Alcatraz?2 Why did dangerous criminals go to Alcatraz?3 What happened in 1962?4 How long has Alcatraz been a tourist attraction?5. How much is admission for a ten year-old child?6 How much is admission for three year-old child? A farm stand sells oranges in 3-lb bags for $3.75. What equation represents the cost, c, for p pounds of oranges? Think: how much will 1-lb of oranges cost? A c = 1.25p B p = 1.25cC c = 3.75p D p = 3.75c See Picture below. Thanks Aqueous sodium carbonate reacts with aqueous copper(II) chloride to form solid copper(II) carbonate and aqueous sodium chloride. What mass of sodium chloride is produced by 23.9 g of sodium carbonate? The length of a rectangle is three times its width. the perImeter of the rectangle is 100 inches. What are the dimension of the rectangle 3x + 8 = -1/2(2x + 4) A).-40B).-20C).20D).40 Help Ill give you brainless