Para mejorar la combustión de la gasolina sin plomo se utiliza metanol ( CH3OH ) como aditivo, el cual reduce las emisiones nocivas de los vehículos. Calcular la cantidad de mililitros de agua ( densidad = 1 g/mL ) que se necesitan para preparar una disolución 4.12 molal, con 56.07 gramos de metanol.


Answer 1


V  = 426.76 mL


Para realizar este ejercicio, necesitas aplicar la siguiente expresion:

m = moles soluto / kg solvente (1)


m: molalidad.

Ahora bien, tenemos la molalidad de la solución la cual es 4.12 m y la masa de metanol que es 56.07 g. Obviamente, el agua es un solvente universal, por lo tanto en esta disolución, el soluto es el metanol y el solvente el agua.

Sabiendo eso, necesitamos ahora calcular los moles de soluto. Para ello usamos la siguiente expresión:

moles = masa / PM   (2)

El peso molecular, es la suma de todos los pesos atómicos involucrados en el compuesto. En el caso del metanol que es CH3OH, los pesos atómicos son:

C = 12 g/mol;    H = 1 g/mol ;    O = 16 g/mol

Calculemos entonces el peso molecular:

PM = 12 + (4*1) + 16 = 32 g/mol

Con este valor, podemos calcular los moles de metanol o soluto:

moles = 56.07 / 32

moles soluto = 1.75 moles de metanol

Ahora usamos la expresión (1), para despejar los kg de solvente y quedaría:

kg solvente = moles soluto / m   (3)

Reemplazamos los valores obtenidos y calculamos la masa de solvente en kilogramos:

kg agua = 1.75 / 4.12

kg agua = 0.42476 kg

Si este valor lo llevamos a gramos, que es simplemente multiplicar por 1000 o correr la coma 3 espacios a la derecha, tenemos:

masa de agua = 0.42476 * 1000 = 424.76 g

Finalmente, si la densidad del agua es 1 g/mL significa que el volumen de agua es igual a la masa de agua, por lo tanto

V = 426.76 mL

Y esta es la cantidad en mililitros de agua que se necesitan para preparar esta disolución con esa concentración.

Related Questions

The alcohol family has properties similar to_____. HCl H2O NaCl H2SO4


Answer: H2O

Explanation: The alcohol family has properties similar to H2O.




C5H12, pentane, is a liquid at room temperature.
Can we predict from this information whether C4H10, butane, will be a liquid at room temperature?

A)Yes, it will be a liquid since pentane is a liquid.
B)Yes, it will be a liquid since it contains 4 carbon atoms.
C)We cannot be sure unless we find out its boiling point.
D)We cannot be sure unless we get the boiling point of propane, C3H8.



C)We cannot be sure unless we find out its boiling point.


I will like to clearly state that simply comparing two compounds will not tell us exactly which one will be a liquid, solid or gas at room temperature.

If I want to determine whether an unknown substance will be a liquid at room temperature, I will have to measure its boiling point. If the boiling point is above room temperature, and the melting point is below room temperature, it’s a liquid. If the boiling point of the unknown substance is below room temperature, it is a gas.

This confirms that we cannot conclude on the state of matter in which a compound exists unless we know something about its boiling point, not by inspecting the properties of neighbouring compounds in the same homologous series

We cannot predict from this information provided whether C4H10, butane, will be a liquid at room temperature because We cannot be sure unless we find out its boiling point (option c)

Normally, Butane is a gas at room temperature and pressure. However too, if it is put under pressure, its boiling point rises. At a pressure of 2.13 x 105 Pa, its boiling point goes up to -25 °C which is obviously higher than room temperature. So, by putting butane at a pressure of just over 2 atm, it is a liquid at room temperature.

Learn more about organic compounds:

Explain why the boiling point of H2S with relative molecular mass 34 is lower than that of H2O with relative molecular mass 18​


Answer and Explanation:

In H2O molecules, due to formation of intermolecular hydrogen bonds, there is molecular association. Large amount of energy is required to break these intermolecular hydrogen bonds. Intermolecular hydrogen bonding is not possible in H2S. Hence, its boiling point is lower and is a gas.

what is the substitution reaction
plzz answer ​



it is a reaction whereby one or more reactants of the reaction are changed or replaced .

8. What is the molecular mass of NH3?


the answer is 17.031 g/mol


17.031 g/mol


hard to explanation

What is the name of CH3CH(OH)CH2CH2CH3?


Answer: 2-butanol

Explanation: I looked it up, I really don’t know how trustworthy my source was. (not Wikipedia)

An aqueous solution turns red litmus solution blue. Excess addition of which of the following solution would reverse the change:
(a) Baking powder
(b) Lime
(c) Ammonium hydroxide solution
(d) Hydrochloric acid

Pls Anyone tell me the answer....​


I think the answer is D

Ice made from water is a solid because the atoms or molecules >
A. Vibrate in place
B. Are unable to move around
C. Are closely packed and touching
D. All of the above



D. all of the above


Ice made from water is a solid because the atoms or molecules

- vibrate in place

- are unable to move around

- are closely packed and touching

In a solid, the atoms or molecules are unable to move around so they just vibrate in fixed positions and they are closely packed and touching.

why is the air along a coastline typically cooler than in other areas?



ocean heats up and cools down relatively slowly. Therefore, areas near the ocean generally stay cooler

The major difference between a 1s orbital and a 2s orbital is that

The 2s orbital has a slightly different shape.
The 2s orbital is at a higher energy level.
The 2s orbital can hold more electrons.
The 1s orbital can have only one electron.



The 2s orbital is at a higher energy level.


1s and 2s are the sub-orbitals that are located in an atom. They are nearest to the nucleus and are found on the s sub-orbital. The difference between 1s and 2s is the difference in their level of energy. 1s has low energy as compared to 2s. 1s orbital has the lowest energy because it is located closed to the nucleus. 2s orbital has higher energy than 1s because it's orbit is larger than 1s.

What is the volume occupied by 3.00 mol of hydrogen gas at STP? *


Answer: V=67.2 L


For this problem we will need to use the Ideal Gas Law.

Ideal Gas Law: PV=nRT

P=1.00 atm (STP)


n=3.00 mol


T=273.15 K (STP)

To find V, we would manipulate the equation to V=nRT/P

[tex]V=\frac{(3.00 mol)(0.08206Latm/Kmol)(273.15K)}{1.00 atm}[/tex]

[tex]V=67.244 L[/tex]

With significan figures, our answer is V=67.2 L.

Why do chemical reactions happen?



Chemical reactions happen when two or more molecules interact and the molecules change.


Bonds between atoms are broken and created to form new molecules. That's it.

// have a great day //

Are two atoms of the same element identical?
Please answer this and I will mark the best answer as the brainiest answer.





Are two atoms of the same element identical?

No they are not, for multiple reasons,

1) Heisenberg uncertainty principle: Electrons don't have a definite position, and direction of motion, at the same time. So we can only know of the two. Therefore the atoms are not identical in terms of the location or direction of motion at any fixed point in time.

2) Isotopes, while the number of protons in the nucleus determine the element, atoms of the same element can have different numbers of neutrons in their nuclei.

3) Electrons again, atoms can exist in energized states, therefore we may have a different number of electrons

use the periodic table to select the element that best fits each of the following descriptions. which element below has properties of both metals and nonmetals?
zinc aluminum copper boron


Answer: Boron is the element which has properties of both metals and nonmetals.


Metals are defined as the elements which loose electrons to attain stable electronic configuration. They attain positive charge and form cation. Example: Zinc (Zn), Aluminium (Al) , copper (Cu)

Non-metals are defined as the elements which gain electrons to attain stable electronic configuration. They attain negative charge and form anion. Example: Chlorine (Cl) , Sulphur (S)

Metalloids are defined as the elements which show properties of both metals and non-metals. There are 7 metalloids in the periodic table. They are Boron (B) , Silicon (Si) , Germanium (Ge) , Arsenic (As) ,  Antimony (Sb), Tellurium (Te) and Polonium (Po).

Thus boron is the element which has properties of both metals and nonmetals.


The answer is A boron!!!!!!


i took the quiz on ed




An acidic substance is any substance with a pH of less than 7, the smaller the number the more acidic it is. ... An acid is a substance that donates hydrogen ions. Because of this, when an acid is dissolved in water, the balance between hydrogen ions and hydroxide ions is shifted.


The specific heat capacity of methane gas is 2.20 J/g°C. How many joules of heat are needed to raise the temperature of 5.00 g of methane from 22.0°C to 57.0°C?

a-79.5 J


c-869 J

d-0.0126 J



b - 385 j


Rubidium will react with oxygen in which of the following formulas?






The chemical formula for Rubidium oxide is Rb20.

Hope this helps!

which formulas represent compounds that are isomers of each other?



Option D.


Isomerism is a phenomenon where by two or more compounds have the same molecular formula but different structural patterns. The compounds involved are called isomers.

Option A has two different compound with two different molecular formula. Hence they are not isomers.

Option B has two different compound with two different molecular formula. Hence they are not isomers

Option C can not be called isomers because Isomerism can not occur in compound having just 1 carbon atom.

Option D has two different compound with the same molecular formula as C3H8O and their structure are different. Hence they areisomers.

Which statement about electric charge is true? A. Electric charge is created by an electric current. B. Electric charge influences whether objects attract or repel one another. C. Electric charge tends to be neutral in the nuclei of atoms. D. Electric charge will increase with an increase in temperature.






Electrical forces can act from a distance


A. Because electrical forces act at a distance, charged objects brought near a neutral object will cause electrons on the neutral object to rearrange their position

in a lab, 400 ML of hydrogen gas reacts with 400 ML of chlorine gas. what product would form and how much of the product would form?



The product is hydrogen chloride gas

Volume of product = 800 ml


Equation of the reaction;

H2 + Cl2 ----> 2HCl

From the above balanced chemical equation, 1 mole of hydrogen gas, H2 reacts with 1 mole of chlorine gas, Cl2 to produce 2 moles of hydrogen chloride gas, HCl.

The mole ratio of reactants and products is 1 : 1 ---> :2

According to Gay-Lussac's law of combining volume which states that the volume of gases which take part in a chemical reaction bear a simple whole number ratio to one another and to the volume of products, if gaseous, at constant temperature and pressure.

Therfore, if 400 ml each of hydrogen and chlorine gas react, the product will be 2 * 400 ml of Hydrogen chloride gas = 800ml of hydrogen chloride gas

What is the correct prefix for 6?





Prefix Prefix meaning Sample word

hex-           6                                  hexapod: having six legs, an insect, for      





Balance the following reaction. A coefficient of "1" is understood. Choose option "blank" for the correct
answer if the coefficient is "1."
* CCI +


Answer: [tex]CS_2+3Cl_2\rightarrow CCl_4+S_2Cl_2[/tex]


According to the law of conservation of mass, mass can neither be created nor be destroyed. Thus the mass of products formed must be equal to the mass of reactants taken.

In order to get the same mass on both sides, the atoms of each element must be balanced on both sides of the chemical equation.

The given chemical equation is:

[tex]CS_2+Cl_2\rightarrow CCl_4+S_2Cl_2[/tex]

The balanced chemical equation is:

[tex]CS_2+3Cl_2\rightarrow CCl_4+S_2Cl_2[/tex]


blank, 3, blank, blank


A gas occupies 40.0 mL at -123°C. What volume does it occupy at 27°C, assuming pressure is constant?



80.0 mL


V1/V2 = T1/T2

T1 = 273 -123 = 150K

T2 = 273 +27 = 300 K

40.0 mL/V2 = 150K/300K

V2 = 40.0 mL*300K/150K = 80.0 mL

The volume that is occupied at 27°C, assuming pressure is constant is 80ml.

The Ideal gas law is the equation of state of a hypothetical ideal gas. It is a good approximation to the behaviour of many gases under many conditions, although it has several limitations. The ideal gas equation can be written as

                          PV = nRT


P = Pressure

V = Volume

T = Temperature

n = number of moles


Initial Volume = 40 ml

Initial temperature = -123°C = 273 - 123 = 150K

Final temperature = 27°C = 273 + 27 = 300K

From Charles' law,

V₁ / T₁ = V₂ / T₂

V₂ = (40 × 300) ÷ 150

= 80 ml

Learn more about Ideal gas law, here:


What property of matter will keep your body in motion when the car comes to halt



Inertia in our body tends to be in the situation it is. So, we a car comes to a halt, our body wants to keep moving i.e. in motion. hope that helps love!

That's not supposed to happen. When the car comes to a halt, so will your body if you were sitting in the car.

Which of the following is a qualitative physical property?
a. Alcohol is toxic to the liver
b. Aluminum reacts with oxygen to form aluminum oxide
c. Carbon is a solid black powder
d. Hydrogen’s boiling point is -259.9 degrees Celsius





the rest are chemical properties

Most air pollution come from a) pollen b) forest fires c) volcanic eruptions d) burning fossil fuels


D. Fossil Fuels

Explanation: Fossil fuels come from oils and oils are the second largest fuel source in the world.


d) burning fossil fuels


We humans burn fossil fuels the most

How many significant figures should be present in the answer of the following calculations: 2.5 x 1.25 x 3.5/2.01


Answer: there should be 2

Since the least # of significant figures from the given figures is 2 (in 2.5 & 3.5) the result shouldn’t have more than 2 significant figures

Graphite conducts heat in a similar way to metals because it contains ______ ______. What two words complete the sentence?



Because graphite has delocalised electrons ,just like metal

Graphite is the allotrope of carbon. Allotropes are chemical compounds of the single element present and arranged in a complex form.

The uses of the graphite are as follows:-

Conduct electricityLubricants

Graphite the is allotropes of the carbon which means it has a free electron in the valence shell. In graphite, there is one free electron which moves from one place to another.

The movement of transferring the electron in the compound can allow the graphite to conduct heat.

Hence, the free electron is the answer.

For more information, refer to the link:-

which half-reaction correctly shows the oxidation of iron



What is the oxidation half reaction for iron?

The two elements involved, iron and chlorine, each change oxidation state; iron from +2 to +3, chlorine from 0 to -1. There are then effectively two half-reactions occurring. These changes can be represented in formulas by inserting appropriate electrons into each half-reaction: Fe2+ Fe3+ + e.

Hope this helps..

The yearly amounts of carbon emissions from cars in Belgium are normally distributed with a mean of 13.9 gigagrams per year and a standard deviation of 5.8 gigagrams per year. Find the probability that the amount of carbon emissions from cars in Belgium for a randomly selected year are between 11.5 gigagrams and 14.0 gigagrams per year. a. 0.340 b. 0.660 c. 0.167 d. 0.397



The correct option is;

c. 0.167


The parameters given are;

The mean, μ = 13.9 Gigagrams/year

The standard deviation, σ = 5.8 Gigagrams/year

The z-score formula is given as follows;

[tex]z = \dfrac{x - \mu }{\sigma }[/tex]


x = Observed score = 11.5 Gigagrams/year

We have;

[tex]z = \dfrac{11.5 - 13.9 }{5.8 } = \dfrac{-2.4 }{5.8 } = 0.4138[/tex]

From the z-score table relations/computation, the probability (p-value) = 0.6605


x = Observed score = 14 Gigagrams/year

We have;

[tex]z = \dfrac{14- 13.9 }{5.8 } = \dfrac{0.1}{5.8 } = 0.01724[/tex]

From the z-score table relations/computation, the probability (p-value) = 0.4931

Therefore, the probability, [tex]p_{ca}[/tex], that the amount of carbon emissions from cars in Belgium for a randomly selected year are between 15.5 Gigagrams/year and 14 Gigagrams/year = The area under the normal curve bounded by the p-values for the two amounts of carbon emission

Which gives;

[tex]p_{ca}[/tex] = 0.6605 - 0.4931 = 0.1674 ≈ 0.167

Therefore, the correct option is c. 0.167.

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