no fake answers i need each box done whoever does it correctly ill give you brainliest

No Fake Answers I Need Each Box Done Whoever Does It Correctly Ill Give You Brainliest


Answer 1
Person above needs brainliest

Related Questions

What piece of material evidence exists to demonstrate that Jesus was crucified for political reasons?



The crucifixion of Jesus Christ did not take place in obscurity. The writers of the four gospels were actual figures in history that wrote, from various perspectives, about the life, ministry, and death of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Their writings depicted eyewitness accounts of documented happenings in history. The variety of theories as to the events following the crucifixion and to what happened to the body of Jesus, only serves to further establish the fact of this heinous death. Such well-known legends as the swoon theory, that Jesus only passed out on the cross and was later resuscitated by the cool air of the tomb, and the case of the stolen body are strewn throughout literature chronicling the events of that time. The fact is, the death of Jesus Christ was never disputed. The Jews, both those who hated him and those who would become His future followers, witnessed His death. It was a public event that took place in front of the whole world. John 12:32-33 says, "'But I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all men to myself.' He said this to show the kind of death He was going to die." Joseph of Arimethea, himself a notable figure of the Jews of that day, requested the body of Jesus in order to give Him an honorable burial.

As to the validity of the mode of execution, it was established that by the first century, crucifixion was the Roman method for certain non-Roman criminals. It was initially employed as a form of punishment causing extreme pain and humiliation, so much so that the word "excruciating" was created for the express purpose of describing the unfathomable horror of the individual's suffering on a cross. Excruciating literally means, "out of the cross." How wonderfully this fit into the plan and will of God: "If a man guilty of a capital offense is put to death and his body is hung on a tree, you must not leave his body on the tree overnight. Be sure to bury him that same day, because anyone who is hung on a tree is under God's curse. . ." (Deuteronomy 21:22-23).

The massacre and shame that the Savior endured as one accursed was suffered for our benefit. He who never sinned suffered on our behalf, for our sins worthy of death; we were the accursed. The severity of the punishment was a stark reflection of God's holiness and His hatred of sin. While we as humans justify ourselves and compare ourselves to others who may not be as "good" as we are, God has indicated that the slightest infraction is an affront to His holiness.

1 John 5:17 says, "All wrongdoing is sin. . ." What a terrible weight Jesus carried, the load of our sins that so disfigured Him, that even the Father turned away? Matthew 27:46 "About the ninth hour Jesus cried out in a loud voice, 'Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?' - which means, 'My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?'"

Perhaps the greatest evidence of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ is the eternal results in the lives of those who have accepted Him. Those who have believed in what happened on Golgotha have been given the right to be called sons of God, and may now cry "Abba, Father." We can now have fellowship with the living God.

Jesus Christ was not the first or last person to be crucified. He was the only one, however, to be resurrected, and that from such a horrible death. He bore in His resurrection body, forever, the scars of His crucifixion in His hands and feet and side. We are told in God's Word that this will ever be a witness, for as the prophet foretold, "And I will pour out on the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem a spirit of grace and supplication. They will look on me, the one they have pierced, and they will mourn for him as one mourns for an only child, and grieve bitterly for him as one grieves for a firstborn son" (Zechariah 12:10).


Which statement would Henry David Thoreau most likely agree with?
A. Happiness lies in loving your job.
B. Truth is found in nature.
C. Only the rich are truly respected.
D. Tradition must be obeyed.



truth is found in natzre


B. Truth is found in nature.


I got right on ap3x

Which of the following describes how the black women discussed in this text contributed to civil rights?

A They held violent protests to challenge the unfair treatment of black people.

B They brought attention to, and challenged, the unfair treatment of black people.

C They supported the black men who were protesting the unfair treatment of black people.

D They challenged the unfair treatment of black people in secret, to avoid criticism from men.​


Answer: C, They supported the black men who were protesting the unfair treatment of black people.

Explanation: I got a 100 on this!!

While typically told to young children, fairy tales actually have sophisticated meanings, including
metaphors for the battle between good and evil.


True is the correct answer

"While typically told to young children, fairy tales actually have sophisticated meanings, including metaphors for the battle between good and evil." The correct option is true.

What do you mean by metaphors?

A metaphor refers is a rhetorical device that characterizes something by comparing it to another. It shouldn't be regarded seriously, though.

Metaphor is a writing technique that aids readers in comprehending, paying attention to, remembering, and acting on messages.

A metaphor is a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an item or activity that it does not directly refer to: Lips, for example, are volcanoes.

Therefore, "While typically told to young children, fairy tales actually have sophisticated meanings, including metaphors for the battle between good and evil." The correct option is true.

To know more about the metaphors, visit:


In the 19th century, slaves would keep the hope of freedom alive by _________ inspirational songs.

Word Bank:
GDP per capita


Natural Features
Racial injustice





To keep their hopes and spirits up slaves sang songs in the field while they were picking cotton. It helped them get through their day.

Who was Rosa Park, and how did she contribute to the civil right movement​



Called "the mother of the civil rights movement," Rosa Parks invigorated the struggle for racial equality when she refused to give up her bus seat to a white man in Montgomery, Alabama. Parks' arrest on December 1, 1955 launched the Montgomery Bus Boycott by 17,000 black citizens.


hope this helps :-)

Answer: Rosa Parks at first was just a normal american citizen living a segragationist period she contributed to the civil rights movement because she refused to give up her spot to a white man on the bus because the rule was back in the 50s and 60s black people had to give up there seats if a white person came onto the bus but Rosa Parks didnt want to give up her seat she as well as others wanted to fight for the end of segregation after her act she closely worked with other civil right activist including Martin Luther King to end segregation.


From what malady did many children suffer during the Great Depression A. lupus B.malnutrition measles D. polio​


Answer: B. malnutrition


The Great Depression (1929) pushed many middle-class families into poverty, which explains the rising malnutrition among children during the 1930s. The economic crisis trumped the previous general improvement in children´s lives. One of the first New Deal relief programs was aimed to provide emergency food relief and school lunch programs, base on the recommendations of the U.S. Children's Bureau's Child Health Recovery Conference (1933).

how do you think the Mexican-American War changed Mexico's attitude toward the US?​



Painting of a Mexican-American War battle


“The War” – From a Mexican Viewpoint

When asked about the Mexican American War; most Americans would probably give a lost and questioning reaction. However for Mexicans, they would probably remember this war passionately; “It is a scar for them.”(35)

Most American historians would call this war as “The Mexican-American War”, while Mexicans would refer it as “The U.S Invasion”. The difference in referral is based on the different perceptions of the conflict. While President Polk blamed the Mexicans for causing the war because the Mexican governments left the United States with no other choice for defending its national security and interest; the Mexicans did not see this way.

To understand the Mexicans viewpoint of the war, it is important to first understand the problem of annexation of Texas. The annexation of Texas to the United States was unacceptable for both legal and security reasons from Mexico’s point of view. Mexico stated that the annexation of Texas to the United States was a violation of the 1828 boarder treaty, which had acknowledged Mexico’s sovereignty over that territory.(36)

However little did Mexico know, such acts were a violation of the fundamental principles of international law, and moreover United States began to threaten Mexico’s territorial security. On July 4, 1845, the Texas government has agreed to the annexation.

The Mexican government had always wanted to maintain in a negotiable manner with the United States. As stated by the Mexican government to the United States one month before the annexation of Texas, “…although the Mexican nation was gravely offended by the United States due to its action in Texas – belonging to Mexico – the government was willing to receive a commissioner who would arrive in this capital from the Unite States possessing full faculties to settle the current dispute in a peaceful, reasonable and respectable way.”(37)

However not only did the United States conform to close to none negotiations, they also demand for the cession of the territories of New Mexico and California. The Mexican government had two choices: they could give in and reestablish friendly relations to the United States, proving to the world that Mexico would always be a “slave” to the United States or the Mexican government would not surrender to such degradation and resort to war.

Therefore, on July 6, 1846, President Mariano Paredes passed the Congressional decree that sustained such principles in the following terms:

Article 1 - The government, in the natural defense of the nation, will repel the aggression initiated and sustained by the United States of America against the Republic of Mexico, having invaded and committed hostilities in a number of the departments making up Mexican territory.

Article 3 - The government will communicate to friendly nations and to the entire republic the justifiable causes which obliged it to defend its rights, left with no other choice but to repel force with force, in response to the violent aggression committed by the United States.(38)

Analyzing the above decrees, it could be seen that Mexico never declared a war against the United States but rather the need to defend the country’s territorial integrity and fending off United State’s invasion. Therefore, in a Mexican view point, the war was not a result of greed or arrogance but a consequence to defend Mexico’s territory from U.S invasion. And thus, the Mexicans would call this war as “The U.S War against Mexico”.  


In addition to keeping the nobles and royal princes busy so that they would stay out of politics, what other reason could explain why Louis XIV invited them to the royal court?



Another reason why Louis XIV invited the nobles and royal princes to the royal court was to keep them under his watchful eye so that they do not plot anything against the throne, his throne.


King Louis XIV was the king of France after the death of Louis XIII. His interest in the Palace of Versailles led to the beginning of more extensions and renovations done to the place.

The reason for this renovation was to make the nobles and royal princes live within the court premises. This will render them unable to plot anything against the king. Moreover, the presence of the nobles and princes within his sight means that he can have more control over the government and have no opposition from them.

Thus, aside from the plot to keep the nobles and princes away from politics, Louis XIV made them stay in the royal court so that he will be able to keep an eye on all of them and ensure no plot schemes against him.

how did freeing the slaves affect the southern states


It effect there Cotten Industry heavily because slaves were free labor and at the time the fear was the effect it would have in there profit margin because they would have to pay for labor rather then using slaves

The process through which an individual is made a part of society is socialization.

true or false



The process of social interaction that teaches a child the intellectual, physical, and social skills needed to function as a member of society is called socialization. ... Socialization takes place within subcultures of race, ethnicity, class, and religion that are part of general society.


Someone help! WW1
1. American showed then, as now, that they don’t like the idea of other nations...
a. Impacting our culture
b. Running out government
c. Telling us what to do
d. Invading us
2. Mustard gas didn’t impact many people unless they ate it somehow.
a. True
b. False
3. Because of the stress of speaking in all states, pleading for the acceptance of the League of Nations, Wilson...
a. Resigns from the presidency in disgrace
b. Ends up in an embarrassing shouting match with Roosevelt
c. Has a stroke, with his wife secretly signing documents for him
d. Has a heart attack during a speech, terrifying the crowd



Q 1 = A

Q 2 = B

Q 3 = A


I beleive these are all the correct answers.

Drag each tile to the correct box.

Hitler’s plans to provide for the needs of what he perceived to be a superior Aryan race led to a sequence of events. Arrange these events in the order in which they occurred.

deportation to extermination camps
conquest of Poland
decision on the Final Solution
search for lebensraum



It should be






Do you think World War I was avoidable?



No, I don't think it was because God throws challenges at everyone for a reason. God will never throw a challenge at you that you wouldn't be able to handle so he gave us this challenge knowing we could overcome it.

Also, this stuff shapes our futures now.


Please give brainlist

what example of classification divides the populations in our Rwanda?​




Rwandans take history seriously. Hutu who killed Tutsi did so for many reasons, but beneath the individual motivations lay a common fear rooted in firmly held but mistaken ideas of the Rwandan past. Organizers of the genocide, who had themselves grown up with these distortions of history, skillfully exploited misconceptions about who the Tutsi were, where they had come from, and what they had done in the past. From these elements, they fueled the fear and hatred that made genocide imaginable. Abroad, the policy-makers who decided what to do—or not do—about the genocide and the journalists who reported on it often worked from ideas that were wrong and out-dated. To understand how some Rwandans could carry out a genocide and how the rest of the world could turn away from it, we must begin with history

Why was it so difficult for Mexico to achieve peace and stability?



A primary threat to Mexico's democratic transition is the so-called old guard of the PRI, ... Together with the PRI's difficulty in coming to terms with political reform, ... and appear to be committed to a peaceful resolution of the Chiapas crisis.

It is difficult for Mexico to achieve peace and stability because of the domestic problems that nation is facing.

Domestic problems

Political instability also affects the peace and stability of the country.

The increasing taxes has forced people in Mexico to cuts their spending and to same money to pay debts.

Mafia gangs have increased in Mexico as they are involved in drugs and illegal weapon business.

Because of unemployment, people are getting involved in illegal activities and fleeing the country to earn money.

Learn more about Mexico here:

What did St. Patrick introduce to the irish?​


Answer: He is credited with bringing Christianity to parts of Ireland and was probably partly responsible for the Christianization of the Picts and Anglo-Saxons.


The Spanish encomienda was


The encomienda system was a trusteeship system used during the Spanish colonization of the Americas, conquistadors were granted the towns of the indigenous people they conquered. The conquistadors, known as encomenderos, were able to tax these people and summon them for labor.


Encomienda, in Spain's American and Philippine colonies, legal system by which the Spanish crown attempted to define the status of the indigenous population. It was based upon the practice of exacting tribute from Muslims and Jews during the Reconquista (“Reconquest”) of Muslim Spain.

PLEASE HELP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



whats ur question???


How would you convince pioneers to travel west on the Oregon trail?

What are the most convincing factors or pros of heading west?



pros and cons


I would convince them by telling them that there is a lot of gold and many other things to be found and you may be the only person to get it.

pros: gold and hopes of getting a new life with the things you get and not worry about any diseases because you have money to help get you through, don't have to worry about your children's schooling.

cons: family may get sick, may waste more money on the way than the money you get, you or your family member may die.

Marking brainliest!




it helped with taking segregation away in schools


pretty sure the court made it so segregation in schools weren't allowed anymore because it violated the 14th amendment

what is the name of the bomber in the Oklahoma City bombing ​



Timothy McVeigh sorry if it wrong



Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols


they were anti-government extremists who made the bombing happen

What was the result of the tennis court oath?


Answer: The Tennis Court Oath – which was both a revolutionary act and an expression of popular sovereignty – had succeeded in forcing a royal back down. With one fell swoop, Louis XVI had abolished the Three Estates as separate political orders.


Can someone please help me with math.



The answer is A


So if you look at the data you can tell that the data is scattered when u see the line it only goes through like half of the points. Hope this helps


In what ways did the federal and Texas state governments collaborate in their efforts to limit the Dust Bowl effect?



With the cooperation of the Civilian Conservation Corps, the Work Projects Administration, the Agricultural Adjustment Administration, the Resettlement Administration, the Farm Security Administration, state extension services, and other agencies, the Soil Conservation Service made efforts to limit the worst effects of wind erosion.



Place the following events in chronological order

April 14, 1865: Lincoln assassinated

General Lee surrenders; ending Civil War

13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution abolishing slavery

Emancipation Proclamation

President Lincoln's 2nd term begins

Beginning of Civil War



Beginning of Civil War

Emancipation Proclamation

13th Amendment

Lincoln's 2nd term

General Lee surrenders

Lincoln assassinated


Hope this helps :)

How was control of the gold and salt trade an important part of the rule of the Kingdoms of West Africa?



Ghana's rulers rose in power as gold and salt trade increased. They gradually developed armies of iron guns that were superior to the weapons of the natives. By 800, Ghana had established a strong grip on West Africa's trading routes. Ghana was the center for almost all trade between northern and southern Africa.

Mississippi's 1869 election was significant because it was the first to
O include election of judges.
O elect a Democratic governor.
O occur after Mississippi rejoined the Union.
O allow freedmen to vote.



allow freedmen to vote.


took the test

Anthropologists often have difficulty adjusting to a new way of life.

True or False



This really isnt an objective true or false answer, its more of a subjective answer but the answer is True.

answer is true


why is vocation important for Christian life?


Answer: Christians believe in vocation because it stands at the overlap of two things that also matter to us: freedom and purpose. If you do not believe in both freedom and purpose then you will not have much use for vocation.

Other Questions
Which answer describes similarities in the texts Malala the Powerful and Statement by the President on Malala Yousafzai and Kailash Satyarthi Winning the 2014 Nobel Peace Prize? Both passages explain that Malala won the Nobel Peace Prize because even in the face of danger she promoted education for all, especially girls.Both passages explain how despite threats and intimidation, Malala has not been silenced by the Taliban and still fights for the right for all children to get an education.Both passages include a comment that the United States will always stand by those who work to defend universal human rights.Both passages describe Malala's call for all developed nations to support the expansion of educational opportunities for girls in developing countries. Help me please and dont take my points Throughwhat element of writing is a writer MOST likely to establish both time period and social class of their charachters 1. Tone 2. exposition 3. diction 4.metaphor The price of televisions has dropped dramatically over the last three years. Three years ago a 32 inch television was $500. This year the tv was on sale for $199. What is the percent change? In the biogeochemical cycle for carbon, the same atoms of this element are moved and recycled around the planet through which spheres of earth?A.Biosphere and geosphereB.Biosphere, hydrosphere, and geosphereC.Atmosphere and cryosphereD.Atmosphere, biosphere, geosphere, and hydrosphere HELP I WILL GIVE BRAINLIEST The first quartile has mile times from 5.75 to 7.25 it represents 50% of the data. TRUE OR FALSE hey.. Due soon !!!List five suggestions that will bring about harmony among various religionsThank you Read the passage.A Flag with 50 StarsThe first American flag to have red and white stripes and white stars on a blue field was flown in 1776, shortly after the United States declared its independence from Great Britain. Legend has it that a Philadelphia seamstress named Betsy Ross was hired by George Washington himself to create this flag. There is no evidence that this legend is true, and no one knows for certain who made the first flag, which had 13 stars and 13 stripes. However, we know for a fact that the first flag to have 50 starsthe one we have todaywas designed by a high school student. In 1958, Bob Heft was a 17-year-old student at Lancaster High School in Ohio. At that time, the United States had only 48 states but was on the verge of accepting two more: Alaska and Hawaii. The U.S. flag at the time had six neat rows of eight stars each. What would be the best way to add two more stars while keeping the arrangement neat and orderly? This was the question that Bobs history teacher posed to the class. The teacher gave the students an assignment: design a flag with 50 stars. Bob spent hours in the attic of his house, cutting up a 48-star flag and rearranging the stars until they fit just right. He was pleased with his solution to the problem, but his teacher found it less than perfect and gave him a B minus. Outraged, Bob told his teacher that he was going to send his design to his member of Congress, Walter Moeller. His teacher replied that if Bobs design was accepted as the new flag, he would be more than happy to change the grade to an A. A year later, Bob had graduated and was working as a draftsman when he received a call at work. He never would have imagined a call from President Eisenhowerbut that's who it was! Now that Alaska and Hawaii had been admitted as states, Congressman Moeller had succeeded in having Bob's design chosen as the new U.S. flag. Bob Heft was invited to Washington, D.C., for a ceremony during which his design was officially adopted as the new flag of the United States.Which statement best describes the authors viewpoint in A Flag with 50 Stars?The author maintains that the 50-star flag is too complicated.The author is critical of the president's response.The author thinks simple accomplishments receive too much credit.The author believes people of all ages can accomplish great things. The movement of water through a semi-permeable membrane is called? A 50-year-old man became lethargic and drowsy with flushed dry skin after eating a large meal. His family became concerned when he was difficult to rouse, and he had a fruity odor to his breath. He was transported to an emergency facility, where he gave a history of extreme thirst, hunger, and frequent urination. He recently had an upper-respiratory infection that was slow to clear. 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