Name atleast two factors that led to the organization of the March on Washington


Answer 1


"The March on Washington was a massive protest march that occurred in August 1963, when some 250,000 people gathered in front of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. Also known as the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom"
So if you put that into your own words it should sound something like,
"Two factors that led to the organization of the March on Washington was that people wanted jobs and freedom."


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I want to know about the history of The Opium War



The Opium War, usually the Opium War refers to the First Opium War, which the British often refer to as the First Sino-British War or "Trade War", which was an unjust war of aggression launched by Britain against China from 1840 to 1842, and also the beginning of China's modern history of humiliation.

In 1840 (the twentieth year of Daoguang), the British government decided to send an expeditionary force to invade China under the pretext of Lin Zexu's Humen tobacco sales. In June 1840, 47 British ships and 4,000 army personnel, led by Rear Admiral George Yilu and Yi Lu, the commercial supervisor in China, arrived outside the mouth of the Pearl River in Guangdong province, blockaded Haikou, and the Opium War began.

The Opium War ended with China's defeat and the cession of land in reparations. China and Britain signed the Treaty of Nanking, the first unequal treaty in Chinese history. China began to cede land, pay indemnities, and agree on tariffs to foreign countries, which seriously endangered China's sovereignty, began to degenerate into a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society, lost its independent and autonomous status, and promoted the disintegration of the small-scale peasant economy. At the same time, the Opium War also opened a new chapter in the history of the resistance of the Chinese people to foreign aggression in modern times.



Here is an answer in my own words.

It was basically a war between china and the west that was basically europe illegally importing opium into china and making a profit off of it. This lead to many people in China becoming addicted to opium which of course the chinese didn't want. Because of this they had a guy try and stop western importing but it ended up provoking the west and lead to wars which china lost. (this is very simplified)

Who was most affected by the dust bowl


Mostly people living in Oklahoma

Even an inhabitant of the neighbouring county of Lancaster is struck by the peculiar force of character which the Yorkshiremen display. This makes them interesting as a race; while, at the same time, as individuals, the remarkable degree of self-sufficiency they possess gives them an air of independence rather apt to repel a stranger. I use this expression, "self-sufficiency" in the largest sense. Conscious of the strong sagacity and the dogged power of will which seem almost the birthright of the natives of the West Riding, each man relies upon himself, and seeks no help at the hands of his neighbour. From rarely requiring the assistance of others, he comes to doubt the power of bestowing it: from the general success of his efforts, he grows to depend upon them, and to over-esteem his own energy and power.

The word sagacity means

The word bestowing means



In this question the word sagacity means good judgment while the word bestowing means providing.

What is the summary of the excerpt?

This excerpt is about the county of Lancaster and the self sufficiency experienced in the area.

It talks about the good nature of the inhabitants of the area and the way that the people were self reliant.

Read more on this excerpt here:


Why did many question whether slavery had really died during the Reconstruction period from 1865-1877?


Many question whether slavery had really died because inequality was still there even after reconstruction and many cases of violence were also recorded against the blacks

After 1877 violence was directed towards former slaves. In Lousiana hundreds of blacks were murdered. Many whites couldn't see blacks accessing basic civil rights and continued discrimination against them. Even after many years we've seen events of discrimination against the black people which motivated many protests.

Learn more about Reconstruction here:


• Did the Greeks really create Democracy?



The ancient Greeks were the first to create a democracy. The word “democracy” comes from two Greek words that mean people (demos) and rule (kratos).

mmmm hopE it helpZ~

Select ALL the correct answers.
A reporter at the Democratic National Convention in 1968 during the "Battle of Michigan Avenue" would have likely seen


In 1968, At the Democratic National Convention, in the "Battle of Michigan Avenue" a reporter would have likely seen the following:

D. police officers hitting unarmed protesters

E. protesters yelling at the police and soldiers

What took place during Democratic National Convention?

The Democratic Party had conducted its national convention in Chicago in the summer of 1968 when it became a scene of violence and police brutality.

The convention followed President Lyndon B. Johnson's announcement not to seek reelection. Other major preceding events were the assassinations of Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., Sen. Robert F. Kennedy, and the raging Vietnam War.

The missing information:

O President Johnson asked the crowd to be calm

O the members of the Chicago 7 firing guns

O Mayor Daley campaigning for Humphrey

O police officers hitting unarmed protestors

O protesters yelling at the police and soldiers

hence, a reporter covering the "Battle of Michigan Avenue" would have seen Options D and E.

Learn more about "Battle of Michigan Avenue":


Hi can someone please help me with this! Im really having a hard time with this!

QUESTION: Write a 4-5 page essay on Last of the Mohicans and its historical relevance. Your focus should be one or more of the major themes of the novel, as well as the connection to events happening in the United States and the World today. Choose from the following list and discuss the theme or themes' presentation in the novel, the significance during the French & Indian War, and impact on America and the world: colonialism, imperialism, mercantilism, warfare, knowledge, technology, nature, culture, prejudice, racism, discrimination, family structure, friendship.



Interracial Love and Friendship

The Last of the Mohicans is a novel about race and the difficulty of overcoming racial divides. Cooper suggests that interracial mingling is both desirable and dangerous. Cooper lauds the genuine and longtime friendship between Hawkeye, a white man, and Chingachgook, a Mohican Indian. Hawkeye and Chingachgook’s shared communion with nature transcends race, enabling them to team up against Huron enemies and to save white military leaders like Heyward. On the other hand, though, Cooper shows his conviction that interracial romances are doomed and undesirable. The interracial love of Uncas and Cora ends in tragedy, and the forced interracial relationship between Cora and Magua is portrayed as unnatural. Through Cora, Cooper suggests that interracial desire can be inherited; Cora desires Indian men because her mother was part black.

Which of the following events led to the beginning of the modern era?​



The Industrial revolution is what many consider to be what began the modern era of most European societies, but few people agree on an exact date when that revolution became manifest. Some connect that loosely with the revolutionary scientific discovery of Antoine Lavoisier in France, which proved, among other things, that alchemy was an impossibility. Others point to events around the American revolution, or the "Glorious Revolution" in England.

Still other opinions say that we only became truly modern with the advent of the atomic age or even the space age in the 1950s and '60s. In artistic terms, the end of World War 1 is used in western art and music as the general point after which artists are referred to as modern. In religious terms, however, opinions for the most part go much further than that. Modern Rabbinic Judaism, for example, usually refers to the development of the religion since the compilation of the Talmud, around the 6th Century CE.

In paleontological terms, "modern" could refer to the period of recorded history (up to about five or six thousand years ago), or up to the earliest specimen of Homo sapiens being found in Africa and the Fertile Crescent (up to 100,000 years agoor more).


Mark me brainliest plssss

Watergate burglary… the key players and what were the roles in the scandal



Can you say, Wire Tapping for Nixon!


Watergate was a hotel near the White House.

As there were some sleazy dealings going on and Nixon was behind all of it.  

On March 1, 1974, a grand jury in Washington, D.C., indicted several former aides of Nixon, who became known as the "Watergate Seven"—H. R. Haldeman, John Ehrlichman, John N. Mitchell, Charles Colson, Gordon C. Strachan, Robert Mardian, and Kenneth Parkinson—for conspiring to hinder the Watergate investigation.

The Committee for the Re-election of the President (also known as the Committee to Re-elect the President), abbreviated CRP, but often mocked by the acronym CREEP, was, officially, a fundraising organization of United States President Richard Nixon's 1972 re-election campaign during the Watergate scandal.

Deep Throat is the pseudonym given to the secret informant who provided information in 1972 to Bob Woodward, who shared it with Carl Bernstein.

He (Nixon) was Impeached, he left the presidency in shame and disgrace what is interesting was that Nixon was supposed to be President instead of John Kennedy but His dad pulled strings to get him elected after his brother Joe  Kennedy was Killed in Action.

(DeepThroat was a shady person who had a lot of information about everything, but they never found out who that was.)

This was on TV every night, it was a big deal and the president was saying he was" not lying "and he was and got caught.

The original Watergate Seven and their legal dispositions were: G. Gordon Liddy — former FBI agent and general counsel for the Committee to Re-elect the President; convicted of burglary, conspiracy, and wiretapping; sentenced to 6 years and 8 months in prison; served 4½ years in prison.

After the War of 1812, the United States was seen as a greater military power because it had

a) declared victory
b) earned European respect
c) performed well on land
d) defeated American Indians

please help asap!!


Because the were undefeated during the war of 1812 so the answer its most likey A. Declared victory


After the War of 1812, the United States was seen as a greater military power because it had declared victory

what was the effect of the American industrial revolution



hope it is helpful for you


the industrial revolution shifted from agrarian economy to a manufacturing economy where products were no longer made soilly by hand but machines this leads to increase projection and affectionary lower prices more goods improved images and migration from rural areas to urban areas


The American industrial revolution had a profound impact on the economy and way of life in the United States. It ushered in a new era of prosperity and opportunity, as well as increased social mobility and improved living standards for many Americans. The industrial revolution also brought about significant changes in the political landscape, as the rise of industry led to the growth of cities and the rise of a new class of businessmen and entrepreneurs. The industrial revolution also had a profound impact on American culture, as the rise of mass media and popular culture helped to spread ideas and values across the country. The industrial revolution led to a number of important technological advances, including the development of railroads, telegraphs, and the telephone.


Discuss the benefits and problems of capitalism and s
ocialism, and evaluate which system provides the greater overall benefit to society.


Capitalism is an economic system in which investments in an ownership of the means of production, distribution, and exchange of wealth is made and maintained chiefly by private  individuals or corporations specially as contrasted to cooperatively state-owned means of wealth. Socialism is a theory or system of social organization that advocates the vesting of the ownership and control of the means of production and distribution, of capital, land, etc., in the community as a whole.

Why do people say that capitalism works better than socialism?

Capitalism and socialism have both been put to the test. Socialism never works; capitalism occasionally does. The outcomes are self-evident.

China. After the cultural revolution, the communist party seized power in China. They didn't have much financial success with anything. In its place, starvation claimed the lives of millions. Capitalist policies were put into place when Moa Zedong left office, and economic development suddenly skyrocketed.US versus USSR The huge ideological conflict between capitalism and socialism was eventually the cause of the cold war. The sides began on land that was largely level. There is no doubt who won. The USA is currently the world's most powerful country by a wide margin. There is no longer a Soviet Union.Almost all affluent countries, including the UK, Germany, Australia, Japan, Canada, and even the Nordic countries, have capitalist systems. All have different amounts of social expenditure, but this is only sustained by the underlying capitalism.Cuba. Cubans are all equal, yet they are all equally impoverished. Nearly everyone in Cuba has it better than even those who are regarded as impoverished in prosperous countries like the USA.Venezuela. elected a communist administration. They are currently in financial ruin. It would be difficult to locate a socialist administration that has made any effort to better the lives of its citizens. Although I would think there are none at all, perhaps I haven't looked closely enough.

In conclusion, a basic misunderstanding of human nature is the basis of socialism. When everyone actually ends up doing is trying to piggyback off of everyone else's hard work, it makes the false assumption that everyone is willing to labor selflessly for the benefit of the group. Although it is not a flawless system, capitalism at least provides a reward for effort. And when it comes down to it, hard effort is what improves our lives.

What are the pros and cons of socialism and capitalism?


Pros ⇒ It is a method of voluntary trade. It is the best at allocating scarce resources. It has given people the highest quality of life in human history. Property rights, arbitrary assessments, and free will are all protected. It best manages self-interest. It rewards people who make the world a better place by making them rich. Static economic classes are eliminated by capitalism's dynamic character. Of course, there is more.

Cons ⇒ There isn't a spokesperson for free market capitalism. Market manipulation, monopolies, oligopolies, cronyism, fascism, inflation, central banking, fractional reserve banking, and any other financial news-related scheme are all confused with it.


Pro ⇒ Fair distribution of total generated wealth

Cons ⇒ It is oppressive. The loss of private property in the means of production prevents accurate economic calculations. Rare resources are squandered since there aren't genuine prices (actual prices reflect consumer values) (mountains of Soviet concrete). It does not satisfy the insatiable human drive for more (demand). denies possessing oneself. It establishes two static classes, one for workers and the other for politicians. Marx demanded that "undesirables" be removed from society (Irish, Scottish and non-whites).  

The first Mauryan ruler, Chandragupta, formed a highly organized Empire which included
O large universities
O a senate and consul
O ornate temples
O roads for trade


Option B. The First Mauryan ruler was known for a senate and consul.

Who was Chandragupta?

This man was the first ruler of the Indian Mauryan empire. He was the one that is credited for freeing the Indian s from the foreign powers that dominated them at the time.

This man also helped by freeing the people from the bad administration they have being under.

Read more on Chandragupta here


Answer: a senate and consul

Explanation: why? just read the lesson and stuff xd

when a candidate is elected by voters state wide , he or she is a ________ candidate


When a candidate is able to be elected by voters from a state, they would be the primary candidate.

Who is the primary candidate?

This is a person who wins the presidential primaries held by a party in a state.

In order to win, they would have to be voted by the majority of the party's members in the state.

Find out more on presidential primaries at


Which organization relocated to Lebanon in the 1970s when the nation became predominantly Muslim?

A) Hamas
D) Hezbollah


Which organization relocated to Lebanon in the 1970s when the nation became predominantly Muslim?

The correct answer for the statement is Option B  Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)

What took place in Lebanon during those years?

The siege of Beirut took place in the summer of 1982, as part of the 1982 Lebanon War, which resulted from the breakdown of the ceasefire effected by the United Nations. The siege ended with the Palestinian Liberation Organization being forced out of Beirut and the rest of Lebanon

From the 1960s through 1982, the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) had a large presence in Lebanon. The PLO used this location to grow as an organization, attract support, and continue their violent conflict with Israel.

Thus, the correct option is B  PLO

Learn more about Lebanon:


What are the requirements for taking part in a federal election? Check all
that apply.



You must be a U.S. citizen

You must be over the age of 18

You must be registered with a state to vote

You must be a English speaker


You must be at least 18 years old. Most requirements are defined by the states, and most call for you to be registered for a certain amount of time (for example, 30 days), reside at your current address for a certain amount of time (again, for example, 30 days), and have lived in the state for a certain amount of time (e.g. 1 year). While some jurisdictions only need you to register as a voter, others also require you to declare on election day which party primary you will be voting in. Some states require you to register as a member of a specific party (or as an independent).


Sorry need lang po ng Points

Which of the following statements is correct?
Select one:
a.The stock market crash of 1929 was the single cause of the Great Depression.
b.During the Great Depression, hundreds of thousands of business went bankrupt, unemployment was high, and many banks collapsed.
c.Herbert Hoover was anxious to give money to the needy people during his presidency.
d.The Great Depression was a time when farming was profitable and unemployment rates were low.


B. During the Great Depression, hundreds of thousands of business went bankrupt, unemployment was high, and many banks collapsed.

Can someone help me please, is urgent, is from world history. Thanks.
(I attached an image)


Some of the causes and effects of European imperialism are:

Much of Europe organized - European nations competed to be the first to grab colonies. Other European nations followed - European nations needed sources of raw materials.Europeans believed their culture - European nations believed it was their right and duty.European nations divided up colonies without regard - Some former colonies still experience tribal conflicts and civil wars.Native people in colonies - Native industries died out and people became dependent. Great Britain was a small nation - Indirect rule allowed an imperial power.

What happened during European imperialism?

European nations expanded across the world to gain new markets for their industrial products, and raw materials to produce goods.

They also wanted to spread their culture which they believed was superior. They destroyed Native industries and drew up borders without caring about tribes and ethnicities which has led to civil wars.

Find out more on European imperialism at


During the Renaissance, bankers began to diversify. Explain how diversification reduced the risk that these businessmen faced and how it increased their wealth and lending power.



If the market conditions are normal, diversification is an efficient way to reduce risk. Holding just one type of investment can potentially pose a threat to your investment if the securities of your industry fail. In such conditions, you could lose all of your money.


Give a brief summary and timeline of the history of the US Constitution from its inception to modern times. Include major historical figures in your summary


The United States Constitution has served as the supreme law of the United States since taking effect in 1789. The document was written at the 1787 Philadelphia Convention and was ratified through a series of state conventions held in 1787 and 1788. Since 1789, the Constitution has been amended twenty-seven times; particularly important amendments include the ten amendments of the United States Bill of Rights and the three Reconstruction Amendments.

Who conauered the Hausa states in the 19th century





Fulani, also called Peul or Fulbe

Hopefully this will help :)


Usman Dan Fozio/Usman Don Fozio,


he was the leading caliph and was the first caliph of the Sokoto caliphate, he conquetrr the Hausa and Fula states.

In Hinduism, what
do they believe
happens after
A. Individuals go to
B. Individuals are
reincarnated back to
C. Life simply ends.


[tex]\quad \huge \quad \quad \boxed{ \tt \:Answer }[/tex]

[tex] \tt \:Individuals \:\: are \:\: recarnated\:\:back \:\: to \:\: Earth[/tex]


[tex] \large \tt Explanation \: : [/tex]

Hindus believes in the concept of " Samsara "

According to that, death of a person only refers to physical body, but their soul (atman) remains and then reborn in other body after death. People also believe that the atman is sent to other realms.

Answered by : ❝ AǫᴜᴀWɪᴢ ❞




How and why would Matthew have edited Mark 6:45-52 contrasted with Matthew 14:25-27,32-33?


A number of paragraphs in Mark 6:45–52 tell the tale of Jesus calming the storm.

He dispatches his disciples ahead of Him, but when He subsequently notices that they are in need, He goes to assist them.

The disciples are alarmed when they see a man walking on the water, but Jesus reassures them before getting into the boat.

The disciples are astounded and perplexed at this time since they failed to comprehend an earlier parable when the storm finally subsides. The finish is different in the version found in Matthew 14:25–27 and 32–33, where the middle is a parable in which Peter tries to walk on the water but fails for want of confidence.

Learn more about The street here


How did the town of Dowson originate?


When John Barkley Dawson sold his land to a Fuel company, the town of Dowson originated.

What do you know about Dawson town?

In New Mexico,  Dawson town in Colfax County started a coal mine in 1901 along with a railroad that connected Dawson to Tucumcari. The Dawson town was known as a mining town after John Barkley Dawson (rancher) sold his land to the Dawson Fuel Company.

The town began to thrive as miners started to settle down here. Dawson town rose to development with the construction of hospitals, theatres, homes, hotels, and many more establishments.

Hence, this is the way the town of Dawson originated.

Learn more about Dawson town:


One of the main problems with the Indian reservation system was that government agents

a) took land from settlers to give to American Indians
b) dealt dishonestly with American Indian families
c) did not understand the power structure of American Indian tribes
d) gave land to settlers who removed American Indians




(C) did not understand the power structure of American Indian tribes


in my opinion it is c i am very confident that it is c because I read the text book my response is very accurate


Option C


did not understand the power structure of American Indian tribes

What hindu beleifs do buddhists reject


Answer: The priests of Hinduism, the formal rituals, and the caste system.


Buddhists reject these because Buddha urged people to find enlightenment through meditation.

Is the United States of America an empire? If so, where is the empire, and how has it changed since 1900? If not, was it ever? If it was but no longer is an empire, when did it end, and what led to its demise? please historical example and underline the thesis statement because it would be an quick write.


The USA is not called an empire and it wasn’t in empire

what are the ideals of Athenian democracy?



Representation, Justice, Equity and Freedoms


you must provide a relevant written and pictorial example for each pillar from your everyday life to help R-JEF understand what democracy means today.

Representation, Justice, Equity and Freedoms

you must provide a relevant written and
pictorial example for each pillar from your
everyday life to help R-JEF understand what
democracy means today.

What was one of the main reasons Europeans explored and colonized the
A. To establish democratic governments
B. To spread the religion of Islam
C. To free slaves held by American Indian civilizations
D. To gain valuable natural resources


D, the rest make no sense

A candidate running for President is meeting with some potential wealthy donors later today. These donors have millions of dollars that they are considering contributing to help the candidate win. Federal Election Commission restrictions prevent them from contributing the millions that they want to spend. Following the decision of Citizens United v. FEC, what strategy should the donors take to help the candidate's campaign with as much money as possible?

Group of answer choices

A. The donors can contribute unlimited cash donations to political parties via the "soft money" loophole.

B. The wealthy donors can organize a Super PAC, contribute their money to the Super PAC, and organize the PAC to create ads to support the candidate without working with their campaign directly

C. They will only be allowed to donate the individual maximum to support the candidate

D. They will be able to donate $5,000 to a PAC, which can then donate that money directly to the candidate's campaign


The inference is that the thing that should be done is B. The wealthy donors can organize a Super PAC, contribute their money to the Super PAC, and organize the PAC to create ads to support the candidate without working with their campaign directly.

What is an inference?

It should be noted that an inference simply means the conclusion that can be deduced from the information given.

In this case, such funding isn't allowed and therefore, the wealthy donors can organize a Super PAC, contribute their money to the Super PAC, and organize the PAC to create ads to support the candidate without working with their campaign directly.

Learn more about inference on:


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