Michelangelo The creation of man.
1. What makes this a renaissance painting?​


Answer 1


Michelangelo’s Creation of Adam

Michelangelo, Creation of Adam, from the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican, Rome, 1508-1512, fresco

The most famous section of the Sistine Chapel ceiling is Michelangelo’s Creation of Adam.  This scene is located next to the Creation of Eve, which is the panel at the center of the room, and the Congregation of the Waters, which is closer to the altar.

The Creation of Adam differs from typical Creation scenes painted up until that time.  Here, two figures dominate the scene: God on the right, and Adam on the left.  God is shown inside a floating nebulous form made up of  drapery and other figures.  The form is supported on angels who fly without wings, but whose flight is made clear by the drapery which whips out from underneath them. God is depicted as an elderly, yet muscular, man with grey hair and a long beard which react to the forward movement of flight.  This is a far cry from imperial images of God that had otherwise been created in the West dating back to the time of late antiquity.  Rather than wearing royal garments and depicted as an all-powerful ruler, he wears only a light tunic which leaves much of his arms and legs exposed.  One might say this is a much more intimate portrait of God because he is shown in a state that is not untouchable and remote from Man, but one which is accessible to him.

Unlike the figure of God, who is outstretched and aloft, Adam is depicted as a lounging figure who rather lackadaisically responds to God’s imminent touch.  This touch will not only give life to Adam, but will give life to all mankind.  It is, therefore, the birth of the human race.  Adam’s body forms a concave shape which echoes the form of God’s body, which is in a convex posture inside the nebulous, floating form.  This correspondence of one form to the other seems to underscore the larger idea of Man corresponding to God; that is, it seems to reflect the idea that Man has been created in the image and likeness of God – an idea with which Michelangelo had to have been familiar.

One of the questions that has been raised about this scene is the identity of the figures next to God.  Given her privileged placement under the arm of God, the female figure is presumably an important one.  Traditionally, she has been thought to be Eve, the future wife of Adam, who waits to the side until she is created out of Adam’s rib.  More recently, however, a theory has been floated that this is actually the Virgin Mary, who takes this place of honor next to God and the child next to her, who would therefore be the Christ Child.  This view is supported by the placement of God’s fingers on the child – the same fingers that the priest would use to raise the Eucharist during the Mass.  Since Catholic theology holds that the Eucharist is the Body of Christ, this theological understanding would be embodied in this painting.  If this latter interpretation is correct, the Creation of Adam would be intrinsically linked to the future coming of Christ, who comes to reconcile man after the sin of Adam.

In all, the painting shows several hallmarks of Michelangelo’s painting style: the lounging position of both Adam and God, the use of bodies which are both muscular and twisting, and the painting of figures who come across as works of sculpture. It is good to remember that Michelangelo was, after all, a sculptor.  Painting was not his primary area.

The Creation of Adam is one of the great jewels of Western art, though it and the rest of the Sistine Chapel ceiling suffered the ill effects of centuries of smoke that had caused the ceiling to darken considerably.  It was not until 1977 that the cleaning of the ceiling was begun.  The result of the cleaning was astonishing after its completion in 1989; what was once dark and drab became vivid.  The change from pre-cleaning to post-cleaning was so great that some initially refused to believe that this is the way Michelangelo actually painted.  Today, we have a much better understanding of Michelangelo’s palette and the world he painted, beautifully captured across the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.


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I got a 72% on my Topic test without using my notes everyone cheer!




good job and srry for being late

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B. barnstorming
C. initiatives and referendums
D. 17th Amendment



the answers are direct primary, initiatives and referendums, and the 17th amendment. i just took this test and those are correct!


Everything except B!


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To increase trade between the north and south.


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I just took the test!!!

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        Congress can override a veto by passing the act by a two-thirds vote in both the House and the Senate.


I wish this will help you and wish this will answer your question

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The best method to collect data about the number of people who voted in U.S. elections over the past 50 years it through searching a database.

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In a research study, a data collection refers to the process of gathering and measuring information on targeted variables in an established system which enables the researcher to answer relevant questions and evaluate outcomes.

Mostly, the data collection is an important research component in all study fields. However, the best method to collect data about the number of people who voted in U.S. elections over the past 50 years it through searching a database because it entails data over long period of time.

Read more about data collection



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True Or False



The 1864 constitution required the Nevada state government to tax mines based on their output

Pretty sure it’s True

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Read the Greek myth "Midas" retold by Thomas Bulfinch and answer the question. 01.05 MC Select two key details that could be included in a summary of the myth.


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

You forgot to include the text for reference, the question, and also the options for this question. However, doing some research we can say the following.

The question was "Select a possible theme of the myth."

The answer would be: Money does not bring as much happiness as friendship.

The summary of the story is that Silenus was missing and Bacchus was looking for him. King Midas found him and treated really well and got him back to Bacchus. As a thank you gift, Bacchus gave the King the option to choose a skill. Midas chose to convert into gold everything he touched.

He got it. However, literally, everything he touched turned into gold, including food, wine, and water. He soon realized that he was a bot to starve and went to visit Bacchus to help him and override the "skill."

That is why the moral of the story is that better have good friends and enjoy life than to amaze richness.

Read the Greek myth "Midas" retold by Thomas Bulfinch and answer the question.

[1] Bacchus, on a certain occasion, found his old schoolmaster and foster-father, Silenus, missing. The old man had been drinking, and in that state wandered away, and was found by some peasants, who carried him to their king, Midas. Midas recognized him, and treated him hospitably, entertaining him for ten days and nights with an unceasing round of jollity.

[2] On the eleventh day, he brought Silenus back and restored him in safety to his pupil. Whereupon Bacchus offered Midas his choice of a reward, whatever he might wish. He asked that whatever he might touch should be changed into gold. Bacchus consented, though sorry that he had not made a better choice.

[3] Midas went his way, rejoicing in his new-acquired power, which he hastened to put to the test. He could scarce believe his eyes when he found a twig of an oak, which he plucked from the branch, become gold in his hand. He took up a stone; it changed to gold. He touched a sod; it did the same. He took up an apple from the tree; you would have thought he had robbed the garden of the Hesperides. His joy knew no bounds, and as soon as he got home, he ordered the servants to set a splendid repast on the table. Then he found to his dismay that whether he touched bread, it hardened in his hand; or put a morsel to his lip, it defied his teeth. He took a glass of wine, but it flowed down his throat like melted gold.

[4] In consternation at the unprecedented affliction, he strove to divest himself of his power; he hated the gift he had lately coveted. But all in vain; starvation seemed to await him. He raised his arms, all shining with gold, in prayer to Bacchus, begging to be delivered from his glittering destruction. Bacchus, merciful deity, heard and consented. "Go," said he, "to River Pactolus, trace its fountain-head, there plunge yourself and body in, and wash away your fault and its punishment." He did so, and scarce had he touched the waters before the gold-creating power passed into them, and the river sands became changed into gold, as they remain to this day.

Answer: people who expect a reward for good deeds are selfish

Why: y

Explantion: Well Midas took care of the man then instantly told him the wish

(if its wrong its wishes are sometimes better to not come true as the others dont make since)

which factor most contributed to the creation of the documents in this list?


Which factor most contributed to the creation of the documents in this list?

The Mayflower Compact

The charter establishing the Virginia House of Burgesses

The Fundamental Orders of Conneclicul The economic system of mercantilism

The opportunity for trade with American Indians

The doctrine of the Church of England

The distance of the colonies from Great Britain​


The distance of the colonies from Great Britain​


The documents mentioned in this list: The Mayflower Compact, The charter establishing the Virginia House of Burgesses and The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut were all done to give the people some order and representation at the highest levels.

All these documents were created because of the distance between the colonies and Great Britain as a result of separation by a large body of water.

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According to the social contract theory, people agree to give the government the power of force and justice, in order to have their rights to life, liberty, and property protected.

At the same time, the government compromises to protect those rights.

In the social contract, the people also have the right to depose or change their government in case they are unsatisfied with it, or feel that it is not meeting its duties.

I need help can anyone help me plz I will make brainliest for correct answers


I believe it is 3. Nomads




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Industrial inventors helped farmers by inventing machines to make farming easier.


Cesar Chavez connected the civil rights movement to which of the following?


Answer: Chávez changed that when he dedicated his life to winning recognition for the rights of agricultural workers, inspiring and organizing them into the National Farm Workers Association, which later became the United Farm Workers.

Explanation: Hopefullt this helps ;D


The labor movement


"i just took the test"

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Can you explain this just a little bit more because I canceled the problem that’s not explained well

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How did many early Acadian settlers of the river and bayou regions make a living?

by hunting and fishing
by raising cattle
by growing rice
by growing sugar and cotton


Answer: A. By hunting and fishing

Explanation: When Acadians settled, they picked up their former living styles farming, hunting and fishing

Hope this helps


It´s D


I took the test

Why does Churchill believe an invasion of British soil is not likely to occur in the near future?
A. Because the enemy could not mount a successful air attack.
B. Because the American troops had begun a counterattack on Germany.
C. Because the enemy did not have enough foot soldiers to invade by ground.
D. Because the British naval forces created a strong barrier in the ocean.


Answer is D. because the british naval forces created a strong barrier in the ocean

Churchill believes an invasion of British soil is not likely to occur in the near future because the British naval forces created a strong barrier in the ocean. Thus, option (d) is correct.

Who is Churchill?

Churchill was born on November 30, 1874, and died on January 24, 1965. Her full name is Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill. He was the member of the Conservative Party. He was belongs to the period of Impressionism. He was the well known personality is British statesman and the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.

In "Their best hour," given in 1940, Churchill stated that the Germans would need a vast armada which would be "caught long before it approaches the coast" in order to traverse the English Channel.

Winston Churchill, the British Prime Minister, tells the British that people would be safe and claims that now the German military will be unable to backstab them as they'll meet an ocean filled with coal deposits and air bombs.

As a result, the conclusion of the Churchill believe an invasion of British soil is not likely to occur in the near future are the aforementioned. Therefore, option (d) is correct.

Learn more about on Winston Churchill, here:



A U.S. business sells milk to consumers in France. Which situation would
most likely cause demand for milk to decline in France?


Full Question:

A U.S. business sells milk to consumers in France. Which situation would

most likely cause demand for milk to decline in France?

A. A popular French nutrition author claims that milk is bad for

people's health.

B. French consumers expect the price for milk to increase in the


C. Cheese and other products made from milk become more popular

in France

D. The French population grows steadily due to years of economic



A. A popular French nutrition author claims that milk is bad for

people's health.


There is a concept that advertisers often use to market their product called celebrity branding. They use the fame and influence of a certain individuals in order to promote a certain product.

This fame and influence could also be used to create the opposite effect.

When A popular French nutrition authors tell the public that a certain milk is bad for health, there will be a lot of people who will believe him/her because they consider that person as an authority in the field of nutrition.

This will create many negative perceptions for milk product in the market and lead to a decline in demand for milk.

Answer:Cheese and other products made for milk become more popular in France


What were the causes and consequences of the War of 1812?



Causes: The immediate causes of the War of 1812 were a series of economic sanctions taken by the British and French against the US as part of the Napoleonic Wars and American outrage at the British practice of impressment, especially after the Chesapeake incident of 1807.

Consequences: A large British army under Sir George Prevost was thus forced to abandon its invasion of the U.S. northeast and retreat to Canada. The American victory on Lake Champlain led to the conclusion of U.S.-British peace negotiations in Belgium, and on December 24, 1814, the Treaty of Ghent was signed, ending the war.

please help and fast!!!!!
How did the climate and geography of Central Asia influence the rise of nomadic pastoralist societies?



The climate and physical features of Central Asia were major influences on the growth of nomadic pastoralism in the region. Central Asia's climate is mostly either semiarid or dry, and the region's features include deserts, grasslands, and mountains. Nomadic pastoralism tends to develop in places that have harsh weather and limited water, which discourages agriculture. Because of such conditions, herders would move their herds and flocks in search of food and water. This often occurred seasonally – for example, they allowed their herds to graze in the mountains during the summer but moved to the grasslands or desert shrublands during winter.


Climate and geography influenced the rise of nomadic pastoralist societies because when the climate was cool, they would move to a place where it was hot.


100% on practice on edge

How does this legislation address the need to equip these new soldiers? O It gives the president the authority to arm batteries and battalions. O It gives the president the authority to ask Congress for more equipment. o It gives the president the authority to equip only specific grades of personnel. O It gives the president the authority to equip soldiers in whatever way he sees fit.​



D) It gives the president the authority to equip soldiers in whatever way he sees fit.





Which of the following justices was a well-known loose constructionist?
Sandra Day O’Connor
Clarence Thomas
George Washington
Thomas Jefferson


A. Sandra Day O'Connor


Its A


Hope this helps :)

Match each step in the historical method with its description



enter enter enter enter

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