1. What roles does the National Security Council believe the Soviet Union plays in the spread of communism (Document 24.1)? What are the council's suggestions for containing communism in Asia?

2. What is Kim Il-sung asking of the Soviet Union, and why (Document 24.2)? How does Kim envision the international Communist movement? Why do you think he tells Shtykov he will meet with Mao if he cannot meet with Stalin?

3. According to Truman (Document 24.3), in what ways were MacArthur's recommendations for fighting the war at odds with the reasons for being in Korea in the first place? How did he characterize MacArthur's actions?

4. Why did MacArthur accuse Truman of appeasing China (Document 24.4)? In what ways does MacArthur's speech highlight the differences between the political and military goals of the Korean War?

5. Why would Herbert Block's cartoon (Document 24.5) depict Secretary of Defense George Marshall instead of President Truman? What parts of the world appear on each globe, and what do these differences signify? Why does MacArthur's globe have a button on it?

1. Why were MacArthur's actions considered a threat to the civilian leadership of the military?

2. What about the conflict in Korea turned it into a large-scale war in the early stages of the Cold War?


Answer 1


1. During the Cold War, the National Security Council (NSC) of the United States likely believed that the Soviet Union played a key role in spreading communism globally, including in Asia. The NSC may have seen the Soviet Union as supporting and promoting communist movements and governments in other countries, with the goal of expanding Soviet influence and undermining the interests of the United States and its allies. The NSC's suggestions for containing communism in Asia may have included diplomatic, economic, and military measures to counter Soviet-backed communist movements and governments in the region, such as providing military aid to anti-communist forces, implementing economic sanctions, and diplomatic efforts to isolate and confront communist regimes.

2. Kim Il-sung, the leader of North Korea, may have sought support from the Soviet Union for his country's communist regime. He may have requested military and economic aid from the Soviet Union to strengthen his government and maintain its control over North Korea. Kim Il-sung may have envisioned the international communist movement as a global force working towards the spread of communism and the overthrow of capitalist governments, with the Soviet Union as a key ally and supporter. He may have expressed a willingness to meet with Mao, the leader of China, if he could not meet with Stalin, the leader of the Soviet Union, to seek support from other communist powers.

3. Truman, who was the President of the United States during the Korean War, may have believed that MacArthur's recommendations for fighting the war were at odds with the original reasons for U.S. involvement in Korea. MacArthur may have advocated for more aggressive military actions, such as expanding the war into China or using nuclear weapons, which Truman may have seen as risking a wider conflict and undermining the limited goals of the U.S. intervention in Korea. Truman may have characterized MacArthur's actions as insubordinate or as exceeding his authority as a military commander, and potentially undermining civilian control over the military, which is a fundamental principle of democratic governance.

4. MacArthur, who was a U.S. military commander during the Korean War, may have accused Truman of appeasing China by not taking more aggressive military actions against Chinese forces that were supporting North Korea. MacArthur may have believed that a more forceful approach was necessary to defeat the communist forces in Korea and prevent their expansion. MacArthur's speech may have highlighted the differences between the political goal of containing communism and the military goal of defeating communist forces on the battlefield, with MacArthur advocating for a more military-focused strategy.

5. Herbert Block's cartoon, without specific knowledge of the cartoon in question, may have depicted Secretary of Defense George Marshall instead of President Truman because Marshall was a prominent figure in the U.S. government and military at the time, and may have been associated with the decision-making related to the Korean War. The parts of the world depicted on each globe and the differences in these depictions may have represented the differing perspectives or priorities of Marshall and Truman towards the Korean War and global events. The button on MacArthur's globe may represent a reference to the potential use of nuclear weapons, as MacArthur had advocated for their use in the Korean War.

Contextual information:

1.MacArthur's actions during the Korean War were considered a threat to the civilian leadership of the military because he publicly expressed disagreements with the U.S. government's policy and advocated for more aggressive military actions, including potentially expanding the war into China or using nuclear weapons. This was seen as a challenge to the authority of civilian

Related Questions

What is one of the major reasons why these European countries decided to join together to form the European Union?

a) They wanted to be better prepared to help other nations in Africa and Southeast Asia after the occurrence of natural disasters.

b) They wanted to form one central government and make foreign policy decisions together.

c) They wanted to preserve the natural resources and wildlife that exists throughout Europe.

d) They wanted to prevent future war and conflict between each other by working together economically.





The EU was founded right after WWII so they would want to avoid future conflict and instead promote free trade among them as well as political unitiy. Hope this helps!

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Answer: It's a way to scam.


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The Byzantine Empire gained the most territory in the
A. sixth century, when Justinian I was emperor.
B. fourth century, during the reign of Constantine.
C. ninth century, after the Iconoclast Controversy.
D. thirteenth century, after the Crusades.

I decided to repost since this question wasn’t correctly answered for most threads.

Just download the pdf and use control find to make the exams open book. It’s the 6th century when Justinian I was emperor.


The Byzantine Empire gained the most territory in the A. sixth century, when Justinian I was emperor. The Option A.

Which century did the Byzantine Empire gain most territory?

The Byzantine Empire under Emperor Justinian I in the 6th century gained the most territory in its history. His military campaigns reconquered much of the western Mediterranean basin which inclues Italy, North Africa, and parts of Spain.

These territories had previously been lost to the Byzantines and their reconquest significantly expanded the empire's power and influence. His territorial gains were accompanied by a period of cultural and intellectual flourishing because he sponsored the construction of magnificent buildings such as the Hagia Sophia and the Codex Justinianus.

Read more about Byzantine Empire


Why was Franklin D. Roosevelt fire chats during the Great Depression very important?


Answer: ans


It is noted as "an influential series of radio broadcasts in which Roosevelt utilized the media to present his programs and ideas directly to the public and thereby redefined the relationship between the President and the American people."

Why did settlers and colonists go to Rhode Island in the late 1700s?



The early 1700s was a period of prosperity for Rhode Island. Farming and sea trading became profitable businesses. Providence and Newport were among the busiest ports in the New World. Despite making profits from the slave trade, Rhode Island was the first colony to prohibit the importation of slaves.

If you need a more clear explanation tell me <3

Settlers and colonists went to Rhode Island in the late 1700s primarily for religious reasons, seeking a place where they could practice their beliefs freely and without interference. Rhode Island was founded by Roger Williams, a Puritan minister who advocated for religious toleration and freedom of conscience, which were not widely accepted in the Puritan-dominated New England colonies at that time. In addition to religious reasons, Rhode Island also had a thriving economy based on agriculture, fishing, and maritime trade, which attracted settlers and colonists for its abundant natural resources and strategic location for trade and commerce. The settlement of Rhode Island became known for its commitment to religious freedom, democratic governance, and individual rights, which laid the foundation for the principles of American democracy.

1. Choose a country you would want to do business with.
2. Define and interpret 4 of Hofstede's dimensions and how they impact the way business is done in the country you chose.


An individual will be able or intend to do business with a country that provides all the required resources as well as minimum government restrictions on business activities.

The dimensions of Hofstede provide a framework for studying cultural variations in the workplace.

Power distanceIndividualism vs. CollectivismMasculinity vs. FemininityUncertainty Avoidance    

Hofstede's dimensions can provide significant insights into the cultural context of business practices and help to explain variances in attitudes and behaviors between cultures.

Learn more about Hofstede's dimensions, here:


Answer the questions from the station materials.


1. A politician running for re-election who is already in office is known as an incumbent.

2. Over 80% of the time, incumbents win re-election to the House and Senate, with a relatively high percentage of incumbents doing so.

3. The high percentage of re-election for incumbents is due to several factors. He has a track record, name recognition and fundraising advantage. Additionally, incumbents have the power to use their position to aid residents, which has the potential to boost their popularity and make it more difficult for competitors to win voters.

4.The graph shows that incumbents invest more money in their election campaigns than challengers. Incumbents typically spend $3,000, while challengers typically spend $2,800.

5. Candidates had several options for raising money for their election campaigns, including contributions from private citizens, PACs, and party organizations. Although it is less frequent, candidates can also finance their campaigns with their own money.

Learn more about incumbents, here:


Consider the five civilizations you studied in this unit. Write a paragraph for each civilization. Each of your five paragraphs should address these points:

geographical location
time span of the civilization
important achievements
important leaders or rulers
end or decline


1. Ancient Egypt: Located in the northeastern corner of Africa, along the Nile River, Ancient Egypt existed from around 3100 BCE to 30 BCE. Egypt was known for its impressive pyramids, temples, and artwork, as well as its advancements in mathematics, medicine, and astronomy. Important leaders included pharaohs such as Tutankhamun, Ramses II, and Cleopatra VII. The civilization eventually declined due to factors such as economic instability, invasions by foreign powers, and political turmoil.

2. Ancient China: Situated in eastern Asia, Ancient China spanned several dynasties from around 2100 BCE to 1912 CE. China's contributions to the world include the invention of gunpowder, paper, and the compass, as well as its advancements in literature, philosophy, and art. Important leaders included emperors such as Qin Shi Huang, who united the country and built the Great Wall, and Tang Taizong, who oversaw a period of cultural flourishing. The end of Ancient China was marked by the fall of the Qing dynasty and the establishment of the Republic of China.

3. Ancient Greece: Located in southeastern Europe, Ancient Greece thrived from around 800 BCE to 146 BCE. Greece is known for its contributions to philosophy, literature, theater, and democracy, as well as its architectural achievements such as the Parthenon. Important leaders include figures such as Alexander the Great, who conquered much of the known world, and Pericles, who oversaw a period of cultural and intellectual growth in Athens. Ancient Greece came to an end due to conquest by the Roman Empire.

4. Ancient Rome: Spanning from the 8th century BCE to the 5th century CE, Ancient Rome was located in central Italy. Rome's achievements include its legal system, engineering marvels such as the aqueducts, and its military conquests that led to the formation of a vast empire. Important leaders include Julius Caesar, who expanded the Roman Empire, and Augustus, who ushered in a period of peace and prosperity known as the Pax Romana. Rome declined due to factors such as economic instability, political corruption, and invasions by barbarian tribes.

5. Ancient India: Situated in South Asia, Ancient India existed from around 2600 BCE to 185 BCE. India's contributions to the world include the concept of zero, the decimal system, and yoga, as well as its advancements in art, literature, and philosophy. Important leaders include figures such as Ashoka, who spread Buddhism across the region, and Chandragupta Maurya, who united much of the Indian subcontinent. Ancient India declined due to invasions by foreign powers, political instability, and economic decline.

IG: whis.sama_ent


The Gupta empire rose in 320 C.E, in India. Its main contributions include Art and how popular Hinduism is in India today. The Gupta empire was ruled by kings, although there were local rulers as well.

The Han dynasty lasted from around 100 to 500 C.E, in ancient China. It was ruled by an Emperor, who believed he had the mandate of heaven. It collapsed because of a combination of political and religious debates about the way the society was structured. Its contributions include the seismograph and the sundial.

The Maya empire lasted from 1000 B.C.E to 900 C.E. in Central America. It was ruled by kings. Its contributions include calendars and a huge temple. It declined in 900 C.E. Its reasons for decline are unknown.

The Aztec lasted from 1323 to 1521 in what is now Mexico. It was ruled by an emperor. They were very good at farming, as they were the first to grow corn, and they learned how to shape wild land into land used for farming. They declined when they were conquered by the Spanish.

The Inca lasted from 1100 to 1585 C.E. in South America. They were ruled by kings, which they called capac. Like the Aztec, they’re contributions were farming and hunting. They used llamas for transportation. They declined because of a civil war between two leaders.

How did Georgia respond to the court ruling in Brown v. Board of Education? A Many Georgia leaders opposed the ruling and resisted the court order. B Most Georgia leaders supported the ruling and integrated schools without hesitation. C Georgia quickly removed all signs separating public facilities based on race. D Georgia leaders supported the ruling but violent protest erupted among Georgia citizens.​


'Many Georgia leaders opposed the ruling and resisted the court order' was the response to the court ruling in Brown v. Board of Education. The right answer is A.

The 1954 decision in Brown v. Board of Education by the U.S. Supreme Court found the racial segregation of public educational institutions in Georgia and other southern states to be unconstitutional. Many white Georgians opposed integration and argued that schools should be shut down rather than following the court's ruling.

A special committee headed by Atlanta lawyer John A. Sibley was established in 1960 by Georgia governor Ernest Vandiver Jr. to hold public hearings on the subject. In the end, the panel, known as the Sibley Commission recommended local option.

The correct answer is option A.

Know more about Brown v. Board of Education here


which country did the united states mandate penalties for being a sponsor and a safe haven for terrorist organizations


Syria has been a designated state sponsor of terrorism by the U.S. government since 1979 due to its support for groups such as Hezbollah and Hamas.

The country  united states mandate penalties for being a sponsor and a safe haven for terrorist organizations

Israel was designated as a state sponsor of terrorism by the United States in 1979 due to its support for anti-Arab groups and activities. However, in 1985, the U.S. removed Israel from the list of state sponsors of terrorism.

Lebanon has been subject to U.S. sanctions and penalties due to its association with Hezbollah, which is considered a terrorist organization by the U.S. government. In 2019, the U.S. Treasury Department imposed sanctions on two Lebanese individuals and several companies for their alleged financial support of Hezbollah.

Learn ore more about  terrorist organizations at


This is for a History class, and the answer has to be in two paragraphs long.

Topic: Cultural

Describe your cultural identity and how it plays a role in your academic pursuits. Or, what are you doing to help eliminate barriers for others? Please be specific in your answer. Consider items such as: Have you had challenges because of cultural barriers? Have you had successes? What would you like to do to educate others about cultural differences?


A particular group or society's shared beliefs, habits, practices, values, and traditions are referred to as its cultural identity. It is a crucial component of both personal and societal identity, affecting how people view themselves and one another as well as how they interact with the outside world.

The way that people approach learning and the kinds of knowledge and skills they prioritize are shaped by their cultural identity, which is significant in academic endeavors. Students from various cultural origins, for instance, could learn differently or prefer various teaching philosophies. They might also contribute fresh viewpoints and life experiences to the classroom, which can enliven lessons and foster greater comprehension.

The behaviors, values, beliefs, and symbols that a group of people adopts—often without giving them much thought—and which are transmitted from one generation to the next through communication and imitation make up its culture.

Learn more about cultural identity here:


A combination of attitudes, economic strategies, and brute force was used to erode Mexican rights and social structures in California and Texas. What are some examples of these different tactics?


Answer & Explanation:

Various tactics were employed by the United States to undermine Mexican rights and social structures in California and Texas during the 19th century. These tactics included a combination of attitudes, economic strategies, and brute force. Some examples of these tactics are:

   Manifest Destiny: The belief in Manifest Destiny, which held that the United States was destined to expand across the North American continent, played a significant role in justifying the erosion of Mexican rights and social structures. This attitude led to widespread support for American expansion into Mexican territories, often at the expense of the Mexican people.


   Economic pressure: American settlers and entrepreneurs moved into Mexican territories, such as California and Texas, and established businesses and farms. This influx of American economic activity undermined the local Mexican economy and displaced Mexican landowners. Additionally, the increasing economic dependence on the United States made it more difficult for Mexico to maintain control over these regions.


   Land policies and dispossession: American land policies in newly acquired territories, like the implementation of the Homestead Act, often favored American settlers over Mexican landholders. These policies led to the dispossession of Mexican landowners and further eroded their rights and social structures.


   Brute force and military action: The United States engaged in military actions, such as the Mexican-American War (1846-1848), to forcefully annex Mexican territories, including California and Texas. The war and subsequent Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo resulted in the loss of a substantial portion of Mexico's territory and further weakened its influence in the region.


   Racism and discrimination: American settlers often held racist attitudes towards Mexicans and other non-white groups. This led to discrimination and violence against Mexican communities, further eroding their rights and social structures. For example, the lynching of Mexicans in Texas by Anglo-American vigilantes was not uncommon during this period.


   Assimilation and Americanization: American authorities and settlers promoted the assimilation of Mexican populations into American society, often at the expense of their cultural identity and social structures. This process, sometimes referred to as "Americanization," involved the imposition of American customs, language, and values on Mexican communities.

These tactics, which combined attitudes, economic strategies, and brute force, significantly impacted Mexican rights and social structures in California and Texas, leading to the long-lasting marginalization of Mexican-American communities in these regions.

Celia was
a. the name used to signify a southern plantation mistress in writings about the institution.

b. a character in Uncle Tom’s Cabin.

c. a slave tried for killing her master while resisting a sexual assault.

d. the pen name of Floride Calhoun, who secretly criticized her husband John’s views on slavery.

e. a slave who became famous for helping other slaves escape via the Underground Railroad.


Option C, a slave tried for murdering her owner while resisting a sexual attack, is the best response.

Celia, who are you?

Celia (died December 21, 1855) was an enslaved woman convicted in Callaway County, Missouri, of first-degree murdering her enslaver, Robert Newsom. Her defence team, led by John Jameson, claimed an affirmative defence: Celia accidentally murdered Robert Newsom in self-defense to prevent Newsom from raping her, which was a contentious stance at the time.After an unsuccessful appeal in December 1855, Celia was killed by hanging.Civil rights activist Margaret Bush Wilson revived Celia's legacy by commissioning a portrait of her from Solomon Thurman.

To know about Celia visit:


who is Ceila ?

1. What does this letter say about the link between science and colonialism ?
2. What does this letter say about race relations in colonial South Africa in the early 19th century


1.)The letter in question highlights the strong link between science and colonialism in the early 19th century. 2.) In his letter, he notes that he is able to carry out his work thanks to the assistance of local inhabitants who are essentially treated as his assistants.

1.)This relationship between the British scientist and the local inhabitants of South Africa reflects the wider colonial context of the time. Colonial powers like Britain relied heavily on the knowledge and labor of indigenous peoples to support their scientific and economic endeavors.

This dynamic often resulted in the exploitation of these populations and the perpetuation of racial inequalities.

2.) Moreover, the letter sheds light on the fraught race relations that characterized colonial South Africa. The author notes that the local inhabitants he worked with were "natives" who spoke a different language and were considered inferior to Europeans.

This attitude reflects the deep-seated racism that permeated colonial society and helped to justify the subjugation and exploitation of non-white populations.

Overall, the letter underscores the ways in which science and colonialism were inextricably linked in the early 19th century. It also highlights the deeply troubling race relations that characterized colonial South Africa and the broader colonial project.

For more question on colonialism visit:


Which of the following statements describes the command economy of the Soviet Union?
A. The government allowed private businesses to produce goods and services demanded by the market.
B. The government decided what goods and services would be produced and supplied to the market.
C. The government allowed workers to own the means of production.
D. The government ensured high wages for workers.



B. The government decided what goods and services would be produced and supplied to the market.


The statement that describes the command economy of the Soviet Union is option B. The government decided what goods and services would be produced and supplied to the market.What is a command economy?A command economy is an economy that is planned, organized, and managed by the government. In a command economy, the government controls and regulates all aspects of economic activities such as production, distribution, and pricing of goods and services. The government, not the market, decides what goods and services to produce, how much to produce, and at what prices. In a command economy, the government owns and controls the means of production, such as factories, land, and resources.

why do you suppose the author uses a flashback to reveal details about Farquhar how does this impact the story


In this flashback, he speaks with a soldier whom he believes to be a Confederate but whom the reader understands to be a "Federal scout" about the Owl Creek Bridge. This shift in viewpoint gives the viewer understanding of the story's events and Farquhar's character prior to the hanging.

Why was flashback used in An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge?

The author of this narrative used awareness and flashbacks to further envelop and acquaint the reader with the story. Along with several other literary strategies, the author of this narrative employs symbolism, foreshadowing, and many more to place the reader in Farquhar's head.

In these "flashbacks," Peyton's lifestyle before being busted for tampering with the bridge is described. (Teen Ink 1). While the tale is in flashback, Peyton had memories of his wife and kids after he knocked himself out.

The tension would have been lost if the facts in the tale had been revealed in chronological order. The events that occur would be specific to Farquhar if it had started with his introduction in section 2, which would also concentrate the narrative on his own character's views rather than those of the average person.

Learn more about Farquhar:


Choose the THREE ways the European Union has shown cooperation among its member nations?

A. They have adopted a common currency that can be used by citizens in any member nation.

B. They created a central business that is meant to grow and make a profit in the United States and China.

C. They eliminated all types of military missiles and bombs from all member nations.

D. They do not add extra taxes and fees onto products that are traded between member nations.

E. They allow free movement across their national borders.


Answer:  The three ways the European Union has shown cooperation among its member nations are:

A. They have adopted a common currency that can be used by citizens in any member nation.

D. They do not add extra taxes and fees onto products that are traded between member nations.

E. They allow free movement across their national borders.

Option B is incorrect because the European Union has not created a central business that is meant to grow and make a profit in the United States and China.

Option C is incorrect because the European Union has not eliminated all types of military missiles and bombs from all member nations. The European Union is primarily an economic and political union, and defense matters are generally left to the individual member nations.

Explanation: can i get brainliest :D

Which of the following is not a strategy to combat climate change. A. recycling B. using fossil fuels c. International agreements D. conserving energy​



B. Using fossil fuels is not a strategy to combat climate change.


Fossil fuels are a major contributor to climate change, as the burning of fossil fuels releases large amounts of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.

Who was Felix Longoria?
a veteran of World War II
a Chicano poet
a farm worker and civil rights activist
the organizer of the Chicano Blowouts


Answer: A

Explanation: Felix Longoria was a vaeteran of WWII and was from Texas

how did japan change people?


Japan has undergone significant changes throughout its history, and these changes have had a profound impact on its people and culture. Some of the key ways that Japan has changed its people include:

Modernization: Japan underwent a period of rapid modernization during the Meiji Restoration in the late 19th century. This included adopting Western-style institutions and technologies, such as railroads, telegraph lines, and a modern legal system. This modernization had a significant impact on Japanese society and culture, as it transformed the country from a feudal society to a modern industrialized nation.

World War II: Japan's involvement in World War II had a profound impact on its people, both during the war and in its aftermath. The war brought widespread destruction and suffering, and many Japanese people were forced to confront the brutal realities of war and imperialism. In the postwar era, Japan underwent significant social and cultural changes, including a shift towards a more pacifist and democratic society.

Overall, Japan's history of modernization, war, economic growth, and demographic change has had a profound impact on its people, shaping their attitudes, beliefs, and values, and transforming the country's society and culture.

Using Conflict theory , address social control mechanisms and how racism, religion, education and federal government authority have been used to justify the atrocities and the forced assimilation and oppression of the Indigenous people. Please not short answers!



Conflict theory is a sociological perspective that views society as a struggle for power between different groups. It asserts that social order is maintained through the domination of one group over another. In the context of Indigenous people, conflict theory can help to explain how social control mechanisms have been used to justify their oppression and forced assimilation.

Racism has been used as a social control mechanism to justify the oppression of Indigenous people. Racism involves the belief that some races are inherently superior to others, and this belief has been used to justify the treatment of Indigenous people as inferior and unworthy of respect. This has been used to justify discriminatory policies, such as the residential school system in Canada, which was designed to assimilate Indigenous children into Western culture and erase their Indigenous identity. Racism has also been used to justify land theft and forced removal of Indigenous people from their traditional territories, as well as the denial of their basic human rights.

Religion has also been used as a social control mechanism to justify the oppression of Indigenous people. Christian missionaries, for example, were often sent to Indigenous communities with the goal of converting them to Christianity and eradicating their traditional beliefs and practices. This was done under the guise of “saving” Indigenous people from their “savage” ways and bringing them into the “civilized” world. The forced assimilation and cultural genocide of Indigenous people was often justified in religious terms, such as the belief that Indigenous people were “heathens” who needed to be saved.

Education has been another social control mechanism used to oppress Indigenous people. The education system has been used to perpetuate colonialism and maintain the dominance of Western culture over Indigenous culture. The residential school system in Canada, for example, was designed to strip Indigenous children of their language, culture, and identity, and to indoctrinate them with Western values and beliefs. This has had long-lasting effects on Indigenous communities, as many people have lost their connection to their culture and language, leading to a loss of self-identity and self-esteem.

Finally, federal government authority has been used as a social control mechanism to oppress Indigenous people. The federal government has historically used its authority to pass laws and policies that discriminate against Indigenous people and deny them their basic human rights. Examples include the Indian Act, which was used to control every aspect of Indigenous life and deny them their basic freedoms, and the forced relocation of Indigenous people from their traditional territories. The government has also used its authority to deny Indigenous people access to basic services, such as health care, education, and clean drinking water.

In conclusion, conflict theory provides a lens through which to view the social control mechanisms that have been used to justify the oppression and forced assimilation of Indigenous people. Racism, religion, education, and federal government authority have all been used to perpetuate colonialism and maintain the dominance of Western culture over Indigenous culture. It is important to recognize the impact of these social control mechanisms in order to work towards reconciliation and healing for Indigenous communities.

discuss the relationship between the spread of Islam and the growth of trade between Africa and Muslim traders to the east​


The spread of Islam and the growth of trade between Africa and Muslim traders to the east are closely related. Islam, as a religion, had a significant impact on the growth of trade between Africa and Muslim traders, particularly to the east.

Islam spread quickly throughout North Africa, starting in the 7th century, following the Arab conquest of the region. The spread of Islam brought with it a set of laws and ethical principles that facilitated trade between Muslims. For example, the Islamic law known as Shariah provided guidance on fair business practices, ethical conduct, and contracts, which gave traders a sense of security in their transactions. This encouraged trade and helped to create a network of traders across the region.

Muslim traders, who followed the teachings of Islam, played a significant role in the growth of trade between Africa and the east. These traders traveled from the Arabian Peninsula and the Indian subcontinent to East Africa, establishing trade routes that connected Africa to the rest of the world. They brought goods such as textiles, spices, and ceramics, and exchanged them for African goods such as gold, ivory, and slaves. This trade brought wealth to the traders and helped to develop the economies of the African kingdoms.

Moreover, the spread of Islam in East Africa was also facilitated by trade with the Muslim world, which resulted in the conversion of many Africans to Islam. As Islam spread throughout the region, it encouraged further trade, creating a positive feedback loop that helped both the spread of Islam and the growth of trade.

In conclusion, the relationship between the spread of Islam and the growth of trade between Africa and Muslim traders to the east was mutually reinforcing. The spread of Islam facilitated trade by providing ethical guidelines and legal systems that helped to create a sense of security, while trade helped to spread Islam by connecting people across regions and providing opportunities for conversion.


The spread of Islam and the growth of trade between Africa and Muslim traders to the east are interrelated.

Islam was first introduced to Africa through the trade routes that linked the continent with the Middle East and India. Muslim merchants and traders traveled along these routes, bringing their religious beliefs and practices. Over time, many African communities embraced Islam, making it a part of their culture and identity.

African communities converted to Islam, creating a common bond between them and Muslim traders from the east. This bond facilitated the growth of trade between Africa and the Middle East, India, and Southeast Asia. Muslim traders established trading networks along the East African coast and in the Saharan region. This development allowed Africa and the Muslim world to exchange of goods, ideas, and technologies.

The spread of Islam also influenced the political, social, and economic spheres of African life. Many African societies adopted Islamic law and institutions. This development helped promote trade and commerce, establish legal systems, and facilitate peaceful resolution of disputes. Moreover, it helped break down traditional barriers between different African societies and fostered greater unity and cooperation.

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Overall, the spread of Islam and the growth of trade between Africa and Muslim traders to the east were mutually reinforcing. The exchange of goods, ideas, and technologies facilitated by trade helped spread Islamic beliefs and practices throughout Africa. Accordingly, the adoption of Islam helped to promote trade, foster greater unity among African societies, and change African culture and society.


What was an important contribution of the sankin kōtai ﴾alternate attendance﴿ system to the modernization of Japan?


The important contribution of the Sankin-kōtai was that Japan people developed a strong sense of national unity. (Option B).

What is Sankin-kōtai?

The Sankin-kōtai structure, as known as Alternate Attendance arrangement, was a procedure executed in Japan during the Edo ending (1603-1868). The system necessary old lords, popular as daimyos, to give sporadic old age in the capital city of Edo, while their classifications remained skilled forever as hostages.

One main gift of the Sankin-kōtai structure to the renovation of Japan was that it aided to sustain the political position in the country. By needing daimyos to associate with in Edo, the shogunate was intelligent to hold a tighter eye on ruling class and avoid them from plotting against the administration. The system likewise aided to advance enlightening exchange and financial happening, as daimyos and their entourages brought new plans and possessions to Edo.

Learn more about Sankin-kōtai here:



1. What was accomplished economically during the Porfiriato? How were those gains made? Who did they benefit? Who did they not benefit, or even harm?

2. Compare and contrast the lives of the upper and lower classes. Include both rural and urban life. Was the divide between classes improved through the Porfiriato? Why or why not?


Daz and his advisors completely overhauled Mexico's infrastructure while he was president by constructing railroads, schools, and other facilities.

El Porfiriato saw fast modernisation and economic expansion in Mexico while also restricting freedom of the press and civil liberties. General Diaz thought that his administration needed to pursue a paternalistic strategy since the Mexican people weren't ready to practice democracy.

In order to create space for commercial interests, Diaz forcibly removed literally millions of Mexicans from their farms and homes. He also violated the civil liberties protected by the Constitution of 1857.

Thus, Daz and his advisors completely overhauled Mexico's infrastructure.

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Which of the following best describes the term yellow journalism?
Question 12 options:


anonymous editorials


news stories with poor sourcing


hastily published stories


sensationalized coverage of scandals





Yellow journalism was a style of newspaper reporting that emphasized sensationalism over facts. During its heyday in the late 19th century it was one of many factors that helped push the United States and Spain into war in Cuba and the Philippines, leading to the acquisition of overseas territory by the United States.

The following term best describes the yellow journalism: sensationalized coverage of scandals. Therefore, the ideal selection is option D.

What is  yellow journalism?

Yellow journalism is a type of journalism that is characterized by sensationalism, exaggeration, and sometimes even fabrication of news stories to attract readers and increase circulation.

This type of journalism originated in the late 19th century, particularly in the United States. Yellow journalism often includes stories about scandals, crime, and other sensational topics that appeal to people's emotions and curiosity.

It can also involve the use of inflammatory language and imagery to provoke a strong reaction from readers.

The sensationalized coverage of scandals best describes the term yellow journalism. Thus, the ideal selection is option D.

Learn more about  yellow journalism here:


Complete answers!



American imperialism refers to the United States' acquisition of territories and power beyond its national borders.

There were several social, political, and economic causes that led to American imperialism in the late 19th and early 20th centuries:

Economic Interests: American businesses sought new markets and resources for raw materials to sustain economic growth. Imperialism was seen as a way to protect and expand American economic interests.

Nationalism: The idea of American exceptionalism fueled a desire to spread American values and culture to other parts of the world. This belief in superiority contributed to the desire to expand American influence and power.

Military Interests:

Social Darwinism:

Learn more about American imperialism here :


Which of the following played an important role in the shaping of modern art? a. new science b. psychology c. World War I d. all of the above Please select the best answer from the choices provided A B C De




The correct answer is d. all of the above.

New science, psychology, and World War I all played important roles in the shaping of modern art.

New scientific discoveries, such as theories of relativity and quantum mechanics, challenged traditional notions of space and time, which influenced how artists represented the world around them.

Psychology, particularly with the influence of the work of Sigmund Freud, influenced artists to explore the subconscious mind and the inner workings of the human psyche.

World War I and its aftermath had a profound impact on many artists, leading to a shift away from the idealized representations of the past and towards more abstract and fragmented depictions of reality as artists sought to make sense of the traumatic events they had experienced.

Overall, these and other factors contributed to the development of modern art and its departure from traditional forms of visual representation.

What is a presidential mandate?

Question 23 options:


An order issued by the president


An obligation of the president


An annual speech to both houses of Congress


A level of support characterized by a popular majority



refers to the authority of a president to govern as a representative of the people, an authority granted by their successful election to office.


why is russian meddling in us politics not discussed in american textbooks


Politics is the process by which those who live in groups decide on things. Politics is the process of establishing agreements between individuals so that they may coexist in social units like tribes, cities, or nations. Some individuals may invest a significant amount of time in reaching such agreements in large groups, such as nations.

The term "politics" (from the Greek: o, politiká, "affairs of the cities") refers to a variety of activities that are connected to group decision-making or other forms of power interactions between people, such as the allocation of resources or status.

Learn more about Politics here:


In 1-2 sentences, analyze how the timing of Robert F. Kennedy's assassination impacted American politics.


robert f kennedys assanistaioj impacted american politics by leading it to a downfall of america
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