In the radio show Orson Wells uses technique of Music in the story ''The Hitchhiker"

Can somebody please help me what evidence support the narrator use of technique for music and explain how it engages the audience.
Please I just want to watch my shows quick!!!!!


Answer 1


It instills fear and suspense in the audience, allowing to connect with the main character. It makes the audience want to know what will happen next.


I'm sorry if it's a bit short, but it's to the point. Hope this helps! Pls mark Brainliest!!

Answer 2


The music would make the audience feel either happy, scared, etc


In this case it draws suppense.

Mark melo brainliest

Related Questions

(25 POINTS) Assignment Comparing Two Plays In a response of 2–3 paragraphs, answer the following questions. Remember to incorporate at least three module vocabulary terms into your response.

Compare and contrast how Antigone and "The Game" develop the protagonist and antagonist using dialogue and staging. Use specific textual evidence from both plays to support your answer. Answer:

Compare the themes. What do Antigone and "The Game" suggest about fate and chance? Are our futures determined by fate, by chance, or a combination of both? Explain. Answer:



1. In Antigone, the protagonist was developed through her statements regarding the death of his brother. Antigone is the protagonist. She spoke to her sister about burying their brother who was dishonored by Creon. This is the way of the author to develop the characters and introduce them to the audience. 


2. Our futures are determined by both fate and chance. First, we were not given a choice on which families we are born with but we are given the chance to lead our lives according to the resources given to us. Afterward, all throughout the rest of our life, we constantly make decisions and make choices either by chance or by carefully analyzing the situation. 


I neeed this answer to


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You want to keep personal opinions out of the topic. Strictly stick with facts and it will grab the audiences attention. You want you audience to know what you're saying is true and not just your opinion out of spite.

Try to grab the reader’s attention shock them surprise them

an essay on the evil of examination malpractice



i can give u some points about it but and essay .....Yikes


Read the excerpt from Ralph Waldo Emerson's essay entitled "Experience."
The least activity of the intellectual powers redeems us in a degree from the conditions of time. In sickness, in languor,
give us a strain of poetry, or a profound sentence, and we are refreshed; or produce a volume of Plato, or Shakspeare,
or remind us of their names, and instantly we come into a feeling of longevity. See how the deep, divine thought
reduces centuries, and millenniums, and makes itself present through all ages.
According to Emerson, which of these is immune to time?
o intellectual activity
physical activity
O memory


Heeeey how yuh doing

What is a common theme in this story and this poem? Think about the lesson or message that the two passages share. A. Asking for help when it’s not needed is good. B. Honesty earns a person respect from others. C. Honesty is not always the best policy. D. Some people respect humor over honesty.


Theme is Honestly and having a kind heart


it B. i just took the test


it makes more since then the others because you are most likely to have trust from someone if your honest.

How does the writer use language here to describe the setting?


the author uses similes, metaphors, personification, and vivid imagery

Which statement best explains how Orwell uses dramatic irony in this passage to reveal the theme that knowledge can be lost between generations? The reader knows that the horses were good workers with corrupt ideals. The reader knows that Clover gains respect because she could explain the rebellion and animalism. The reader knows Clover’s language gives her the ability to abuse her power over the other horses. The reader understands the history of the rebellion, but the new horses do not.



The reader understands the history of the rebellion, but the new horses do not.


The new horses are supposed to be dumb and stupid. Not smart enough at all to understand the rebellion. But the reader should be smart enough to understand the rebellion.

The statement which Orwell uses to show dramatic irony in this passage to reveal the theme that knowledge can be lost between generations, the reader understands the history of the rebellion, but the new horses do not.

The brand-new horses are meant to be dimwitted and foolish. Not intelligent enough in the least to comprehend the uprising. But the reader need to be intelligent enough to comprehend the uprising.

The reader is aware that Clover gets admiration for her ability to defend animalism and disobedience. The reader is aware that Clover can abuse her language's ability to control the opposing horses. The reader is familiar with the rebellion's past, the new horses are not.

To learn more about Orwell here


Hi so me and my friend are having trouble with “affected” and “effected”. So my friend use a sentence saying “That post effected me”. Shouldn’t it be “That post affected me.”


Try and remember it this way. Cause and effect. Effect is the result of something, while affect is like it influenced something.
effect = end result / affect = currently happening to whomever.

What does good and righteous human morality look like for race?



a race doesnt define a persons ability, respect nor knowledge

as humans we should accept people of all races as morally in most religions it is taught to be kind and accepting and it should be a taught moral to be kind from a young age.


How would you describe the daily lives of the family who lived in this house before they died?
What historical, social, environmental and/or political problems do you think inspired Ray Bradbury to write this story?​

I will give you brainliest if you answer the question in your own words properly please!!!



They must be very frightened


Bomb attacks have happen a lot but for those who been through this many times don't have any fear.

Which of the following are characteristics of a textbook's appendix? Select all that apply.
It usually includes documents, charts, tables, letters, and other research.
It contains an alphabetical list of key terms and their definitions.
It provides extra information on the subject covered in the textbook.
It includes the name of the book, the author's name, and the publisher.
It introduces the reader to the book.



It provides extra information on the subject covered in the textbook.


The textbook's appendix has various characteristics such It usually includes documents, charts, tables, letters, and other research alphabetical lists of key terms and their definitions and extra information on the subject covered in the textbook. The correct options are A. B, and C.

All three of these choices adequately represent the typical components included in a textbook's appendix. Typically, the appendix contains additional materials that support the topic covered in the textbook, such as documents, charts, tables, and letters.

To help pupils comprehend the material, it frequently also includes an alphabetical list of important terminology and their definitions. Additionally, the appendix could offer extra details or sources that deepen the themes presented in the textbook.

Thus, the ideal selections are options A, B, and C.

Learn more about the textbook's appendix here:


plesase help same question just 2 different pictures



# 3 or third option



relaxation and preparation


pic 1 they are relaxing under a tree and pic 2 they are preparing into battle lines

In The Great Gatsby, what does F. Scott Fitzgerald suggest about the state of the American Dream, the people who pursue it, and the impact of that pursuit through his depiction of Jay Gatsby and the people in Gatsby’s life? Include specific examples, quotations, and supporting details from the novel in your response. Do not merely summarize the story. 5 paragraphs



“Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” That is the American Dream.  In F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby, we read about the 1920’s and the characters’ pursuit of the American Dream. This novel is an American classic set in the roaring twenties. The novel is narrated by a young man by the name of Nick Caraway, who is also Daisy’s cousin. As we read the novel, we learn about Gatsby and the other characters as they try to strive for and pursue the American Dream. In the novel, F. Scott Fitzgerald illustrates the American Dream, the life of the people who pursue it, and the impact of that pursuit all through his portrayal of Jay Gatsby’s life and the people who surround him.

F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel depicts the American Dream through the many characters as they are described by the novel’s narrator, Nick. “It passed, and he began to talk excitedly to Daisy, denying everything, defending his name against accusations that had not been made. But with every word she was drawing further and further into herself, so he gave that up and only the dead dream fought on as the afternoon slipped away, trying to touch what was no longer tangible, struggling unhappily, undespairingly, toward that lost voice across the room” (144). In this quote, we get insight into how Tom, Daisy’s husband, is unfaithful and unhappy in his marriage and yet is trying to defend his doings just so Daisy won’t leave him. Daisy knows she’s being cheated on by her husband, but she continues being with him even if she’s unhappy and she knows it. Gatsby is also pursuing a dream that never came true, as told in the novel. “I thought of Gatsby's wonder when he first picked out the green light at the end of Daisy's dock. He had come a long way to this blue lawn, and his dream must have seemed so close that he could hardly fail to grasp it” (180). His dream is being with Daisy, but it was an impossible one. As Nick put it, Gatsby’s dream seemed so possible and simple for him, for from the perception of others, it is a dream that is way too far for his reach.

Although all the characters seek the pursuit of the American Dream, they don’t all achieve what they are striving for. Even the characters that already have the life of the American Dream are not happy with it. In the novel, we read about the life of the characters of Tom and his wife Daisy. “Her husband, among various physical accomplishments, had been one of the most powerful ends that ever played football at New Haven—a national figure in a way, one of those men who reach such an acute limited excellence at twenty-one that everything afterward savors of anti-climax. His family were enormously wealthy—even in college his freedom with money was a matter for reproach.” (8) They have everything that they need and want: wealth, riches, fame and everything everyone else wishes for.  But they are very unhappy in their relationship as Daisy loves another man-- Gatsby, and Tom is constantly cheating on Daisy with another mistress. Daisy’s dream is not complete with just wealth or fame, but it is also about maintaining a high status. Daisy tries to maintain her good reputation by staying with her husband, Tom, despite his infidelity.  Although Tom is unfaithful with Daisy, he still loves her and does his best to stay with her. Their pursuit of the American Dream effects Gatsby because he is unable to pursue his dream of being with Daisy.

Another character who also has the American Dream is Jay Gatsby. Gatsby is portrayed as this character who is wealthy and very famous. He has a great fortune yet that is still not enough for him. “His heart beat fast and faster as Daisy’s white face came up to his own. He knew that when he kissed this girl, and forever wed his unutterable visions to her perishable breath, his mind would never romp again like the mind of God. So he waited, listening for moment longer to the tuning fork that had been struck upon a star. Then he kissed her. As his lips touch blossomed for him like a flower and the incarnation was complete” (134). Gatsby’s dream is to ultimately be with the woman he loves, Daisy.  However, he is unable to pursue this dream because he does not have a respectable position or reputation. When the others learn that Gatsby became wealthy through criminal ways, it changes their view of him and Daisy does not want to ruin her reputation by being with such a flawed man.


I hope this helped it took me like 30 minutes to write this LOL I found it intresting though :)

Which passage from “An Upheaval” interrupts the narrative to reveal an important aspect of Mashenka’s character?

-Mashenka, amazed and frightened, went on packing; she snatched her things, crumpled them up, and thrust them anyhow into the box and the basket. Now, after this candid avowal on the part of Nikolay Sergeitch, she could not remain another minute, and could not understand how she could have gone on living in the house before.

-Mashenka looked round her room with wondering eyes, and, unable to understand it, not knowing what to think, shrugged her shoulders, and turned cold with dismay. What had Fedosya Vassilyevna been looking for in her work-bag? If she really had, as she said, caught her sleeve in it and upset everything, why had Nikolay Sergeitch dashed out of her room so excited and red in the face? Why was one drawer of the table pulled out a little way?

-Mashenka brushed her hair, wiped her face with a wet towel, and went into the dining-room. There they had already begun dinner. At one end of the table sat Fedosya Vassilyevna with a stupid, solemn, serious face; at the other end Nikolay Sergeitch. At the sides there were the visitors and the children. The dishes were handed by two footmen in swallowtails and white gloves.

-Mashenka remembered that under the sheets in her basket she had some sweetmeats, which, following the habits of her schooldays, she had put in her pocket at dinner and carried off to her room. She felt hot all over, and was ashamed at the thought that her little secret was known to the lady of the house; and all this terror, shame, resentment, brought on an attack of palpitation of the heart.



third 1


A type of relationship that shows cause and effect is called:

Can someone please help with this question.



Its C. He is easy to understand


Its easy to understand a book that gives you all the information on whats going on/open book

In Gulliver's Travels, after Gulliver brings the enemy ships to the Lilliputian prince, the prince's request prompts Gulliver to

make the generalization that all rulers are

a greedy

C. stupid

b. fickle.

d petty

Please select the best answer from the choices provided



The answer is A. Greedy




Answer: Life as a dog is great I just lay around but today was the start of something new. I think I saw a Human! it was pretty weird, where is their fur? What is on their body? But my first experience on them is kind and pretty cool.

Explanation: Hope it helped!

Help help! will mark brainlist





A predicate is the part of a sentence or clause containing a verb and stating something about the subject

Example: In this example, “Ivan” is the subject and “jumped” is the verb. “Jumped” is the predicate of the sentence. A predicate may also include additional modifiers with the verb that tell what the subject does. This is called a complete predicate.


What is a dystopian and utopian society? What are the differences?


Dystopia is a world in which everything is imperfect, and everything goes terribly wrong. Certain books show us the night-mare version of what the world could look like. Dystopias tends to include wars, rebellion, oppression and overpopulation. Almost as if everything has gone wrong.

Utopia on the other hand is completely different. It’s basically the opposite of Dystopia. The world is considered perfect in this light. Utopias seem to included harmony amongst the world, delight, freedom, no fear, and happy moods throughout.

The difference? Well, one shows us a picture of complete disaster and one shows us a picture of a world where citizens are happy.

What is one characteristic of trochaic meter?
A. Shakespeare preferred it over iambic meter.
B. The first syllable of each foot is stressed.
c. It simulates the sound of natural speech.
D. It is made up of four two-syllable feet.



B. The first syllable of each foot is stressed.


In poetry, there are various elements that make it a work of art. These elements add life to the poem, with the different elements such as the meter, rhyme, form, etc consisting of the building blocks of the poem.

A trochaic meter is the metrical feet where the two syllables of a word are contrary to each other. The first syllable is a stressed syllable followed by an unstressed syllable. Thus, one characteristic of the trochaic meter is the stressed first syllable of a foot.

Thus, the correct answer is option B.


B. The first syllable of each foot is stressed.



can someone please help with these



A, D, A


> "after they were married" tells when; adverbs (among other things) tell when.

>  a dependent clause and two independent clauses

>  "although" is a subordinating conjunction

can someone please help me


The answer is A, the other choices have incorrect capitalization
The answer is answer is A the other chip ice has capitalization issue

Which part of the underlined sentence should be emphasized to show you answering a question? What happens if one of those

players makes a breakthrough? Besides the satisfaction of knowing that they may have had a hand in saving millions of lives

over time, they would receive credit in scientific papers using the results of their work.

a. Besides the satisfaction

C. they would receive credit in scientific papers using

the results of their work.

b. they may have had a hand

d. None of the above.



C. they would receive credit in scientific papers using  the results of their work.


The part of the sentence which answers the question is that part which shows the effect of one of the players making a breakthrough.

If a player makes a breakthrough, "they would receive credit in scientific papers using the results of their work".

This is the part that answers the question.

The correct option is C.


C. They would receive credit in scientific papers using the results of their work.


Fill in the blanks.



scimming,passages,written,weak hope this helps!


How do speaking and writing differ?
A. Speaking is more formal than writing.
B. Speaking is more organized than writing.
C. Speaking is more informal than writing.
O D. Speaking is less immediate than writing.





Which statement best sums up Paine's goal in his pamphlet?
A. Paine's goal is to keep the colonies under British control.
B. Paine wants British military forces to attack the colonies.
C. Paine is attempting to inform militia leaders of Howe's attack
D. Paine is trying to convince his audience to continue to fight for
American independence.


The answer is d I think

The correct option is D. Paine is trying to convince his audience to continue to fight for American independence which best sums up Paine's goal in his pamphlet.

What was the purpose of Thomas Paine's new pamphlet The Crisis?

Common Sense, an incredibly well-received and effective treatise promoting independence from England, was written by Thomas Paine in 1776. The essays in this collection represent Paine's persistent advocacy for a free and self-governing America throughout the various challenging times of the Revolutionary War.

An important case was made for proclaiming independence from England in the 47-page pamphlet, which swept colonial America in 1776. An important case was made for proclaiming independence from England in the 47-page pamphlet, which swept colonial America in 1776.

Thus, The best answer that captures Paine's intention in his pamphlet is D. Paine is attempting to persuade his readers to keep fighting for American independence.

Learn more about Thomas Paine's pamphlet here:


Does anyone have any good quotes that are meaningful during this time. Like it can relate to things happening in our society​


''Hope is the only thing stronger than fear''

Authors choose their words for particular effects. Their word choice is called (answers) denotation diction mood tone





Diction is the effectiveness and degree of clarity of word choice and expression.

Authors choose their words for particular effects. Their word choice is called diction.

What is diction?

Diction is a saying, expression, word. In its original meaning,  it is a writer's or speaker's distinctive vocabulary choices and style of expression in a poem or story.In its common meaning, it is the distinctiveness of speech, the art of speaking so that each word is clearly heard and understood to its fullest complexity and extremity, with concerns pronunciation and tone, rather than word choice and style. This is more precisely and commonly expressed with the term enunciation or with its synonym, articulation.

Diction has multiple concerns, of which register, the adaptation of style and formality to the social context, is foremost. Literary diction analysis reveals how a passage establishes tone and characterization. Diction also has an impact upon word choice and syntax.

Learn more about diction,here:


Which detail should most likely be cited in a historical criticism of a literary work?

A. the author's use of dialogue in the literary work

B. the impact the literary work has on modem audiences

C. the popular cultural trends of the time when the work was written

D. the audience that the literary work is likely to reach in the future





Historical criticism is a branch of criticism that analyzes historical evidence and the context in which a piece of work was written in an attempt to understand the world behind the text. Therefore, the popular cultural trends of the time when the work was written would be the most useful detail -from the ones detailed above- to be mentioned in a historical criticism of a literary work.





What is the cause of the protests that are happening in 2020 and how has the
government responded to the protests?​


The Black Lives Matter protests have began to expose many racist cops. George Floyd (an african american) was killed by Derek Chauvin (a white male cop). This led to many peaceful protests beginning to occur throughout many states. Unfortunately, riots starts to occur leading to many small businesses and cities being destroyed in flames. President Trump decided to send out the military to try to contain this mass destruction. Yet, Trump kicked out his OWN SUPPORTERS from his rally who were colored. This led to people hating trump due to his MANY racist posts on via twitter and national news. People are now aware that Trump is trying to get Martial Law in play. The government also wants to limit the media’s freedom of speech. If anyone posts a tweet or anything bad about they government... it will be banned! This is known as the “Earn It Bill”.
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