Explain how each of the following can lead to sub-optimal investment process: a) Relying on top-down idea generation; b) Managers being judged solely on accounting rate of return; c) A requirement that projects have a quick payback; d) Post-auditing once only, one year after completion; e) Post-auditing conducted by managers from 'rival' divisions; f) Over-optimism of project sponsors.


Answer 1

Sub-optimization of investment process can be caused by the following factors:

a) Relying on top-down idea generation by not encouraging innovation.

b) Managers being judged solely on accounting rate of return because managers might prioritize short-term profits over long-term returns.

c) A requirement that projects have a quick payback because it may overlook long-term benefits that will pay off over time.

d) Post-auditing once only, one year after completion because it will be too late to make any changes, and any issues will be irreversible.

e) Post-auditing conducted by managers from 'rival' divisions because they may not have the best interests of the project in mind.

f) Over-optimism of project sponsors because they may overestimate the benefits of the project while underestimating the costs and risks.

Sub-optimal investment process can be caused by the following factors:

a) Relying on top-down idea generation:

An investment process that relies on top-down idea generation is sub-optimal because it doesn't encourage innovation. Ideas are filtered before they reach the investment committee, which could result in valuable opportunities being missed.

b) Managers being judged solely on accounting rate of return:

The focus on accounting rate of return can lead to sub-optimal investment decisions because managers might prioritize short-term profits over long-term returns, which is not beneficial in the long run.

c) A requirement that projects have a quick payback:

A requirement that projects have a quick payback can lead to sub-optimal investment decisions because it may overlook long-term benefits that will pay off over time. In addition, projects with short payback periods may not be the best investments if they do not align with the company's strategy and goals.

d) Post-auditing once only, one year after completion:

Sub-optimal investment decisions can be made if post-auditing is conducted once only, one year after completion. This is because it will be too late to make any changes, and any issues will be irreversible.

e) Post-auditing conducted by managers from 'rival' divisions:

Post-auditing conducted by managers from 'rival' divisions can lead to sub-optimal investment decisions because they may not have the best interests of the project in mind. This can create conflicts of interest, and managers may be more likely to find faults in the project to gain an advantage over their rivals.

f) Over-optimism of project sponsors:

Over-optimism of project sponsors can lead to sub-optimal investment decisions because they may overestimate the benefits of the project while underestimating the costs and risks. This can result in projects that are not financially viable or sustainable.

Learn more about Sub-optimization here.



Related Questions

Please summarize and analyze the below case in 350 words or more.
No plagiarism, please.
HR in Small Business Company Fails Fair-Employment Test
Companies have to comply with federal as well as state and local laws. One company that didn't was Professional Neurological Services (PNS), which was cited by the Chicago Commission on Human Relations when it discriminated against an employee because she is a parent. Chicago is one of a few cities that prohibit this type of discrimination. The difficulties began with employee Dena Lockwood as soon as she was interviewing for a sales position with PNS. The interviewer noticed that Lockwood made a reference to her children, and he asked her if her responsibilities as a parent would "prevent her from working 70 hours a week." Lockwood said no, but the job offer she received suggests that the interviewer had his doubts. According to Lockwood's later complaint, female sales reps without children routinely were paid a $45,000 base salary plus a 10% commission. Lockwood was offered $25,000 plus the 10% commission. Lockwood negotiated and eventually accepted $45,000 plus 5%, with a promise to increase the commission rate to 10% when she reached sales of $300,000. She was also offered five vacation days a year; when she objected, she was told not to worry. Lockwood worked hard and eventually reached her sales goal. Then the company raised the requirement for the higher commission rate, and the situation took a turn for the worse. Lockwood's daughter woke up one morning with pink-eye, a highly contagious ailment. Lockwood called in to reschedule a meeting for that day, but her manager told her not to bother; she was being fired. When Lockwood asked why, the manager said "it just wasn't working out." She went to the Chicago Human Relations Commission for help. The commission investigated and could find no evidence of performance-related problems that would justify her dismissal. Instead, the commission found that Lockwood was a victim of "blatant" discrimination against employees with children and awarded her $213,000 plus attorney's fees—a hefty fine for a company with fewer than 50 employees. PNS stated that it would appeal the decision.


Professional Neurological Services (PNS) discriminated against an employee, Dena Lockwood, because she is a parent, leading to a legal case.

How was she discriminated?

During the job interview, Lockwood was questioned about her parental responsibilities affecting her work hours. Despite denying any hindrance, Lockwood was offered a lower salary, fewer vacation days, and a higher sales goal compared to other female sales representatives without children.

After achieving her sales target, the company raised the requirement for a higher commission rate and subsequently fired Lockwood. She filed a complaint, and the Chicago Human Relations Commission found PNS guilty of parental discrimination, awarding Lockwood $213,000 plus attorney's fees.

This case highlights the importance of small businesses adhering to anti-discrimination laws, employees reporting discrimination to relevant agencies, and employers fostering a discrimination-free work environment through training and inclusive policies.

Read more about fair employment here:


A shoe factory predicts the following demands for its pairs of shoes for the next 2 months: May: 250, June: 300. The cost of manufacturing a pair of shoes is US$70.0 with normal working hours and $110.0 with working hours. overtime. During each month, normal-hour production is limited to 200 pairs of shoes and overtime production is limited to 100 pairs. Keeping a pair of shoes in inventory costs US$10.0 per month. The company seeks to meet demand by minimizing overtime work. Formulate a mathematical model that allows obtaining an optimal solution. Pose the problem as Transport (the problem consists of 4 origins and 2 destinations). Obtain the distribution of work that minimizes costs


The given demand for the next two months are, May: 250 pairs of shoes June: 300 pairs of shoes Cost of manufacturing a pair of shoes is US$70 with normal working hours and US$110 with overtime. The cost of keeping a pair of shoes in inventory is US$10 per month.

Normal-hour production is limited to 200 pairs of shoes, and overtime production is limited to 100 pairs of shoes per month. To minimize overtime work and meet the demand, the mathematical model is formulated as follows. Let Xij be the number of pairs of shoes transported from the ith origin to the jth destination.X11 - the number of pairs of shoes produced during the normal hours of May in factory 1X12 - the number of pairs of shoes produced during overtime in May in factory 1X21 - the number of pairs of shoes produced during normal hours in June in factory 2X22 - the number of pairs of shoes produced during overtime in June in factory 2Since the objective is to minimize the cost, the cost function to be minimized is the total cost. Let C be the cost function, then C is given as:C = 70X11 + 110X12 + 70X21 + 110X22 + 10(X11 + X21 - 250) + 10(X12 + X22 - 300)Subject to the constraints,X11 + X12 ≤ 200 (normal hours production in May at factory 1)X21 + X22 ≤ 200 (normal hours production in June at factory 2)X12 + X22 ≤ 100 (overtime production in May and June in factory 1 and 2 respectively)X11 + X21 ≥ 250 (demand of May)X12 + X22 ≥ 300 (demand of June)Xij ≥ 0Where i, j = 1, 2.The given problem can be represented as Transport problem as follows:May (Destination)June (Destination)Factory 1 (Origin)X11X12Factory 2 (Origin)X21X22Capacity200100Demand250300To minimize the cost function C, using the North-West Corner Rule, the distribution of work is as follows:May (Destination)June (Destination)Factory 1 (Origin)12080200Factory 2 (Origin)130170Total250300The total cost is $56,400.00 (which is obtained by substituting the values in the cost function)The solution obtained is optimal as there is no other way to minimize the cost. Therefore, the optimal distribution of work that minimizes cost is as shown above.Note: The transportation model is used to minimize the transportation cost from various sources to various destinations. If the cost of transportation from all sources to all destinations is given, then the problem is called a balanced transportation problem.

To know more about demand visit :



A product's life cycle is divided into four stages, which are: O introduction, growth, maturity, and decline. O incubation, growth, maturity, and decline. O introduction, growth, stability, and declin



O introduction, growth, maturity, and decline.

How to design a distribution channel is the most important long term marketing mix decision a firm can make. Discuss the different variables that influence the choice of international distribution channels.




The channel is responsible for getting the product to the customer, and it can have a significant impact on the product's success.

There are many different factors that influence the choice of an international distribution channel. Some of the most important factors include:

The product: The type of product can have a big impact on the choice of distribution channel. For example, perishable products need to be distributed quickly, while durable products can be distributed more slowly.

The target market: The target market's needs and preferences will also influence the choice of distribution channel. For example, if the target market is located in a remote area, a direct distribution channel may be necessary.

The company's resources: The company's resources will also affect the choice of distribution channel. A small company may not have the resources to set up its own distribution network, and it may need to use a third-party distributor.

The competitive landscape: The competitive landscape in the target market will also affect the choice of distribution channel. If there are already strong competitors in the market, a company may need to use a different distribution channel to reach customers.

The choice of an international distribution channel is a complex decision, and there is no one-size-fits-all answer. The best way to choose a distribution channel is to carefully consider all of the factors involved.

Here are some additional variables that can influence the choice of international distribution channels:

Government regulations: Government regulations can vary significantly from country to country, and they can have a major impact on the choice of distribution channel. For example, some countries may require that products be distributed through government-approved channels.

Culture: Culture can also have a major impact on the choice of distribution channel. For example, in some cultures, it is important to build personal relationships with distributors, while in other cultures, it is more important to focus on efficiency.

Logistics: The logistics of distributing products internationally can be complex and expensive. Companies need to carefully consider the cost and time involved in shipping products to the target market.

The choice of an international distribution channel is a critical decision that can have a major impact on the success of a company's marketing efforts. By carefully considering all of the factors involved, companies can choose the distribution channel that is best suited for their needs.

Learn more about International distribution channel.



1. Explain and differentiate the 16 grounds where discrimination
is prohibited under human right’s code? (Power point presentation
17-20 slides)


The Human Rights Code is a provincial law that aims to ensure that every person in Ontario can participate fully and equally in the society and economy of the province.

The code guarantees equal rights and opportunities without discrimination. The Human Rights Code prohibits discrimination in employment, services, and facilities in 16 areas or grounds. These areas or grounds are:

1. Race or Colour
2. Ancestry, Place of Origin, Ethnic Origin
3. Citizenship
4. Religion or Creed
5. Age
6. Sex, Pregnancy, or Sexual Orientation
7. Marital Status, Family Status, or Gender Identity
8. Disability
9. Police Records
10. Record of Offences
11. Political Belief, Affiliation, or Activity
12. Sexual Harassment
13. Gender Expression
14. Receipt of Public Assistance
15. Prospective Tenancy
16. Association with a Person Identified by One of the Above

Discrimination based on any of these grounds is illegal under the Human Rights Code. It is important to note that the list is not exhaustive, meaning other types of discrimination that are not mentioned here may also be covered by the Human Rights Code.

To know more about  Human Rights Code refer here:



The concepts of "shared value" and "inclusive business" provide several opportunities to organisations and their stakeholders. Evaluate the extent to which Livestock Wealth is implementing the concepts of "shared value" and "inclusive business". Your answer should contain the following points: Provide a brief around the purpose of "shared value" and "inclusive business". Outline the concept of "shared value" and "inclusive business". Evaluate the extent to which Livestock Wealth is implementing the concepts of "shared value" and "inclusive business" to Livestock Wealth. Provide examples to support your answer. Propose ways in which Livestock Wealth may improve upon their approach to "shared value" and "inclusive business".


Livestock Wealth is partially implementing the concepts of "shared value" and "inclusive business.

" While it promotes social impact and economic benefits through its livestock investment model, it could enhance inclusivity by expanding access to a wider range of stakeholders and engaging with local communities more actively. Improved transparency and collaborative partnerships with small-scale farmers could further strengthen their approach to shared value and inclusive business.

Livestock Wealth partially implements the concepts of "shared value" and "inclusive business" through its livestock investment model, which offers both financial returns to investors and economic opportunities to local farmers. However, to enhance their approach, Livestock Wealth could expand access to a wider range of stakeholders and actively engage with local communities. Additionally, fostering transparency in their operations and establishing collaborative partnerships with small-scale farmers would strengthen their commitment to shared value and inclusive business.

Learn more about business here:



1. Explain how you will assess utility when making a decision
based on utilitarianism. Please explain five points.


When making a decision based on utilitarianism, utility is assessed by considering the following five key points, that helps to evaluate the potential outcomes and choose the course of action that maximizes utility.

Overall Happiness or Well-being: Utilitarianism focuses on maximizing overall happiness or well-being. Utility is assessed by considering how the decision will impact the overall welfare of individuals involved. This involves evaluating the positive and negative effects on happiness, satisfaction, quality of life, and overall well-being.

Pleasure and Pain: Utilitarianism considers the intensity, duration, and certainty of pleasure or pain resulting from a decision. Greater utility is associated with decisions that generate more pleasure and minimize pain. Calculating utility involves weighing the balance of pleasure and pain caused by different courses of action.

Preferences and Interests: Utility assessment includes considering the preferences, desires, and interests of the individuals affected by the decision. Utilitarianism emphasizes satisfying the preferences of the majority and giving consideration to minority interests. Preferences may vary, and determining the utility of a decision involves taking into account the different interests and desires of the individuals involved.

Long-Term Consequences: Utilitarianism looks beyond immediate outcomes and considers the long-term consequences of a decision. Utility assessment involves examining the impact on future generations, sustainability, and the potential for creating a positive or negative trajectory for overall well-being over time.

Distribution of Utility: Utilitarianism considers the distribution of utility among individuals affected by the decision. Assessing utility involves evaluating whether the decision produces a fair and equitable distribution of benefits and burdens. It aims to minimize inequality and maximize the overall utility for the greatest number of people.

By considering these five points, decision-makers can evaluate the potential outcomes and choose the course of action that maximizes utility and promotes the greatest overall welfare.

To know more about Utilitarianism, visit



A 20-year bond was issued 5 years ago for RM900, and coupon rate is 5% annually. The current market price of the bond is RM850.

1) Determine cost of debt at the time of issuance._____%

2) Determine the current cost of debt._______%


The formula for the cost of debt is as follows:Cost of Debt = (Annual Interest Payment ÷ Principal) × 100Let's start by calculating the Annual Interest Payment. The coupon rate is 5%, and the face value of the bond is RM900. Therefore,Annual Interest Payment = Coupon Rate × Face Value= 5% × RM900= RM45

Now, let's plug in the values into the formula:Cost of Debt = (RM45 ÷ RM900) × 100= 5%Therefore, the cost of debt at the time of issuance was 5%.

To find out the current cost of debt, we will use the current market price of the bond. The formula for calculating the current cost of debt is:Current Cost of Debt = (Annual Interest Payment ÷ Current Market Price) × 100

Let's plug in the values:Annual Interest Payment = Coupon Rate × Face Value= 5% × RM900= RM45Current Market Price = RM850Now, we can calculate the current cost of debt:Current Cost of Debt = (RM45 ÷ RM850) × 100= 5.29%Therefore, the current cost of debt is 5.29%. Answer in 120 words.

To know more about debt visit:-



In a particular year, Aggie Mutual Fund earned a return of 15% by making the following investments in the following asset classes:

Weight Return
Bonds 10% 6%
Stocks 90% 16%
The return on a bogey portfolio was 10%, calculated as follows:

Weight Return
Bonds (Lehman Brothers Index) 50% 5%
Stocks (S&P 500 Index) 50% 15%
The contribution of selection within markets to total excess return was:

a. 5%

b. 3%

c. 1%

d. 4%

e. 6%


The contribution of selection within markets to total excess-return for Aggie Mutual Fund's investments is 1%.

To calculate the contribution of selection within markets to total excess return, we need to compare the actual return of Aggie Mutual Fund's investments with the return of the bogey portfolio (weighted average return of bonds and stocks).

The weighted return of Aggie Mutual Fund's investments can be calculated as follows:

(Weight of Bonds * Return of Bonds) + (Weight of Stocks * Return of Stocks)

= (0.10 * 0.06) + (0.90 * 0.16)

= 0.006 + 0.144

= 0.15 or 15%

The weighted return of the bogey portfolio can be calculated as follows:

(Weight of Bonds * Return of Bonds) + (Weight of Stocks * Return of Stocks)

= (0.50 * 0.05) + (0.50 * 0.15)

= 0.025 + 0.075

= 0.10 or 10%

The contribution of selection within markets to total excess return is the difference between the actual return of Aggie Mutual Fund's investments and the return of the bogey portfolio:

Selection Contribution = Actual Return - Bogey Return

= 0.15 - 0.10

= 0.05 or 5%

Therefore, the contribution of selection within markets to total excess return is 5%.

This indicates that the fund's investment selections within the different asset classes contributed positively to the excess return compared to the bogey portfolio.

To know more about Excess Return, visit



On April 15, Caulfield Electric declared a dividend of $0.45-per-share. It is payable on May 20 to those shareholders of record on 6 May. What is the latest day that investors could purchase Caulfield Electric shares and still receive that dividend? a. 20 May b. 5 May c. 15 April d. 16 April e. 21 May


The latest day that investors could purchase Caulfield Electric shares and still receive that dividend is May 5, option b.

Given that Caulfield Electric has declared a dividend of $0.45-per-share on April 15, and it is payable on May 20 to those shareholders of record on May 6. We need to find out the latest day that investors could purchase Caulfield Electric shares and still receive that dividend.

The date on which the company determines who will receive the dividend is called the Record date. Therefore, to receive the dividend, the investor must purchase Caulfield Electric shares at least three days before the Record Date.

The Ex-Dividend Date is two business days before the Record Date. This is the date on or after which the security starts trading without the dividend.

For the given question, the latest day that investors could purchase Caulfield Electric shares and still receive that dividend is May 5 because of the following calculations:

Ex-Dividend Date = Record Date - 2 business days

Record Date = May 6

Ex-Dividend Date = May 6 - 2 business days = May 4

Therefore, the latest day that investors could purchase Caulfield Electric shares and still receive that dividend is May 5, option b.

To learn more about dividend: https://brainly.com/question/2960815


How to illustrate the importance of dynamic efficiency for
improving long-term living standards?


Dynamic efficiency refers to the ability of an economy to continuously innovate, adapt, and improve its production methods and technology over time. It plays a crucial role in enhancing long-term living standards by driving economic growth, increasing productivity, and fostering sustainable development.

To illustrate the importance of dynamic efficiency, several key points can be highlighted:

Economic Growth: Dynamic efficiency enables economies to achieve sustained economic growth by constantly improving production processes, investing in research and development, and fostering innovation. This leads to an increase in output and incomes, which ultimately contributes to higher living standards.

Productivity Enhancement: Dynamic efficiency promotes productivity improvements by encouraging the adoption of new technologies, efficient allocation of resources, and continuous process improvements. Higher productivity leads to increased output per worker, higher wages, and improved living standards for individuals.

Technological Progress: Dynamic efficiency drives technological progress, which involves the invention and application of new technologies that enhance production methods, create new industries, and improve products and services. Technological advancements lead to efficiency gains, cost reductions, and the development of new opportunities, resulting in higher living standards.

Sustainable Development: Dynamic efficiency encourages the development and adoption of environmentally friendly technologies and practices, promoting sustainable economic growth. It emphasizes resource efficiency, waste reduction, and the transition to cleaner and renewable energy sources, ensuring long-term well-being by safeguarding natural resources and the environment.

To visually depict the importance of dynamic efficiency, graphs can be used to demonstrate the positive relationship between innovation, productivity growth, and living standards over time. These graphs can illustrate trends in GDP growth, labor productivity, technological advancements, and other relevant indicators. Additionally, real-world examples of countries or regions that have successfully embraced dynamic efficiency can be presented to showcase their progress in improving long-term living standards.

Overall, illustrating the significance of dynamic efficiency emphasizes the critical role it plays in fostering sustainable economic growth, increasing productivity, and enhancing living standards over the long term.

To know more about Dynamic efficiency click this link -



How many years will the following take? $260 to grow to $42,388
if invested at 19.64 percent, compounded annually.


To calculate the number of years it will take for an investment to grow from $260 to $42,388 at an annual interest rate of 19.64 percent, we can use the formula for compound interest:

Future Value = Present Value * (1 + Interest Rate)^Number of Years In this case, the future value is $42,388, the present value is $260, and the interest rate is 19.64 percent (or 0.1964 as a decimal). $42,388 = $260 * (1 + 0.1964)^Number of Years Dividing both sides of the equation by $260: (1 + 0.1964)^Number of Years = $42,388 / $260 Simplifying the right side: (1 + 0.1964)^Number of Years = 163.03.

Learn more about interest here;



current events discussion- Differences in Culture
The Initial Post should be composed of three Parts
EVENT - Summarize the Event and Its Global Relevance -Paraphrase (2020-2022)
Analysis - Identify the Players and Core Ideas
Implications - Conclusions – Relate the topics to Personal Experiences or Individual Ideas.
minimum of 300 words.



In recent years, there has been a growing emphasis on understanding and respecting cultural differences. One significant event that exemplifies this global shift is the increasing acceptance and celebration of diverse cultural practices and traditions. This trend gained momentum in the period from 2020 to 2022 and continues to shape global interactions today.


The players in this cultural shift are individuals, communities, organizations, and even nations that recognize the importance of cultural diversity. This acknowledgment stems from a broader understanding that cultural differences contribute to the richness of human experience and foster a sense of global unity. Core ideas driving this movement include inclusivity, tolerance, and the promotion of mutual respect among diverse cultures.


The implications of this cultural shift are far-reaching. Firstly, it highlights the need for individuals and societies to develop cultural competence. Cultural competence refers to the ability to understand, appreciate, and effectively interact with people from different cultures. As the world becomes more interconnected, cultural competence becomes essential for fostering harmonious relationships and minimizing misunderstandings.

Furthermore, the recognition of diverse cultural practices encourages the preservation and revitalization of endangered traditions. Many communities have faced the risk of cultural erosion due to globalization and the influence of dominant cultures. However, the increased acceptance of cultural diversity provides a platform for marginalized communities to celebrate and share their unique heritage, contributing to the preservation of global cultural heritage.

Moreover, the emphasis on cultural differences has implications for policymaking and governance. Governments and institutions are recognizing the importance of incorporating cultural diversity into their policies and practices. This includes initiatives such as multicultural education, anti-discrimination laws, and the protection of cultural rights. By prioritizing cultural diversity, societies can create more inclusive and equitable environments that promote social cohesion and equality.

On a personal level, this cultural shift prompts individuals to reflect on their own beliefs, biases, and assumptions about different cultures. It encourages people to engage in cross-cultural dialogue, challenge stereotypes, and embrace new perspectives. By actively seeking to understand and appreciate cultural differences, individuals can cultivate empathy, broaden their worldview, and contribute to a more inclusive society.

In conclusion, the increasing acceptance and celebration of diverse cultural practices signify a global shift towards cultural inclusivity. This movement involves various players who recognize the value of cultural diversity and the need for mutual respect. The implications of this shift include the development of cultural competence, the preservation of endangered traditions, the incorporation of diversity in policymaking, and personal growth through cross-cultural understanding. Embracing cultural differences is not only crucial for global unity but also enriches our individual experiences by fostering a deeper appreciation for the diverse tapestry of humanity.

To know more about humanity click this link-



which are the most likely uses of capital invested in a business? check all that taxeshiring workersrepaying investorsproducing goodsdistributing goodsbuying materials


The most likely uses of capital invested in a business are as follows: Taxes purchasing materials or goods Hiring Workers.

The capital invested in a business may be used to purchase materials or goods necessary for the production process. Furthermore, taxes are paid for the capital gains earned by the investors. Finally, the money can be used to hire workers and pay salaries. As mentioned above, repaying investors is not a use of capital invested, rather it is an obligation towards the investors. Since the investors are the ones who invest the capital, they expect a return on investment. Therefore, repaying investors with a return on investment is not a use of capital invested but is rather an outcome of investment. The other options i.e. producing goods, distributing goods are outputs rather than inputs of capital investment.

Learn more about Capital:



In 2022, Mrs. Winners Fried Chicken Company began the year with total equity equal to $1,000. The company issued 15 shares of preferred stock for $100 per share and repurchased 5 shares of common stock for $3 per share. Finally, the company reported net income equal to $25. What was the value of total equity on 12/31/2022?


The value of total equity on 12/31/2022 is $2,510.

In 2022, Mrs. Winners Fried Chicken Company issued 15 preferred stocks for $100 per share and repurchased 5 common stocks for $3 per share, which will have an effect on the total equity value at the end of the year, December 31, 2022.

Furthermore, the net income of $25 will also have an effect on the value of the total equity on the same date, December 31, 2022.Mrs. Winners Fried Chicken Company is expected to begin the year with total equity equal to $1,000. The company then issued 15 shares of preferred stock for $100 per share, resulting in a total increase of $1,500 in equity ($100 x 15).

The company then repurchased 5 shares of common stock for $3 per share, resulting in a $15 reduction in equity ($3 x 5).The net income of $25 will then be added to the previous total equity, which means that the total equity as of December 31, 2022, is $2,510.

Total equity on 12/31/2022: $1,000 + $1,500 - $15 + $25 = $2,510

Therefore, the value of total equity on 12/31/2022 is $2,510.

To know more about total equity visit:



10. Which of the following factor is not relevant for perfect competition market? A) there are uncountable buyers and sellers in the market C) there is an extra profit in the long run E) Goods are homogeneous 11. In a system where the reserve ratio is 10%, how many TL does 100 TL create the money supply? A) 10 B) 20 C) 100 D) 1000 E) 10000 12. When the demand of a good increases A) both the price and the quantity trade will increase B) the price will increase but the quantity traded will decrease C) both the price and the quantity traded will decrease D) the price will decrease but the quantity traded will increase E) there is no need to change B) There is no government intervention D) There is an extra profit in the short run


1. "There is an extra profit in the short run" is not a relevant factory for perfect competition market. The correct answer is option D.

2. The money supply shall be created by 1000 TL if the reserve ratio is 10%. The correct answer is option D.

3. Both the price and the quantity trade will increase if the demand for the good increases. The correct answer is option A.

1. The factor that is not relevant for perfect competition market is D) There is an extra profit in the short run. This is because in a perfectly competitive market, there is no possibility of any one firm making extra profit in the short or long run. The prices and profits are determined by the market forces of demand and supply.

2. The reserve ratio is the amount of reserves that a bank must hold against its deposits. The money creation process in a banking system is governed by the reserve ratio, and the money multiplier is used to calculate the maximum amount of money that can be created by the banking system.The money multiplier is equal to 1 / reserve ratio.

In this case, the reserve ratio is 10%, so the money multiplier is 1 / 0.1 = 10. This means that for every 1 TL of reserves, 10 TL of money can be created. Therefore, 100 TL can create a money supply of 100 × 10 = 1000 TL. The answer is D) 1000.12.

3. When the demand for a good increases, both the price and the quantity traded will increase. This is because an increase in demand means that consumers are willing and able to pay more for the good, which leads to an increase in the price. At the higher price, producers are willing to supply more of the good, which leads to an increase in the quantity traded. Therefore, the correct answer is A) Both the price and the quantity traded will increase.

To know more about perfect competition, visit https://brainly.com/question/4190313


business managment

4. College students give the highest ratings for interpersonal competence to high self-discloser

s. True or False


The statement stands for TRUE i.e. "College students give the highest ratings for interpersonal competence to high self-discloser".

College students give the highest ratings for interpersonal competence to high self-discloser. Interpersonal competence can be defined as the ability to communicate effectively with others. It's a vital ability to have in both your personal and professional life. When it comes to interpersonal competence, self-disclosure is a crucial aspect of it.

According to research, college students tend to provide the highest ratings for interpersonal competence to high self-disclosers. Self-disclosure is the act of revealing private information about oneself to others. By doing so, an individual can establish trust and develop closer connections with others, resulting in better transmission. As a result, high self-disclosers are often regarded as having excellent interpersonal competence.

To know more about self-disclosers please refer:



SBA company has the following financial data Short-term liabilities: $1,500 Long-term liabilities: $3,000 Total assets: $21,000 Cash from operations: $3,000 Pretax income: $2,000 Interest expenses: $1,200 Find the equity multiplier


The equity multiplier is a financial ratio that measures how much a firm's assets are financed by equity. It compares the total assets of a company to its total equity. The formula for the equity multiplier is: Equity Multiplier = Total Assets / Total Equity. The equity multiplier for SBA Company is 1.27.

To find the equity multiplier for SBA Company, we need to first calculate its total equity. We can do that by subtracting its liabilities from its assets. Total equity = Total Assets - Total LiabilitiesTotal Liabilities = Short-term liabilities + Long-term liabilitiesTotal Liabilities = $1,500 + $3,000 = $4,500Total Equity = $21,000 - $4,500 = $16,500Now that we have calculated the total equity of SBA Company, we can use it to calculate the equity multiplier.Equity Multiplier = Total Assets / Total EquityEquity Multiplier = $21,000 / $16,500Equity Multiplier = 1.27Therefore, the equity multiplier for SBA Company is 1.27.

To know more about equity visit:



raymond has just received his broker's license and plans to open his own office, homes galore realty. agency options available for raymond's new office would include


Raymond, who has recently obtained his broker's license, is preparing to establish his own real estate office called Homes Galore Realty. As he explores agency options, he has a variety of choices to consider.

When starting his own real estate office, Raymond will need to determine the agency type that best suits his business goals. The available options include a sole proprietorship, a partnership, or incorporating as a limited liability company (LLC) or a corporation. Each option has its advantages and considerations.

A sole proprietorship is the simplest and most common form of business ownership. It offers complete control and flexibility for Raymond but also exposes him to personal liability. If Raymond wants to share the responsibilities and risks, he may consider forming a partnership with one or more individuals. This option allows for shared decision-making and pooling of resources but may require clear agreements and a potential loss of some control.

Alternatively, Raymond could choose to incorporate his business as an LLC or a corporation. Both options provide personal liability protection, separating his personal assets from business liabilities. An LLC offers flexibility in management and taxation, combining elements of partnerships and corporations. On the other hand, a corporation provides a more formal structure, issuing shares of stock and enabling potential expansion through additional investors. However, corporations require more extensive record-keeping and compliance with legal requirements.

To learn more about broker's license click here:



Suppose that a research has estimated the following relationship for the US inflation rate: πₜ = -0.5 +0.7πₜ₋₁ + 0.6πₜ₋₂ + εₜ
(a) Derive the homogenous solution. What does the homogeneous solution tell us about the long-run stability of this estimated equation? (b) Derive the particular solution using the method of undetermined coefficients. Please show your work.


(a) To derive the homogeneous solution, we set εₜ equal to zero in the given equation: πₜ = -0.5 + 0.7πₜ₋₁ + 0.6πₜ₋₂ + 0

This simplifies to:
πₜ = -0.5 + 0.7πₜ₋₁ + 0.6πₜ₋₂
The homogeneous solution is obtained by assuming that πₜ₋₁ and πₜ₋₂ are both equal to zero. Therefore, the equation becomes:
πₜ = -0.5
The homogeneous solution indicates that in the long run, the inflation rate is expected to converge to a constant value of -0.5. This suggests that the estimated equation does not exhibit long-run stability as the inflation rate is not expected to remain at a steady level.

(b) To derive the particular solution using the method of undetermined coefficients, we assume a particular solution of the form:
πₜ = A
Substituting this into the given equation, we get:
A = -0.5 + 0.7A + 0.6A
Simplifying the equation:
A = -0.5 + 1.3A
Rearranging terms:
0.3A = -0.5
Dividing both sides by 0.3:
A = -0.5 / 0.3
A ≈ -1.67
Therefore, the particular solution is:
πₜ = -1.67
The complete solution combining the homogeneous and particular solutions is:
πₜ = -0.5 + 0.7πₜ₋₁ + 0.6πₜ₋₂ - 1.67
This equation represents the dynamic relationship between the current inflation rate (πₜ) and the lagged inflation rates (πₜ₋₁, πₜ₋₂), including the constant term (-0.5) and the particular solution (-1.67).

To know more about inflation rate, click here https://brainly.com/question/19263433


Hudson Transportation Service estimated that its total payroll for the coming year would be $375,000. Its workers' compensation insurance premium rate is 0.2%. Hudson paid an estimated workers' compensation insurance premium at the beginning of the year. However, Hudson's actual payroll for the year is $398,000. What amount of additional premium will Hudson pay at year-end, and what will the adjusting entry at year-end include? a.$46; credit to Workers' Compensation Insurance Payable b.$796; debit to Workers' Compensation Insurance Expense c.$796; credit to Cash d.$46; debit to Cash


Hudson Transportation Service will pay an additional premium of $796 at year-end, and the adjusting entry at year-end will include a debit to Workers' Compensation Insurance Expense.

The workers' compensation insurance premium is calculated based on the estimated payroll at the beginning of the year. In this case, the estimated payroll was $375,000. However, the actual payroll for the year turned out to be $398,000, which is higher than the initial estimate. To account for the difference between the estimated and actual payroll, Hudson Transportation Service will have to pay an additional premium at year-end. The additional premium is calculated as a percentage of the difference between the estimated and actual payroll. In this case, the difference is $398,000 - $375,000 = $23,000.

The additional premium is calculated by multiplying the difference by the workers' compensation insurance premium rate of 0.2%: $23,000 * 0.2% = $46. Therefore, Hudson will pay an additional premium of $46 at year-end. The adjusting entry at year-end will include a debit to Workers' Compensation Insurance Expense. This entry is made to recognize the additional expense incurred due to the higher actual payroll. The amount of the debit entry will be $796, which includes the initial estimated premium of $750 ($375,000 * 0.2%) and the additional premium of $46. The credit entry will be made to Cash to record the payment of the additional premium. Therefore, the correct answer is option b: $796; debit to Workers' Compensation Insurance Expense.

Learn more about Expense here: https://brainly.com/question/29617511


Write an Abstract (including a title and 3-5 key words) related to your current research, alternatively invent some research. Choose one of the two possible structures below.
1. Give a basic introduction to your research area, which can be understood by researchers in any discipline. (1-2 sentences).
2. Provide more detailed background for researchers in your field. (1-2 sentences)
3. Clearly state your main result. (1 sentence).
4. Explain what your main result reveals and/or adds when compared to the current literature. (2-
3 sentences).
5. Put your results into a more general context and explain the implications. (1-2 sentences).


This research focuses on enhancing cybersecurity in the context of cloud computing through a multi-layered approach. It addresses the growing concern of data breaches and cyber threats by proposing a comprehensive strategy to protect sensitive information and mitigate potential risks.

Cloud computing has revolutionized the way organizations store, process, and access data, but it also introduces new security challenges. In this research, we delve into the background of cloud computing and its vulnerabilities, considering factors such as shared infrastructure, data privacy, and the increasing sophistication of cyber threats.

Our main result is the development of a multi-layered approach to cybersecurity in cloud computing. By combining various security measures at different levels, including physical, network, application, and data layers, we aim to create a robust defense system that can withstand sophisticated attacks and safeguard critical data.

This research contributes to the existing literature by presenting a comprehensive framework that integrates multiple security layers specifically designed for cloud computing environments. By adopting this approach, organizations can enhance their data protection capabilities, reduce the risk of data breaches, and increase overall resilience against cyber threats.

Learn more about infrastructure here:



EMERGING MARKET: The Rise of Alibaba Founded in 1999 by a former English teacher Jack Ma, Alibaba has risen to become the largest e-commerce firm not only in China, but also in the world—the value of goods sold on is platform (US$170 billion in 2013) are more than Amazon and eBay combined. Alibaba started as a business-to-business (B2B) portal connecting overseas buyers and small Chinese manufactures. Inspired by eBay, Alibaba next launched Taobao, a consumer-toconsumer (C2C) portal that now features nearly a billion products and is the one of the 20 most-visited websites worldwide. Finally, with Tmall, Alibaba offers Amazon-like businessto-consumer (B2C) portal that assists global brands such as Levi’s and Disney to reach the middle class in China. The rise of Alibaba has been breathtaking. As China becomes the largest e-commerce market (already bigger than the United State), Alibaba controls four-fifths of all e-commerce in China. In 2013, on Singles’s Day (November 11, a marketing invention created to encourage singles to "be nice" to themselves), Alibaba sold more than US$5.7 billion. Preparing to initiate an initial public offering (IPO) in New York, Alibaba has been predicted by the Economist to have the potential "to be among the world’s most valuable companies". On September 19, 2014, Alibaba’s initial public offering (IPO) on the New York Stock Exchange was indeed the world’s largest, raising US$25 billion. Behind the rise of Alibaba is a story of focus and innovation. "eBay may be a shark in the ocean", Ma once said "but, I am a crocodile in the Yangtze River.


Alibaba has come a long way since its founding in 1999 by Jack Ma. From a small business-to-business (B2B) portal, connecting small Chinese manufacturers to overseas buyers, it has grown into the world's largest e-commerce firm. Its success can be attributed to its innovation and focus.

It now boasts a consumer-to-consumer (C2C) portal, Taobao, featuring nearly a billion products, and a business-to-consumer (B2C) portal, Tmall, which assists global brands such as Levi's and Disney in reaching the Chinese middle class.China has become the largest e-commerce market in the world, bigger than the United States, and Alibaba controls four-fifths of all e-commerce in China. On Singles Day 2013, Alibaba sold over US$5.7 billion worth of goods. Alibaba has been preparing to initiate an initial public offering (IPO) in New York, which is predicted by the Economist to have the potential "to be among the world's most valuable companies".On September 19, 2014, Alibaba's IPO on the New York Stock Exchange was the world's largest, raising US$25 billion. It was a great moment for the firm, which has come a long way since its beginnings. Jack Ma, the founder of Alibaba, was quoted as saying, "eBay may be a shark in the ocean, but I am a crocodile in the Yangtze River". He meant that Alibaba, although it may be smaller than eBay, is more suited to the Chinese market. It is more agile and better equipped to deal with the unique challenges of the Chinese market.

Know more about Alibaba here:



Reflect on any work experience you have had. What kind of inventory control system was in place? A perpetual system? What type of technology was used to track? Have you been involved in annual invento


The inventory control system is a set of policies, procedures, and practices for monitoring, ordering, and storing inventory. Perpetual inventory system and periodic inventory system are the two forms of inventory control system.

The perpetual inventory system is an inventory control system that constantly monitors inventory levels and provides real-time inventory details, while the periodic inventory system is an inventory control system that counts inventory at the end of a specified time period. The perpetual inventory system uses technology to monitor the inventory levels and track them, while the periodic inventory system involves physical inventory counting. The following types of technology can be used to track inventory in the perpetual inventory system: Radio-frequency identification (RFID)BarcodesInventory software Computer terminals Mobile devicesIn the majority of businesses, the inventory management systems have moved from paper-based to automated methods. The automated inventory system has been found to be more accurate, efficient, and effective than manual inventory systems. The automated system is better at preventing errors, assisting in inventory management, and providing precise inventory data.

Having been involved in the annual inventory, an employee plays a critical role in ensuring that the inventory data is correct. It involves counting, documenting, and updating inventory counts. The employee in charge of inventory management must check the inventory levels frequently and ensure that the inventory data is accurate.

To Know more about  inventory control



Restricted cash expected to be used within the next year should be
A. reported as a current asset.
B. reported as a noncurrent asset.
C. disclosed in the notes to the financial statements.
D. reported as a reduction of cash.


Restricted cash expected to be used within the next year should be reported as  a current asset. The correct option is A.

Restricted cash refers to cash that is set aside for a specific purpose or subject to certain restrictions on its use. When determining the classification of restricted cash on the balance sheet, it should be classified based on its expected usage within the next year.

The classification of assets on the balance sheet is typically divided into current assets and noncurrent assets. Current assets are those that are expected to be realized or used up within the normal operating cycle of the business or within one year from the balance sheet date, whichever is longer.

Restricted cash that is expected to be used within the next year falls within the definition of a current asset because it meets the criteria of being realized or used up within the next operating cycle or one year.

The classification of restricted cash as a current asset is important for financial statement users to understand its availability and liquidity in the short term. It provides information about the company's short-term cash resources that are earmarked for specific purposes or obligations.

Disclosure in the notes to the financial statements (option C) may also be necessary to provide additional details and explanations about the nature and purpose of the restrictions on the cash. However, the primary classification of restricted cash on the balance sheet should be as a current asset to accurately reflect its expected usage within the next year.

Reporting restricted cash as a reduction of cash (option D) is not appropriate because restricted cash is a distinct asset that is separate from the company's general cash and is subject to specific limitations or restrictions.

In summary, restricted cash expected to be used within the next year should be reported as a current asset on the balance sheet, reflecting its availability and intended usage in the short term.

Therefore the correct answer is option is A.

To learn more about current asset refer here:


A decrease in business taxes will usually lead to investment spending and a shift of the aggregate demand curve to the O more; right O less; right O more; left O less; left


The correct answer is O more; right.A decrease in business taxes usually leads to investment spending and can shift the aggregate demand (AD) curve to the right.

When business taxes are lowered, it reduces the cost of investment and increases the after-tax returns on investment. This incentivizes businesses to invest more, expanding their operations, purchasing new equipment, and hiring more workers. As a result, investment spending increases, leading to an increase in aggregate demand.

The shift of the aggregate demand curve to the right signifies an increase in the total amount of goods and services demanded at each price level. This is because lower business taxes stimulate economic activity, resulting in increased consumer spending and business investments. As a result, the overall level of economic output and employment tends to rise.

In conclusion, a decrease in business taxes typically leads to investment spending and shifts the aggregate demand curve to the right. This can have positive effects on the economy, such as stimulating growth, increasing employment opportunities, and potentially leading to an expansionary phase in the business cycle.

To know more about Taxes ,visit:

Scenario -
You are working as the Project Manager for an international contractor. Your company has just been awarded a contract by the Japanese Government to decommission and demolish a 1,000 MVA nuclear power station in Hokkaido Island, Japan. The nuclear power plant has been in use since late 1970’s and must be de-commissioned as soon possible.
The project will include shutting down the nuclear power plant, disposal of the unused nuclear materials and nuclear waste, decontamination the entire plant of radioactive materials, dismantling the entire structure, levelling the ground, disposal of rubbish, and replanting with grass, shrubs and trees at on the site.
The project is expected to take a total of three years to complete. Due to the urgency and time constraints of the project, the resources will be sourced from the following:
• Technical Expertise: French supplier of the nuclear plant
• Skilled and Unskilled Labour: From Philippines and China
• Managers and Supervisors: From Japan and the United Kingdom
• Earth Moving Machineries: From Japan
The project has a tight deadline and the penalty for late completion is severe.
Questions -
Describe how you would manage the contract to ensure that the project organisation and its execution will lead to a win-win situation for both your company and your client (and the owner). Use all the knowledge and techniques you have learnt from the Contract Management module but also from your own experience. Arrange your presentation in the following areas:
1. Standard forms of contracts and sources (250 words)
2. Contract laws (250 words)
3. Global management (250 words)
4. Differences in culture and communication (250 words)


1. Standard forms of contracts and sources

The standard form of contracts and sources will play a significant role in ensuring that both the company and client have a win-win situation. The contract will outline the obligations, responsibilities, and compensation of each party involved, which will prevent misunderstandings and legal disputes.The standard form of contracts will help in determining the different types of risks associated with the project.

2. Contract laws

The contract law will help to ensure that both parties are accountable for their actions and that all terms and conditions agreed upon are adhered to. Contract laws provide the necessary legal protection required to mitigate any risks associated with the project. As the project manager, I would ensure that the contract laws are applied throughout the project. This would include the review of the contract with all parties involved, ensuring the contract is legally binding and has all the required terms and conditions in place.

3. Global management

The management of the project is a crucial factor in ensuring that a win-win situation is achieved. The management of the project will include the coordination of resources, personnel, and equipment. The management team will be responsible for setting up the project structure, communication protocols, risk management plans, and project timelines. As the project manager, I would ensure that there is clear communication and collaboration between the management team and all other parties involved.

4. Differences in culture and communication

Differences in culture and communication can be a significant barrier to the success of the project. Cultural differences can lead to misunderstandings and poor communication between the parties involved. As the project manager, I would ensure that all parties involved have a clear understanding of the cultural differences that exist and how to manage them. The use of interpreters, cultural awareness training, and open communication channels will help to minimize cultural differences.

In conclusion, the management of the contract will require a strategic approach that considers all the factors involved, including standard forms of contracts and sources, contract laws, global management, and cultural differences. The successful completion of the project will require close collaboration, communication, and risk management to ensure that a win-win situation is achieved for both the company and the client.

To know more about company and client visit:



An organ pipe is 124 cm long. The speed of sound in air is 343 m/s What are the fundamental and first three audible overtones if the pipe is closed at one end? Express your answers using three significant figures separated by commas


The fundamental frequency is 69.4 Hz, and the first three audible overtones are 138.8 Hz, 208.2 Hz, and 277.6 Hz.

The fundamental frequency of a pipe closed at one end is given by:

f1 = v/4L

where v is the speed of sound and L is the length of the pipe. Substituting the given values:

f1 = 343/(4 x 1.24) = 69.4 Hz

The first three audible overtones are integer multiples of the fundamental frequency:

f2 = 2f1 = 138.8 Hz

f3 = 3f1 = 208.2 Hz

f4 = 4f1 = 277.6 Hz

Therefore, the fundamental frequency is 69.4 Hz, and the first three audible overtones are 138.8 Hz, 208.2 Hz, and 277.6 Hz.

Learn more about speed of sound here:



QUESTION 2 Which of the following is not a profitability ratio? O Return on Assets Return on Equity O Asset turnover ratio All of the above are profitability ratios


The asset turnover ratio is not a profitability ratio.

Profitability ratios are financial metrics used to assess a company's ability to generate profits relative to its resources and investments. They provide insights into the company's efficiency and effectiveness in generating earnings.

The first two options, Return on Assets (ROA) and Return on Equity (ROE), are both profitability ratios. ROA measures how efficiently a company utilizes its assets to generate profits, while ROE evaluates the profitability of a company based on the equity invested by shareholders. Both ratios provide information on the company's ability to generate profits from its investments.

On the other hand, the asset turnover ratio is not a profitability ratio. It is a financial ratio that measures a company's efficiency in utilizing its assets to generate sales. It calculates the revenue generated per unit of assets. The asset turnover ratio is a measure of operational efficiency rather than profitability. A higher asset turnover ratio indicates that a company is generating more sales from its assets, which can be an indicator of effective asset management. However, it does not directly provide information about the company's profitability.

Learn more about asset here:



- Explain what (i) the market risk premium and (ii) the risk-free rate of return in the CAPM represent. (4 marks) - Explain why it is difficult to empirically test the CAPM.


The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) was created by William Sharpe. It describes how risky a specific security is in comparison to the market as a whole.

CAPM explains the expected return on an investment and the risk involved. The following are the explanations of (i) the market risk premium and (ii) the risk-free rate of return in the CAPM:

i) The market risk premium in the CAPM represents the return demanded by investors to compensate them for the risk of investing in the overall market. It's the difference between the expected return on the market portfolio and the risk-free rate of return. It is often known as the "excess return" of the market over the risk-free rate. It reflects the risk of the overall market and the systematic risk of a security.

ii) The risk-free rate of return in the CAPM represents the theoretical return on an investment that carries no risk. The risk-free rate is often determined using the yield on short-term Treasury bills issued by the government. The following are the reasons why it is difficult to empirically test the CAPM: Many CAPM assumptions are based on market equilibrium, such as the assumption that investors are risk-averse, markets are perfect, and assets are infinitely divisible, among others.

The model also assumes that investors have all relevant information and the ability to act on it, which is not always the case. Because of these assumptions, it is difficult to empirically test the CAPM. In real life, the model's assumptions may not hold true. Empirical tests of the CAPM have yielded mixed results, with some supporting it while others contradict it. As a result, the model's usefulness as a forecasting tool has been limited.

To know more about Capital Asset Pricing Model refer to:



Other Questions
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A frequency polygon displays class frequencies while an ogive displays cumulative frequencies OD. There is no difference between a frequency polygon and an ogive Statcrunch Calculator Time Remaining: 03:57:06 Which organisms invades the stomach and intestinal tract, and can be acquired from eating raw fish? The following table shows the actual demand observed over the last 11 years: a Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Demand 7 10 5 9 12 8 12 13 9 9 6 This exercise contains only parts b, c, and d. b) Using the 3-year moving average, provide the forecast from periods 4 through 12 (round your responses to one decimal place). Year 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Forecast 7.31 8.01 8.71 931 10.71 11.01 11_31 10.31 8 c) Using the 3-year weighted moving average with weights 0.20, 0.25, and 0.55, using 0.55 for the most recent period: provide the forecast from periods 4 through 12 (round your responses to two decimal places). 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Based on the given data what is Boeing's Debt to Equity ratio?O a. 1.19O b. 1.48O c. 1.80O d. 0.78 what is the primary aim of a marketing program for a managed propertyA) to enhance the image of the property ownerB) to find and attract the right kind of tenantsC) to attract skill professional staff to the propertyD) to discourage current tenant from leaving the property Q47The commonly recognisable methods to improve human reliability in the workplace are Select one:a.reward schemes, appraisal schemes, selection, induction and human reliability analysis.b.talent retention, selection, training and human reliability analysis.c.job satisfaction, appraisal schemes, recruitment, training and human reliability analysis.d.reward schemes, job satisfaction, appraisal schemes, selection, training and human reliability analysis.Q48Which of the following legal mechanisms are used to enforce the King III Report and the Code of Corporate Practices and Conduct?a Company Act 1973b Company Act 2008c JSEs listing requirementsd Financials Markets Act 2012Choose the correct combination:Select one:a.a,b,cb.a,b,dc.b,cd.a,b,c,dQ49A system of business ethics consists of seven components, one of them is a businesss which is usually composed of legal, economic, political, environmental, social and technological elements.Select one:a.visionb.code of conductc.contextd.policies and procedures A 6-sided dice is placed in a container of water. 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