Essay about The White Rose


Answer 1


The White Rose is a shining example of resistance to Hitler, but also of the ruthlessness which the Nazis authorities showed when faced with any opposition. In early 1943, the fortunes of war were clearly turning against the Germans. The battle of Stalingrad had been a complete disaster, resulting in the surrender of the Sixth Army on January 31, 1943. Around this time, a small group of students, mostly centered in the University of Munich, began openly to agitate against the Nazi regime. They saw the war as lost, the good things they had thought would result from the Nazis in the 1930s as having been thrown away, and were horrified at the mistreatment of the Jews. The leaders of the student revolt were Hans Scholl (25), a medical student and his sister Sophie (21), a biology student. Hans Scholl had been an enthusiastic member of the Hitler Youth in 1933, but he quickly became disillusioned with Nazism as its inhumanity and barbarism became more and more clear with the passage of time.

People who have never lived under a totalitarian government have difficulty understanding how difficult it was - and how dangerous - to organize opposition to the government. The Nazis in particular were organized right down to the street level and people were encouraged to inform on their parents, relatives, and friends to the Gestapo; in short, anyone who manifested disagreement with the Nazis could be in serious trouble. Under the law of the Third Reich, over 5,000 people were executed for such trivial offenses as making jokes about Hitler or listening to radio broadcasts from Britain.

Most of the White Rose members were medical students, except for Sophie Scholl, who majored in biology and philosophy, and many had Jewish friends or classmates, who had been persecuted under the Nazis, Their disillusionment became most pronounced as the brutality of the regime became more apparent and especially when the mass deportations of the Jews began.

The White Rose began distributing anti-government leaflets in mid 1942. The main authors were Hans Scholl, Alex Schmorell, and George

Wittenstein (see below) who wrote four leaflets and distributed about 100 copies of them. Of the 100, 35 fell into the hands of the Gestapo. At about this time, Sophie Scholl joined the group. It is known that Hans Scholl coined the expression "leaflets of the White Rose", but the origin of the expression is unclear. The leaflets protested against the brutality and evil of the government, and against the extermination of the Jews, which was beginning to become known to more and more people at this time.

In summer 1942, many of the male medical students at the University of Munich were obliged to serve a three-month stint on the Russian front. Several of the White Rose members were among them. There they saw with their own eyes the horrors of war, and there they also saw the unbelievable cruelty the Germans displayed to the Jews. They personally witnessed beatings and other mistreatment and heard reliable stories of the persecution of the Jews then in full swing. They returned in November 1942.

In February 1943, the Gauleiter (District Leader) of Bavaria, Paul Giesler, addressed the students at the University of Munich. By then, he was already aware of some of the White Rose activities. He sneeringly said that the female students should be producing children for the Reich rather than wasting time studying and added: "If some of the girls lack sufficient charm to find a mate, I will assign each of them one of my adjutants." Female students who attempted to leave the session were arrested by the Gestapo, which led to a general riot and the eventual freedom of the women.

Several more activist leaflets soon followed, more and more revolutionary in nature, with the last ones calling openly for the overthrow of the government. By a stroke of bad luck, Sophie and Hans Scholl were observed dumping some of these leaflets out of a window at the university, were betrayed to the Gestapo and arrested. More than 80 arrests throughout Germany soon followed.


Although they actually accomplished little (obviously they had no realistic chance of accomplishing very much from the outset), the White Rose students serve as an example that not all Germans blindly went along with Hitler. Their activities are important to include in any assessment of the reaction of Germans to Hitler, and what is striking is that the persecution of the Jews played a major role in galvanizing them into more open and radical opposition to the Hitler government. In spite of the difficulties they faced, they were imbued with a willingness to risk it all for their country and for the victims of its terrible practices. That they failed was perhaps preordained; that they dared to try is a testament to their humanity.

Answer 2


The White Rose is a amazing example of resistance to Hitler, but also of the ruthlessness which the Nazis authorities showed when faced with any opposition. In early 1943, the fortunes of war were clearly turning against the Germans. The battle of Stalingrad had been a complete disaster, resulting in the surrender of the Sixth Army on January 31, 1943. Around this time, a small group of students, mostly centered in the University of Munich, began openly to agitate against the Nazi regime. They saw the war as lost, the good things they had thought would result from the Nazis in the 1930s as having been thrown away, and were horrified at the mistreatment of the Jews.

Most of the White Rose members were medical students, except for Sophie School, who majored in biology and philosophy, and many had Jewish friends or classmates, who had been persecuted under the Nazis, Their disillusionment became most pronounced as the brutality of the regime became more apparent and especially when the mass deportations of the Jews began.

The White Rose began distributing anti-government leaflets in mid 1942. The main authors were Hans Scholl, Alex Schmorell, and George  


In summer 1942, many of the male medical students at the University of Munich were obliged to serve a three-month stint on the Russian front. Several of the White Rose members were among them. There they saw with their own eyes the horrors of war, and there they also saw the unbelievable cruelty the Germans displayed to the Jews. They personally witnessed beatings and other mistreatment and heard reliable stories of the persecution of the Jews then in full swing. They returned in November 1942.

Several more activist leaflets soon followed, more and more revolutionary in nature, with the last ones calling openly for the overthrow of the government. By a stroke of bad luck, Sophie and Hans Scholl were observed dumping some of these leaflets out of a window at the university, were betrayed to the Gestapo and arrested. More than 80 arrests throughout Germany soon followed.

Although they actually accomplished little (obviously they had no realistic chance of accomplishing very much from the outset), the White Rose students serve as an example that not all Germans blindly went along with Hitler. Their activities are important to include in any assessment of the reaction of Germans to Hitler, and what is striking is that the persecution of the Jews played a major role in galvanizing them into more open and radical opposition to the Hitler government. In spite of the difficulties they faced, they were imbued with a willingness to risk it all for their country and for the victims of its terrible practices. That they failed was perhaps preordained; that they dared to try is a testament to their humanity.



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it is universal , thank me later

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O They are motivated by others' failures.
They value efficiency and accomplishment.



The correct option is:

They value efficiency and accomplishment


This question refers to the excerpt from Animal Farm Chapter 6, which is given as:

"Every human being held it as an article of faith that the farm would go bankrupt sooner or later, and, above all, that the windmill would be a failure. They would meet in the public-houses and prove to one another by means of diagrams that the windmill was bound to fall down, or that if it did stand up, then that it would never work. And yet, against their will, they had developed a certain respect for the efficiency with which the animals were managing their own affairs."

We can see from the text that every human being has a sense of respect for what animals have done. Even when they know the windmill would be a failure they recognize their efforts and hardwork for managing their own affairs.

Answer: D.) They value efficiency and accomplishment


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the question asked by me to social worker

are you ready to serve more people as social worker and what you do to raise fund to help others ......

What sentence would be best to go in front of sentence 7 and start the second paragraph?

(7) You learn facts that can be helpful (math, cause and effect, vocabulary, history), you learn habits that can be helpful (making deadlines, how to schmooze teachers), and you learn by analyzing examples of creative thought.

Learning facts is what school and life are all about.
There are many good reasons to study literature.
Facts and habits are important to think about.
As near as I can see it, you learn in three different ways at school.



C. Facts and habits are important to think about.


This sentence introduces all of the key points in the next sentence and prepares the reader for what they are about to read. It is like saying "This is what I am stating, and here is why" in two sentences.

And, they fit well together, as you can see here:

"Facts and habits are important to think about. You learn facts that can be helpful (math, cause and effect, vocabulary, history), you learn habits that can be helpful (making deadlines, how to schmooze teachers), and you learn by analyzing examples of creative thought."

Other sentences won't work as well as this one.

Hope this helps! Have a nice day!


Learning facts in school is what life is all about


School may seem boring to you but in reality prepars you for your life as an adult by learning new thing day by day whether its in a class, or out of class. Such as if someone does something wrong and you where able to witness it, you now know that what he did was wrong and will hopefully avoid from doing such.

Please I need help it’s emergency!!!!


I think the answer is

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b) Ann likes to read she reads a lot of books.

C) Ann likes to read. she reads a lot of books.

d) Ann likes to read: she reads a lot of books.



b) Ann likes to read she reads a lot of books.


Answer: A.)Ann likes to read, so she reads a lot of books.

Hope this helps

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People will continue to do bad things if they know they can blame it on their social surroundings.


A person's capacity for good or evil can change based on their social environment.


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A-Within 10 feet of a railroad crossing
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C-In front of a driveway
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B-Next to a curb in a residential neighborhood


B-Next to a curb in a residential neighborhood

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Residential neighborhood means an area zoned residential, or a platted subdivision having two or more residences used for residential purposes.

Learn more about legal parking here:


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I’m not going to write the full 200 but a basic summary would be about how when you have debt, you have to pay it off. This makes you a modern day slave because you have no choice but to do the work to pay off your debt.
Hope this helps!!

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How did the rest of the family react to these changes?





Yw daddy

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O to support a claim
O to inform
O to entertain
O to describe a claim



A: to support a claim


If it’s from Edge quiz then A

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He's biased against industrialization.

O He's biased against the government.

O He's biased against public education.

O He's biased against organized religion.

O He's biased against big businesses.

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He's Biased against the government


The author is biased against the government as he says in his essay that he is a believer of "The government is the best which governs not at all".

The author says that the government rarely does anything good and it derives its power from the majority, not because they have a legitimate viewpoint, but just for the reason that the most powerful group. He says that people shouldn't blindly follow any law that is passed by the majority and should do what is right in their opinions. People should distance themselves from a government which is unjust.

The specific act Thoreau speaks against in the first paragraph is Mexican-American war. He says that it was the work of a few individuals who used the government as a tool, because if it was up to people, they wouldn't have approved such thing

"Witness   the   present   Mexican   war,   the   work   of comparatively  a few individuals using the standing  government as their  tool;  for,  in  the  outset,  the  people  would  not  have  consented to this measure"

Will mark Brainliest if correct!!

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First Blank Options:
A. Extended
B. Nuclear
C. Blended

Second Blank Options:
A. Mimics
B. Resents
C. Likes


First blank answer: B. Nuclear

Second blank answer: A. Mimics

As human travel increases, the number of introduced species likely
O decreases
o increases
Ostays the same.
O is eliminated


Increases. Because the more we travel. The more things get around the world. Which would increase the species introduced to a new area

As human travel increases, the number of introduced species likely increases. Thus, the correct option for this question is B.

What is meant by Species?

Species may be characterized as a group or collection of organisms that can significantly reproduce with one another in nature in order to produce fertile offspring. The process of speciation is responsible for the formation of species.

According to the context of this question, as humans travel across the world, it has more chances to interact with things that are ultimately present around them. The more they travel, the more things get influenced around the world. This would definitely increase the number of species that are significantly introduced to a specific location.

Therefore, as human travel increases, the number of introduced species likely increases. Thus, the correct option for this question is B.

To learn more about Species, refer to the link:


What details from the narration show that Rainsford is a
rational individual who does well in moments of danger?
Select 2 options.
He struggled up to the surface and tried to cry out
Desperately he struck out with strong strokes after the
receding lights of the yacht
A certain cool-headedness had come to him;
There was a chance that his cries could be heard by
someone aboard the yacht
[D]oggedly he swam in that direction, swimming with slow,
deliberate strokes, conserving his strength.



A certain cool headed ness had come to him

Doggedly he swam in that direction, swimming with slow deliberate strokes conserving his strength


These show that he can stay calm and logical even when forced into stressful situations.

Two details from the narration show that Rainsford is a rational individual who does well in moments of danger: "A certain cool-headedness had come to him," and "doggedly he swam in that direction, swimming with slow, deliberate strokes, conserving his strength." That is the second and last option.

Who is Rainsford?

"A certain cool-headedness had come to him," this line indicates that despite the danger and uncertainty of Rainsford's situation (he has been thrown overboard in the middle of the ocean at night), he is able to maintain a clear and level-headed approach to the problem. This is an important trait for someone in a dangerous situation, as it allows them to think logically and make decisions that are more likely to lead to a positive outcome. " "Doggedly, he swam in that direction, swimming with slow, deliberate strokes, conserving his strength," this line describes how Rainsford is swimming towards the distant lights of a nearby yacht, but is doing so in a controlled and deliberate manner.

Hence, the correct answers are A certain cool-headedness had come to him," and "doggedly he swam in that direction, swimming with slow, deliberate strokes, conserving his strength."

Learn more about the Rainsford here.


What is a blended courses in college, and how does it work?



Blended courses (also known as hybrid or mixed-mode courses) are classes where a portion of the traditional face-to-face instruction is replaced by web-based online learning. There are many, many benefits (and challenges) to blended delivery of your course content.

How do blended classes work?

A blended approach (also known as “hybrid”) integrates face-to-face and online learning. A “flipped classroom” is considered blended learning and involves students getting a first exposure to course content on their own before class through activities such as readings or watching short lecture videos.

Which sentence in this excerpt from Mark Twaley's Adventures of Huckleberry Finn uses hyperboler
Select the correct text in the passage.
Wed got to find that boat now-had to have it for ourselves. So we went a quaking and shaking down the stabboard side, and slow wore it
was, too-seemed a week before we got to the stern. No sign of a boat. Jim said he didn't believe he could go any further so scared he
hadn't hardly any strength left, he said. But I sald, come on, If we get left on this wreck we are in a fi, sure.


"So we went a quaking and shaking down the stabboard side, and slow wore it was, too-seemed a week before we got to the stern."


The description that it “seemed a week before we got to the stern” is an example of hyperbole. Although the characters are moving slowly, it most likely only takes them a few minutes to get to the stern.



What events inspired J. G. Ballard to write Billenium?​



Billenium (or Billennium) is a short story by British author J. G. Ballard, first published in the January 1962 edition of Amazing Stories (Volume 36, Number 1)[1] and in the Billennium collection. It later appeared in The Terminal Beach (1964), and The Complete Short Stories of J. G. Ballard: Volume 1 (2006). With a dystopian ambience, "Billennium" explores themes similar to Ballard's earlier story "The Concentration City", of space shortages and over-crowding.


How does Buck react to his kidnapping? a. He resists and tries to overpower his handlers. c. He acts excited and agreeable because he isn't aware of what's happening. b. He sleeps all the time and refuses to eat. d. He attacks and escapes from his handlers.



A. he resists and tries to overpower his handlers


"Buck kills Spitz and takes his place as the lead dog."

a). Hope this helped




a is the answer good luck!


Which is the best example of a topic that is too broad?

A.) the history of the of the English monarchy
B.) the importance of teaching history in schools
C.) the positive effects of teaching history to students at a young age
D.) learning history encourages a more multicultural viewpoint on the world


The answer Which is the best example of a topic that is too broad? The answer is A.) the history of the of the English monarchy

The best example of a topic that is too broad is A.) the history of the English monarchy

What is a Broad Topic?

This refers to the type of topic that is used that is too diverse and not specific.

Hence, we can see that from the answer choices, the correct choice that contains a broad topic is option A and this is because it does not ask for a specific monarchy history in a time period and is too bulky.

Read more about broad topics here:


Which of the following would be a good thesis statement for a literary
analysis essay?
A. Through symbolism, imagery, and subdued tone, George Orwell
explores one possible outcome of a totalitarian government.
B. Interestingly, Orwell only really establishes two main characters in
C. George Orwell uses lots of literary techniques in his book 1984,
and he creates a scary picture of what a totalitarian government is
capable of.
D. Although he clearly establishes the tone of the novel, George
Orwell never makes one particular theme clear.




Got it correct on Ap3x

Help help!!!! please help



A) Always wear protective eyewear when mowing the yard.

Hope this helps!

Please mark brainliest!




Select the word that best defines the italicized word.





The answer would be jumbled


(C) many

Explanation: hope this helps!

HELP HELP HELP!!!!!!!!!!!





Thank me later

Hope this helps!!!


The answer is A


Only answer question three if it correct leave it alone if it wrong correct it by correct answer


You are correct. The pigs changed the fourth commandment from the original ''no animal shall sleep in a bed'' to read ''no animal shall sleep in a bed with sheets."

The answer is the answer choice A.

The explanation for the answer choice being A is because somewhere in "Animal Farm" talks about how Squealer coming and negates that there was ever a regulation against beds—just beddings.

read this passage rom a message to a new friend


answer is pathos and lagos i think.


A) Pathos and Logos


She is using logos (logic) by saying that, due to the fact that she has not acquired her driver's licence, she cannot drive. This is a logical statement. She uses pathos (appealing to emotions) by stating "how totally embarrassing" it is that her dad must take her to the party.

I hope this helps!

Read the passage from song of myself
By making himself the central allusion of the poem, the
Speaker is able to​


Encourage people to be more independent in their thinking
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