Enter the word you received when you completed the War Crimes activity.


Answer 1


the answer is Lincoln capital L


Answer 2

When entering the world received when you completed the War Crimes activity is Lincoln's capital.    

War crime - means that Grave breaches of the Geneva Conventions in any of the following acts against persons or property protected under the provisions                                   Article 82 War crimes are:  Wilful killing; In another protected person of the rights of fair and regular trial or In a Wilfully depriving a prisoner of war. For Extensive destruction and appropriation of property or may not be justified by military necessity and carried out unlawfully and wantonly; Torture or inhuman treatment, including biological experiments;

        The Wilfully causing great suffering, or serious injury to body or health.                

An Article 51 Crimes within the jurisdiction of the Court are:

                           (a) Crimes against humanity;

                            (b) War crimes;

                            (c) The crime of aggression;

                            (d) The crime of genocide.

Learn more about:


Related Questions

The Colored National Labor Union Convention sought allocation of the forty acres of land for each freedman, an eight-hour workday, and? DUE TOMORROW!! A. Woman's suffrage b. Development of African American colleges c. Higher wage pay for all workers d. Medical care for all workers



c. Higher wage pay for all workers


The Colored National Labor Union Convention was established to reinforce the importance of the participation of black workers in union movements that were established in America. The union movements did not accept the participation of black workers, for this reason the convention sought to show how it was wrong and how all workers, regardless of skin color, had to have their labor rights respected.

The convention sought to allocate forty acres of land for each released, an eight-hour workday, higher wages and a comfortable standard of living.

View of the Constitution, held by Hamilton and the Federalists, that the government can do things as long as they are not told not to by the Constitution is what view?


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Although there are no options attached, we can comment on the following.

The View of the Constitution, held by Hamilton and the Federalists, that the government can do things as long as they are not told not to by the Constitution is a view that supports a strong central government.

Alexander Hamilton led the Federalists that included John Jay, and James Madison. They supported the idea of a strong federal government for the United States, That is why they wrote the Federalist newspapers under pseudonyms, to convince people to support their approach.

However, they had to debate and argue with Antifederalists, led by Thomas Jefferson, who did not support the idea or a strong federal government. Antifederalists believed in a simpler form of government with many rights for the Americans.

Which of the following best describes the beliefs of the church during the
Scientific Revolution?


Well I don’t see the multiple choice questions but..

Church officials feared that scientific ideas would threaten the powerful influence of the Church.

about bheem in Mahabharata in Hindi in 100 word​



मुझे नहीं पता कि भीम और महाभारत ठीक है


भारतीय महाकाव्य महाभारत में, भीम (संस्कृत: भीम, आईएएसटी: भीमा) पांच पांडवों में दूसरा है। महाभारत कई घटनाओं से संबंधित है जो भीम की शक्ति को दर्शाती है। भीम का जन्म तब हुआ, जब वायु देवता वायु ने कुंती और पांडु को पुत्र प्रदान किया। पांडु और माद्री की मृत्यु के बाद, कुंती अपने बेटों के साथ हस्तिनापुर में रुकी थीं। बचपन से, भीम का अपने चचेरे भाइयों कौरवों, खासकर दुर्योधन के साथ एक चट्टानी संबंध था। दुर्योधन और उसके चाचा शकुनि ने कई बार भीम को मारने की कोशिश की। एक तो जहर खाकर और एक नदी में भीम को फेंककर। भीम को नागों ने बचाया था और उन्हें एक पेय दिया गया था जो उन्हें सभी जहर के लिए बहुत मजबूत और प्रतिरक्षा बनाता था।

लाक्षागृह की घटना के बाद, पांडवों और उनकी मां ने हस्तिनापुर से छिपने का फैसला किया। इस अवधि के दौरान भीम ने बकासुर और हिडिम्बा सहित कई रक्षको का वध किया। भीम ने हिडिम्बा की बहन, हिडिम्बी से भी शादी की और उनका एक बेटा था जिसका नाम घटोत्कच था। कुंती की गलतफहमी के कारण द्रौपदी का विवाह पांच पांडवों से हुआ था। द्रौपदी के साथ भीम का एक पुत्र था जिसका नाम सुतसोमा था।

भाइयों ने इंद्रप्रस्थ शहर की स्थापना के बाद, भीम ने मगध में जाकर अपने शक्तिशाली शासक जरासंध को मार डाला। बाद में दुर्योधन द्वारा युधिष्ठिर को पासा का खेल खेलने के लिए आमंत्रित किया गया, जिसे उन्होंने खो दिया। पांडवों ने अपनी पत्नी द्रौपदी के साथ तेरह साल के लिए वनवास पर भेजा था। अपने निर्वासन के दौरान, भीम अपने आध्यात्मिक भाई, भगवान हनुमान से मिले। गुप्त काल के लिए, पांडवों ने छिपने के लिए मत्स्य साम्राज्य को चुना। वहाँ भीम ने खुद को वल्लभ नाम के एक बावर्ची के रूप में प्रच्छन्न किया। उसने द्रौपदी से छेड़छाड़ करने की कोशिश करते हुए, किक्का को भी मार डाला। कुरुक्षेत्र युद्ध के दौरान, भीम ने अकेले कुरुक्षेत्र युद्ध में सौ कौरव भाइयों की हत्या की। उन्हें लगभग 10,000 हाथियों की शारीरिक शक्ति माना जाता था।

Fill in the blanks In the mid-1800s, Europe's c society was thriving and the workers were treated horrifyingly. So a workers' group called the league was set up, and they asked Karl and Friedrich to come up with a plan for the workers. What they wrote was know as the . From these ideas, the party was set up in Russia, led by Vladimir . This group led a revolution in October 19 , and overthrew the unjust tsar . When this leader, Vladimir died in 1924, there was a bitter rivalry between and , over who should take over. Ended up gaining power and he ran his rival out of the country. He then began his regime of terror. All who opposed him were arrested by his secret police, known as the , and it only ended with his death in 19 .



In the mid-1800s, Europe's capitalist society was thriving and the workers were treated horrifyingly. So a workers' group called the communist league was set up, and they asked Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels to come up with a plan for the workers. What they wrote was know as the Communist Manifesto. From these ideas, the Bolshevik party was set up in Russia, led by Vladimir Lenin. This group led a revolution in October 1917, and overthrew the unjust tsar Nicholas II. When this leader, Vladimir Lenin died in 1924, there was a bitter rivalry between Leon Trotsky, Joseph Stalin over who should take over. Stalin Ended up gaining power and he ran his rival out of the country. He then began his regime of terror. All who opposed him were arrested by his secret police, known as the KGB, and it only ended with his death in 1953.


The purpose of filling the blanks is to fill the required gaps or blanks with the necessary words or information that is correct or right for the sentence. Accordingly, the words for the missing blanks are as follows-

In the mid-1800s, Europe's capitalist society was thriving and the workers were treated horrifyingly. So a workers' group called the communist league was set up, and they asked Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels to come up with a plan for the workers. What they wrote was known as the Communist Manifesto. From these ideas, the Bolshevik party was set up in Russia, led by Vladimir Lenin. This group led a revolution in October 1917 and overthrew the unjust tsar Nicholas II. When this leader, Vladimir Lenin died in 1924, there was a bitter rivalry between Leon Trotsky, Joseph Stalin over who should take over. Stalin Ended up gaining power and he ran his rival out of the country. He then began his regime of terror. All who opposed him were arrested by his secret police, known as the KGB, and it only ended with his death in 1953.

Herd immunity occurs when enough people become immune to a disease to make its spread unlikely.As a result the entire community is protected even those who are not themselves.


Herd immunity occurs when enough people become immune to a disease to make its spread unlikely.As a result the entire community is protected even those who are not themselves. What percentage of a community needs to be immune in order to achieve herd immunity?


Vaccination is one of the best ways to create herd immunity.

Herd immunity varies from one disease to another disease as the source, effects and communicable ways are different. The disease that is more contagious will require a greater proportion of the population to be immune to stop its spread.

For example, the measles required 94% of the population to be immune to stop the spread chain.

How did the Russian Primary Chronicle simplify the conversion story? What aspects of the conversion process are emphasized in the chronicle?



The capital of the Byzantine Empire was the City of Constantinople (formally the Greek ... Justinian wanted to simplify the current legal sy


What were the major political changes of the 1800 and early 1900s?


I personally would say the end of imperialism and industrialization along with a few other things

What reasons did Europe colonize Africa?


Answer: during this time many European countries expand their empire spa aggressive ring establishing colonies in Africa so that they queen it’s quiet and it’s for a cause here materials black rubber Tampa diamonds and gold were found in Africa air clearance also wanted to protect true

Explanation: tenco diamonds and gold were found in Africa airplanes also wanted to protect trade routes

How many miles is Valley Forge from Philadelphia?



18 miles


Valley Forge is located 18 miles west of Philadelphia, along the Pennsylvania Turnpike (I-76), near lively areas like King of Prussia and Phoenixville in Montgomery County.

They are 18 miles apart

Ancient Egyptians believed in an afterlife.



The ancient Egyptians' attitude towards death was influenced by their belief in immortality. They regarded death as a temporary interruption, rather than the cessation of life. To ensure the continuity of life after death, people paid homage to the gods, both during and after their life on earth.



They regarded death as a temporary interruption, rather than the end of life. To ensure the continuity of life after death, people paid homage to the gods, both during and after their life on earth.


Which characteristics of Nazi Germany’s government were those of a totalitarian state? Check all that apply.

They discouraged ideas that didn’t benefit the state.
They focused on and promoted a national identity.
They allowed only professed Nazis to run for office.
They persecuted those who spoke out against the state.
They enforced ideas about the inferiority of some races.



They discouraged ideas that didn't benefit the state.

They focused on and promoted a national identity.

They persecuted those who spoke out against the state.

They enforced ideas about the inferiority of some races.


Hope this helped and is right.




Use the passage below to answer parts A, B, and C of the question that follows.

"My thesis is that the religion of Africa disappeared from the consciousness of the American slave; that the slave himself, by contact with a new environment, became a decidedly different person, having a new religion, a primitive Christianity, with the central emphasis, not upon this world, but upon heaven.

My task is to show that the religion of the Negro slave between 1619 and the Civil War did not originate in Africa, but was something totally different . . . and that this distinctive element in the religion of the slave grew out of his contact with Christianity in America. In taking this position I have tried to give due weight to those considerations which tend to support a contrary position, such as the inertia of African habits and traditions in the life of the American slave, and the hostile tendency of his social surroundings to religious development. On the other hand, I have considered the disintegrating effects of the American slave system upon black groups that originated in Africa, together with the American slave's new social contacts, which produced in him the religious attitude found, and out of which arose the early slave-preacher and church.”

G. R. Wilson, "The Religion of the Negro Slave: His Attitude toward Life and Death,” The Journal of Negro History, 1923

a) Identify ONE specific example of the relationship between the transatlantic slave trade and cultural exchange in the New World that would tend to support Wilson’s argument.

b) Identify ONE specific example of the effect of the plantation economy on enslaved people’s culture in the Americas that would tend to support Wilson’s argument.

c) Identify ONE specific example of how religious syncretism emerged as a consequence of exposure to new religious values and cultures that would NOT tend to support Wilson’s thesis.


Answer and Explanation:

a. Wilson's argument could be supported by the fact that many slaves grew out of their original environment and culture, being indoctrinated and created within European culture and their religious concepts, this being the only culture that these slaves actually had access to. This was how the exchange of slaves through the transatlantic trade in pits stimulated the adoption of Christianity among Africans, since this was the only reality they knew or could live with.

b. Slave labor generated an admirable economy for European colonies and, consequently, for European crowns, as labor costs were nil. This stimulated the sense of dominance among Europeans over slaves and the dominance would only be complete with the suppression of African religion and culture and the adoption of European culture and religion.

c. One example suffers from the effect of religious syncretism that does not support the thesis whether Wilson is the existence, to this day, of the African religion, such as candoblém, for example, in American countries, where slavery was strong. While Wilson claims that syncretism suppressed African religion, the existence of that religion proves the opposite.

The Mongol conquests resulted in all of the following developments EXCEPT


The available options are:

A. a revival of trade on the overland Silk Roads

B. transfers of scientific and technological knowledge

C. the initial diffusion of Buddhism and Christianity to East Asia

D. the spread of pathogens across Eurasia, including the bubonic plague


C. the initial diffusion of Buddhism and Christianity to East Asia


Mongol conquests in the region of Eurasia was around the 13th and 14th century. The conquests of a large expanse of territories in this region lead to a lot of things, amongst which are:

1. Renewal of trade on the overland Silk Roads

2. Transfer of scientific and technological knowledge

3. The spread of pathogens across Eurasia, including the bubonic plague

However, the initial diffusion of Buddhism and Christianity to East Asia was reported to be as early as from the 7th century, long before the time of Mongol conquests.

Which of the following is a charecteristic of the Rub al Khali?
A.) Summer temperatures in excess of 120°F
B.) Cool, rainy winters
C.) High humidity
D.) Widespread plant and animal life


It’s A because it’s a desert

Please answer!!!

If you could propose an amendment to the US Constitution, what would it be? Explain why you think this amendment should be made.​



i will put an additional amendment that put heavier restriction on the freedom to own firearms written under the 2nd amendment.


The right to carry arm was made in the constitution was initially made to give the people with the ability to fight back the government in case it's turning into a tyranny.

At the time when it's created,  letting all people to have the ability to carry firearms were appropriate.

But as we progress, we realize that mental health issues keep becoming more prevalent in recent years. This is when restriction on the 2nd amendment is necessary. We need to made sure that not all  citizens should be allowed to carry firearms. People who are mentally unfit could cause a massive catastrophe by hurting innocent people. (like the perpetrators of a school shooting


George Washington ordered that the Declaration of Independence be read to his army.

True or False





This is False.

Hope this helps

Many Anti-Federalists were afraid that a strong national governmet would:
give up power, share power, abuse power, or hold power?



The most important concession won by the anti-federalists in the debate over the ... Proposal for a strong central government that could override state laws. ... Unlisted rights would be vulnerable to governmet abuse ... The vesting clause for executive power in the Constitution is located in this article. ... re-apportionment.


6. How does the writer of Source C present Louis in a negative way! (2 points



Found this off of google, "The writer f source 3 presents Louis in negative way by saying that showing how cheerful people were after his death and that almost nobody cried for his death. 4. The writer wanted to emphasize people´s reaction when their purpose of killing the king was achieved it. They saw it as victory of the revolution."

Hope this helps!

Have a great day/night and stay safe! :) :D

Which country did not have a major colonial impact on the Americas?


The Holy Roman Empire (Germany)




the answer is Portugal

Portugal did not have a major colonial impact on the Unites States of America.

What are colonies?

A colony is a territory under the complete or partial governmental administration of another nation, usually a far-off one, and populated by immigrants from that nation. Perhaps the most well-known colonies in American history are the 13 British colonies established in North America during the 17th century. The King of England gave each colony a special charter,  allowing its citizens to stay in the region.

The three most typical charter types granted to individuals wishing to colonize the New World were royal, proprietary, and joint-stock.

Under the crown's direction, a royal charter was managed, but it did so subtly. During that time, a royal governor and a council frequently oversaw the colony. A person's connection to the king directly affected whether they were given a proprietary charter. As a consequence, the person, or Lord Proprietor, would rule the colony in their own manner while maintaining the home country's flag. Last but not least, a joint-stock colony, often referred to as a charter colony or corporate colony, was an enterprise amongst investors with the aim of earning a profit from their capital investment in the colony.

The colony's investors were given a charter by the crown, and as a consequence of their affiliation, they would set their own laws of self-government.

To learn more about Colonies refer to:



Which is the primary reason the Spanish wanted to settle the New World?

none of these
fur trapping and trading

to convert the American Indians to Catholicism

to develop new markets and industries in the New World


The Spanish wanted to colonize the americas to use recourses such as gold and silver to strengthen their economy back in Europe.

Fur trading was the reason the French came to the new world. Catholicism was not a reason either so I would say none of the answers are correct.

what is a set of protectionist policies designed to benfit the colonizing nation? Black friday Sales , Halloween , Colonial Mercantilism, none of the above, all of the above​



Probably Colonial Mercantilism


Answer: Colonial Mercantilism

Besides being a messenger god, what is Hermes known for?



being a theif


im a real big greek, roman mytholigy geek

You got Hermes mixed up with Mercury.

Mercury is known for his feathered boots, which helps his deliver messages.

How did the spread of civilization begin in the Americans?



It began with the migration of Natives into America across the land bridge following the animals they hunted.



Europe(The Spanish) began to systematically wipe out the indigenous population as they moved west such as the Incas ,Aztecs and the Mayans.

In what way did some American missionaries display Social Darwinist ideas when working in other countries?



American missionaries exhibited socio-Darwinian ideas indicating the superiority and strengthening, within society, of those who converted to the religion they were spreading.


American missionaries saw their culture and religion as superior and when they traveled to other countries they reinforced this concept claiming that only followers of that religion would survive the years and the difficulties that society faces. This idea is an example of a concept based on social Darwinism, which applies Darwin's ideas of evolution to society and the economy, stating that a specific group of people would be superior and would survive to the detriment of others.

list 3 reasons movies became more popular than plays in the early 1900's?


They are more cooler. when plays are popular, the actresses will need to attend the play many times if a lot of people wants to see it.

was rana sanga of mewar a worthy opponent of babur



After the end of the war. Babur's accusation was that Rana Sanga was one of the rulers of India to invite him to attack India but he rendered no help to him in the first Battle of Panipat. Rana Sanga, on the other hand accused Babur of not accepting his claim on Kalpi, Dhaulpur and Agra.


Hope this helps please consider marking me brainliest!

Inferring Both the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution borrow ideas from each of the documents excerpted here. Why do you think our founding documents used these ideas? Explain your answer by referring to the excerpts from the Magna Carta, English Bill of Rights, Second Treatise of Government, and the Mayflower Compact. Continue your answer on the back of the page if needed


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Although there are no options attached, we can say the following.

I think our founding documents used the ideas of the Magna Carta, English Bill of Rights, Second Treatise of Government, and the Mayflower Compact, because these were important documents in the history of humanity that deal with human rights, equality, better living, a better form of government, and make the ruler accountable under the like, as citizens were.

There is no doubt that those precious documents directly influence the Declaration of Independence and later the United States Constitution, after so much debate and discussion during the Constitutional Convention of 1787 in Philadelphia. Pennsylvania.

The founding fathers wanted other nations to understand the United States' plight for independence because it is one of the most important human natural rights and this must be valued and appreciated to be willing to fight for it.

Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, Robert Livingston, John Adams, and Roger Sherman were the group of five who drafted the Declaration of Independence and later participated in the creation of the Constitution.

Their work, under the influence of the Magna Carta, English Bill of Rights, Second Treatise of Government, and the Mayflower Compact influenced other independence movements such as the French Revolution and the Mexican Independence movement.

Read the following excerpt and answer the question below. Will give Brainiest

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure . . . peace, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and [future generations], do [call for] and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

Based on the excerpt, what was the main reason that the Founding Fathers wrote the Constitution?

A. They wanted to reduce the power of the states.
B. They wanted to improve the alliance of the states.
C. They wanted to establish new courts for the states.
D. They wanted to resolve important differences among the states.



A. they wanted to reduce power of the states

The first species to populate an area????


Answer:pioneer species


Other Questions
The table shows the distance traveled at various times during a trip. Time vs. Distance Traveled During a TripTime (minutes), xDistance traveled (miles), y11828225963738087919994A regression calculator is used to produce a scatterplot and regression line for the data. Using the equation of the line, what is the approximate distance traveled after 44 minutes? A trip to a nearby island takes 27 hours by boat and 4 hour by airplane. How many times as fast as the boat is the plane? 21 / Besides being asleep and being awake list the different states of consciousness How do Islamic reform movements disagree with fundamentalist beliefs?A. Reformers believe in a less strict interpretation of the Qur'an.B. Reformers believe in the subjugation of women.C. Reformers believe in Sharia law as a central political and social force.D. Reformers want to see more American pop culture in society. how does the ph of soil affect plant growth experiment on a succulent plant Maximillian is preparing for an end-of-course exam in his social studies class. How can he apply Craik and Lockhart's levels-of-processing model to increase retention? Please it's like at least 5 sentences, ty :) what animal diversity is yearly cost of food is $7800 yearly income 48,000 what percentage is 7800? why do you think that car traveled the farthest Is 6 pi an irrational number? h(t) = (t + 3) ^2 + 5 Karmen wants to purchase a pair of jeans with anoriginal price of $35.00. The jeans are on sale for 30%off and she had a coupon for $2.00 off any purchase.Her mom wants her to determine the actual pricebefore they go to the store.How much money would she save? I need help ASAP please! Will mark brainliest if correct :) WILL MARK BRAINLIEST Read this excerpt from Poor Harold.A room in Washington Square South. By the light of a candle, a young man in tousled hair and dressing gown is writing furiously at a little table. A clock within strikes seven.A door at the back opens, and a young woman looks in, sleepily. She frowns. The young man looks up guiltily.SHE. What are you doing?HE. (innocently) Writing.SHE. So I see. (She comes in, and sits down. It may be remarked that a woman's morning appearance, in dishabille, is a severe test of both looks and character; she passes that test triumphantly. She looks at the young man, and asks) Poetry?HE. (hesitatingly) No. . . .SHE. (continues to look inquiry).HE. (finally) A letter. . . .SHE. (inflexibly) To whom?HE. (defiantly) To my wife!SHE. Oh! That's all right. I thought perhaps you were writing to your father.HE. (bitterly) My father! Why should I write to my father? Isn't it enough that I have broken his heart and brought disgrace upon him in his old age SHE. Disgrace? Nonsense! Anybody might be named as a co-respondent in a divorce case.HE. Not in Evanston, Illinois. Not when you are the local feature of a notorious Chicago scandal. Not when your letters to the lady are published in the newspapers. Oh, those letters!SHE. Were they such incriminating letters, Harold?HAROLD. Incriminating? How can you ask that, Isabel? They were perfectly innocent letters, such as any gentleman poet might write to any lady poetess. How was I to know that a rather plain-featured woman I sat next to at a Poetry Dinner in Chicago was conducting a dozen love-affairs? How was I to know that my expressions of literary regard would look like love-letters to her long-suffering husband? That's the irony of it: I'm perfectly blameless.Which excerpt uses direct characterization?The young man looks up guiltily_.HE. (hesitatingly) No. . . .HE. (defiantly) To my wife!That's the irony of it: I'm perfectly blameless. How do history and the passage of time affect the meaning of an artwork?Give a understanding and simple explanation. If f(x) = 2x + 1, and the domain of f is {5, 25, 50}, what is the range of f ?A) {5, 25, 50}B) {11, 51, 101}C) {10, 50, 100}D) {0, 5, 10} What is this simplified t+9 -W-t-9 Is this statement true or false?Impressionist paintings by John Twachtman depict a moment in time.truefalse plz help 20 points plzz Complete the sentences using the appropriate words or phrases.Making fish stock with fish heads will have a morestock ____. Cooling it to 40F in 10 hours is ______.- smelly- gelatinous - slimy- recommended- okay as long as it is covered- in the temperature danger zone