Directions: make your stand on the following issues write your answer inside the
1. heavy traffic in metro manila
2. face-to-face learning in this time of pandemic


Answer 1

Heavy traffic in Metro Manila should be addressed through effective urban planning, public transportation improvements, and more efficient traffic regulations. Face-to-face learning in this time of pandemic should be allowed only after ensuring the safety of students, faculty and staff.

1. Improved public transportation systems, incentives for ride-sharing and carpooling, and promotion of other modes of transportation like biking and walking should all be implemented to reduce traffic congestion in Metro Manila.

2. To ensure safety, face-to-face learning should be matched with online learning opportunities during this pandemic. Schools should offer opportunities for students to learn in a secure setting, whether through online instruction or physical programs that follow strict safety regulations.

To learn more about metro manila link is here


Related Questions

For your assignment:
1. Do you think that Sarah should have forgiven Megan in the first place? Explain in at least two complete
2. What do you think Jack should do? Explain in at least two complete sentences.
3. Describe an action you can take to improve an important relationship in your life. Explain in at least two complete


Answer: first one no


What does Sylvia ultimately decide to do at the end of the white heron



At the end of the story, Sylvia climbs the tall pine tree and sees the white heron perched on a high branch. She hears the hunter calling for her to join him and tell him the bird's location. Sylvia is overwhelmed by the beauty of the bird and the tree, and as she looks out at the landscape, she realizes that she cannot betray the bird's trust.

In the final moment of the story, Sylvia descends from the tree and tells the hunter that she cannot reveal the heron's location. She knows that the hunter will be disappointed, but she feels a sense of peace and satisfaction in her decision to protect the bird's life.

Imagine you are paul and write a letter to a friend in houston in which you describe your new community and some of the people you have met. also, be sure to include your thoughts and feelings about lake windsor downs. tangerine novel


I recently moved to Lake Windsor Downs, and I am truly in love with it. It is a vibrant and welcoming community with a wide variety of people from different backgrounds. I have met many wonderful people here, some of whom have become my close friends.

Dear Friend,

I'm writing to you from Lake Windsor Downs, my new home. It's a small community nestled into the rolling hills of the Tangerine countryside. I've been here for a couple of weeks now, and I'm already feeling like I'm part of the community. Everyone here is so friendly and welcoming, and I've met some great people who have become fast friends.

I'm also absolutely loving Lake Windsor Downs. It's a beautiful area with a laid-back atmosphere and plenty of activities to keep me busy. The lake itself is so peaceful and serene, and I've been spending a lot of time just relaxing on its banks. I'm also enjoying some of the nearby hiking trails and exploring the quaint shops and restaurants.

I'm really loving my new home and can't wait to share more about it with you when you come to visit.

Take care,


know more about community here


Why does Aramis react the way he does to d'Artagnan?


Aramis reacts the way he does to d'Artagnan because he perceives him as a threat to his goals and ambitions, which are influenced by his complex personality, secretive nature, and aspirations for power and influence.

Aramis, a character in Alexandre Dumas' novel "The Three Musketeers," is a complex individual with various ambitions and secrets. His personality is often secretive, ambitious, and calculating. D'Artagnan, on the other hand, is a young, naive, and brave character who aspires to become a musketeer.

When they first meet, Aramis is cautious and guarded around d'Artagnan, as he perceives him as a potential threat to his plans and aspirations.

He might believe that d'Artagnan's innocence and inexperience could unintentionally reveal or hinder his secretive goals. As a result, Aramis acts distant and cold towards d'Artagnan, trying to maintain his own interests and protect his secrets.

However, over time, as d'Artagnan proves his loyalty and worth, Aramis gradually warms up to him and begins to see him as a valuable ally instead of a threat.

To know more about personality click on below link:


What is the gist of chapter 14 a mighty long way 



In chapter 14 of A Long Way Gone, we learn more about Ishmael's early life as a soldier. Much of his time is spent fighting, watching violent movies, and consuming a number of drugs, including brown. They conduct raids on rebel camps when they run out of supplies.


Which rhetorical device(s) do you use if you are trying to persuade your parent/guardian to approve something you want? You must also provide what is stated for you to win your argument. For example, it can be obtaining money for shoes, phone, or etc. You are to provide a minimum of five complete statements.


If I am trying to persuade my parent/guardian to approve something that I want, I can use a number of rhetorical devices to make my argument more convincing. Firstly, I can appeal to ethos by providing evidence that demonstrates that I am responsible and trustworthy enough to handle the responsibility of having whatever I am asking for.

Secondly, I can appeal to pathos by expressing how much I value whatever it is that I am asking for, and how much I would appreciate it if my parent/guardian would approve it for me.

Thirdly, I can use analogies to compare the situation to something my parent/guardian may already understand, in order to make my argument more relatable. Fourthly, I can use repetition to emphasize the points that I am making, and to make my parent/guardian more likely to remember them.

know more about rhetorical devices here


Describe a visit to à home where you felt unwelcome​


For anyone to visit a home where they felt unwelcome can be a very uncomfortable experience. It can happen for various reasons, such as cultural differences, personal issues, or just a bad vibe from the hosts.

I remember one time when I accompanied my friend to her aunt's house for a family gathering. As soon as we arrived, the aunt gave us a cold welcome and did not even bother to introduce herself. She only acknowledged my friend and ignored me entirely. Her behavior made me feel very unwelcome, and I immediately knew that I was not wanted there.

Throughout the evening, the aunt would make subtle remarks about me or my friend, and I could sense the tension and discomfort in the air. I tried to be polite and engage in conversations, but it seemed like everyone was avoiding me.

Eventually, my friend noticed my discomfort and suggested that we leave early. As we were leaving, the aunt did not even say goodbye, which made me feel even more unwelcome.

Overall, it was a visit that I would rather forget, and it taught me that sometimes, it's better to avoid situations that make you feel uncomfortable or unwelcome.

To know more about a story like this, click below.


From The Enchanted April

Mrs. Wilkins longed to get up and open the shutters, but where she was was really so very delicious. She gave a sigh of contentment

and went on lying there looking round her, taking in everything in her room, her own little room, her very own to arrange just as she pleased

for this one blessed month, her room bought with her own savings, the

fruit of her careful denials, whose door she could bolt if she wanted to.

and nobody had the right to come in. It was such a strange little room, so different from any she had known, and so sweet. [. ]

Well, this was delicious, to lie there thinking how happy she was, but outside those shutters it was more delicious still. She jumped up.

pulled on her slippers, for there was nothing on the stone floor but one small rug, ran to the window and threw open the shutters.

"Oh!" cried Mrs. Wilkins.

All the radiance of April in Italy lay gathered together at her feet. The sun poured in on her. The sea lay asleep in it, hardly stirring.

Across the bay the lovely mountains, exquisitely different in colour, were asleep too in the light and underneath her window, at the bottom of

the flower-starred grass slope from which the wall of the castle rose up, was a great cypress, cutting through the delicate blues and violets and

rose-colours of the mountains and the sea like a great black sword.

She stared. Such beauty, and she there to see it. Such beauty, and she alive to feel it. Her face was bathed in light. Lovely scents came

up to the window and caressed her. A tiny breeze gently lifted her hair. Far out in the bay a cluster of almost motionless fishing boats hovered

What do Mrs. Wilkins's surroundings reveal about her character?

O 1. Mrs. Wilkins's new surroundings reveal her distaste for the countryside.

02. Mrs. Wilkins's old surroundings reflect her natural capacity for enjoyment.

O 3. Mrs. Wilkins's new surroundings reflect her release from an emotional burden.

04. Mrs. Wilkins's old surroundings reveal her delight in unselfishly serving others.


Mrs. Wilkins's surroundings reflect her natural capacity for enjoyment. This is demonstrated in her reaction to the beauty of her new surroundings: the sunshine, the sea, the mountains, and the flowers.

Correct option is 2.

She is overwhelmed with emotion and her face is bathed in light. The scents of the flowers caress her and the breeze gently lifts her hair. Even from afar, the almost motionless fishing boats hint at the tranquility of the place.

Mrs. Wilkins's old surroundings reflect her willingness to deny herself for the benefit of others. This is seen in her careful saving of her own money to pay for her room, as well as the fact that she had been content to lie in her room until she felt the urge to open the shutters. She was also the one who had the right to bolt the door, indicating that she was used to being in control.

Correct option is 2.

Know more about mountains here


Answer immediately: Should headgear be mandatory in soccer?

Please include introduction and thesis, claim #1 with background info and evidence to support your claim, claim #2 with background info and evidence to support your claim, counterclaim and rebuttal, conclusion with thesis at last sentence


Introduction and Thesis: The debate over whether headgear should be mandatory in soccer has been ongoing for years. While many players believe that headgear should be mandatory, there are some valid arguments against it.

This essay will explore both sides of the argument and ultimately come to a conclusion.

Claim #1: Some players argue that headgear should be mandatory in soccer to protect against head-impact injuries. This is especially true for younger players, who may not be aware of the potential risks associated with heading the ball. Studies have shown that headgear can reduce the risk of head injuries in soccer by up to 50%.

Claim #2: However, there are some players who believe that headgear should not be mandatory in soccer. They argue that headgear can be uncomfortable and may actually impede a player's ability to play. They also point out that the majority of head-impact injuries in soccer are caused by collisions between players, not from heading the ball.

Counterclaim and Rebuttal: Though headgear can be uncomfortable or impede a player's ability to play, the benefits of wearing headgear far outweigh any potential disadvantages.

know more about Thesis here


Where does history end and legend begin? the
ecclesiastical history of the english people is a
nonfiction text, but the line between historical fact
and legend was not as important when bede was
writing as it is today. in what ways does bede's
account seem more legendary than fact based?
consider the details bede includes and what you
know about how political and religious conflicts
were solved during the time period.


Bede's account of the ecclesiastical history of the English people is a mixture of fact and legend. While some elements of his narrative are rooted in historical accuracy, Bede often includes details that are more reflective of the legends and folklore of the time period.

For example, he often highlights the miraculous and supernatural occurrences that surround many of the political and religious conflicts of the period. In addition, Bede often places the blame for these conflicts on divine forces, rather than the more likely human causes.

This reflects the popular belief of the time period, which often saw divine intervention as the cause of many of the political and religious struggles of the period. As a result, Bede's account of the ecclesiastical history of the English people is more of a legendary narrative than a factual one.

know more about historical accuracy here


complete question is :

Where does history end and legend begin? the ecclesiastical history of the english people is a nonfiction text, but the line between historical fact and legend was not as important when bede was writing as it is today. in what ways does bede's account seem more legendary than fact based? consider the details bede includes and what you know about how political and religious conflicts were solved during the time period. explain.

Your received information that your brother was involved in a fight.write a letter to him to be patient and tolerant


The letter to your brother for asking about their fight in the letter you need to ask about the details and provide the harmful effects of these incidents and ask them to not involve in these incidents and have patience and focus on his work/studies.

Dear [Brother's Name],

I received information that you were involved in a fight. Please be patient and tolerant to avoid such incidents in the future.

It is important to practice patience and tolerance because these qualities help us maintain healthy relationships, avoid conflicts, and show empathy towards others.

When faced with a difficult situation, take a moment to breathe and think before reacting. If someone is provoking you, try to calmly communicate your feelings and find a peaceful resolution. Remember that patience and tolerance can help you navigate challenges more effectively and make you a better person in the long run.

[Your Name]

To know more about tolerance click on below link:


What does Buck’s insistence that he be the lead dog show about his understanding of "right" and "wrong" in the wild? At this point in the story, has Buck completely mastered his environment? Explain


Buck's insistence on being the lead dog shows his understanding of "right" and "wrong" in the wild as it highlights his desire to establish dominance and secure a position of leadership within the pack.

This demonstrates his adaptation to the harsh, competitive nature of the wild, where survival depends on strength, skill, and establishing a hierarchy.

At this point in the story, Buck has not yet completely mastered his environment, but he has made significant progress in adapting to his new life.

His determination to become the lead dog indicates that he is still learning and striving to fully understand the laws of the wild and secure his place within it.

To learn more about survival, refer below:


Jessica ate the cookies that her daughter baked for her. In one to two sentences, identify the words "that her daughter baked for her" as an independent clause, dependent clause, or phrase, and explain their functions within the sentence


"Jessica ate the cookies that her daughter baked for her" includes the terms "that her daughter baked for her." This is a dependent clause because it cannot stand alone as a complete sentence and provides additional information about the cookies.

The dependent clause, "that her daughter baked for her," functions within the sentence to provide more information about the cookies, specifically their origin and the intended recipient.

By using this dependent clause, the sentence conveys that Jessica ate cookies baked by her daughter specifically for her, making the action more personal and specific. Without this dependent clause, the sentence would simply state, "Jessica ate the cookies," which lacks context and detail.

To know more about dependent clause click on below link:


A text to text conection in the story the storyteller


In Saki's short story "The Storyteller," there is a clear text-to-text connection to the classic fairy tale "The Three Little Pigs." In both stories, the characters face danger and must use their wit and cunning to outsmart the antagonist.

The children in "The Storyteller" ask the bachelor to tell them a story, and he proceeds to tell a story about a group of children on a train who encounter a man with a large bag. The man claims that the bag contains a wolf, but the children don't believe him. Eventually, the wolf does escape, and the children have to come up with a plan to keep themselves safe.

Similarly, in "The Three Little Pigs," the pigs must use their intelligence to protect themselves from the big bad wolf who wants to eat them. They each build a house, but only the one who builds his out of bricks is able to withstand the wolf's attempts to blow it down.

Both stories highlight the importance of being clever and resourceful in the face of danger. The text-to-text connection between "The Storyteller" and "The Three Little Pigs" reinforces the idea that children's stories can have a lasting impact and provide valuable lessons for readers of all ages.

To know more about The Storyteller refer here:


Based on the information in this story, the reader can conclude that
that natalie will not babysit for laura any more.
that laura will continue to be scared of thunder.
that natalie will be scared of thunder in the future.
that laura will not be afraid of thunder in the future.


Based on the information in this story, the reader can conclude that Laura will not be afraid of thunder in the future. So the option d is correct.

Laura no longer feels terrified of the sound of thunder as a result of her encounter with the thunderstorm. Laura has grown to appreciate thunder and lightning and can now see it as something majestic rather than something to be afraid after witnessing the grandeur of the storm and learning about the physics behind it.

She can now enjoy the phenomenon in a manner that she never could before since she has a deeper grasp of it. She can now appreciate the sound of thunder without getting worried because she is no longer afraid of it. So the option d is correct.

To learn more about Laura link is here


In stanza 1 what is the author asking the reader to reflect on in Archetype poem.


Within the to first stanza of "Archetype ," the creator Margarita Engle inquires the person to reflect on the idea that every individual could be a interesting combination of past encounters, social legacy, and hereditary legacy.

What is the Archetype?

She invites the people to consider how these different components come together to make one's personality, which she alludes to as an "original."

The author proposes that each person's paradigm  is both a burden and a source of strength, because it shapes who they are and how they associated with the world. By and large, the primary stanza prompts the person  to reflect on the complexity and differences of human character.

Learn more about Archetype from


Read the excerpt from a student’s essay.

Rainsford believes that people’s abilities to use reason in times of stress are what separates them from animals. He also believes that this is what elevates people above animals. This is what allows people to be hunters, while animals are there to be hunted. Rainsford’s view of the world is, therefore, very simple and specific. There are two classes of beings, and Rainsford, because of his ability to reason, __________ is in the hunting class.

Which transition best fills in the blank?


for instance

in addition



The transition that best fills in the blank is this:

A. clearly

What is a transition?

The transition that best fills in the blank is clearly. This transition shows that Rainsford is in the category of persons who can reason clearly and are therefore in the hunting class.

A transition is aimed at helping to move from one idea to another. In the sentence above, the best transition that fits the description of Rainsford is clearly.

Learn more about transitions here:


Creative Writing!!!
Answer: C (Diction)
Through what element of writing is a writer MOST likely to establish both the time period and social class of their









Which of these statements is not supported by the

remarks made in President Obama’s speech?

A Work hard in school and try out new possibilities.

B While in school, acquire a variety of skills and interests.

C Figure out different ways to become energetic leaders.

D Explore a wide range of ideas and career options


Statement "Figure out different ways to become energetic leaders." is not supported by the remarks made in President Obama’s speech. So the option C is correct.

In his speech, President Obama emphasised the need of providing a good example for future generations, particularly in terms of participating actively in politics. He urged people to use their voices to "make a difference" and to "stand up for what is right."

He did encourage people to get involved and lead in their communities, but he didn't go into detail on the various ways to be active leaders. Understanding the many styles of leadership and the traits of a great leader is crucial if you want to become a dynamic leader.

A clear vision, organization, effective communication, motivating others, being a team player, being sympathetic, and being proactive are just a few methods to becoming an energetic leader. So the option C is correct.

To learn more about President Obama link is here


Write a narrative about how you overcame a real or imagined conflict with a sibling or friend.

- Focus on the steps you took to resolve this conflict.
- You can use cause-and-effect as a tool to create a logical sequence of events.
- Give descriptive, concrete details.

causes and effects often include the following words:

-Causes: as, because/because of, due to, for, for the reason that, since, bring about, another/one/a second/final cause, for this reason.

-Effects: accordingly, finally, consequently, hence, so, therefore, thus, as a consequence, as a result, resulting.



I remember the time when my sister and I had a big fight over who would use the computer first. We used to have only one computer at home, and we both wanted to use it at the same time. I was so angry that I shouted at her and called her selfish. She shouted back at me and called me mean. We both walked away from each other, and the rest of the day was spent in silence.

The next day, I decided to talk to her and resolve the conflict. I said sorry for shouting at her and calling her selfish. She said sorry for shouting back and calling me mean. We both agreed that we should not have shouted at each other and that we should have talked calmly.

We then decided to make a schedule for using the computer. We agreed that we would use the computer for one hour each, and we would take turns deciding what to do during that hour. We also agreed that we would not shout at each other if we disagreed on what to do.

We made the schedule, and it worked perfectly. We both got to use the computer, and we both got to do what we wanted during our hour. We also talked to each other calmly and respectfully if we disagreed on what to do.

In the end, we both learned an important lesson about communication and compromise. We learned that shouting and name-calling only make things worse, and that talking calmly and respectfully can help resolve conflicts. We also learned that compromise is important in any relationship, and that it can help us both get what we want.

Your local newspaper just published a letter from a man from an older

generation. He thinks that young people today have bad manners and

poor social skills, and he blames these problems on cell phones and

computers. Think about how these technologies affect young people

today and decide whether you agree or disagree with the letter writer's

opinion. Write a response to the newspaper explaining your position

and reasons for it.

Which of these options is the best claim to address the prompt?

O A. The dictionary defines manners as 'generally accepted protocol

for good behavior in a variety of social situations or a way of

conducting oneself with proper etiquette.

O B. It's difficult for older people to understand the websites and apps

that younger people use to stay connected with friends and keep

up to date on news and information,

OC. One way that cell phones have improved the social skills of young

people is by making communication quicker, easier, and more

accessible at all times.

O D. The use of cell phones and computers has changed the manners

and social skills of young people compared with the previous

generation, but these changes are mostly positive.


What is the best claim to address the prompt


The best claim to address the prompt is: The use of cell phones and computers has both positive and negative impacts on the manners and social skills of young people, and it's unfair to blame these technologies for all of the problems in this area.

Here correct option is D.

This claim acknowledges that cell phones and computers have had an impact on the behavior of young people, but it also recognizes that the issue is more complex than simply blaming these technologies. It allows for a nuanced discussion of the topic and encourages consideration of both the positive and negative effects of technology on social skills and manners.

Know more about prompt here


Which title for an informational text most clearly shows that the purpose of
the text is to inform readers about how to grow more vegetables?

A. "Getting the Most from Your Garden"
B. "Why the Body Needs Vitamin C"
C. "The Increasing Cost of Owning a Home"
D. "The Seven Best Carrot Recipes"



A. "Getting the Most from Your Garden"

Pair each noun phrase with its opposite on the right:
a fertile area
6. A trivial affair
7. A stubborn beast
b. A diffuse story
8. A casual glance
a halting conversationist
9. An arid waste
d. A serious matter
10. A determined
an oblique attack appearance
11. A concise narrative
f. A leisurely dawdle
12. A fluent talker
g. A calculated comment
13. A substantial amount
h. A prolonged scrutiny​


A noun phrase is a group of words that function together to name a person, place, thing, or idea.

It typically consists of a noun (the headword) and any modifiers or determiners that provide more information about the noun. For example, "the big red ball" is a noun phrase that consists of the headword "ball" and the modifiers "big" and "red".

Pair each noun phrase with its opposite on the right


A fertile area: An arid waste

A trivial affair: A serious matter

A stubborn beast: A determined appearance


A diffuse story: A concise narrative

A casual glance: A prolonged scrutiny


A halting conversationist: A fluent talker

e. An oblique attack: A calculated comment


A leisurely dawdle: A determined appearance


A calculated comment: An oblique attack


A prolonged scrutiny: A casual glance

Learn more about noun phrase


A marathon runner is jogging at a moderate pace. This is considered (blank) exercise, whereas the sprint the runner does briefly at the end of the marathon is (blank) exercise.

Fill in the blanks.


When a marathon runner is jogging steadily, they are engaging in aerobic exercise. In contrast, the sprint at the end of the race constitutes anaerobic activity.

What is Aerobic exercise?

Aerobic exercise refers to moderate-intensity physical activities that utilize oxygen for an extended period of time, like cycling or jogging continuously. This type of exercise has benefits including improved cardiovascular health and lung function, as well as reducing one's chances of developing certain long-term illnesses.

In opposition to this, anaerobic exercise refers to energetic physical movements that do not rely on oxygen usage to generate power. It often involves quick, explosive actions such as sprints or weightlifting. With consistent anaerobic exercising, you can bolster your muscle strength and endurance, enhance athletic performance, and speed up metabolism.

Read more about anaerobic here:


Janie’s grandmother tells her that she wanted her to "pick from a higher bush and a sweeter berry. " What specific dream did Janie’s grandmother have for her granddaughter? When contrasted with Janie’s vision of her life as a tree, what is ironic about her grandmother’s words?

Kimball Peak Janie took one step, then another, then another. Her legs shook as her sneakers dug Into the hard-packed earth of Kimball Peak. It wasn't a mountain peak, but it was the biggest hill in all of Tuckahoe. The older kids, like Janie's brother Tyler, could easily climb it. Janie had tried many times, but never made it farther than halfway before she had to turn around, defeated. She Jabbed her toes into the soll-again, again, again. Finally, Janie stood atop the hilll As she threw her hands to the sky, Janie hoped the entire town could see her.

:The Race These passages share the theme that hard work can lead to feelings of self-satisfaction. Which action of the main characters helps readers understand the theme?

01. Winning a race

2. Encouraging others

3. Practicing to improve their skills

0 4. Extending their hands in the air​


Janie's grandmother had a specific dream for her granddaughter: she wanted Janie to "pick from a higher bush and a sweeter berry." This means she wanted Janie to have a better life and achieve greater things than she did.

Janie's vision of herself as a tree is a metaphor for her desire for stability and a sense of belonging. In the metaphor, her roots are firmly planted in the ground, representing her connection to her community and her history. Her branches stretch upwards, reaching towards the sun and representing her hopes and aspirations.

However, her grandmother's words suggest a different vision for her future - one of growth and advancement. The metaphor of picking from a higher bush and a sweeter berry suggests that Janie should aim for something beyond her current situation and strive for greater things.

The contrast between Janie's vision of herself as a tree and her grandmother's words highlights the tension between the desire for stability and the desire for growth and change. While Janie may want to stay rooted in her community and maintain her sense of belonging, her grandmother sees the potential for her to achieve more and reach higher.

This tension is a common theme in coming-of-age stories, as young people navigate the competing desires for stability and growth as they figure out their place in the world. In Janie's case, her journey towards self-discovery and personal growth will likely involve finding a way to balance these two desires and find a path that is true to herself.

The theme shared in the passages is that hard work can lead to feelings of self-satisfaction. The action of the main characters that helps readers understand the theme is option 3, practicing to improve their skills.

Know more about Janie's grandmother here:


1. The war had created havoc in the chef's country. What might you assume

everyday life was like for people?

2. The guards flagrantly disregarded the law in seizing the professor. How

concerned were they that others would find out the professor had been

unlawfully arrested?

3. If the chef believes that all things in the universe are equidistant from him, is

the sun farther from the chef than the moon? Explain your response.

4. The professor's wife tracked down the chef to determine what had transpired.

What did she hope to find out?

5. When the chef reads the professor's test question, he interprets it as an

inversion of the universe. Explain why.

6. If the professor's arms were flailing when he was seized, did he meekly obey or

resist arrest?

Language and Style: Semicolons


Two separate clauses (full sentences) with a tight relationship in meaning are connected by semicolons. They can also be used to separate items in a list when those items contain commas.


1. The chef's nation had been devastated by the war; it was likely tough for individuals to get by on a daily basis.2. The guards seized the professor in flagrant violation of the law; they were probably unconcerned that others would find out.3. The sun is not farther away from the chef than the moon if he believes that everything in the universe is equally distant from him that everything is equidistant.4. The professor's wife tracked down the chef to determine what had transpired; she hoped to find out what happened to her husband and why he was arrested.5. The chef views the test question from the professor as an inversion of the cosmos since he sees it as flipping everything on its head.6. If the professor's arms were flailing when he was seized, it is likely that he resisted arrest; he would not have meekly obeyed if he was being seized unlawfully.

Learn more about chef:


the central idea of the song of the cardinal last paragraph is ?


Answer: It describea the beautiful and lively songof the cardinal bird.


The "Song of the Cardinal" is a poem by American poet Madison Cawein, which describes the beautiful and lively song of the cardinal bird.

Without the specific text of the last paragraph, I cannot provide a precise answer. However, the central idea of the poem as a whole is that the cardinal's song is a symbol of nature's beauty and vitality, and that it has the power to uplift and inspire the human spirit. The cardinal's song is described as a "lyric" that "breathes of life" and "bids the soul be strong." The poet suggests that by listening to the cardinal's song, one can experience a sense of joy and connectedness with nature. Therefore, the poem celebrates the beauty of nature and the power of art to capture and convey that beauty to others.

I need a Persuasive speech it doesn’t matter what it’s about


A persuasive speech on the importance of learning a second language.

How to write the speech

Good afternoon, everyone.

Today, I want to talk to you about the importance of learning a second language. As globalization continues to connect the world, the ability to communicate in more than one language has become increasingly important.

Firstly, learning a second language can greatly enhance your career opportunities. Many companies today are looking for employees who can communicate effectively with clients or colleagues from different parts of the world. By learning a second language, you demonstrate to potential employers that you are flexible, adaptable, and have a wider perspective of the world.

Secondly, learning a second language can also provide cognitive benefits. Studies have shown that individuals who are bilingual have better cognitive skills than those who are monolingual.

Leans more about speech on


Who gets in the way of Artemidorus in his attempt to warn Caesar of the plot against him?


In Shakespeare's play "Julius Caesar," Artemidorus is a minor character who tries to warn Caesar of the plot against him by handing him a letter.

However, several people get in his way and prevent him from delivering the message. First, there is a group of Senators who surround Caesar and block Artemidorus from getting close enough to him. Second, there is a crowd of people who are eager to see Caesar as he enters the Capitol, making it difficult for Artemidorus to approach him.

Third, there is a group of conspirators led by Cassius and Brutus who are wary of anyone trying to interfere with their plan and who warn Caesar not to read any letters given to him by strangers. Lastly, there is Caesar himself, who is so confident in his own abilities and popularity that he brushes off Artemidorus' warning, refusing to read the letter and dismissing it as unimportant.

To know more about Julius Caesar refer here:


Lines 109-124: Which Details tell you about Beowulf? What conclusions about the traits most valued by Anglo-saxon can be drawn from this description?


In lines 109-124 of the epic poem "Beowulf," we learn that Beowulf is a strong and brave warrior, as he has the strength of 30 men in each of his hands.

The passage emphasizes Beowulf's sense of honor and duty as he travels from Geatland to aid the Danes in their struggle against the monstrous Grendel

He is also honorable, as he travels from Geatland to help the Danes defeat the monstrous Grendel. From this description, we can conclude that traits such as strength, bravery, and honor were highly valued by Anglo-Saxon society.

The passage highlights Beowulf's extraordinary physical prowess by stating that he possesses the strength of 30 men in each of his hands. This hyperbolic depiction emphasizes his unmatched power and serves as a testament to his formidable abilities as a warrior.

The Anglo-Saxons valued physical strength as a sign of one's ability to protect and prevail in battle, making it a highly admired trait in their society. Beowulf's superhuman strength positions him as an idealized figure, embodying the heroic ideal of the time.

Furthermore, the passage emphasizes Beowulf's sense of honor and duty as he travels from Geatland to aid the Danes in their struggle against the monstrous Grendel. Beowulf's willingness to put himself in harm's way for the sake of others reflects the Anglo-Saxon value of loyalty and selflessness.

The concept of comitatus, a reciprocal relationship between a lord and his loyal warriors, was highly regarded in Anglo-Saxon society. By venturing to the aid of the Danes, Beowulf demonstrates his commitment to his duties as a warrior and exemplifies the ideals of honor and loyalty.

The description of Beowulf's traits aligns with the cultural values and expectations of the Anglo-Saxons. Strength, bravery, and honor were deeply ingrained in their societal fabric and were considered essential qualities for individuals, especially warriors, to possess.

These virtues played a crucial role in defining one's status, reputation, and worth within the community.

To learn more about virtues, refer below:


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