What was the name for writers during the Progressive Era who tried to show the American public something wrong in


Answer 1




Named by Theodore Roosevelt, these journalists/writers who tried to expose corruption and problems in society during the Progressive Era were called muckrakers.

A popular "muckraker" was Ida B. Tarbell who exposed many scandals and wrongdoings of Rockefeller's Standard Oil Company.

Hope this helps!! :)

Related Questions




1 . me

2. my, who

3. did,she

4. you

you can match these answer to the below mentioned definition


A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun. Examples: he, she, it, they, someone, who. Pronouns can do all of the things that nouns can do. They can be subjects, direct objects, indirect objects, object of the preposition, and more.

Pronouns are classified as personal (I, we, you, he, she, it, they), demonstrative (this, these, that, those), relative (who, which, that, as), indefinite (each, all, everyone, either, one, both, any, such, somebody), interrogative (who, which, what), reflexive (myself, herself), possessive (mine, yours, his, hers, ...)

hope it becomes helpful to you ☺️☺️

good luck

please mark it as brainliest

What policies did England and France practice to allow Hitler to grab land?



policy of appeasement


throughout the 1930s Britain and france let hitler do what he wanted hoping he would stop making demands and war would not happen. This policy is known as appeasement

what was the term for someone who supported Great Britain in the war??


Hope this helps!:)




brainliest point please

How did unemployment cause the economy to get even worse during the Great Depression



The Great Depression of 1929 devastated the U.S. economy. A third of all banks failed. 1  Unemployment rose to 25%, and homelessness increased. 2  Housing prices plummeted 67%, international trade collapsed by 65%, and deflation soared above 10%.


I hope I helped

Which statement best completes the diagram
A. Citizens must vote to approve all laws passed by Congress.
B. Local governments are free to ignore federal laws.
C. States have some independence from the federal government.
D. Congress cannot pass laws that some states do not support.​


Answer: lol im not sure we failing





i took quiz got a 100%

what two countries fought during the Mexican-American war?



The United States and Mexico


pulakeshin the second was the follower of who​



Pulakeshin was a Vaishnavite, but was tolerant of other faiths, including Shaivism, Buddhism, and Jainism. He patronized several scholars, including Ravikirtti, who composed his Aihole inscription.

Answer: Chalukyas of Vatapi


Chalukyas of Vatapi...

Could world leaders have prevented World War II from
happening Support you answer fully.



Yes, they could have but it would have been very difficult.


The reason is that the attitudes of the leaders of Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan (Hitler, and Hirohito, respectively) were very pro-war. Both leaders were pursuing an aggressive expansionary policy, whcih means that they wanted to conquer a lot of new land in order to be colonized by German or Japanese people respectively.

However, some of the policies of the British, French, and American government could have been different. For example, the could have been harder on Hitler at first, when he was pursuing the annexation of Austria, and Czechia.

What's the difference between the two types of Mayan pyramids?


The ancient Mayans built two types of pyramids, those that were meant to be climbed and those that were not. The first type was used for holding sacrificial rituals. The other type was not meant to be touched and was sacred. The steps on theses structures were too steep to climb and many times they had doorways leading to nowhere. During their rituals, the priests would ascend the pyramid from the earth to the sky by means of staircases.

Someone pls help me



mmmmmmmhhh hook it up not being rube but yk i got your back . its



wnich two of the following are MAIN ideas of the article?
1. The Congress of Vienna was a meeting to set up rules for countries in Europe.
2 Countries in Europe were arguing over borders and power.
3 The assassination of Franz Ferdinand led to countries declaring war on each other.
4. The war ended the reigns of royal leaders in several different countries.
1 and 3
1 and 4
2 and 3
2 and 4



I believe the answer would be C


How were Suleyman I and abbas I similar



They both reformed vicilian life and brought culture to their empires, adopting and adapting the best from around the world. ... They were both extremely tolerant-Akbar in both his personal life and government policies, and Suleiman through the millet system.


The main teachings of Christianity are: to live like Jesus and
one another, Jesus
(answer) for His followers to save them from
and grant everlasting life (also known as




He developed the concept of pi

A. Euclid
B. Aritosthenes
C. Archimedes


the answer is C; Archimedes




not sure though

How did the government and Parliament do to help solve the problems?




In modern politics and history, a parliament is a legislative body of government. Generally, a modern parliament has three functions: representing the electorate, making laws, and overseeing the government via hearings and inquiries.

The term is similar to the idea of a senate, synod or congress, and is commonly used in countries that are current or former monarchies, a form of government with a monarch as the head. Some contexts restrict the use of the word parliament to parliamentary systems, although it is also used to describe the legislature in some presidential systems (e.g. the French parliament), even where it is not in the official name.

Historically, parliaments included various kinds of deliberative, consultative, and judicial assemblies, e.g. mediaeval parlements.

plzz mark as brainliest answer

E para dizer a diferença a) duas escolas,uma de 1974 e outra de 2010 b) duas mulheres c) dois meios de transporte (foguete e caravela) d) O calçadão de Copacabana (RJ)



La presencia de educación avanzada y técnica.


La principal diferencia de la escuela de 1974 y 2010 es la presencia de educación técnica. En el año 1974 se enseñaron conceptos básicos a las clases superiores pero en 2010, la escuela cambió el plan de estudios y enseñó a los niños el concepto básico de ciencia y tecnología. Las mujeres en ese momento la mayoría de ama de casa pero ahora la mayoría de las mujeres trabaja en diferentes campos para mantener a su familia. Para viajar al espacio, los cohetes se utilizan para recopilar datos sobre el espacio, mientras que la carabela es un pequeño y rápido velero español o portugués de los siglos XV al XVII que se utilizaba para el transporte.

d) The Copacabana boardwalk (RJ)

what were the changes after the jacobins came into power​



The Jacobins supported the rights of property, but represented a much more middle-class position than the government which succeeded them in Thermidor. Their economic policy established the General maximum, in order to control prices and create stability both for the workers and poor and the revolution.


Please answer!!
Ratifying amendments fits under what branch of government?

Supreme Court


Legislative, might be wrong but thats what seems to be accurate

The man responsible for putting together the Bill of Rights was

A. George Washington.

B. James Madison.

C. Benedict Arnold.

D. Thomas Jefferson.


The answer is B I believe

2. What do they mean by the term "Reds"?


Can you give context? Like “reds” in a specific book or text???




Reds in the US in the early 20th century referred to communists.

3 reasons why Hitler came to power and how that affected Germany at the time.




ExIn October 1929 the Wall Street Crash on the US stock exchange brought about a global economic depression. In Europe, Germany was worst affected because American banks called in all of their foreign loans at very short notice. These loans, agreed under the Dawes Plan in 1924, had been the basis for Weimar’s economic recovery from the disaster of hyperinflation. The loans funded German industry and helped to pay reparations. Without these loans German industry collapsed and a depression began:

A flow chart of the causes and effects of the depression in Germany

The most obvious consequence of this collapse was a huge rise in unemployment. Over the winter of 1929-30 the number of unemployed rose from 1.4 million to over 2 million. By the time Hitler became Chancellor in January 1933 one in three Germans were unemployed, with the figure hitting 6.1 million. Industrial production had also more than halved over the same period.

The impact of unemployment

The rise in unemployment significantly raised government expenditure on unemployment insurance and other benefits.

Germans began to lose faith in democracy and looked to extreme parties on the both the Left (the communists) and the Right (the Nazis) for quick and simple solutions.

Political failure

In March 1930 the German Chancellor, Hermann Müller, resigned when his government could not agree on how to tackle the rise in government spending caused by the rise in unemployment. He was replaced by Heinrich Brüning. His policies were ineffective in dealing with the unemployment crisis and further undermined Germans’ faith in democracy:

In July 1930 Chancellor Brüning cut government expenditure, wages and unemployment pay. This added to the spiral of decline and unemployment continued to rise, as well as making those who had lost their jobs even poorer.

However, Brüning could not get the Reichstag to agree to his actions, so President Hindenburg used Article 48 of the Weimar constitution, which gave the President the power to pass laws by decree, to govern. This undermined democracy and weakened the power of the Reichstag – arguably opening the way for Hitler’s later dictatorship.

The rise of extremism

When people are unemployed, hungry and desperate, as millions were in Germany between 1930 and 1933, they often turn to extreme political parties offering simple solutions to their problems. Between 1930 and 1933 support for the extreme right-wing Nazis and the extreme left-wing communists soared.

“When I realised that there were six million workless in the same position as myself the responsibility of getting a job seemed completely hopeless. Depression and panic were in the air…The Government was always changing and couldn’t do anything, and the police didn’t seem to care …”

Fritz Muehlebach wrote about his reasons for joining the SA in 1932

By 1932 parties committed to the destruction of the Weimar Republic held 319 seats out of a total of 608 in the Reichstag, with many workers turning to communism. However, the real beneficiaries were the Nazis.

can someone help me with this ​



I'm pretty sure for the first one, it was to Spread Christianity. And the second one is Vespucci.


Europeans then believed that only Christians could aviof going to hell once they passed away and that they believed that God wanted other Christians to help spread Christianity around.

How did Themistocles trick Xerxes into entering the waters of Salamis?


Sent servant to Xerxes and told him that the Greeks were afraid and were leaving and Xerxes believed him

Which of the following best describes the condition of roads in the late 1700s?

Question 1 options:

They had steadily improved from Roman times through the Middle Ages to the late 1700s.

They were muddy and rutted, inflicting on coach travelers bone-jarring injuries.

They were in a bad state but it mattered little because no one used them.

They had never been in better condition and spurred trade between cities and countries.

Question 2 (1 point)
In the early 1800s, road improvements began in Britain. Which of the following did not happen at that time?

Question 2 options:

John McAdam built roads on a foundation of crushed rock that drained well and held up to heavy traffic.

Merchants began to haul heavier loads with fewer horses, leading to increased trade and lower prices.

Passenger traffic increased rapidly between British cities.

The government took control of all private roads and used taxes to improve every road in Britain.

People began to build turnpikes - roads with gates and guards that could only be used after payment of a toll.

Question 3 (1 point)
During the late 1700s and early 1800s, canal building went through many changes. Which statements below tell about those changes?

Choose all answers that are correct.

Question 3 options:

The British Parliament passed laws directing that rivers be dug deeper and made wider.

Road development made canals obsolete and rarely used.

Private firms cut canals at key points and connected rivers.

Thanks to a web of waterways, boats could reach towns they had never been able to reach before.

Americans showed little interest in the development of canals, regarding them as an Old World mode of transportation.

Question 4 (1 point)
Which of the following describes American inventor Robert Fulton?

Question 4 options:

He built a 133-foot paddleboat powered by a steam engine, the Clermont, that sailed on the Hudson River.

He invented a steam-driven paddle boat, but the engine shook the boat to pieces

He constructed a boat with steam-powered oars that traveled between Burlington, New Jersey, and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

He was a well-connected politician who financed the first steamships.

Question 5 (1 point)
Is the statement true or false?

Fulton got popular credit for “inventing the steamboat.”

Question 5 options:
Question 6 (1 point)
Is the statement true or false?

Successful as they were on rivers and lakes, steamboats were never able to cross the Atlantic.

Question 6 options:
Question 7 (1 point)
George Stephenson made important contributions to the revolution in transportation. Which statements are true about him?

Choose all answers that are correct.

Question 7 options:

His most famous steam-powered locomotive was the Rocket.

He invented the electric telegraph.

His locomotives only carried freight, not passengers.

He is regarded as the “Father of the Railroad.”

Question 8 (1 point)
Which of the following is not true about the development of railroads in the first half of the nineteenth century?

Question 8 options:

The Rocket inspired American inventors to turn their attention to railroads.

Railroad companies could never agree to use the same gauge - the space between the rails.

Americans even began talking of building a railroad all the way to the Pacific Ocean.

Railroad companies eventually replaced wooden railroad tracks with ones made of iron.

Question 9 (1 point)
Is the statement true or false?

After the revolution in transportation, almost all the ordinary items people needed had to be made locally.

Question 9 options:
Question 10 (1 point)
Is the statement true or false?

After the revolution in transportation, factories began to grow in size.

Question 10 options:
Question 11 (1 point)
Samuel Morse helped spark a revolution in communications. Which statements describe one of Morse's contributions?

Choose all answers which are correct.

Question 11 options:

He developed the semaphore system, thereby revolutionizing communications.

He invented the electric telegraph that transmitted information instantaneously.

He devised a code of dots and dashes for sending messages over the wire.

The first telegraph line ran from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to New York City.

Telegraph wires spread across the continent by following railroad tracks west.



1.They were in a bad state but it mattered little because no one used them.

2.Merchants began to haul heavier loads with fewer hours,leading to increased trade and lower prices.

3.a.The British parliament passed laws directing that rivers be dug deeper and made wider.

b.Private firms cut canals at key points and connected rivers.

c.Thanks to web of waterways,boats could reach towns they had never been able to reach before.

4.He built a 133-foot paddle boat powered by a steam engine,the Clermont,that sailed on the Hudson River.



7.He invented electrical telegraph.

8.The Rocket inspired American investors to turn their attention to railroads.



11 .The first telegraph line ran from Philadelphia,Pennsylvania and New York City.


1.They were in a bad state but it mattered little because no one used them.

2.Merchants began to haul heavier loads with fewer hours,leading to increased trade and lower prices.

3.a.The British parliament passed laws directing that rivers be dug deeper and made wider.

b.Private firms cut canals at key points and connected rivers.

c.Thanks to web of waterways,boats could reach towns they had never been able to reach before.

4.He built a 133-foot paddle boat powered by a steam engine,the Clermont,that sailed on the Hudson River.



7.He invented electrical telegraph.

8.The Rocket inspired American investors to turn their attention to railroads.



11 .The first telegraph line ran from Philadelphia,Pennsylvania and New York City.

Explanation: Hope it helps

Which best describes the Cherokee Nation today?



in your picture the correct answer is A, Black Hoof



black hoof


got it right

The heir of the Russian throne was:






I'm russian

By 1821, what three countries shared territory in what is today the western United States of America?

Those territories are American Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, and the United States Virgin Islands.



Following the war, many islands were entrusted to the U.S. by the United Nations, and while the Northern Mariana Islands remain a U.S. territory, the Marshall Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, and Palau emerged from the trust territory as independent nations.


:p hope this helps

Why did the Japanese resist occupation?



The military occupation of Japan by the Allied Powers lasted from 1945-1952. Supposedly a joint occupation by international powers, it was primarily carried out by U.S. forces under the command of General Douglas MacArthur.

is nier automata a good game



its not game its an wallpapers app with anime

i think so

How did Humanism change the way people viewed the world? (2 ways)​


Answer:  it changed the way people viewed there lives and jobs, it showed them that they can move out of there social class, become a merchant instead of staying a pheasant. They learned that they can achieve a personal best.



Explanation:  Humanism changed how people saw human rights, it focused more on the beauty of human life and human needs.   Instead of relying on God they focused on rational ways to solve human issues.  

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