What is the scientific process?


Answer 1


The scientific process is supposed to be something like ...

make observationsformulate a theory that explains the observationsuse the theory to formulate experiments and predict expected additional observationsseek to determine if the predictions are correct, especially seeking out data that might show otherwisemodify the theory as needed to explain all observations and data

At any point, the observations and theories can be published for critique by other observers, experimenters, and scientists.

The theory should be sufficiently defined so that it is possible to differentiate a relevant experiment or observation from one that is irrelevant. Similarly, every effort should be made to separate causality from correlation, and to identify or rule out alternate causes or additional causes from the one(s) theorized. Experiments should be sufficiently well-defined so that they can be reproduced.


Additional comment

These days, a common error is to ignore or discount observations that don't agree with accepted theory, including observations by "lay persons." Such "scientists" fail to remember that science is only advanced by attempting to explain the unexplained.

Answer 2


A formal method used to answer scientific questions



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A pure substance where atoms of two or more elements are chemically bonded to one another?


This would be a compound

Early scientists were conflicted about the mechanism by which cells were created, with some scientists holding the viewpoint that cells were spontaneously crystallized in what was known as free cell formation. Robert Remak discovered ways to fix and observe cell membranes in various stages of cell division. These findings led Rudolf Virchow to proclaim in 1855, Omnis cellula e cellula (every cell comes from another cell), thus completing the tenets of cell theory.


Answer: All cells come from preexisting cells.


The given paragraph is about cells develop from the preexisting cells. The doubling of the genetic material in the S-phase is the triggering mechanism for cell division. In the process of mitosis the genetic material get reduced. The daughter cells vary by the amount of genetic material they receive. This proves that the new cells form from the pre-existing cells.

What is Comparative Anatomy?​


Answer: comparative anatomy is the study of similarities and differences in the anatomy of different species. It is closely related to evolutionary and phylogeny.


Comparative anatomy is the study of similarities and differences in the anatomy of different species. It is closely related to evolutionary biology and phylogeny


A forest has many trees and bushes that produce nuts. This a major food source for many species, including a


The provided question is incomplete as there can be more than one answer to this question, however a generalized answer is given:


Birds like wood pecker and jay, animals like monkey, chipmunks, and rabbits.


A forest is a large part of the land with various kinds of trees, bushes. In the forest various kind of animals, birds, and insects are found. All these diverse animals rely on trees, bushes, or each other for there food.

Many trees and bushes produce nuts in a forest that plays a major role in food source for many species of animals and birds such as jay and woodpecker bird. In animals chipmunks, monkeys and rabbits are major species.

What is the definition of self-definition?



Self definition is being able to know who you are and what your purpose is in life. An example of self definition is when you know you are a strong, capable, confident teacher and husband.


self-definition- a person's essential being that distinguishes them from others, especially considered as the object of introspection or reflexive action.

Research findings suggest that symptoms of schizophrenia are more likely to be present when the individual has a genetic predisposition to schizophrenia and also experiences a stressful environmental event. These findings are consistent with a model of _______________________. Group of answer choices probandwise concordance gene-environment interaction reactive genotype-environment correlation active genotype-environment correlation


Answer:  gene-environment interaction


Schizophrenia is a disorder associated with the psychology and mental make up of the person. The person interprets the reality abnormally.  This is associated with hallucination, disordered behavior and delusions.

The gene and the environmental interaction both play an important role in development of this disorder. The environment factors like stress can be dominant over the gene expression. If a person has genes for development of schizophrenia along with the stressed environment then the chances of development of schizophrenia will be prominent.

A mutation causing an addition or a deletion of one base pair resulted in the production of a nonfunctional mutant protein. The sequences of the normal and mutant proteins are given below. Normal: Met - Tyr - His - Glu - Val Mutant: Met - Phe - Thr - Lys - Cys - Lys - Trp - Arg - .....
Was this mutation cause by an insertion or a deletion?




The mutation was caused as a result of deletion of one letter of the codon A from tyrosine leading a shift in the reading frame.

Normal is

Normal - Met - Tyr -His- Glu- Val

Aug- Uac- Cac - Gaa -Gug

When a is removed from Tyrosine codon we have a shift in the reading frame to form a mutant with a new codon and protein.

Mutant - Met- Phe - Thr - Lys -Cys

Aug- Ucc- Acg - Aag -Ugu

Mutation is a sudden change in the genie of an organism that can be heritage by offspring from their parent.

Question 14
2 pts
Which of the following reactions in a cell would result in a release of energy?
O Both B & D would result in a release of energy.
O B. The enzyme sucrase breaking down sucrose into fructose and glucose.
O A. Enzymes facilitating the bonding of amino acids together to form a polypeptide
O D. The breakdown of glucose in cellular respiration.
O C. The enzyme ATP synthase facilitating the bonding of the third phosphate group to ADP, resulting in
the formation of ATP.



Both B & D would result in a release of energy.


hope it helps .

How do you test for carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids?



benedicts solution


hope this helps

it will change colour

Hi there!


For carbohydrates,you add an iodine solution to it.If it contains starch,it will turn a blue+black colour.

For proteins,you add a bierut solution to the protein mixture you are testing.If it turns purple or has purple in between layers it has protein.

For lipids,you add a Sudan III solution to the mixture of lipids and shake the test tube.A red layer forms on top and shows fats and oils are present.

Hope this helps!

_________8. Which of the following is probably evolved first?
A. The kreb’s cycle C. Oxidation of pyruvate
B. Electron transport chain D. Glycolysis



I think D) Glycolysis


Glycolysis is the first pathway used in the breakdown of glucose to extract energy. It takes place in the cytoplasm of both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. It was probably one of the earliest metabolic pathways to evolve since it is used by nearly all of the organisms on earth.

Suppose that out of 10 trees planted in a yard, only five survive. What kind of hypothesis could you make about this observation or event? Remember that a hypothesis need to have a certain format


Answer and Explanation:

Hypothesis: Half of the trees could not survive because the yard is exposed to extreme environmental conditions to which the plants were not able to adapt.

A hypothesis is a scientific conjecture, not verified, that requires corroboration. It is a possibility, but not a fact.

A hypothesis must express what is expected to occur in a perfectly comprehensive manner. There must be a logical relation between variables. It must be objective.

There are different kinds of hypotheses: descriptive, correlative, differentiative, or causative.  

The hypothesis example proposed for the trees´ survival situation, belongs to a causative hypothesis, where cause and effect relations between variables are proposed. In this case, as the environmental conditions in the yard were too extreme, half of the trees could not survive.                          


Based upon the experience with the trees, I’d make the hypothesis that my yard was not sustainable enough to support all of the trees, so only half lived.


Yes, this is a very late answer, but I hope it can help somebody :)

From: 2021 :)

their is one establish method to solve all scientific problems? true or false





There one established a method to solve all scientific problems a False.

Define scientific problems?

The Scientific Method is the method in which scientists do an experiment.

It's a logical series of steps that ensures scientists don't miss anything and keep things organized.

Thus, this is a false statement.

To learn more about Scientific Method click here:



What happens after the mRNA transcript is formed in the nucleus to mark its destination


The mRNA leaves the nucleus of the cell and becomes attached to ribosomes that translate it into proteins. The same mRNA molecule can be translated multiple times. Eventually, the mRNA will degrade into its constituent nucleotides.

Hope it helps you at least a little

Which best describes fossil record



The fossil record provides evidence of a common ancestor to many species. A fossil record provides the confirmation of the typical progenitor and its numerous species. A fossil is known as the remaining parts of a certain living life.


Which scenario is an example of a functional adaptation?


=>functional adaption is an adaption that helps an organism survive. So, the color and shape of a flounder allows it to camouflage itself among the sea floor to hide itself from predators. Flounders ability to camouflage protects them, so they can

survive. The correct answer is D. The color and shape of a flounder allows it to camouflage itself on the sea floor.

The dawn of the realization that biology was about information storage coincided with the

dawn of information-based computers. In 1943, Erwin Schrödinger was the first scientist to

suggest genes contain a code, just as a computer program is based on numerical code. Still

so few scientists believed DNA was the molecule encoding for hereditary information. Why?



Scientists believed DNA was the molecule encoding for hereditary information due to the presence of makeup material inside in it.


The Hershey–Chase experiments which was conducted in 1952 indicate that DNA contains genetic material which has all the information about the makeup of living organism. DNA molecule has all information of making proteins and produces proteins which are necessary for the normal functioning of body of living organism. DNA molecule is just like a recipe book which contains all information of making protein.

Hebb's postulate from 1949 states "When an axon of cell A is near enough to excite cell B and repeatedly or persistently takes part in firing it, some growth process or metabolic change takes place in one or both cells such that A's efficiency, as one of the cells firing B, is increased." Give an example of how synaptic plasticity results in: a. Growth processes b. Metabolic changes


Answer and Explanation:

Synaptic plasticity can be defined by the dynamic state capable of producing and enhancing selectively the direction and the activity of neurons in neural circuits.

Synaptic plasticity may play important roles during growth because it is a feature that has the potential to act as a feedback in order to excite and inhibit functions associated with signaling pathways. For example, it has been shown that neurotrophins modulate the synaptic plasticity, thereby controlling the growth and development of the central nervous system.

Synaptic plasticity may also be associated with metabolic changes. For example, the synaptic plasticity enables to modify those cellular preferences associated with the use of energy derived from fats and carbohydrates in the cell.

Explain what would happen if the heart had no intercalated discs




if intercalated discs are not present in the cardiac muscles then they might not contract properly and thus blood would not be pumped efficiently to other organs

Which does a reference point provide?
a position from which to measure future distance
a set of standard units for measuring displacement
a standard method for evaluating variables
a method for determining the speed of an object



A position from which to measure future distance a way to detect an object motion.

A reference point provides a position from which to measure future distance.

A reference point is a location or point in space that serves as a criterion that is used to determine an object in motion. When an object moves in relation to a reference point, it is said to be in motion.

Therefore, we can conclude that a reference point is also used to determine a position from which we can draw a line to measure a future distance.

Learn more about reference points here:


Oxygen-rich blood is transported from the lungs by the _____.
pulmonary vein
pulmonary artery




Explanation: oxygen poor blood from the right ventricle into the lungs, where the oxygen enters  the bloodstream. The pulmonary veins bring oxygen rich blood to the left atrium.

What is the term used to describe the build-up of a higher concentration of H+ on one side of the inner membrane of the mitochondrion than on the other side during the electron transport chain?



electrochemical proton gradient


The electrochemical proton gradient is defined as the difference in the proton concentration or hydrogen ions (H+) concentration across a  inner mitochondrial membrane during the electron transport chain.

The electrochemical proton gradient is build due to the active transport of ions across the cell membrane which is useful for ATP synthesis during the electron transport chain by the coupling of the electrochemical gradient across the membrane.

Hence, the term used is electrochemical proton gradient.


chemiosmotic gradient


The other guy is wrong, he caused me to fail a quiz, lol but I re-did the test and got a 100% on it so yeah enjoy!

Oxygen-rich blood is transported from the lungs by the _____.
pulmonary vein
pulmonary artery



Pulmonary artery



B. Pulmonary Artery


just cause i had to learn this

Select all that apply.

The male and female parts of a flower are the _____.

· pistil
· stamen
· receptacle
· sepal
· petal
· tendril



For the male part of a flower, it is called a stamen. For a female, it would be called the pistil.

the female and male part is the stamen and pistil

who causes someone to have a bar head​



the barber


he cuts hair

help me please.......​





The antibodies destroy the antigen (pathogen) which is then engulfed and digested by macrophages. White blood cells can also produce chemicals called antitoxins which destroy the toxins (poisons) some bacteria produce when they have invaded the body.

Quando é necessária a análise dos efeitos de substâncias, naturais ou artificiais sobre animais ou vegetais, aquáticos ou terrestres que compõem a biosfera estamos nos referente a





A ecotoxicologia é o estudo das interações que os seres vivos possuem não só entre si, mas também com o ambiente em que esses seres vivem.

Estudos de ecotoxicologia buscam compreender os diferentes tipos de reações causadas por substâncias químicas, bioquímicas e os processos biológicos que podem ocasionar essas reações, considerando a sensibilidade que diferentes organismos possuem a essas substâncias e os potenciais toxicológicos delas.

crees que la esclavitud atenta contra la diversidad cultural y el multiculturalismo



Sí, creo que la esclavitud amenaza la diversidad cultural y el multiculturalismo porque la esclavitud proviene de la opresión y la pérdida de la identidad. También implica verse obligado a abrazar otras ideologías mientras relega a un segundo plano las propias creencias personales, lo que resulta en una falta de multiculturalismo.


La esclavitud es la inhumanidad del hombre hacia el hombre. Despoja al esclavo de su sentido de existencia y sistema de creencias. Esta opresión, que a menudo es física, mental y psicológica, hace que el individuo pierda autoestima e identidad. En un entorno que debería promover la diversidad cultural cuando conviven personas de diversas razas y culturas, existe una conformación a una forma de vida que dificulta el desarrollo del multiculturalismo. Aunque esto puede ser resistido inicialmente, las horas extra de estos descendientes pierden su identidad.

To determine whether regulation of gene expression by short RNAs was a naturally occurring phenomenon, researchers isolated RNA from a cell and fractionated them by size to obtain only short RNAs. The next step was to clone these molecules.
Today the cloning step would not be required. Which of the techniques below is the best reason why?
A. Because a microarray could tell if the fragments were encoded by the genome.
B. Because a PCR reaction could tell if the fragments were encoded by the genome.
C. Because an RNA-seq reaction could tell if the fragments were encoded by the genome.
D. Because a yeast 2 hybrid could tell if the fragments were encoded by the genome.
E. Because a GFP fusion could tell if the fragments were encoded by the genome.



C. Because an RNA-seq reaction could tell if the fragments were encoded by the genome.


The combination of single-cell RNA sequencing (RNA-Seq) and bioinformatic tools to assemble and annotate sequence reads is currently the most common methodology used to obtain complete transcriptomes from individual cells. RNA-seq is a Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) technology that enables the analysis of the entire transcriptome, thereby this method can be used to examine gene, allelic and ncRNA expression. In the last years, RNA-seq has become the gold standard technique for direct analysis of ncRNA expression profiles in biological samples and clinical research.

Disadvantages of asexual reproduction are




it does not lead to genetic variation in a population.

the species may only be suited to one habitat.

disease may affect all the individuals in a population.


No different genees are used so no new offspring with newer or better immunity or characteritics are born is almost like a clone just like thier parent.


New triglycerides (fatty molecules) are constantly synthesized and stored and others are

hydrolyzed and released into circulation mostly from cells in

a. blood

b. fibrous connective tissue.

c. adipose tissue.

d. reticular tissue.

e. transitional tissue.


Answer: Option C.

Adipose tissues.


New glycerides are can either go to the liver once or circulation or stored in adipose tissue.

Adipose tissues are connective cells that consist of adipocytes or fat cells which store energy inform of fat and also release it into circulation. It serves as insulation to the body.

Adipose tissue stores fat gotten from food and from liver metabolism. They store fat as energy source and under energy stress, they release it into circulation.

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