Assignment i There are several number systems in the world, each with its own numerals Describe any three (3) systems other than the Hindu-Arabic system and discuss three (3) reasons why the Hindu-Arabic numeral system is/was a preferred system.​


Answer 1

There are indeed various number systems used around the world, each with its own unique set of numerals. Here, I will describe three number systems other than the Hindu-Arabic system and discuss three reasons why the Hindu-Arabic numeral system has been widely preferred.

1. Roman Numerals:

The Roman numeral system originated in ancient Rome and is still used today in certain contexts. It employs a combination of letters to represent numbers. The basic symbols in the Roman numeral system are I (1), V (5), X (10), L (50), C (100), D (500), and M (1,000). This system is primarily used in areas such as clock faces, book chapters, and decorative purposes. However, it is not as efficient for complex mathematical calculations due to its additive nature and lack of a zero symbol.

2. Mayan Numerals:

The Mayan civilization developed its own unique numeral system, which was vigesimal (base-20). The Mayan numerals utilized a combination of dots and bars, with a dot representing one and a bar representing five. The system was additive, similar to the Roman numerals, and lacked a symbol for zero. Mayan numerals were primarily used for record-keeping, calendrical calculations, and measuring time.

3. Chinese Numerals:

Chinese numerals, also known as Suzhou numerals, have a long history in China. They are derived from ancient Chinese counting rods and are still used in some contexts, particularly in financial transactions and traditional settings. The Chinese numeral system is based on decimal principles, with symbols for one through nine and additional characters for multiples of ten. It is notable for its simplicity and ease of use, but it lacks positional notation, making it less suitable for advanced mathematical calculations.

Now, let's discuss three reasons why the Hindu-Arabic numeral system has been preferred:

1. Positional Notation:

The Hindu-Arabic numeral system is based on a decimal system with positional notation. This means that the value of a digit depends on its position within a number, allowing for the representation of numbers of any magnitude. Positional notation makes mathematical operations much simpler and more efficient, enabling complex calculations to be performed accurately and swiftly. This contributed to the widespread adoption of the Hindu-Arabic system for advanced mathematics and scientific endeavors.

2. Use of Zero:

The Hindu-Arabic system introduced the concept of zero as a placeholder, which revolutionized mathematical notation. The inclusion of zero as a numeral allowed for the representation of empty places in positional notation, facilitating computations involving large numbers and fractions. The concept of zero was a significant mathematical development that had a profound impact on various fields, including algebra, calculus, and computer science.

3. Versatility and Adaptability:

The Hindu-Arabic numeral system is highly versatile and adaptable to different cultural, linguistic, and mathematical contexts. It can be easily combined with other numeral systems, such as the Roman numerals or Chinese numerals, to represent numbers in various ways. Additionally, the Hindu-Arabic numerals can be readily understood and used by people from different backgrounds and languages, making it a universal system for numerical communication and calculation.

In summary, while there are several number systems in the world, the Hindu-Arabic numeral system has emerged as the preferred choice for various reasons. Its positional notation, inclusion of zero, and versatility have made it the foundation of modern mathematics, facilitating complex calculations and providing a universal language of numbers.

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What act is being violated when someone posts such?

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Sharing such information without permission can lead to significant harm and is generally considered unethical and potentially illegal. It is important to respect individuals' privacy rights and obtain their consent before sharing any personal information publicly.

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A general summary of the campaign's effects through my knowledge cutoff date of September 2021, but I am unable to provide information on any specific advancements or advantages that may have taken place beyond that date (2022).

The campaign significantly contributed to the government's decision to enact fee freezes and reductions. Students had a brief reprieve in 2016 when then-President Jacob Zuma declared a 0% fee rise for the next year.

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How does self-interest and competition guide firms in a market-based economy?

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Smith's concept of the "invisible hand" suggests that individuals pursuing their own self-interests in the pursuit of profit inadvertently contribute to the overall welfare of society. In a competitive market, businesses strive to maximize their own profits by offering desirable goods or services at competitive prices.

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Give TWO reasons why pig
cannot be fed rough



There are two main reasons why pigs cannot be fed rough or coarse feed:

1. Digestive System: Pigs have a relatively simple and monogastric (single-chambered) digestive system similar to humans. Their digestive tract is not designed to efficiently break down and extract nutrients from rough or fibrous materials. Pigs lack a rumen, which is present in ruminant animals like cows and helps them digest roughage effectively. Pigs have a shorter digestive tract optimized for digesting easily digestible and concentrated feeds.

2. Nutrient Requirements: Pigs have specific nutrient requirements for optimal growth, reproduction, and overall health. Rough or coarse feeds typically have lower nutrient density and may lack the essential nutrients required by pigs. Pigs need a balanced diet that provides the right amounts of protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals. Feeding them rough feed alone may not meet their nutritional needs, leading to deficiencies and health issues.

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In summary, the topic of "discuss the internet" is a broad and complex subject encompassing various aspects and subtopics.

How to determine that this is a broad topic

It includes the history and development of the internet, its infrastructure and architecture, internet governance, communication and connectivity, societal impact, privacy and security concerns, and future trends and challenges.

Due to its vastness, narrowing down specific subtopics within the broader subject of the internet can help facilitate a more focused and meaningful discussion.

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Citizens of a country elect representatives for the national legislature. Those representatives then choose a well-respected member of the majority party to be the one who will make sure that laws are properly carried out. What type of democratic system is described in this situation?



Representative Democracy


The democratic system described in this situation is a representative democracy. In a representative democracy, citizens elect representatives to make decisions on their behalf, rather than making decisions directly themselves. These representatives are responsible for passing laws and making decisions that reflect the will of the people who elected them.

PVT 1. Write a summary of types of industry and history of industrial revolution.


There are three main types of industry: primary, secondary, and tertiary. Primary industries involve the extraction of raw materials from the earth, such as mining, agriculture, and fishing. Secondary industries involve the processing of raw materials into finished products, such as manufacturing and construction. Tertiary industries involve the provision of services, such as healthcare, education, and hospitality.

The Industrial Revolution was a period of significant changes in the way goods were produced, beginning in the late 18th century in Britain and spreading to other parts of the world. The Industrial Revolution was characterized by the transition from hand production methods to machine-based manufacturing, which led to significant improvements in productivity and efficiency. The first phase of the Industrial Revolution focused on the development of textile manufacturing, while the second phase focused on the development of iron and steel production, transportation, and communication technologies. The Industrial Revolution had a profound impact on society, transforming the way people lived and worked, and paving the way for modern industrial economies.

What region relies on salmon as part of their economy? A) Mid-Atlantic B) New England C) Pacific Northwest D) South


The Pacific Northwest heavily relies on salmon as a crucial part of its economy. So, the correct choice is option C.

The Pacific Northwest region of the United States, specifically the states of Washington, Oregon, and Alaska, relies heavily on salmon as an integral part of its economy. This region's abundance of rivers, streams, and coastal areas provides an ideal habitat for the spawning and migration of various salmon species.

Salmon fishing and the salmon industry play a significant role in the economic livelihood of communities in the Pacific Northwest. Commercial fishing operations, both large-scale and small-scale, harvest salmon from the region's waters. The caught salmon are then processed, packaged, and distributed for domestic consumption as well as for export to other markets.Moreover, salmon-related activities contribute to the local tourism industry. People from around the world visit the Pacific Northwest to engage in recreational salmon fishing, guided tours, and wildlife observation. This influx of tourists brings revenue to local businesses, such as charter companies, hotels, restaurants, and souvenir shops.

In conclusion, the Pacific Northwest region, encompassing Washington, Oregon, and Alaska, heavily relies on salmon as a vital component of its economy. The fishing industry, processing facilities, and tourism associated with salmon contribute to the region's economic prosperity.

For more questions on economy


Actions the media can take to reach out to citizens to protect their right to freedom of expression


Media has a significant role to play in protecting citizens’ freedom of expression, and there are a few actions they can take to reach out to citizens to protect their right to freedom of expression.

The media is a tool for spreading information, educating, and informing people, and thus they can use their platform to do so. To protect citizens’ right to freedom of expression, the media can take the following actions:

1. Raise Awareness: The media can create awareness and educate citizens about the importance of their right to freedom of expression. It is important that citizens understand that freedom of expression is their right and how crucial it is for their overall development. This way, they can easily identify any violation of their freedom of expression rights.

2. Document and Report Abuse: The media can document and report cases of abuse and violation of the citizen’s right to freedom of expression. This includes sharing stories of people who have had their freedom of expression violated, to help citizens understand how it works and how they can be affected.

3. Amend Government Policies: The media can amend government policies by creating public pressure to ensure that governments pass policies that protect citizens’ freedom of expression. This can be done through investigative journalism, campaigns, and other forms of media interventions.

Finally, the media can act as a watchdog to ensure that governments, organizations, and other actors respect citizens’ right to freedom of expression. They can do this by reporting any violations and ensuring that violators are held accountable for their actions.

Know more about Media here:


Give some advice to Ms Explorer on what she must do to try to involve all her learners in the chat groups. Your advice should consist of six strategies that Ms Explorer can use and an example of how Ms Explorer will use each strategy to improve the situation.? ​



Dear Ms Explorer,

I am writing to you as a professional educator who has experience in facilitating online chat groups for learners. I understand that you are facing some challenges in engaging all your learners in the chat groups and I would like to offer you some advice on how to overcome them.

First of all, it is important to establish clear expectations and guidelines for the chat groups. You should communicate to your learners the purpose, objectives, and outcomes of the chat groups, as well as the roles and responsibilities of each participant. You should also set some ground rules for respectful and constructive communication, such as avoiding personal attacks, staying on topic, and giving feedback. You can use a rubric or a checklist to help your learners understand and assess their own performance in the chat groups.

Secondly, you should design the chat groups to be relevant, meaningful, and interactive for your learners. You should choose topics that are aligned with your curriculum and that spark your learners' interest and curiosity. You should also use a variety of formats and activities to engage your learners in different ways, such as polls, quizzes, debates, case studies, simulations, etc. You should encourage your learners to share their opinions, experiences, and perspectives, as well as to ask questions, challenge assumptions, and provide evidence. You should also provide timely and specific feedback to your learners to acknowledge their contributions and guide their learning.

Thirdly, you should monitor and moderate the chat groups to ensure that they are running smoothly and effectively. You should check the chat groups regularly to see if there are any issues or concerns that need your attention or intervention. You should also participate in the chat groups occasionally to model good communication skills and to facilitate discussions when needed. However, you should avoid dominating the chat groups or imposing your views on your learners. You should also respect your learners' autonomy and allow them to take ownership of their learning.

I hope that these suggestions will help you to improve your chat groups and to involve all your learners in them. If you have any questions or need any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Sincerely, your name



- Establish clear guidelines and expectations for the chat groups. You can create a document or a video that explains the purpose, goals, roles, and norms of the chat groups. For example, you can specify how often and when the learners should participate, what kind of language and tone they should use, how they should give and receive feedback, and how they should resolve conflicts. You can also ask the learners to sign a contract or an agreement that shows their commitment to the chat groups.

- Use a variety of activities and formats for the chat groups. You can design different types of tasks and interactions for the chat groups, such as brainstorming, problem-solving, case studies, debates, quizzes, polls, games, etc. You can also use different formats, such as text, audio, video, images, etc.

- Provide feedback and recognition for the chat group participation. You can monitor the chat groups and give timely and constructive feedback to the learners on their contributions. You can also acknowledge and praise the learners who are active and supportive in the chat groups.

- Encourage peer-to-peer interaction and collaboration in the chat groups. You can foster a sense of community and belonging among the learners by encouraging them to interact and collaborate with each other in the chat groups. You can also assign roles and responsibilities to the learners in the chat groups, such as leader, facilitator, recorder, reporter, etc.

- Address any issues or challenges that arise in the chat groups. You can be proactive and responsive in dealing with any issues or challenges that may affect the chat group participation, such as technical difficulties, communication barriers, cultural differences, personality conflicts, etc. You can also provide support and guidance to the learners who are struggling or reluctant to participate in the chat groups.

- Evaluate and improve the chat group's effectiveness. You can collect feedback from the learners on their experiences and satisfaction with the chat groups. You can also assess the learning outcomes and achievements of the chat groups. Based on the feedback and assessment results, you can make adjustments and improvements to the chat group design and facilitation.


4. Differentiate between the secularism in India and USA? ​


Constitutional Foundation:
India: Secularism in India is enshrined in the preamble of the Indian Constitution, which declares India to be a "sovereign socialist secular democratic republic." The Indian Constitution guarantees freedom of religion to all citizens and prohibits discrimination based on religion.
USA: The United States does not have an explicit mention of secularism in its Constitution. However, the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution ensures the separation of church and state, preventing the government from establishing a state religion and protecting individuals' religious freedom.

Approach to Religion:
India: India is a religiously diverse country with a long history of various religions coexisting. Indian secularism adopts a policy of "equal respect for all religions" and seeks to maintain harmony among different religious communities. The state allows religious freedom and acknowledges and supports various religious practices and institutions.
USA: The United States is also religiously diverse, and its secularism emphasizes the principle of "religious neutrality" by maintaining a strict separation between religious institutions and the state. The government remains neutral on matters of religion, neither endorsing nor favoring any particular religion.

Relationship with Religious Groups:
India: In India, the government recognizes religious minorities and provides certain affirmative action measures, such as reservations and protections for religious and cultural institutions, to address historical inequalities and protect minority rights. The state also manages some religious institutions and provides financial support to religious pilgrimage sites.

If the national unemployment
rate rises up to 12⁰ Can Expansionery
polig fix this.


Expansionary policies in the economy can assist lower unemployment rates by increasing aggregate demand and stimulating economic development.

Expanding the economy through fiscal policy entails raising spending, making transfer payments, or lowering taxes. In an expansionary monetary policy, the money supply is increased more quickly than usual or short-term interest rates are decreased.

Increased costs and risks associated with expansionary policies, such as macroeconomic, microeconomic, and political economy difficulties, can result in increased prices and inflation.

Learn more about on Expansionary policies, here:


The elastic clause
increases the power of Congress.
decreases the power of Congress.
increases the power of the president.
decreases the
decreases the
power of the president.


The Elastic Clause option A. increases the power of Congress.

What is the elastic clause?

The Elastic Clause, also known as the Necessary and Proper Clause, is a provision in Article I, Section 8, Clause 18 of the United States Constitution.

It grants Congress the authority to make all laws that are necessary and proper for carrying out its enumerated powers. The Elastic Clause is often interpreted as expanding the powers of Congress rather than diminishing them.

Therefore, the correct statement is option A. The Elastic Clause increases the power of Congress.

learn more about Elastic Clause:


Although the number of women in office has increased since the 2016 election,
this trend was seen only at the national level, and the number of women running in state and local races declined
women's representation is still far below their percentage in the population and lags
behind other nations.
women's activism has declined since the election of President Trump.
there was backlash in 2018 resulting in fewer women than ever being elected to the U.S. Congress.


Although the number of women in office has increased since the 2016 election, B. women's representation is still far below their percentage in the population and lags behind other nations.

What is true of female political participation in America ?

Despite the progress made, women's representation in political offices in the United States still falls short of their proportion in the population. Furthermore, compared to some other countries, the United States lags behind in terms of women's political representation.

There has however, been an increase in the number of women elected to political office since the 2016 election. More women have been running for and winning seats in the U.S. Congress and other national positions.

Find out more on women representation at


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What are the possible impacts of media on well-being, community, political behavior, public health, and the economy?




Positive impact: Media can provide information, entertainment, and opportunities for social connection, which can enhance well-being and quality of life.

Negative impact: Exposure to certain types of media content, such as violent or distressing imagery, can lead to anxiety, desensitization, and decreased well-being. Unhealthy media portrayals of body image or lifestyles can contribute to negative self-perception and mental health issues.


Positive impact: Media platforms can facilitate communication, collaboration, and the formation of online communities, fostering a sense of belonging and social support.

Negative impact: The spread of misinformation or polarizing content through social media can contribute to the fragmentation of communities, increased social divisions, and the spread of distrust.

Political behavior:

Positive impact: Media can provide access to information, promote civic engagement, and encourage political participation, leading to an informed and active citizenry.

Negative impact: Media bias, fake news, and echo chambers can influence public opinion, reinforce existing beliefs, and contribute to political polarization. Disinformation campaigns can undermine the democratic process and manipulate public sentiment.

Public health:

Positive impact: Media can disseminate health information, promote preventive behaviors, and raise awareness about public health issues.

Negative impact: Misinformation about health, such as unfounded claims about vaccines or alternative treatments, can spread rapidly through social media, leading to public confusion, vaccine hesitancy, and other negative health outcomes.


Positive impact: Media industries contribute to economic growth, employment, and innovation. Advertising and marketing through media platforms can stimulate consumer demand and support business growth.

Negative impact: Media consolidation and dominance by a few major players can limit competition and diversity of voices. Additionally, the shift to digital media consumption has disrupted traditional business models, leading to challenges for some sectors of the economy, such as print media.


which goes with us system of federalism



Is it choosing question or what?


If it choosing than system of federalism is shared powers of national and state government to local government

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