Assign priorities in the following set of substituents according to Cahn-Ingold-Prelog rules. -NH2 -CH2OH -OH -Br A B C D (Provide your ranking through a string like abcd, starting with the one with the highest priority. Your answer does not need to be capitalized.)


Answer 1

Complete Question

The complete question is shown on the first uploaded image


[tex]-SH \ \ A[/tex]

[tex]-NH_2 \ \ B[/tex]

[tex]-COOH \ \ C[/tex]

[tex]-CH_3 \ \ D[/tex]


Now to correctly assign priorities in the following set of substituents we need to consider the molecular weight of the atom that is been directly attached to  the carbon bond

Now an atom with a higher molecular weight will imply that the substituent will have the the highest priority

So  S (32.065 u)with a the highest molecular weight implies that -SH has the highest priority

Next is   N with molecular weight(14.0067 u) implies that -[tex]NH_2[/tex] will  have the next priority

Next is   O with molecular weight(15.999 u) implies that [tex]-COOH[/tex] will  have the next priority

The Last is  H with molecular weight(1.00784 u) implies that  [tex]-CH_3[/tex] will  have the next priority

Assign Priorities In The Following Set Of Substituents According To Cahn-Ingold-Prelog Rules. -NH2 -CH2OH

Related Questions

1. An isotope of cesium-137 has a half-life of 30 years. If 5.0 g of cesium-
137 decays over 60 years, how many grams will remain?



1.25 g


Now we have to use the formula;

N/No = (1/2)^t/t1/2

N= mass of cesium-137 left after a time t (the unknown)

No= mass of cesium-137 present at the beginning = 5.0 g

t= time taken for 5.0 g of cesium-137 to decay =60 years

t1/2= half life of cesium-137= 30 years

Substituting values;

N/5= (1/2)^60/30

N/5= (1/2)^2

N/5= 1/4

4N= 5

N= 5/4

N= 1.25 g

Therefore, 1.25 g of cesium-137 will remain after 60 years.

How much of a 0.250 M lithium hydroxide is required to neutralize 20.0 mL of 0.345M chlorous acid?



27.6mL of LiOH 0.250M


The reaction of lithium hydroxide (LiOH) with chlorous acid (HClO₂) is:

LiOH + HClO₂ → LiClO₂ + H₂O

That means, 1 mole of hydroxide reacts per mole of acid

Moles of  20.0 mL = 0.0200L of 0.345M chlorous acid are:

0.0200L ₓ (0.345mol / L) = 6.90x10⁻³ moles of HClO₂

To neutralize this acid, you need to add the same number of moles of LiOH, that is 6.90x10⁻³ moles. As the LiOH contains 0.250 moles / L:

6.90x10⁻³ moles ₓ (1L / 0.250mol) = 0.0276L of LiOH =

27.6mL of LiOH 0.250M

Aqueous solutions of ammonium oxalate and lithium acetate react.



The reaction is a double displacement reaction


Let us consider the reaction equation of the reaction between ammonium oxalate and lithium acetate.

(NH4)2C2O4(aq) +2 CH3COOLi(aq) -------> 2NH4CH3CO2(aq) + Li2C2O4(s)

This is a displacement reaction. A double displacement reaction is a type of reaction in which two reactants exchange their ions to form two new compounds. Double displacement reactions usually lead to the formation of a solid product which is also called a precipitate.

The general form of a Double displacement reaction is of the format:

AB + CD → AD + CB

Where A,B,C and D represents different ions respectively.

A double displacement reaction can also be referred to as salt metathesis reaction, double replacement reaction, exchange reaction, or a double decomposition reaction, although the latter term is more strictly used when one or more of the reactants does not dissolve in the solvent.

Structurwl formula for (CH3)2CHCH2OH



Isobutanol (IUPAC nomenclature: 2-methylpropan-1-ol)


Isobutanol (IUPAC nomenclature: 2-methylpropan-1-ol) is an organic compound with the formula (CH3)2CHCH2OH (sometimes represented as i-BuOH). Hope this helped!

A sample of sulfuryl fluoride, SO2F2, has a mass of 19.2 g. What amount, in moles, does this mass represent?



0.188 moles


moles=mass/molar mass

moles= 19.2/ (32+32+38)

moles= 0.188


0.188 moles.


Molar mass of SO2F2

=  32 + 2*16 + 2 * 19

= 102 g.

So 19.2g = 19.2 / 102

= 0.188 moles.

Just as carbon dating is used to measure the age of organic material, Argon-40 can be used to measure the age of rocks. A volcanic eruption melts a large chunk of rock, and all gasses are expelled. After cooling, Argon-40 accumulates from the ongoing decay of potassium-40 in the rock (t_1/2 = 1.25E9 years). When a piece of rock is analyzed, it is found to contain 1.38 mmol of potassium-40 and 1.14 mmol of Argon-40. How long did the rock cool?



3.77 mg of K-40 decayed into Ar-40.


1) K-40, Ca-40, Ar-40: all three have the same atomic mass

2) 90% of the potassium-40 will decay into calcium-40

3) 10% of the potassium-40 will decay into argon-40.

4) K-40 inside the rock = 0.81 mg

5) Ar-40 trapped = 0.377 mg


1) 0.377 mg of Ar-40 is the 10% of the mass of the K-40 that decayed

=> x * 10% = 0.377 mg => x * 0.1 = 0.377mg

=> x = 0.377 mg / 0.1 = 3.77 mg

That means that 3.77 mg of K-40 decayed into Ar-40. And this is the answer to the question.

Additionaly, you can analyze the content of all K-40 and Ca-40, to understand better the case.

2) The mass of the K-40 that decayed into Ca-40 is 9 times (ratio 9:1) the amount that decayed into Ar-40 =>

mass of K-40 that decayed into Ca-40 = 9 * 0.377 = 3.393 mg

3) Total amount of K-40 that decayed = amount that decayed into Ar-40 + amount that decayed into Ca-40 = 0.377mg + 3.393mg = 3.77 mg

4) Original amount of K-40 = amount of K-40 that decayed + amount of K-40 present in the rock = 3.77mg + 0.81 mg = 4.58 mg

5) amount of K-40 that decayed into Ar-40 as percent

% = [3.77 mg / 4.58mg] * 100 = 82.31 %.

A galvanic (voltaic) cell consists of an electrode composed of magnesium in a 1.0 M magnesium ion solution and another electrode composed of silver in a 1.0 M silver ion solution, connected by a salt bridge. Calculate the standard potential for this cell at 25 °C.



3.17 V


The cell is operating under standard conditions. These standard conditions include; that the reaction takes place at 298 Kelvin (room temperature), the pressure of the system is 1 atmosphere (standard pressure), and the solutions have a Molarity of 1.0 M for both the anode and cathode solutions. All these conditions are satisfied in the cell under review in the question.


E°anode (magnesium)= -2.37 V

E°cathode (silver) = 0.80 V

E°cell= E°cathode -E°anode

E°cell= 0.80-(-2.37)

E°cell= 0.80 + 2.37

E°cell= 3.17 V

Hence the standard cell potential of this cell at 25°C is 3.17 V


The standard potential at 25ºC is 3.17 V.


The anode in  a galvanic cell is the electrode at which oxidation occurs and the cathode is the electrode  at which reduction occurs.

The overall cell reaction  will be the sum of two half-cell reactions. The standard reduction potentials are:

Mg²⁺ (1.0 M) + 2e⁻  →  Mg (s)          Eº = -2.37

Ag⁺ (1.0 M) + e⁻ → Ag (s)                 Eº= +0.80

Since the reactants are in their standard states (1.0 M) and at 25ºC we can write the half-cell reactions as follows:

Anode (oxidation):                        Mg (s) → Mg²⁺ (1.0 M) + 2e⁻

Cathode (reduction):     2Ag⁺ (1.0 M) + 2e⁻ → 2Ag (s)

Overall:            Mg (s) +2 Ag⁺ (1.0 M) + 2e⁻ → 2Ag (s) + Mg²⁺ (1.0 M) + 2e⁻

In order to balance the overall equation we multiply the reduction of  Ag⁺ by 2. We can do so because, as an intensive property, E° is not affected by  this procedure.

The standard emf of the cell, E°cell , which is composed of a contribution  from the anode and a contribution from the cathode, is given by:

[tex] Eº cell = Eº cathode - Eº anode [/tex]

[tex] Eº cell = EºAg⁺/Ag - Eº Mg²⁺/Mg [/tex]

[tex] Eº cell =0.80 V - (-2.37 V) [/tex]

Eº cell = 3.17 V

After doing a correct and careful recrystallization, you isolate your product by filtration. Which of the following will be present in the mother liquor? (select all that apply)

a. Impurities
b. Large amount of product
c. Recrystallizing solvent
d. Small amount of produc



a. Impurities

c. Recrystallizing solvent


In this type of reaction the products are never considered totally pure, that is why as a final product it must always be taken into account that it is proportional, it will be a recrystallization solvent and other impurities with which the products were mixed.

1. Legătura covalentă este legătura chimică ce se stabileşte: a) prin punere în comun de electroni; b) prin transfer de electroni; c) prin punere în comun sau prin transfer de electroni. 2. Legătura covalentă se stabileşte între: a) două metale ; b) două nemetale; c) un metal şi un nemetal. 3. O legătură covalentă se stabileşte: a) între hidrogen şi sodiu ; b) între azot şi hidrogen; c) între aluminiu şi oxigen.. 4. Legăturile covalente sunt de două feluri: a) legături covalente simple si legaturi covalente duble; b) legături covalente polare şi legături covalente nepolare; c) nici un raspuns nu este corect. 5. Selectează substanțele în moleculele cărora atomii sunt uniți prin legătură ionică: a) oxid de fosfor P2O5; b)clorură de potasiu KCl; c) apă H2O



1) Option A is correct.

The covalent bond is the chemical bond that is established by pooling of electrons.

2) Option B is correct.

The covalent bond is established between two non-metals.

3) Option B is correct.

A covalent bond is established between nitrogen and hydrogen.

4) Option B is correct.

Covalent bonds are of two types; polar covalent bonds and non-polar covalent bonds.

5) Option B is correct.

Select the substances in the molecules of which the atoms are united by ionic bond.

potassium chloride KCl

1) Opțiunea A este corectă.

Legătura covalentă este legătura chimică care se stabilește prin punerea în comun a electronilor.

2) Opțiunea B este corectă.

Legătura covalentă este stabilită între două nemetale.

3) Opțiunea B este corectă.

Se stabilește o legătură covalentă între azot și hidrogen.

4) Opțiunea B este corectă.

Legăturile covalente sunt de două tipuri; legături covalente polare și legături covalente nepolare.

5) Opțiunea B este corectă.

Selectați substanțele din moleculele cărora atomii sunt uniți prin legătură ionică. clorură de potasiu KCl


English Translation

1) The covalent bond is the chemical bond that is established: a) by pooling electrons; b) by electron transfer; c) by pooling or electron transfer.

2) The covalent bond is established between: a) two metals; b) two non-metals; c) a metal and a non-metal.

3) A covalent bond is established: a) between hydrogen and sodium; b) between nitrogen and hydrogen; c) between aluminum and oxygen.

4) Covalent bonds are of two types: a) single covalent bonds and double covalent bonds; b) polar covalent bonds and non-polar covalent bonds; c) no answer is correct.

5) Select the substances in the molecules of which the atoms are united by ionic bond: a) phosphorus oxide P2O5; b) potassium chloride KCl; c) H2O water


Covalent bonds are bonds that result from the sharing/pooling of electrons by two non-metallic atoms. When the electronegativity difference between the two atoms in a cobalent bond is substantial, a polar covalent bond results (in which the shared electrons are closer to the more electronegative atom of the pair). If the electronegativity difference isn't significant, a non-polar covalent bond ensues, in which the shared electrons are approximately equidistant from both atoms.

1) The covalent bond is the chemical bond that is established by pooling of electrons.

Already explained above.

2) The covalent bond is established between two non-metals.

Already explained too.

3) A covalent bond is established between nitrogen and hydrogen.

Of the three options, only option B contains two elements, nitrogen and hydrogen, which are both non-metals amd this satisfy the condition for the formation of a covalent bond.

4) Covalent bonds are of two types; polar covalent bonds and non-polar covalent bonds.

Already explained above.

5) Select the substances in the molecules of which the atoms are united by ionic bond.

potassium chloride KCl

Ionic bonds result from the transfer of electrons from metals (electropositive elements) to non-metals (electronegative elements). Of the 3 options provided, only potassium chloride is a coming together of a metal and a non metal.

In Romanian/In limba romana

Legăturile covalente sunt legături care rezultă din împărțirea / îmbinarea electronilor de către doi atomi nemetalici. Când diferența de electronegativitate între cei doi atomi dintr-o legătură cobalentă este substanțială, rezultă o legătură covalentă polară (în care electronii partajați sunt mai apropiați de atomul mai electronegativ al perechii). Dacă diferența de electronegativitate nu este semnificativă, apare o legătură covalentă non-polară, în care electronii partajați sunt aproximativ echidistanți de la ambii atomi.

Legăturile ionice rezultă din transferul electronilor de la metale (elemente electropozitive) la nemetalele (elemente electronegative).

Hope this Helps!!!

Sper că acest lucru vă ajută!!!!

1. The chemical formula for sodium bromide is NaB.*





Bromine's symbol is Br, not B, for B is for Boron

Convert 3.4 x 10^23 molecules of NaCl to grams






In this case, in order to compute the grams of sodium chloride starting by the molecules, the first step is to compute the moles contained in the given amount of molecules by using the Avogadro's number:

[tex]n_{NaCl}=3.4x10^{23}molecules*\frac{1mol}{6.022x10^{23}molecules} =0.56mol[/tex]

Then, by using the molar mass of sodium chloride (58.45 g/mol) we can directly compute the grams:

[tex]m_{NaCl}=0.56mol*\frac{58.45g}{1mol} \\\\m_{NaCl}=33g[/tex]


The reaction described by H2(g)+I2(g)⟶2HI(g) has an experimentally determined rate law of rate=k[H2][I2] Some proposed mechanisms for this reaction are: Mechanism A (1) H2(g)+I2(g)−→k12HI(g)(one-step reaction) Mechanism B (1) I2(g)⥫⥬=k−1k12I(g)(fast, equilibrium) (2) H2(g)+2I(g)−→k22HI(g) (slow) Mechanism C (1) I2(g)⥫⥬=k−1k12I(g)(fast, equilibrium) (2) I(g)+H2(g)−→k2HI(g)+H(g) (slow) (3) H(g)+I(g)−→k3HI(g) (fast) Which of these mechanisms are consistent with the observed rate law? mechanism A mechanism C mechanism B In 1967, J. H. Sullivan showed that this reaction was dramatically catalyzed by light when the energy of the light was sufficient to break the I−I bond in an I2 molecule. Which mechanism or mechanisms are consistent with both the rate law and this additional observation? mechanism A mechanism C mechanism B



Mechanism A and B are consistent with observed rate law

Mechanism A is consistent with the observation of J. H. Sullivan


In a mechanism of a reaction, the rate is determinated by the slow step of the mechanism.

In the proposed mechanisms:

Mechanism A

(1) H2(g)+I2(g)→2HI(g)(one-step reaction)

Mechanism B

(1) I2(g)⇄2I(g)(fast, equilibrium)

(2) H2(g)+2I(g)→2HI(g) (slow)

Mechanism C

(1) I2(g) ⇄ 2I(g)(fast, equilibrium)

(2) I(g)+H2(g) ⇄ HI(g)+H(g) (slow)

(3) H(g)+I(g)→HI(g) (fast)

The rate laws are:

A: rate = k₁ [H2] [I2]

B: rate = k₂ [H2] [I]²


K-1 [I]² = K1 [I2]:

rate = k' [H2] [I2]

Where K' = K1 * K2

C: rate = k₁ [H2] [I]


K-1 [I]² = K1 [I2]:

rate = k' [H2] [I2]^1/2

Thus, just mechanism A and B are consistent with observed rate law

In the equilibrium of B, you can see the I-I bond is broken in a fast equilibrium (That means the rupture of the bond is not a determinating step in the reaction), but in mechanism A, the fast rupture of I-I bond could increase in a big way the rate of the reaction. Thus, just mechanism A is consistent with the observation of J. H. Sullivan

The pressure exerted by 1.5 mol of gas in a 13 L flask at 22 °C is ____ kPa





Step 1:

Data obtained from the question.

Number of mole of (n) = 1.5 mole

Volume (V) = 13L

Temperature (T) = 22°C = 22 + 273°C = 295K

Pressure (P) =..?

Gas constant (R) = 0.082atm.L/Kmol

Step 2:

Determination of the pressure exerted by the gas.

This can be obtained by using the ideal gas equation as follow:

PV = nRT

P = nRT /V

P = 1.5 x 0.082 x 295 / 13

P = 2.79atm.

Step 3:

Conversion of 2.79atm to KPa.

This is illustrated below:

1 atm = 101.325KPa

Therefore, 2.79atm = 2.79 x 101.325 = 282.7KPa

Therefore, the pressure exerted by the gas in KPa is 282.7KPa

Pressure is defined as the force exerted by the molecules colliding with the surface of the object and other surfaces. The ideal gas follows the general gas law equation, PV = nRT.

The pressure exerted by the gas is 282.7 KPa.


Pressure (P) = ?

Gas constant (R) = 0.082atm.L/Kmol  

Temperature (T) = 22°C = 22 + 273°C = 295K

Volume (V) = 13L

Number of mole of (n) = 1.5 mole

Now, using the ideal gas equation:

PV = nRT

Substituting the values, we get:

P x 13 = 1.5 x 0.082 x 295

P x 13 = 36.285

P = [tex]\dfrac{36.285}{13}[/tex]

Pressure = 2.79 atm.

Also, 1 atm = 101.32 KPa

2.79 atm = 2.79 x 101.32 = 282.7 KPa.

Thus, the pressure exerted by the gas molecules is 282.7 KPa.

To know more about ideal gas law, refer to the following link:

Based on the activity series provided which reactants will form products? F>Cl>Br>l



CuI₂ + Br₂





In the laboratory hydrogen gas is usually made by the following reaction:Zn(s)+2HCl(aq)=H2(g)+ZnCl2(aq)How many liters of H2 gas , collected over water at an atmospheric pressure of 752 mmHg and a temperture of 21 Co, can made from 3.566 g of Zn and excess HCl?the partial pressure of water vapor is 18.65mmHg at 21C0.A) 0.68LB) 2.72LC) 1.36LD) 1.33LE) 0.0975L



The correct answer is option C, that is, 1.36 L.


The reaction mentioned in the question is:  

Zn (s) + 2HCl (aq) ⇒ H2 (g) + ZnCl2 (aq)

It is clear that one mole of zinc is generating one mole of hydrogen gas as seen in the reaction. The mass of zinc mentioned in the question is 3.566 grams, the no of moles can be determined by using the formula,  

n = mass / molecular mass

The molecular mass of zinc is 65.39 g/mol, now putting the values in the formula we get,  

n = 3.566 g/ 65.39 g/mol

= 0.0545 mol

Based on the question, the partial pressure of water vapor is 18.65 mmHg and the atmospheric pressure is 752 mmHg. Therefore, the pressure of hydrogen gas will be,  

Pressure of hydrogen gas (H2) = 752 mmHg - 18.65 mmHg

= 733.35 mmHg

The liters of hydrogen gas produced can be calculated by using the equation, PV =nRT

R is the gas constant, having the value 62.36 L mmHg/K/mol and T is the temperature (273 + 21 = 294 K).  

Now putting the values in the equation we get,  

733.35 mmHg * V = 0.0545 mol * 62.36 mmHg/K/mol * 294 K

= 999.19 L / 733.35

= 1.36 L

Hence, the volume of hydrogen gas is 1.36 L.  

diameter & volume question



65450 in^3


Someone deleted my old answer

Draw a chair conformation for cis-1-bromo-2,4-dimethylcyclohexane showing equatorial and axial positions at the carbon atoms bearing the substituents (all substituents are at cis configuration) g



See attachment.


Mono-substituted cyclohexanes are more stable with their substituents in an equatorial position. However, with poly-substituted cyclohexanes, the situation is more complex since the steric effects of all substituents have to be taken into account. In this case, you can see that the interconversion is shifted towards the conformation in the bottom because there is less tension between the substituents.

Determine the mass of CaBr2 needed to create a 500. ml solution with a concentration of 1.15 M.






In this case, we remember molarity is defined as the ratio of the moles of the solute to the volume of the solution in litres, therefore, for the given concentration and volume, we should solve the moles of calcium bromide to subsequently compute the mass, as shown below:

[tex]M=\frac{n}{V}\\ \\n=M*V=1.15\frac{mol}{L} *500mL*\frac{1L}{1000mL}=0.575mol[/tex]

Next, since molar mass of calcium bromide is 200 g/mol, we can compute the mass:

[tex]m_{CaBr_2}=0.575mol*\frac{1mol}{200g} \\\\m_{CaBr_2}=115gCaBr_2[/tex]


If the specific heat of gold is 0.13 J/gC, what is the amount of energy (heat) required to raise 30.0g of gold from 15 degrees Celsius to 41 degrees Celsius?


Answer: The amount of energy required is 101 Joules


The quantity of heat required to raise the temperature of a substance by one degree Celsius is called the specific heat capacity.

[tex]Q=m\times c\times \Delta T[/tex]

Q = Heat absorbed = ?

m= mass of gold = 30.0 g

c = specific heat capacity of gold = [tex]0.13J/g^0C[/tex]

Initial temperature of the water = [tex]T_i[/tex] = 15°C

Final temperature of the water = [tex]T_f[/tex]  = 41°C

Change in temperature ,[tex]\Delta T=T_f-T_i=(41-15)^0C=26^0C[/tex]

Putting in the values, we get:

[tex]Q=30.0g\times 0.13J/g^0C\times 26^0C[/tex]


The amount of energy required is 101 Joules

What is the kinetic energy,in J,of an Ar atom moving at a speed of 650 m/s



1.40 × 10⁻²⁰ J


Step 1: Calculate the mass of 1 atom of argon

The molar mass of argon is 39.95 g/mol, that is, 6.02 × 10²³ atoms of Ar have a mass of 39.95 g. We can use this relation to find the mass of 1 atom of Ar.

[tex]\frac{39.95g}{1mol} \times \frac{1mol}{6.02 \times 10^{23}atom } =6.64 \times 10^{-23}g/atom[/tex]

Step 2: Convert the mass of 1 atom of argon to kilograms

We will use the relationship 1 kg = 1,000 g.

[tex]6.64 \times 10^{-23}g \times \frac{1kg}{1,000g} =6.64 \times 10^{-26}kg[/tex]

Step 3: Calculate the kinetic energy of 1 atom of Ar moving at 650 m/s

[tex]E=\frac{1}{2} \times m \times v^{2} = \frac{1}{2} \times 6.64 \times 10^{-26}kg \times (650m/s)^{2} = 1.40 \times 10^{-20}J[/tex]

The kinetic energy of an Ar atom at a speed of 650 m/s is 1.40 × 10⁻²⁰ J

Kinetic Energy:

Kinetic energy is directly proportional to the mass of the object and to the square of its velocity:

K.E = [tex]\frac{1}{2}[/tex] x [tex]m[/tex] x [tex]v^{2}[/tex]

Step 1: Calculate the mass of 1 atom of argon

The molar mass of argon is 39.95 g/mol, that is, 6.02 × [tex]10^{-23}[/tex] atoms of Ar have a mass of 39.95 g. We can use this relation to find the mass of 1 atom of Ar.

[tex]\frac{39.95 g}{1 mol} * \frac{1 mol}{1,000 g} = 6.64 * 10^{-26} g/ atom[/tex]  

Step 2: Convert the mass of 1 atom of argon to kilograms

We will use the relationship 1 kg = 1,000 g.

6.64 x [tex]10^{-23}[/tex] g x [tex]\frac{1 kg}{1,000g}[/tex] = 6.64 x [tex]10^{-26}[/tex] kg

Step 3: Calculate the kinetic energy of 1 atom of Ar moving at 650 m/s

E= [tex]\frac{1}{2}[/tex] x [tex]m[/tex] x [tex]v^{2}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{1}{2}[/tex] x 6.64 x [tex]10^{-26}[/tex] kg x (650 m/s)² = 1.40 x [tex]10^{-20}[/tex] J

Learn more:

Olive oil has a density of 0.92g/ml. How much would 1.0 Liter of olive oil weigh in grams?





Data obtained from the question include the following:

Density = 0.92g/ml

Volume = 1L = 1 x 1000 = 1000mL

Mass =..?

Density is simply defined as the mass of the substance per unit volume of the substance. Mathematically it can be represented as:

Density = Mass /volume.

Mass = Density x volume

Mass = 0.92 x 1000

Mass = 9.2x10²g.

Therefore, 1L of olive will weigh 9.2x10²g.

0.76 g of lead(2) nitrate was dissolvedin 50.00ml of water a d treated with 25.00 ml of 0.2010M sodium sulfate inoder to determine a content of lead 2 ion. A white precipitate was formed and it was collected and dried. Calculate the amount of precipitate formed in this reaction



Mass of precipitate (PbSO₄) formed = 0.696 g


The reaction of Lead II Nitrate and Sodium Sulfate is given as

Pb(NO₃)₂ (aq) + Na₂SO₄ (aq) → 2NaNO₃ (aq) + PbSO₄ (s)

The precipitate from this reaction is the PbSO₄

0.76 g of Pb(NO₃)₂ is available for reaction, we convert to number of moles

Number of moles = (Mass)/(Molar Mass)

Mass = 0.76 g

Molar mass of Pb(NO₃)₂ = 331.2 g/mol

Number of moles of Pb(NO₃)₂ = (0.76/331.2) = 0.002294686 moles = 0.002295 moles

25.00 ml of 0.2010M sodium sulfate is available for the reaction, we also conert to number of moles.

Number of moles = (Concentration in mol/L) × (Volume in L)

Concentration of Na₂SO₄ in mol/L = 0.201 M

Volume of Na₂SO₄ in L = (25/1000) = 0.025 L

Number of moles of Na₂SO₄ = 0.201 × 0.025 = 0.005025 moles

From the stoichiometric balance of the reaction, 1 mole of Pb(NO₃)₂ reacts with 1 mole of Na₂SO₄

Hence, this indicates that Pb(NO₃)₂ is the limiting reagent as it is in short supply and it will therefore dictate the amount of precipitate (PbSO₄) formed.

1 mole of Pb(NO₃)₂ gives 1 mole of the precipitate (PbSO₄)

0.002295 mole of Pb(NO₃)₂ will give 0.002295 mole of the precipitate (PbSO₄)

Mass = (Number of moles) × (Molar mass)

Number of moles of precipitate (PbSO₄) formed = 0.002295 mole

Molar mass of PbSO₄ = 303.26 g/mol

Mass of precipitate (PbSO₄) formed = 0.002295 × 303.26 = 0.6958864734 = 0.696 g

Hope this Helps!!!

When a 20.0 g sample of an unknown compound is dissolve in 500. G of benzene, the freezing point of the resulting solution is 3.77 o C. The freezing point 9f pure benzene is 5.48 o C and Kf for benzene is 5.12 o C/m. Calculate the molar mass of the unknown



The correct answer is 116.3 g/mol


When a solute is added to a solvent, the freezing point decreases. That is called freezeing point depression and is given by the following expression:

ΔTf= Kf x m

Where ΔTf is the decrease in freezing point (final temperature - initial temperature), Kf is the freezeing point constant, m is the molality of the solution.

We have the following data:

Kf= 5.12ºC/m

ΔTf= 5.48ºC - 3.77ºC = 1.71ºC

We can calculate the molality of the solution from the mathematical expression for freezeing point as follows:

m = ΔTf/Kf = 1.71ºC/(5.12º C/m)= 0.334 m

The molality is the number of moles of solute in 1 kg of solvent. The solute was added to 500 g of solvent (benzene), so we can multiply the molality by the grams of solvent (500 g = 0.5 kg) to obtain the number of moles:

0.334 mol/kg x 0.5 kg = 0.172 moles

We know that the molar mass is equal to the mass of compound per mole, so we divide the mass into the moles to obtain the molar mass as follows:

MM = mass/moles= 20.0 g/0.172 moles = 116.3 g/mol

Br2(g) + 3 F2(g) ⇄ 2 BrF3(g) Kp = 5.4 × 108 0.30 atm of Br2 and 0.60 atm of F2 are placed in a 3.0 L container and the system is allowed to reach equilibrium. Calculate the pressureof Br2 at equilibrium.



The pressure at equilibrium of Br₂ is 0.10048 atm


Based on the reaction:

Br₂(g) + 3 F₂(g) ⇄ 2 BrF₃(g)

Kp is defined as:

[tex]Kp = \frac{P_{BrF_3}^2}{P_{Br_2}P_{F_2}^3}[/tex] = 5.4x10⁸

If initial pressures of Br₂ and F₂ are 0.30atm and 0.60atm respectively, the pressures in equilibrium are:

Br₂ = 0.30atm - X

F₂ = 0.60atm - 3X

BrF₃ = 2X

Replacing in Kp formula:

5.4x10⁸ =  [2X]² / [0.30atm - X] [0.60atm - 3X]³

5.4x10⁸ = 4X² / [0.30 - X] [0.216 - 3.24 X + 16.2 X² - 27 X³]

5.4x10⁸ = 4X² / 0.0648 - 1.188 X + 8.1 X² - 24.3 X³ + 27 X⁴

Solving for X:

X = 0.3000 → False answer because produce negative concentrations.

X = 0.19952. Replacing in equation of Br₂:

Br₂ = 0.30atm - 0.19952atm = 0.10048 atm

convert 4.56 cm to mm



45.6 mm


1 centimeter = 10 millimeter

4.56 cm = x mm

x = 4.56 × 10

= 45.6 mm

he Punnett square shows the possible genotype combinations for the offspring of two parents. What are the genotypes of the parents? Gg and Gg GG and GG gg and gg Gg and gg


The genotypes of the parents are Gg and Gg.


Its A! Gg and Gg


Which evidence supports the idea that Cosmic Microwave Background radiation is a remnant of the Big Bang?
A. Its temperature is uniform.
B. Its temperature fluctuates greatly.
C. Its mass fluctuates greatly.
D. Its mass is uniform.



A. Its temperature is uniform.


Cosmic Microwave Background radiation is a remnant of the Big Bang talks about the universe being very hot thereby causing its expansion with a corresponding cooling of the gases within it. The Cosmic Microwave Background radiation being what is left of the radiation after the Big Bang occurrence.

The temperature was uniform with very little fluctuations which makes the A the right choice.




Acetone is a solvent used in fingernail polish remover. Acetone is polar. It will form
solutions, or be soluble, in all the following except
O A. ethanol, which has molecules that have
one end with a slight charge
B. ammonia, which is made of molecules with
a slightly negative nitrogen atom and three
slightly positive hydrogen atoms
O C. water, which has oxygen atoms with a
slight negative charge
D. vegetable oil, which has atoms that share
electrons equally, so that there is no charge
Read Question





Each of these geometric shapes has a different number of sides. Arrange the shapes in order from the shape with the greatest number of sides to the shape with the fewest number of sides. Rank these shapes from greatest to fewest number of sides. To rank items as equivalent, overlap them.
triangle , square, rectangle, octagon, hexagon, pentagon


1. Octagon (8 sides)

2. Hexagon (6 sides)

3. Pentagon (5 sides)

4. Square/Rectangle (4 sides)

5. Triangle (3 sides)

Hope this helps :)

The potential in an electrochemical cell, E, is related to the Gibb's free energy change (ΔG) for the overall cell redox reaction: (1) ΔG0 = - n F E0 where n is the number of electrons transferred during the redox reaction, F is Faraday's constant (96,500 C / mol), and the superscript 0 indicates standard conditions (1 atm, 1 M concentrations, and 25 °C). Thus, a measurement of the cell voltage at standard conditions can be used to determine ΔG0. As an example, the following cell reaction: Zn(s) + Cu2+(aq) → Zn2+(aq) + Cu(m) generates a cell voltage of +1.10 V under standard conditions. Calculate and enter delta G degree (with 3 sig figs) for this reaction in kJ/mol.




As an example, the following cell reaction: Zn(s) + Cu2+(aq) → Zn2+(aq) + Cu(m) generates a cell voltage of +1.10 V under standard conditions. Calculate and enter delta G degree (with 3 sig figs) for this reaction in kJ/mol.

Zn(s) + Cu2+(aq) → Zn2+(aq) + Cu(m)

ΔG = ΔG° + RTInQ

Q = 1

ΔG = ΔG°

ΔG = =nFE°

n=no of electrons transfered.

E° = 1.1v

ΔG° = -2 * 96500 * 1.10

= -212300J

ΔG° =-212.3kJ/mol

Therefore, the ΔG° = -212.3kJ/mol
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