After reading about Aaron Feuerstein, post an example of a CEO today who would be prepared to do the same thing as Aaron Feuerstein if faced with a similar crisis. What qualities does the leader have in common with Aaron Feuerstein that makes you believe the response would be the same as Aaron’s?


Answer 1

Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft, shares similar qualities of empathy, responsibility, and long-term thinking, indicating a potential similar response.

Satya Nadella, the CEO of Microsoft, exemplifies qualities that align with Aaron Feuerstein's response in a crisis. Nadella has demonstrated empathy and a strong sense of responsibility towards his employees and communities. He prioritizes the well-being of Microsoft's workforce and advocates for diversity and inclusion.

Nadella's leadership style emphasizes long-term thinking and sustainable growth rather than short-term profits. This approach is reminiscent of Feuerstein's commitment to his workers and the community, where he chose to rebuild the textile mill and protect the livelihoods of his employees, even at the expense of immediate financial gains. These shared qualities indicate that Nadella might respond similarly if faced with a comparable crisis, prioritizing people over profits.

To learn more about CEO follow the link:


Related Questions

Company X wants to borrow $10,000,000 floating for 5 years; company Y wants to borrow $10,000,000 fixed for 5 years. Their external borrowing opportunities are shown here: Fixed-Rate Borrowing Cost 10% Floating-Rate Borrowing Cost LIBOR Company X Company Y 12% LIBOR + 1.5% A swap bank proposes the following interest only swap: X will pay the swap bank annual payments on $10,000,000 at a rate of LIBOR -0.15 percent; in exchange the swap bank will pay to company X interest payments on $10,000,000 at a fixed rate of 9.90 percent. What is the value of this swap to company X? O Company X will save 25 basis points per year on $10,000,000 $25,000 per year. O Company X will lose money on the deal. Company X will save 5 basis points per year on $10,000,000 $5,000 per year. O Company X will only break even on the deal.


The value of this swap to company X is that it will save 25 basis points per year on $10,000,000, which is equivalent to $25,000 per year.

In this interest rate swap, Company X wants to convert its fixed-rate borrowing cost of 12% to a floating-rate borrowing cost linked to LIBOR. The swap bank offers a deal where X will pay annual payments at a rate of LIBOR - 0.15% on $10,000,000, and in exchange, the swap bank will pay interest payments on $10,000,000 at a fixed rate of 9.90%. By entering into this swap, Company X can benefit from the lower floating-rate borrowing cost. The difference between the fixed rate (12%) and the swap's fixed rate (9.90%) represents the savings for Company X. This difference is 25 basis points (0.25%), which amounts to $25,000 per year on $10,000,000.

The value of the swap to Company X is that it will save $25,000 per year by reducing its borrowing cost from a fixed rate of 12% to a floating rate of LIBOR - 0.15%. This swap allows Company X to take advantage of lower interest rates and potentially reduce its interest expenses.

To know more about interest rate swap visit:


The inflation rate in the UK is the highest since 2008 and expected to rise further in the spring. In this context, discuss the problems associated with high inflation. Explain how monetary policy tools used by the Bank of England help to control inflation.
[50 marks]


High inflation can lead to reduced purchasing power, uncertainty, income redistribution, and distorted price signals. The Bank of England controls inflation through tools like adjusting interest rates, setting reserve requirements, conducting open market operations, providing forward guidance, and implementing quantitative easing when necessary.

High inflation can lead to several problems for an economy. Here are some of the issues associated with high inflation:

1. Reduced purchasing power: When prices rise rapidly, the value of money decreases, leading to a decrease in purchasing power. This means that consumers can buy fewer goods and services with the same amount of money. It can erode the real incomes of individuals and reduce their standards of living.

2. Uncertainty and reduced investment: High inflation introduces uncertainty into the economy. Businesses may be reluctant to invest or expand their operations due to unpredictable future costs.

Uncertainty about future prices can also discourage individuals from making long-term financial decisions, such as purchasing homes or making investments.

3. Redistribution of income and wealth: High inflation can lead to a redistribution of income and wealth.

People on fixed incomes or with limited bargaining power may struggle to keep up with rising prices, while those who have assets that appreciate with inflation, such as real estate or stocks, may benefit. This can exacerbate income inequality and create social tensions.

4. Distorted price signals: Inflation can distort price signals in the economy. When prices are rising rapidly, it becomes challenging for businesses and consumers to distinguish between changes in relative prices and general inflation. This can lead to misallocation of resources and inefficiencies in the allocation of goods and services.

To control inflation, central banks like the Bank of England use various monetary policy tools. Here are some of the common tools:

a. Interest rates: Central banks can adjust the benchmark interest rates to influence borrowing costs and overall spending in the economy. By raising interest rates, they aim to reduce borrowing and dampen spending, which can help cool down inflationary pressures.

Conversely, lowering interest rates stimulates borrowing and spending, aiming to encourage economic activity when inflation is low.

b. Reserve requirements: Central banks can set reserve requirements, which determine the amount of funds that commercial banks must hold as reserves. By increasing reserve requirements, central banks can restrict the ability of banks to lend, reducing money supply growth and potentially curbing inflation.

c. Open market operations: Central banks can buy or sell government securities in the open market. When they buy securities, they inject money into the economy, increasing liquidity and potentially stimulating economic activity. Conversely, selling securities reduces the money supply and can help combat inflationary pressures.

d. Forward guidance: Central banks provide forward guidance on their policy intentions to influence market expectations. By signaling their commitment to price stability and their stance on future interest rate changes, they can influence borrowing costs, inflation expectations, and long-term decision-making by businesses and individuals.

e. Quantitative easing (QE): In times of severe economic downturns or deflationary risks, central banks may employ QE. This involves purchasing government bonds or other financial assets to inject liquidity into the financial system and stimulate economic activity.

These monetary policy tools aim to influence the money supply, borrowing costs, and overall spending in the economy, thereby helping to manage inflation and maintain price stability. The specific combination and implementation of these tools depend on the central bank's assessment of economic conditions and its inflation targets.

Learn more about inflation here:


Intermediaries who link buyers and sellers by buying and selling
securities in their own inventory are called
Select one:
investment bankers.


The correct answer is d. dealers. Dealers are intermediaries in the financial markets who facilitate the buying and selling of securities.

They maintain an inventory of securities and actively participate in the market by buying securities from sellers and selling them to buyers. Dealers make money by profiting from the bid-ask spread, which is the difference between the buying and selling prices of securities. They provide liquidity to the market and help ensure smooth and efficient transactions.

Learn more about dealers link:


You find the following quote for a corporate bond ($1,000 par, paying interest semiannually): Issuer Yield Symbol Coupon Maturity Moody's/S&P/F itch High Low Last Change Name % Home HD.GF 7.80% Aug 2040" Baal/BBB+/BBB 98.28 97.36 97.72 1 2 6 0.286 5.49% Depot + How much interest you will receive every six months (in US dollars)


To calculate the interest you will receive every six months for the corporate bond, you need to determine the coupon payment.

The coupon payment is a fixed percentage of the bond's par value, which is $1,000 in this case.

Given information:

Coupon Rate: 7.80% per year

Par Value: $1,000

To calculate the semiannual coupon payment:

Step 1: Convert the annual coupon rate to a semiannual rate:

Semiannual Coupon Rate = Annual Coupon Rate / 2

= 7.80% / 2

= 3.90%

Step 2: Calculate the semiannual coupon payment:

Semiannual Coupon Payment = Semiannual Coupon Rate * Par Value

= 3.90% * $1,000

= $39.00

Therefore, you will receive $39.00 in interest every six months (semiannually) for this corporate bond.

Learn more about interest  here:


1. Research the topics listed below. Use reliable academic sources and/or review the books suggested in the Handbook to substantiate your answer, it is also suggested to carry out an effective search on the Internet using the electronic references.
2. The topics to be consulted are related to the important concepts of the global perspectives or attitudes of managers towards international business:
-ethnocentric attitude
-polycentric attitude
-geocentric attitude
3. Then, choose one of the concepts from the list and answer the following two questions:
How important is this concept in the global perspectives or attitudes of managers towards international business?
Why does this concept interest you?
4. Your response should be brief and include references in APA style.


The ethnocentric attitude is an important concept in the global perspectives or attitudes of managers towards international business.

How important is the ethnocentric attitude in the global perspectives or attitudes of managers towards international business?

The ethnocentric attitude refers to a mindset where managers believe that their home country's values, practices, and approaches are superior to those of other countries.

This perspective often leads to a centralized decision-making approach, where strategies and policies are developed at the headquarters and then implemented globally without much adaptation to local contexts.

The ethnocentric attitude can be important in certain situations. For example, when a company enters a new market with significant cultural differences, relying on familiar practices and approaches may provide a sense of stability and control.

Additionally, maintaining a consistent corporate culture across international operations can foster a strong sense of identity and loyalty among employees.

However, the ethnocentric attitude can also present challenges. It may hinder effective adaptation to local markets, leading to the failure of products or services.

It can result in a lack of understanding and appreciation for diverse customer preferences and cultural nuances. Moreover, it may create tension and resistance among local employees who feel excluded or undervalued.

The concept of ethnocentric attitude is intriguing because it highlights the clash between the desire for global expansion and the inherent cultural biases that individuals and organizations possess. Understanding how managers navigate this tension is crucial for successful international business operations.

By exploring the ethnocentric attitude, I hope to gain insights into the challenges faced by managers in embracing diversity, adapting to different markets, and achieving a balance between global standardization and local customization.

Learn more about ethnocentric attitude


Ishak Center for Families, a nonprofit organization, receives $300,000 from a donor who requires that the Center raise $300,000 in matching funds, or the Center will have to return the $300,000. What journal entry would the Center record upon receipt of the gift? a. Debit cash $150,000; credit deferred revenue $300,000. b. Debit cash $300,000; credit contribution revenue with donor restrictions $300,000. c. Debit cash $300,000; credit contribution revenue without donor restrictions $300,000. d. No entry would be recorded


Debit cash $300,000; credit contribution revenue with donor restrictions $300,000, journal entry would the Center record upon receipt of the gift. The right answer is b.

The recipient may use some donations however they see fit. Other contributions, known as donor-restricted contributions, must be used only according to the donor's instructions, which may include certain deadlines. Conditions specify what must be done by the recipient before a gift or contribution is originally recognised.

Following the determination that a contribution does not include a donor-imposed condition, an entity must determine whether the donation contains a donor-imposed restriction. This determination must take into account the agreement's scope and whether the resources can only be used after a certain date.

The correct answer is option b.

Know more about donor restrictions here


Show how does Coty inc cash flow from operating activities is different from Net income (Pls focus on the key 3 important reasons and elaborate)

Spamming will not be tolerated, pls include the company's statement in the elaboration, I will provide 2 upvotes


Coty Inc. is a beauty company that creates fragrances, cosmetics, and skin and body care products. Net income is the difference between revenue and expenses. Operating cash flow is the amount of money that comes in and out of the business as a result of its regular operations. Here are three key ways in which Coty Inc.’s cash flow from operating activities differs from its net income:1. Depreciation and Amortization:Depreciation is a non-cash expense that accounts for the decline in value of an asset over time. Coty Inc. may use a variety of fixed assets such as equipment, buildings, and vehicles. When these assets wear down, they lose value. Depreciation expenses are subtracted from revenue to determine net income. However, the company may still generate cash by selling the asset or by disposing of it.2. Changes in Working Capital:Working capital is the difference between a company's current assets and current liabilities. Coty Inc. may have accounts receivable, accounts payable, and inventory that affect the working capital. A decrease in accounts receivable or inventory can generate cash flow, while an increase in accounts payable can reduce it.3. Non-cash Expenses:Coty Inc. may have expenses that don't involve cash, such as stock-based compensation and deferred taxes. These expenses are included in net income but don't affect operating cash flow. For example, stock-based compensation is a form of compensation that awards company shares to employees instead of cash. Therefore, it does not have a direct impact on cash flow.Coty Inc.’s 2019 Annual Report provides some insights on the differences between the company’s cash flow from operating activities and net income. The report states that depreciation and amortization expenses for the year totaled $601.6 million, while net cash provided by operating activities was $805.7 million. The report also highlights changes in working capital as a factor affecting the cash flow. Coty Inc.’s operating cash flow in 2019 was $805.7 million, while net income for the same period was $2,734.6 million.

Coty Inc's cash flow from operating activities and net income differ in several key ways.

Firstly, net income includes non-cash items such as depreciation and amortization, whereas cash flow from operating activities only takes into account the actual cash inflows and outflows during the period. Secondly, net income is calculated on an accrual basis, which means it includes revenue that may not have been received yet.

In contrast, cash flow from operating activities is based on actual cash received from customers. Finally, changes in working capital and other non-cash items can impact cash flow from operating activities, whereas these items do not affect net income. Overall, it is important to look at both net income and cash flow from operating activities to fully understand a company's financial performance and cash position.

Learn more about Net income here:


employers must make which of the following to accommodate the religious practices of employees? no accommodations a reasonable accommodation some accommodations all requested accommodations


Employers must make a "reasonable accommodation" to accommodate the religious practices of employees.What is a reasonable accommodation?A reasonable accommodation is a modification to an employee's job or work environment that enables the employee to fulfill their religious obligations.

The law requires employers to reasonably accommodate the religious practices of their employees, but employers are not obligated to grant every accommodation request.What is the meaning of the phrase "religion?"Religion is a belief in a divine or superhuman power or powers that are worshiped and followed by people. Religion also includes moral and ethical convictions as well as the expression of beliefs by way of worship, observance, or practice.

What are the types of religious accommodations that can be made? The following are some examples of religious accommodations that an employer might provide: Permitting an employee to take time off for religious observances Permitting the employee to swap shifts with other workers in order to meet his or her religious obligations Modifying the dress code to enable religious dress or grooming practices Providing a place of worship or a quiet area for prayer or reflection What if an accommodation is not feasible ? If an accommodation is not feasible, the employer is not required to grant it. Employers must demonstrate that they cannot provide the accommodation without causing undue hardship on their company or creating a risk to public safety.

To know more about accommodate visit:


Richard is a board member in a petroleum company. He is explaining to the head of departments the following situations which could result in the business culture and becoming a determining factor in ethical decisions made within a corporation. This refers to O A. Profits stagnant or decreasing OB. The absence of strong leadership O C. Inadequate competition O D. A law that provides incomplete answers


Richard, a board member of a petroleum company, states that business culture can become a determining factor in ethical decisions within a corporation. The following situations can contribute to this Stagnant or decreasing profit, If a company is not making enough profit, then they may be tempted to take unethical shortcuts to increase their income. The correct answer is A.

This could involve exploiting employees, engaging in price fixing, or breaking environmental regulations.The absence of strong leadership: Without proper leadership, employees may lack guidance on ethical behavior. If the company culture does not value ethics, employees may prioritize profits over ethical conduct.Inadequate competition.

Companies that do not face competition may take unethical actions since there are no repercussions for their actions. The company may engage in price gouging or environmental damage that would not be possible in a more competitive market.

To know more about Stagnant visit:-


If output is $7500, the level of capital is 600, capital’s share of total income is 0.6, and the price of output is $4, then what is the nominal rental rate given the neoclassical theory of distribution holds?
Group of answer choices
Not enough information is given


the correct answer is: Not enough information is given.Nominal rental rate is the price paid for the services of rental assets. It is calculated by multiplying the rental price by the rental rate.

So, in order to calculate the nominal rental rate, we have to use the following formula:Nominal rental rate = Rental price × Rental rateNow, we have to use the information given to us to calculate the nominal rental rate. We are given the following information:Output = $7500Capital = 600Capital’s share of total income = 0.6Price of output = $4We know that according to the neoclassical theory of distribution, capital’s share of total income is equal to the ratio of capital income to total output. Therefore, we can calculate capital income as follows:Capital income = Capital’s share of total income × Total outputCapital income = 0.6 × $7500Capital income = $4500Now, we also know that the rental price is equal to the nominal rental rate divided by the capital stock. Therefore, we can calculate the rental price as follows:Rental price = Nominal rental rate ÷ Capital stockWe can rearrange this formula to find the nominal rental rate:Nominal rental rate = Rental price × Capital stockSo, we just need to calculate the rental price and then we can find the nominal rental rate. The rental price is equal to the price of output minus the wage rate. We are not given the wage rate, but we can calculate it using the information we have. We know that labor’s share of total income is equal to 1 minus capital’s share of total income. Therefore:Labor’s share of total income = 1 − Capital’s share of total incomeLabor’s share of total income = 1 − 0.6Labor’s share of total income = 0.4We also know that the total income is equal to the total output times the price of output. Therefore, we can calculate the wage rate as follows:Wage rate = (Labor’s share of total income × Total output) ÷ Price of outputWage rate = (0.4 × $7500) ÷ $4Wage rate = $600Now, we can calculate the rental price as follows:Rental price = Price of output − Wage rateRental price = $4 − $600Rental price = −$596We have a negative rental price, which doesn’t make sense. This means that there is not enough information given to calculate the nominal rental rate. ,

to know about income, visit


Round Tree Ltd. has just developed a new product to be called Zebra and is now considering whether to put it into production. Costs incurred in the development of Zebra were £600,000. Production of Zebra would require the purchase of new machinery at a cost of £3,000,000 (payable immediately). The machinery would have a useful life of 4 years, at the end of which its salvage value would be zero. Production costs per unit of Zebra (at year 1 prices) would be as follows: Variable materials £21 Variable labour £35 Variable overheads £15 In addition, fixed production costs (at year 1 prices), including straight line depreciation plant and machinery would be £1,600,000 The selling price of Zebra will be £120 per unit (at year 1 prices) and sales are expected to be 41,000 units in each of the next 4 years. The retail price index is expected to rise at a rate of 3% per year for the next 4 years and the selling price of Zebra is expected to rise at the same rate. Annual inflation rates for production costs are expected to be as follows: Variable materials 3% Variable labour 4% Variable overheads 5% Fixed costs 5% The company's weighted average cost of capital (in nominal terms) is expected to be 14%. REQUIRED, ANSWER ALL PARTS (making any necessary assumptions and showing all workings): Note: You may ignore taxation and also assume that all costs and revenues rise at the end of each year. a. Based on the above information, perform relevant calculations to determine the net present value of the Zebra project and offer your advice on whether or not Round Tree Ltd should go ahead with the production of Zebra.


The net present value (NPV) of the Zebra project is £785,292.80. Since the NPV is positive, Round Tree Ltd should proceed with the production of Zebra as the project is expected to generate a positive return and create value for the company.

To determine the net present value (NPV) of the Zebra project and provide advice on whether Round Tree Ltd should proceed with production, we need to calculate the present value of cash flows associated with the project. Here are the steps to calculate the NPV:

Calculate the annual cash inflows:

Annual sales revenue = Selling price per unit × Expected units sold

Annual sales revenue = £120 × 41,000 = £4,920,000

Calculate the annual cash outflows:

Variable costs per unit = Variable materials + Variable labour + Variable overheads

Variable costs per unit = £21 + £35 + £15 = £71

Total variable costs = Variable costs per unit × Expected units sold

Total variable costs = £71 × 41,000 = £2,911,000

Fixed costs = £1,600,000

Total annual costs = Total variable costs + Fixed costs

Total annual costs = £2,911,000 + £1,600,000 = £4,511,000

Calculate the annual cash flows:

Annual cash flows = Annual sales revenue - Total annual costs

Annual cash flows = £4,920,000 - £4,511,000 = £409,000

Calculate the present value of cash flows:

Discount rate = Weighted average cost of capital (WACC) = 14%

Using the formula for present value of cash flows:

PV = CF / (1 + r)^n


PV = Present value

CF = Cash flow

r = Discount rate

n = Time period (year)

PV1 = £409,000 / (1 + 0.14)^1 = £358,333.33

PV2 = £409,000 / (1 + 0.14)^2 = £313,853.87

PV3 = £409,000 / (1 + 0.14)^3 = £274,216.17

PV4 = £409,000 / (1 + 0.14)^4 = £238,889.43

Calculate the net present value (NPV):

NPV = Sum of present values - Initial cost

NPV = PV1 + PV2 + PV3 + PV4 - Initial cost

NPV = £358,333.33 + £313,853.87 + £274,216.17 + £238,889.43 - (£600,000 + £3,000,000)

NPV = £785,292.80

Based on the calculations, the net present value (NPV) of the Zebra project is £785,292.80. A positive NPV indicates that the project is expected to generate a positive return and create value for Round Tree Ltd. Therefore, Round Tree Ltd should proceed with the production of Zebra as the project is financially viable.

To know more about net present value, here


Commercial cookery/ Kitchen:
A widely recognised motivational theory is Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. This theory divides our needs into five layers.
a. Provide two (2) examples of how each of the five motivational needs in this Theory can be applied to the management of individuals and teams in the workplace.
b. Provide three (3) examples of other strategies that can be used to motivate your team in the workplace.


Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs is a well-known motivational theory that can be applied to managing individuals and teams in the workplace. Each of the five motivational needs can be addressed in various ways to foster motivation and productivity. Additionally, there are three other strategies that can be utilized to motivate teams in the workplace.

a. Examples of how each of the five motivational needs in Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs can be applied to the management of individuals and teams in the workplace:

Physiological needs: Ensuring that employees have access to a clean and comfortable workspace, providing regular breaks and rest areas, and offering healthy meals or snacks can fulfill their physiological needs. This supports their well-being and helps maintain their energy levels throughout the workday.

Safety needs: Establishing a safe work environment by implementing safety protocols, providing necessary training and equipment, and addressing potential hazards promptly can fulfill employees' safety needs. When employees feel secure and protected, they can focus on their work without unnecessary worries.

Social needs: Encouraging teamwork, fostering a positive work culture, and promoting open communication can fulfill employees' social needs. Creating opportunities for collaboration, organizing team-building activities, and fostering a sense of belonging can enhance teamwork and interpersonal relationships within the team.

Esteem needs: Recognizing employees' achievements and providing constructive feedback can fulfill their esteem needs. Regularly acknowledging their accomplishments, offering praise, and providing opportunities for professional growth and advancement can contribute to their sense of competence and self-worth.

Self-actualization needs: Supporting employees' personal and professional development, providing challenging tasks or projects, and offering autonomy in decision-making can fulfill their self-actualization needs. By encouraging employees to reach their full potential, they are more likely to feel fulfilled and motivated in their work.

b. Examples of other strategies to motivate teams in the workplace:

Incentives and rewards: Implementing a system of incentives and rewards, such as bonuses, recognition programs, or performance-based promotions, can motivate employees to strive for excellence and achieve their goals.

Employee empowerment: Allowing employees to have a voice in decision-making processes, providing opportunities for autonomy and responsibility, and encouraging innovation and creativity can increase motivation and job satisfaction.

Professional development opportunities: Offering training programs, workshops, seminars, or tuition reimbursement can motivate employees by demonstrating the organization's commitment to their growth and career advancement. This not only enhances their skills but also instills a sense of value and investment in their professional development. By addressing the needs outlined in Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs and implementing additional motivational strategies, managers can create an environment that fosters employee engagement, satisfaction, and productivity.

Learn more about Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs here:


4. CISCO company is mainly well know for: (1 Point) Its computer networking devices. Its community networking Its computer operating systems. O Its traveling services.


Cisco is a well-known company in the networking field. It is well-known for its computer networking devices. Cisco is a multinational corporation headquartered in San Jose, California, that specializes in designing and producing computer networking hardware, software, and telecommunications equipment.

Cisco is an expert in producing a wide range of networking devices. They are famous for their routers, switches, firewalls, wireless LAN controllers, and many other networking devices. Cisco networking devices are used in various industries, including telecommunications, healthcare, finance, education, and government. They help connect computers, servers, and other devices to the internet or a local network. As a result, Cisco has become a leading supplier of networking solutions in the world. Cisco has also expanded its business to include cloud computing, security, and other technologies. It provides a variety of services, such as consulting, training, and technical support, to help customers use their products effectively. In conclusion, Cisco is mainly known for its computer networking devices that connect computers, servers, and other devices to the internet or a local network. Cisco's networking devices have helped it become one of the leading suppliers of networking solutions in the world.

Learn more about Cisco:


Question Content Area

Allowance for Doubtful Accounts has a debit balance of $556 at the end of the year (before adjustment), and Bad Debt Expense is estimated at 4% of sales. If net sales are $931,000, the amount of the adjusting entry to record the estimate of the uncollectible accounts is






If net sales are $931,000, the amount of the adjusting entry to record the estimate of the uncollectible accounts is $37,796.

Let's calculate the amount of the adjusting entry to record the estimate of the uncollectible accounts.

The Allowance for Doubtful Accounts has a debit balance of $556 at the end of the year (before adjustment), and the Bad Debt Expense is estimated at 4% of sales.

The amount of the adjusting entry to record the estimate of the uncollectible accounts is determined by subtracting the existing balance in the Allowance for Doubtful Accounts from the estimated Bad Debt Expense.

Bad Debt Expense = Net Sales x Bad Debt Expense Rate

Bad Debt Expense = $931,000 x 4% = $37,240

Adjusting Entry:

Debit: Bad Debt Expense $37,240

Credit: Allowance for Doubtful Accounts $37,796 ([$37,240 - $556])

Therefore, the correct answer is $37,796.

To know more about uncollectible accounts follow the link:


Which of the following statements is TRUE?
a. A Money market fund is covered by FDIC insurance
b. A Life Insurance company is considered a Non-depository institution
c. A payday loan is an inexpensive source of funds for low income earners
d. Unlike a Credit Union, a Commercial bank is owned by its members


A Life Insurance company is considered a Non-depository institution is TRUE.

A life insurance company is a financial institution that provides life insurance policies to individuals or groups in exchange for premium payments. Life insurance is a contract between the policyholder and the insurance company, where the company agrees to pay a designated beneficiary a sum of money upon the death of the insured person or after a specified period. Life insurance companies also offer other types of insurance products, such as disability insurance, critical illness insurance, and annuities.

These companies assess the risk associated with insuring individuals and determine the premiums based on factors such as age, health, and lifestyle. In addition to providing insurance coverage, life insurance companies also invest the premiums collected to generate investment income and ensure the financial stability of the company.

Learn more about  Life Insurance company   here-


A proposed project has fixed costs of $41,000 per year. The operating cash flow at 14,000 units is $63,000. a. Ignoring the effect of taxes, what is the degree of operating leverage?
b. If units sold rise from 14,000 to 14,400, what will be the increase in operating cash. flow? c. What is the new degree of operating leverage?


The degree of operating leverage (DOL) measures the sensitivity of operating cash flow to changes in sales volume. In this case, with fixed costs of $41,000 per year and an operating cash flow of $63,000 at 14,000 units, we can calculate the DOL as follows:

a. To calculate the DOL, we need to divide the percentage change in operating cash flow by the percentage change in sales volume. Since we are ignoring the effect of taxes, we can assume that the fixed costs remain constant. The operating cash flow at 14,000 units is $63,000, and the fixed costs are $41,000. Therefore, the contribution margin (difference between operating cash flow and fixed costs) is $63,000 - $41,000 = $22,000. The percentage change in operating cash flow is ($63,000 - $41,000) / $41,000 = 53.66%. The percentage change in sales volume is (14,000 - 0) / 0 = 100%. Hence, the DOL is 53.66% / 100% = 0.5366.

b. If units sold rise from 14,000 to 14,400, we can calculate the increase in operating cash flow. The contribution margin per unit is $22,000 / 14,000 = $1.57. Therefore, the increase in operating cash flow is 400 units * $1.57 = $628.

c. To calculate the new degree of operating leverage, we need to consider the change in operating cash flow and the change in sales volume. The new operating cash flow is $63,000 + $628 = $63,628. The percentage change in operating cash flow is ($63,628 - $63,000) / $63,000 = 0.997%. The percentage change in sales volume is (14,400 - 14,000) / 14,000 = 2.86%. Hence, the new DOL is 0.997% / 2.86% = 0.3482.

To learn more about operating cash , click here:


which of the following supreme court cases has a similar constitutional question as that of organization for a better austin v. keefe?


The Supreme Court case "Organisation for a Better Austin v. Keefe" is not the only one with a similar constitutional issue to "Hunter v. Erickson." In both of these cases, the fundamental guarantee to equal protection of the law is being contested.

Similar constitutional issues have been raised by the Supreme Court in decisions like Organisation for a Better Austin v. Keefe. The Supreme Court case Organisation for a Better Austin v. Keefe" is not the only one with a similar constitutional issue to "Hunter v. Erickson."
In both of these cases, the fundamental guarantee to equal protection of the law is being contested. Organisation for a Better World" The Supreme Court ruled in the Austin v. Keefe decision that a law's legality is not based on the sincerity of the legislator's intentions.
While the Supreme Court determined that Ohio's constitution breaches the equal protection provision by denying some communities the power to enact and enforce ordinances prohibiting racial, religious, and ethnic discrimination in the "Hunter v. Erickson" decision.
Even though both instances include the constitutional guarantee to equal treatment under the law, there significant differences in the facts, circumstances, and rulings.
Therefore, it's essential to comprehend the circumstances and problems raised by each case before coming to a conclusion.

Learn more about constitutional here:


if a car manufacturer pays $300 for a windshield, $500 for tires, $200 for a car stereo, and then sells a car made with these components for $33,000, then each car they produce adds how much to the gdp?


Each car produced adds $32,000 to the GDP, which is the difference between the selling price of $33,000 and the cost of components ($300 + $500 + $200 = $1,000).

What are the main components of GDP?

When a car manufacturer produces a car, it adds value to the economy through the process of production.

The components used to build the car, such as the windshield, tires, and car stereo, are purchased from various suppliers, contributing to the GDP.

The manufacturer then combines these components, adds its own labor and expertise, and sells the finished car for a higher price.

The difference between the selling price and the cost of components represents the value added by the manufacturer and contributes to the GDP.

In this case, each car produced adds $32,000 to the GDP ($33,000 - $1,000).

Learn more about components


Profitability Metrics
Companies with networks of distribution channels, such as manufacturers of consumer goods, benefit by monitoring and evaluating profitability at the channel level
Governing Equations:
Customer Selling Price = (Supplier Selling Price) / [1-(Customer Margin Percentage)]
Customer Selling Price = (Supplier Selling Price) + (Customer Margin Amount)
Supplier Selling Price = (Customer Selling Price) - (Customer Margin Amount)
There is a chart on governing equations. Please explain how each of them is computed and then use an example from your own company or a company you are familiar with and calculate each equation. Please complete each step of the equation.


The governing equations for profitability metrics in distribution channels involve calculating the customer selling price, supplier selling price, and customer margin. Thus, the Customer Selling Price is $125 Thus, the supplier selling price is $100. Thus, the customer margin would be $25.

In the given equations, the customer selling price, supplier selling price, and customer margin are computed as follows:

Customer Selling Price:

The customer selling price is calculated by dividing the supplier selling price by 1 minus the customer margin percentage. It represents the price at which the product is sold to the end customer, including the desired margin. For example, if the supplier selling price is $100 and the customer margin percentage is 20%, the customer selling price would be:

Customer Selling Price = $100 / (1 - 0.20) = $125

Supplier Selling Price:

The supplier selling price is determined by subtracting the customer margin amount from the customer selling price. It represents the price at which the product is sold by the manufacturer to the channel partner. For instance, if the customer selling price is $125 and the customer margin amount is $25, the supplier selling price would be:

Supplier Selling Price = $125 - $25 = $100

Customer Margin:

The customer margin represents the profit or markup percentage or amount added to the cost of the product. It can be calculated by subtracting the supplier selling price from the customer selling price. For our example, with a customer selling price of $125 and a supplier selling price of $100, the customer margin would be:

Customer Margin = $125 - $100 = $25

By applying these equations, companies can analyze and evaluate the profitability of their distribution channels. The specific values will vary depending on the company, product, and market conditions.

Learn more about customer here:


Determine the service level using the given value:
Cs = 5,000.00
Ce = 2,800.00
Quality is like doing business with no intention to grow because quality 1s one of the
main things that customers are bearing in mind when buying products or availing
services. Quality can be the reason of company’s stability and capability to operate in
the world of business competition.


The service level for the given value of Cs and Ce of the business is 44%.

The service level can be determined using the given values of Cs and Ce.

The formula to determine the service level is SL = (Cs-Ce)/Cs, where SL stands for service level, Cs represents the total number of customers served, and Ce represents the number of customers who experienced an error while availing of the service. Substituting the given values, we get:

SL = (Cs-Ce)/Cs = (5,000-2,800)/5,000 = 0.44 or 44%

Quality is important for businesses as it contributes to customer satisfaction, loyalty, and retention. High-quality products and services can help businesses differentiate themselves from competitors and establish a good reputation. This can lead to repeat business, positive word-of-mouth advertising, and increased revenue.

Additionally, quality can help businesses reduce costs by reducing errors, defects, and waste. By focusing on quality, businesses can improve efficiency, productivity, and profitability. Therefore, quality is not just important for customers, but also for businesses themselves.

To know more about customer satisfaction click on below link:


Jonathan borrowed $8,000 at 5% annual compound interest. He agreed to repay the loan with 5 equal annual payments at end-of-years 1-5. How much of the annual payment is interest, and how much principal is there in each annual payment?


The formula of annual payment is to be used, which is

Annual payment = PV * [r / (1 - (1 + r)^(-n))], where:

PV = present value of the loan = $8,000

r = interest rate = 5%

n = number of payments = 5

Annual payment = $8,000 * [0.05 / (1 - (1 + 0.05)^(-5))]

Annual payment = $1,885.71

Now that we knowthe annual payment, we can calculate the interest and principal portions of each payment. We can do this by using the following formulas:

Interest portion = Annual payment * (1 + r)^(n-1)

Principal portion = Annual payment - Interest portion

Plugging in the values, we get:

Interest portion for year 1 = $1,885.71 * (1 + 0.05)^0 = $442.85

Principal portion for year 1 = $1,885.71 - $442.85 = $1,442.86

Interest portion for year 2 = $1,885.71 * (1 + 0.05)^1 = $464.29

Principal portion for year 2 = $1,885.71 - $464.29 = $1,421.42

Interest portion for year 3 = $1,885.71 * (1 + 0.05)^2 = $486.48

Principal portion for year 3 = $1,885.71 - $486.48 = $1,409.23

Interest portion for year 4 = $1,885.71 * (1 + 0.05)^3 = $509.35

Principal portion for year 4 = $1,885.71 - $509.35 = $1,376.36

Interest portion for year 5 = $1,885.71 * (1 + 0.05)^4 = $533.04

Principal portion for year 5 = $1,885.71 - $533.04 = $1,352.67

In conclusion, the annual payment is $1,885.71. The interest portion of each payment is as follows:

Year 1: $442.85

Year 2: $464.29

Year 3: $486.48

Year 4: $509.35

Year 5: $533.04

The principal portion of each payment is as follows:

Year 1: $1,442.86

Year 2: $1,421.42

Year 3: $1,409.23

Year 4: $1,376.36

Year 5: $1,352.67

To know more about compound interest, click here:-


on may 25, mt. bramble company received a $638 check from douglas fir for services to be performed in the future. the bookkeeper for mt. bramble company incorrectly debited cash for $638 and credited accounts receivable for $638. the amounts have been posted to the ledger. to correct this entry, the bookkeeper should: debit accounts receivable $638 and credit cash $638. debit accounts receivable $638 and credit unearned service revenue $638. debit cash $638 and credit unearned service revenue $638. o debit accounts receivable $638 and credit service revenue $638.


In conclusion, the bookkeeper should follow the correct accounting procedures to avoid errors that could misrepresent the financial condition of the company.

The transaction in question involves a mistake in the accounting record of Mt. Bramble Company. The error was in recording the payment received from Douglas Fir and crediting accounts receivable instead of unearned revenue. This mistake implies that revenue was recognized before being earned, and it must be corrected by adjusting the accounting record. The correction requires that the bookkeeper debits accounts receivable for $638 and credit service revenue for $638. This ensures that the revenue earned by Mt. Bramble Company is properly recorded. Therefore, the correct option is: `debit accounts receivable $638 and credit service revenue $638.`
In accrual accounting, revenue is recognized when it is earned, and expenses are recognized when they are incurred, regardless of the timing of the cash flows. Therefore, the mistake made by the bookkeeper in recording the transaction involving Douglas Fir payment has violated the revenue recognition principle. The principle requires that revenue should be recognized only when it is earned. If the company recognizes revenue before it is earned, the financial statement will show inflated profits, which will mislead investors and creditors.
To correct the error, the bookkeeper must debit accounts receivable for $638 and credit service revenue for $638. This journal entry will adjust the accounting record to reflect the proper amount of revenue earned by Mt. Bramble Company. It will also ensure that the financial statements are accurate and reliable.

To know more about bookkeeper visit:


Sales of tablet computers at Ted Glickman's electronics store in Washington, D.C., over the past 10 weeks are shown in the table below: 2 3 4 5 Week Demand 1 21 6 7 8 9 10 25 29 36 20 26 30 23 27 38 a


a) Using exponential smoothing with a=0.5, the forecasted demand for each week, including week 10, is calculated.

b) The MAD is computed by averaging the absolute differences between actual demand and forecast.

c) The tracking signal is obtained by dividing the cumulative error by the MAD, providing insights into forecast accuracy.

a) To forecast the demand for each week, including week 10, using exponential smoothing with a=0.5 and an initial forecast of 20, we can apply the formula:

Forecast for Week t = (1 - α) * Actual Demand for Week t-1 + α * Forecast for Week t-1

Using this formula, we can calculate the forecast for each week:

Week 1: Forecast = (1 - 0.5) * 20 + 0.5 * 20 = 20

Week 2: Forecast = (1 - 0.5) * 20 + 0.5 * 20 = 20

Week 3: Forecast = (1 - 0.5) * 21 + 0.5 * 20 = 20.5

Week 4: Forecast = (1 - 0.5) * 28 + 0.5 * 20.5 = 24.25

Week 5: Forecast = (1 - 0.5) * 37 + 0.5 * 24.25 = 30.625

Week 6: Forecast = (1 - 0.5) * 25 + 0.5 * 30.625 = 27.8125

Week 7: Forecast = (1 - 0.5) * 29 + 0.5 * 27.8125 = 28.90625

Week 8: Forecast = (1 - 0.5) * 36 + 0.5 * 28.90625 = 32.953125

Week 9: Forecast = (1 - 0.5) * 22 + 0.5 * 32.953125 = 27.9765625

Week 10: Forecast = (1 - 0.5) * 25 + 0.5 * 27.9765625 = 26.98828125

b) To compute the Mean Absolute Deviation (MAD), we need to calculate the difference between the actual demand and the forecast for each week, and then take the average of the absolute values of these differences. The MAD helps measure the accuracy of the forecast.

MAD = (|Actual Demand - Forecast| + |Actual Demand - Forecast| + ... + |Actual Demand - Forecast|) / Number of Weeks

c) To compute the Tracking Signal, we need to divide the cumulative error (sum of the differences between actual demand and forecast) by the MAD.

Tracking Signal = Cumulative Error / MAD

The tracking signal indicates whether the forecast tends to overestimate or underestimate the actual demand.

For more such questions on demand visit:


Note the complete question is :

Sales Of Tablet Computers At Ted Glickman's Electronics Store In Washington,D,C., Over The Past 10 Weeeks Are Shown In The Table Below: Week Damand 1 20 2 21 3 28 4 37 5 25 6 29 7 36 8 22 9 25 10 28 A)Forecast Demand For Each Week, Including Week

Sales of tablet computers at Ted Glickman's electronics store in Washington,D,C., over the past 10 weeeks are shown in the table below:

Week Damand

1 20

2 21

3 28

4 37

5 25

6 29

7 36

8 22

9 25

10 28

a)Forecast demand for each week, including week 10, using exponential smoothing with a=0.5 (initial forecast=20)

b)Compute the MAD

c)Compute the tracking signal? Answer in 200 word with one line summary of each part?

On 13 milyet wered The difference between a broker and a dealer is Select one 100 Flag Brokorn bring together buyers and sellers, but carry no inventory center stand ready to buy and sell from their inventory Broker transact in stocks and bonds currency is bought and hold through dealera. c. Brokers have their firm's money at nak b.


A broker is a mediator who links sellers and buyers, while a dealer is a purchaser and vendor who performs orders from its portfolio.

They are two different individuals that are working together for a business transaction. A broker brings together buyers and sellers, but carry no inventory. They are hired by the seller to locate a buyer or by the buyer to locate a seller. The primary distinction between a broker and a dealer is that a broker does not buy or sell stocks; instead, they seek to bring buyers and sellers together to negotiate an agreement, while a dealer trades on their own behalf and maintains an inventory of securities. A broker is not directly linked to the assets that are being purchased or sold. In contrast, a dealer is a market-maker that maintains an inventory of securities and stands ready to buy and sell from their inventory. Dealers keep an inventory of securities and stand ready to buy or sell at any moment. Dealers' revenue comes from the difference between the buying and selling price of securities, whereas brokers' revenue comes from a fee for their services. In conclusion, brokers are intermediaries that match buyers and sellers, while dealers hold an inventory of securities and buy or sell for their own account.

To know more about mediator visit :-


Which of the followings should be considered when dealing with business conflicts? The implications of accepting the opportunity on existing client relationships and engagements The impacted party is


The correct option for business conflict, considering the factors mentioned, would be: 1. The implications of accepting the opportunity on existing client relationships and engagements.

When dealing with business conflicts, it is important to assess how accepting the opportunity or resolving the conflict may impact the relationships and engagements with existing clients. This involves considering potential consequences such as client satisfaction, trust, and the overall business relationship. Understanding and mitigating any negative effects on client relationships is crucial for maintaining long-term partnerships and client retention.

The factor mentioned in the second option, whether the impacted party is an audit client or not, is also relevant but is not a general consideration for all business conflicts. It specifically applies to conflicts involving audit clients and their unique regulatory requirements and professional standards. Therefore, it may not be applicable to every business conflict scenario.

learn more about Business conflict here:


You need $10,000 in 6 years at 4.5% annual compounded quarterly
How much do you need to deposit quarterly to get to your goal?


To accumulate $10,000 in 6 years at a 4.5% annual compounded quarterly interest rate, you would need to deposit approximately $7,637.82 every quarter.

To calculate the quarterly deposit required to reach a goal of $10,000 in 6 years with a 4.5% annual compounded quarterly interest rate, we can use the formula for compound interest:

[tex]A = P(1 + r/n)^{(nt)}[/tex]


A = Total amount after time t

P = Principal amount (initial deposit)

r = Annual interest rate (in decimal form)

n = Number of times interest is compounded per year

t = Number of years

We need to solve for the quarterly deposit amount, P, so we rearrange the formula:

[tex]P = A / (1 + r/n)^{(nt)}[/tex]

Substituting the given values, we have:

A = $10,000

r = 4.5% = 0.045

n = 4 (quarterly compounding)

t = 6 years

[tex]P = $10,000 / (1 + 0.045/4)^{(4*6)}[/tex]

[tex]P = $10,000 / (1 + 0.01125)^{(24)}[/tex]

[tex]P = $10,000 / (1.01125)^{(24)}[/tex]

P ≈ $10,000 / 1.308756

P ≈ $7,637.82

Therefore, you would need to deposit approximately $7,637.82 every quarter for 6 years, compounded quarterly at a 4.5% interest rate, in order to reach your goal of $10,000.

To know more about interest rate refer here:


If current interest rate is 28%, a Treasury Bill with 91 days to maturity, and a face value of GH¢ 50,000 should have a market value of?


The market value of the Treasury Bill is approximately GH¢ 46,632.21.

The market value of a Treasury Bill with 91 days to maturity, a face value of GH¢ 50,000, and a current interest rate of 28% can be calculated as follows:

Market Value = Face Value / (1 + (Interest Rate * Time))

Market Value = 50,000 / (1 + (0.28 * (91/365)))

Market Value ≈ 50,000 / (1 + 0.07027)

Market Value ≈ 46,632.21 GH¢

To calculate the market value of the Treasury Bill, we use the formula for present value, which considers the face value, interest rate, and time to maturity. In this case, the face value is GH¢ 50,000, the interest rate is 28%, and the time to maturity is 91 days (or approximately 0.25 years).

By substituting the values into the formula and performing the calculations, we find that the market value of the Treasury Bill is approximately GH¢ 46,632.21.

Therefore, the market value of the Treasury Bill is approximately GH¢ 46,632.21.

To know more about market value, refer here:


TU bookstore has been buying tablets in an optimal fashion using EOQ analysis. The ordering cost is $100 per order. The carrying cost is $1.50 per unit per month. The product cost is $650 per unit.


This means that they will need to order 1,549 tablets every time they place an order, instead of ordering a different amount each time.

TU bookstore has been ordering tablets in an optimal fashion using EOQ analysis. EOQ (Economic Order Quantity) is an approach used to determine the optimal quantity of inventory to order at any one time. The bookstore is well aware of the ordering cost, carrying cost and product cost.Ordering cost is the cost incurred by the TU bookstore each time they place an order. In this case, the ordering cost is $100 per order. The carrying cost is the cost of holding inventory. In this case, the carrying cost is $1.50 per unit per month. The product cost is the cost of the tablets. In this case, the product cost is $650 per unit.Using EOQ analysis, TU bookstore can determine the optimal quantity of tablets they need to order at any given time. This will help them to minimize the costs associated with inventory. If TU bookstore orders too little inventory, they will need to place orders more frequently, increasing the ordering cost. If they order too much inventory, they will incur high carrying costs. The optimal quantity to order at any given time is the one that minimizes the sum of the carrying cost and the ordering cost. The formula for calculating EOQ is:

EOQ = sqrt((2 x O x D) / H)

where O is the ordering cost, D is the annual demand and H is the carrying cost per unit per year. Substituting the values given,

EOQ = sqrt((2 x 100 x 1200) / 1.5)

= 1,549

TU bookstore should order 1,549 tablets at any given time to minimize the cost associated with inventory. This means that they will need to order 1,549 tablets every time they place an order, instead of ordering a different amount each time.

To know more about fashion visit;


1. Explain the roles that each of the following participants plays in the financial market and the activities that they partake in. i) Manufacturing firms ii) The government iii) Financial intermediaries iv) Institutional investors


The roles that each of the following participants plays in the financial market and the activities that they partake in are: Manufacturing firms are among the economic agents who rely on financial markets to finance their projects, production plans, and investments.

Manufacturing firms engage in raising long-term capital in financial markets, which can be used to finance new projects, restructure debts, or buy assets. The government: The government is a significant player in the financial market. It is responsible for regulating and supervising the activities of all participants in the financial system, including financial intermediaries. In addition to regulating the market, the government can also participate in the financial markets, raising funds for its operations or investing its resources. Financial intermediaries: These are entities that facilitate transactions between lenders and borrowers in financial markets. They provide a range of services, including financial advice, investment management, and risk management, to their clients.

Examples of financial intermediaries include commercial banks, investment banks, insurance companies, and mutual funds. Institutional investors: Institutional investors are entities that pool money from various investors, and use it to buy securities, such as stocks and bonds, on behalf of their clients. Institutional investors include pension funds, mutual funds, and hedge funds. They play a significant role in financial markets since they hold a significant portion of financial assets, and their trading activities can have a significant impact on market prices.

To know more about financial market refer to:


Consider a product/service that you think represents an innovation but which you have not yet purchased. Using the terms used in the ‘Innovation Diffusion Theory’, indicate why your resistance to this product is high or low.


The product or service that represents an innovation but which has not been purchased yet due to a high level of resistance is a common occurrence. A technology innovation can be the latest version of the phone or a new app that has been launched.

The Innovation Diffusion Theory explains why people may be resistant or may embrace innovation. According to this theory, five factors influence innovation adoption. These are the relative advantage, compatibility, complexity, trialability, and observability of the innovation. Relative advantage: Relative advantage refers to how an innovation is perceived as superior to the existing technology. If people feel the product is of value, they will be more likely to purchase it. If there is no perceived benefit, people will resist innovation. For example, people will upgrade their mobile devices to obtain new features. Compatibility: The compatibility factor refers to whether an innovation can be integrated into an individual's lifestyle. If people believe the innovation can't be integrated into their lives, they will resist. For example, elderly people may resist using smart home technology as they may not be tech-savvy. Complexity: Complexity is the degree of difficulty in understanding and using an innovation. If an innovation is too complex, people will resist it. For example, people may resist using blockchain as they don't understand it. Trialability: The trialability of an innovation refers to the degree to which an innovation can be tried before committing to it. The less risk associated with trying an innovation, the more likely people are to try it. For example, software can be tried before purchasing. Observability: Observability is how visible the results of the innovation are. If an innovation's benefits can be easily observed, people will adopt it. For example, people will embrace electric cars when they see their benefits in use. In conclusion, if a person's resistance to an innovation is low, it means that the innovation has a high relative advantage, is compatible, simple, can be tried before purchase, and has visible benefits. On the other hand, if resistance is high, it means the innovation lacks one or more of these factors.

To know more about innovation visit :


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Calculate the profit per unit of each product using the current system of overhead absorption Given the information below: A medical student at a community college in city Q wants to study the factors affecting the systolic blood pressure of a person (Y). Generally, the systolic blood pressure depends on the BMl of a person (B) and the age of the person A. She wants to test whether or not the BMI has a significant effect on the systolic blood pressure, keeping the age of the person constant. For her study, she collects a random sample of 175 patients from the city and estimates the following regression function: Y^=15.50+1.55B+0.57A.(0.50)(0.35) The test statistic of the study the student wants to conduct (H0:1=0 vs. H1:1=0), keeping other variables constant corresponds to a p-value of ? Hint: Write your answer to three decimal places. Hint two: You will have to reference a z table to find a p-value. 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