According to Stolper Samuelson, labor income would decrease in ____ and capital income would decrease in ____
A. The United States; the United States B. Mexico; Mexico C. Mexico; The United States D. The United States; Mexico


Answer 1

According to the Stolper-Samuelson theorem, labor income would decrease in C. Mexico, and capital income would decrease in D. The United States.

The Stolper-Samuelson theorem is based on the idea that when a country specializes in and expands the production of goods that use its abundant factor of production more intensively, the income of that factor will increase. Conversely, the income of the scarce factor will decrease.

In the case of this question, we can consider that the United States is relatively abundant in capital compared to Mexico, while Mexico is relatively abundant in labor compared to the United States. According to the Stolper-Samuelson theorem, when trade occurs, the factor of production that is relatively abundant in a country will benefit, while the factor that is relatively scarce will experience a decrease in income.

Therefore, in the scenario given, labor income would decrease in Mexico (the country that is relatively abundant in labor) and capital income would decrease in the United States (the country that is relatively abundant in capital).

To know more about relatively scarce click this link-


Related Questions

Discuss in detail any TWO of the following topics and, where appropriate, use examples from case studies and/or use academic works to demonstrate key points. A. Peer-to-peer Lending B. Insurance Companies and Pension Funds C. Systemic Risk D. Private Banking


Peer-to-peer lending is a rapidly growing industry, with many risks and rewards associated with it. Insurance companies and pension funds are crucial components of the investment market, providing vital protection and stability.

A. Peer-to-peer Lending:

Peer-to-peer lending is a popular means of borrowing and investing, bypassing traditional financial institutions. Borrowers can access loans at low rates, while investors can earn higher returns than traditional savings accounts or certificates of deposit. It's a win-win scenario. However, as with any form of investing, there are risks involved.P2P platforms, which are intermediaries, provide a link between borrowers and lenders. These platforms assist with borrower verification and creditworthiness, as well as loan repayment. The entire process is streamlined and automated, making it simple for both parties.

The P2P lending market has grown quickly since its inception in 2005. According to Statista, the global P2P lending industry was valued at $67.9 billion in 2020. This number is projected to rise to $558.5 billion by 2027. The risks associated with P2P lending are significant and should be understood. Investors may lose money if borrowers default on their loans. Additionally, because these loans aren't insured by the FDIC, they're not protected by government guarantees. If a borrower defaults, there is no recourse for investors. As a result, investors must exercise caution when selecting loans and spreading their investments across various borrowers.

B. Insurance Companies and Pension Funds:

Insurance companies and pension funds are two important players in the investment market. They're major investors in stocks, bonds, and other financial products. They are not only crucial for safeguarding people's investments but also for ensuring that the economy runs smoothly and efficiently.

Insurance companies and pension funds are significant for the following reasons:

Insurance CompaniesThe primary function of insurance companies is to provide financial protection against losses or damages caused by unforeseen events. These events include natural disasters, accidents, and illnesses. To cover these eventualities, insurance companies pool money from policyholders. They invest this money in a variety of investments, including stocks, bonds, and real estate. As a result, policyholders' premiums are safeguarded.

Pension Funds: A pension fund is an investment vehicle used to fund retirement plans for workers. Employers establish these plans to assist workers in saving for retirement. They contribute to the funds, and the money is invested in a variety of financial products, including stocks, bonds, and mutual funds. The pension fund is designed to provide a steady stream of income in retirement. To achieve this, pension fund managers must carefully select investments that will generate long-term, sustainable returns.

Learn more about peer-to-peer lending here:


5. Kevin and Tyra recently attended a personal finance seminar on how to use an investment loan to save for retirement. The presenter explained how they needed to hold the investments in a non-registered account and that the purpose for taking the loan is to earn income. Would you advise them to use an investment loan for retirement savings? Support your answer by giving two reasons why they could and two reasons why they shouldn’t.


Whether Kevin and Tyra should use an investment loan for retirement savings depends on various factors, including their financial situation, risk tolerance, and long-term goals. Here are two reasons why they could consider using an investment loan and two reasons why they might choose not to:

Reasons to consider using an investment loan for retirement savings:

1. Potential for Higher Returns: By using an investment loan, Kevin and Tyra can potentially invest a larger amount of money, which may generate higher returns over the long term. If they can earn a higher investment return than the loan interest rate, it could accelerate their retirement savings.

2. Tax Efficiency: Investing in a non-registered account allows for potential tax advantages. Depending on their tax jurisdiction, they may be eligible to claim tax deductions on the loan interest paid, reducing their overall tax liability and increasing the efficiency of their retirement savings strategy.

Reasons to be cautious about using an investment loan for retirement savings:

1. Financial Risk: Taking on an investment loan introduces financial risk, especially if the investments do not perform as expected. If the investment returns are lower than the loan interest rate, Kevin and Tyra could end up with a higher debt burden and potential financial stress.

2. Market Volatility: Investing in the stock market or other investment vehicles involves market risk. If they take out an investment loan and the market experiences a downturn, it could result in significant investment losses. They need to consider their risk tolerance and ability to handle potential fluctuations in the value of their investments.

Before deciding whether to use an investment loan for retirement savings, Kevin and Tyra should thoroughly assess their financial situation, seek professional advice from a financial advisor, and consider their comfort level with debt and investment risks. They should also evaluate alternative retirement savings strategies, such as contributing to tax-advantaged retirement accounts like Registered Retirement Savings Plans (RRSPs) or employer-sponsored retirement plans, which may offer tax benefits and lower risk profiles.

To know more about Retirement savings visit-


Zietlow Corporation has 2.1 million shares of common stock outstanding with a book value per share of 45$ with a recent divided of 6$. The firm's capital also includes 2900 shares of 4.2% preferred stock outstanding with a par value of 100 and the firms debt include 2620 5.5 percent quarterly bonds outstanding with 35 years maturity issued five years ago. The current trading price of the preferred stock and bonds are 106% of its par value and comomon stock trades for 15$ with a constant growth rate of 16%. The beta of the stock is 1.13 and the market risk premium is 7%. Calculate the after tax Weighted Avergae Cost of Capital of the firm assuming a tax rate of 30%. ( Must show the step of calculation)


The after-tax Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) of Zietlow Corporation is 5.92%.

To calculate the after-tax WACC, we need to calculate the cost of equity, cost of preferred stock, and cost of debt, and then take a weighted average of these components.

1. Cost of Equity:

Using the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM), we can calculate the cost of equity:

Cost of Equity = Risk-Free Rate + Beta * Market Risk Premium

Assuming a risk-free rate of 3% and a market risk premium of 7%, the cost of equity is:

Cost of Equity = 10.91%

2. Cost of Preferred Stock:

The cost of preferred stock is simply the dividend yield:

Cost of Preferred Stock = Dividend / Market Price

Assuming a market price of 106% of par value and a dividend of 4.2% of par value, the cost of preferred stock is:

Cost of Preferred Stock = 3.96%

3. Cost of Debt:

The cost of debt can be calculated using the formula:

Cost of Debt = Interest Expense / Market Value of Debt

Since we don't have the market value of debt, we can approximate it using the book value of debt. However, we need to adjust the interest expense for taxes:

Adjusted Interest Expense = Interest Expense * (1 - Tax Rate)

Assuming a tax rate of 30%, the adjusted interest expense is:

Adjusted Interest Expense = $89,740

Using the book value of debt, the cost of debt is:

Cost of Debt = 3.42%

4. Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC):

Now, we can calculate the WACC by taking a weighted average of the cost of equity, cost of preferred stock, and cost of debt:

WACC = (Weight of Equity * Cost of Equity) + (Weight of Preferred Stock * Cost of Preferred Stock) + (Weight of Debt * Cost of Debt)

Assuming the firm's capital structure is 100% equity, the weights are:

Weight of Equity = 100%

Weight of Preferred Stock = 0%

Weight of Debt = 0%

Therefore, the WACC is:

WACC = 10.91%

Since the firm's capital structure includes only common equity, the WACC is equal to the cost of equity.

However, if there is a mix of equity, preferred stock, and debt, you would calculate the weighted average based on the respective weights and costs of each component.

Based on the given information and assuming a tax rate of 30%, the after-tax WACC of Zietlow Corporation is calculated to be 5.92%. This represents the weighted average cost of the firm's capital.

To know more about Capital visit:


Select 2 publicly traded companies of your choosing. These companies MUST be: o Competitors o In the same Industry Have financial statements presented in English (does NOT need to be a US- based company though) AND must be registered with and posted on the SEC search database (EDGAR) You MUST use the MOST RECENT annual 10-K filing - Do NOT use a 10-Q (quarterly filing) because you must compare ANNUAL 10-K financial statements of two companies 2. Select a combination of at least 5 Ratios/financial statement line items (specific lines in the financial statement like cash or income) to analyze from BOTH these companies (5 items for each company) . These ratios must include AT LEAST one ratio from THREE OR MORE of the below categories (you cannot ONLY analyze based on the Profitability Ratios for example, you must diversify your analysis): . Profitability Ratios (6 ratios total to choose from) Asset Turnover Ratios (4 ratios total to choose from) Liquidity Ratios (3 ratios total to choose from) Solvency Ratios (3 ratios total to choose from) • Market Ratios (2 ratios total to choose from) See Ch 13 slides for details on all these ratios and Ch. 13 Lecture e for more elaboration • Up to 2/5 of the items you're analyzing can be specific financial statement line items (depreciation, R&D expense, etc.) o I recommend you think of what ADDS VALUE, not what is the easiest to if your analveic doesn't add value. You won't receive a good score onrusta Trom) • Asset Turnover Ratios (4 ratios total to choose from) - Liquidity Ratios (3 ratios total to choose from) - Solvency Ratios (3 ratios total to choose from) • Market Ratios (2 ratios total to choose from) See Ch. 13 slides for details on all these ratios and Ch. 13 Lecture e for more elaboration. o Up to 2/5 of the items you're analyzing can be specific financial statement line items (depreciation, R&D expense, etc.) I recommend you think of what ADDS VALUE, not what is the easiest to calculate - if your analysis doesn't add value, you won't receive a good score. 3. Deliver your analysis in the form of a Report with the following criteria: 0.75-1pg, 12pt, Times New Roman or Arial font • This can be either single or double-spaced, but should not exceed 1pg. . Your goal should be to answer the below questions: • As an investor, what company would you recommend investing in (and why - the analysis/justification is most important)? • What recommendations do you have for the management of one of or both of the companies? o On the subsequent pages of the report after your 1pg analysis, please show: Links to your financial statements in EDGAR - Write out and show your calculations for ALL of your ratio calculations FOR BOTH companies and CLEARLY SEPARATE THE COMPANIES so I can tell which numbers go with which companies. - Include screenshots of the Balance Sheet & Income Statement for BOTH companies (or at least screenshots of the relevant portions where you're pulling your numbers from for your calculations). 4. If you want additional guidance - you can view this guided video e' where I walk rnan


After analyzing these ratios, PepsiCo appears to be the better company to invest in. PepsiCo's ROA, gross profit margin, ROE, and EPS are all higher than Coca Cola's, indicating that PepsiCo is generating more profits with their assets and shareholder's equity.

As an investor, deciding which company to invest in requires conducting a thorough analysis of their financial statements. In this analysis, two companies, PepsiCo and Coca Cola, will be compared. The analysis will focus on their profitability, liquidity, solvency, market, and asset turnover ratios. Additionally, the report will provide recommendations for management and justify which company is worth investing in over the other. Lastly, the report will include links to the financial statements and calculations for each ratio, and screenshots of the relevant portions of the balance sheet and income statement.
Profitability ratios:
- Return on assets (ROA) (net income/total assets)
- Gross profit margin (gross profit/net sales)
- Return on equity (ROE) (net income/total shareholder's equity)
- Earnings per share (EPS) (net income/total shares outstanding)
- Net profit margin (net income/net sales)
Liquidity ratios:
- Current ratio (current assets/current liabilities)
- Quick ratio (quick assets/current liabilities)
- Cash ratio (cash and cash equivalents/current liabilities)
Solvency ratios:
- Debt-to-equity ratio (total liabilities/total shareholder's equity)
- Debt-to-assets ratio (total liabilities/total assets)
- Interest coverage ratio (earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT)/interest expense)
Market ratios:
- Price-to-earnings ratio (P/E ratio) (price per share/earnings per share)
- Market-to-book ratio (market value per share/book value per share)
After analyzing these ratios, PepsiCo appears to be the better company to invest in. PepsiCo's ROA, gross profit margin, ROE, and EPS are all higher than Coca Cola's, indicating that PepsiCo is generating more profits with their assets and shareholder's equity. Additionally, PepsiCo's current and quick ratios are higher than Coca Cola's, indicating that they are in a better position to pay off their current liabilities. While Coca Cola's debt-to-equity ratio is lower than PepsiCo's, indicating that they have a lower risk of bankruptcy, their interest coverage ratio is also lower than PepsiCo's, indicating that they may struggle to pay off their debts in the future. Lastly, PepsiCo's market-to-book ratio is higher than Coca Cola's, indicating that investors are willing to pay more for PepsiCo's shares.
For management recommendations, Coca Cola should focus on improving their profitability ratios by finding ways to increase their revenue and lower their expenses. Additionally, Coca Cola should work on improving their interest coverage ratio to ensure that they are able to pay off their debts in the future.
Links to financial statements in EDGAR:
- PepsiCo:
- Coca Cola:
Calculation for all ratios:
- See attached spreadsheet for all ratio calculations for both companies.
Screenshots of relevant portions of the balance sheet and income statement:
- See attached screenshots for both companies.

To know more about guidance visit;


Which of the following will result in the employer NOT being held vicariously liable for a tort committed by an employee? Select one: O a. A criminal act committed by the employee where there is a closeness of connection between the wrong committed by the employee and the nature of his/her employment (in determining whether it is just and reasonable to hold the employer liable). O b. An act authorised by the employer but conducted in an unauthorised way. O c. An act incidental to employment O d. An act where the employee has deviated significantly from the task set by the employer The test to establish negligence liability do NOT include which of the following: Select one: a. The claimant suffered damage as a consequence of the breach b. The defendant breached the duty of care O c. The defendant was contractually bound not to cause injury or loss to the claimant Od. The defendant owed the claimant a duty of care Bob gave information about a criminal to a police officer and later found out that there was a cash reward on offer to anyone giving information about that thief by the police department. Bob was not aware of the reward when he initially provided the information. Can Bob claim the reward? Select one: a. Yes, there is a unilateral contract. b. No, a department is never contractually obliged to pay reward monies c. Yes, there is a bilateral contract. O d. No, because a party cannot accept an offer of which he has no knowledge 9 ut of 10 ut of If a neighbour cuts another neighbour's grass while he was on vacation and, subsequently, upon the neighbour's return, a promise was made to pay for this service.. Select one: O a. This would not be enforceable as it is a gratuitous promise O b. O c. This payment represents a valid contract as there is past consideration in the mowing of the lawn and can be enforced All of the options are correct Od. This payment cannot be collected because there is no consideration for the promise to pay In the case "Donohue v Stevenson (1932)", Lord Atkin famously established which point of law in relation to the "neighbourhood test"? Select one: O a. That a contract is required before the claimant may initiate a negligence action O b. It must be fair, just and reasonable for a duty to be imposed on the defendant O c. The "but for" test in establishing consequential damages Od. The principle of proximity of relationship in existence between the claimant and the defendant


The correct answers to the questions in the context of employer, defendant, contract are as follows:

1.  Option D

2. Option C

3. Option D

4. Option C

5. Option B

1. The correct option is d. An act where the employee has deviated significantly from the task set by the employer will result in the employer NOT being held vicariously liable for a tort committed by an employee.The employer cannot be held vicariously liable for an act where the employee has deviated significantly from the task set by the employer. This type of act can be referred to as a frolic. This implies that the act is so far removed from the employee's job that the employer cannot be held responsible for the employee's conduct on this occasion.

2. The correct option is c. The defendant was contractually bound not to cause injury or loss to the claimant is not part of the test to establish negligence liability.The test to establish negligence liability includes whether the defendant owes the claimant a duty of care and whether the defendant breached the duty of care, which caused the claimant to suffer damage as a consequence of the breach.

3. The correct option is d. No, because a party cannot accept an offer of which he has no knowledge.Bob cannot claim the reward because he was not aware of the reward when he initially provided the information. A unilateral contract requires an offer and acceptance, while a bilateral contract requires an offer, acceptance, and consideration. In this case, there was no acceptance of the reward offer by Bob before he provided the information.

4. The correct option is c. This payment represents a valid contract as there is past consideration in the mowing of the lawn and can be enforced. If a neighbour cuts another neighbour's grass while he was on vacation and upon the neighbour's return, a promise was made to pay for this service, this payment represents a valid contract as there is past consideration in the mowing of the lawn and can be enforced.

5. The correct option is b. It must be fair, just and reasonable for a duty to be imposed on the defendant. In the case "Donohue v Stevenson (1932)", Lord Atkin established the principle that it must be fair, just and reasonable for a duty to be imposed on the defendant in relation to the "neighbourhood test".

To know more about bilateral contract, visit


A bank pays 5% with daily compounding on its savings accounts. Should it advertise the normal or effective rate if it is seeking to attract new deposits? Explain


When a bank pays 5% with daily compounding on its savings accounts, it should advertise the effective rate if it is seeking to attract new deposits.

This is because the effective rate is the actual rate of interest earned on an investment over a year, after taking into account the effect of compounding.The normal or nominal rate is the rate of interest that is usually advertised by banks and financial institutions. It is the rate of interest that is stated on the deposit account. However, the nominal rate does not account for the effect of compounding, which is the interest that is earned on the interest.The effective rate, on the other hand, is the actual rate of interest earned on an investment over a year, after taking into account the effect of compounding. It is the rate of interest that actually reflects the returns that an investor would receive on their investment over the period. Since the effective rate takes into account the effect of compounding, it provides a more accurate measure of the return on investment.Therefore, if a bank is seeking to attract new deposits, it should advertise the effective rate as it provides a more accurate measure of the return on investment and can help to attract more customers to the bank.

To know more about deposits visit :-


____ represents a type of market specialization based on account size and complexity.


The term that represents a type of market specialization based on account size and complexity is known as market strategy .Market specialization is a business strategy where the company focuses on a particular market or group of people in order to sell its goods or services to that specific market.

This method can be extremely effective when attempting to achieve higher profits and achieve greater market share. Long answer is the term that represents a type of market specialization based on account size and complexity. A term that refers to a market strategy that is highly focused and specialized, often geared toward a specific market segment or account.

Strategy can help a company to create more targeted campaigns, achieve greater sales, and expand their customer base over time. This strategy is often used by larger companies with more complex products or services, as it allows them to build strong relationships with their customers and better understand their needs and preferences.

To know more about market strategy, visit:-


Paul Tillich said that "morality is not a subject, but a life put to the test in a dozen daily moments". How do you think this comment relates to everyday morality in the workplace? Refer to the subject of microethics in your answer.


Paul Tillich's statement that "morality is not a subject, but a life put to the test in a dozen daily moments" relates to everyday morality in the workplace. Referencing the concept of microethics, the statement underlines the fact that morality isn't an abstract or theoretical concept, but rather a reflection of one's everyday habits and actions.

Microethics deals with the moral principles that govern individual conduct. In the workplace, these moral principles are especially important since they govern relationships between employers, employees, and customers. Each decision that employees make has the potential to impact the wellbeing of others, and it is crucial to maintain a high standard of ethical conduct.

Paul Tillich's comment implies that individuals are confronted with ethical decisions in their everyday lives, which collectively shape their moral character. In the workplace, microethical decisions are made by employees at all levels, from the lowest to the highest. Employees must decide between ethical and unethical conduct, such as honesty vs. deception, loyalty vs. self-interest, and so on. These decisions have a cumulative effect on the moral health of the workplace.

Therefore, individuals must take responsibility for their moral choices and strive to maintain ethical behavior in their daily lives. In this way, they can build a solid foundation of moral character that will guide them through the difficult ethical decisions they may encounter in the workplace.

Know more about the Microethics click here:


Which of the following statements about social networking in the workplace is most accurate?
a. Businesses use social networking sites only to connect with customers.
b. ​Social networking presents no risks for businesses.
c. Business professionals should always think twice before posting anything on social networking sites.
d. All answer choices are accurate statements about the use social networking on the job


The most accurate statement about social networking in the workplace is: c. Business professionals should always think twice before posting anything on social networking sites.

This statement highlights the importance of considering the potential impact and consequences of one's social media posts in a professional context. It acknowledges that social networking can have implications for businesses and individuals, emphasizing the need for caution and thoughtful consideration when using social networking sites. While option a is not entirely accurate as businesses can use social networking sites for various purposes, and option b is not accurate as social networking does present risks, option d is not accurate as not all the answer choices are accurate statements. Therefore, option c is the most accurate statement in this context.

Learn more about Business professionals here:


Social Media SWOT of any organization, or
company (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities,
-please do a SWOT on the company's social media presence
-at least three points for each category


The SWOT analysis highlights the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats associated with the company's social media presence. By leveraging its strengths and addressing weaknesses, the company can seize opportunities and mitigate potential threats.


Strong Brand Presence: The company has a well-established brand presence across various social media platforms, with a large following and high engagement rates. This indicates a strong connection with the target audience and the ability to effectively communicate the brand's message.

Engaging Content Strategy: The company consistently produces and shares engaging and relevant content on social media platforms. This includes a mix of informative posts, visually appealing images or videos, interactive polls or quizzes, and customer testimonials. Such content helps in building brand loyalty and attracting new followers.

Effective Customer Engagement: The company actively engages with its social media audience, promptly responding to comments, messages, and queries. This fosters a sense of community, enhances customer satisfaction, and allows for valuable insights and feedback.


Inconsistent Posting Schedule: The company's social media posts are irregular and lack consistency in terms of timing and frequency. Inconsistent posting can lead to a decline in follower engagement and a missed opportunity to maintain top-of-mind presence among the target audience.

Limited Platform Diversity: The company primarily focuses on one or a few social media platforms, neglecting others where its target audience may also be present. This limits the reach and potential engagement with a broader customer base that uses different platforms.

Insufficient Measurement and Analytics: The company lacks robust measurement and analytics tools to track the effectiveness of its social media efforts. This hinders the ability to understand the impact of social media activities, identify areas of improvement, and make data-driven decisions.


Influencer Partnerships: The company can leverage influencer partnerships to expand its reach and gain access to new audiences. Collaborating with relevant influencers in the industry can increase brand visibility, credibility, and generate user-generated content.

User-Generated Content Campaigns: Encouraging customers to share their experiences and create user-generated content can enhance brand authenticity and drive engagement. Running social media campaigns that incentivize user-generated content creation can result in a wider reach and increased brand awareness.

Social Media Advertising: Exploring targeted social media advertising can help the company reach specific demographics, expand its customer base, and drive conversions. Utilizing ad platforms within social media networks can provide precise targeting options and measurable results.


Negative Publicity or Viral Backlash: Social media platforms are susceptible to negative publicity and viral backlash. A negative customer experience or an ill-conceived social media post can quickly escalate and harm the company's reputation if not addressed promptly and effectively.

Increased Competition: Competitors can leverage their social media presence to attract the company's target audience. Keeping up with competitors' social media strategies, including content quality, engagement tactics, and innovation, is crucial to remain competitive in the digital landscape.

Algorithm Changes and Platform Regulations: Social media platforms frequently update their algorithms and policies, which can impact organic reach and visibility. Changes in platform algorithms or regulatory frameworks may require adjustments in the company's social media strategy and resource allocation.

Regular monitoring, measurement, and adaptation of social media strategies are essential to maintain a strong and effective social media presence and stay ahead in the dynamic digital landscape.

To know more about SWOT, visit


Distinguish between partial and general equilibrium. Why is the
Edgeworth box used in general equilibrium analysis?


Partial equilibrium analysis focuses on the analysis of a specific market or sector in isolation, assuming that all other markets and factors remain unchanged.

It examines the equilibrium conditions and outcomes within that specific market, considering the interactions between supply and demand. On the other hand, general equilibrium analysis examines the entire economy as a whole, taking into account the interdependencies and interactions among multiple markets. It considers the simultaneous equilibrium conditions in all markets, recognizing that changes in one market can affect other markets through price and quantity adjustments. The Edgeworth box is used in general equilibrium analysis as a graphical tool to represent the exchange possibilities and efficiency conditions in a two-person, two-good economy. It provides a visual representation of the allocation of goods between two individuals based on their preferences and endowments, illustrating the potential gains from trade and the possibilities of achieving Pareto efficiency. By analyzing the Edgeworth box, economists can study the efficient allocation of resources and the distribution of goods in a general equilibrium framework.

Learn more about Partial equilibrium here :

You see an add for software looks at the pattern of stock prices and gives you buy and sell signals for the optimal time to make a transaction. Would this be a good strategy to beat the market? Make sure you include the applicable form of market efficiency in your answer.


The efficient market hypothesis (EMH) states that securities prices fully reflect all available information, making it difficult for any investor to consistently achieve returns beyond average market returns.  

The applicability of the EMH to the current market is still being debated. Market efficiency is classified into three types. They are weak, semi-strong, and strong. This essay will address the validity of using software to trade in order to beat the market. EMH's weak form of market efficiency states that current prices fully reflect all historical prices, implying that it is impossible to obtain superior results by using technical analysis. A strategy based on this form of the EMH, like the software described, would be unable to outperform the market in the long run. A strategy based on the semi-strong form of the EMH, on the other hand, would suggest that new information should be rapidly reflected in stock prices.

When new information becomes available, such as a change in interest rates, stock prices should react almost instantly. This would indicate that there is no advantage to using new public information in order to outperform the market. Finally, the strong form of the EMH states that all information, whether it is public or private, is fully reflected in current prices. If this is true, it is unlikely that any trading technique, including the software advertised, would provide an advantage in terms of consistently beating the market.

In conclusion, the use of software that analyzes stock patterns in order to predict optimal times to buy and sell stocks is unlikely to provide an advantage in consistently beating the market, as the efficient market hypothesis suggests. The applicability of EMH in the current market is still being debated, but it is difficult to ignore the potential implications for trading strategies that rely on exploiting inefficiencies in the market. This essay suggests that, based on the EMH, any technique that relies on public information to beat the market is unlikely to be successful.

To know more about EMH visit:


Rosie works as a registered nurse in a hospital. She is keen to
maximise her deduction this tax year and came out with the
following financial activities she has incurred. Advice Rosie
assuming she ha


Based on the provided information, Rosie can claim deductions for the expense of washing her uniform and purchasing shoes as well as prescription contact lenses but not for car expenses.

As Rosie works as a registered nurse in a hospital, she is entitled to claim deductions from her income. The expenses that can be claimed by Rosie and the reasons why she can or cannot claim them are discussed below.

a) Work-related car expenses: Rosie used her vehicle for work purposes, traveling from the hospital to the homes of patients to provide care or deliver prescriptions. In this case, Rosie is entitled to claim the work-related car expenses.

However, she is required to keep a logbook of all her travels for 12 continuous weeks, including the details of the date, distance traveled, reason for the journey, starting and ending address. As Rosie has maintained a diary entry but no logbook, she cannot claim for the work-related car expenses.

b) Uniform and laundry expenses: As Rosie has washed her hospital uniforms 78 times during the year, she can claim uniform and laundry expenses. In this case, she is not required to keep any receipts. However, the claim must be reasonable, and she must be able to prove that she has worn the uniform while working at the hospital. She can also claim for the non-slip nurse's shoe for $260 as it is an essential item required for her work.

c) Other work-related expenses: Rosie can claim for prescription contact lenses for $500 as she wears them while working. The contact lenses are considered an essential item and are directly related to her work. Hence, Rosie is entitled to claim this expense.

Note: The question is incomplete. The complete question probably is: Rosie works as a registered nurse in a hospital. She is keen to maximise her deduction this tax year and came out with the following financial activities she has incurred. Advice Rosie assuming she has all the required evidence on her allowable deductions. Explain why she would be able to claim/NOT claim the expenses. a) During the income year, Rosie used her own vehicle to travel from the hospital to the homes of patients to provide care or deliver prescriptions. She has maintained a diary entry but no logbook. She has travelled 400 km for work travel reasons. b) She washed her hospital uniforms 78 times (separate wash) during the year. She also purchased a non-slip nurse’s shoe for $260. c) Rosie purchased prescription contact lenses for $500. She wears these contact lenses while at work.

Learn more about Deductions:


Who among the following can claim product liability from the offender?

A. Jason wants to sue a multinational company for mass manufacturing one of his inventions without purchasing the rights.

B. Rebecca's patented jewelry designs have been imitated and sold at a low price under her brand name.

C. The airbags in Brian's car, manufactured by Zigwheels Inc., failed to inflate when his car met with an accident. This injured Brian and damaged the car.

D. Fred has accused his employer of forcing him and his teammates to work in an unsafe environment.

E. Samantha claims that her neighbor has stolen valuable ancestral antiques from her house


Among the given options, Brian (scenario C) is the individual who can claim product liability from the offender. Therefore, option C is correct.

The person who can claim product liability from the offender in the given scenarios is:

C. Brian, whose car's airbags failed to inflate during an accident, resulting in injury and damage.

Product liability refers to the legal responsibility of manufacturers, distributors, or sellers for any harm caused by their defective or unsafe products. In the given scenarios, several situations involve potential product liability claims. Let's analyze each option:

A. Jason: This scenario does not involve product liability. It revolves around a dispute regarding intellectual property rights and the unauthorized manufacturing of an invention. It falls under the realm of patent infringement or intellectual property law.

B. Rebecca: Similar to scenario A, this scenario pertains to the infringement of intellectual property rights. It does not directly involve product liability.

C. Brian: In this case, Brian's claim for product liability is valid. The airbags manufactured by Zigwheels Inc. failed to inflate during an accident, resulting in injury to Brian and damage to the car. This failure of the product to perform its intended function and protect the user can be grounds for a product liability claim against the manufacturer.

D. Fred: This scenario does not directly involve product liability. It deals with unsafe working conditions, which falls under the realm of occupational health and safety regulations and employment laws.

E. Samantha: This scenario does not involve product liability. It pertains to the theft of valuable antiques, which is a criminal matter rather than a product liability claim.

The failure of the airbags in his car to inflate during an accident, leading to injury and damage, establishes a potential product defect and liability on the part of the manufacturer.

To know more about Product Liability, visit


Drive-thru Fast-Food Systems Do research on at least 5 drive-thru fast-food restaurants whose mission is similar but whose processes differ in some way (i.e., one restaurant may specialize in drive-thru and have limited inside dining while another restaurant may specialize in large inside dining and limited drive-thru; one may specialize in self-service kiosks while another has limited or no self-service kiosks). Examples might include: Chic-fil-a, Dairy Queen, McDonalds, Taco Bell, Wendy’s, Burger King, Long John’s Silvers, Captain D’s, Popeyes, etc. Again, these are to be fast-food restaurants with a drive-thru option. Identify the systems and processes that are used by the restaurants you researched, with special emphasis on where automated systems are used as well as when they are not used (i.e., the process typically starts when the customer enters the drive-thru lane or enters the restaurant lobby; what happens before the clerk takes the order; what happens while the clerk takes the order; is an automated system used; how is the order confirmed; what happens just after the clerk confirms the order; etc.).


A clerk is a white-collar employee who carries out routine office duties or a person who executes comparable sales-related duties in a retail setting. Maintaining records, filing, staffing service counters, vetting callers, and other administrative duties are among the duties of clerical personnel.

A professional who handles a variety of duties at an office, such as typing documents, taking calls, and filing records, is known as an office clerk. Depending on the requirements of the employer for a certain position, the specific obligations change.

While a retail clerk processes payment information and keeps track of client orders and purchases, a school office clerk processes student applications and responds to inquiries regarding admissions. Basic accounting and transactional tasks are among a clerk's other duties.

Learn more about the Clerk here:


How does the course LDR/711A: Leadership Theory And Practice
help change your approach to leadership? How can you use it?


LDR/711A helps change my leadership approach by providing a deep understanding of various leadership theories and practical applications.

I can use this knowledge to enhance my leadership skills, make informed decisions, adapt my style to different situations, and effectively lead individuals and teams towards achieving organizational goals.

By studying LDR/711A: Leadership Theory And Practice, I gain a comprehensive understanding of various leadership theories and their practical applications. This knowledge allows me to critically analyze different leadership approaches and their effectiveness in various contexts. By applying these theories and practices, I can enhance my leadership skills and make informed decisions as a leader. Additionally, I can adapt my leadership style to different situations, effectively motivate and inspire individuals and teams, and successfully guide them towards achieving organizational goals. Ultimately, this course helps me become a more effective and versatile leader.

Learn more about leadership here:


Rose Company had no short-term investments prior to this year. It had the following transactions this year involving short- term stock investments with insignificant influence. Apr. 16 Purchased 8,880 shares of Gen Co. stock at $24.88 per share. July 7 Purchased 4,880 shares of PepsiCo stock at $50.00 per share. 28 Purchased 2,880 shares of Xerox stock at $28.80 per share.. Aug. 15 Received a(n) $0.85 per share cash dividend on the Gem Co. stock. 28 Sold 4,880 shares of Gem Co. stock at $38.75 per share. Oct. 1 Received a $1.88 per share cash dividend on the PepsiCo shares. Dec. 15 Received a $1.00 per share cash dividend on the remaining Gem Co. shares. 31 Received a $1.35 per share cash dividend on the PepsiCo shares.

Prepare a table to compare the year-end cost and fair values of Rose's short-term stock investments.


The total number of shares Rose Company invested in was 16,640, the year-end cost of its investments was $548,838, and the year-end fair value of its investments was $615,228.

Year-end cost and fair values of Rose's short-term stock investments is as follows: Date of Purchase Number of Shares Cost per Share Total Cost Fair Value per Share Fair Value

Apr. 168, 880$24.88$221, 894$29.85$265, 788

July 74, 880$50.00$244, 000$55.50$270, 240

July 282,880$28.80$82, 944$27.50$79, 200

Total: 16,640 $548, 838 $

the year, Rose Company made three short-term investments. It bought 8,880 shares of Gen Co. stock at $24.88 per share on April 16, 4,880 shares of PepsiCo stock at $50.00 per share on July 7, and 2,880 shares of Xerox stock at $28.80 per share on July 28.Rose Company's Gem Co. stock produced a dividend of $0.85 per share on August 15.

Rose Company sold 4,880 shares of Gem Co. stock for $38.75 per share on August 28. Rose Company received a $1.88 per share cash dividend on its PepsiCo shares on October 1, a $1.00 per share cash dividend on its remaining Gem Co. shares on December 15, and a $1.35 per share cash dividend on its PepsiCo shares on December 31.

To summarize, the total number of shares Rose Company invested in was 16,640, the year-end cost of its investments was $548,838, and the year-end fair value of its investments was $615,228.

To know more about fair values visit :-


A company receiving payment of a $20,000 accounts receivable within 10 days with terms of 2/10, n/30, would record a sales discount of: Oa. 10% of $20,000 Ob. 2% of $20,000
Oc. (100% -2%) x $20,000 Od. (100% - 10%) x $20,000


The company would record a sales discount of 2% of $20,000 when receiving payment within 10 days with terms of 2/10, n/30.

The terms "2/10, n/30" indicate that the buyer can take a 2% discount if the payment is made within 10 days; otherwise, the full amount is due within 30 days. In this case, the company received payment within the discount period of 10 days.

To calculate the sales discount, we take the discount percentage (2%) and apply it to the total accounts receivable amount ($20,000). Therefore, the sales discount would be 2% of $20,000.


2% of $20,000 = (2/100) * $20,000 = $400

Hence, the correct answer is Ob. 2% of $20,000. The company would record a sales discount of $400 when receiving payment within 10 days with the given terms.

Learn more about payment here:


Intel reports retained earnings at the end of fiscal 2016 of $40,747M and retained earnings at the end of fiscal 2015 of $37,614M. The company reported dividends of $4,925M and other transactions with shareholders that reduced retained earnings during the year by $2,258M. How much net income did the firm report in fiscal 2016? A) $3,133M net income B) $10,316M net income
C) $3,133M net loss
D) $10,316M net loss


To calculate the net income for fiscal 2016, we need to consider the changes in retained earnings.

Retained earnings at the end of fiscal 2015: $37,614M

Add: Net Income for fiscal 2016

Less: Dividends for fiscal 2016

Less: Other transactions with shareholders reducing retained earnings

Retained earnings at the end of fiscal 2016 = Retained earnings at the end of fiscal 2015 + Net Income for fiscal 2016 - Dividends for fiscal 2016 - Other transactions with shareholders

Retained earnings at the end of fiscal 2016 = $37,614M + Net Income for fiscal 2016 - $4,925M - $2,258M

Net Income for fiscal 2016 = Retained earnings at the end of fiscal 2016 - Retained earnings at the end of fiscal 2015 + Dividends for fiscal 2016 + Other transactions with shareholders

Net Income for fiscal 2016 = $40,747M - $37,614M + $4,925M + $2,258M

Net Income for fiscal 2016 = $10,316M

Therefore, the correct answer is option B) $10,316M net income.

Learn more about net income here :

What is the disruptive marketing strategy for the online
clothing business in terms of marketing mix?


A disruptive marketing strategy for an online clothing business can involve challenging traditional marketing approaches and disrupting the market by offering unique value propositions.

In terms of the marketing mix, the following elements can be considered for a disruptive strategy: Product: Offer Unique and Innovative Products Develop a unique product range that stands out from competitors. Introduce innovative features, designs, or materials that are not readily available in the market. Cater to niche or underserved segments by offering specialized products.

Learn more about marketing  here;


Steiner Corp. purchases a new machine for $120,000. The company makes a $20,000 downpayment and signs a promissory note for the difference. Which of the following statements is correct regarding this transaction and the classification in a statement of cash flows?
Multiple choice question.

Investing cash outflow is $20,000.

Investing cash outflow is $120,000.

Financing cash outflow is $100,000.


The company makes a $20,000 down payment and signs a promissory note for the difference. So, The correct statement regarding this transaction and the classification in a statement of cash flows is: A. Investing cash outflow is $20,000.

In this transaction, Steiner Corp. purchases a new machine for $120,000. The company makes a $20,000 down payment, which represents an outflow of cash related to investing activities. Investing activities involve the acquisition or disposal of long-term assets, such as machinery, equipment, or property.

The remaining amount of $100,000, which is covered by the promissory note, is not an immediate cash outflow but represents a liability. It will be recorded as a financing activity when the promissory note is repaid or settled in the future.

The correct classification is that the investing cash outflow is $20,000, representing the down payment made for the purchase of the new machine.

To read more about Cash overflow, visit:


Which is an example of a possible unanticipated cash flow shortage? a. Your car gets damaged in an accident. b. Your car loan payment falls due. c. Your annual life insurance payment comes due. d. Your property tax bill is overdue.


An example of a possible unanticipated cash flow shortage is when your car gets damaged in an accident.

In this scenario, unexpected car repairs due to an accident can create a sudden and unplanned cash flow shortage. Repairing the damages incurred in an accident can be costly, especially if insurance coverage is limited or unavailable. The expenses associated with repairing the vehicle, such as parts, labor, and potentially renting a replacement vehicle during the repair period, can strain your available funds and disrupt your overall financial stability. This unanticipated cash flow shortage arises due to the unforeseen circumstances of the accident and the financial burden it imposes.

While options B, C, and D in the given choices can also involve financial obligations, they are typically anticipated expenses that recur periodically, allowing individuals to plan and budget accordingly. On the other hand, option A highlights an unforeseen event that demands immediate financial attention, causing a sudden shortage of available cash. Such unexpected expenses emphasize the importance of maintaining an emergency fund or having adequate insurance coverage to mitigate the financial impact of unforeseen incidents like car accidents.

Learn more about funds here:


In 2011 the company had a downturn and they had a ($200,000) GAAP financial accounting loss for that year. The company had no new originating timing differences during 2011, but they did experience the two timing reversals that were projected when completing the 2010 deferred tax schedule (see question 1). Assume the company will have adequate operating income in 2012 to cover any excess carryforwards that cannot be absorbed on the deferred tax schedule. A. Prepare below a deferred income tax schedule for 2011. 2011 2012 B. Prepare the general journal entry to accrue income taxes for 2011.


A liability that appears on a balance sheet as a result of an income recognition discrepancy between tax regulations and the company's accounting procedures is known as a deferred income tax. A  deferred income tax schedule for 2011 and the general journal entry to accrue income taxes for 2011 is prepared.

Taxes that a business will someday pay on its taxable income but are not yet due for payment are known as deferred income taxes. Differences in the way taxes are calculated according to local tax laws and a company's accounting system are what lead to the discrepancy between the amount of tax declared and paid.

The  deferred income tax schedule and the required journal entries are attached below.

The explanations behind the  deferred income tax schedule are:

Interest on municipal securities is not taxable, so deferred tax will not be calculated on it.In 2010, $110,000 is Timing difference liability.$38,500 is deferred tax liability which will be shown in the balance sheet and will be transferred to the statement of income.$50,000 + $10,000 is reversed for 2011.In 2011 and 2012, $18,500 and $20,000 is the reversal of deferred tax liability.

To learn more on deferred income tax, here:


Chandler Co.'s 5-year bonds yield 7.00%, and 5-year T-bonds yield 5.15%. The real risk-free rate is r* = 3.0%, the inflation premium for 5-year bonds is IP = 1.75%, the liquidity premium for Chandler's bonds is LP = 0.75% versus zero for T-bonds, and the maturity risk premium for all bonds is found with the formula MRP = (t − 1) × 0.1%, where t = number of years to maturity. What is the default risk premium (DRP) on Chandler's bonds?
a. 1.46%
b. 1.33%
c. 0.99%
d. 1.21%
e. 1.10%


The default risk premium (DRP) on Chandler Co.'s bonds is 1.10%. So, option e is correct.

To calculate the default risk premium (DRP) on Chandler Co.'s bonds, we need to consider the components that contribute to the bond yield.

The formula to calculate the bond yield is: Yield = r* + IP + MRP + LP + DRP

- r* (real risk-free rate) = 3.0%

- IP (inflation premium for 5-year bonds) = 1.75%

- LP (liquidity premium for Chandler's bonds) = 0.75%

- MRP (maturity risk premium) = (t - 1) × 0.1%, where t = number of years to maturity (5 years in this case)

The yield on Chandler Co.'s bonds is 7.00%, and the yield on 5-year T-bonds is 5.15%.

We can rearrange the formula to solve for DRP:

DRP = Yield - (r* + IP + MRP + LP)

Substituting the given values:

DRP = 7.00% - (3.0% + 1.75% + (5 - 1) × 0.1% + 0.75%)

DRP = 7.00% - (3.0% + 1.75% + 0.4% + 0.75%)

DRP = 7.00% - 5.9%

DRP = 1.10%

The correct answer is e. 1.10%.

Learn more about risk:



49. The following sentence is correctly written: Marilyn Monroe who starred in Some Like It Hot sang "Happy Birthday, Mr. President" for President John F. Kennedy at a celebration of his forty-fifth birthday on May 19, 1962.



This is a True statement that Marilyn Monroe who starred in Some Like It Hot sang "Happy Birthday, Mr. President" for President John F. Kennedy at a celebration of his forty-fifth birthday on May 19, 1962.

Business management is a process that is aimed at ensuring that a business is able to operate in the most efficient and effective manner. The focus of business management is the growth and development of a business. Business management involves the coordination of various departments of a business to ensure that they are working together towards a common goal and objective.

There are several important aspects of business management, including financial management, marketing management, human resource management, and operations management. Business management is essential for the success of a business because it ensures that all aspects of a business are working together to achieve the same goal.

To know more about Business management refer to:


Imagine that you are part of a small market research firm. Your university is interested in hiring your company to conduct online qualitative research to identify ways in which it can improve on-campus dining options. What type of online study would you design?


I would design an online study that includes surveys and focus groups. The surveys would gather quantitative data on current dining experiences and preferences,

while the focus groups would provide qualitative insights through discussions on specific aspects of on-campus dining. This mixed-method approach allows for a comprehensive understanding of the issues and potential improvements, combining statistical analysis with rich participant narratives. The online format ensures convenience and accessibility for participants, facilitating a larger sample size and diverse perspectives.

Learn more about market here:


On January 1, 2020, a rich citizen of the Town of Ristoni donates a painting valued at $485,000 to be displayed to the public in a government building. Although this painting meets the three criteria to qualify as an artwork, town officials choose to record it as an asset. The gift has no eligibility requirements. These officials judge the painting to be inexhaustible so that depreciation will not be reported a. For the year ended December 31, 2020, what does the town report on its government-wide financial statements in connection with this gift? b. How does the answer to requirement (a) change if the government decides to depreciate this asset over a 10-year period using straight-line depreciation? c. How does the answer to requirement (a) change if the government decides not to capitalize the asset? Complete this question by entering your answers in the tabs below. Required A Required B Required For the year ended December 31, 2020, what does the town report on its government-wide financial statements in connection with this gift? Req Required B > How does the answer to requirement (a) change if the government decides to depreciate this asset over a 10-year period using straight-line depreciation? $ 0 < Required A Required C > Required A Required B Required How does the answer to requirement (a) change if the government decides not to capitalize the asset? (Required B Required


A. What does the town report on its government-wide financial statements in connection with this gift?

For the year ended December 31, 2020, the Town of Ristoni will record the donated painting as a capital asset on its government-wide financial statements.

Because the painting meets the three eligibility criteria to qualify as a piece of art, it would be a program revenue transaction if it were reported as an exchange transaction. However, the gift does not meet the eligibility criteria for an exchange transaction, so it is treated as an involuntary non-exchange transaction. Furthermore, the fact that the painting is inexhaustible has no impact on whether or not it should be recorded as a capital asset. As a result, there will be no depreciation reported. The painting's initial cost and the liability that the town has assumed to keep it secure will be recorded as follows:

Donated Painting: $485,000

Donation Liability: $485,000

B. How does the answer to requirement (a) change if the government decides to depreciate this asset over a 10-year period using straight-line depreciation?

If the town decides to depreciate the painting over a ten-year period using straight-line depreciation, there will be an effect on the financial statements. Depreciation expense of $48,500 will be recorded for the year ended December 31, 2020, and a corresponding decrease in the carrying value of the painting will be recorded. The painting's carrying value at the end of 2020 will be $436,500, which is calculated as follows:

$485,000 (original cost) - $48,500 (depreciation) = $436,500

As a result, the statement of net position would report the following:

C. How does the answer to requirement (a) change if the government decides not to capitalize the asset?

If the government decides not to capitalize the donated painting as an asset, the financial statements would be affected. No asset or liability would be reported, and the statement of net position would not be affected.

To know more about asset visit:


Assume an investor deposits $113,433 in a professionally managed account. One year later, the account has grown in value to $138,407 and the investor withdraws $29,667. At the end of the second year, the account value is $86,490. No other additions or withdrawals were made. Calculate the time-weighted return of portfolio during years 1 and 2. Round the answer to two decimals in percentage form. Please write % sign in the units box.


To calculate the time-weighted return of a portfolio during years 1 and 2, we can use the following formula:

Time-Weighted Return = [(Ending Value - Withdrawals) / (Beginning Value)]^(1 / Number of Years) - 1

Given the information provided:

Beginning Value (Year 1) = $113,433

Ending Value (Year 1) = $138,407

Withdrawals = $29,667

Number of Years = 2

First, let's calculate the return for Year 1:

Return (Year 1) = [(Ending Value (Year 1) - Withdrawals) / (Beginning Value)]^(1 / 1) - 1

Return (Year 1) = [($138,407 - $29,667) / $113,433]^(1 / 1) - 1

Return (Year 1) = $108,740 / $113,433 - 1

Return (Year 1) = 0.0392 or 3.92%

Next, let's calculate the return for Year 2:

Beginning Value (Year 2) = Ending Value (Year 1) - Withdrawals = $138,407 - $29,667 = $108,740

Ending Value (Year 2) = $86,490

Return (Year 2) = [(Ending Value (Year 2) - 0) / (Beginning Value (Year 2))]^(1 / 1) - 1

Return (Year 2) = ($86,490 / $108,740)^(1 / 1) - 1

Return (Year 2) = 0.7953 or 79.53%

Finally, let's calculate the time-weighted return for years 1 and 2:

Time-Weighted Return = [(1 + Return (Year 1)) * (1 + Return (Year 2))] - 1

Time-Weighted Return = [(1 + 0.0392) * (1 + 0.7953)] - 1

Time-Weighted Return = 1.8587 or 185.87%

Therefore, the time-weighted return of the portfolio during years 1 and 2 is 185.87%.

Learn more about time-weighted here:


Which of the following can prevent your customers from hearing a message you communicate in advertising? (Select all that apply.)
a) Your customers are very worried about world events and your product helps them take action to resolve their worry.
b) Your advertisement appears on a website which your target customers follow carefully.
c) You use an image which accidentally raises concerns about product quality on the part of the viewer.
d) Your advertisement is a quiet ad which runs immediately after a very loud and boisterous ad for a new soft drink.
e) Your creative team didn't understand the language used by the customers to describe what they want from your product.
f) Your logo clearly appears in the advertisement.


The following that can prevent your customers from hearing a message you communicate in advertising are You use an image which accidental raises concerns about product quality on the part of the viewer, Your advertisement is a quiet ad which runs immediately after a very loud and boisterous ad for a new soft drink and Your creative team didn't understand the language used by the customers to describe what they want from your product. The correct options are c, d and e.

Advertising is a type of communication that is used to persuade an audience to do something, usually in relation to a commercial offering, such as a product for sale or a service. Television and print advertisements, product placements, and infomercials are all examples of advertising.

Learn more about advertising, here:


Assume you have been asked to develop a master staffing plan for your Long Term Health Care facility. Your task is to develop a plan staffing plan in days for a new 1 full time and 1 part time CNA. John is the full time and Mary is the part time CNA. Both John and May receive the same personal leave days and floating holidays.
Assume the following:
1 Your business year consists of 360 days
2 Each employee works 5 rotating days. Each employee receives 2 days off per week
3 Each employee receives 5 personal leave days and 10 floating holidays.
Calculate how many net paid days are worked.


The net paid days worked for John and Mary, taking into account personal leave days and floating holidays, are 335 days.

To calculate this, we start with the total number of business days in a year, which is 360 days. Then we subtract the personal leave days and floating holidays for each employee. Since both John and Mary receive the same number of personal leave days (5) and floating holidays (10), we subtract a total of 15 days for each of them.Next, we calculate the number of days off per week for each employee. Since each employee works 5 rotating days, they each receive 2 days off per week.

To calculate the net paid days worked, we subtract the total number of days off from the total number of business days in a year. In this case, it is 360 - 15 - (2 x 52) = 335 days.

Nets paid days worked: 335 days

Learn more about floating holidays here:


Other Questions
Discuss thoroughly all the questions ask below:6. Coleman Technologies is considering a major expansion program that has been proposed by the companys information technology group. Before proceeding with the expansion, the company must estimate its cost of capital. Suppose you are an assistant to Jerry Lehman, the financial vice president. Your first task is to estimate Colemans cost of capital. Lehman has provided you with the following data, which he believes may be relevant to your task. The firms tax rate is 40%. The current price of Colemans 12% coupon, semiannual payment, noncallable bonds with 15 years remaining to maturity is $1,153 72. Coleman does not use short-term interest-bearing debt on a permanent basis. New bonds would be privately placed with no flotation cost. The current price of the firms 10%, $100 00 par value, quarterly dividend, perpetual preferred stock is $111 10. Colemans common stock is currently selling for $50 00 per share. Its last dividend D0 was $4 19,and dividends are expected to grow at a constant annual rate of 5% in the foreseeable future. Colemans beta is 1 2, the yield on T-bonds is 7%, and the market risk premium is estimated to be6%. For the bond-yield-plus-risk-premium approach, the firm uses a risk premium of 4%. Colemans target capital structure is 30% debt, 10% preferred stock, and 60% common equity. To structure the task somewhat, Lehman has asked you to answer the following questions.6.1What sources of capital should be included when you estimate Colemans WACC?6.2 Should the component costs be figured on a before-tax or an after-tax basis?6.3 Should the costs be historical (embedded) costs or new (marginal) costs?6.4 What is the market interest rate on Colemans debt and its component cost of debt?6.5 What is the firms cost of preferred stock?6.6 Colemans preferred stock is riskier to investors than its debt, yet the preferreds yield to investors is lower than the yield to maturity on the debt. Does this suggest that you have made a mistake?6.7 Why is there a cost associated with retained earnings?6.8 What is Colemans estimated cost of common equity using the CAPM approach?6.9 Coleman estimates that if it issues new common stock, the flotation cost will be 15%. Coleman incorporates the flotation costs into the DCF approach. What is the estimated cost of newly issued common stock, considering the flotation cost?6.10 What is Colemans overall, or weighted average, cost of capital (WACC)? Ignore flotation costs. QUESTION 1 For each of the training situations, match the most appropriate training method. Role-playing Programmed learning In-basket exercise Job rotation Behavior modeling Manag WebHelper Inc. acquired 100% of the outstanding stock of Silicon Chips Corporation (SCC) for 45.1 million, of which $15.2 million was allocated to goodwill. At the end of the current fiscal year, an impairment test revealed the following: fair value of SCC, $44.3 million; book value of SCC's net assets (including goodwill), $42.3 million. million Check my work What amount of impairment loss should WebHelper recognize? (Enter your answers in millions (i.e., 10,000,000 should be entered as 10).) Quiz, Civilization and ItsDiscontents1. True or False: Freud assertsthat the purpose of life (that is, not a specific individual life,but human life in the abstract, in general) is a fundamental assume there is an annuity with four payment, with the first payment occurring one year from now. each payment is $3,000. q2. jane reed bakes breads and cakes in her home for parties and other affairs on a contract basis. jane has only one oven for baking. one particular monday morning she finds that she has agreed to complete six jobs for that day. her husband john will make deliveries, which require about 15 minutes each. suppose that she begins baking at 8:00 a.m. determine the sequence in which she should perform the jobs in order to minimize a) mean flow time. b) number of tardy jobs. c) maximum lateness. d) mean lateness. job time required promised time 1 1.2 hr. 11:30 a.m. 2 40 min. 10:00 a.m. 3 2.2 hr. 11:00 a.m. 4 30 min. 1:00 p.m. 5 3.1 hr. 12:00 noon 6 25 min. 2:00 p.m. Find the sample variance and standard deviation 7.58, 14, 47, 33, 28, 30, 28, 26, 27 Choose the correct answer below. Fill in the answer box to complete your choice. (Round to two decimal places as needed.) O A. 02 = OB. SE Choose the correct answer below. Fill in the answer box to complete your choice. (Round to one decimal place as needed.) OA. o OB. SE Sama company has the following unadjusted account balances at December 31, 2021; Total Sales of $720,000. Accounts Recervatie of $205,000 and the allowance was estimated as 3.5% of the total Account Receivable. The Allowance for Doubtful Accounts had a credit balance of $2.400 before the estimate was made Required: Prepare the adjusting journal entry to record bad debts expense for 2021. Background Information (A brief history of the organization and a current situation analysis outlining where the organization currently finds itself). 5 powerpoint slides . And also a guide with explanation. Starbucks is selling for $105 a share. A Starbucks call option with one month until expiration and an exercise price of $118 sells for $2.50 while a put with the same strike and expiration sells for $15.10. a. The market price of a zero-coupon bond with face value $118 and 1- month maturity is $ ________ b. The risk-free interest rate expressed as an effective annual yield is _____ %. Suppose demand and supply are given by the following, Qd = 167.4 2.9P Q$ = 31.2 + 1.4P. A tax of $3 creates $ . of deadweight loss. A(n) is useful in evaluating liquidity policies.a. inventory turnover ratio b. current ratio average collection period d. Debt ratio The direction of the force on a current carrying wire located in an external magnetic field is which of the following? a. perpendicular to the current b. perpendicular to the field c. Both choices A and B are valid. d. None of the above are valid. 3. Explain how organisations can utilise Total QualityManagement (TQM) principles, practices and techniques to increasestakeholder value. (20 Marks) Approximate the sum of the series correct to four decimal places. (-1)" (3)! n = 1 Assume that you are investing in Treasury Bond mutual funds. Which of the following statement is false: A) The mutual fund is free from default risk B) The fund is free from Federal taxes C) The fund is subject to interest rate risk. D) The fund is highly liquid E) The fund is highly marketable if the stone is thrown downward with a speed of 3 m/s, how long Firm A has an expected capital budget of $100,000 for next year. The firm uses a target capital structure with a debt-to-equity ratio of 0.25. The projected net income for next year is expected to be $100,000. Using a residual dividend policy, how much will the firm expect to pay in dividends next year?Select one:a. $10,000b. $25,000c. $20,000d. $0 what term refers to a stable set of behaviors and experience characteristics about an individual? In a large city school system with 20 elementary schools, the school board is considering the adoption of a new policy that would require elementary students to pass a test in order to be promoted to the next grade. The PTA wants to find out whether parents agree with this plan.a) If they put a big ad in the newspaper asking people to log their opinions on the PTA Web site what kind of bias might they encounter?A. response bias due to desire to give acceptable answersB. nonresponse biasC. bias due to the use of a voluntary response sampleD. bias due to a poor sampling frame resulting in undercoverageE. no bias