A series of statements by China's political leaders in the 1990's suggested that in order for China to enjoy a more mature form of socialism, greater ___ was needed.


Answer 1

A series of statements by China's political leaders in the 1990s suggested that in order for China to enjoy a more mature form of socialism, greater market-oriented reforms were needed.

During the 1990s, China embarked on a path of economic reforms aimed at transitioning from a centrally planned economy to a more market-oriented socialist system. The statements made by China's political leaders at that time indicated a recognition of the importance of market-oriented reforms in achieving a more mature form of socialism. These reforms involved liberalizing sectors of the economy, promoting private enterprise, encouraging foreign investment, and adopting market mechanisms. The intention was to introduce elements of competition, efficiency, and innovation into China's economic system, while still retaining the overarching socialist framework. These reforms have had a significant impact on China's economic development and have helped shape the country's current socio-economic landscape.

Learn more about market-oriented reforms here:



Related Questions

Which would most likely result from a decrease in water supply to watersheds?

group of answer choices

decrease in lake water levels

decrease in river basin levels

increase in river basin levels

increase in ocean water levels


A decrease in water supply to watersheds would most likely result in a decrease in lake water levels and decrease in river basin levels so correct answer is B

watershed is a region where all water that falls or moves on the landscape eventually flows to a single body of water, such as a river or lake. Every watershed, regardless of size, is made up of smaller streams and creeks that feed into bigger rivers, ultimately leading to the final body of water.

Watersheds, also known as drainage basins, catchments, or river basins, are crucial because they supply freshwater for human consumption, agriculture, industry, and other applications.What is the effect of a decrease in water supply to watersheds?A decrease in water supply to watersheds would most likely result in a decrease in lake water levels and decrease in river basin levels.

To Know more about watershed visit:



Why do you think that working in HR Department is Unengaging Job (describe the job and the role that it plays in the structure of an organization)? the second how you think it should be restructured d to make it more engaging and productive. Refer to at least one of the philosophers like David Graeber or Smith or could be other philosopher that relates to business ethics.


Working in the HR department is often perceived as unengaging due to administrative tasks, limited decision-making authority, and being seen as a support function rather than a strategic partner.

To make the HR department more engaging and productive, it can be restructured to have a more strategic role, empowering HR professionals to contribute to organizational decision-making and incorporating ethical principles from philosophers like David Graeber and Adam Smith to prioritize employee well-being and organizational justice. The HR department is responsible for managing various aspects of employee-related processes, such as recruitment, onboarding, training, performance management, and employee relations. While these functions are essential, they often involve administrative tasks that can be perceived as mundane and lacking engagement. Additionally, HR departments are sometimes seen as support functions rather than strategic partners, limiting their influence in organizational decision-making. To make the HR department more engaging and productive, it can be restructured to have a more strategic role within the organization.

Learn more about restructuring HR departments here:



why is understanding Africa so important to understanding its
diasporas? what have you learned about African diaspora?


Understanding Africa is important to understanding its diasporas because the African diaspora refers to people of African descent living outside of Africa, who share a common cultural and historical heritage with their ancestral land.

The history, politics, and cultures of the African continent have played a significant role in shaping the experiences of people of African descent around the world.

In order to fully understand the African diaspora, it is essential to have an understanding of the political, social, and cultural contexts from which African people were forcibly removed during the transatlantic slave trade and subsequent colonialism.

They live mainly in North and South America, the Caribbean, and Europe. Understanding the African diaspora involves comprehending the history of transatlantic slave trade and colonization, as well as the modern-day political and social issues that continue to impact people of African descent around the globe.

The African diaspora is marked by diversity in terms of cultural practices, languages spoken, and religious beliefs, but they share a common heritage rooted in Africa. It's essential to understand the African diaspora to appreciate the shared experiences, as well as the unique challenges faced by communities of African descent around the world.

To know more about colonization visit:



T/F: the gentiles were among the first to accept the epistle of james.


False. The Gentiles were not among the first to accept the Epistle of James.

The Epistle of James is a book of the New Testament, which is traditionally attributed to James the Just. James was an important figure in the early Christian Church and was the brother of Jesus.

The Epistle of James is believed to have been written sometime in the late 1st century CE, and it was likely directed to Jewish Christians who were scattered throughout the Roman Empire.

The Epistle of James has been accepted by both Jewish and Christian communities, and it has been used as a guide for moral and ethical behavior. However, there is no evidence to suggest that the Gentiles were among the first to accept the Epistle of James.

To know more about Gentiles refer here: https://brainly.com/question/31235415#


Which of the following is an unintended consequence of occupational sex segregation?

O the feminist movement

O homophobia
O the gender gap in pay

O heteronormativity


An unintended consequence of occupational sex segregation is the gender gap in pay. Gender segregation is a phenomenon that happens when an unequal amount of males and females are allocated to various fields or professions.

This imbalance results in one gender dominating a particular industry. Gender segregation has become more visible in today's world, with males dominating fields like engineering, technology, and construction while women dominate professions like nursing, teaching, and administrative work.

The gender wage gap is a major consequence of occupational sex segregation. It is the difference in earnings between men and women doing the same work. Sex segregation in the labor force has contributed to a significant disparity in earnings between males and females.

It is important to recognize the relationship between gender segregation and the gender pay gap since gender segregation has been shown to be one of the most important predictors of gender pay inequality. The wage difference is determined by several factors, including occupational segregation, education level, work experience, and workplace discrimination.

To know more about sex segregation refer here:



why do you think jesus tended to speak in metaphors and often answered questions with more questions?


Jesus used to speak in metaphors and answered questions with questions to help people to understand the depth of his teachings. The metaphors are comparisons between two things that are not exactly alike but share some similarities.

By using metaphors, Jesus could help people understand his teachings in a more effective way. The metaphors were an excellent tool that Jesus used to connect his teachings to everyday life. For example, he compared the Kingdom of God to a mustard seed. He said that the Kingdom of God is like a mustard seed, which is one of the smallest seeds, but when it grows, it becomes one of the largest plants in the garden. Similarly, the Kingdom of God may seem small in the beginning, but it can grow into something great.

Furthermore, Jesus used to answer questions with questions to help people think more deeply about their beliefs. He wanted people to question their beliefs and think critically about them. For example, when the Pharisees asked Jesus, "Is it lawful to pay taxes to Caesar or not?" Jesus responded, "Give back to Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's." This response made the Pharisees think more critically about their beliefs and how they related to the world around them.

To know more about teachings visit:



> Question 11 What is the significance of the image below? The image illustrates: China Korea Vietnam Laos Cambodia Thailand Malaysia Indonesia Burma India O Domino Theory, which became the basis for US involvement in the Vietnam War. O Heartland Theory, which formed the basis for US policy in the South China Sea. O Heartland Theory, which led to a USA policy to seek containment of the spread of communism. O Domino Theory, which became the basis for US intervention in the independence movement of East Timor.


The given image illustrates the Domino theory, which became the basis for US involvement in the Vietnam War. Therefore, option A is correct.

The Domino Theory is a geopolitical concept that was popularized during the Cold War era, particularly in the context of U.S. foreign policy. It posited that if one country in a region fell to communism, neighboring countries would also follow suit, like a row of dominos. The theory served as a justification for U.S. intervention and containment policies to prevent the spread of communism.

The consequences associated with the Domino Theory were primarily based on the fear that if one country fell to communism, it would create a domino effect of communist revolutions.

Learn more about the Domino theory, here:



Your question is incomplete, most probably the full question is this:

> Question 11 What is the significance of the image below? The image illustrates: China Korea Vietnam Laos Cambodia Thailand Malaysia Indonesia Burma India O Domino Theory, which became the basis for US involvement in the Vietnam War. O Heartland Theory, which formed the basis for US policy in the South China Sea. O Heartland Theory, which led to a USA policy to seek containment of the spread of communism. O Domino Theory, which became the basis for US intervention in the independence movement of East Timor.

which of the following statements is not true concerning use of the media to gather information about the news?


The statement "The media is always completely accurate and unbiased when reporting the news" is not true concerning the use of media to gather information about the news.

The statement suggests that the media is always accurate and unbiased when reporting the news, which is not true. While the media plays a crucial role in providing information, it is essential to recognize that media outlets can vary in their accuracy, objectivity, and reliability.

Media organizations can be influenced by various factors, including corporate interests, political affiliations, and individual biases. As a result, news reporting may sometimes be influenced by these factors, leading to inaccuracies or biases in the information presented. It is crucial for consumers of news to approach media sources critically, verify information from multiple sources, and be aware of potential biases or agendas.

Moreover, media organizations may also face challenges in obtaining accurate information due to the complexities of news gathering processes, limited resources, and the fast-paced nature of news production. Mistakes or inaccuracies can occur inadvertently, highlighting the importance of critical consumption of media and fact-checking.

Learn more about media from here:



Each of the following is true of an intentional tort EXCEPT one. Which one is the EXCEPTION?
a. No intent to cause harm
b. A deliberate and purposeful act
c. Relates to person and to property
d. Misrepresentation


The exception among the given options is "No intent to cause harm" as it does not align with the concept of intentional tort.

An intentional tort refers to a civil wrong where the defendant's actions are done purposefully and with intent to cause harm or injury to another person or their property. It involves deliberate and voluntary conduct that infringes upon the rights of others. The options provided can help identify the exception. Option a, "No intent to cause harm," contradicts the fundamental element of intent that is typically required in intentional tort cases. Intent to cause harm is a crucial aspect in establishing liability for intentional torts. Therefore, option a is the exception among the given choices.

Options b, c, and d align with the concept of intentional torts. A deliberate and purposeful act (option b), a tort that relates to both person and property (option c), and misrepresentation (option d) are all consistent with the definition and elements of intentional torts, where the defendant's intentional actions result in harm or damage to another party.

Learn more about intentional tort  from here:



Using the IS-LM model, explain and diagrammatically represent what happens to r and Y as a result of each of the following: a. Taxes decline b. Autonomous money demand rises


a. Taxes decline: In the IS-LM model, a decrease in taxes can be represented as a shift in the IS curve.

IS curve shows the relationship between output (Y) and the interest rate (r) in the goods market.

When taxes decline, it increases disposable income for households and business. This leads to higher consumption and investment spending, which in turn increases aggregate demand. As a result, the IS curve shifts to the right.

Diagrammatically, the shift of the IS curve to the right implies an increase in output (Y) at each level of the interest rate (r). This is represented by a movement along the LM curve to a higher level of income and a lower interest rate.

b. Autonomous money demand rises:

An increase in autonomous money demand refers to a higher demand for money at each level of income and interest rate. This can be represented as a shift in the LM curve. The LM curve shows the relationship between income (Y) and the interest rate (r) in the money market.

When autonomous money demand rises, individuals and businesses want to hold more money for transactions and precautionary purposes. As a result, they demand a higher quantity of money at each interest rate.

Diagrammatically, the shift of the LM curve to the left implies a decrease in income (Y) at each level of the interest rate (r). This is represented by a movement along the IS curve to a lower level of income and a higher interest rate.

In summary, a decrease in taxes leads to an increase in output (Y) and a decrease in the interest rate (r) in the IS-LM model. On the other hand, an increase in autonomous money demand leads to a decrease in output (Y) and an increase in the interest rate (r).

Learn more about business here:



collectively, the values and perceptions of a cultural group represent its _____.


Collectively, the values and perceptions of a cultural group represent its "cultural worldview."

A cultural worldview refers to the shared beliefs, values, and perceptions that are held by members of a particular cultural group. It encompasses the way individuals within the group understand and interpret the world around them, including their social norms, customs, traditions, and moral principles. Cultural worldviews are shaped by various factors such as history, geography, religion, language, and societal norms.

They influence how individuals perceive reality, interact with others, and make sense of their experiences. Understanding cultural worldviews is important for cross-cultural communication and building cultural competence.

You can learn more about cultural worldview at



Collectively, the values and perceptions of a cultural group represent its worldview.

What is worldview?

The term worldview means a person's fundamental understanding of reality. A person's worldview is a set of assumptions that one makes about oneself and the world around them.

It includes things like beliefs about the meaning and purpose of life, beliefs about what is real and what is not, and beliefs about the role of humans in the world.

The term worldview refers to a person's perspective on life.

A worldview refers to the way an individual sees the world, as well as how he or she interacts with it. It can include everything from religion and culture to personal experiences and education.

In the context of cultural studies, worldview is a term that refers to the fundamental understanding of reality that members of a cultural group share. In other words, the collective beliefs and values that form a cultural group's worldview determine how its members view the world around them and how they interact with it.

Therefore, the values and perceptions of a cultural group represent its worldview.

To know more about worldview

during the trump impeachment hearings in the house of representatives, how did fox approach the story?


During the Trump impeachment hearings in the House of Representatives, Fox News' approach to the story was characterized by strong support for President Trump and an attempt to discredit the impeachment inquiry.

Fox News anchors and commentators regularly criticized the Democratic Party and portrayed the impeachment as a political vendetta rather than a legitimate investigation into the president's conduct. Fox News regularly portrayed the impeachment inquiry as an unfair and biased attempt to remove President Trump from office, and accused Democrats of conducting a "witch hunt" against him.

The network highlighted Republican lawmakers who criticized the impeachment process and defended the president's actions, while minimizing or ignoring the testimony of witnesses who spoke out against him.Fox News commentators also regularly criticized the mainstream media's coverage of the impeachment inquiry, accusing them of bias against President Trump and of unfairly attacking him. They often portrayed the inquiry as part of a larger conspiracy by the liberal media to undermine the president's agenda and harm his reputation.

Fox News approached the Trump impeachment hearings by strongly defending the president and portraying the impeachment as a political attack rather than a legitimate investigation into his conduct. The network minimized or ignored evidence that was damaging to the president, while emphasizing Republican support for him and attacking his opponents.

To know more about legitimate visit :



which of the following is true of emotional development in middle childhood?

a. May be unsure of themselves
b. Become more independent
c. Need help explaining their emotions
d. Begin to learn self-control


Among the following options, the true statement of emotional development in middle childhood is that "d. Begin to learn self-control."

Emotional development is the development of emotions and the management of them over time. It involves acquiring the abilities to comprehend and express feelings and to regulate them in others and ourselves. Emotional growth, which is critical for social and psychological well-being, is a vital component of human development.

Middle childhood is a period that occurs between the ages of 6 and 12 years. At this time, children are developing emotionally, as well as intellectually, socially, and physically. Children in middle childhood become more adept at identifying, understanding, and controlling their emotions.

They begin to recognize and understand others' emotions more effectively. They may experience feelings of anger, frustration, or disappointment, and they may develop a stronger sense of empathy. Therefore, the correct option among the given alternatives is d. Begin to learn self-control.

To know more about self-control refer here: https://brainly.com/question/12787425#


what do we call a tendency to distort to create intense emotion?


The term used to describe the tendency to distort to create intense emotion is emotional reasoning.

Emotional reasoning is defined as a cognitive process that involves drawing conclusions based on emotional states rather than on objective evidence. Emotional reasoning, in other words, is the cognitive process of using one's emotions to interpret reality.

Emotional reasoning is a type of cognitive distortion. It occurs when we allow our emotions to guide our thought process, instead of considering facts and evidence. Emotions are an essential part of being human and can be helpful in making quick decisions, such as avoiding danger.

Emotional reasoning, however, can be a hindrance to making sound judgments. Emotional reasoning can lead to distorted thinking, which can result in negative feelings and behaviours. It is also associated with various psychological disorders such as anxiety and depression, which can cause significant problems in daily life.

To know more about emotional reasoning refer here: https://brainly.com/question/31551768#


is the eriksonian stage in which children face the challenge of declaring their autonomy and existence as individuals in ways that conform to society's rules and standards.


The Eriksonian stage in which children face the challenge of declaring their autonomy and existence as individuals in ways that conform to society's rules and standards is the stage of initiative versus guilt.

According to Erik Erikson's theory of psychosocial development, the initiative versus guilt stage occurs during early childhood, typically between the ages of 3 and 6 years. In this stage, children are exploring their independence, asserting their autonomy, and developing a sense of purpose and initiative. They begin to take on new tasks, assert their desires, and engage in imaginative play.

However, children also face the challenge of conforming to societal expectations and internalizing the standards and rules set by their parents, caregivers, and society. If they experience excessive guilt or are constantly criticized for their actions, they may develop a sense of guilt and a diminished sense of initiative.

Thus, the stage of initiative versus guilt captures the tension between children's desire for autonomy and their need to conform to societal rules and standards. It is a critical stage for developing a healthy balance between individuality and social responsibility.

To read more about Eriksonian Stage click here



Which of the following is a potential problem for the ethics of care?
a. It is too demanding.
b. It cannot account for the special obligations we have to our family and friends.
c. It makes acting morally too easy.
d. It threatens to restrict the scope of the moral community too greatly.


The potential problem for the ethics of care is that it is too demanding. So correct answer is A

One of the benefits of ethics of care is that it encourages people to consider their interpersonal relationships and the contextual factors that influence those connections. However, there are a few challenges that arise from the application of the ethics of care. Some individuals believe that it is too demanding because it puts a lot of emphasis on the importance of interpersonal relationships. As a result, individuals may feel as if they must prioritize their connections with others over their personal needs.  This, in turn, leads to a sense of guilt, dissatisfaction, and emotional exhaustion.

To know more about ethics visit:



Question 5 (1 point) Countries or regions that have greater wealth... O tend to have a higher total fertility rate O tend to be no different than countries with less wealth O tend to have a lower total fertility rate O none of these are true since it's the number of males that really determine a population's growth rate


Countries or regions that have greater wealth tend to have a lower total fertility rate. The Option C.

Do countries or regions with greater wealth have a lower total fertility rate?

There is a strong correlation between greater wealth and lower total fertility rates in countries or regions. As countries experience economic development and improve their standard of living, several factors contribute to a decrease in the total fertility rate.

One of the key factors is increased access to education particularly for women, which empowers them to pursue careers and opportunities outside of motherhood. Additionally, greater wealth often leads to better healthcare infrastructure and access to family planning services, including contraception.

Read more about fertility rate



According to louis zurcher reflective self refers to positions and statuses that clearly locate persons in a social structure or social circle

a. true
b. false


The statement is false. Reflective self does not refer to positions and statuses that locate individuals in a social structure or social circle.

The reflective self is a concept in sociology and psychology that pertains to an individual's ability to introspect and develop self-awareness. It involves an individual's capacity to reflect upon their own thoughts, emotions, beliefs, and behaviors. Reflective self is closely related to self-consciousness and self-reflection.

Rather than being about social positions or statuses, reflective self focuses on the internal processes of self-examination and self-evaluation. It is the ability to examine one's own thoughts, feelings, and actions and to consider how they align with personal values and societal norms. Reflective self allows individuals to gain insights into their own motivations, strengths, weaknesses, and goals. Through introspection and self-awareness, individuals can make adjustments and changes in their behavior and attitudes, leading to personal growth and development.

Learn more about sociology here:



A focus on less industrialized nations is characteristic of __________ feminism.


A focus on less industrialized nations is characteristic of "global" or "transnational" feminism.

Global or transnational feminism is a branch of feminism that emphasizes the interconnectedness of women's experiences and struggles across national boundaries. It recognizes the importance of addressing gender inequality and oppression on a global scale, with a particular focus on the experiences of women in less industrialized nations. This perspective acknowledges that gender issues cannot be understood in isolation from other intersecting systems of power, such as race, class, and colonialism.

Learn more about feminism here:



What pattern of residence expects that a newly married couple will live with the family of the wife?


The pattern of residence that expects a newly married couple to live with the family of the wife is known as matrilocal residence. In this arrangement, the husband moves in with or near the wife's family and becomes a part of her family's household.

Matrilocal residence is a cultural practice where the newly married couple resides with or near the family of the wife. This pattern of residence is found in societies where the social and economic ties are primarily based on the wife's family. It can be seen as a way to maintain and strengthen the bonds between the wife and her family, and it often reflects the matrilineal kinship system. In matrilocal societies, the wife's family typically plays a significant role in the couple's life, providing support, guidance, and resources. The husband may become integrated into the wife's family and participate in their social and economic activities. This arrangement allows for the continuation of lineage and inheritance through the female line. Matrilocal residence is found in various cultures around the world, including some Indigenous communities and societies in parts of Asia, Africa, and the Pacific. It is important to note that residence patterns can vary across cultures and may not be universally followed.

Learn more about kinship system here:



what is one of the major drawbacks of the longitudinal method?


The longitudinal method involves the repeated observation of the same variable(s) over an extended period.

One of the major drawbacks of the longitudinal method is that it can be time-consuming and expensive to carry out, which can limit the number of participants in the study. Another disadvantage is that the subjects under study may suffer from attrition, which is when participants drop out of the study over time. This can skew the data collected and affect the accuracy of the results.

Furthermore, the time needed for data collection may increase the risk of a cohort effect. A cohort effect occurs when individuals who are born or live during a particular period are exposed to similar events, experiences, or circumstances that may affect their behavior, attitudes, and values. This may obscure the true impact of the variable under investigation.

Learn more about Longitudinal Method :- https://brainly.com/question/30720723


For this discussion, you should find a recent article on reform and possible changes in Social Security. The article may come from the Web, newspaper, or magazine that has been published within the last 6 months. Your discussion should follow this format:
Provide the name of the article, name and date of the publication, and author's name. This can be accomplished through citations and references. Please utilize the course resources for help with the APA format. (You may be more familiar with MLA, but business and marketing courses generally use APA.)
Summarize the key points of the article. You may also find it helpful to use more than one article to fully cover your exploration and discovery.
Address the following questions:
What are current problems with Social Security?
What are possible corrections to the problems?
Explain, if possible, why the holdup in making any corrections.
What are your thoughts about the current state and the author's suggestions?
What implications for retirement did you find in your research on social security?


I can still provide you with a general discussion on the current problems with Social Security and possible corrections based on my existing knowledge. Let's proceed with that.

The current problems with Social Security include the financial sustainability of the program due to factors such as increasing life expectancy, a decreasing worker-to-beneficiary ratio, and the strain of the aging population on the system. These challenges have led to concerns about the long-term solvency of Social Security and the ability to pay full benefits to future retirees. Possible corrections to the problems include raising the retirement age, adjusting the calculation of benefits, increasing the payroll tax rate, expanding the taxable wage base, and means-testing benefits. These measures aim to address the funding gap and ensure the program's long-term viability. The holdup in making corrections to Social Security can be attributed to various factors. Political polarization and differing views on the appropriate reforms make it challenging to reach a consensus on the best course of action. Social Security is a complex and politically sensitive issue, and any proposed changes can have significant implications for individuals, especially those nearing retirement. Additionally, the political will to tackle Social Security reform may be hindered by short-term political priorities and concerns about potential backlash from voters. Without access to a specific recent article, I cannot provide direct thoughts on the current state and the author's suggestions.

Learn more about Social Security  here:



feminists are concerned about power differentials built into the family system, including


Feminists are concerned about power differentials built into the family system, including gender roles, the division of labor, and patriarchy.

Let's take a look at each of these in more detail:

Gender roles: Feminists argue that traditional gender roles assign different tasks and responsibilities to men and women based solely on their sex. This reinforces gender stereotypes and can limit opportunities and choices for both men and women. For example, women are often expected to be caretakers and homemakers, while men are expected to be breadwinners and the heads of households. This can create power imbalances in relationships and perpetuate inequality.

The division of labor: Feminists also criticize the way that household labor is divided between men and women. Women are often expected to do the majority of the domestic work, such as cooking, cleaning, and childcare, while men are expected to do less of this work or none at all. This unequal division of labor can create power imbalances in relationships and limit women's opportunities to pursue other activities and interests.

Patriarchy: Finally, feminists argue that the family system is structured around patriarchal values and beliefs. Patriarchy is a social system in which men hold more power and authority than women, and it shapes many aspects of our lives, including the family. Patriarchy can create power differentials between men and women in relationships and limit women's opportunities and choices.

To know more about Feminists, refer to the link below:



A study of the process by which we rewrite the past, where we examine representations of the medieval world and what they signify is called what? a) medievalism b) neo-medievalism c) feudalism d) medieval


a) medievalism. The study of the process by which we rewrite the past, examining representations of the medieval world and their significance, is called  medievalism.

Medievalism refers to the study and interpretation of the Middle Ages in later historical periods, particularly in modern times. It involves analyzing how the medieval era is portrayed, understood, and reimagined in various forms, including literature, art, film, and popular culture. This field of study explores the ways in which medieval themes, aesthetics, and ideologies are adapted and reinterpreted to suit contemporary contexts. It investigates the cultural, social, and intellectual implications of these representations, shedding light on how societies construct their understanding of the medieval world in different historical periods.

Learn more about medieval world here:



How is a chair chosen for each of the committees in Congress?

-by party leadership appointment by allies
-by size and importance or district or state
-by seniority, with occasional exceptions based on policies
-by merit, with occasional exceptions for special conditions


A chair for each of the committees in Congress is selected by seniority, with occasional exceptions based on policies.

How is a chair chosen for each of the committees in Congress?

The chair for each of the committees in Congress is chosen by seniority. They consider the representative's total length of service and the length of their service on the committee. However, they might make an exception based on policies.

The speaker of the House and the majority leader of the Senate have the power to appoint the members of the committee. The parties with the highest members will always have the majority of the committee members.

There are some terms that we should understand here:

Speaker of the House: The presiding officer of the House of Representatives.Majority leader of the Senate: The majority leader is the head of the majority party in the United States Senate.Policies: A set of basic rules or principles governing conduct within an organization.

To know more about committee chairs, refer to the link below:



Men have been found to display which sexual attitudes and desires more than women?


Men have been found to display higher levels of certain sexual attitudes and desires compared to women.

Research has indicated that men tend to exhibit higher levels of sexual desire, engage in more frequent sexual fantasies, and have a greater interest in casual sex compared to women. This observation can be attributed to various factors, including biological and evolutionary influences. Testosterone, the primary male sex hormone, has been associated with increased sexual desire. Evolutionary theories suggest that men may have evolved to pursue multiple sexual partners as a means of maximizing reproductive success. However, it's important to note that these findings are based on general trends and do not apply to every individual. There is significant variation within genders, and it's essential to consider individual differences and the wide range of attitudes and desires that exist among both men and women.

To read more about Testosterone click here



functional magnetic resonance imaging (fmri) is used by psychologists to study


Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) is a non-invasive imaging technique that detects changes in blood oxygenation levels to measure neural activity. fMRI is used by psychologists to study brain activity while performing various tasks, and it is particularly useful for studying cognitive processes.

What is functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)?

Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) is a non-invasive imaging technique that detects changes in blood oxygenation levels to measure neural activity. By tracking changes in blood flow, fMRI can help scientists identify the regions of the brain that are activated when people undertake various tasks.

It is a valuable tool for psychologists who want to understand how the brain works because it allows them to visualize the relationship between neural activity and behavior.

To know more about psychologists refer here:



As an external stakeholder, do you think there is anything that Tiger Brands could have done in minimizing or eliminating the R700 million loss? Justify your response with relevant examples. (20 marks)



As an external stakeholder, it is difficult to say what Tiger Brands could have done to minimize or eliminate the R700 million loss. However, Tiger Brands could have taken steps to ensure that their products are safe for consumption and that their supply chain is secure. For example, they could have implemented more stringent quality control measures and conducted more frequent inspections of their facilities.


Tiger Brands suffered a R647 million loss following a major recall of some of its canned products and an additional R100 million in stock loss due to unrest in parts of Gauteng and KwaZulu-Natal.

I hope this helps

A metamorphic rock where the minerals line-up to form a pattern: A. foliated B. non-foliated C. dense OD. granoblastic QUESTION 35 An example of a foliated rock: A. marble B. hornfels C. gneiss D. anthrcite QUESTION 36 In a metamorphic if the minerals are random (no orientation) the rock marble is: A. foliated B. non-foliated C. dense D. parallel


Question 1 The metamorphic rock where the minerals line-up to form a pattern is known as A. foliated. Question 2An example of a foliated rock is C. Gneiss. Question 3 In a metamorphic rock, if the minerals are random (no orientation) the rock marble is Non-foliated.

A metamorphic rock that has a pattern of minerals that are arranged in planes or bands is called a foliated rock. Examples include slate, gneiss, and schist, all of which are composed of different minerals that have been subjected to pressure and heat over time.

Gneiss is an example of a foliated rock that contains minerals such as mica, feldspar, and quartz. It is typically formed when sedimentary rocks are subjected to heat and pressure over millions of years, causing the minerals to align and form a banded pattern.

When minerals in a metamorphic rock do not have an orientation or pattern, the rock is referred to as non-foliated. Marble is an example of a non-foliated rock that is composed of recrystallized calcite and dolomite, which are both sedimentary rocks that have been subjected to high temperatures and pressures.

Metamorphic rocks are rocks that have been altered due to heat and pressure. Depending on the degree and type of alteration, metamorphic rocks can be either foliated or non-foliated.

A metamorphic rock that has a pattern of minerals that are arranged in planes or bands is called a foliated rock. On the other hand, a metamorphic rock that does not have an orientation or pattern is referred to as non-foliated.

For more information on metamorphic rock kindly visit to



hich of the following countries is the best example of a highly planned command economy? a. united states b. north korea c. china d. australia


The best example of a highly planned command economy among the given options is North Korea (option b). North Korea has a centrally planned economic system where the government exerts significant control over the allocation of resources, production decisions, and distribution of goods and services. The government sets production targets, determines prices, and dictates economic policies across various sectors of the economy. This level of central planning and control is characteristic of a command economy.
Other Questions
la psychological safety among employees to engage conversation about performance? 5. How might the three forms of data collection be used together in the opening stages of a change process? Township Soaps is a producer of handmade bar and liquid soaps in Canada. The company has recently begun exporting to several international clients. A boutique hotel chain headquartered in Hamburg, Germany has approached Township Soaps and asked for a quote for a large, recurring order of bottles of liquid soap for its hotels. The client requested customized packaging to include the hotel's logo which would cost require Township to buy a new machine. The incoterm agreed upon is CIP. The quote requested is for 7,000 units. The company does not need to acquire any new machinery or overhead to fulfill this order as it has enough capacity in its existing facilities. The cost to produce the soap domestically is as follows: Direct Materials per unit: $3.25 Direct Labour per unit: $1.25 Variable Manufacturing Overhead per unit: $0.15 Fixed Manufacturing Overhead per unit: $0.25 Sales Commissions per unit (domestic only): $0.10 The following costs have been estimated by Township Soaps to export the product to Hamburg. The company considers its activity base to be the number of units sold. Total freight Cost by Boat (less-than-container load, includes insurance): $1,400 Total domestic transportation from factory to the Port of Montreal (by Truck): $350 Total domestic transportation from Port of Hamburg to client location in Hamburg (by truck): $200 Customs duties to clear customs in Germany: $15 per unit Total detention fee Canada: $560 Total strapping and Marking Fees: $210 Translation of Packaging from English to German: $300 Time spent redesigning the labels to be printed in German: $200 Additional cost of printing the labels on the bottles in German: $0.10 per unit Time and cost for an existing salaried employee to prepare documentation for export: $200 New Machine Required for custom packaging for the hotel: $18,000 Wire transfer fee for the order: $50 Time for an existing salaried employee to oversee business development and customer service: $1,350 Hedging on Foreign Exchange Risk: $0.05 per unit The company is aware that some of these costs might not be relevant to this export situation and need your help to perform some calculations. Based on the information provided, answer the following questions: 1. Calculate the domestic cost per unit using absorption costing 2. Calculate the unit variable cost for one bottle of soap to be exported to Hamburg. Remember to only include the relevant costs. Round to the nearest hundredth (two decimal places). HINT: When calculating any variable costs that are a percentage % of the value of goods (such as insurance and hedging), add up all the other variable costs first, THEN calculate the percentage based on that total. 3. Calculate the total fixed cost for this order (include only relevant costs) 4. If the company charges $8 per unit when exporting the product, what is the minimum number of units that they need to sell to break even? Round up to the nearest whole number. 5. Using variable costing (i.e. the answer you calculated in question two), if the company wants a 60% markup on the exported product, what should the selling price be? Round to two decimal places. 6. What is the company's net income on this order if they set the selling price to $10 per unit? 11)need correct answer for a and b will leave a like thxSheffield Company has accumulated the following budget data for the year 2022. 1. Sales: 31,410 units, unit selling price $85. 2. Cost of one unit of finished goods: direct materials 1 pound at $6 per Question i: what would mlog_(z)n+5=q be in exponential form?Question ii: solve using algebra 2^(3x+1) = (1/4)^x-5 Consider that the exchange rate between the Australian dollar and Japanese yen has changed from 78= A$1 to 74= A$1. All else equal, what is the effect of this change? a. Japan will import more Australian products b. Japan will import less Australian products c. Australia will import fewer japanese products d. Australia will import more japanese products e. Both (a) and (c) are correct Your factory has been offered a contract to produce a part for a new printer. The contract would last for three years, and your cash flows from the contract would be $5.04 million per year Your upfront setup costs to be ready to produce the part would be $7.96 million. Your discount rate for this contract is 8.2% a. What is the IRR? b. The NPV is $4.96 million, which is positive so the NPV rule says to accept the project. Does the IRR rule agree with the NPV rule? A company is analyzing a project and has determined that the initial cost will be $810,000 and the required rate of return needs to be 13.4 percent. The project has a 60 percent chance of success and a 40 percent chance of failure. If the project fails, it will generate an annual after-tax cash flow of $172,000. If the project succeeds, the annual after-tax cash flow will be $315,000. The company has further determined that if the project fails, it will shut the project down after the first year and sell the equipment for the after-tax salvage value of $204,000. If however, the project is a success, the company can expand it with no additional investment and increase the after-tax cash flow to $350,000 a year for Years 2-5. At the end of Year 5, the project would be terminated and have no salvage value. What is the expected net present value of this project at Time 0? a.$45,037.53 b.$54,094.31 c.$63,601.09 d.$73,107.87 O e.$82,614.65 Consider that you are the safety professional on a large construction project. Currently, you have scaffolds being used by the masons, you have ladders that are being used by the electricians and plumbers, and there are several excavations ongoing. If you look at the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standards that require a competent person, would a site safety person be able to fill all of those responsibilities? Would the safety professional be the person with the most knowledge of the individual task? Explain. if a company's earnings before taxes (EBT) is 5000, and has a tax rate of 15%, while interest payments are 750 what is the company's net income? 3612.5 4887.5 4250 None of the above QUESTION 10 Which of the following is not a profitability ratio? Return on Assets Return on Equity Asset turnover ratio All of the above are profitability ratios QUESTION 11 If a company's days sales in receivables is 32 days what is their receivables turnover? 12.25x 14.37x 11.41x 12.67x : Which of the following BEST explains the availability of flood insurance for contents only? A Flood insurance is available for contents only on commercial policies B Flood insurance is available for renters who own eligible property C Flood insurance is available for contents only on residential policies D Flood insurance is not available for contents only In 2021, the OECD reached an agreement about a global minimum tax rate for MNEs of 15 %. Why is this agreement understood as a milestone in the fight against tax avoidance? What are the implications of the global minimum tax rate from a transfer pricing perspective? Provide an example. A vertical long-run aggregate supply curve indicates that O policies that shift the aggregate demand will not change real GDP in the long run. O the nation's productive capacity will not change in the long run if real GDP changes. O real GDP tends not to grow in the long run. O output rates greater than the long-run supply constraint can never be achieved. O an increase in the price level will permit the economy to achieve a higher level of output. Peter is an accountant working in a famous automotive company. He is always spreading the culture which allows legal counsel and audit offices to take appropriateaction to enforce and ensure compliance with the law and with internal codes. Which of the following culture best describes Peter's situation?O A. A compliance-based cultureO B. An integrity-based cultureO C. A customer-based cultureO D. A values-based culture TRUE / FALSE. Without a clear picture of its target market, a small company will try to reach almost everyone and usually ends up appealing to almost no one. Select one O True False What is the First Contact & Negotiation and Buyer DueDilienceDuring Negotiation on Disney and 21st century fox?DueDilience* Suppose the real interest rate is 3.35 percent and the inflation rate is 2.3 percent. What rate would you expect to see on a Treasury bill? Veronica secured a 6-year car lease at 5.90% compounded annually that required her to make payments of $886.84 at the beginning of each month. Calculate the cost of the car if she made a downpayment of $2,750. Sappi Ltd. is a global company focused on providing dissolved wood pulp, paper pulp and other paper-based solutions to its direct and indirect customer base across more than 160 countries. Our dissolved wood pulp products are used worldwide by converters to create viscose fibre for fashionable clothing and textiles, acetate tow, pharmaceutical products as well as a wide range of consumer and household products.Our market-leading range of paper products includes coated fine papers used by printers, publishers, and corporate end users in the production of books, brochures, magazines, and many other print publications. The wood and pulp need for our products are produced within Sappi Ltd. and from accredited suppliers.Sappi Ltd. has a tradition of innovating and developing new products to meet local demand. As part of the strategy to rationalize declining business, focus on business where we have a competitive advantage and strengthen our balance sheet, we entered into an agreement to sell our nonperforming Mills in the Northern region. At the end of the financial year, we received approval from the competition commission and both transactions were realized in October and November of 2015.b) The management of Sappi Ltd have approached you to prepare a paper on the important business environments which has an influence on Sappis operations. Which of the following in NOT related to the Make (insource) or Buy (outsource) decision?a) Insourcing is bringing a major business function in-house.b) The backward flow of goods returned by consumers or retailers.c) Buying goods or services instead of producing or providing them in-house.d) Outsourcing is paying a supplier to perform a business function.e) Reduction in control and expertise. Arrange the following temperatures in ascending order and descending order.a) 37C, -15C, 16C, -12C, 0C, 96C, -73Cb) 20C, -1C -15C 0C, -7C, 23C, -36C.