A semi-permeable phospholipid bilayer:
cell membrane
cell wall


Answer 1


cell membrane


cell membranes are an organelle of both plants and animals and are semi-permeable phospholipid bilayer, meaning that they allow certain things out of the cell and only certain things into the cell. Plant cells have cell membranes and cell wall to make them stronger.

Answer 2

Answer: cell membrane


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Look at the photo, the question is ask in the photo.




Becuase the secnd option 15 is not on the chart or aparrt of it

I’m sorry it’s kinda of blurry but PLEASE HELP MEE!✨


you are basically explaining what each cell is

Giant anteaters live in Central and South America. As their name suggests, they eat ants and termites. First, an anteater tears open insect nests with its long claws. Then, it extends its extremely long, sticky tongue into the nest to catch its prey. One anteater eats 35,000 ants and termites in a day.

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Myrmecophaga Tridactyla

A diagram that shows the amount of energy that flows from one level of 10 points
a food web to the next is alan:

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Energy Flow Diagram
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The answer is Energy pyramid I think...
Yeah I think so to maybe

How does competition affect an ecosystem? Explain in your own words how competition works in an ecosystem.
(asking again because the only answer i got was not helpful, brainliest ti best one that helps)



competition affect an ecosystem because there has to be an equal amount of prey and consumers. That there's more consumers than prey, all the prey will get eaten up in the ecosystem will eventually die off because there's nothing for the consumers to consume anymore.

it can make some things go exstinct

Which of the following are pieces of evidence that Wegener used to support his idea? (Check all that apply.)

Question 58 options:

A.climate zones





B. Glaciers C.Rocks because they are sort of the same if big rocks were what they are talking about
it’s D. i just did that assignment

The process of hearing is very complex. Sound waves travel into the ear canal until they reach the eardrum. The eardrum passes the vibrations through the middle ear bones into the inner ear. The inner ear is also called the cochlea. Inside the cochlea, there are thousands of tiny hair cells. Hair cells change the vibrations into electrical signals that are sent to the brain through the hearing nerve. The brain tells you that you are hearing a sound and what that sound is.

What energy transformations occur between entering the ear and the brain?

Electrical energy to sound energy to mechanical energy

Sound energy to mechanical energy to electrical energy

Mechanical energy to electrical to sound energy

Sound energy to electrical energy to mechanical energy



sound energy to mechanical energy to electrical energy


i know this is late, but hopefully it can help someone else!

have a lovely day <3

What are the three variables and what can they do? explain.



There are three main types of variables in a scientific experiment: independent variables, which can be controlled or manipulated; dependent variables, which (we hope) are affected by our changes to the independent variables; and control variables, which must be held constant to ensure that we know that it's our manipulation of the independent variable causing the change in the dependent variable. Using these variables correctly helps scientists measure cause and effect in scientific experiments and allows scientists to manipulate cause and effect to produce desired outcomes.


PLEASE HELP!! 50 points
3. Explain how you can use the classification tree to distinguish heterotrophic bacteria from heterotrophic protists.



Heterotrophic protists are not capable of making their own food. In order to live, they have to obtain carbon containing nutrients from the environment or by ingesting other living organisms. This lesson will describe a few of the mechanisms they use for feeding.

What are Protists?

Because they are such a diverse kingdom, it's easier to define protists by describing what they are not rather than describing what they have in common. The biggest shared feature of protists is that they don't belong in any of the other eukaryotic kingdoms. Protists are not plants, animals, or fungi. For example, kelp or seaweed appear to have leaves and roots like plants, but do not have the same specialized tissues.

All organisms need to obtain organic carbon and energy to stay alive. Protists have a variety of ways getting both carbon and energy. Some protists are autotrophic and are able to make organic carbon-containing nutrients like glucose. Other protists are heterotrophic, and can't make their own carbon containing nutrients. Heterotrophic protists have to obtain carbon-containing nutrients by ingesting them -- by 'eating' other organisms or decaying organic matter in the environment.

How Do Heterotrophic Protists 'Eat'?

Heterotrophic protists have many ways to obtain nutrients from the environment. Some have specialized structures designed for obtaining food while others are passive and have to wait on the nutrients to come into contact with their plasma membrane.

Many protists are predatory and have specialized structures designed to capture and aid in bringing nutrients inside their cells. Some have structures that are kind of like mouths, and others fold themselves around and slowly dissolve their prey in order to obtain the carbon necessary to live. Moreover, some protists have 'weapons' that allow them to trap, paralyze, or kill their prey.

Filter Feeding

Protists such as paramecium use cilia to filter feed. Some filter feeders such as the paramecium have trichocyst, which are specialized cilia that the organism projects in order to paralyze or kill prey. Filter feeders use their cilia to create a current that brings prey close their oral groove that connects to the cytopharynx, which is a structure directs the ingested food into the cytostome. The cytostome is similar to a mouth in that it functions as an opening to allow food to enter the cell. Once inside the cytostome, the food will enter a food vacuole that contains enzymes that break down food into smaller components the protists can then use as nutrients. Once the food is digested, the waste is expelled from the cell through the cytopyge, which serves as the anus.

Figure 1: Paramecium uses the cilia surrounding their oral groove to filter food from the environment.

Filter Feeding


Phagocytosis is a process where a cell extends its plasma membrane around a large particle to be internalized. Extensions of the plasma membrane are called pseudopodia. Some amoebas use phagocytosis to ingest prey. To accomplish this, they extend and wrap pseudopodia around the organism to be eaten. Think of the process as a fatal hug. Once inside the amoeba, the prey is digested in a food vacuole.

Figure 2: Amoebas embrace their prey until they are taken inside of a food vacuole and digested.


The foraminifera are amoebas that have shells. The presence of a shell makes phagocytosis a bit more complicated, so these amoebas extend thin pseudopodia called filopodia, which capture prey. Once the prey is trapped, the amoeba is able to steal nutrients.

Figure 3: Amoebas with shells entangle their prey in filopodia.



Some species of dinoflagellate protists form a peduncle ,which is a tube-shaped structure used to suck nutrients out of prey. Some dinoflagellates even steal mitochondria and chloroplasts from their prey. When dinoflagellates steal chloroplast, they temporarily gain the ability to do photosynthesis in addition to carbon containing nutrients.

Figure 4: Protists like the dinoflagellate dinophysis can steal nutrients, chloroplasts, and mitochondria using a peduncle.



A pallium is similar to a peduncle except that instead of being tubular, it is shaped like a veil or net. It is as if the protists wrap their prey in a blanket from which there is no escape. The pallium encompasses the prey and removes the cytoplasm.

Figure 5: Protoperidinium uses a pallium to capture and remove the cytoplasm from its prey.


How Can They Eat if They Don't Have Mouths?

A few species of protists do not have specialized structures to catch or ingest nutrients. These protists must absorb nutrients from the environment through their plasma membranes. Many of these organisms are saprophytic and feed on dead organisms. Since most carbon-containing nutrients are too large to fit through the plasma membrane, specialized proteins embedded in the membrane bring the nutrients into the cell.


It provides information about the differences of both bacteria and protists.

The classification tree provides information that bacteria and protists are two different organisms on the basis of their structure of cell and other characteristics. Heterotrophic bacteria are those bacteria which obtain nutrition or feed on other organisms such as Agrobacterium, Pseudomonas, Salmonella, Escherichia, Rhizobium, etc.

Heterotrophic protists are those protists which obtain nutrition by feeding on other compounds such as bacteria, decaying organic matter, and other protists. Examples of heterotrophic protists are amoebas, paramecia, water molds, and slime molds etc.

Learn more: https://brainly.com/question/18707249

Asexual or Sexual? A/B



i think sexual


(I'm not 100% tho)


What is better: Legend Of Zelda or Pokemon
and Rate the drawing from
1 Star-5 Star



Pokémon and Zelda they're goated


I rate the Pokemon because it is better, 4.1.


Which cells are a product of meiosis?
blood cells
brain cells
intestinal cells
muscle cells
sperm cells


Answer:    E.  sperm cells



E sperm cells


Help please.... Will give brainliest for a CORRECT and EXPLAINED answer





Plants use carbon to photosynthesize, animals exhale carbon, emitting it into the air, contributing to the carbon cycle.


Pretty sure it's D.

Photosynthesis is an important part of the carbon cycle, due to the massive use of carbon during its life. Plants take in carbon and release oxygen to survive and help them live, which lets us survive as well. Respiration is in our bodies, made up of our lungs, which helps with gas exchange. Therefore, another part of the carbon cycle due to the intake and release of carbon and oxygen.


Hope this helps! <3

Good luck.

Which of the these combinations result in the expression of a recessive trait?
a. two dominant alleles
b. A Y chromosome
c. two recessive alleles
d. a dominant allele and a recessive allele


C. Two recessive alleles

The combination of two recessive alleles results in the expression of a recessive trait. So the correct option is C.

What is the law of dominance?

The law of dominance was given by Sir Gregor Mendel. The law states that  ‘In crossing between homozygous organisms for contrasting characters of a pair, only one character of the pair appears in the first generation.’

This law of dominance was the first law of heredity that was proposed from the findings of Mendel. It studies the characters and explains that all characters present in an individual organism are controlled by separate units called factors. These factors are present in pairs.

These pairs can be homozygous or heterozygous. In the case of heterozygous pairs, only one of the factor present will dominate the other. The dominating character is called the dominant character, and the unexpressed character is the recessive character.

The recessive character is latent, but it is transmitted to the offspring in the same manner as the dominant character is transmitted. The recessive character will only be expressed when the offspring receives both copies of the same allele and this results in a homozygous individual.

Therefore the correct option is C.

Read more about the law of dominance, here



Answer the questions based on the information given.
The Amur plate, a small plate, has moved away from the Eurasian plate. It has moved125,000 meters in 25 million years. It is moving eastward.
What is the rate of motion of the Amur plate? Express your answer in .
Where would the plate be after 1 million years? Express your answer in m.
What geologic feature will form between the Amur and Eurasian plates?



What is the rate of motion of the Amur plate? Express your answer in .  

✔ 5 mm/year

Where would the plate be after 1 million years? Express your answer in m.  

✔ 5,000 meters east

What geologic feature will form between the Amur and Eurasian plates?  

✔ new ocean floor


The rate of motion of the Amur plate is 5 mm/year.

After 1 million years, it should be noted that the plate will be 5,000 meters east. The geologic feature that will form between the Amur and Eurasian plates will be a new ocean floor.

It should be noted that the rate of motion of the Amur plate will be calculated as:

= 125000 / 25

= 5000

In conclusion, the rate of motion of the Amur plate is 5 mm/year.

Learn more about rates on:


What are two adaptations that animals living in intertidal areas have to deal with?


Animal Adaptations To Intertidal Life
Tide pool animals and plants are well adapted to the intertidal zones. Some adaptations include: The ochre sea star can tolerate a longer time period exposed to air than many other sea stars. They regularly withstand up to eight hours of exposure during low tides.

Which two body systems work together to deliver oxygen to cells?
A. the digestive and respiratory systems
B. the respiratory and circulatory systems
C. the digestive and circulatory systems
D. the circulatory and excretory systems



its (b)


Answer: B

Explanation: the respiratory system includes your lungs, etc., which help you breathe, and the circulatory system is what circulates oxygen through your body.

Identify the labeled structures.








there is nothing there


all i see is A: B: C: D: E:

there nothing for us to help you with .

sessment Week of
A couple is due to have a baby soon and they're curious if one of the unique
traits they have will be passed on to their darling baby. The mother has
picturesque dimples like her mother and is curious if her child will too. The
father has no dimples, and none of his family has dimples either.
mples because she...
1. Create a model that shows the likelihood of a mother with dimples
(genotype: Ee) and a father without dimples (genotype: ee) passing on
the trait, dimples, to offspring.
Format: hig


I have the same question
Not sure if this is what you wanted but I hope this helps!

Two researchers have discovered a new organism. It is made of multiple cells, has a nucleus in each cell, and eats food for energy but it's green in color. One of the researchers thinks it should be classified in the plant kingdom while the other researcher believes it should be in the animal kingdom. Using what you have learned about how the organisms are classified, explain how you would classify the organism and why.Two researchers have discovered a new organism. It is made of multiple cells, has a nucleus in each cell, and eats food for energy but it's green in color. One of the researchers thinks it should be classified in the plant kingdom while the other researcher believes it should be in the animal kingdom. Using what you have learned about how the organisms are classified, explain how you would classify the organism and why.



It should be classified in the animal kingdom.


This organism should be in the animal kingdom classification. Why? Well, in the text it gives us a big clue: "eats food for energy." Plants use the sun for their energy, and make their own food (photosynthesis). But, animals on the other hand do eat food for energy. There is no way that this organism is a plant if it eats food for energy. The other researcher who thinks it is a plant probably thought so because this organism is green, and probably thought "Oh! Chlorophyll must have caused the green color" (Chlorophyll/green color in plants is a PLANT characteristic), but this researcher was wrong and the green color was not caused by chlorophyll.


Chlorophyll, like in this cross section of Plagiomnium affine laminazellen is a key component in the process of photosynthesis, which sustains plant life and produces oxygen for the entire planet. Although microscopic in size, chloroplasts like these have a big role to play in the health of the planet.


Animal cells must work together in order to obtain nutrients and produce energy. Students were asked to create an explanation about the organelles involved in this process. Which student’s explanation is correct?

A. Student D is correct because they said the cell membrane allows the nutrients into the cell and the cytoplasm allows the nutrients to move across to the cell to be broken down by the mitochondria to create energy, and the lysosome gets rid of waste.

B. Student A is correct because they said the nucleus provides the organelles instructions to carry out their jobs, the lysosome breaks down the nutrients to create energy, and the mitochondria gets rid of waste.

C. Student B is correct because they said the nucleus provides the organelles instructions to carry out their jobs, the cell membrane stores the nutrients until the mitochondria breaks them down to create energy.

D. Student C is correct because they said the cell membrane allows the nutrients into the cell and the cytoplasm allows nutrients to move across to the cell to be stored in the lysosome until they need to be broken down by the mitochondria.


pretty sure it’s student A.
Correct answer is student B

Step by step solution

Large areas on the leaves of some plants lack chlorophyll and are therefore not green in color. How does this most likely affect photosynthesis? Not enough sunlight is captured in these areas of the leaves. Carbon dioxide cannot enter these areas of the leaves. Too much glucose builds up in these areas of the leaves. Oxygen cannot be released in these areas of the leaves.



The main function of chloroform is to trap sunlight and donate exited electrons


I believe it is Not enough sunlight is captured in these areas of the leaves.

Mountain ranges often appear on the edges of continents. What theory does this support?
Mountains were formed when Earth’s crust cooled and Earth shrank.
Mountain ranges were formed when continents collided.
Mountain ranges did not exist millions of years ago.
Mountain ranges were formed only by glaciers.



Mountain ranges were formed when continents collided.



B trust me i just took it and got it right


Plant cells have a large central ____________ in which to store water and sugar.





They store the stuff

Answer: Vacuoles


What is the other-feeders and self-feeders for euglenas?

Write your response below


Answer: Is it a dog feeder

Explanation: I look on the internet for that question but it says that it is a dog feeder.

Different types of tissues working together to perform similar functions could make up all of the following, except:
A: Arteries
B: Blood
C: Veins



B. blood


plz mark brainly


Maybe blood?


I could be wrong sry if I am and if am correct pls give good rating!

Based on the food chain diagram above, what percentage of the energy an organism takes in is used by that organism or released as heat or waste?

1) How might the size of the organism change along a food chain?

2) How might the size of an organism determine how much it eats?

seeds → mouse → snake → hawk
10% of the seeds’ energy flows to the mouse
10% of the mouse’s energy flows to the snake
10% of the snake’s energy flows to the hawk


1) as you go up the food chain an organisms size increases.

2)The bigger an organism is the more energy it needs to survive so it will eat more than a smaller organism would.


What habitual fear does Sal express in Minnesota? What does it reveal about Sal’s past?


What habitual fear does Sal express in Minnesota? What does it reveal about Sal’s past?

*What are at least two specific action you can take to protect your vision?

*What are at least two specific action you can take to protect your hearing?

*What are at least two specific action you can take to protect your skin from sun?

*What are at least three benefits of getting enough sleep and rest?



Exercise frequently.

Studies suggest that regular exercise — such as brisk walking — can reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration by up to 70 percent.

Have an annual eye exam.

A comprehensive eye exam, including dilating your pupils, can determine your risk for major eye diseases such as diabetic retinopathy, which has no early warning signs or symptoms.

Use hearing protection devices (such as earplugs and earmuffs) when you cannot avoid loud sounds. Make hearing protection convenient. Stash earplugs in your car or workshop for easy access. Keep children away from loud music or equipment at home.

How to protect your skin from the sun. Use sunscreen every day, even if it's cloudy. Apply at least one ounce of sunscreen (enough to fill a shot glass) at least 15 to 30 minutes before going outside. Also use a lip balm or lipstick that contains sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 30.

Why is getting enough sleep important?

Get sick less often.

Stay at a healthy weight.

Lower your risk for serious health problems, like diabetes and heart disease.

Reduce stress and improve your mood.

Think more clearly and do better in school and at work.

Get along better with people.


i hope this helps you

I believe that the above answer is correct

Which statement describes an advantage of asexual reproduction?

a. Asexual reproduction results in variations in DNA.
b. Asexual reproduction causes less competition for resources.
c. Asexual reproduction is faster than sexual reproduction.
d. Asexual reproduction requires more energy than sexual reproduction.



I think the correct answer is A...

The correct awnser is A

Which of the following are pieces of evidence that Wegener used to support his idea? (Check all that apply.)

Question 58 options:

climate zones









Alfred Wegener used the following evidence to support continental drift: ⎫ The fit of the continental margins across ocean basins ⎫ Matching rock sequences and mountain ranges on different continents ⎫ Climate evidence such as glacial deposits in areas that are now close to the Equator

Glaciers following are pieces of evidence that Wegener used to support his idea.

What is glacier?

A glacier is a sizable, enduring mass of crystalline ice, snow, rock, silt, and frequently liquid water that forms on land and slides down a slope due to gravity and its own weight.

The average annual temperature is almost below freezing.

Winter precipitation results in considerable snow accumulations, yet temperatures throughout the rest of the year prevent the snow accumulation from being completely lost.

The snow eventually becomes a significant enough amount after several decades of continuous accumulation for the process of turning snow into glacier ice to start. Size is used to classify glaciers (i.e. ice sheet, ice cap, valley glacier, cirque glacier).

Therefore, Glaciers following are pieces of evidence that Wegener used to support his idea.

To learn more about glacier, refer to the link:



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