A sample of rock is composed of a mixture of 42% quartz, 27% of plagioclase, and 31% of pyrite. The dry unit weight of this rock is 29.4 kN/m cube. Its longitudinal wave velocity measured in the laboratory is 2400m/s. Describe its slate of fissuring.

Typical value of longitudinal velocity = 2400 m/s Dry unit weight of the rock = 29.4 kN/m cube


Answer 1

It can be determined that the rock's state of fissuring is poor. If it is assumed that the rock's strength is only related to its mineral composition, it may be discovered that quartz's strength is greater than plagioclase's and pyrite's strength is the weakest. This can also be used to show the extent of fissuring that will occur. The strength of the rock will decrease as the percentage of pyrite rises.

Given, quartz percentage = 42%, plagioclase percentage = 27%, pyrite percentage = 31%The dry unit weight of rock = 29.4 kN/m³The longitudinal wave velocity measured in the laboratory = 2400 m/sIt is assumed that the strength of rock is directly proportional to its mineral composition. In such cases, the strength of quartz is found to be higher than that of plagioclase and pyrite has the lowest strength among the minerals. It can be concluded that the rock has poor state of fissuring as the strength of rock decreases with the increase in pyrite percentage.

Thus, it can be stated that the state of fissuring of the rock is poor due to the presence of pyrite in it, which is the weakest mineral component present in the rock.

To know more about pyrite visit:

Related Questions

Which type of weathering is exhibited by the samples that react to the acid? What evidence supports your hypothesis?


To determine the type of weathering exhibited by the samples that react to the acid, we need more specific information about the samples and the acid used.

However, if the samples react to the acid by fizzing or bubbling, it is an indication of chemical weathering, specifically acid dissolution or acid reaction. This occurs when minerals in the rock or sediment react with the acid, causing a chemical reaction and the release of gas.

The evidence supporting this hypothesis is the observed reaction of the samples to the acid. If the acid causes visible changes in the samples, such as effervescence or the formation of gas bubbles, it indicates a chemical reaction and suggests that the samples are undergoing chemical weathering. It is important to note that this interpretation may vary depending on the specific context and characteristics of the samples and the acid used.

Learn more about  weathering exhibited here:



Using the Plate boundaries file,
what type of plate boundary is associated with an Earthquake at 49°
3'N 127°53'W?
Clear my choice


The type of plate boundary associated with an earthquake at 49°3'N 127°53'W can be determined using the Plate boundaries file.

To provide an accurate answer, I would need access to the specific Plate boundaries file being referenced. However, based on general knowledge of plate tectonics, the location mentioned falls within the region known as the Pacific Ring of Fire, which is characterized by intense seismic activity. Considering the coordinates provided, 49°3'N 127°53'W, it is more likely to be associated with a convergent plate boundary. Convergent plate boundaries occur when two tectonic plates collide, leading to the subduction of one plate beneath the other. This subduction zone is often marked by intense seismic activity and the formation of mountain ranges or volcanic arcs. However, without access to the specific Plate boundaries file, it is not possible to provide a definitive answer. Consulting the file or referring to geological maps and data specific to the area would be necessary for a more accurate determination of the plate boundary type associated with the mentioned coordinates.

Learn more about boundary associated here;



1- Discuss briefly types of stresses surrounding an
2-Discuss briefly types of stresses surrounding inverse
(compression) fault


1- Types of stresses surrounding an Anticline. The geological structure that results from the upward folding of rock layers is referred to as an anticline. The anticline structure is formed when rock layers bend upwards into a crest. This structure is subjected to various types of stresses. These stresses are as follows:

Compression stress- It's the stress that causes the folding of rock layers in the first place. This stress is caused by the Earth's internal forces.

Tensile stress- The upper surface of the anticline is subject to tensile stress. Tensile stress is caused by the stretching of the rock.

Shear stress- When two adjacent rock layers are moving in opposite directions, the shear stress is applied. This stress causes the horizontal movement of the rock layers.

2- Types of stresses surrounding inverse (compression) fault Inverse faulting, also known as reverse faulting, is a type of faulting in which rocks break and slide against each other, resulting in the vertical displacement of the ground surface. The following types of stresses surround inverse/compression fault:Compression stress- It's the stress that causes the rocks to be broken and the rock layers to be pushed upwards. This stress is caused by the Earth's internal forces.Tensile stress- The rock layers above the fault plane are subject to tensile stress. This stress is caused by the stretching of the rock.Shearing stress- Shearing stress is created when the footwall slides horizontally beneath the hanging wall. This stress causes the horizontal movement of the rock layers.

1- The Anticline structure is subjected to three types of stresses, namely Compression, Tensile, and Shear.

2- The inverse (compression) fault is subjected to Compression, Tensile, and Shearing stresses.

The Anticline structure is a geological structure that results from the upward folding of rock layers. It is subject to Compression, Tensile, and Shear stresses. Compression stress is responsible for the formation of the anticline structure. Tensile stress affects the upper surface of the anticline structure. Shear stress causes horizontal movement of the rock layers. Inverse (compression) fault, on the other hand, is caused by rocks breaking and sliding against each other, resulting in vertical displacement of the ground surface. The fault is subject to Compression, Tensile, and Shearing stresses. Compression stress causes rocks to break and the rock layers to be pushed upwards. Tensile stress affects the rock layers above the fault plane, and shearing stress causes horizontal movement of the rock layers.

Anticline structures and inverse faults are both geological structures that are subject to different types of stresses. Compression, Tensile, and Shear stresses are the three types of stresses that affect the Anticline structure, while Compression, Tensile, and Shearing stresses are the three types of stresses that affect the inverse fault.

To know more about tensile stress visit:

What types of questions did you have about the object you selected that relate to the overall curriculum expectation above? You have developed 2-3 questions and researched them. Your questions should have been broad in nature and not something that could be answered in one sentence. For example, a question like, "Does my object make electricity?" would have been too basic (the answer is "Yes!"). Instead a question like, "Why can't rechargeable batteries last forever?" would have been something to be explored in more detail and would have been a more appropriate question. Now, develop an information brochure, infographic or webpage that could be found on a website promoting the benefits of renewable energy. Your information brochure/infographic/webpage should include: • An overview of the electrochemical object. • The information you learned through researching your inquiry questions. • The implication of this electrochemical object for society, health and safety and the environment. Success Criteria You are being evaluated on how clearly you demonstrated your understanding of your electrochemical object by providing:


Developing an information brochure, infographic or webpage that could be found on a website promoting the benefits of renewable energy would require the inclusion of an overview of the electrochemical object, the information gained through researching inquiry questions, and the implications of the object for society, health, safety, and the environment.

To develop an information brochure, infographic or webpage that could be found on a website promoting the benefits of renewable energy, one would have to include an explanation of the electrochemical object, the information gathered through researching inquiry questions, and the implication of this object for society, health, safety, and the environment. In order to clearly demonstrate one's understanding of the electrochemical object, the information included should be presented in a clear and concise manner and make use of images and graphics to help illustrate key points.The types of questions that one had about the object selected that relate to the overall curriculum expectation above would need to be broad in nature.

For instance, a question like, "Does my object make electricity?" would have been too basic (the answer is "Yes!"). Instead, a question like, "Why can't rechargeable batteries last forever?" would have been something to be explored in more detail and would have been a more appropriate question.The information brochure, infographic or webpage should include: An Overview of the Electrochemical Object: This section would provide a brief explanation of the electrochemical object. This could include information such as how it works, what it is made of, and what its primary uses are. Information Gained Through Researching Inquiry Questions: In this section, one would explain the answers found to their inquiry questions. This could include scientific research or studies on the object, as well as other relevant information found.

Implication of the Electrochemical Object for Society, Health, Safety, and the Environment: This section would provide a conclusion on the object and the implications it has for society, health, safety, and the environment. One could explore how it could be used to benefit renewable energy or the negative impacts it could have on the environment. This would help to demonstrate one's understanding of the object and its wider implications.In conclusion, By presenting this information in a clear and concise manner, one could demonstrate their understanding of the electrochemical object and its wider implications.

To know more about infographic visit:



Which of the following stereo viewing systems are restricted to one viewer only? Select all the correct answers. a Anaglyphic glasses b Split screen c Active shuttering eyewear d Active modulating panel e Dual monitor


Anaglyphic glasses.  Anaglyphic glasses are stereo viewing systems that use differently colored lenses (usually red and cyan) to separate the left and right eye views

These glasses allow one viewer to perceive the stereoscopic effect by filtering the corresponding colors to each eye. Anaglyphic glasses are typically designed for single-viewer use and are not suitable for multiple viewers simultaneously. The other options listed do not restrict viewing to one viewer only: Split screen: Split screen techniques divide the display into two parts, allowing each eye to see a different perspective. This technique can be used by multiple viewers simultaneously, each positioned to see their respective portion of the screen.  Active shuttering eyewear: Active shutter glasses synchronize with a display device and rapidly alternate between showing the left and right eye views. This technology enables stereoscopic vision for one viewer at a time.  Active modulating panel: Active modulating panels are display devices that rapidly alternate between showing the left and right eye views. They are typically used in conjunction with active shutter glasses to provide a stereoscopic experience. Multiple viewers can utilize this system simultaneously.

Learn  more about  Anaglyphic glasses here;



6. Name three drugs that have clay minerals as active ingredients, and indicate which is the clay mineral in each product.

7. Define what specific surface area is, and how a high specific surface area is produced in a material.


Three drugs that have clay minerals as active ingredients are:


Specific surface area refersto the total surface area   of a material per unit mass.

What   is the explanation for the above ?

Some drugs,like kaolin, bentonite,   and montmorillonite, contain clay minerals as active ingredients.

These minerals, such as kaolinite, provide properties like absorption and soothing effects. Specific surface area refers to the total surface area per unit mass of a material.

It can be increased by reducing particle size, creating a porous structure, or introducing texture. These techniques maximize the material's surface area, resulting in a higher specific surface area.

Learn more about active ingredients at:



Where is Earth's freshwater? Describe its general form, such as ice or liquid water. Also describe its general location, such as above or below ground and the perecentage of Earth's freshwater.


Earth's freshwater is mostly located underground and in the form of ice, with a very small percentage being in the form of liquid water on the surface. According to studies, around 68.7% of freshwater is frozen in glaciers and ice caps, 30.1% of freshwater is underground, and only about 1.2% of freshwater is on the surface, such as in rivers, lakes, and swamps.

In general, the majority of freshwater is located underground in aquifers, which are porous rock layers that store water. This water is accessed through wells and springs, and it is used for drinking, irrigation, and other purposes.

Additionally, a significant amount of freshwater is located in glaciers and ice caps, particularly in Antarctica and Greenland. These frozen reservoirs of freshwater play a critical role in regulating the Earth's climate and sea levels.

In conclusion, Earth's freshwater is primarily located underground and in the form of ice, with only a small percentage being in the form of liquid water on the surface. While freshwater is a finite resource, its availability can be increased through careful management and conservation efforts.

To know more about freshwater visit:



If the height of stratosphere was from 10 km altitude to 80 km
altitude a uniform density, what is the ratio of the optical depth
of absorption trace gas we have radius of the Earth 6390 km.


The formula for finding the optical depth τ is given as,τ = ∫σn ds where σ is the absorption cross-section per unit molecule, n is the number density of the absorbing molecules, and s is the distance along the path of the light in the atmosphere. We need to find the ratio of the optical depth for two altitudes of the same path length in a uniform density stratosphere which implies that the number density of the trace gas should be constant and the cross-section of the trace gas should also remain the same.Therefore, the ratio of the optical depth is 1:1.

Optical depth is a measure of the extent to which radiation is absorbed by a medium. It is calculated as the natural logarithm of the ratio of the incident radiation to the transmitted radiation. For a given path length, the optical depth is determined by the cross-section of the absorbing molecules and the number density of the absorbing molecules. In a uniform density stratosphere, the number density of the trace gas remains constant and the cross-section of the trace gas is the same. Hence, the ratio of the optical depth for two altitudes of the same path length is 1:1.

Therefore, we can conclude that the ratio of the optical depth of absorption trace gas in a uniform density stratosphere from 10 km altitude to 80 km altitude is 1:1.

To know more about stratosphere visit:

Match number tp letters
1. To describe where a star is on a star map
2. To describe where you are
3. To point to something in the sky
A. Use Lattitude and Longitude
B. Use Declination and right ascension
C. Use Altitude and Azimuth


The star is on a star map, use declination and right ascension (B). To describe your location, use latitude and longitude (A). To point to something in the sky, use altitude and azimuth (C).

The matches for number to letters regarding the terms of location:1. To describe where a star is on a star map - B. Use Declination and right ascension To describe where a star is on a star map, you can use declination and right ascension. Declination is like latitude in the sky and right ascension is like longitude in the sky.2. To describe where you are - A. Use L attitude and Longitude To describe where you are, latitude and longitude can be used.3. To point to something in the sky - C. Use Altitude and Azimuth To point to something in the sky, altitude and azimuth are the terms that can be used.

Learn more about  star map here:



The time dilation, length contraction and mass-energy are addressed in

O Special Relativity.
O Olbers's paradox.
O the Cosmological principle.
O General Relativity.
O Steady State Physics.


Special Relativity describes time dilation, length contraction, and mass-energy. Einstein introduced special relativity in 1905, and it contains two primary postulates.1. The laws of physics are the same in all inertial reference frames.2. The speed of light in a vacuum is constant, independent of the observer's motion or the source's motion.

The effects of time dilation, length contraction, and mass-energy have been experimentally verified many times since their discovery. Time dilation occurs when an object moves at a high speed, and time passes more slowly for that object than it does for stationary objects. The faster an object moves, the slower time passes for it.Length contraction is a similar effect, which occurs when an object moves at a high speed. It appears to be shorter than it would if it were stationary. As a result, an object appears to be elongated in the direction of motion.Mass-energy equivalence is another essential concept in special relativity. E=mc² is the most well-known formula, and it states that mass and energy are equivalent. It indicates that mass and energy are two manifestations of the same thing. Energy can be converted into mass, and mass can be converted into energy.Thus, Special Relativity describes time dilation, length contraction, and mass-energy.

For more information on Einstein visit:



Answear this question the luminosity of a star quadruples if...
O A. the temperature of the star halves.
O B. the radius of the star quadruples.
O C. the radius of the star halves.
O D. the temperature of the star doubles.
O E. the radius of the star doubles.


The luminosity of a star quadruples if the temperature of the star doubles.

The luminosity of a star is determined by its temperature and radius according to the Stefan-Boltzmann law, which states that the luminosity of a star is proportional to the fourth power of its temperature. When the temperature of a star doubles, the luminosity increases by a factor of 2^4 = 16. This is because the energy emitted by a star is directly related to its temperature, with higher temperatures leading to more energetic radiation. Therefore, if the temperature of a star doubles, its luminosity increases by a factor of 16. The other options in the question, such as changes in radius, do not directly affect the luminosity of a star according to the Stefan-Boltzmann law.

learn more about Stefan-Boltzmann law here



The upper-tropospheric jet stream over the middle latitudes is
everywhere straight out of the west.


The upper-tropospheric jet stream over the middle latitudes is everywhere straight out of the west, The statement is false .

The upper-tropospheric jet stream over the middle latitudes is not always straight out of the west. While the jet stream generally flows from west to east, its path and direction can vary due to various atmospheric conditions. The jet stream can meander, creating wave-like patterns, and its direction can shift north or south. These variations in the jet stream's path and direction can impact weather patterns and influence the movement of storms and weather systems. Therefore, the upper-tropospheric jet stream over the middle latitudes is not consistently straight out of the west.

learn more about:- tropospheric jet stream here



Given the role of different stakeholders in "community based
reforestation," is the current approach sufficiently inclusive? If
so, expound. If not, what improvements are necessary?


Community-based reforestation involves active participation and collective responsibility of the community.

Reforestation provides a platform for different stakeholders such as non-governmental organizations (NGOs), government organizations, the private sector, local communities, and the general public to collaborate for a common goal. Their participation in decision-making has the potential to address their individual needs, priorities and interests. In light of the current approaches adopted by different stakeholders, it is evident that they are not sufficient to ensure that everyone is included. Therefore, there is a need to improve the approach in terms of inclusivity.

The current approach has some limitations that need to be addressed to ensure all stakeholders participate and benefit from community-based reforestation. The approach needs to be more inclusive by engaging women and minority groups in the decision-making process. Women are the backbone of rural economies and a crucial stakeholder in community-based reforestation. Their role in reforestation activities should be emphasized to ensure that the programs are successful. Inclusive participation can be achieved by engaging women in the planning and decision-making process and ensuring that their voices are heard.

The approach should also include marginalized communities, indigenous people, and other minority groups in decision-making processes. These groups are often excluded from decision-making processes, and their voices are rarely heard. Involving them will enhance community-based reforestation initiatives by ensuring that the programs meet their needs, priorities, and interests.

Learn more about reforestation here:



what portion of the ball reflects the light explain​


The portion of the ball that reflects light is the surface of the ball. When light falls on an object, it interacts with the surface of the object. The surface of the ball reflects some of the light that falls on it, while the rest is absorbed by the ball.

The surface of the ball is what we see when we look at it. When light falls on the surface of the ball, it is reflected in different directions. This reflection is what makes the ball visible to us. The amount of light reflected by the surface of the ball depends on the material that the ball is made of. A shiny ball will reflect more light than a dull ball. This is because the surface of the shiny ball is smoother, which allows the light to reflect more easily. On the other hand, the surface of a dull ball is rougher, which makes it harder for the light to reflect.

In addition to the material that the ball is made of, the angle at which the light falls on the ball also affects the amount of light that is reflected. When the light falls on the ball at a steep angle, less light is reflected. However, when the light falls on the ball at a shallow angle, more light is reflected.

Know more about reflection here:



what divides the rohingya from the rest of the population of myanmar? (site 1)


The Rohingya population in Myanmar is primarily divided from the rest of the country's population due to a combination of factors including their distinct ethnic and religious identity, and historical tensions.

What leads to Rohingya population division from the country ?

The Rohingya, an ethnic Muslim minority group predominantly residing in the state of Rakhine in western Myanmar, encounter a lack of official recognition as one of the country's indigenous ethnic groups. Instead, they are deemed illegal immigrants originating from Bangladesh by the Myanmar government.

The divide separating the Rohingya and the rest of Myanmar's population stems from multifaceted ethnic and religious disparities. Buddhism predominates among the majority of Myanmar's inhabitants, standing in contrast to the Rohingya's Muslim faith.

Find out more on the Rohingya people at https://brainly.com/question/30878256


Sun-synchronous orbits maintain the same sun angle over time.
O True
O False


False. Sun-synchronous orbits do not maintain the same sun angle over time.

A sun-synchronous orbit is a type of orbit used by satellites that allows them to pass over the same point on the Earth's surface at the same local time each day. These orbits are specifically designed so that the satellite maintains a consistent angle with respect to the sun, rather than the same sun angle over time. By adjusting the inclination and altitude of the orbit, satellites can achieve a desired sun angle, which is typically chosen to optimize the collection of data for specific purposes such as remote sensing or imaging. This synchronized alignment with the sun allows for consistent lighting conditions and facilitates the accurate observation and monitoring of the Earth's surface over extended periods of time. However, as the Earth's position in its orbit around the sun changes throughout the year, the sun angle in a sun-synchronous orbit will vary accordingly.

Learn more about sun-synchronous  here



What kind of air holds the most moisture?

O still air
O cold
O quickly moving
O hot


The type of air that holds the most moisture is hot air.

What is humidity?

Humidity is the amount of moisture, i.e., water vapor, present in the atmosphere. The moisture or humidity in the air is what makes people feel hot and sweaty on hot, humid days.

How does the air hold water vapor?

The amount of moisture that the atmosphere can hold is determined by the temperature of the air. The warmer the air, the more moisture it can hold. When warm air comes into contact with a cold surface, it cools, and the moisture condenses into water droplets, leading to dew or fog.

What kind of air holds the most moisture?

As previously stated, the type of air that holds the most moisture is hot air. As a result, humid air is commonly linked with hot weather. As the temperature increases, the air's capacity to hold water vapor also increases. That is why, on a hot day, one may feel hot and sticky due to the high humidity in the air.

On the other hand, cold air cannot hold as much water vapor as warm air. The air tends to be dry and devoid of moisture when it is cold. Therefore, cold air contains less moisture than hot air, and it is less humid. In addition, moving air, such as wind, does not hold as much moisture as still air; therefore, quickly moving air holds less moisture than still air.

Furthermore, when the air is cooled to the dew point temperature, it is known as the relative humidity. When the relative humidity reaches 100%, it means that the air is completely saturated with water vapor. That is the dew point temperature at which condensation occurs, forming dew, fog, or clouds.

To learn more about humidity, visit:



the atmospheric homosphere consists of the . a. ionosphere, troposphere, and exosphere b. mesosphere, thermosphere, and exosphere c. troposphere, stratosphere, and mesosphere d. all of the above e. none of the above


The atmospheric homosphere consists of the troposphere, stratosphere, and mesosphere. Therefore, the correct option among the given alternatives is c. troposphere, stratosphere, and mesosphere.

The homosphere is the layer of the Earth's atmosphere that extends from the surface to roughly 50 to 80 kilometers (31 to 50 miles) in altitude. It's also known as the lower atmosphere. The Homosphere, which is composed of the troposphere, stratosphere, and mesosphere, is an area of the atmosphere where the composition of gases is constant throughout the height of the layer. These layers are distinguished by variations in temperature that cause the chemical composition to change

The layer of the atmosphere closest to Earth's surface is known as the troposphere. It extends up to 10-15 kilometers (6-10 miles) above the Earth's surface and is primarily composed of nitrogen (78 percent) and oxygen (21 percent). Other gases, such as carbon dioxide, helium, argon, and neon, make up the remaining 1% of the atmosphere. Almost all of the Earth's weather happens in the troposphere

Ozone, which absorbs ultraviolet radiation from the Sun, is abundant in the stratosphere. The temperature in this layer rises as altitude increases.

The mesosphere is the coldest layer of the Earth's atmosphere, lying above the stratosphere and extending up to about 85 kilometers (53 miles) above the Earth's surface. The temperature in the mesosphere decreases with altitude. The mesosphere is located above the stratosphere and below the thermosphere. The mesosphere is the layer of the atmosphere where meteors burn up when they enter the Earth's atmosphere.

to know more about Ozone visit :



The plant separates out a fairly pure fraction with copper scrap, which contains 1.5 tonnes of copper annually. It is estimated that the copper metal entering the plant totals 2.0 tonnes per year.

What does that mean?

Choose one option:

the transfer coefficient of copper is 75%

the material efficiency of the plant is 75%

the allocation coefficient for copper is 75%

the selective coefficient for copper is 25%


Material efficiency is defined as the percentage of material that is converted to a valuable product.

The material efficiency of the plant can be calculated using the formula:Material efficiency = (output weight / input weight) x 100Given that the plant separates out a fairly pure fraction with copper scrap, which contains 1.5 tonnes of copper annually, and the copper metal entering the plant totals 2.0 tonnes per year, we can calculate the material efficiency of the plant.Material efficiency = (1.5 / 2.0) x 100= 75%Therefore, the material efficiency of the plant is 75%.

the transfer coefficient of copper is 75% - This statement is not relevant to the given information. Hence, it is not the correct answer.Option B: the material efficiency of the plant is 75% - This statement is correct.Option C: the allocation coefficient for copper is 75% - This statement is not relevant to the given information. Hence, it is not the correct answer.Option D: the selective coefficient for copper is 25% - This statement is not relevant to the given information. Hence, it is not the correct answer.

The correct option is B. The material efficiency of the plant is 75%

To knoow more about Relative decoupling visit:



explain how a seismic tsunami forms, what is required? what are characteristics of the wave in the open ocean and how does that change (in terms of speed and height) as it approached the shore .


A seismic tsunami is formed by the sudden movement of the Earth's crust, which triggers a series of large ocean waves. This movement can be caused by several different events, such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, or landslides.

The energy from these events is transferred to the water and causes the water to move, creating a tsunami.In order for a seismic tsunami to form, three main things are required:1. A disturbance in the Earth's crust2. The disturbance must be large enough to transfer energy to the water3.

The water must be deep enough to allow for the creation of large waves.The characteristics of a tsunami wave in the open ocean are that it has a very long wavelength and a relatively small wave height. This means that in the open ocean, the wave may not be easily seen or felt by ships or other vessels.

However, as the wave approaches the shore, its speed slows down due to the decrease in water depth, and the wave height increases.In terms of speed, the wave travels very quickly in the open ocean, often reaching speeds of over 500 miles per hour. As it approaches the shore, the wave slows down significantly due to the decrease in water depth. This decrease in speed can cause the wave height to increase dramatically, resulting in a much larger and more destructive wave.

As the wave approaches the shore, it begins to "feel" the bottom of the ocean, and the wave's shape becomes compressed. This causes the wave height to increase, sometimes to several meters or more. The wave then crashes onto the shore, causing widespread damage and destruction.Content loaded:

To know more about seismic tsunami  visit:



1a. What happened to summer temperatures in the 1980’s?
1b. What then happened to summer temperatures in the 1990’s?
1c. What has happened to summer temperatures from 2005 to


Summer temperatures in the 1980s experienced a significant increase. These rising temperatures had various impacts on ecosystems, weather patterns, and human health, emphasizing the need for proactive measures to mitigate climate change.

During the 1980s, summer temperatures witnessed a notable rise. This warming trend was a part of the overall global climate change phenomenon that has been observed over the past century. Several factors contributed to the temperature increase, including the release of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide, from human activities like the burning of fossil fuels. The 1980s marked a period of accelerated industrialization and increased energy consumption, leading to higher emissions.

Throughout the 1980s, summer temperatures experienced an upward trajectory, reflecting the global warming trend. Scientific data indicates that the average global temperature increased by approximately 0.4°C (0.7°F) during that decade. This rise in temperature can be attributed to the enhanced greenhouse effect caused by human activities, primarily the burning of fossil fuels. The emission of greenhouse gases traps more heat in the atmosphere, leading to a gradual warming of the Earth's surface. The 1980s were marked by growing concerns about climate change, which prompted increased research and monitoring efforts to understand and address the issue. The observed temperature increase in the 1980s acted as a precursor to subsequent climate change discussions and initiatives in the following decades.

Learn more about global warming here



What is "Natural resources, environmental policy and climate
change" professional goals for the next five years?


Natural resources, environmental policy, and climate change is a broad field. Therefore, the professional goals for the next five years depend on the specific area of expertise. However, some common professional goals include reducing the carbon footprint, implementing sustainable development practices, and mitigating climate change impacts. Additionally, policies and regulations that address natural resources conservation, biodiversity, and environmental management will be a priority.

Natural resources, environmental policy, and climate change are interconnected fields that require a multi-faceted approach. The professional goals for the next five years include adopting sustainable development practices, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, mitigating the impacts of climate change, and promoting environmental stewardship. To achieve these goals, policymakers will have to work collaboratively with various stakeholders, including industries, communities, and governments, to ensure the implementation of effective policies and regulations that address these issues. Furthermore, education and awareness campaigns on the importance of natural resources and environmental conservation will be essential.

In conclusion, the professional goals for natural resources, environmental policy, and climate change over the next five years include reducing greenhouse gas emissions, adopting sustainable development practices, promoting environmental stewardship, and mitigating climate change impacts. Achieving these goals will require a multi-faceted approach that includes education and awareness campaigns, effective policy implementation, and collaborative efforts between stakeholders.

To know more about greenhouse gas visit:

In the spring, deer and elk browse on new shoots of certain tree species and avoid other species entirely. In some cases the browsers remove all individual trees of preferred species under a certain size class, stopping the regeneration of those species. This is a case of "selectivity" that no doubt influences succession.

(a) Describe two ways you can mitigate for browsers at a restored site.

(b) Come up with two other cases of selectivity that would be a factor in planning a restoration project.


Mitigation for browsers at a restored site: Two ways to mitigate browsers at a restored site include the use of exclusion fences and the use of deterrents. A fence can be installed around the perimeter of the site to keep deer and elk out, or smaller enclosures can be built around specific plants or trees to protect them from browsing. Deterrents are also used to discourage browsers from feeding on restored sites.

These may include scents, sounds, or motion-activated sprinklers. Other cases of selectivity in planning a restoration project: Two other cases of selectivity that would be factored in planning a restoration project are habitat and water availability. Selective herbivores may alter the habitat, and the presence of particular species, as well as water availability, have been demonstrated to influence the distribution and establishment of many species.

Selectivity by wildlife can lead to long-lasting effects; therefore, it is important to consider the ecological impacts of selectivity when planning restoration projects.

To know more about mitigation, visit:



What are the changes you might have observed in the demographic
environment in Bangladesh for
the last ten years? Describe with examples.


Changes observed in the demographic environment of Bangladesh over the last ten years include population growth, urbanization, increased literacy rates, and changes in age structure.

For example, the population of Bangladesh has continued to increase, reaching approximately 170 million people in 2021. Rapid urbanization has been observed, with a significant rise in the number of people living in cities and towns. The literacy rate has improved, particularly among women, contributing to higher educational attainment. Additionally, there have been shifts in the age structure, with a growing youth population and a declining fertility rate. These changes have implications for social, economic, and healthcare systems in Bangladesh.

Learn more about  demographic environment here;



What ve Humidity of an air parcel containing 10 g/kg of water vapor and a Temperature of 25 degrees Celsius?

O 75%
O 25%
O 100%
O 50%


Humidity of an air parcel containing 10 g/kg of water vapor and a Temperature of 25 degrees Celsius.

The correct option is O 50%

Given, Temperature of the air parcel = 25 degrees Celsius Amount of water vapor in the air parcel = 10 g/kg of air Firstly, we need to calculate the amount of water vapor required for the air parcel to become saturated and for content loaded at 25°C.

This value is known as the saturation mixing ratio and can be calculated by:

Saturation Mixing Ratio = Mass of Water Vapor in Saturated Air / Mass of Dry Air in Saturated air at a temperature of 25°C, the saturation mixing ratio is approximately 20 g/kg of dry air. Mass of Dry Air in Parcel = 1 kg - 0.01 kg = 0.99 kg (as 1 kg of air contains 10 g of water vapor)Mass of Water Vapor in Parcel = 10 g/kg * 0.99 kg = 9.9 g

Now, we can calculate the Relative Humidity of the air parcel by dividing the mixing ratio of the air parcel by the saturation mixing ratio and multiplying by 100.Relative Humidity = Mixing Ratio / Saturation Mixing Ratio * 100Mixing Ratio = Mass of Water Vapor in Air Parcel / Mass of Dry Air in Air Parcel= 10 g/kg * 0.001 kg/kg = 0.01 kg/kg relative Humidity = 0.01 kg/kg / 0.02 kg/kg * 100 = 50%

Therefore, the Relative Humidity of an air parcel containing 10 g/kg of water vapor and a Temperature of 25 degrees Celsius is 50%.

To know more about Relative Humidity visit:



approximately how far below the earth's surface is the interface between the mantle and outer core


Approximately 2,900 kilometers far below the earth's surface is the interface between the mantle and outer core.

The interface between the mantle and outer core is located at an approximate depth of 2,900 kilometers below the Earth's surface. The Earth's interior is divided into several layers, including the crust, mantle, outer core, and inner core. The mantle is the layer beneath the crust, and it extends down to a depth of about 2,900 kilometers. Below the mantle is the outer core, which marks the boundary between the solid mantle and the liquid outer core. The precise depth can vary slightly depending on location, but 2,900 kilometers provides a general estimate for the depth of this interface.

learn more about:-  earth's surface here



Case Study 1:
Saijo Steps Up!

Saijo City, Japan includes education of twelve year olds in Disaster Risk Reduction since
2006. In 2011, the city government decided to expand the program to include high
school students in DRR education. In October 14, 2011, a lecture program on Disaster
Risk Reduction was given to young high school students as part of their International
Day for Disaster Risk Reduction celebrations. The objective of the lecture program is to
further the mutual help from the different stakeholders in Saijo City.
Saijo city believes that children are not bystanders but rather, are active participants in
disaster management. This point of view is from the city’s experience with previous
disasters which proved that during post-disaster events, children are not passive victims
of situations that have gone beyond their control.
The DRR program for the training of high schoolers is education on the kinds of
disasters that their city can experience, where it happens, the significance of social
networks, and what different members of the community can do. The education
program is rooted on the lessons gained from the previous disasters that Saijo City
survived such as floods and landslides.

Case Study 2:
Children as Contributors to Disaster Risk Reduction

The Center for Disaster Preparedness (CDP) located at CSWD, UP Diliman, developed a
toolkit to allow children to play an active role in disaster risk reduction. Children have
specific vulnerabilities and capacities that may not be addressed. The tools in the CDP’s
Child-Oriented Participatory Risk Assessment and Planning (COPRAP) enables children to
identify their needs, vulnerabilities, and capacities.The CORPAP was used in an action research in a flood-prone community. The methods used in the CORPAP includes drawing, role-playing, and interactive discussions that were able to draw out thoughts and views of children. Workshops were also held to for children to determine disaster-related factors relevant to their specific area such as elements at risk, safe and unsafe locations, appropriate responses before, during, and after a disaster, and other issues that threatens them. The inputs drawn from the children through CORPAP was then contributed to the Community-based Disaster Risk Reduction and Management. The community developed measures that are beneficial to the children and all the other members of the community. The CORPAP paved the way for local-level initiatives towards an integrated and sustainable approach to development.

Case Study 3:
Volunteer Responders, Helpers in Community Preparedness

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) under the US Department of
Homeland Security has a program called Community Emergency Response Team
(CERT). The CERT program educates citizen volunteers about the hazards that they are
exposed to in their locality. The volunteers are also given trainings on basic emergency
response skills needed as rescuers. The skills gained by volunteers would be of great
assistance so that professional responders can prioritize on more complex tasks in case
there is a need for manpower during emergency response situations. The CERT
program is an opportunity for individuals and communities to strengthen their capacity
to cope and recover from disasters. Community Emergency Response Team as a program, has enough flexibility for specific communities to build their own teams and preparedness strategies. In fact, FEMA also provides a Community Preparedness Toolkit, a guide to starting a community-based disaster preparedness program based that is suited to their specific needs.

ESSENTIAL QUESTION: Based on the texts above, answer the following.
How can one mitigate the effects of a natural hazard?


The effects of a natural hazard can be mitigated through several methods. Below are some methods that can be used to mitigate the effects of natural hazards:1. Education and training: Education and training in disaster risk reduction (DRR) is a critical component of preparedness and response to natural hazards.

By educating citizens, especially children, on the risks associated with natural hazards, people can learn how to prepare and respond when a natural hazard strikes.2. Community-based disaster preparedness programs: Community-based disaster preparedness programs like the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) program can help citizens to better prepare and respond to natural hazards. These programs provide training and resources to citizens, enabling them to respond more effectively during a disaster.3. Child-Oriented Participatory Risk Assessment and Planning (COPRAP): COPRAP is a toolkit developed by the Center for Disaster Preparedness (CDP) to help children identify their needs, vulnerabilities, and capacities in disaster risk reduction. Through drawing, role-playing, and interactive discussions, children can provide valuable insights into disaster-related factors that are relevant to their specific area.4. Social networks: Social networks are essential in mitigating the effects of natural hazards. They provide a means of communication and coordination between citizens and emergency responders during a disaster. By strengthening social networks, citizens can better prepare and respond to natural hazards.5. Flexible preparedness strategies: Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) program provides enough flexibility for specific communities to build their own teams and preparedness strategies. In fact, FEMA also provides a Community Preparedness Toolkit, a guide to starting a community-based disaster preparedness program based that is suited to their specific needs.

For more information on  natural hazard visit:



Do policy forums make you feel hopeful or hopeless about the
future of reforestation efforts in the Philippines? Explain.


The policy forums do make me feel hopeful about the future of reforestation efforts in the Philippines.

Forests have been damaged for several years, and there has been a lack of effort to restore them. The Philippine government has been working to reverse this damage by implementing policies that promote reforestation and protect the existing forests. The policy forums are a positive indication that the government is taking the issue seriously and is working towards resolving it.

The policy forums provide a platform for discussing the strategies and policies that can be implemented to support reforestation efforts. These forums bring together stakeholders, including government officials, non-governmental organizations, and local communities. The exchange of ideas and knowledge is beneficial for promoting the development of effective policies that meet the unique needs of the various regions.

During these forums, experts from various fields, such as forestry, ecology, and environmental science, provide valuable insights that help shape the policy development process. The Philippine government has also demonstrated a commitment to reforestation by allocating significant resources to support the initiatives. The creation of the National Greening Program in 2010 is a clear indication of the government's efforts to combat deforestation and promote reforestation.

Thus, the policy forums in the Philippines make me hopeful about the future of reforestation efforts. The government's efforts to combat deforestation through various initiatives are commendable. Furthermore, the collaboration of various stakeholders in policy development processes is essential in promoting reforestation efforts.

Learn more about reforestation here:



Orange County is found in which floristic province? O Californian O Vancouverian O Sonoran O Great Basin


Orange County is found in the Californian floristic province. The Californian province, includes most of California and part of southwestern Oregon.

It is characterized by a Mediterranean climate with warm, dry summers and mild, wet winters. It is home to a wide variety of plant communities, including chaparral, coastal sage scrub, oak woodlands, and coniferous forests, as well as a diverse array of plant species.

Orange County is located in the southern part of the province and is known for its beaches, parks, and urban development. Despite its highly urbanized character, the county contains several protected natural areas, including the Laguna Coast Wilderness Park, the Bolsa Chica Ecological Reserve, and the Upper Newport Bay Nature Preserve. These areas provide important habitat for native plant and animal species and are also popular recreation destinations for locals and visitors alike.

Thus, Orange County is an important part of the Californian floristic province, which is recognized as one of the world's biodiversity hotspots due to its high levels of plant endemism and threatened and endangered species.

Learn more about Orange County here:



what igneous rock has no visible crystals as a result of rapid cooling?


The type of igneous rock that has no visible crystals as a result of rapid cooling is known as volcanic glass or obsidian. The rock is solidified from a molten state very quickly, hence the lack of crystals or mineral growth. Obsidian can range from black, dark brown to red-brown in color.

Obsidian is a glass-like rock that is formed from rapidly cooled lava. The rock is usually black in color, although it can also be brown, green, or red. The rock is hard, dense, and brittle, and is often used in the manufacture of tools, weapons, and jewelry.Obsidian is usually found in areas of volcanic activity.

The rock is formed when lava cools so quickly that there is not enough time for crystals to form. Instead, the rock solidifies into a glass-like substance. The lack of crystals makes obsidian very smooth and shiny.Obsidian is an important rock for archaeologists and anthropologists. T

he rock has been used for thousands of years to make tools and weapons. Obsidian is extremely sharp, and can be used to make knives, arrowheads, and other cutting tools.

To know more about obsidian visit :



Other Questions
Q66Which one of the following is NOT a recognised rule of brainstorming?Select one:a.Criticism is ruled outb.Free-wheeling is encouragedc.Building on other peoples ideas is discouragedd.Quantity is requiredQ67Which of the following is an activity taken into account by the triple-bottom-line principle?Select one:a.Political performanceb.Technological performancec.Environmental performanced.Legal performanceQ68Expropriation of corporate assets without prompt and adequate compensation is an example of Select one:a.economic risk.b.political risk.c.legal risk.d.cultural risk.Q69 risk deals with basic macroeconomic theory together with fiscal and monetary policies.Select one:a.Economicb.Countryc.Financiald.PoliticalQ70Mr Khumalo is reviewing an organisations documents prior to commencing the context stage. Which of the following subjects would he not examine at this stage?Select one:a.Business objectivesb.Risk management simulation techniquesc.Business risk appetited.Organisational structure the kinetic energy of a car is 8 106 j as it travels along a horizontal road. how much work is required to stop the car in 10 s? 21) The other managers also agreed that the flooring product was likely to fail again, resulting in further injury. This relates to which determinant of issue intensity? A) proximity of victims B) immediacy of consequences C) probability of harm D) concentration of effect Christi and Robbie Wegmann are constructing a rectangular stained glass window whose length is 7.3 inches longer than its width. If the area of the window is 569.9 square inches, find its width and length. A ball is thrown downward from the top of a 180-foot building with an initial velocity of 20 feet per second. The height of the ball h after t seconds is given by the equation h = -161 Use this equation to answer Exercises 65 and 66. - 20t+180. 680 How long after the ball is thrown will it be 50 feet from the ground? Round the result to the nearest tenth of a second. Part 1You are considering purchasing a vehicle with a sticker price of 42,270 ( nonnegotiable with no down payment required )You wish to make monthly payments for six years and the most that you would like to pay is 750 a monthYour local bank/credit union has agreed to loan you the money at 4.47 % annual interest rate Create an amortization table reporting the beginning ending loan balance, total payment, the portion of payment going to interest and principal, and remaining loan balanceCreate a IF statement that answers the question of whether you can afford the loanWhat is your monthly loan payment and what is the total interest paid on the loanWRITE HERE Part You are that the recent in new vehicle prices and interest rates will make it difficult to finance your purchase at the above ratescosts Create a two-way data table using prices ranging from 43,000 to 46,000 using 500 increments and interest rates of 4.5% to using 0.25\% increments. For ease of interpretation, use your a reference for your data table (not your payment per ) Answer the following. (a) Find an angle between 0 and 360 that is coterminal with 755. 25 (b) Find an angle between 0 and 2 that is coterminal with Give exact values for your answers. ? ( In a short sentences please, Prove that the sum of two rational numbers is rational. THANK YOU!!! The point A (p, -2) is mirrored in the point B (6,-q). The image is A'(4, -8). What is p and q? A certain food chain is: grasses-->grasshoppers-->lizards-->hawks. O A) There are more grasses than lizards because grasses do not need energy and lizards do O B) There is ten times more energy available to hawks than to lizards. OC) There are more grasshoppers than lizards because lizards use more energy than grasshoppers OD) There is ten times more energy available to lizards than to hawks. E) Plants and hawks provide energy to grasshoppers and lizards. Nina sent a letter to Adrian that stated she wanted to hire him to decorate the interiors of her house. She wrote that he must accept the offer by mail. Adrian received the letter and telephoned Nina to say that he accepted the offer. Which of the following statements is true in this case?A) There is a valid acceptance and a binding contract because the telephone call was an authorized means of acceptance.B) There is a valid acceptance and a binding contract because the telephone call was a faster means of acceptance than the mail.C) There is no acceptance and no contract in this situation as it is clearly mentioned by the offeror that the acceptance must be by mail.D) There is a valid acceptance and a binding contract because the telephone call was a reasonable means of acceptance. Suppose the grade distribution in our Math class resembles a rectangular density curve, with the x values ranging from 0-4( on a GPA scale) and the heightbeing equal for each GPA value.What is the probability a student had a GPA between 1 and 2? Required Information [The following information applies to the questions displayed below.] Schrade Company bought a machine for $116,000 cash. The estimated useful life was four years and the estimate The cost of selling one unit of a product is called ______. A) cost of materials. B) cost of goods sold. C) cost of services sold. D) marginal cost. Introduction Introduce the topic briefly. This section includes the following subheadings a. Background Information: Describe the events leading up to the problem that you are investigating in your report. b. Statement of the Problem/Purpose: State the purpose of your report c. Significance of the Study: Tell how your study would help relevant people or how will it add to the existing body of relevant knowledge. d. Scope of the Study: Clarify the boundaries of the report, defining what will be included or excluded. e. Limitations of the Study: Mention the shortcomings, and conditions that were beyond your control but influenced your study. Iwasaki Inc. is considering whether to continue to make a component or to buy it from an outside supplier. The company uses 13,000 of the components each year. The unit product cost of the component according to the company's cost accounting system is given as follows: Assume that direct labor is a variable cost. Of the fixed manufacturing overhead, 30% is avoidable if the component were bought from the outside supplier. In addition, making the component uses 1 minute on the machine that is the company's current constraint. If the component were bought, this machine time would be freed up for use on another product that requires 2 minutes on this machine and that has a contribution margin of $5.20 per unit. When deciding whether to make or buy the component, what cost of making the component should be compared to the price of buying the component? Based in the United States, your firm exports products to Canada and imports products from Japan. Evaluate the impact of two currencyfluctuations on your trade with these countries. The first step in this process is to develop an exchange rate table for daily exchange ratesover the past month between the U.S. dollar and the Canadian dollar, and the U.S. dollar and the Japanese yen. Once this has beenaccomplished, explain whether domestic currency has depreciated or appreciated against foreign currencies. How did domestic currency appreciation/depreciation affect your exporting and importing decisions? Suppose demand and supply are given by the following, Qd = 167.4 2.9P QS = 31.2 + 1.4P. A tax of $21 creates $ _ ____ of deadweight loss. Liberty Inc. has decided to use the high-low method to estimate costs. The data for various levels of production are as follows:Units ProducedTotal Costs1,040$ 51,8401,88056,9702,64080,640a. Determine the variable cost per unit and the fixed cost.Variable cost per unit$fill in the blank 1Fixed cost$fill in the blank 2b. Based on part (a), estimate the total cost for 1,320 units of production.$fill in the blank 3High-Low Method for Service CompanyMiss River Railroad decided to use the high-low method and operating data from the past six months to estimate the fixed and variable components of transportation costs. The activity base used by Miss River Railroad is a measure of railroad operating activity, termed "gross-ton miles," which is the total number of tons multiplied by the miles moved.Transportation CostsGross-Ton MilesJanuary$833,900303,000February929,700338,000March657,100219,000April891,400328,000May747,600263,000June958,500356,000Determine the variable cost per gross-ton mile and the fixed cost. Round variable cost per unit to the nearest cent.Variable cost$fill in the blank 1 per gross-ton mileFixed cost$fill in the blank 2 What is the difference between an anthropomorphic god and a non-anthropomorphic god? Provide an example of each from the myths in our course textbook. To achieve compliance with a new industry standard, a company develops a five-year plan in which goals are set for each year with incremental organizational changes focusing on one area of the new standard. Specify the type of change that is illustrated in this case.