A primary source is

A- A popular source with years of experience in publication

B-Original article or book created by an individual or sometimes a group of people

C-A well known scholarly source

D-The information a reliable and learned friend read about


Answer 1

The correct option is B. Original article or book created by an individual or sometimes a group of people. A primary source refers to the first-hand information that was created during the period being studied. It is an original document or artifact written or created during the period under review.

It may include journals, government documents, letters, photos, interviews, recordings, diaries, speeches, and autobiographies among others. Primary sources provide direct evidence of an event or phenomena without interpretation or evaluation by others.

They are important to historians, sociologists, and scholars who study history because they provide a first-hand account of the events that happened and the people involved in them. Primary sources are more valuable than secondary sources because they provide original information that can be used to enhance the analysis of historical events.

To learn more about primary source.



Related Questions

Analyze the following 5 phrases from The Declaration of Independence. Be sure to separate phrases into sections A - E. not more than 500 words
A. We hold these truths to be self-evident (what is a self-evident truth?)
B. That all men are created equal (What did Jefferson mean? Has that meaning changed?)
C. That they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these, are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. (Did Jefferson just want everyone to be happy?)
D. That, to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men. (Are our rights protected without government?)
E. Deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. (The Consent principle)


A) A self-evident truth is a truth that is evident without proof or reasoning. It is something that is obvious, universally accepted, and does not require an explanation or argument.B) Jefferson's meaning when he stated "all men are created equal" was that all men are created with equal rights and are equal under the law.

This means that every person is entitled to the same rights and protections under the law, regardless of their race, religion, or social status. Although the meaning has not changed, the phrase "all men" is now understood to include all people. C) Jefferson did not want everyone to be happy. Instead, he wanted everyone to have the right to pursue happiness. This phrase means that individuals have the right to pursue their own goals and aspirations in life, without interference from the government. The phrase "unalienable rights" means that these rights cannot be taken away by any government or authority. D) Our rights are not protected without government. The government has the duty to protect our rights, including our right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

To know more about instead refer :



Shaanxi Mining Company (GH) Ltd. is a Chinese mining company operating in Ghana. Using relevant examples discuss four (4) factors that might propel Shaanxi to engage in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). (15 marks)
Question 3.
As a student of Business Ethics and a managing director of a multinational company, discuss five (5) factors you will consider in managing the multi-cultural and diversified workforce in Ghanaian business organizations.
Question 4.
a) The Government of Ghana has received a grant from JICA to build a number of hospitals in the country. Using the Utilitarian principle, describe how government will be required to decide on where to build these hospitals. (5 Marks)
b) Discuss four (4) potential problems the Government of Ghana might encounter in the use of this principle


The government of Ghana has received a grant from JICA to build a number of hospitals in the country. Using the Utilitarian principle, describe how the government will be required to decide on where to build these hospitals.

Utilitarian principle refers to the moral principle that recommends that actions are chosen that would increase the overall happiness and decrease overall suffering or pain of people. Under this principle, the government would build the hospitals where it would bring the maximum good to the maximum number of people. So, the government will have to weigh and choose an option that would bring the greatest benefit to the largest number of people. The decision of where to build the hospital would depend on several factors. Building hospitals in such areas would provide relief to those who cannot afford healthcare, or those living far from health facilities. This would help to minimize suffering and increase the overall happiness of the people who would benefit from these services.

To know more about several refer :



What accounts for the explosion of population of elk in Banff National Park? the horns of predators of elk were removed by the park managers which offset the predator-prey relationship. more of the animals gather at summer time in Banff National Park and they mate during this period. Oregeneration of more aspen trees which elks depend on as food. global warming has released more ice-covered lands for feeding and mating. None of the above Identify a tree which is commonly found in the Tropical rainforest? Birch Beech Oak Maple Eucalyptus


The explosion of population of elk in Banff National Park can be accounted for by the removal of the horns of predators of elk by the park managers which offset the predator-prey relationship.

More of the animals gather at summer time in Banff National Park and they mate during this period. Moreover, the Oregeneration of more aspen trees which elks depend on as food. Global warming has released more ice-covered lands for feeding and mating. However, the correct answer to the tree that is commonly found in the Tropical rainforest is Eucalyptus. This tree is commonly found in Australia. It is important to note that tropical rainforests are characterized by tall trees, with over 30 meters in height. These trees form a dense canopy that covers the forest floor. Some of the trees found in the tropical rainforest include Kapok trees, Ceiba trees, and Ironwood trees. The tropical rainforests cover less than 6% of the earth's surface but are home to more than 50% of the earth's biodiversity.

To know more about commonly refer :



of Math IS
stage directions
a backdrop of objects that visually represent -
a physical location in a play
the writer of a play
Exploring Elements
a description of the movement, position,
and tone of the actors



Stage directions are written by the playwright to inform readers of the time period, set considerations, production requirements, stage action, character movement, entrances and exits, line interpretations, even the style and tone of the play.

Poem leave taking ,how does cecil rajendra brings out the affectionate relationship between the grandfather and the grandson


In the poem “Leave Taking” by Cecil Rajendra, the affectionate relationship between the grandfather and grandson is brought out in several ways.

Let's discuss these ways in detail below. The grandfather's love for the grandson In the poem “Leave Taking”, the affectionate relationship between the grandfather and the grandson is brought out in the way that the grandfather expresses his love for the grandson. The grandfather is depicted as a loving person who cares about the grandson. The grandfather expresses his love in a number of ways, such as through his words and actions. For example, the grandfather tells the grandson that he loves him very much. He also shows his love by hugging the grandson and by asking him to come back soon. The grandfather also gives the grandson a picture of himself as a young man. This is a way of showing that he wants the grandson to remember him and to cherish their relationship.The grandson's love for the grandfather In the poem “Leave Taking”, the affectionate relationship between the grandfather and the grandson is also brought out in the way that the grandson expresses his love for the grandfather.

The grandson is depicted as a loving person who cares about the grandfather. The grandson expresses his love in a number of ways, such as through his words and actions. For example, the grandson tells the grandfather that he loves him very much. He also shows his love by hugging the grandfather and by promising to come back soon. The grandson also gives the grandfather a picture of himself as a young man. This is a way of showing that he wants the grandfather to remember him and to cherish their relationship. In conclusion, the affectionate relationship between the grandfather and grandson in the poem “Leave Taking” is brought out through the way that both characters express their love for each other.

To know more about poem visit:-



Describe the classic management functions and their
relationship to each other, including the extent to which they may
or may not be interrelated. For each function, provide one specific
example, and


The classic management functions are planning, organizing, directing, and controlling. Each of the management functions is interrelated to the other. They rely on each other for their successful operation. Planning is the process of setting objectives and choosing how to accomplish them.

A manager must develop a course of action to meet the company's goals. In terms of planning, an example of this could be setting a sales goal for a specific period, such as increasing sales by 15% over the next quarter.Organizing is the act of putting the plan into action. A manager must assign tasks, delegate responsibilities, and distribute resources to meet the organization's objectives. A good example of organizing is when a manager develops an organizational chart showing the different departments, the individuals in each department, and their responsibilities.Directing is the act of leading and guiding employees to achieve the objectives of the organization. This function requires effective communication and leadership skills. For example, a manager can conduct a team-building exercise to enhance communication and cooperation among the employees.Controlling is the process of monitoring and measuring performance to ensure that the company's objectives are achieved. This function involves measuring progress against the goals established in the planning phase. An example of controlling is when a manager establishes a benchmark for the number of customer service calls to be answered in a given period. If the company falls short of the benchmark, the manager must take corrective action.

know more about classic management functions.



Draw IDEF Model level A-0, and A0 for inventory management


Inventory management refers to the systematic process of controlling the storage, supply, and accessibility of goods that are in stock. It is a fundamental aspect of business operations, especially in retail and manufacturing organizations.

Inventory management helps to ensure that there is always enough stock available to meet customer demand without having excess stock that increases costs. The IDEF model is a method that is used to model and analyze complex systems. It is a tool that helps to visualize the business processes of an organization and their interrelationships. The IDEF model level A-0 represents the context level of an organization's business processes. It provides an overview of the various processes within the organization and how they relate to each other. The IDEF model A0, on the other hand, shows the detailed level of a specific process, including inputs, outputs, and activities involved in that process.

To know more about context refer :



List the three conditions required for causality and highlight the main difference between the ordinary and the scientific meaning of causality. (5 points)


The three conditions required for causality are, association, time-order, and non-spuriousness.

Association is the occurrence of two variables being related in some way. Time-order is the occurrence of the independent variable happening before the dependent variable. Non-spuriousness is when the relationship between the variables is real and not caused by another third variable. The difference between the ordinary and scientific meaning of causality is that ordinary causality suggests a sense of inevitability, whereas scientific causality suggests probabilistic causality. In other words, when people say that one event caused another event, it implies that there is a necessary relationship between the two.

To learn more about causality click here https://brainly.com/question/30811876


Narrateasceane real or imaginary incident when a schoolmate saved a life of someone at aconsiderble time of risk


Here's a narrative about a schoolmate who saved a life at a considerable time of risk: It was a regular day at school when the fire alarm went off.

At first, everyone assumed it was just a drill, but soon they realized it was not a drill, and there was a real fire in the school. Everyone was panicking and running in every direction. The fire was coming from the chemistry lab, and there were flames and smoke everywhere. It was a scary and chaotic scene. Suddenly, a student named John realized that his friend, Jack, was still in the chemistry lab. Without thinking, John ran back to the lab to find Jack. The smoke was so thick that John could hardly see anything, and it was incredibly hot. However, he didn't give up and continued to search for Jack. Finally, he found Jack, who had passed out on the floor.

John dragged him out of the lab and carried him to safety. Everyone was relieved to see that John and Jack had made it out safely. It was a close call, and John's bravery saved Jack's life. John's actions were heroic and selfless, and he risked his own life to save his friend. From that day on, John was known as a hero among his peers, and everyone looked up to him with respect and admiration.

To know more about narrative visit:-



William James says that free will (and nondetermin- ism) is a doctrine of hope, of genuinely new and fresh and open possibilities; and that is its major signifi- cance; in contrast, many behavioral scientists-such as B. F. Skinner-claim that determinism is an impor- tant methodological principle: that is, it is a very use- ful operating assumption when doing research and never giving up the search for causes. Do you regard determinism as an optimistic or a pessimistic view


It claims that human behavior is determined by preexisting factors, such as heredity and environment, and that people lack free will. Free will, according to William James, is a doctrine of hope, of genuinely new and fresh and open possibilities.

The doctrine of free will implies that people have the capacity to make choices, that they are not bound by their past or by predetermined causes, and that they can act on their own initiative. It encourages people to take responsibility for their lives and to believe that they can change themselves and their circumstances. This is a hopeful and optimistic view that inspires people to strive for personal growth and self-improvement. On the other hand, determinism is a methodological principle that is useful for scientists who want to study the causes of behavior. It assumes that human behavior is determined by factors that can be measured and studied, such as genes, environment, and reinforcement.

To know more about circumstances refer :



Prepaid Assets, Intangible Assets, and Property, Plant, and Equipment Prepaid present a unique opportunity for the misuse or misclassification of a prepaid, particularly since it involves cash. Use el


Prepaid assets, intangible assets, and property, plant, and equipment are important categories in financial accounting that require careful handling and classification.

It is crucial to have strong internal controls and proper accounting procedures in place to prevent the misuse or misclassification of prepaid assets, especially considering their connection to cash.

Prepaid assets represent advance payments made for goods or services that will be received in the future. These can include prepaid insurance, prepaid rent, or prepaid subscriptions. Due to their nature involving cash, there is a potential risk for misuse or misclassification. It is important for companies to establish strong internal controls and accounting policies to ensure that prepaid assets are appropriately recorded, tracked, and classified in the financial statements.

Intangible assets, on the other hand, are non-physical assets with no identifiable physical substance. Examples include patents, trademarks, copyrights, and goodwill. These assets are also susceptible to misclassification or misevaluation if companies do not properly assess and document their value and useful life. Adequate procedures should be in place to ensure accurate valuation and proper disclosure of intangible assets in the financial statements.

Property, plant, and equipment refer to tangible assets used in business operations, such as land, buildings, machinery, and vehicles. These assets have a longer useful life and are subject to depreciation or amortization. Careful monitoring and periodic assessment of the condition and value of these assets are essential to prevent misclassification or overstatement. Regular maintenance and evaluation of property, plant, and equipment help ensure accurate reporting and prevent financial misstatements.

Learn more about property here:



State four constitutional freedom of expression​


The 4 constitutional freedoms of expression includes:

freedom of speech,freedom of the press,freedom of assembly, freedom of religion.

What are the four constitutional freedoms of expression?

The Constitution of many countries including United States guarantees various freedoms of expression. These include freedom of speech which allows individuals to express their thoughts and opinions without government censorship or interference.

Freedom of the press ensures that the media can report news and information without undue influence or restrictions. Freedom of assembly protects the right to gather and protest peacefully. Freedom of religion grants individuals the freedom to practice their chosen religion or belief system without persecution or discrimination.

Read more about freedoms of expression



Question 16 of 25
Read the following excerpt from a speech given to a board of education:
Many students have extracurricular deals such as sports,
clubs, or part time jobs. These activities keep us busy. We
do not have the ability to study every evening.
Which word most clearly makes the tone inappropriate for the setting?


The word "deal" in this excerpt makes the tone inappropriate for the setting. In this context, "deal" is an informal term typically associated with business negotiations or agreements. Using such an informal word in a formal setting like a speech to an education board would be considered inappropriate. More appropriate words could be "activities" or "commitments."

The probability that a manufactured part is defective is about 5%.

What is the probability that a batch of 20 parts contains exactly 1 defective part?

What is the probability that a batch of 20 parts contains no defective part?

What is the probability that a batch of 20 parts contains more than 1 defective part?

Show work if possible


The probability that a batch of 20 parts contains exactly 1 defective part is 0.377., The probability that a batch of 20 parts contains more than 1 defective part is 0.265.

Probability of success(p) = 0.05Probability of failure(q) = 1- p = 0.95Number of trials (n) = 20.(a) To find the probability that a batch of 20 parts contains exactly 1 defective partNumber of success (x) = 1Probability of success(p) = 0.05Probability of failure(q) = 1- p = 0.95Number of trials (n) = 20.

The required probability is given by the probability mass function(PMF)

So, the probability that a batch of 20 parts contains exactly 1 defective part is 0.377.

[tex](PMF)P(x) = ${}_nC_x$$p^xq^{n-x}$= ${}_{20}C_1$$0.05^1(1-0.05)^{20-1}$= ${}_{20}C_1$$0.05(0.95)^{19}$= 0.377.,[/tex]

(b) To find the probability that a batch of 20 parts contains no defective part.Number of success (x) = 0Probability of success(p) = 0.05Probability of failure(q) = 1- p = 0.95Number of trials (n) = 20.

The required probability is given by the probability mass functio[tex]n(PMF)P(x) = ${}_nC_x$$p^xq^{n-x}$= ${}_{20}C_0$$0.05^0(1-0.05)^{20-0}$= ${}_{20}C_0$$(1)(0.95)^{20}$= 0.358[/tex]

So, the probability that a batch of 20 parts contains no defective part is 0.358.

(c) To find the probability that a batch of 20 parts contains more than 1 defective part.Number of success (x) > 1Probability of success(p) = 0.05Probability of failure(q) = 1- p = 0.95Number of trials (n) = 20.

The required probability is given by the probability mass function[tex](PMF)P(x > 1) = 1 - P(0 or 1)P(0 or 1) = P(x=0) + P(x=1)P(0 or 1) = ${}_{20}C_0$$(1)(0.95)^{20} + {}_{20}C_1$$0.05(0.95)^{19}$= 0.358 + 0.377 = 0.735P(x > 1) = 1 - P(0 or 1) = 1 - 0.735 = 0.265.[/tex]

So, the probability that a batch of 20 parts contains more than 1 defective part is 0.265.

To know more about probability mass function(PMF)  visit:



Compare how The Tale of Genji and The Lay of Chevrefoil's story
of Tristan and Iseault describe relationships between lovers and
among people who serve in the royal courts. I DO NOT need a history


Both texts explore complex love relationships in royal courts, emphasizing power dynamics and societal expectations in different cultural contexts.

The Tale of Genji and The Lay of Chevrefoil both explore the complex relationships between lovers and individuals serving in royal courts.

In The Tale of Genji, the focus is on the intricate and often tumultuous affairs of courtly love, highlighting the power dynamics and social obligations within the court.

On the other hand, The Lay of Chevrefoil depicts the tragic love story of Tristan and Iseault, emphasizing the passionate and forbidden nature of their relationship, despite the constraints imposed by the courtly setting. While both narratives delve into themes of love, loyalty, and societal expectations, they differ in their cultural contexts and literary styles, with

The Tale of Genji is a Japanese masterpiece of classical literature and The Lay of Chevrefoil is a medieval French romance.

To learn more about “Tale of Genji” refer to the  https://brainly.com/question/2511491


A _____________ is a claim or statement that one generates when determining a causal explanation


A hypothesis is a claim or statement that one generates when determining a causal explanation. A hypothesis is an explanation that is being investigated in scientific research.

A hypothesis is a statement or assertion that researchers make to explain the results of their research. A hypothesis is a claim or statement that one generates when determining a causal explanation. It is a testable prediction for the outcome of an experiment or research study. A hypothesis is typically stated as an "if-then" statement, where the researcher predicts how one variable will influence another. The "if" part of the statement refers to the independent variable, while the "then" part of the statement refers to the dependent variable.

A hypothesis is one of the first steps in the scientific research process. It aids researchers in developing research questions and designing research studies. By testing hypotheses, researchers can discover new knowledge and gain a better understanding of how the world works.

To know more about statement visit:-


Hello I am having trouble with my syllogisms. I keep going round
and round trying to decide what is the major and minor premise and
what the conclusion is...
1. He must be a nice person. He smile


Syllogism is a type of logical argumentation that applies deductive reasoning to arrive at a conclusion based on two propositions that are asserted or assumed to be true.

A syllogism contains a major premise, a minor premise, and a conclusion. The major premise is a general statement that is accepted to be true, the minor premise is a particular statement that relates to the major premise, and the conclusion is the logical conclusion that is drawn from the premises provided. In the syllogism "He must be a nice person. He smiles," the minor premise is "He smiles," and the major premise is "Nice people smile." The conclusion that can be drawn from these premises is "Therefore, he must be a nice person." The major premise of a syllogism is typically the more general statement that can be applied to a wide range of situations, while the minor premise is a more specific statement that relates to the major premise. The conclusion is the logical conclusion that can be drawn from the premises provided.

know more about syllogism.



You are a page at the Heian court of Empress S?shi and Murasaki Shikibu has asked you to take the first twelve chapters of The Tale of Genji to the Empress. But the Empress is on pilgrimage to the Sumiyoshi shrine and you have time to read the scroll.

What do the chapters reveal about Murasaki Shikibu's thoughts on beauty and sadness? (Include a consideration of mono no aware in your reflection.)

1 page long and cite the work! thanks


The Tale of Genji is a masterpiece of Japanese literature, which was written by Murasaki Shikibu, a lady-in-waiting at the imperial court during the Heian period (794–1185 AD). The first twelve chapters of The Tale of Genji contain many insights into Murasaki Shikibu's thoughts on beauty and sadness.

In chapter one of The Tale of Genji, we get introduced to the main character of the novel, Genji, who is described as being extremely handsome. The chapter emphasizes the idea of physical beauty and its importance in the Heian court, where physical attractiveness was seen as an essential quality for a man to have.
In chapter two, Murasaki Shikibu introduces us to the concept of mono no aware, which refers to the sadness that comes from the realization of the impermanence of things. Genji is seen to be a character who is aware of the fleeting nature of beauty and is capable of feeling a deep sense of melancholy as a result of it.
Throughout the first twelve chapters of The Tale of Genji, Murasaki Shikibu continues to explore the themes of beauty and sadness. She uses the idea of mono no aware to suggest that beauty is something that is fleeting and that the sadness that comes from its impermanence is an essential part of the human experience.
Murasaki Shikibu also presents us with characters who are capable of seeing the beauty in the world around them, such as Genji's friend To no Chujo, who is able to appreciate the beauty of a cherry blossom even though he knows that it will soon fall from the tree.
In conclusion, the first twelve chapters of The Tale of Genji provide a fascinating insight into Murasaki Shikibu's thoughts on beauty and sadness. Murasaki Shikibu uses the concept of mono no aware to suggest that beauty is something that is fleeting and that the sadness that comes from its impermanence is an essential part of the human experience.

For more such questions on Murasaki Shikibu



What can you do with your social media profile (LinkedIn) to establish your credibility as an industry sales Professional? Include not only the different steps you would take but also 1-2 examples of how you would take those steps. BIUA A LE H 4 D Y T 10 pts √¶¶ 12pt HTML Editor


In order to establish credibility as an industry sales professional on LinkedIn, there are several steps one can take. Here are some tips, Keep your profile up-to-date and complete Make sure your LinkedIn profile is up-to-date and contains all relevant information about your professional experience and qualifications.

This includes your current job title, job responsibilities, education, and any certifications you have. You should also include a professional headshot to help humanize your profile. Share relevant content Sharing relevant content related to your industry can help establish you as an authority in your field. You can share articles, blog posts, and other content that you find interesting and relevant to your followers. This can help position you as a thought leader and establish your credibility. Participate in LinkedIn groups LinkedIn groups can be a great way to connect with others in your industry and participate in discussions about topics that are important to you.

To know more about authority refer :



Choose either Verga’s "Freedom" or Chekhov’s "The Lady with the
Dog" and discuss the work’s contributions to realism and/or


The Lady with the Dog by Anton Chekhov is a novella about the illicit love affair between a married man and a married woman. Chekhov explores the emotional complexities of love, infidelity, and social conventions in the story.

The novella is regarded as one of the greatest works of literary realism. The story's realism is mostly attributed to its depiction of everyday life. Chekhov was dedicated to presenting the mundane side of life in his works. The Lady with the Dog is a reflection of his style, with its exact descriptions of the setting, behavior, and relationships between characters. The novella is regarded as a significant contribution to naturalism due to its focus on human nature and the workings of the human mind. The author emphasizes the psychological aspects of the characters in the story, portraying them as complex beings with conflicting desires and thoughts. Chekhov's The Lady with the Dog also explores themes of disillusionment and the search for meaning. The story shows that societal norms and conventions cannot provide individuals with the fulfillment they seek. As a result, the characters must confront their own desires and the consequences that come with them in order to find a sense of purpose in their lives. In conclusion, The Lady with the Dog is a realistic and naturalistic work that explores the complexities of human nature, the disillusionment that comes with societal norms, and the search for meaning.

know more about realism.



Use the drop-down menus to explain the use of humor in Romeo and Juliet.

Which scene provides a moment of comic relief?

Explain how you could write a quadratic function in factored form that would have a vertex with an x-coordinate of 3 and two distinct roots.


The use of humor in Romeo and Juliet serves as a means to provide relief from the intense and tragic events unfolding in the play. It offers a break in tension and allows the audience to momentarily detach from the weight of the story.

Scene providing a moment of comic relief:

Act 2, Scene 4: This scene features Mercutio and the Nurse engaging in playful banter. Mercutio teases the Nurse with double entendres and puns, creating a lighthearted and humorous atmosphere. Their witty exchanges offer a brief respite from the emotional turmoil of the forbidden love between Romeo and Juliet.

How to write a quadratic function in factored form with a vertex at (3,0) and two distinct roots:

1: Recall that the factored form of a quadratic function is given by:

f(x) = a(x - r1)(x - r2),

where r1 and r2 are the roots of the quadratic equation, and a is a constant.

2: Since the vertex of the quadratic function is given as (3,0), we know that the x-coordinate of the vertex is 3. This means that one of the roots must be 3.

3: Let's assume the other root is denoted as r2.

4: Since the quadratic has two distinct roots, we know that r1 ≠ r2.

5: Using the vertex form of a quadratic equation, which is given by:

f(x) = a(x - h)² + k,

where (h, k) represents the vertex, we can substitute the given vertex coordinates to find the value of a.

6: Plugging in the values (3,0) for (h, k) in the vertex form, we get:

0 = a(3 - 3)² + k

0 = a(0) + k

0 = k

7: Since k is 0, our vertex form simplifies to:

f(x) = a(x - 3)²

8: We already established that one of the roots is 3. Therefore, one of the factors in the factored form is (x - 3).

9: The factored form of the quadratic function with the given specifications is:

f(x) = a(x - 3)(x - r2).

Note: The specific value of a and the exact second root, r2, would need to be determined based on additional information or constraints provided.

For more such questions on story, click on:



Considering the issues of Power, Class, and Status, answer the following questions: Do you think Sammy’s job is a summer job or a full-time position?


Sammy's job can be classified as a summer job rather than a full-time position if we consider the issues of Power, Class, and Status.

The reason behind this answer is that the given factors are related to social status, power, and class, and all these factors impact job designations and opportunities. These are explained below:Power: Power is the ability to influence the behaviors of others. In the workplace, power is usually determined by the job title. A high-level job title will provide an individual with more power and influence. Therefore, a full-time position is more likely to have more power than a summer job.Status: Status is determined by the level of prestige and honor that a job brings to the individual who holds it.

The level of status is also related to the job title. The higher the job title, the higher the status of the individual holding it. Full-time positions are generally associated with higher levels of status.Class: Class is related to social and economic status. The class of an individual determines their level of privilege and access to resources. Full-time positions are generally associated with a higher economic class.In the case of Sammy's job, he is working in a grocery store for the summer. He is also a high school student and most likely does not have a high-level job title. As a result, his job is likely to be classified as a summer job rather than a full-time position.

To know more about  full-time position visit:



identifying a specific audience segment and programming is called


The term used to describe the process of identifying a specific audience segment and creating content or programming for that group is called Targeting.

Targeting is a crucial component of marketing and media strategies. It enables businesses to reach their desired audience with messages that are most likely to resonate with them. Targeting is the process of identifying specific demographics or interest groups and creating content or programming that is designed to appeal to those groups. It is a way for companies to reach a specific audience with their message. It enables businesses to create more effective marketing campaigns by tailoring their messaging to specific groups of people who are more likely to be interested in what they have to offer.  

Targeting can be based on a variety of factors, including demographics like age, gender, income level, and geographic location. It can also be based on interests, behaviors, and past purchase history. The goal of targeting is to create content that is more relevant to the audience, which increases the chances that they will engage with the message and take action.

Know more about targeting:



Identify and define each stage of the Industry Life Cycle.
What stage do you believe the U.S. Banking Industry is in? Why?


The U.S. banking industry is in the maturity stage. The Industry Life Cycle (ILC) is a business concept that refers to the stages of a product or service from inception to maturity and beyond. The different stages include the introduction, growth, maturity, and decline stages.

Here are some more details about each of these phases:

Introduction stage: This is the first stage of the ILC, where the new product or service is introduced to the market. At this stage, the company will need to invest a lot of money in advertising and marketing to create awareness and generate interest in the product or service.Growth stage: During this stage, the product or service starts to gain market acceptance, and sales begin to increase at an increasing rate. At this stage, the company's focus will be on building brand loyalty and expanding distribution channels to meet growing demand.Maturity stage: This is the stage where sales growth slows down as the market becomes saturated. The competition is fierce, and companies must focus on maintaining market share, reducing costs, and increasing efficiencies.Decline stage: The final stage is the decline stage, where sales start to decrease. The company must decide whether to continue investing in the product or service or discontinue it.

The U.S. banking industry is in the maturity stage. The banking industry has been around for a long time, and there are many established players in the market. Competition is intense, and customer loyalty is hard to earn. To maintain market share, banks must offer competitive rates and provide excellent customer service. The industry is also facing challenges from new players, such as fintech companies, that are disrupting traditional banking services. As a result, banks must adapt to changing customer needs and embrace new technologies to stay relevant.

To learn more about maturity stage refer to:-



Describe in your own words the provisions in the Northwest Ordinance of 1787 that allowed admission of new states to the United States, guaranteed the individual rights of citizens, and dealt with slavery in the old Northwest. Be sure to list the current states that were subject to this ordinance.


The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 allowed for the admission of new states, protected individual rights, and addressed slavery in the old Northwest territories. It established a process for statehood based on population, guaranteed rights like trial by jury and freedom of religion, and prohibited slavery in the territories. The states subject to the ordinance were Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, and Wisconsin. Overall, it was an important legislation that shaped the growth of the United States and promoted freedom and equality.

‘Competencies do not equal performance’. Kindly Discuss.


The statement "competencies do not equal performance" suggests that possessing certain competencies or skills does not necessarily guarantee high levels of performance or success in a particular domain.

How to explain the information

While competencies are important and often serve as foundational elements for performance, other factors can influence how effectively individuals apply their competencies in real-world settings.

Competencies are often developed and assessed in controlled environments, such as classrooms or training programs. However, the real world is complex and dynamic, and performance is influenced by various contextual factors. These factors can include organizational culture, team dynamics, resource availability, external market conditions, and individual motivation. Even if someone has the necessary competencies, their performance may be impacted by these external factors.

Learn more about Competencies on



Identify the structure of this sentence.
At the club lunch on Wednesday, the food was delicious, and the speaker was hilarious.
O simple
O compound
O complex


The structure of the sentence "At the club lunch on Wednesday, the food was delicious, and the speaker was hilarious" is compound.

A compound sentence is a sentence that has two or more independent clauses. Independent clauses are complete sentences that can stand alone as separate sentences. Examples of a compound sentence

1. I went to the party, but I didn't stay long.

2. I don't have any food at home, so I'm going out to eat tonight.

3. She's a talented singer, and she also plays the guitar.

4. The sun is shining, and the birds are singing.

5. We can go to the beach, or we can go to the mountains.

An independent clause is a complete sentence that can stand alone. It has a subject and a verb and expresses a complete thought. It does not depend on any other clauses or phrases to form a complete sentence. Examples of independent clauses:

1. I'm going to the store.

2. She loves to read books.

3. The car needs an oil change.

4. They are going on vacation next week.

5. He ate dinner early tonight.

To know more about the sentence refer to:



The structure of the sentence "At the club lunch on Wednesday, the food was delicious, and the speaker was hilarious" is compound.

A compound sentence is a sentence that has two or more independent clauses. Independent clauses are complete sentences that can stand alone as separate sentence.


Read the following sentence and decide whether the underlined portion contains a mistake. If it does, identify the best way to correct or improve the sentence by choosing the appropriate suggestion from the answer choices. If the underlined portion requires no improvement or correction, choose No improvement or correction is required.

Forced to decide between Rosie and Isabel, the teacher gave the prize to her.



Obligatory to determine between Rosie and Isabel, the teacher gave the award to her.


This is my suggestion for the improvement of your sentence.

All of the following are characteristics that a sales
manager should consider when hiring a salesperson except
-ability to communicate


All of the given options - age, resilience, ability to communicate, adaptiveness, and optimism - are characteristics that a sales manager should consider when hiring a salesperson.

When hiring a salesperson, a sales manager should consider various characteristics that contribute to their success in the role. Age can be a relevant factor as it may impact experience, industry knowledge, and customer relations. Resilience is crucial as sales can be challenging, requiring individuals to bounce back from rejection and setbacks. The ability to communicate effectively is essential for building relationships, conveying product information, and closing deals.

Adaptiveness is vital in a dynamic sales environment, where individuals need to adjust their approach to meet customer needs and market changes. Optimism is valuable as it helps maintain motivation, handle rejection, and remain positive in the face of challenges.

In conclusion, all of the provided options - age, resilience, ability to communicate, adaptiveness, and optimism - are important characteristics that a sales manager should consider when hiring a salesperson. Each attribute contributes to the individual's ability to succeed in the sales role, build customer relationships, and achieve sales targets.

Learn more about manager here:



I am doing a sustainabilty idea project ON INCREASING RECYCLING OUTDOORS STATIONS IN BCIT , please explain what work i need to do after doimg research on it and some future work of this project and challenges please three point of 3 4 lines of each point . i will give thumbs up .


After conducting research on the idea of increasing outdoor recycling stations at BCIT, the following works are essential in ensuring that the sustainability project is successful and effective.

Education and Awareness Raising, This project is primarily targeted towards the BCIT community, and it is important to educate and inform the community on the importance of recycling and the benefits of increasing outdoor recycling stations. This can be done through workshops, social media, and awareness campaigns. The community should be encouraged to get involved in the project by actively participating in the installation of outdoor recycling stations, monitoring, and promoting the project. Sustainability Monitoring, To ensure that the project is successful, it is essential to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the outdoor recycling stations.

To know more about Awareness refer :



Other Questions
Let the random variable X represent the number of times you repetitively toss an unfair coin until a head shows up. If P(H) = p=0.8. calculate the following: (10 points) 1. The probability that you need to toss the coin more than two times. IL PIX>6X> 2) PLX 56 X > 2 To exit out of a loop completely, and resume the flow of control at the next line in the method, use _______.a.A continue statement.b.A break statement.c.A return statement.d.Any of the above. which of the following is not an element of the scor model? A. OperationsB. ReturnC. SourceD. Plan 1. Should the franchisers be held liable as joint employers with Domino's? Why or why not? Explain in detail.2. Which laws pertain to employee wages? How would they apply in this situation?3. What could be done to ensure future legal compliance? Explain in detail. Preamble to the Capstone Projects: This is the first of four assignments that together involve students in the creation of a comprehensive and realistic supply chain for the product, imported from their designated country, into the Canadian market. Each student team will consider themselves as managers of a Canadian company importing a product that they will in turn sell to customers/consumers in the Canadian wholesale/retail channel associated with that product. Acting as a retail management team, students will therefore be responsible for the business decisions involved in developing and maintaining an effective and efficient supply chain to meet their customer's requirements which includes having the required quantity and quality of product on the shelves or available in their stores for timely sale to consumers. NOTE: The head office and distribution warehouse shall be within the Province of Ontario. The importing entity will act as a wholesaler or distributor within the supply chain either to retailers or as a supplier to their own retail outlets. For this project, they will not sell on the internet. The student management team must consider the annual volume indicated in the "Capstone Import Register" as the optimal order quantity for a year based upon the retailer's experience of their consumer's buying behavior. It will be a management decision as to whether this volume be sourced, procured and imported at one time or in several shipments over the course of a year. It should be noted that by the end of year What incentives can Webster use to motivatevolunteers? What is the value today of a 15-year annuity that pays $670 a year? The annuitys first payment occurs six years from today. The annual interest rate is 10 percent for Years 1 through 5, and 12 percent thereafter Please summarize and analyze the case, it must be detailed (more than 300 words) and well-written in APA format.Service Express Inc. (SEI), headquartered in Grand Rapids, Michigan, provides maintenance for critical computer hardware, such as the servers that run companies data processing and the storage units that keep data secure but accessible. Its customers include hospitals, universities, banks, manufacturing companies, and other organizations in more than a dozen states, and employees travel to the customers work sites. This type of work requires people who are dependable, technically skilled, and committed to responsive, fast service. SEI attracts, equips, and keeps such employees with a vision that is unusual for a business: to "work with our employees to help them achieve their personal, professional, and financial goals." What is unusual is that the company puts the employees goals first. The perspective goes back to the companys founder, who realized that the value placed on helping employees achieve their goals attracted people with similar values, and they in turn focused on helping customers achieve their goals. To put the vision into practice, SEI managers hold twice-yearly Vision Talks with each of their employees, starting with the employees first day on the job. During these meetings, the employee shares or updates his or her goals, working with the manager to identify how the company can enable the employee to achieve the goals. The company trains managers in how to conduct the Vision Talks effectively, recognizing that employees will need to build trust before they start sharing personal goals. During the talks, managers help the employees shape general ideas into measurable and attainable goals. These become part of a personal development plan, updated quarterly, which also includes objectives for training, project completion, and so on. Occasionally, managers identify goals that can be tied to a business opportunity. For example, an employee who wants to move to another state can be part of a business expansion into that state, or an employee who wants to build something from the ground up can lead a new business line. A dramatic example involves a salesperson who had no interest in management, so he focused on developing sales skills. At one point, the salespersons manager asked him to help train and coach a newer employee, and the salesperson discovered that he found it satisfying to help another person succeed. He set a new goal to become a managerand eventually became vice president of sales. 5- Create a firm model that shows how economists explains the firm level of production that maximize its profit. Do not use numbers. Just graphs and detalled explanation. Make sure to explain the conc (ESB) is a manufacturer of superior rubbish bin, uses the weighted average method in its process costing system. ESB has produced the rubbish bin that passes through two processing departments: Moulding Department and Finishing Department. In the Moulding Department, all direct materials are added at the beginning of the process. Direct labor and manufacturing overhead are added uniformly. Percentage of completion in the Moulding Department for conversion costs is 30 percent for beginning work in process and 60 percent for ending work in process. Information related to the Moulding Department during March 2021 was summarized as follows: SELECTED ISSUES IN HUMAN DEVELOPMENT 1. Identify one major human development issue in Ghana. 2. Illustrate how the human development issue you have identified is influenced by global events such as globalization. 3. Find one (1) solution to the problem you have identified, taking into consideration the challenges of global politics and economics. PLEASE, NOTE THE FOLLOWING: Word limit: 1500 Formatting: word processed and consistent font; Check grammar and other language errors; Follow the tenets of academic writing (introduction, thesis statement, discussion, citations, conclusion, bibliography, etc); Suppose that a firm is producing in the short run with output given by: Q=63L-L The firm hires labor at a wage of $34 per hour and sells the good in a competitive market at P = $27 per unit. Find the firm's optimal use of labor. Enter as a value. ROUND TO THE NEAREST WHOLE NUMBER. Mahalo Boat Adventure Inc. has a July 31 year-end. It showed the following partial amortization schedules regarding two bond issues: Bond Issue A (A) Cash Interest Paid $770,000 x 8.0% x 6/12 (B) Period Interest Expense (E) x 7.0% x 6/12 (C) Amort. (A) - (B) Period Ending June 1/20 Dec. 1/20 (D) Unamortized Balance $50, 780 48,707 $ 30,800 (E) Carrying Value $770,000 + (D) $ 820,780 818,707 : 787,383 784, 141 780,786 777,314 773,720 770,000 $ 28,727 : 27,668 27,558 27,445 27,328 27, 206 27,080 503,620 Dec. 1/26 June 1/27 Dec. 1/27 June 1/28 Dec. 1/28 June 1/29 Totals $ 2,073 : 3,132 3,242 3,355 3,472 3,594 3,720 $50,780 30,800 30,800 30,800 30,800 30,800 30,800 $ 554,400 17,383 14, 141 10,786 7,314 3,720 0 Simplify (2x-3x +1)(x+2) -4 Expand (x+1)(x+2)(x+3)-(x-2)(x+3).< If Ax+2x+3=x-Bx+C, find A.B and C. "Mamma Mias" is a small Italian specialty food store. One of the most popular food items is an organic pasta sauce called "Mammas Original Sauce". The sauce is made by Earth Organics, a producer of organic condiments and sauces. Mamma Mias entered into a contract with Earth Organics to purchase 100 jars of Mammas Original Sauce for $500. The contract specifies that the jars must be delivered to Mamma Mias by no later than October 31.On the morning of October 31, Larry, Earth Organics general manager, called Silvia, Mamma Mias sales employee, and told her that the locally grown tomatoes that it uses in the sauce were ruined due to extreme weather conditions. As a result, Earth Organics had no choice but to buy imported organic tomatoes for its sauce, which were much more expensive. If Earth Organics is going to recover its costs, it will have to charge Mamma Mias $1000 for the 100 jars of sauce, instead of the agreed price of $500. When Silvia protested, Larry explained that, if Mamma Mias did not want to pay that price, he had many other buyers who would. Mamma Mias needed the 100 jars of sauce to meet its customers demands. Silvia felt that she had no choice, soshe agreed on behalf of Mamma Mias to pay $1000 for the 100 jars of sauce. Earth Organics delivered the sauce and, within a few days, Mamma Mias sold all of the jars to its customers for a profit.When Mario, Mamma Mias general manager, found out about the agreement to pay $1000 instead of $500, he was very angry. Mamma Mias paid Earth Organics $500 but refused to pay anymore. Earth Organics believes it had a valid contract with Mamma Mia's, and Mamma Mia's is obligated to pay $1000 in total. Who is correct ? Mamma Mia's or Earth Organics ? Explain and support your answer with reference to the applicable legal principles. Classify each of the preceding events as one of the following: a. A business-related event but not a transaction to be recorded by Mountain View Estates Ltd. b. A personal transaction for a shareholder, not to be recorded by Mountain View Estates Ltd. c. A business transaction to be recorded by Mountain View Estates Ltd. 2. Analyze the effects of the events on the accounting equation of Mountain View Estates Ltd. 3. At the end of the first month of operations, Jet has a number of questions about the financial standing of the business. Explain the following to him: a. How the business can have more cash than retained earnings. b. How much in total resources the business has, how much it owes, and what Jet's ownership interest is in the assets of the business. If you overlay the positions of recent earthquakes and active_____________ on a map, they highlight the boundaries of thetectonic plates. 2. Do you think that different theories are more appropriate todifferent types of ownershipstructure? During a birthday party, a mother placed small green, orange and blue containers on a table. The number of lollies in containers of the same colour were the same, but containers of different colours contained different numbers of lollies. Each child was allowed to take 10 containers. Lucy took 1 green, 4 orange and 5 blue containers, and noticed she had 27 lollies. Bruce took 5 green, 1 orange and 4 blue containers, and found he had 34 lollies. Kylie took 6 green, 3 orange and 1 blue container, and counted 33 lollies. What was the number of lollies in each of the green, orange and blue containers, respectively?Enter your answers as a list [in brackets], in the form: [ g, o, b ] Name the cycloalkanes with molecular formula c6h12 that have a 4-membered ring and one substituent.