A college counselor wants to determine if the number of hours spent studying for a test can be used to predict the grades on a test. In this problem number of hours spent studying for the test is the ____________________________________ variable


Answer 1


- Explanatory


Explanatory variable is elucidated as the variable that could affect the response variable. This variable is quite identical with the independent variable as it can be controlled or changed that may affect the response variable(which is similar to dependent variable). However, the observational studies observe the natural responses without any manipulation and therefore, these variables cannot be changed always. In the given example, the 'number of hours spent on studying for the test' would be the explanatory variable as it directly influences the response variable i.e. 'grades.'

Related Questions

A very bright (mildly painful) light is turned on a rat. The rat has learned that he can turn off the light by pressing a lever on the other side of his cage. As soon as the light comes on, the rat runs across the room and presses the lever. Can the behavior of pressing the lever be explained best through classical conditioning or operant conditioning?



operant conditioning


The behavior of learning out to turn the light off by the rat through pressing of the lever on the other side of his cage when the bright light is turned on is best explained through operant conditioning.

Operant conditioning which is also known as instrumental conditioning is refer to a kind of associate learning process in which the strength of a certain behavior is adjusted or modified either by punishment or reinforcement. Operant conditioning is voluntarily because the response is under the influence of the organism.

enduring issue of china



"Enduring issues have rose throughout history in response to the different ideas, cultures and belief

systems that exist around the world. As people interact through trade and travel, ideas and information

are exchanged which may lead to conflicts and tensions that last for centuries. Throughout history, the

impact of westernization is an issue that has changed the political, economic, and educational policies of

the areas that were affected by it.

Westernization has led to economic issues in places like China which affected its people and

government. After being under the communist rule of Mao Zedong, a new leader Deng Xiaoping rose.

Under Mao Zedong, people were forced to live on communes, separated from family and under harsh

political rule. Deng Xiaoping wanted to regrow China and established an Open Door Policy. This policy

allowed foreign influence and ideas to enter the country as well as trade goods to support the economy.

A result of this open trade policy, there was a greater vulnerability to foreign influence that, lead to the,

“…loss of cultural and ideological discipline. (Doc.4). The United States was one of the first influential

nations that started the spread of democracy. As a result of western influence, China started to adopt

western ideologies that were different from their communist beliefs. This was also shown in Russia after

the Soviet Union fell. Under the communist rule of Stalin, Russia was largely suspicious of much of the

world. After the fall of communism, Russia began allowing more western culture in the form of

restaurants. “…the collapse of the Soviet Union led McDonald’s to become a pioneer for many foreign

food chains that flooded Russia afterwards … McDonald’s restaurants serve more than 950,000

customers per day in Russia” (Doc 5). This shows the western influence on Russia that lasted to today’s

time. Along with economic influences, education was also influenced by western powers.

Westernization also led to educational issues in places like Japan which affected the teachings and

morals of students. During the age of imperialism, America brought Japan out of isolation by threatening

to invade it. Japan was undeveloped due to the lack of interaction and technological advances and

decided to industrialize and westernize to avoid being colonized by America. This was known as the Meji

Restoration which involved a new government structure, economic system and educational system. But,

those who practiced traditional Japanese culture felt that, “traditional values were being lost” because

… “the basic structure of education was based on the French model with a curriculum heavily influenced

by the United States.” To balance this, “conservative elements in the government exerted their influence

and added Shinto and Confucian based morals …” (Doc. 2) The Japanese education system was based off

of syncretism of western beliefs and traditional beliefs which had an effect on morals."

Seth, Maria, Antoine, and JoBeth are college friends in the United States who plan to spend a semester abroad. They can study in China, Germany, Australia, Japan, England, or Canada. Seth is willing to go anywhere except Asia. Maria prefers not to go to a country south of the Equator. Antoine wants to study in either Europe or Australia. JoBeth doesn’t care where they go, as long as it’s not England. Which is the one country that satisfies all of these various preferences?I. DEDUCTIVE VS. INDUCTIVE ARGUMENTS Deductive arguments - Discussion Answer: China, Germany, Australia, Japan, England, or Canada



Correct Answer: Germany.


From the case scenario above, about 4 friends Seth, Maria, Antoine, and JoBeth who plan to spend a semester abroad. When deductive reasoning is applied in all their choices while taking out the countries which they did not prefered, the one country which would satisfy their all these preference would be Germany.

This is the country they all have in common about their preference.

Ayuda Rápida: Cuales son los elementos de comunicación en esta caricatura??. Ejem: Cual es el receptor, cuál es el emisor, el mensaje y así.


La respuesta correcta a esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

Desafortunadamente no se anexó la caricatura o algún otro tipo de referencia. Pero haciendo la investigación correspondiente, podemos decir que la caricatura es del personaje "Mafalda," del caricaturista Argentino Quino.

En la caricatura aparece la niña Guille gritando "Me duelen mis pies." Mafalda le responde "Pero claro, Guille, si te has puesto los zapatos al revés. Guille se mira los zapatos y grita "Me duele el orgullo."

En este caso, el Emisor es Guille, quien le transmite el mensaje a Mafalda. Por supuesto que Mafalda es el Receptor. El mensaje es el "me duelen los pies." Y el feedback o retroalimentación es cuando Mafalda le dice que trae los zapatos al revés.

As the elderly become an increasingly larger component of the total population in some areas, the demand for all the following except _____________ is likely to increase. A. retirement village housing B. condominium housing C. larger-sized single family detached housing D. vacation houses



It’s D





my teacher said so

The majority of Europeans believe in social justice, social protections, and democracy and speak more than one language. This helps give the continent a shared __________ that unites all European citizens.





Culture can be defined as the general way of life of people in a society. It typically encompasses the customs, ideals, beliefs, values, social behavior, knowledge, arts, habits, capabilities, laws and norms found among a group of people (religious, racial, or social) in human societies.

Additionally, cultures are passed along from one generation to another by communication and imitation.

The majority of Europeans believe in social justice, social protections, and democracy and speak more than one language. This helps give the continent a shared culture that unites all European citizens.




took da test :)

identify and explain any five factors of culture



the factors of culture are given below

number one language

number two education

number 3 religion

number 4 ethnics

number 5 Social Organisation

if you find this answer helpful answer for you then don't forget to give me thank you I will not mind if you will not give me brainliest


A 4-year old boy is caught up in tribal warfare in Africa. In a refugee camp, the only drinking water is from a sewage-contaminated pond. The child soon develops severe diarrhea and dies 10 day later of cardiac arrest. Explain three possible physiological causes of his death. (explain the how and why).



hugf jjnx zn


The use of steel was an important part of the industrial revolution which signifies

in uae sst




This makes improvement to the field of agriculture or handicrafts, by changing or converting them to mechanized and factories where the use of machines are adopted.

And it should be noted that, this advancement has tremendously increased the rate of production from small scale to large scale, and subsequently creating and increasing the rate of employment.

Mark recently graduated with honors from DCCC. He has bragged to his friends that his fine academic performance has prepared him so well for a successful career that he can forget school or training in his future. In evaluating the workplace of the future, Mark is:


Answer:In evaluating the workplace in the future, Mark is wrong in his assumptions.

Explanation: Mark is wrong because, there can never be a time for the exhaustion of learning and training. The workplace in the future will present improved technology, new problems,  new preferences, new methods of doing things and so Mark even with honors will need to constantly be abreast in changes that will occur and to remain relevant in his workplace, he must go for trainings and if possible and necessary more schooling in order to gain more knowledge to contribute to solving problems or bringing new  ideas with the changing future else he would  fall out of career because of other competitors who may displace him.

Deans of the school of business and other faculty members proctor exams in the classrooms when teaching assistants are unavailable, which demonstrates their commitment to academic integrity. Which ethics test involves an analysis of the symbolic potential of your actions? a) Ethical egoists. b) Virtue ethicists. c) Laura Nash. d) Utilitarians.



Correct Answer:

a) Ethical egoists.


Ethical egoists are those group of people that believes that, the promotion of one's own good is in accordance with morality.

In the case of the Dean of the school of business and other faculty memebers protor exams, the analysis of the potential of the action could be explained by Ethical egoist test.

Critically examine the extent to which these social safety and social protection measures align with or contradicts the values of social justice, equity, and dignity and worth of individuals during this pandemic.


Answer: Coronavirus pandemic is hitting major nations of the world.


This virus outbreak resulted for the first time in Wuhan, China. At the public and private level the safety of lives has become the main concern. This virus liberate from the infected person's body through droplets when he/she sneezes. It can infect nearby normal people. Thus social distancing and protection of nasal tract with a mask is recommended. The world is facing crisis on the basis of social discrimination at the level of attaining social justice, monetary gains as many people have lost their jobs due to this pendemic. On this part the social distancing and staying in isolation is not fruitful for people and financial status has been challenged.

At first glance, the research reported in the Washington Post article Why We've Been Hugely Underestimating the Overfishing of the Oceans may appear to be only bad news for the world's stock of fish. However, researchers believe that their discovery of how much overfishing has been underestimated could also be good news. Determine whether each statement should be considered good news or bad news based on the information in the article. Good news Bad news Answer Bank



The description of the given question is described in the explanation section below.


Good news:

When the grab hit its peak in the fishery was far more efficient than previously believed. This demonstrates that there are more fish throughout the inventory.Fisheries seem to be in a position to nourish more individuals than originally or previously understood.

Bad news:

Legislation on the use of FAO information collected could've been badly communicated even though FAO data doesn't reflect reality, as this provides incorrect data. Self-sustaining demand for fish could be at risk as a result of the fishing industry holding much more fish just as thought previously.

when was thomas jefferson elected as president and when did he die


Answer: He was elected on February 17, 1801 , He died on July 4, 1826



Thomas Jefferson became the president on March 4th, 1801 and he died on July 4th, 1826.

Examine the graph of GDP growth where in the graph for the US government be most likely to raise taxes where did most likely to decrease taxes explain your responses by describing what the government hopes to achieve with their fiscal action



The U.S. Government is most likely to raise taxes on personal income, and is most likely to decrease taxes on corporate income.


This is a trend not only in the U.S., but in most developed countries. It has been argued by economists that personal income taxes are more effective at raising revenue than corporate income taxes.

Besides, high corporate income taxes can affect consumers and employees by making goods more expensive, and making hiring more expensive too, raising unemployment.

Determine which ethical perspective is primarily reflected in each of the following arguments.

Choose from:

A = Consequentialism
B = Duty Ethics/Deontology
C = Virtue Ethics
D = Moral Relativism

After selecting the ethical perspective, explain in 1-2 sentences why the argument corresponds to that ethical perspective.

Free health care should be available to all people. After all, if that were the case, it would benefit everyone.
Character education should be part of the public school system in the U.S. We need to cultivate integrity in our children, and the public school system should play a role in this important process.
Although many societies have practiced human sacrifice, within the cultures of those societies, human sacrifice wasn't considered wrong, even though we believe it is wrong in our culture. So, human sacrifice within those cultures wasn't really wrong.

Same-sex marriage is right because the polls show that most Americans favor it, even if that is not the case in other countries.
The legalization of same-sex marriage is wrong because the government has no right to legally sanction any form of personal relationship except one: marriage relationships between a man and a woman. That is the only type of relationship that can lead to procreation, and the state has a legitimate interest in procreation. Thus, the state has a duty to support marriage between a man and a woman, and a duty to refrain from getting legally involved in other types of relationships.

Dropping the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki was wrong because those acts violated the right to life of many innocent people, and we should protect those rights. Dropping the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki was right because those acts ended the war faster, and thus made the world a safer place. We need to do a background check and to collect some character references on Mr. Jones before we hire him. He doesn't have the right character and temperament to be a state governor. He has been involved in corruption scandals, he is known to be dishonest, and he has problems controlling his anger. Sure, slavery is wrong in our society because we all agree it's wrong. But slavery isn't absolutely wrong. Many societies have practiced slavery.



This contention relates to the deontological moral point of view. This is on the grounds that it advocates for the reception of widespread laws that serve humanity.  

This contention relates to the uprightness morals viewpoint. This is on the grounds that it supports creating temperances, for example, uprightness as a key component of moral reasoning.  

This contention compares to the ethical relativism moral viewpoint. This is on the grounds that it acknowledges the view that profound quality isn't fixed and general and actually, differs from culture to culture.  

Moral is a lot of standards or the privilege or wrongs which must be trailed by a person in their own and expert life.  

For this situation, consequentialism alludes to responsibility implies assuming liability or responsibility for the activities taken by you.  

Obligation morals or deontology implies the ethical quality of an activity depends on the set in stone under a progression of rules.  

Excellence morals are regularizing morals that underline more on character and brain.  

Moral Relativism accentuation more on the distinctions in moral judgment across various individuals and culture.  

The contention identified with same-sex marriage depends on moral relativism as everybody's judgment is unique and not the equivalent. Everybody's point of view is unique and they judge distinctively as per their viewpoint. It's not about reproduction, it's tied in with carrying on with our existence with an individual whom we feel progressively great and has the conviction that both can lead a coexistence.  

Dropping the nuclear bomb in Hiroshima and Nagasaki depends on Duty morals implies doing right or wrong dependent on a progression of rules. Here the activity isn't right as it has lead to the loss of numerous guiltless lives.  

Dropping the nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki was the need of the time as it was consequentialism. This was the demonstration of results.  

The choice of Mr. Jones depends on the record verification and character references as it is obligation morals. An individual having a terrible foundation and poor character can't be a state senator.  

Servitude isn't right in our general public, as it is an ethical relativism.

In an interview with a local TV station, a member of Congress is asked about their recent vote to reduce military spending. In their answer, the representative neglects to address their vote but does discuss helping several high school students from their district with their applications to service academies. What strategies was the member employing?





The strategy used by the representative of the Congress can be described as a dodging strategy.

Dodging strategy can be explained or described as a way of avoiding to answer the question that was initially asked, by talking about something else that is unrelated to the question.

It can be seen that the representative was asked about their votes to reduce military spending, but he was talking about high school students application, which never in any way related to the question he was asked.

Jenny is a member of Narcotics Anonymous. Her sponsor stresses the importance of regular meeting attendance and continued step work to build clean time and to prevent a relapse. With respect to the stages of change model, this advice is aimed at supporting the ______ stage.

a. maintenance

b. action

c. pre-contemplation

d. contemplation


Answer: d. contemplation


The contemplation is a process of treatment in living beings. In contemplation the problem is recognized and behavior of substance abuser is analyzed, information is gathered and possible solutions and actions are performed. The relapse is the recovery duration from alcohol and drug abuse.

The relapse can be reduced by supporting the contemplation stage.

With respect to the stages of the change model, the advice is aimed at the maintenance stage.

The maintenance stage of the change model is the stage where there has been a sustenance of behavior.

In this stage, one has to keep or maintain the behavior change as they go forward.

The sponsor is trying to talk about the maintenance of a regular meeting attendance and why they do not have to relapse.

Read more on the change model here:


The following set of behaviors easily could be added to a department’s standard operating procedures under the ethics category. These behaviors are unacceptable and are viewed by the police and corrections department as unethical:

1. Accepting gratuities (e.g., gifts, favors, money, or anything given to you free.)
2. Using unnecessary force (e.g., physical abuse, emotional mistreatment, or roughing up suspects in custody)
3. Discrimination (mistreating individuals on the basis of race, age, gender, religion, culture,sexual preference, or national origin)
4. Lying in any form (including creating facts to incriminate or protect another)
5. Violating laws, rights, or procedures (e.g., intentionally making a false arrest, filing a false report, or purposely ignoring departmental procedures)

a. Add 5 more unacceptable behaviors to this list.
b. Additionally, for each behavior listed, you must also provide a rational as to why you feel it should be included in a list of SOP’s.




1. Accepting bride


3. Sex teenagers

4. Exam malpractice

5. Theft.

A couple of times during the night, you awaken slightly. Each time you awaken, you're aware of vague mental images that reflect a conversation you and your boss had about resolving a problem at work. These bland, thoughtlike ruminations about real events are best described as: Select one:


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Although the question is incomplete and does not provide any options, we can say that these bland, thoughtlike ruminations about real events are best described as sleep mentation. Experts define sleep mentation as the thoughts and memories while you are sleeping. When an individual is at the REM sleep, it usually has imagery and thoughts as part of its dreams. That is why when the individual wakes up, some times it can remember some ideas, lines, dialogues or conversations for a short period of time That is why each time you awaken, you're aware of vague mental images that reflect a conversation you and your boss had about resolving a problem at work.

How can people change their thinking and behaviors to be less depressed?



You know what, I have depressed days allllll the time! And I would just say, read the Bible it makes me happy for the day when I dont have my phone or cant text my friends because usually I am depressed when that happens and that is happening to me right now! lol and I have a boy best friend that texts me a lot and other friends, he did today but my parents would not let me be on the phone, and so, i am hoping that my boy-that is a friend, wont think that i am mad at him or something but i just think people should just read the Bible or go outside and take a walk in the sun. It makes me happy when i do it.  


I hope this helped, and stay safe <3

Mm I have never been depressed before tbh.

But I know ways that can help that have helped people I know be less depressed

If you let these people know that your there for them mentally and physically, they’ll have less of a reason to be depressed
-So that means just listen to them and let them vent to you and agree with them if you have to

Also so let’s say your depressed, just try new things and find what makes you happy in the moment.
-this will help you be happier and find purposes in life and to kinda just be out there!

Sometimes you just need to talk to yourself.
-And I dont know if that just makes your crazier or not but some people say it helps

Listen to music
- if you sing/rap along with the song, you’ll become happier and sometimes even forgetful in the moment of what made you depressed in the first place
[Try non-sad Music]

Talk out your emotions
-venting helps your feel better in the end usually! Sometimes you just need to let it out.

-hope that helped
Your Welcome! <3

The Commander's Critical Information Requirements represent both Friendly Force Information requirements and _____, which are derived from the intelligence organization and vetted across staff.



priority information requirements

Which body of water connects the Yellow Sea to the Sea of Japan? A. Manila Bay B. the Tonkin Gulf C. the Persian Gulf D. the Strait of Korea Please select the best answer from the choices provided


Hi there! Hopefully this helps!


The answer is D, The Strait of Korea.

The correct option is D. The Strait of Korea connects the Yellow Sea to the Sea of Japan. The East China Sea, the Yellow Sea, and the Sea of Japan are all connected by the Korea Strait, a waterway in East Asia that runs between Korea and Japan. It is located in the northwest Pacific Ocean.

Why it is called the Yellow Sea?

High tides in the Yellow Sea can be up to 10 meters. Its unique brownish-yellow tint, which is caused by the Yellow River's massive silt load from the higher plains, may be one of the origins of the name.

The Yellow Sea, which is situated between the Chinese mainland and the Korean peninsula, is one of the largest continental shelf areas in the world with shallow water. It is a valuable place for migratory birds and offers great fishing grounds. The sea, however, is now a color other than yellow due to decades of pollution.

Learn more about The Yellow Sea here:



What are three uses for this scarce resource?



Labour, capital and land can be the three uses of scarce resource.

The AIDS/HIV health crisis in Botswana is __________. A. similar to the AIDS/HIV crises in Belgium B. less severe than the AIDS/HIV crisis in Belgium C. more severe than the AIDS/HIV crisis in Belgium D. resolved, unlike the the AIDS/HIV crisis in Belgium Please select the best answer from the choices provided. A B C D


Answer: C. more severe than the AIDS/HIV crisis in Belgium

Explanation: Belgium is a European country, which’s developed and as such its citizens have access to better health care system which has contributed to managing HIV/AIDS in the country. Unlike Botswana a poor country in Africa with poor health care system due to bad governance, citizens have no access good health care which has made the situation of HIV/AIDS very severe. Unlike in Belgium.

The AIDS/HIV health crisis in Botswana is more severe than the AIDS/HIV crisis in Belgium. Option (c) is correct.

Belgium is a European country, which developed and as such its citizens have access to a better healthcare system which has contributed to managing HIV/AIDS in the country. Unlike Botswana, a poor country in Africa with a poor health care system due to bad governance, citizens have no access to good health care which has made the situation of HIV/AIDS very severe. Unlike in Belgium.

Hence, The AIDS/HIV health crisis in Botswana is more severe than the AIDS/HIV crisis in Belgium. Option (c) is correct.

Learn more about AIDS/HIV health crisis here,



If banks are prevented from engaging in risky practices, predatory lending is criminalized, trading in derivatives is made transparent and backed up by capital, and Wall Street lobbyists are held in check, then accountability and responsibility will be restored to the financial system, "too big to fail" will become a thing of the past, and a repeat of the Great Recession will be avoided.

a. Explanation
b. Illustration
c. Conditional statement
d. Warning



Well, I think the best choice is C Conditional statement.

Good Luck!~

Look at the map to the right.
The territory to the west is called

the Northwest Territory.

the Indian Territory.

the Trail of Tears.

the Five Assimilated Tribes.



the Indian territory is the answer


It is B.


The indian territory because they moved the indians to there.

A baseball pitching coach studies the pitching styles and motions of many individual flesh-and-blood pitchers for years - in live action, on videotape, etc. Let us suppose that the pitching coach does his work quite well, and after years of careful, rational study, has grasped and clarified the essential aspects of the perfect pitching motion, and can give reasons that account for his understanding of the perfect pitching motion. At this point, the pitching coach can be said to have intellectually grasped the Form of pitchinga) trueb) false



A) True


In the nineteenth century, an era of intensifying European imperialism signaled a momentous shift in the course of world history (for this final exam, imperialism is defined as the militarized/administrative control of territory by a distant mother-country --such as England/Great Britain in India). In your contextually detailed and chronologically precise essay, you are required to identify at least two key historical processes that led to this era of intensifying European imperialism in Asia and/or Africa.Not looking for a whole essay, but seeking ideas/examples. Please include key dates with these historical processes.



ooga booga ooga booga ooga booga ooga booga



Approximately how much of the initial investment's value would be lost after 15 years at 3% inflation?
O 20%
o 40%
O 50%


Its C 40%

Pass the Brainliest :)

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