It's about the McCulloch v. Maryland case.

Case background
1. Identify the plaintiff and defendant in the case.
2. Explain why the case was brought to the Supreme Court.
3. Describe the goal of each side in the case. What type of decision was desired?

Constitutional connections
4. Explain the key rights or amendments involved in the case.
5. Did the case primarily center on an issue of civil rights or civil liberties? Explain.

Case outcomes
6. Describe the majority decision of the court and several arguments as to why the justices ruled the way they did.
7. If there was one dissenting decision of the court, explain it in detail. Why did some justices disagree with the majority?
8. What precedent was set by the court’s decision? What impact did it have on American society?


Answer 1


Case background

1) Identify the plaintiff and defendant in the case.

The state of Maryland was the plaintiff and McCulloch is the defendant.

2) Explain why the case was brought to the Supreme Court.

The case went to the Supreme Court. Maryland contended that as a sovereign state, it had the ability to burden any business inside its boundaries. McCulloch's lawyers contended that a public bank was "essential and legitimate" for Congress to build up to complete its specified forces.

3) Describe the goal of each side in the case. Why was the case brought to the court, and what type of decision was desired?

The province of Maryland forced an assessment on the bank of $15,000/year, which clerk James McCulloch of the Baltimore branch would not pay. The case went to the Supreme Court. Maryland contended that as a sovereign state, it had the ability to burden any business inside its lines. McCulloch's lawyers contended that a public bank was "vital and appropriate" for Congress to set up to do its specified forces.

Constitutional connections

1) Explain the key rights or amendments involved in the case.

Congress had inferred powers under the Necessary and Proper Clause of Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution to make the Second Bank of the United States and that the territory of Maryland did not have the ability to burden the Bank.The Court decided that Maryland did not have the ability to burden the Bank in light of the fact that, in accordance with the Supremacy Clause of Article VI of the Constitution, the laws of the United States trump clashing state laws.

2) Did the case primarily center on an issue of civil rights or liberties, or does it primarily center on other issues? Explain.

It was centered on liberties. In a unanimous decision, the Court held that Congress had the power to incorporate the bank and that Maryland could not tax instruments of the national government employed in the execution of constitutional powers. Pursuant to the Necessary and Proper Clause

Case outcomes

1) Describe the majority decision of the court and several arguments as to why the justices ruled the way they did.

The Supreme Court ruled by a unanimous decision that Congress had implied powers under the Necessary and Proper Clause of Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution to create the Second Bank of the United States and that the state of Maryland lacked the power to tax the Bank. Maryland argued that as a sovereign state, it had the power to tax any business within its borders. McCulloch's attorneys argued that a national bank was “necessary and proper” for Congress to establish in order to carry out its enumerated powers.

2) If there was one dissenting decision of the court, explain it in detail. Why did some justices disagree with the majority?

It was a unanimous decision

3) What precedent was set by the court’s decision? What impact did it have on US society?

Many states questioned the constitutionality of the national bank, and Maryland set a precedent by requiring taxes on all banks not chartered by the state. Maryland that Congress had the authority to establish a federal bank, and that the financial institution could not be taxed by the states. But the decision carried a much larger significance, because it helped establish that the Constitution gave Congress powers that weren't explicitly spelled out in the document.


snap -  reginasls

add me so we can make gc for this class

Answer 2

(1) The plaintiff in the  McCulloch v. Maryland case was the State of Maryland, specifically represented by James William McCulloch, who was the cashier of the Baltimore branch of the Second Bank of the United States. The defendant in the case was the State of Maryland itself.

(2) The McCulloch v. Maryland case was brought to the Supreme Court because the State of Maryland had imposed a tax on the Second Bank of the United States, which McCulloch refused to pay. The case revolved around the question of whether the state had the power to tax a federal institution.

(3) The goal of the State of Maryland was to assert its power to tax the Second Bank of the United States and collect revenue from it. On the other hand, the goal of McCulloch, representing the bank, was to challenge the state's authority to tax the federal institution.

(4) The key rights or amendments involved in the case include the Necessary and Proper Clause (Article I, Section 8, Clause 18) and the Supremacy Clause (Article VI, Clause 2) of the United States Constitution.

The Necessary and Proper Clause grants Congress the power to make laws that are necessary and proper for carrying out its enumerated powers. The Supremacy Clause establishes that federal law is supreme over state law when there is a conflict between the two.

(5) The case primarily centered on an issue of constitutional interpretation and federalism, rather than civil rights or civil liberties. It dealt with the scope of federal power and the relationship between the federal government and the states.

(6) The majority decision of the court, delivered in 1819, upheld the supremacy of federal law over state law and ruled in favor of McCulloch. Chief Justice John Marshall wrote the opinion, stating that Congress had the authority to establish a national bank under the Necessary and Proper Clause.

(7) There was no dissenting decision in the case. All the justices agreed with the majority opinion.

(8) The precedent set by the court's decision in McCulloch v. Maryland was the affirmation of the supremacy of federal law and the authority of Congress to exercise implied powers necessary for the execution of its enumerated powers.

The ruling had a lasting impact on American society by clarifying the balance of power between the federal government and the states and setting a precedent for future cases involving the scope of federal authority.

Learn more about McCulloch v. Maryland case here:



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C I'm taking the test right now and need answers!


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Excerpt from the Declaration of Independence

“We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness—That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its Foundation on such Principles and organizing its Powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”

Declaration of Independence, 1776
Student Handout 2: Analyzing an Excerpt from the Declaration of Independence

Declaration of Independence

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What does it say about ORDER and the RIGHT OF REVOLUTION?

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What does it say about LAWS?


Answer: Individuals have some basic rights that are obvious and should not be taken away.

Explanation:We hold these truths to be self- evident, that all men are created equal; that they are endowed with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

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Hey can I have ur number mamí

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true, if this is a true or false question

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Which statement best describes the landscape of the Arabian Peninsula?

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2.It contains various physical features, even though it is largely desert.
3.It contains mostly dry riverbeds that flood during the rainy season.
4.It is primarily mountainous, although marshes are found on the coast.





It is composed entirely of deserts and mountainous territory. statement best describes the landscape of the Arabian Peninsula. Therefore option A is correct.

What is Arabian Peninsula?

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To learn more about follow the link.



Step 1:

Describe how amendments have affected Americans' participation in government.

Give specific examples from the lesson, including amendment names or numbers.

Step 2:

Brainstorm an idea for a new amendment to the Constitution. Answer the following questions about your new amendment idea.

What will this amendment do?

Whom will it benefit and how?

Step 3:

Identify the process that your amendment will have to follow to become part of the Constitution. Some information appears for you.

Amendment Process: Two Main Steps
1: ____________________ 2: Ratification
Method 1
Method 2 Two-thirds of state legislatures request a national convention
Step 4:

In your own words, answer the following questions about the amendment process.

Why did the Founding Fathers create an amendment process for the Constitution?

Why did they make the amendment process difficult to achieve?



Amendment Chart


Ended slavery in the United States


Extended protection under the law to all U.S. citizens


Extended the right to vote to African-American males


Extended the right to vote to women


Prohibits federal and state governments from charging citizens a tax in order to vote


Extended the right to vote to citizens who have reached their 18th birthday


which was an important leadership quality of president george



he an good presdent


i gote it an rgiht on test




I'm not sure but I picked it because I think it fit's best besides the other choices sorry if I'm wrong.

Most people in Georgia live in which two regions?

Appalachian Plateau and Blue Ridge
Piedmont and Coastal Plain
Ridge and Valley and Coastal Plain
Blue Ridge and Coastal Plain



Piedmont and Coastal plains



Piedmont coastal plain


write the meaning of decentralization of power.​



Decentralization or decentralisation is the process by which the activities of an organization, particularly those regarding planning and decision making, are distributed or delegated away from a central, authoritative location or group.

Concepts of decentralization have been applied to group dynamics and management science in private businesses and organizations, political science, law and public administration, economics, money and technology.



delegation of power


decentralization of power means the delegation of power from centre to the provinces and local level.

The rights of conscience, trial by jury, liberty of the press, all
your immunities and franchises, all pretensions to human rights
and privileges, are rendered insecure, if not lost, by this change,
so loudly talked of by some, and inconsiderately by others.
What is the meaning of the word pretensions as it is used in this sentence?





Judicial Review against Congress is an example of

Question 1 options:


Checks and Balances

States' Rights

Social Contract



I THINK the correct answer is Social Contract


England began to colonize the Southeast in the .
LATE 1500s
EARLY 1600
LATE 1600S
English settlers built a fort in this area to gain control of the
Fort King George became present-day .



England began to colonize the Southeast in the

✔ late 1600s


English settlers built a fort in this area to gain control of the

✔ Altamaha River


Fort King George became present-day

✔ Darien




A) Late 1600's

B)  Altamaha River

C) Darien



I need the answer quickly first to answer gets Brainliest!!!!

Name the three branches of the government set up at this time by the newly formed nation. Tell
the major function of each branch.



Executive, Legislative, Judicial


Executive=President and Cabinet

Legislative=Law Makers


What happened to the climate around 4000 BCE



Sea Level Changes late Holocene sea level ( BC) Holocene delta development worldwide (3500 BC) By 4000 BC sea level rise began to slow and deltas begin to form. ... A notable example is the mesopotamia delta (3200 BC) in times leading up to the great flood. This is a condition that had not existed for 120,000 years..............

Source : Book

True or False: In a parliamentary democracy all three brances of
government answer to the same body.




in a parliametry type of government all the three bodies of the governemnet are answerable to the judiciary but the judiciary also can be questioned by the public and by others if malpracticed.

Who does the executive branch share most of their powers with?



The pesident


Article II, Section 1 of the Constitution states: “The executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America.” The president is the head of the executive branch.

whats is the only continent that has one national government.


Answer: Australia

Explanation: Australia

Australia is the only continent that has only one national government.

Yup, that would be Australia

Which of the following can you infer about tea parties?



What are the following


I will answer in the commnts if you tell me

When a competitive market maximizes economic surplus, it implies that the rev: 05_10_2018 Multiple Choice marginal benefit of having the product is greater than the marginal cost. buyers are getting the maximum consumer surplus from the product. combined consumer and producer surplus is maximized. quantity demanded is lower than the quantity supplied



Combined consumer and producer surplus is maximized.


Competitive Market, which is a market, whereby great numbers of producer compete with each other while producing goods/service for consumer's consumption. The Economic surplus which is also known as Total/warefare surplus can be regarded as the combination of both consumer and producer surpluses which helps in knowing the total loss of warefare as regarded as competitive market is concerned.It should be noted that When a competitive market maximizes economic surplus, Combined consumer and producer surplus is maximized.

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The treaty of Paris of 1763 was signed at the ending the western boundary was pushed all the way towards to Mississippi River


Mark me as the brainliest, please. Also, the answer is below.


The treaty of Paris of 1763 was signed at the ending the western boundary was pushed all the way towards to Mississippi River. Which gave them more land so they were happy.

Which statement best describes how the spread of the Arabic language benefited other cultures?

It helped people share new ideas.
It helped people learn more professions.
It allowed people to trade with Europe.
It encouraged more books to be written in Asia.



A: It helped people share new ideas


I didn't know the answer so I guessed and got I correct proof is the picture I have attached to this


AHopes this helps ;)


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